Summer 2018

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Choose with confidence, our knowledge and support make the FORD PEUGEOT VAUXHALL APPROVED SUPPLIERS difference, call today! In this issue... 05 Make-up Rules in School more coverage needed! 10 ‘Involve Parents in PHSE’ vital step to improve effective teaching 14 Springboard! transformative opportunity first-hand 16 Preparing Girls for their Future which won’t always be easy National title win 17 Facing Up to Gender Stereotypes for gymnasts empowering pupils to develop at their own pace Sheffield High School for Girls has won the British 24 Profile Schools Gymnastics Association National Schools in conversation with Douglas Robb Floor and Vault Finals for the first time ever. Representing Yorkshire, the six-strong under-19 38 Partnership Scheme team had already won the regional competition to qualify and travelled to Fenton Manor Sports getting children excited about learning Centre in Stoke on Trent to compete against 11 other teams from across the country. Emily Wyman, Tiegan Walker, Lucy Buchanan, Plus Freya Grant, Jessica Rodgers and reserve Isabel 06 That Royal Wedding re-lived! Tupholme performed on both the floor and the 07 ‘University’ at school vault beating gynmasts from Tormead School and 08 Changing Faces...Changing Places Surbiton High School to the title. 09 Unique independent/free school collaboration The team is now Under 19 national champions at 12 Growing food for school use both gymnastics and trampolining and the only 13 AEGIS/BSA partnership school in Great Britain to hold national titles at 18 School’s ‘Compass for Life’ initiative both sports. 22 Teacher re-writes history curriculum Liz Rodgers, assistant head (co-curricular) at 28 Music, Dance & Drama Focus Feature Sheffield Girls’ said: “The girls have worked so hard 32 Marketing & Administration Focus Feature all season and were really looking forward to the 40 Sport Focus Feature national finals. They were so full of determination 44 Sexist remarks – quiet word, or disciplinary process? to win a national gymnastics title – the elusive accolade that the school had not yet won, in spite of numerous trampolining national titles and qualification to gymnastics finals”. Chapel broadcasts Chapel provided the place of 28 Music, Dance worship for a live broadcast of the well-known BBC Radio 4 Sunday Worship programme, and & Drama 40 Sport was also the venue for BBC Radio 3 Choral Evensong, broadcast recently. The Digest; Heads Hunted; Editorial Advisory Board; Key Personnel; Full story page 12 Contact Us pages 46 – 47. Is Your School Mentioned? A-Z on page 47 LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL A SCHOOL OR NURSERY National SchoolTransfer For a Professional – Confidential Service Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)1980 621251

Independent Schools Magazine 3 Inspiring fund-raising Meriel Park, a Year 4 pupil from her head out of the water. Meriel Kitebrook Preparatory School, then passed Sam The Dream Stone Gloucestershire, has published to Ben Kruze, a teacher from the a book together with her carer, school. Mr Kruze (pictured) and Anna-Marie, to raise awareness of his support team cycled 174 miles her condition, Nemaline Myopathy. to Snowdon over two days, finally, ‘The Dream Stone’ is a fictional tale returning Sam to Meriel so she about Sam, the Dream Stone and could take him up to Snowdon's his best friend, Meriel. Summit the following day. The book is written in a fun and imaginative manner. Illustrations are by Meriel and her elder brother, Miles and include photographs taken by Team Map Nemaline. All royalties from the book go to MAP Nemaline Fund, a ring-fenced fund for research into Nemaline Myopathy within Muscular Dystrophy UK Charity. Inspired by real events during Meriel’s Dream Stone Triathlon, a Visit fund-raising effort, in which Meriel for further information about trained hard to accomplish her Meriel’s Dream Stone Triathlon, swim challenge. Anna-Marie was MAP Nemaline, Meriel’s other there to assist Meriel because she fundraising efforts and to purchase Tough call doesn't have the strength to lift copies of the book. As many people know the full to take part in the half mudder Tough Mudder (10 miles - 20 and mini mudder in addition to obstacles) is quite a challenge. supporting the staff. Despite the Throw in unusually cold weather cold and some fiendish obstacles and biting winds in hilly Henley the team started and finished and you are faced with a monster together and proudly wore their of an event. finishers headbands, t-shirts and Thirty teachers from Devonshire bruises to assembly on Monday House School, London, completed morning. a Tough Mudder in support of the The Headmistress, Mrs Stephanie school’s work in Rwanda. They Piper, seen above trying to do the were sponsored to the tune of backstroke, under chicken wire and £11,000 (and still counting) and in mud, told the pupils how proud were delighted that a large number she was of the incredible teamwork of parents and pupils came along from everyone involved. Escape from Dungeon! Cobham Hall, Kent, Sixth Formers to staff and students to gauge created an Escape Room in the opinion, through developing a School’s dungeon, described by a believable storyline – the murder member of staff as “by far the best of the Prime Minister’s daughter I’ve done!” by a Mafia boss – to details such Catherine Broadhurst, Lana Bakr and as crafting love letters, bank Jana Bakr created an ‘Escape Room’ statements and bills and finally, in the dungeon. Escape Rooms have decorating a room in the dungeon been growing in popularity around as an office. the country, and having completed Several teams of students and one in Year 11 and been awed by staff, including the Senior the ingenuity and overall experience, Leadership Team (pictured right), Catherine felt it would be an ideal booked a slot to take part. The school project. fastest team was three Year 13 The trio spent months planning girls, who completed it in 15 the game; from a survey emailed minutes.

4 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Make-up rules in schools... more coverage needed! Our pupils’ choice of role models can often lead to despair; they seem utterly captivated by Kim (or is it Khloe?!) Kardashian’s latest Instagram antics and many are more impressed by Florence and the Machine than Florence Nightingale. However, as a teacher, and in an attempt to narrow the generational divide (which, due to social media has turned a river into the ocean), one must try to appear ‘down with the kids’, says Beth Kerr, Deputy Head Pastoral at Immanuel College, Hertfordshire....

I certainly did this when one of my hit home to me, was the way she about appearance, no school wants And so, we are bringing a make-up lovely Year 10 pupils (I’ll call her explained that problem skin could to promote the idea that a person’s artist in to give pupils some tips on Jane), came to see me to ask if she really impact one’s confidence to identity should be focused on applying makeup discreetly, and to could contact the ‘Made in Chelsea’ participate in activities, especially the way they look and encourage discuss the importance of a healthy and ‘I’m a Celebrity - Get Me Out when friends felt it helpful to ask young girls especially (although not lifestyle for good health in general. of Here’ star Georgia Toffolo. I her- ‘do you know you’ve got exclusively) that they need to wear I suspect that the first part will be googled her name as she explained something on your face?. make-up. In a Utopian World, our better received than any advice to me that ‘Toff’ had inspired her I asked her what she thought might teens would be totally immersed in about sleeping more and cutting after watching her talk publicly make a difference to sufferers today. their learning and extra-curricular down on stalking celebrities on about her acne, and the impact on She simply said: ‘I really wish I’d or charitable activities. However Instagram, but I felt I should at least her mental health as a teenager and learnt to put make-up on properly in reality we know that during be aspirational! young adult. As an acne sufferer this critical developmental period, at an earlier age, I would have felt One is never quite sure how herself, Jane wanted to invite her to they are programmed to seek peer much more confident and once I parents will react to rule changes, school to talk to our pupils (this was approval and thus fitting in is a remember a teacher coming into but in this case the response was something that Toff had said she pivotal part of adolescence. With a class with a wet wipe and telling overwhelmingly positive, highlighted did on her ‘This Morning’ interview), that in mind, we decided that we those with make-up on to take it off by this typical example: to help de-stigmatise this condition, - I never wore make-up after that.’ I did not want to prevent a child and highlight its detrimental impact thought a lot about this experience applying ‘light touch’ skin make-up “There have been days where she on adolescent wellbeing. I was for a teenage girl and following if they needed to and, therefore, has not wanted to come in as her copied into her heartfelt, honest the many comments I had from changed our make-up rules to spots have got worse, she feels like and sincere request and was utterly other pupils after her talk, it was allow them to wear cover-up and she is the only one with spots! And dismayed when the curt reply came clear she was not alone. Admittedly, foundation if they were self- I have to tell her she is not alone back from Toff’s agent; I paraphrase the teenage years were some time conscious about any blemishes. and everyone does get them at some the one line, but it was roughly ‘No ago(!), but it was not difficult to Incidentally, the rules on no eye point and it is perfectly normal. Self- sorry she’s busy’. imagine what it would have been make-up, lipstick or nail varnish, esteem, fitting in is so important at including Shellac/Gel still stand!. this stage. Anyway, I just wanted to Undeterred, Jane decided instead like to have the mask that gave let you know that I think this is the to spread the message herself, so you the confidence to go about Further conversations with our right course of action”. she bravely went on her own to your business taken off in class, or pupils highlighted that many were various forms, showed the video of alternatively, not permitted to wear not really sure how to apply light I am delighted that such a small Toff confessing that she had acne one at all. touch make-up and resorted to change has made such a big but covered it up with makeup, There is of course a dilemma when either the darkest foundation or difference to the wellbeing of our and then spoke about her own schools consider the use of make- fake tan, or instead piled so much pupils…and I will now return to personal journey. It was incredibly up. Whilst one can accept that we on that it drew attention to the very the task of educating them about- moving, and in particular what really live in a society which obsesses thing they were trying to conceal. #choosing decent role models! Amber Rudd questioned Former Home Secretary Amber Asked by a Sixth Form pupil if, in as a national scandal and the Home Rudd MP faced questions from hindsight, she would have acted Office should have picked up on it Benenden School, Kent, pupils at differently over Windrush, she said: much earlier.” a special event a few days after “Yes and that’s why I resigned. I Asked whether she expected to resigning over her department’s thought the fact that we hadn’t return to the Cabinet, Ms Rudd response to the Windrush scandal. seen at the Home Office there was said: “I hope that I might be She answered questions on a range a cohort of people who should have considered in the future but you of subjects at an event called been given much more assistance know what, it’s summer, I’ve got a Benenden in Conversation with to get their citizenship papers in little time on my hands, that’s no Amber Rudd. order - and instead were treated as bad thing: I get to know my friends Ms Rudd spoke about issues individuals and weren’t recognised and family a little bit.” including Jeremy Corbyn, the 2017 as a group that needed particular with candour and spoke strongly general election, Brexit, the role of help - was a mistake, and I think Headmistress Samantha Price said: about issues they talk about, such women in politics and the Home we should have seen that. I think it “A lot of what Amber Rudd spoke as resilience, career decisions, young Office’s handling of the Windrush had been going on for quite a long about really resonated with the people in politics and the role of generation. time. It was quite rightly referred to pupils. She answered their questions women in the workplace.”

Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 5 That Royal Wedding...... may seem like a long time ago, but we couldn’t resist featuring a few of the images showing how independent schools celebrated Meghan and Harry’s big day...

Pupils, aged three to seven, at white and blue, wore paper crowns Challenging their creative skills, dress was provided by a parent to Ashville Prep School, (Yorkshire] and carried flags, before sitting the pupils at Red House School, dressed for the occasion in red, down to a lunchtime picnic feast. bring the production together. Teesside, designed and carried out a re-enactment of the royal Materials for decorations and wedding ceremony. accessories were supplied by another parent. Everything was Whilst learning about traditional British values, the children created planned down to the last detail, buttonholes, fascinators and with the ‘happy couple’ even decorations, and a real wedding having a red carpet for their aisle.

Brentwood Preparatory School, Cake Sale in support of Kids Essex, pupils added a splash of Inspire, a charity that helps to ‘royal colour’ to their school support disadvantaged young uniform, and also held a Royal people across Essex.

Felsted School, Essex, raised over stalls and plant a poppy, with all £2,500 for ‘Help for Heroes’ at a proceeds going to the children’s summer fete. A particular highlight chosen charity, Help for Heroes, was the arrival of a British Army an organisation that has seen Apache Helicopter, which flew in plenty of support from Prince to support the activities. There Harry over the years. The Felsted were plenty of fun activities School Senior Cadets also made for everyone, all with a royal a special appearance, arranging a St. Wystan’s School and Nursery, Derbyshire, celebrated with their very theme, including ‘pin the tail on challenging assault course for the own Meghan and Harry at a Wedding Service and a Wedding Breakfast the Corgi’, face painting, cake children to take part in. complete with cake!

