Helminths of Domestic Ecruids
•-'"•--•' \ _*- -*."••', ~ J "~ __ . Helminths • , ('~ "V- ' '' • •'•',' •-',',/ r , : '•' '' .i X -L-' (( / ." J'f V^'-: of Domestic Ecruids £? N- .•'<••.•;• c-N-:-,'1. '.fil f^VvX , -J-J •J v-"7\c- : r ¥ : : : •3r'vNf l' J-.i' !;T'/ •:-.' ' -' >C>.'M ' -A-: ^CV •-'. ^,-• . -.V '^/,^' ^7 /v' • W;---\ '' •• x ;•- '„•-': Illustrated Keys x to Genera arid Species with Emphasis on ISForth Americain Forms •v '- ;o,/o- .-T-N. - 'vvX: >'"v v/f-.:,;., •>'s'-'^'^ v;' • „/ - i :• -. -.' -i ' '• s,'.-,-'• \. j *" '•'- ••'•' . • - •• .•(? ° •>•)• ^ "i -viL \. .s". y:.;iv>'\- /X; .f' •^: StU.- v; ^ i f :T. RALPH LiCHTENFEts (Drawmsrs by ROBERT B. EWING) < J '; "- • " •-•J- -' ' 3^y i Volume 42 ^ ;;V December-1975 .Special Issue \ PROCEEDINGS OF ''• HELMINTHOLOGIGAL \A ,) 6t WAkHlN(3TON *! tf-j Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological~--e\. •-• "">. Society of Washington THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON THE SOCIETY meets once a month from October through May for the presentation and discussion of papers in any arid all branches of parasitology or related sciences. All interested persons are invited to attend. x / ; ., . ',.-.; - / ''—,•/-; Persons interested in membership in the Helminthological Society of Washington may obtain application blanks froni the Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer,'Dr. William R. Nickle, Nema- tology Laboratory, Plant Protection Institute,- ARS-USDA, Beltsville, Maryland 20705. JA year's subscription to the Proceedings is included in the annual dues ($8.00). • ;, \ / OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 1975 President: ROBERT S, ISENSTEIN Vice President: A. MORGAN GOLDEN v>: < Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: WILLIAM R. NICKLE -\l Assistant Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: KENDALL G. POWERS c •Recording Secretary: j. RALPH LICHTENFELS Librarian: JUDITH M. SHAW (1962- ) Archivist: JUDITH M. SHAW (1970-\ ), U ', , .:, 'Representative to the Washington Academy of Sciences: ~ JAMES H.
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