6 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] St Helen’s ‘university’ - life shaped learning St Helen’s School, London, has themselves what they wanted launched St Helen’s University – a to gain from the experience. pioneering initiative designed to With diverse subjects including enable all girls in Years 7 – 9 to Rainbow Rangoli, archery, pursue wisdom and wellbeing abseiling, exploring the tradition beyond the curriculum and give of tapas, photography, media and them the opportunity to discover journalism, forensic analysis and new interests and passions. The theatrical make-up workshops, programme has been designed to exploring the French Revolution respond to the needs of the whole and learning how to play cricket, student, aimed at developing the students found themselves in intellectual virtues such as an unique environments in which they enquiring mind, openness to were able to work individually and intellectual risk taking and respect collaboratively to master new skills. for knowledge, alongside social Each of the sessions on offer took and moral virtues. advantage of the experiences and expertise of St Helen’s teachers Out of uniform, off timetable, beyond their academic disciplines, making the most of the School’s was also a courageous speaker essential part of a liberal education and enabled them to share their extensive 22 acre site in the heart from the charity ‘Walking with the and to develop core skills, such love of learning. of North London and following Wounded’ and alumna, Elle Kaye as leadership, teamwork, time their own schedule of talks, classes, The programme also included had the students enthralled talking management, self-discovery, adventures and independent work, expert external speakers and about the intriguing, sometimes relationship management and Middle School students were able careers explorations from visiting misunderstood, but often building self-esteem. The St to choose from six distinct tracks alumnae. The three-day event glamorous profession of taxidermy. Helen’s University experience will constructed around themes of was given a tremendous kick- Headmistress, Dr Mary Short said, help our students to develop their Creativity, Culture, Performance, start by Deana Puccio from the “St Helen’s University showcases own (sometimes intangible) goals Science & Technology, Society RAP project who presented a the School at its absolute best, at an early age and it means they and Wellbeing – creating their hard-hitting session on ‘Altered, introducing our students to will be better equipped to continue own timetables and deciding for Airbrushed and Unrealistic’; there topics which I consider to be an the habit later in life.”

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Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Schools conf half page Ad Jan 2018.indd 1 Independent Schools08/01/2018 Magazine 14:30 7 Changing Places...

Andrew Hobbs Magdalene College, Cambridge, Mrs Caroline teaching career in Manchester, is the new where he also gained a rugby Hulme- and then moved to The King’s Head Master blue. He taught at Canford McKibbin has School, which was opening a for Downside School where he was Head been appointed new Junior Department and was School, of Classics and then a House to take up promoted to Academic Head and Somerset, with Master before joining Downside the headship Vice-Principal. Following four effect from 1st September. as Deputy Head in 2008 and of Kensington Prep School, years as Head of Junior School Andrew was educated at Worth becoming Acting Head in London, in September following at Alderley Edge School for Girls, School and read classics at January of this year. Mrs P F Lynch’s announcement in 2009 Mrs Hulme-McKibbin that she will be retiring at the returned to King’s to become end of August after 15 years as the Principal of the Infant and Falcons School also a Governor of Christ Church head. Junior Division. for Girls and Primary School in Battersea. Mrs Hulme-McKibbin moves to Peregrines Mrs Williams-Ryan is an Arts In wider educational roles, she Kensington Prep from The King’s Pre-Preparatory graduate (Licence ès Lettres) from is a governor of Bury in Macclesfield Infants School, London, the University of Geneva and Schools, has served as Chair and Juniors where she has been has announced has obtained a PGCE and MA in of the Associated Independent Principal for the last nine years. the appointment of Sara Education. As a keen linguist, Mrs Junior Schools North West for Williams-Ryan as headmistress Williams-Ryan loves keeping up Mrs Hulme-McKibbin was three years and currently sits on from September. to date with French and Spanish educated at Altrincham the Steering Committee for this Sara Williams-Ryan will join the literature. She is also passionate Girls’ Grammar School and organisation. school, from her role of Assistant about music and dance. holds a B.Ed (Hons) from Mrs Hulme-McKibbin and her Head (Pastoral) at Emanuel Opening in September Peregrines Homerton College, Cambridge, husband have two daughters, School in Wandsworth where is a co-ed Pre-Preparatory School (where she was also a dancer one at University and the she has been a member of the which shares Falcons School for and choreographer for the other in her final year of Sixth Senior Management Team for Girls’ surroundings and where Cambridge Footlights and the Form. She has played and 13 years. boys and girls aged 3 to 8 are ADC Theatre). coached netball, enjoys reading, Before teaching at Emanuel encouraged to flourish and thrive. Mrs Hulme-McKibbin has been swimming, skiing and maintains School, Mrs Williams-Ryan After Peregrines, Falcons School head of both all girls’ schools a keen interest in theatre and taught at Ibstock Place School for Girls and Falcons School for and co-ed. She began her dance. for nine years where she was Boys offer places to pupils at Head of Spanish and MFL. She is Year 4. Mr Michael of two leading girls’ schools, Tippett is to be Central Newcastle High School the new head at and Newcastle upon Tyne Church Newcastle High High School. New head at School for Girls Mr Tippett, 47, who is originally (NHSG), the first from Plymouth, studied male Head in the school’s history. your school? Classics at Oxford University. Please let us have a brief biog and image for inclusion in a Currently holding the position After teaching in Greece and future issue. There is no charge. of Senior Deputy Head at the completing his PGCE at Queen’s school, Mr Tippett will move College Cambridge, he took up We’ll add them to our complimentary-copy into his new role in the next the post as Classics Teacher at mailing list too. academic year. NHSG opened the former Central Newcastle in 2014, following the merger High School.

Racing ahead in style It is a race like no other. The Go-Karts provide high-octane annual Go-Kart Race at Cundall thrills with an added dash of Manor School, Yorkshire, sees pyrotechnic wizardry. dozens of pupils take on the famous course in homemade The school has held the event vehicles as they attempt to claim for over a decade and this the coveted Go-Kart Race cup. year saw a range of innovative Daredevil pupils provided entries from its pupils including entertainment for a large crowd a modified wheelie bin and an of friends and family with nearly adapted wheelchair amongst 500 spectators watching the 34 many more vehicles.

8 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Unique collaboration between schools

Woodhouse Grove School, promising OIAMFS Year 11 leavers. Apperley Bridge and One In A Woodhouse Grove has recently set Million Free School (OIAMFS), up its own Charitable Foundation Bradford, have signed a to support and fund bursaries for Memorandum of Understanding pupils, from within the Bradford detailing an innovative new and West Yorkshire district, whose collaboration between the two parents may not otherwise be able Yorkshire schools. to afford the fees. The aim is to share best practice, Other projects include, forging resources and facilities in teaching links between academic and learning, keeping the interests departments, sharing staff inset of both schools’ pupils as the opportunities, encouraging and focus. The partnership aspires facilitating pupil debate, exploring to encourage pupils to consider character education opportunities, what lies beyond their existing sharing experience of house and social, intellectual and cultural other internal structures and more. experience. Pupils and staff in James Lockwood, Headmaster at similar roles at each establishment Woodhouse Grove, said: “After Philip Grant, Principal of One in A Million Free School will collaborate and work together, and James Lockwood, Headmaster at Woodhouse Grove several exploratory meetings and leadership opportunities will over the last few months, we all of our community will be by widening educational be open to all. are really delighted to announce enriched by our joint initiatives. opportunities in the local area. A very special element to the our new, mutually supportive The provision of bursary funding As a former pupil of Woodhouse collaboration is a formal agreement, arrangement with One In a for their post-16 students is Grove and a proud Bradfordian, which will see Woodhouse Million Free School. We are a tangible expression of the my aim is to make a Grovian Grove award two full Sixth Form very much looking forward to Grove’s commitment towards education available to as many bursary places per annum to working together and hope that increasing social mobility local children as possible. Audience with Henry Blofeld Prior Park College, Bath welcomed copies of his new book Over and Henry Blofeld, sports journalist, Out: My Innings of a Lifetime with broadcaster and legend of the box, Test Match Special. to the school for an evening of Money raised from the evening Test Match Special memories. contributed towards Prior Park ‘Blowers’, as he is known to his College’s new electronic cricket fans, fresh from ‘close of play’ scoreboard at the Bury Sports’ of Test Match Special, shared Centre. stories and anecdotes of life in Henry Blofeld said, “Prior Park the commentary box, cricket College provides a wonderful tours around the world and FEEDING backdrop for boys and girls to play touching memories of his final and enjoy the beautiful game of test commentary at Lord’s cricket cricket. It was a great pleasure to INDEPENDENT ground. spend time at the College and help He finished the evening signing launch the new scoreboard”. MINDS 01189 356707


Pictured: Henry Blofeld with Prior Park College Headmaster, Mr James Murphy-O’Connor

Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 9 Time to actively engage parents in PSHE development

In this rapidly changing world, children are exposed to new and unknown dangers which only a few years ago would have been hard to comprehend, yet PSHE is a subject which is delivered more inconsistently in schools than any other subject, says headmaster Roger Outwin-Flinders...

Growing up for me in a rural to deliver the subject effectively, parents and colleagues on community in Suffolk during and crucially no reliable resources 1decision, Headway’s PSHE the 1960s and 70s, life was for the teachers to use. programme for 5-11 year olds. very simple, slow moving and PSHE is a subject which is In essence, the concept is similar very safe. Stable families and delivered more inconsistently in to the 1998 iconic film ‘Sliding village schools were the ‘comfort schools than any other subject. Doors’. The programme consists blankets’ in the lives of so many This is because the ‘subject of over 65 videos of scenarios young children where they could matters’ are challenging and which face children (and adults) learn, develop and flourish and demanding. Additionally, when on a daily basis. After the become good citizens. In essence, a subject constantly keeps respective video clips, there are we would still like life to be like reinventing itself with new two scenarios and the children this but sadly, even in sleepy names and titles – Citizenship, have to make one decision to subject matter ensures that the Suffolk, both life and society has PSHEE and SRE – it is clear that decide the outcome. One decision subject is delivered regularly and changed. the subject has no real direction is clearly the right decision consistently: something which Social issues have escalated and and for many, teachers, children and the other is the wrong has been lacking with previous children are not protected or and importantly parents, it is decision. So many educational programmes of study. cocooned from these dangers, not taken seriously. However, programmes do not allow pupils violence, abuse or temptations. the issues still remain and are to think enough for themselves, Last month I attended an event Schools (independent and ever increasing with knife crime, but this one does, and that ethos at the House of Commons mainstream) have frequently online safety, mental health is extended to teachers. when William Wragg MP posed and wellbeing and other such been the scapegoats: universally Having hosted a second a question to the Education topics dominating the national criticised and blamed for the workshop, also involving parents, Select Committee on making headlines on a regular basis. breakdown in our society I believe the key to the success PSHE a statutory subject in the together with an inadequately As a Headmaster for 25 of PSHE is engaging the support curriculum, in line with English underfunded welfare state. years, and having seen PSHE and involvement of the parents and Maths. Whether it becomes With the introduction of PSHE programmes fail for so many who can view these resources and compulsory or not, PSHE is lessons in schools in the 1990s, years, it was enlightening and support their children in advance an important subject and one the education system tried to refreshing to hear from a former of the topics being taught in the which schools must seek to bring answer questions and solve Independent Prep School Head, classroom. This can be done via parents on their journey. An problems in which politicians Tim Lowe, at the latter end of communication to parents via outstanding education should and other leading authorities the spring term this year. He newsletters, a parent portal, VLE always go beyond the boundaries had failed to make any in-roads. had come across Headway, a or regular workshops. To inform of pure academia. As educators Topics such as smoking, drugs, social enterprise established parents of forthcoming PSHE of children, we have a duty to bullying, bereavement and to help provide children and topics to ‘get them on board’ prepare children for a changing domestic violence were all very teachers with the most up-to- is vital and essential. They can world giving them the skills, laudable but they were being date teaching materials possible, then be prepared to answer or experiences and confidence to taught by teachers who were including in PSHE. field any difficult questions or make the correct decisions to often not comfortable with the Tim invited me to host a reactions from their child after a lead happy and successful lives subject matter, without regular workshop at my school, Brooke particular topic in school. Having and be a part of their local lessons on the timetable in which Priory School in Oakham, for excellent, well-prepared online community. Roger Outwin-Flinders is Headmaster at Brooke Priory School, Rutland

10 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Taking on Hadrian’s Wall Challenge Whilst the majority of the great The ‘Hitting-The-Wall Challenge’ British public were doing sensible was launched with the aim of things over the Bank Holiday raising £4,000 to buy shoes for weekend like mowing their these children. The problem was lawns, washing their cars and always going to be how long these enjoying barbeques, a group of shoes would last. “Then someone seventeen teachers and parents mentioned ‘the shoe that grows’!” from Winterfold and Bromsgrove explained Simon Dieppe. “These Schools set themselves the are a fantastic invention which are £1,028 for cancer research challenge of completing the made and distributed by a charity The Year 6 children at Cumnor cake or sweetie jar weight, beat full eighty-four mile length of in the U.S. They are incredibly House, Sussex, raised £1,028 in the goalkeeper, slippery shoot- the Hadrian’s Wall Path, from hardy but most importantly, can a fundraising extravaganza that out, doughnut-on-a-string, Newcastle to Bowness-on-Solway be adjusted as the child grows, was organised independently hair braiding, pick & mix, face in just three days to raise money so they can last up to five years.” by the 56-strong year group, in painting, as well as a coconut & for charity. Each pair will cost around £20 to aid of their nominated Charity, can shy. buy and transport to Ncemaneni. Cancer Research UK. “It sounded like a good idea at They took over the school’s The ‘Hitting-The-Wall’ team have The 10 and 11 year-olds arranged the time,” said Simon Dieppe, Sports Hall and tennis courts, been training vigorously over themselves into small groups and KS2 Teacher at Winterfold School organised their own props, stands the last six months and meeting came up with some innovative and one of the organisers of the and prizes and, by 3.30pm, were regularly to share help and advice. ideas for raising money including challenge, “but as the weekend ready to welcome the rest of “Some of us are more experienced selling homemade biscuits and got closer and the start of the runners and walkers than others,” cupcakes, finding the treasure, the school, including pupils and challenge loomed, the idea of said David Loughton, Year 6 guessing the name of the rabbit, staff, who poured into the Sports running or walking twenty-eight Teacher at Winterfold, “but the basketball shoot-out, apple Hall and onto the tennis courts miles a day seemed a bit crazy!” camaraderie has been great. We bobbing, hockey ‘keepy-uppies’, ready to buy cakes, sweets and The runners took on the challenge were all focussed on completing pie face (in which teacher Nick drinks, participate in various to raise money for the children the challenge – after all, the McAdam was a ‘victim’ – see sporting challenges or have their at Ncemaneni Primary School children at Ncemaneni cover this picture), cup shuffle, guess the hair braided and faces painted. in the Natal province of South kind of distance every week just to Africa. Winterfold has supported get to school!” the school for the last 10 years, David Loughton said “WE MADE raising money to build a number IT! This was an awesome effort of classrooms. When Principal from everyone – we needed to dig Mthembu from Ncemaneni visited very deep at certain points! It’s Winterfold in October as part of certainly not as straightforward a new exchange programme, he as you may think! Well done to talked about the large numbers of Simon Dieppe who has driven this his pupils aged between six and mad idea from its inception in fourteen who walk a 15–20 km the pub, to the North West coast round journey to school each day of England. Eighty-four miles of on foot. Most shocking is that blisters, sore legs & sunburn, but most of these children do not own we’ve smashed our target of £4K shoes, leaving them susceptible to for our friends in Ncemaneni and dangerous cuts and infections. it’s still rising!”

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Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 11 An estimated 1.7 million listen to worship from College

Lancing College, Sussex, Chapel provided the Chemistry teacher at Lancing College and now Commenting on the service, Head Master place of worship for a live broadcast of the well- President of the Woodard Corporation. The Dominic Oliver said: “It is a huge privilege known BBC Radio 4 Sunday Worship programme, Organist was Edward Picton-Turbervill. to welcome BBC Radio 3 and 4 to Lancing and was also the venue for BBC Radio 3 Choral The Choir of Lancing College Chapel sang a College Chapel. The College’s reputation for Evensong, broadcast on 9 and 13 May. vibrant setting of the Mass by the College’s outstanding music is recognised around the Members of the public, parents, former pupils and Director of Chapel Music, Neil Cox. The service world and we have received many messages of Friends of Lancing Chapel attended these acts of also included a solo performance by pupil Rafi congratulation from listeners. The Chapel is a worship in which they were also able to support Bellamy Plaice, BBC Radio 2 Young Chorister of magnificent setting from which to broadcast and be supported by the Lancing College Choir. the Year 2017, and a piece composed by former these world-renowned programmes.” The live broadcast of Sunday Worship, routinely pupil Jack Redman, Organ Scholar at Lancing Both of these services are now available on listened to by 1.7m people, was led by celebrant College until 2016. The New Testament reading BBC iPlayer at: Fr Richard Harrison, Chaplain of Lancing was read by a Year 10 pupil from the nearest College. The preacher was the Right Revd. Woodard School neighbour, the Sir Robert Dr John Inge, Bishop of Worcester, one time Woodard Academy in Lancing. Home-grown salad from new hydroponic farm Lancing College, Sussex, has mineral nutrient solutions in a of the Catering Department, for a GrowModule365 unit. recently taken delivery of the water solvent technology. was intrigued when she heard The benefits of freshly grown new GrowModule365, a portable about the possibility of growing The advantages of hydroponic product and resulting cost saving hydroponic growing system, which vegetables, salads and herbs in a farming include enhanced opportunities are unquestionable will allow the College Catering quick and sustainable way. She nutritional value, less water and it’s a delight to work with a team to grow their own leaves, commented: “We look forward to usage and no harmful chemicals, herbs, young vegetables and soft providing our students with the team who are so passionate about minimal power consumption, and fruit at any time of the year, for highest quality fresh produce all this project.” a quick turnaround as the process use in the school’s own kitchen year round. Being sustainable is from seeding to harvesting usually as well as provide “living green” certainly one of the objectives in takes no longer than 10 days - all differentiation when catering for the long term and this, alongside with the added benefit of zero events and functions. the College Farm produce we food miles. The College has a sustainable already utilise in the kitchen, is The first harvest produced an approach to food for its pupils another small step in the right exceptional bounty of micro and staff. Alongside the College’s direction.” coriander, sorrel, marjoram, chives, own Farm, the GrowModule Paul Brown, Managing Director nasturtium, pea shoots, choy enables the cultivation of large of GrowModule365 Ltd sum, rocket leaves and lamb’s quantities of tasty produce, added: “We are delighted to lettuce. A week later, the second cost-effectively and all year be working with the team at harvest brought a variety of baby round, whether it’s day, night, Lancing College. Their visionary vegetables: beetroots, turnips and winter or summer. The advanced approach to providing the very leeks. hydroculture enables the growing best fresh food and nutrition to Hannah and Paul of plants without soil, using Hannah Bond, General Manager diners presents a perfect canvas

12 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] AEGIS and BSA announce partnership Two UK organisations for boarding partnership. BSA is the world’s schools and guardianship for leading boarding organisation, while international students have AEGIS is the leader in the field announced a partnership to promote of guardianship for international higher standards. students. Working in partnership The Boarding Schools’ Association means AEGIS and BSA will ensure Children rebuild (BSA) and the Association for the standards of guardianship are Education and Guardianship for consistently high and improving.” forest school den International Students (AEGIS) are London-based BSA was founded Miller Homes Southern is helping as a safe place to play and shelter to work together formally to ensure in 1965 and represents over 560 school children revive a outdoors. greater awareness of good practice boarding schools across the world. previous den-building project this Emma Pledger, Forest School in guardianship within schools, Its services include professional summer. leader at Great Ballard School, is and accreditation of organisations development, government A willow-clad wood structure excited about the work: “When I providing guardianship services. relations, communications, media, known as the ‘arbour’ was built by first brought the arbour into the Under the partnership, AEGIS publications, conferences and events. students at Great Ballard school school the children had so much fun and BSA will remain separate Gloucestershire-based AEGIS was last year, and became unusable turning it into a shelter, using sticks and willow to add to the framework. organisations. But AEGIS Chair Dr founded in 1994 and promotes the due to weather damage and being It looked beautiful, but sadly the Helen Wright will attend board safety, welfare and education of eaten by surrounding wildlife. Miller nearby deer were also drawn towards meetings of BSA, BSA CEO Robin international students aged 18 or Homes Southern stepped up to help, the den and ate most of the walls! Fletcher will attend meetings of donating £200 to help its youngsters under. The core work of AEGIS is When storms blew in and damaged AEGIS trustees, and AEGIS Executive restore the outdoors shelter in its the accreditation of guardianship it further, it meant we could no Officer Yasemin Wigglesworth will Forest School facility. organisations through a rigorous longer use the structure. I can’t wait join BSA’s Senior Leadership Team. programme of inspections, led by This means that the children at the to start planning the project with In a joint statement, Dr Helen inspectors. school will have an engaging project the class and to restore our arbour Wright and BSA Chair Martin Reader AEGIS currently has 45 accredited to undertake this summer, as well back to its former glory.” said: “AEGIS and BSA are very guardianship organisations in Pictured: Emma Pledger (right) and the pupils at Great Ballard School excited by this ground-breaking membership. starting work on their arbour, funded by Miller Homes Southern,

Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 13 Springboard! Co-educational day and , , , is one of a growing number of independent schools to adopt the Royal National Children’s Springboard Foundation scheme – a transformative experience which offers boys and girls from disadvantaged backgrounds a fully-funded boarding place. Two years into the partnership, we talk to Epsom’s Second Master, Mr Paul Williams, and to current Springboard pupil, Kioni Wynter, who was featured in an article in the Times newspaper which sparked much social media interest...

Second Master, Did you have any reservations confident in Springboard’s expertise well not have previously been an Mr Paul Williams: before welcoming the first in selecting candidates who would option. Why do you feel the Springboard pupils? thrive with us here at the College. How do you feel the three Springboard scheme I wouldn’t call them reservations, Why do you believe it is such an current pupils have integrated fits so well with but I was aware that the young important and valuable scheme? into Epsom life? people joining us would be making Epsom’s values? The scheme offers these young Very well indeed. Initially, life seems a life-changing move in coming to a Our key founding principles people educational and life very different to them but it doesn’t school like Epsom. Springboard and are those of ‘Benevolence and their partners – Hope in Tottenham experiences that are truly take long for them to settle in and Excellence’, so the Springboard and Hope in Liverpool – are vastly transformational. It provides the they have all quickly become part concept - of offering fully- experienced in selecting candidates. foundations for the individual to of the Epsom community. It is really funded places to hard-working Having attended a conference and excel academically, as well as in a encouraging to see them seize and ambitious young people met staff from other schools who broader sense across other areas the opportunity with such gusto, - absolutely ties in with our have welcomed Springboard pupils, of school life. It enables them to making the most of every minute founder’s vision. both the Headmaster and I were pursue university careers, which may and every opportunity.

Lower Sixth Excited definitely, but also How does your family feel about At first, I was extremely anxious Student, Kioni occasionally overwhelmed. The you being at a boarding school? having to put myself, and my story, Wynter: biggest difference were the long, They are so excited, and very out there for the world to scrutinise. What emotions fast-paced days. To combat this, I kept telling myself proud of everything I’m achieving. did you feel in the that the more people who know weeks before you I was amazed at how much the I phone my Mum most days, about Springboard, and the amazing started at Epsom? school does outside lessons. My and she loves hearing about all work Epsom College is doing, then I was slightly apprehensive about favourite activity is the Academic the clubs I’ve joined, shows I’ve the more I am helping students like fitting in, being from a very different Enrichment programme which seen, and matches I’ve played. I me from Tottenham. This ‘publicity’ background. The portrayal of includes presentations and talks look forward to going home for is just a push for me to keep going, boarding schools in the media is from visiting speakers and lecturers, the holidays, but equally I look and to keep telling my story, so often one of snobbery and elitism. and trips away from school. Visiting forward to coming back to school hopefully other schools can get However, I quickly realised it’s not the theatre, going to museums, again. like that at Epsom. and working on field trips brings involved with this project. What advice would you give the work we are doing in the I was welcomed and supported to someone considering the It is scary at times thinking that classroom to life. They are also from my first day, by my year group, Springboard Scheme? I am not only a representative of the girls in my House, as well as great experiences to include on my Tottenham and my old school, Park Attend the Open Mornings – they my Housemistress, Matron and the university applications. My previous View, but now Epsom College. I am give you a real idea of what to teachers. In fact, I was invited to school didn’t have the resources to completely open with people about a summer party before the school provide this kind of opportunity. expect. Talk to others who’ve done my situation and have had nothing it; it’s a new lifestyle not just a new year had even started, so rather than What is your favourite area of but warm responses. I want to show school, but it will open new doors feeling nervous, I was excited to get school life at Epsom? everyone that even though Epsom started. I was also appointed a ‘big and opportunities and you will make College took an amazing chance I love boarding – being among 50 sister’ mentor before I arrived, so I great friendships along the way. by admitting me, I will work just as girls, all your own age, is a special could ask any questions I had. hard, if not harder to show that I do experience. My boarding house, How do you feel about being the belong here. I quickly learnt that what’s valued at White House, is Sixth Form-only centre of so much interest and Epsom is your attitude, not where and so all the girls joined at the publicity? This whole process is bigger than you’ve come from. The school put same time as me. We immediately From the beginning of this me, I am merely someone who has their faith in me, and I wanted to bonded, and I always feel I have experience, in Year 9, I knew that benefited from it, and therefore I prove they were right to do so. someone to turn to if I need them. my story would be different. Did I take it upon myself to spread the How did you feel in your I hope that I act as a support to expect people to be this interested? word about Springboard because it first few weeks? others in need, too. No, but it’s a nice surprise. is an organisation I truly believe in.

14 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Mental health guidance for staff Egerton Rothesay School, former hostage Terry Waite to Hertfordshire, welcomed former talk at a staff INSET about his Archbishop of Canterbury’s Special five years in captivity in Lebanon. Envoy Terry Waite CBE to a staff Particular emphasis was on how he INSET. dealt with his time alone in solitary With the increased awareness of confinement for four years and how mental health issues in school, ERS he coped with the unknown on a has spent time with staff and pupils daily basis. Mr Parker also invited thinking about resilience to help local school Heads, local councillors them cope with the unexpected and dignitaries to raise the issue of problems that occur in life. By mental health in schools once again. way of assemblies, tutor- led work Egerton Rothesay is a small School and outside visitors the school is for pupils aged 6 to 19 with various highlighting many of the issues in a special needs and its vision is to child-sensitive and appropriate way transform the lives of children who enabling pupils to feel confident in have struggled, or who will struggle, approaching staff to talk about their to develop and grow within a issues. mainstream school setting because The school’s Therapy Department’s of a difficulty with their learning Speech and Language specialists, or development. ERS provides a and Social and Emotional broad, mainstream curriculum, and Development team, along with the as part of this teaches pupils a range Safeguarding team play a major of individually tailored strategies The school was founded on about the beliefs of both Christian role in this and much time is spent to support their learning and Christian principles and retains and other faiths and to share with in staff briefings and meetings development. Former pupils have a strong Christian ethos which them the need to be aware of discussing pupil issues. progressed to university and many underpins its whole pastoral care others who are less fortunate than policy. It encourages children to themselves and to contribute in Being aware of how these achieve good GCSE results including learn about their community, some way to help such groups. problems can affect staff wellbeing, the new Grade 9 in English last Headmaster Colin Parker invited summer. Pictured: Terry Waite, right, with the Mayor of Dacorum Cllr Rosie Sutton and head Colin Parker

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Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 15 Preparing girls for a future which isn’t always going to be easy Girls have never had more opportunities, and the momentum to create a gender equal world has become unstoppable. Every single day you will see how the girls at schools all across the country take on any challenge put in front of them with determination and enthusiasm - it will fill you with optimism for the future for girls (and for everyone). At the same time, it is incumbent upon us as educators to prepare girls for a future that isn’t always going to be easy, in the best way we possibly can, writes Girls Day School Trust CEO Cheryl Giovannoni...

We now know all too well the now for things to change from the We want to help to build girls’ extent of the gender pay gap, with bottom up if women are to take confidence and understand that “it’s reports this year showing that 78% their rightful place in the world. OK to ask”, “to take up more space At the GDST we are driven by of companies pay men more than As educators, we have a unique in the story, in their lives, and in the 1 offering not just a first-class women. Just last month (May and significant role to play. Girls world”*. We need to rid ourselves of education, but unparalleled 2018), one news story in particular everywhere are fired-up and aware this idea that women talking about preparation for life beyond the struck a chord: the top 10 excuses of the potential inequalities they themselves is a bad thing. given by FTSE firms for lack of may face when they leave the classroom. We encourage girls to women in the boardroom. The classroom, and it is our duty to help Not every student will have always be curious and resourceful, commentary was ignorant and give them the best possible start ambitions of taking a seat in the to be fearless and take risks. To try disturbing in equal measure, but the in life when their school days are boardroom, but negotiation skills new things and get out of their stand-out comment for me was: behind them. are skills for life – whether you’re comfort zone, in a place where they negotiating terms of a mortgage “There aren’t that many women That’s why, from September 2018, make friends for life and hopefully or working out priorities with with the right credentials and depth the Girls’ Day School Trust is have fun. your partner or flatmates. This of experience to sit on the board introducing a new course for our new course is part of our unique If we can help our girls step out - the issues covered are extremely Sixth Formers, “Asking Difficult “CareerStart” programme, which into the world feeling confident in complex”. If these boardroom Questions”, to equip girls with the introduces and helps students themselves and their own abilities to directors spent just half an hour in skills to make the most of all life’s develop a range of life skills. Open manage themselves and their careers any one of our schools across the eventualities. All too often when it to all age groups, it includes courses successfully, we will be helping Girls’ Day School Trust, they would comes to the world of work, women women everywhere. That’s why our be jumping up and down with can develop what’s sometimes from managing your finances; “Asking Difficult Questions” course excitement at the potential future known as “tiara syndrome”. They leadership skills; collaboration; isn’t about individuals negotiating leaders they might be lucky enough wait for recognition, whereas building a CV; presentation skills for themselves, it’s about helping to have in their boardrooms. Their men tend to be better at putting and understanding the media and energy, passion, talent, creativity and themselves forward to get what fake news. Even life skills around women everywhere to move forward. entrepreneurialism are infectious – they feel they deserve – whether how to budget at university and to I for one am excited about what and there is absolutely no doubt in that’s a pay rise or a promotion. survive through your weekly shop girls today are going to achieve, my mind that this generation of girls Girls are wonderful at building each and the nutritious food you can and I’m determined that we give will change the world. other up. Students will talk about prepare easily and cost effectively. them every possible support and What is glaringly obvious is that the brilliant achievements of their The programme also includes opportunity to be the best they can the world is desperately short of friends, but they are not so at ease working with top employers with be – in life, and in any boardroom female leaders and the time is when talking about themselves. whom we run career insight days. they choose to occupy. 1 *Circe, Madeline Miller

Proving it’s not just pupils who highest standards in housekeeping College team awarded achieve excellent results at Bishop’s in the catering and hospitality Stortford College, Hertfordshire, industry. The College underwent an another Gold CAP the College Housekeeping and unannounced assessment earlier this Cleaning teams, have just been month scoring 91.4% for cleanliness awarded their first Gold CAP Award and compliance. The benchmark for the Continuous Advancement level for Gold is 75%. Programme (CAP). Having reorganised their cleaning Following in the footsteps of the operation, a process which has College Catering team, who have taken almost two years due to the won six successive Gold CAP Awards, number of locations across the the Housekeeping and Cleaning College campus, the Housekeeping team of 25, including staff from team, led by Facilities Manager, partner contractor, Nightingales, Tim Hanks will now be working on have also achieved the Gold areas where they must improve in standard. order to demonstrate the continuous The CAP Awards are only presented advancement to achieve gold again to organisations who meet the next year.

16 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Facing up to gender stereotypes Head of Sydenham High School, London, Katharine Woodcock, suggests schools must empower children to develop at the right pace for them...

Every child is different. Yet, there is increasing pressure for children to reach certain stages at precise moments. It is our job as educators to empower young people to develop at the right pace for them – academically, emotionally and socially, to be able to celebrate achievements, and manage pressure and challenges without the fear of failure or inadequacy, so that school days are happy, rewarding and fulfilling. Stereotypes and generalisations have no place in any educational setting; however, for a Head to argue that girls and boys aren’t different would be a mistake. Anatomically they are different, the rate at which they develop is different, and there is plenty of evidence to indicate that they learn differently. In a single- sex environment it is not about exploiting these differences, or their gender. As a girls’ school, it prepared is equally valuable. Sarah and characters and develop their promoting masculine or feminine is imperative that stereotypes are Fletcher, former Head of City of traits as ‘better’, but about allowing areas of need. Our girls are always irrelevant and that we encourage London School for Boys, stated that pupils to be themselves. School encouraged to be themselves the girls in our care to live up boys are just as sensitive as girls, settings with high expectations and are given the toolkit from require a growth mindset and to our motto, to fear nothing. and that the assumption made is which to draw requisite skills to empowered, aspirational pupils Recently we were joined by an that young men are “a lot more overcome the challenges they face, with an accurate sense of self, alumna, Captain Van Lieshout, robust” than they actually are. She be that in school, the world of rather than conforming to gender who is actively working to dissolve proffered that “There isn’t a huge work, university, relationships or stereotypes. career gender stereotyping by difference in the sort of issues boys simply everyday life. The LGBTQ+ inspiring the next generation of and girls are concerned about”. We and Feminist societies, PSHE Gender stereotypes exist in the women about careers in aviation must move away from all forms of and assemblies play a key role in world around us. Only recently an and the exciting initiatives easyJet stereotyping and categorisations promoting openness, tolerance and independent co-educational school has to redress the gender imbalance of boys and girls, and focus on understanding, as well as support. was accused of sexism through in the pilot community. addressing the needs of every If young people are accepting of its advertisement showing a boy individual to bring out the very The gender gap, and its associated themselves and others, happy in aspiring to be a lawyer, swimmer best in them. their skin, then they will lead happy or a politician and a girl destined inequalities and prejudices is lives, of this there is no doubt. to be a vocalist, actor or writer. something that, as a society, we The centenary of the women’s Such perpetuations reinforce need to eradicate. Telling girls to vote has shown us just how far As educators we have a assumptions made about gender- be like boys, or indeed boys to be we have come and we should feel responsibility to support every defined roles and limit young like girls, is unhelpful. It feeds into proud of the progress we have pupil on their journey to becoming people’s perceptions of their stereotyping and fosters a culture made, but there is still work to be an adult, helping to manage choices. As educators we play a of generalisations and assumptions. done. Confidence for all young those teenage years successfully role in equipping young people As humans we are all capable of people is key. This resonates with and collaboratively. Academic with the tools today to help them being sensitive, of banter, of tuning what we are aiming to achieve at and pastoral excellence therefore with their tomorrows, ranging into emotions as well as being hurt. Sydenham High, telling our girls must go hand in hand if we are from resilience and adaptability, Lucy Elphinstone, Head of Francis to stand tall, be bold and resilient to ensure that the girls in our to having that inner-confidence Holland School, believes girls can in all that they do, celebrating care are well-rounded, secure and to strive for success. Young people be too sensitive, advocating that hard work every step of the way. have that genuine sense of self should be allowed to develop in an girls should be taught about how We develop fearless girls. We to prosper. We must be flexible, environment which supports who to “wing it” so they are not at want our girls to be comfortable tolerant and accepting of the needs and what they want to be, with a disadvantage when it comes decision-making, taking risks and and identities of all our pupils. the breathing space to flourish and to applying for jobs. Whilst yes, believing in themselves. Our girls Ultimately, it is the culture of a fly. All career paths and subject coping with spontaneous situations do not need to try and be like school that enables a young person choices should be on the table; and thinking on your feet, being boys; we celebrate our girls for who to feel comfortable developing nothing should hold any child or decisive as well as pragmatic, are and what they are, nurture their their own identity, whatever that young person back, least of all all invaluable skills, being well- individual strengths, personalities might be.

Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 17 New BTEC’s fit with life-skills programmes ‘Compass for Life’ Set in 2,000 acres of North Yorkshire countryside, Ampleforth College, prides itself on not only preparing students for their exams but also setting them up with values to stand them in good stead for the real world. Harriet Thompson, Assistant Head Academic Development, explains how the College offers a holistic education preparing students for life after school:

The value of a compass is that it work and communication skills We’ve recently announced points towards one point and being etc), financial management (bank the introduction of BTECs in confident in this, one can orientate accounts, budgeting, student loans, Countryside Management, oneself in any environment. In credit and debt etc), household Enterprise and Entrepreneurship the same way, our ‘Compass for management (sewing, cooking, and Hospitality, supporting our Life’ at Ampleforth, which is based ironing, and some basic DIY) and unique location and ambition to upon living the Benedictine core practical health and safety (fire provide a holistic education for skills. Internal assessments will be values of Attentiveness, Hospitality, safety and basic first aid). our pupils. We chose these three designed to strengthen these by Respect, Integrity, Stewardship and Ampleforth works hard to ensure particular courses because they fit mirroring real-life, work-place tasks, Equilibrium, is a reassuring constant closely with the Benedictine core that academic learning is linked be it the production of annotated in the ever-changing world our to careers where appropriate and values, which form the bedrock students are growing up in. While maps, a presentation on the that they reinforce each other. of the ‘Compass for Life’ here at generations of students come and opportunities and constraints facing Our students are offered advice Ampleforth that sets students up go and the curriculum varies, the a proposed business start-up, or a and opportunities throughout for life after school. The BTEC overlap between monastery and their time at Ampleforth, which courses are inherently vocational proposal for a hospitality event from school provides a quiet sense of seamlessly integrate and connect and cover knowledge and skills that a client brief. To ensure that these stability and calm. their academic studies with their will be directly relevant to students’ qualifications do indeed offer a At Ampleforth, more tangible life future careers. Old Amplefordians future careers in these fields. secure onwards progression route, skills are delivered in lessons and and parents regularly come to Beyond sector-specific knowledge we are arranging opportunities for one of the major innovations of the College to contribute to and skills, students taking one students on each course to spend 2018 is the introduction of a Life the fortnightly series of Year 12 or more BTEC qualifications will some time at a university with a develop a wide range of transferable Skills course for Year 12 students Careers Lectures and to speak to strong reputation in the field, from in the final week of the Summer smaller groups of students who skills, which will be essential for a week at one of the internationally Term. This course will cover all may be interested in a particular life after school. These will include renowned Swiss Hospitality Schools skills to do with applying for jobs career path. This ranges from project management, teamwork and (writing a CV and cover letter, older Old Amplefordians, who collaborative learning, leadership to residential experiences at the completing an application form, can reflect on an often long and delegation, independent Royal Agricultural University (RAU), and interview skills), leadership and highly successful career, to learning and research, presentation Cirencester and Harper Adams (objective setting, prioritising current undergraduate students. and communication, and ICT University. Pupils paws for thought ahead of exams

Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow, giving pupils the opportunity rate, reducing blood pressure, came up with a novel way to to switch off from studying by calming nerves, regulating keep pupils calm during the SQA spending time in the open air, breathing and elevating mood. exam diet by hosting alpaca petting an alpaca. It is so important to have a balanced approach to studying ‘therapets’ at the school. Deputy Rector Dan Wyatt, during exams. Take time away It was the perfect day for the who is head of pastoral care at from study to relax, be mindful furry friends to attend the school Kelvinside Academy said: “Stress and keep perspective. as pupils sat their National 5, can be overwhelming during “The physiological and Higher and Advanced Higher the exam period, so spending psychological benefits of human- Biology exams. time with a woolly alpaca will animal bonding have long been hopefully have helped our pupils Provided by BobCat Alpacas in recognised and recent research manage their stress levels and Edinburgh, eight alpacas took has also demonstrated that the take a well-deserved breather. residence for the morning on mere act of stroking a dog or cat the school’s grassy playing fields “Benefits include slowing heart has exceptional benefits.”

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6135 Schoolblazer Print Advertising 2017.indd 2 29/09/2017 15:39 Inaugural diamond model conference Ipswich High School hosted and share good practice with the inaugural Diamond Model leaders of similar schools. For Conference 2018 at their Suffolk me, the highlight of the day was campus. The conference brought the discussion regarding pastoral together Diamond Model schools, care and how a Diamond Model and those looking to make the School has the ability to adapt transition to the Diamond Model, their support that they offer to from across the UK to create a pupils. We were all united in our network of support and guidance positivity about the flexibility of in the difficult climate faced by a Diamond Model in education Centenary year bursary launch both Independent and Maintained and we are all looking forward to schools. The conference offered 100 years ago women first Headmistress of the day, Beatrice talks, workshops and networking working more closely together in won the vote and Maltman’s Chambers, opened her school opportunities for all who attended. the future.’’ Green School, Buckinghamshire, for girls in 1918 - the same Ms Oona Carlin, Head at Ipswich Berkhamsted School’s Principal, opened its doors. To mark their year women first won the vote High School said, ‘‘It was so Mr Richard Backhouse, will centenary year, Maltman’s Green - and one hundred years later, exciting to welcome so many host the 2019 Diamond Model have launched a bursary fund Maltman’s Green still follows her Diamond Model School leaders Conference at Berkhamsted School, for girls who would otherwise be example, teaching its pupils to to Ipswich High School today for Hertfordshire. And in 2020, the unable to benefit from private be independent and courageous, the inaugural Diamond Model Diamond Model Conference will education. inspiring an attitude of self- Schools’ Conference. It has been a be hosted by Mr Will Phelan, Head Funds will be generated by donors - belief and self-worth. wonderful opportunity to network of Stamford Endowed Schools, members of the 100 Club - who will Stamford, Lincolnshire. Maltman’s Green has seen just be commemorated in a permanent seven headmistresses over its Guest speakers and sessions at installation at the School. the Diamond Model Conference Headmistress, Mrs Joanna Pardon, 100-year history. As Mrs Pardon included: said, “We hope that our 100 Club enters her 13th year, she says “I Jeff Kayne (pictured), Deputy Head Bursary fund will be a life changing am energised by the enthusiasm Pastoral, Forest School, London – opportunity for young girls who of the girls, the strength of my Delivery of High Impact Pastoral wouldn’t ordinarily have the means staff and the spirit of the School Care in a Diamond Model School. to join us.” itself.”

James Wilding, Academic Pictured above: 24 girls from Maltman’s Green School attended a London Irish Match Principal, Claires Court, Berkshire Day experience held at Leighton Park School in Reading. They enjoyed a 2-hour tag rugby coaching session with London Irish Coaches. The second part of the day was at the Madejski – Independent Schools Regulatory Stadium where they took part in a question and answer session with Topsy Ojo, one of the standards, seen through the London Irish players. After meeting Digger the team mascot, the girls then settled into their VIP seats to watch the match between London Irish and Saracens. A number of the England ‘Diamond’ lens. team players were playing, and during the first half they also had a visit from another player, Conor Gilsenan, who came and signed autographs. Newton’s apple tree plants inspiration A graft from the apple tree that King Edward’s School, said: “We is believed to have led to Sir Isaac have planted the tree outside one Newton discovering gravity has of our science laboratories on the been planted at King Edward’s main school drive, and hope that School, Birmingham to inspire the it will inspire our pupils to think in next generation of scientists. the way Sir Isaac Newton thought. The budding plant, which has “King Edward’s has a great been gifted to the school, is from scientific history, counting two the 350-year-old Flower of Kent Nobel Prize winners in its alumni. apple tree at Newton’s childhood As an IB school, that scientific home, Woolsthorpe Manor in tradition continues, with all of our Lincolnshire. It is under this tree boys studying science from Year that Newton was believed to be 7 through to the end of the Sixth sat when an apple fell, prompting Form. Who knows how many more him to discover the force he called great scientists will be inspired gravity. by this piece of scientific history Dr Mark Fenton, Chief Master of growing on our campus?”

Pictured: Head Groundsman, Garry Watson, and Chief Master, Dr Mark Fenton, planting a graft from Newton’s apple tree.

20 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Case Study Bushboard Washrooms Forest School choose ‘best on the market’ school washrooms

The Forest School in Horsham is a privacy Bushboard’s unique privacy high achieving secondary school skirting was added to the package. for over 1100 boys aged between Made of durable aluminium, the 11-16 years old. Over the past skirting provides total privacy at 5 years The Forest School has floor level. consistently been the highest- Gary chose Bushboard’s Ready performing boy’s school in West Plumbed Module (RPM) washroom Sussex and amongst the highest- solution using SanCeram performing in Britain. sanitaryware, Chartham wall hung Site manager at the school Gary WCs and urinals, factory fitted to Wait was in charge of updating the duct panels. Daniel Kearsey the year 7 school washrooms, from D. Kearsey Plumbing and ‘We needed toilets that are good Decorating Services fit the RPM quality and long lasting.’ Gary systems at the school, ‘The RPM chose to go with Bushboard ducting and vanities literally just Washrooms because, ‘Bushboard’s slotted together, they were so easy to fit and saved us a lot of time product was the best on the service he received, ‘The Bushboard on site.’ market and the quotation was team were very helpful, everybody competitive.’ The washrooms were designed in that has seen the new toilet block Gary chose Bushboard’s Quadro Bushboard’s Cobalt, Yellow Ochre, is very impressed with the quality washroom and toilet cubicle range Fern and Chilli, fitting in with the and how it all looks. I would like in SGL. Quadro is a universal school colours. Duct panels are in to thank everybody at Bushboard solution ideal for most washroom Bushboard’s Storm, partitions in for all the support during the areas, it has a distinctive quadrant Welsh Slate and flashgaps in Welsh refurbishment.’ Slate and Winter. foot and headrail delivering Gary has already been in touch strength and style – ideal for Gary is very happy with the new with Bushboard for the next phase a school washroom. For extra school toilet cubicles and with the of refurbishment at the school. T: 01536 533620 E: [email protected]

Pictured: Head Groundsman, Garry Watson, and Chief Master, Dr Mark Fenton, planting a graft from Newton’s apple tree.

Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 21 Teacher explores the Deep South to rewrite history curriculum

A King Alfred School, assassination of Martin Luther King Jr in 1968? The election London, History of Obama in 2008? Or is it still teacher has spent her ongoing? breaks from school Rod Jackson, Head of the Upper journeying through the School said “At KAS, History south-eastern states is very much a living subject and we support our staff to do of America to immerse everything possible to bring herself in the Civil the subject to life and give Rights Movement of the it real meaning in the 21st Deep South of the US. century. A key to this trip was to deepen our understanding of In the summer of 2017, Emma the modern world through the Sevitt attended a Civil Rights history lens of the Civil Rights Seminar for teachers led by movement. This has been a the Gilder Lehrman Institute wonderful opportunity for Emma in Memphis and then travelled to make the two separate visits independently from Tennessee learn about the local grassroots of Alabama, where activist Rosa to the Deep South to meet through to Mississippi, Alabama, people, without whom national Parks refused to move to the back the generation who not only Georgia, South Carolina, North leaders and federal institutions of a public bus; the Equal Justice witnessed those events but who could not have made progress. Initiative where the jars of soil Carolina, Virginia and finally to were also active participants. It is Singing at Fannie Lou Hamer’s collected for the new National Washington DC to document the important to pass on this history, gravesite, Emma felt impassioned Lynching Memorial are on stories of the people involved. so that the students can carry by the bravery and risk-taking show. In Selma, Emma spent the In April this year Emma returned the torch forward.” to Memphis for the #MLK50 of a previous generation. She morning with Joanne Bland, co- celebration to commemorate knew that it was crucial to founder of the former National In April this year, Emma spent the 50th Anniversary of the convey somehow this sense of Voting Rights Museum. She was the time in Memphis, 50 years assassination of Martin Luther conviction to young people. She the youngest person to have after Martin Luther King Jr was King Jr, organised by the is now bringing that experience been jailed during any civil rights killed. A panel of academics and National Civil Rights Museum. back to the classroom, and her demonstration during that period activists collected together at The purpose of both these trips students are benefitting from her and walked across the Edmond the University of Memphis to was for Emma to experience experiential learning. Emma is Pettus Bridge in March 1965 talk about the state of persistent local history and build on her contributing to a new curriculum together with Martin Luther poverty, current racial injustice, A Level History course entitled that cultivates empathy, with King Jr from Selma to educational injustice marked Race Relations and Civil multiple narratives, using a range Montgomery to protest in support with redlining and redistricting, Rights 1850-2009, using the of resources that weave together of Voting rights for all. Emma and the increase of gun violence first-hand experience of the a rich tapestry of stories. recorded all the stories of her and police brutality. It led her to journey on a blog called Facing realise how pressing the urgency historical places, witnesses and Emma’s travels took her to many South is for a modern and current Civil participants. places: the Calvary Episcopal Rights movement. Professor The Civil Rights Movement is Church in Memphis where The historiography of the Randall Robinson referred to the well documented, and history a new historical marker was movement is the foundation current United States as “the teachers can use the many unveiled following a Service of of Emma’s teaching. Although text books available to them, Remembrance and Reconciliation scholars traditionally point to a land of the free and the home discussing what lessons we can dedicated to slavery; John’s cluster of events between 1954- of amnesia”. A community is learn from previous generations. Island, where Septima Clark, 55 as the start of the Civil Right crippled if they don’t know their The King Alfred way of teaching “the Mother of the Movement”, Movement (with the issuance of history. With that in mind, Emma is more experiential. In this first taught as a teacher to help the Supreme Court’s Brown vs was even more determined to case, it was the teacher turned local African Americans pass Board of Education case), some document personal stories of student, as Emma chose to the literacy tests in order to historians often consider the persecution, reconciliation and explore the hearts and minds register to vote; Charlestown, the movement to have started when freedom so that the students at of the Civil Rights movement biggest slave port in America; Pin the first African slaves arrived on King Alfred School will become experience talking to the Point, the home of the Gulla- American shores in 1619. When passionate about pursuing witnesses of that era, to gather Geechee community; Atlanta, it ended is even more difficult justice, pass on this History and stories and information on to the grave of Martin Luther to say. The signing of the allow the study of history to be local struggles. Her goal was to King; Montgomery, the capital Voting Rights Act in 1965? The transformational.

Pictured above: Emma Sevitt, KAS History Teacher with the Four Spirits Sculpture in the Kelly Ingram Park, Birmingham Alabama

22 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Teacher explores the Deep South to rewrite history curriculum

Lancaster is redefining what it means to be an ‘elite’ University.

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Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 23 ProfileIn conversation with Douglas Robb

Born: 1970 You hit national headlines earlier this You read Politics at University, and year when you described the current taught Economics at schools here in Married: To Lucinda. Q‘snowflake-generation’ of pupils Qthe UK and in Africa. You are well- My children are Miranda (16), as having a growing sense of entitlement, placed to discuss the likely impact of Brexit Hector (13), and Fergus (10) though not entirely due to their own fault. – on the number of foreign pupils wishing Schools and University “They have been advertised to since birth; they to attend UK boarding schools, on the ability Attended: Birkenhead School; have had credit and loans on a plate; they of UK parents to pay for an independent have been overly mollycoddled; and they have University of Edinburgh; education, and on the recruitment of been overwhelmed by a strange combination talented teachers? University of Cambridge of fictional sit-com characters, reality TV and The ‘likely impact of Brexit’ is really First job: social media stars, who paint a picture of the multi-billion dollar question as 1994, Teacher of Economics, perfection to be achieved.They have even been none of us can be certain of what sports coach, Assistant encouraged by governments to believe that A they deserve ‘more’ than their parents and the impact on the economy will be – and of Housemaster at Prince Edward grandparents had.” What did you make of the course, if the economy suffers then we would School, Harare, Zimbabwe reaction your piece generated? worry more generally about the affordability First management job: 2002, of fees and the costs of running a UK I was quite surprised at how Housemaster at Oundle School, boarding school. That said, shortly after the passionately people responded – both EU Referendum we did see quite an emotional Northamptonshire, UK Ain defence of young people (to my reaction from our European agents – we First job in education: chagrin, as I hadn’t intended to apportion any hope we have reassured them that there is Prince Edward School, Harare blame to young people), and going too far the no negative sentiment toward anyone from other way and bemoaning young people. Of (as above) other parts of Europe in the education sector course there are plenty of young people who and certainly there have been no great ripples Appointed to current job: don’t identify with the description of having in terms of student admissions. We don’t 2014 an entitled approach to finding work, and by have many European teachers at Gresham’s no means do I think all young people are the either and so although it will be cause for Favourite piece of music: same. But I do think that generalisations are concern if individuals’ ability to reside in the Nimrod from Elgar’s Enigma useful and, if we want to consider emerging UK was impacted by Brexit, the school as a trends and how best to adapt to them in order Variations whole does not rely on large numbers of staff to prepare young people for the world they from Europe and so in that respect we are not Favourite food: will enter on leaving full time education, we overly worried about the impact of Brexit on Cassoulet need to look at overall trends rather than this school. individuals’ stories alone. Favourite drink: Red wine, or gin and tonic It was also fascinating to experience first-hand One of your interests outside school is US politics. What do you make of Favourite holiday destination: the extent to which online media can feed a Donald Trump’s style of Presidency. Is Kenya – we go every frenzy about something even when it seems to Q be taken out of context. A lot of the headlines he a good role model for your students? couple of years referenced the term ‘snowflake’ when it hadn’t It is not possible to say that President Favourite leisure pastime: been used in my original piece and, in turn, Trump is a good role model because messages were left underneath online articles Shooting of what we know about his morality or on social media platforms that made it A and behaviour. Favourite TV or radio clear that the authors hadn’t read the article programme/series: Radio 4’s in question before commenting. We all need to Today programme be careful to avoid giving reflex responses to You were head chorister when at reading headlines, rather than reading an article Birkenhead School in the 1980’s. Suggested epitaph: in its entirety, taking the time to reflect on how QGresham’s has recently opened a Spike Milligan’s what we’ve read fits in with what we already substantial new music facility. What has music ‘I told you I was ill’ know, and responding in a measured way. brought to your life? Do you still participate?

24 Independent Schools Magazine Douglas Robb has been head of Gresham’s School, Norfolk, since 2014. He was previously head of School, .

Music is one of my major passions, is no need to leave them to work things authentic way, and take great pride in doing especially choral music, and I sang out for themselves. I don’t subscribe to old so. The greatest benefit for pupils both at Aregularly for 10 years as a boy. fashioned notions of leaving them to it Gresham’s and at the schools we partner I don’t participate as regularly now but I and expecting them to keep a stiff upper with is the human interaction – casting our recently surprised the audience at a school lip – we’ve got to have specialists, and back concert by performing with Nicki Kennedy, up staff, who have access to sophisticated net wide to share experiences with more professional soprano and the wife of our resources. Cutting corners, and budgets, in young people creates more well-rounded Director of Music, John Bowley, having been the short-term only exacerbates underlying individuals. The opportunity for older coerced into doing so by Nicki. Thankfully mental ill-health in the long term, with pupils to develop as leaders during these it went down well but it was slightly potentially lifelong repercussions for the activities is an added benefit – for example unnerving performing after not having individual, as well as their families and during three weeks in the summer holidays done so for some time, and alongside a friends. professional! our Lower Sixth pupils will be providing voluntary support at week-long residential The accuracy, or rather inaccuracy, You are a keen sportsman, and of exam marking and the whole activity camps that we are running at coached rugby for a while at Fettes Qissue of re-grades has damaged the Gresham’s for pupils from maintained QCollege. Rugby is a sport considered reputation of GCSEs and A-levels amongst schools. overly risky by some parents; how do you parents, pupils, and employers, leave alone re-assure them that it is a game worth teaching staff. Have you noticed increasing Who, or what, inspired you to get playing or are you able to suggest equally momentum towards your sixth-form IB into teaching? Do you still teach? beneficial alternatives? offering? Q There are risks associated with all We have noticed a growing I don’t teach at the moment sports – just think of footballers’ popularity of the IB Diploma in our although I do still do some knee injuries – so it would be Sixth Form, but I wouldn’t say this A Economics tutoring. I came to wrong to say that other games are 100 isA as a result of the damaged reputation of A percent safe. There will admittedly be more GCSEs and A Levels from remarking. I think teaching by a stroke of luck. I lived in broken bones in rugby, but so too are there it is actually as a result of the credibility Zimbabwe after university and I wanted enormous benefits to be had from the game, and value that the IB programmes provide to be able to remain there so I needed a and I am an extremely passionate advocate and not only for the most academic pupils, work permit which I was granted to teach. of these benefits. but for pupils across the board, as it offers I realised fairly quickly that I loved it and greater flexibility in terms of subjects, and have never looked back. Pupil and staff mental health a different way of working that is more and pupil well-being have been appealing to many learners. Qpropelled to the forefont of the Gresham’s was founded in the school agenda in recent years. Whilst Gresham’s shares its music and 16th century. Recent alumni have no-one would dispute the value of early outdoor facilities with the local Qincluded James Dyson the engineer; intervention and pastoral care in potentially Qcommunity and other schools. This Christopher Cockerell inventor of the serious cases, could it be that some young type of partnership is advocated by the hovercraft; the composer Benjamin Britten. people might find more beneficial to work Charity Commission as clear demonstration You are therefore the guardian of a long through the normal traumas of growing of charitable status. What other benefit and distinguished tradition of excellence up rather than start to believe they have does it bring to your school and its in education. For what would you most like ‘issues’ which demand specialist third-party students? attention? to be remembered among the Gresham’s I think many independent schools family 100 years from now? No. The environment in which are bored of being instructed to young people are growing up now Aengage with maintained schools I’d like to be remembered for Ais so vastly different to that which by the Charity Commission, especially running a happy school with happy earlier generations experienced, and there when we choose to do so already, in an Achildren. Independent Schools Magazine 25 Swept the Board St Columba’s Senior School pupils, level, then district level and then from Kilmacolm on the outskirts of regional level before the national Glasgow, were crowned National finals take place. Champions in the Senior Category Andrea Angus, the Rector of St Final of the Rotary’s Youth Speaks Columba’s School described the competition. achievement as “outstanding” Thousands of young people take and went on to say, that “An part in Youth Speaks each year. extraordinary number of our pupils The aim of the competition is to achieve success at national or aid the development of public international level in so many areas speaking and speech writing skills – sport, music, debating. What for school pupils, providing an we offer here at St Columba’s opportunity for young people to is a school in which every pupil voice their views in increasingly is nurtured and encouraged to substantial auditoriums. A main aspire to greatness. It is a school speaker, supported by a chair where confidence grows and a person and vote of thanks, are school in which a pupil with a required to talk for six minutes on fear of speaking publicly can a subject of their choice. He or she challenge that fear and go on is then asked a question that they to be declared a national public must answer without preparation speaking champion. I couldn’t be time. Teams first compete at club more proud.” Driver training payment plan Castle Minibus launches a new payment plan to help schools cope with the costs of driver training and keep them compliant with Section 19 Permits and the legal framework.

Castle Minibus, the Oxfordshire a driver refresher course, either Minibus Compliance based minibus training school and MiDAS or Castle’s own driver Course MCC leasing company have recently assessment day as part of the Castle’s one-day minibus launched a new plan to help package. Costs are £199 or compliance course is the only one schools not only spread the cost £299 per month for 12 months of its type specifically designed of D1 driver training but included dependent on whether you need 1 with schools and the challenges refresher courses for multiple staff or 2 members of staff trained on they face in mind. It covers and a place on their new minibus the D1. the legal framework, vehicle compliance course (MCC) in a bid maintenance requirements, driver retain your certificate and although to ensure schools are not lacking in The D1 Licence responsibilities and effective it is not a legal requirement it is support when it comes to minibus To drive a minibus of over 3.5 journey planning. Having launched a requirement of many county safety. tonnes (4.25 tonnes if fitted in April 2018 over 50 delegates councils. Castle’s driver assessment with specialist disabled passenger have already rated it an average Chris Maynard, Managing Director day is an alternative choice within equipment) school staff require a of 8.7 out of 10 and it has been (pictured) comments, ‘Our utmost their payment package where staff’s D1 licence. Those who passed their priority is the safety of children, approved by RoSPA (Royal Society driving abilities will be assessed by tests before 1st Jan 1997 have teachers and staff. Costs for driver for the Prevention of Accidents). their ADI drivers, so schools can an inherited D1 entitlement but training and refresher courses are a The course is held in Castle’s offices be confident in their staff’s driver otherwise they need to take the D1 budget pressure and so we wanted in Bicester or can be hosted by abilities. to provide a way schools could test that includes a medical and schools with a sufficient number of Chris Maynard concludes “We manage their training budgets theory test. delegates (min. 6) if they prefer. hope that by being able to spread for staff requiring a D1, refresher Castle Minibus currently boast a D1 Minibus driver payments for driver training over courses for existing licence holders licence pass rate nearly twice that refresher courses 12 months schools won’t have and ensure they have access of the national average and have There are several minibus refresher to delay in getting their staff D1 to a course that would ensure an impressive 1500 UK schools, courses on offer from different trained, they can start from day they don’t come unstuck in the academies and colleges in their providers, the most well-known one, even though payment will minefield of minibus compliance’. client base. Their MD attributes this being MiDAS (Minibus Driver not be completed for another 12 What’s included in the plan? pass rate to the fact that all Castle’s Awareness Scheme) which promotes months. We are also supporting Castle is offering D1 driver training driver trainers are ADI qualified and a nationally recognised standard schools existing drivers and for one or two drivers, a place on that Castle help candidates through for the assessment and training of transport managers by offering the their minibus compliance course the entire process including the minibus drivers. You need to retake training support they need into the (MCC) and up to five places on theory as well as the practical. MiDAS every four years in order to bargain”


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Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 27 Music, Dance & Drama

Annual charity concert

Musicians old and young raised the which mainly affects young people “We had some excellent small Eyes and ears were on teaching roof in memory of a former pupil at between the ages of 10 and 24. groups who formed especially for staff Will Ellis, head of geography, Lewes Old Grammar School (LOGS), this concert, as well as lots of great and Susana Prada, head of Fifteen-year-old Anthony, known to Sussex, during their biggest ever solos,” said head of music Amoret languages – while the school’s his school pals as ‘Fish’, died a year concert to support a charity set up Abis. “Highlights of the evening own Rock Band, featuring pupils after receiving his diagnosis in 2001 in his name. included solos from some of our on guitar, bass, drums and vocals, but LOGS musicians pay tribute older students, Abbie Lawrence in helped bring the concert to a close. The annual ‘FishAid’ concert, in every year by supporting the Trust Year 10, Oscar Williams in Year 11 memory of the Anthony Pilcher The £550 raised was welcomed by he founded. and Beatrice Scott and Jack Bree Bone Cancer Trust, has collected in in Year 13. It was excellent to have Anthony’s mother Gill Johnston excess of £20,000 over the years to All pupils from Years 7 to 13 were so many Year 7 pupils sign up this who said it had helped the Trust support research into osteosarcoma, invited to perform alongside some year and we had more acts than continue its potentially life-saving a rare adolescent bone cancer, of their musically talented teachers. ever before.” work. Evensong at St. Paul’s Abbey Gate College, Cheshire, Music, James Andrews the choir Chapel Choir were honoured sang the Preces and Responses, to sing Evensong, one of the the Psalm for the Feast of the most-loved services, at St. Paul’s Annunciation, the Canticles Cathedral in London. written by H Brewer and the anthem ‘Bogorodytse Devo’ by Surrounded by St. Paul’s awe- Rachmaninoff. inspiring interior and incredible acoustics, the 55 members of the Mr Andrews said: “It was a very prestigious occasion and a hugely choir performed to a congregation valuable experience for all of our of over 600. Many of whom are pupils. The children’s performance regular attendees at Evensong was of an excellent standard and and many tourists visit especially as always they were well behaved to take part in the service. and great ambassadors of the Under the direction of Head of College.”

28 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Music, Dance & Drama

500 singers at Festival Children from 18 schools across “Singing together in such a north London and beyond took large combined choir, with an over the Union Chapel in Islington orchestra and live musicians, is a First production for the Independent Schools fantastic experience. They have Bedford School’s newly formed Theatre, is the true story of a group Association’s first London North been working since Christmas to Boycott Theatre Company performed of teenagers who rose up against Music Festival. learn the music at their schools, its first play, The Edelweiss Pirates, the Nazis, despite knowing the to great acclaim. Emma Gowers, Principal of The and have been very excited about terrible price they may pay for their convictions. Gower School in Islington, and it. On the day they learned and The newly formed in-house organiser of the event said: “This developed their musical skills and company was created to provide Drama teacher and the play’s should be one of the events from experience together, as well as opportunities for the school’s director, Caroline Millington, selected their schooldays that the children performing. It was wonderful to Fourth Form and Remove Form The Edelweiss Pirates as it “seemed will treasure and remember for hear them fill the historic and boys to explore and perform new a perfect choice for our newly the rest of their lives. unique space in Union Chapel.” and exciting plays written for young formed Boycott Theatre Company, people. offering opportunities for interesting The Edelweiss Pirates, by Arub Din, characterisation and providing the one of ten new plays commissioned boys with a challenging subject Pupils quiz ballerina Darcey for young people by the National matter to explore.” A world-famous ballerina who’s As well as her judging turned her hand to writing visited commitments, the dancer a Shropshire school as part of a launched the Diverse Dance project on authors. Mix fitness brand (DDMIX) two Students at , years ago which is aimed at men Shropshire, were tasked with and women of any fitness level, interviewing someone who had teaching them dance aspects from written a book, and Year 8 pupils different styles including tango, Zoë Mabaquaio Lennox and Abi waltz, jive and Bollywood. Manford chose Dame Darcey Ten years ago, Dame Bussell came Bussell to quiz. up with the idea and storyline The ballerina, who danced with for the Magic Ballerina series For all your the Royal Ballet for more than of children’s books released by two decades and has appeared HarperCollins, she co-wrote The music education on top BBC show Strictly Come Young Dancer and also released Dancing every year since 2012 an autobiographical picture book & performance equipment as one of the judges, paid a about her career in 2012. special visit to Ellesmere in north

Shropshire for the interview. Music Stands, FREEPHONE Lights & Accessories Assistant Head Stephen Mullock Music Folders said: “Many people will of course 0800 072 7799 Music Chairs & know her from Strictly Come Accessories to join the Instrument & Sheet Dancing, but her career really is Music Storage outstanding - from her incredible education discount Conductor’s Equipment talent being noticed back when programme and save money on Staging & Risers she was at school herself, to Theatre Products having multiple roles created for your purchases! Acoustic Products her, to the work she has done since retiring from dancing a decade ago - from appearing at the London Olympics closing ceremony to supporting multiple charities.”

Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 29 independent schools mag Ad 90x135mm MAY11.indd 1 6/5/11 13:08:41 Music, Dance & Drama

Musicians visit Guernsey Fifteen pupils from Derby Grammar stayed with host families on the wind bands, choirs and orchestras perfectly reflected everyone’s School travelled to Guernsey for five island. before a final rehearsal for the joint mood as this year’s trip came to a Guernsey and Derby bands and conclusion. days of joint workshops and practice The musical activities focused choirs in the afternoon. with fellow musicians from Guernsey around band and choir practices. On Mr Coley, Head of Music at Derby Grammar School. the first day the joint band learned The evening concert was a Grammar School, said: “Music trips They were lucky enough to arrive on Forget You and Bad Romance whilst wonderful success and very well like this provide greater bonding Liberation Day and the trip got off the choir worked on Never Enough attended. The Derby Grammar between the musicians, which always to a great start as they joined in the and Asikatali. Later in the trip they School Senior Band, Senior Choir helps them to communicate better island’s celebrations with their host joined jazz rehearsals with the local and Barbershop Choir performed as an ensemble. They learnt their families, which included parades, music service, performing pieces a selection of pieces, as did the pieces impressively quickly, through live music and a fantastic fireworks such as Crocodile Rock and Brass Guernsey Grammar School Orchestra, hard work and concentration. display. As well as practice, the trip Machine. Wind Band, Swing Band and Choir. The trip also gives pupils from both included a tour of the island, a trip The final day was packed with The Joint band finished off the schools the opportunity to hear each to Herm and a visit to Castle Cornet. rehearsals. The musicians on the trip concert with a powerful rendition other’s music and work together to Throughout the week the pupils took part in the various brass bands, of Pharrell Williams’ Happy, which put on a successful concert.” Gold Award in music Hulme Hall Grammar School has something that we encourage all our been named as one of the top 58 students to try. Those that choose to schools in England for its Music continue it at GCSE level have a firm Department. foundation and a real love of music that is evident with the results they The Stockport school has been achieve.” awarded the ISM (Incorporated Society of Musicians) Trust Gold The award celebrates the fact that Award that recognises the excellent 20% of all GCSE students at Key work achieved by the Music Stage 4 took and achieved an A*-C department and its high GCSE in music in the last academic year. results. The Head of Music, Anne Bevan, Said Headteacher, Rachael Allen, (pictured) is delighted. She “We are delighted to have been commented, “It is so rewarding recognised by the ISM. Music is to nurture a love of music and an integral part of our school and see my students flourish. With all the pressures that children face nowadays, we as a school want to ensure that the Arts are not overlooked.” 100 years of music The independent school offers Towers School, Sussex, senior taken on a journey from 1918, to tutoring in guitars, drums, brass, pupils celebrated the last 100 commemorate each decade from woodwind, strings, piano and years of music, as 2018 marks the last century, culminating in singing alongside curriculum lessons 100 years since women won the a final performance from ‘The and gives children the opportunity right to vote and also the end of Greatest Showman’ by the choir to perform throughout the year. World War One. The audience was and orchestra.

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27 Influence & Persuasion September 2018 The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds and Actions

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32 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Marketing & Administration Conference sees School lands airport deal A ground-breaking partnership between St James’ School, Lincolnshire, and Humberside Airport launch of AMCIS is set for take-off. The arrangement, believed to be the first of its kind in the UK, is aimed AMDIS (The Association for Admissions, at encouraging more international Marketing and Development in Independent students to the area via the airport. Dr John Price, Headmaster, said Schools) formally re-launched as AMCIS at many of its long-standing students their annual conference in May. already use Humberside Airport. with plans to attract more “I am delighted that we are entering underway. The new name AMCIS stands for into the partnership,” he said. “To “This new partnership will allow us the Association for Admissions, my knowledge, we are the first to achieve our goals and bring more Marketing and Communications school in the country to partner international students into North in Independent Schools. Speaking with a regional airport. at the launch, Tory Gillingham, East Lincolnshire.” “I have always been so impressed pictured, Managing Director of with the superb facilities and service Deborah Zost, Humberside Airport’s AMCIS, focussed on how the that Humberside Airport and its Managing Director, said: “We Association had evolved over time main airline, KLM, provide, via are delighted to be working with and indeed how the role of those Schiphol in Amsterdam. St James’ School, promoting working in marketing in schools Humberside Airport as the gateway had changed. She explained that “We are fortunate to have the Sponsors and exhibitors from over for their international students; the decision had been made after airport less than half-an-hour from ensuring travel arrangements are a full member survey of over 20 different organisations also the school and we wanted to take seamless and convenient.” 400 Independent Schools had added to the event. advantage of that for the benefit of our current and future students.” highlighted the importance of Keynote addresses were an integral Ian White, Director of White’s Travel, communications for those working part of the event. Sector specialists Dr Price said St James had 20 will also be working closely with the in the sector. included Philip Britton MBE, international boarding students school as part of the partnership. Headmaster of Bolton School, who Pictured: The partnership between St James’ School and Humberside Airport is announced by (left to right) “In an ever competitive landscape international students , Wesley Wong, Maria Guttenberger, Emanuela Onadipe, David Onadipe, the airport’s those working in marketing and entertained his audience when managing director Deborah Zost, Headmaster Dr John Price and Ian White, Director at White’s Travel. admissions are taking on the remit he pointed out that marketeers of communications, whether these in Independent Schools have the be internal or stakeholder. For challenging task of “marketing a those in day schools in particular product that was available for free the reach of potential customers is elsewhere” small and therefore it is essential Commercial expert speakers that this tight knit group, whether included Dominic Colenso, Tim this be current parents, local Reid and Louise Fowler. Dominic OUR PAST ... YOUR FUTURE community or old pupils are Colenso, focussed on the need to communicated with in a manner SHINE as a communicator. Tim which promotes the school and Reid, co-writer of Peter Kay’s Car School Consultancy its ethos. It therefore seemed the Share, gave an entertaining and natural step for our Association.” enlightening presentation on AMCIS will be holding a series of how to develop creativity. Louise Recruitment regional roadshows for members Fowler gave an inspiring session and potential members to learn working through case studies from Professional Development more about its strategic vision and First Direct and British Airways commitment to supporting those focussing on the need for schools working in the Independent Sector to continually innovate and Entry Testing who are responsible for admissions, change in order to stay ahead. marketing and communications. The annual event, now in its Student Support & Guardianship The AMCIS conference took place 15th year, has established itself at the East Midlands Conference as the go to event for those in Centre and was attended by the sector working in admissions, over 200 delegates from a wide communications and marketing, range of schools, ranging from providing in amongst the excellent small prep schools to large speakers valuable networking Internationally renowned boarding opportunities. This year’s event schools. The speaker programme was no exception. included over 30 speakers enabling those who were new Those interested in joining AMCIS or +44 (0) 20 7734 0161 | [email protected] to the sector together with the learning more about the events they Gabbitas Educational Consultants is registered in England No. 2920466. Part of e Prospects Group. more experienced to benefit from have on offer should contact the AMCIS essential professional development. office at [email protected]

Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 33 Marketing & Administration School Fee Plan announces approval by the FCA... offer an Appointed Representative solution to schools fulfilling a two year promise.

For over 20 years School Fee and risks that come from being the AR framework, SFP takes Research shows that schools Plan (SFP) has been recognised directly regulated by the FCA direct responsibility for all FCA feel that the costs of direct by schools and parents as the through operating an inhouse regulatory actions undertaken authorisation are too great, leading provider of repayment scheme, or being a credit by the school in promoting that meeting the regulator’s solutions for parents to pay broker to a third-party provider. payment options to parents”. expectations on their own their school fees. A large part of “Whichever SFP product schools The Appointed Representative without help will be impossible, the success has been constant choose to use, they all recognise solution that SFP has put in or that they don’t want the reinvention and a relentless the benefit and quality of our place allows schools to actively additional responsibility. Add desire to meet the changing services and the value to their engage with their parents about into this an annual fee and needs of schools and the parents, which has been borne all of the payment options the reporting requirement of regulatory environment in which out through surveys over many available to them. SFP will direct FCA authorisation and they operate. years”, says Roger Brown, provide schools with the benefit the benefits of AR are further Through 2016, SFP carried out commercial director. of their FCA authorisation and clarified. Early discussions with extensive research with schools “However, some schools regulatory expertise, becoming both existing and prospective in order to cement its market continue to be worried by the a source of support, training customers of SFP have proved leading position. In 2017, SFP ever-increasing reach of credit and advice as well as supplying extremely positive with schools launched a ‘non-recourse’ regulation, from the basic credit all the tools needed to keep clear in their need to be able product in response to one key license requirements through to schools on the right side of to freely discuss all of their demand – to protect the school the assessment of affordability the regulations. “The AR model fee payment methods with from bad debt in the event that changes. Schools joining SFP’s provides so many advantages their parents at all stages a parent stops making payments Appointed Representative (AR) to allow schools to engage with of recruitment, Appointed to their credit facility. Recently, network will be able to access parents regarding fee payments Representative status provides SFP announced the fulfilment of all the benefits of a repayment over an agreed period“, says Thea them with just that. Hundreds its second promise – to remove facility and none of the risk Ross, head of education at SFP. of schools and over 100,000 schools from the associated costs of direct FCA oversight. Under “It also gives the school peace families have benefited from of mind, ensuring they avoid the School Fee Plan since its launch risk of unintentionally straying in 1996. The new Appointed into regulated activity, a real Representative framework clearly concern for many schools”. “Over addresses very real concerns for the years, a fear of regulation has bursars. As promised, School resulted in many schools meeting Fee Plan has now delivered parent demand for a monthly a fees facility that helps the payment option by offering an school manage finance-related inhouse credit facility. This trend regulation, protects them from has often resulted in some form bad debt and streamlines the of compromise, changes to the administration associated with an parent contract and ultimately, in-house scheme. Its immediate parents paying over nine or 10 popularity is proof of School Fee months rather than maximising Plan’s ongoing readiness to ask the cash flow benefit of paying schools what they need from a fees over the full year. It also fees facility and then deliver the has exposed many schools solution. to operating outside of the regulations, even if doing so with For more information visit: the best intentions”.

34 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] FOR NEW2018

SFP provides your parents with finance to pay termly fees, and now we will take the credit risk if they can’t pay and the regulatory risk so you can promote effectively

NEW for 2018 – Our Non-Recourse Facility Trusted by hundreds of schools In response to the ever-increasing need to make school Key benefits to schools include: fees more manageable for both your school and your • An alternative payment solution for parents while still parents, SFP has developed a new product that will give receiving payment upfront each term you everything you need: • SFP manages all defaults and protects you from parents • Fees paid up front who can’t repay due to insufficient funds • Reduced administration as SFP collects the fees • Reduced administration • It is simple and free for schools to set up and completely • Managed monthly fee collection paperless via our online management system • Improve cash flow ost • M importantly we will now protect you should • No need to be FCA authorised parents not be able to pay

NEW for 2018 - Appointed Representative Framework for Schools This can allow schools to confidently develop and enhance their fees proposition into credit regulated activities through the use of SFP's regulatory umbrella, removing the need for the school to be individually authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). SFP will take direct responsibility for all the FCA regulatory actions undertaken by the school in promoting the various payment options to parents.

To find out more and sign your school up for the new facility call or visit our website 0330 123 9720 | *Credit is subject to status, terms and conditions apply. School Fee Plan is a trading name of Premium Credit Limited. Registered office: Ermyn House, Ermyn Way, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8UX. Registered in England and Wales under company number 2015200. Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Independent Schools Magazine 35

1212 - School Fees Advert (A4) v2.indd 1 21/12/2017 14:28 Marketing & Administration Saturday school gets a makeover Gloucestershire’s Rendcomb College, has announced significant changes to their senior school’s timetable from September 2018 with the biggest change being made to Saturday school. Summer School deal Wrap-around care has also been Durham School and International schools will be tailored to ensure as enhanced offering parents greater House Newcastle have announced many people as possible can benefit flexibility during the week. a new partnership that will bring from the new partnership. Currently, all pupils in Years 7 to learners from across the globe to Kieran McLaughlin, Headmaster Durham School during the Easter 13 are expected to attend subject of Durham School adds: “This is a and summer holidays of 2019 and lessons on Saturdays but from wonderful opportunity for Durham beyond. September, Saturdays will consist School to share our campus with of sports fixtures, field trips, International House Newcastle at young people from around the enrichment activities, health and time. These changes will make a Durham School will offer guests world. fitness classes and focused study significant improvement to the the opportunity to study a range “This partnership will benefit both time with the subject lessons education that we offer at the of English language courses in one the School and the local community, only being taught Monday to of the UK’s oldest seats of learning, College, for boarders and day bringing more guests to Durham Friday. The enhanced Saturday which has a rich 600-year history. pupils, both in and out of the and raising the profile of both programme will be compulsory International House Newcastle classroom.” Durham School and the city as a for boarders and optional for day offers a wide range of English for destination worldwide.” pupils while all pupils selected to A further improvement to the school young people, aged 13-17 and represent the College in a sports week is the provision of wrap- adults interesting in learning English The courses will take place for three fixture will be required to play. around care for day pupils. With for education, business, aviation weeks at Easter and six weeks in a charge of £2.50 for supper, day and teaching English as a foreign summer 2019. Head Mr Rob Jones (pictured) said: language. “My desire was to create greater pupils can take part in boarders’ Durham School is one of the UKs flexibility for families, to have activities in the Houses, complete The details of the courses to be oldest schools and was re-founded more opportunity to complete homework in the library, attend offered during the 2019 holiday in 1414 by Bishop Langley. work in school during the working school concerts and plays and use Pictured: Top Row: Andrew Beales (Development Director, Durham School), Eileen Cathrae the sports facilities until the evening (Director of Admissions and Marketing, Durham School) Debbie Stanford (Events Manager, week and to deliver an improved Durham School) Bottom Row: Kieran McLaughlin (Headmaster, Durham School), Trevor Udberg co-curricular programme while offering parents more options for (MD, International House Newcastle), Patricia Mullen, Marketing Director International House maintaining current teaching picking their children up. Newcastle) and Caroline Preston (Academic Director, International House Newcastle). Inspiring facility Hull Collegiate School’s Early Years inspire imaginative play amongst Foundation Stage (EYFS) Centre has pupils. It includes a sand and water officially opened its doors to pupils, discovery area, a story-telling corner, parents and teachers. a mud kitchen and even a hobbit The new centre has been designed house! to give the school’s youngest There are also cycle tracks, pupils an inspiring, welcoming climbing towers and building and and spacious place to learn and construction zones. Pupils can play. Along with bright and airy try their hand at gardening in the the new centre’s potential for Antje Kell, Head of Hull Collegiate classrooms and state-of-the-art centre’s self-contained growing imaginative story-telling, children Prep School, said:“We are already technology, the new centre boasts area and play in the wild camp dressed up as their favourite seeing the positive impact it is an outdoor space which seeks to corner, the double wigwam dens characters from Julia Donaldson having on their wellbeing and and potting station. They can books and participated in a host learning. The space both inspires even let their imaginations run of exciting themed activities whilst away with them as they explore the indulging in ice-cream. Each creativity and curiosity and enables magical secret garden leading onto a activity contributed to the magic of children to assess risk. It is the woodland experience which includes the redevelopment, making for an perfect environment in which to a safe waterside pond viewing area electric atmosphere. deliver an Education with Character and amphitheatre. The centre was officially opened by – an education which inspires and To mark the opening of the new United Learning Chief Executive Jon challenges children and ensures their facilities, the school hosted a party Coles who cut the ribbon. time at school is happy and fun.” for current and prospective pupils Pictured left: Antje Kell (Head of Prep School) with Gary Cornhill (Design Consultant and their families. To reflect Timotay Playscapes), and, above, Jon Coles (Chief Executive of United Learning),

36 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 37 Partnership scheme excites children about learning Sheffield High School for Girls is highlighted in Government paper on improving education for all children, whether at independent or state school...

A new UK Government’s Cool to be Clever was launched support these objectives, and are consultation paper has showcased in October 2013, to raise the working closely and effectively with Sheffield High School for Girls as aspirations of gifted and talented state school partners, but we want a notable example of collaborative primary school children and their to see this good practice adopted working between independent and parents. more widely and see a greater state schools. ambition for what can be achieved The hope is that by introducing the through such partnership working The Schools That Work For Everyone idea of Higher Education through and meaningful support.’ report looks at how to harness an exciting activity programme of the expertise and resources of different subjects and careers, along The University’s Widening independent schools and the higher with the mentoring offered by Year Participation Research and education (HE) sector to work in 9 and 11 Sheffield Girls’ pupils. Evaluation Unit undertook research partnership to raise attainment focus groups during the pilot stage across the wider school system. Children are exposed to careers and of the programme to support the subjects they wouldn’t normally development of key performance The Cool to be Clever Club project experience. This encourages the indicators and milestones and the is a collaborative programme of outreach programmes and children to set themselves high Cool to be Clever project is now between Sheffield Girls’, the sponsorship and bursary schemes. goals and develop the skills and a sustainable and measurable Sheffield South East Learning values needed to succeed. outreach programme. The bursary scheme is managed and Partnership, and The University of administered by the GDST, which is Sheffield engaging approximately The programme starts while the Sheffield High School for Girls, funded via charitable partnerships, 40 of the most-able, yet most children are in Primary School to which is part of the Girls’ Day disadvantaged Year 5 and Year 6 ensure that aspirations are built School Trust (GDST), the largest donations and legacies from former pupils from 13 local primary schools. from an early age and a culture of group of independent girls’ pupils, their parents and other intellectual curiosity is nurtured. schools in the UK, runs a variety friends. The programme, which begins in Year 5 and continues through to Headteacher of Sheffield Girls’, the end of Year 6, before transition Valerie Dunsford added: “Cool to to secondary school, is delivered by be Clever embraces a ‘passport of teachers and pupils from Sheffield skills’ reflection process for the School ‘reaches out’ and Girls’, in conjunction with students children to support their learning and staff from the University of and aspirations, helping them to gets a mediocre response Sheffield. measure their own progress. Susan Good, Director of Outreach “As part of a potential wider For 28 years, Meadowbrook School, Berkshire, has and Partnership at Sheffield Girls’, initiative, which sees continued occupied an enviable site in the countryside. With over who leads the project said: “The engagement between universities 6 acres of grounds and surrounded by fields, often the Cool to be Clever project aims to and independent schools and the excite children about learning. state school sector, we think that only sound is birdsong or mooing and the primary-age It has exposed pupils and their this collaborative approach could pupils have long got used to the deer and game birds parents to opportunities which have do much to bolster the education occasionally ambling through the grounds. But when challenged their aspiration and system in other major cities.” ambition, helping them to see that Meadowbrooks’s director of education Serena Gunn through education they have real The Government’s aim is to harness choices in life. the resources and expertise from offered to let other schools use the facilities she was independent schools and HE sector “It also provides excellent learning disappointed at the response... to widen access to those institutions and leadership opportunities for for disadvantaged pupils and draws The knowledge that education of nurseries and pre-schools so, our pupils at Sheffield Girls’ as on university and independent policy advisors and the charity back in April, Serena’s staff made well as allowing them to develop a school capacity and capability to commission want more contact with a number of these greater understanding of their wider deliver sustainable impact within collaboration between state and establishments. community. the state sector. private sectors prompted Serena to The offer was the use of the School “We are delighted that it has make contact with local early years’ The report used the Sheffield High grounds for one-off events such been cited as a key example School for Girls partnership as one providers. Being just a few miles as Sports Days or regular outdoor of collaborative working and of its key case studies. from the towns of Ascot, Bracknell classes/ Forest School with a view community engagement in the and Windsor, Meadowbrook School to building a co-operative and Government’s recently published The report found: ‘Many institutions is within easy reach of a number rewarding relationship. report.” are already delivering activities to

38 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] New Academic Hub The Academic Hub at St sympathetic to the beauty of the gift from a former pupil, now are some of the very best in Edmund’s School, Canterbury, school’s central Grade II listed friend of the school, and their the country, and the theatre has been officially opened building, marrying tradition and family. St Edmund’s music and is central to the provision of heralding a new phase in the modernity. Phase 1 of the hub drama facilities and achievements performing arts teaching. school’s future. holds seven light and spacious new classrooms, some with Opened by former Chair of views of the school’s beautiful Governors, Michael Terry, in the grounds and the historical city of presence of the Lord Mayor of Canterbury. Canterbury, pupils, staff and friends of St Edmund’s, the £2 Head of St Edmund’s, Louise million building is the first of Moelwyn-Hughes, said “We want two phases of development. our pupils to be the best they can be and a wonderful learning St Edmund’s School Canterbury environment supports them is the largest it has been since it achieving that. Our investment in was founded in 1749, with pupils the school is a direct investment from across the world and the in our remarkable pupils and local area, attending as boarders their futures. Our pupils and staff or day pupils. The school aims deserve these fantastic facilities for its pupils to achieve the which sit perfectly with St very highest standards they Edmund’s first class education.” can, and the Academic Hub is demonstration of the school’s Phase 2 of the Academic Hub will investment in its pupils, their include the construction of 15 academic careers and their additional classrooms around a futures. central courtyard, and additional Pictured: Chair of Governors, Chris Nickols, and the Lord disability provisions, including a The Academic Hub, designed Mayor, Cllr Mrs Rosemary Doyle admire The Theatre lift to serve the Hub’s upper floors. by award-winning architects Hazle McCormack Young and The theatre refurbishment was built by BBS Construction, is made possible by a generous

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However, despite follow up emails, we have, that our pupils would only two have responded and only see how we share with others and one local nursery has pursued the we’d showcase Meadowbrook and arrangement creating a positive learn from each other’s practices by plan for the future and a wonderful creating closer relationships with facility for the nursery to offer its other providers. I’m surprised and a young children and their parents. little saddened that this offer hasn’t been more readily welcomed. It Serena is delighted with this new feels that apathy or scepticism partnership but disappointed that prevails and that this well- YOUR TRUSTED EDUCATION more haven’t wanted to discuss meaning gesture has been ignored. FM PARTNER a co-operative arrangement and Rather than celebrating potential Small enough to care, big enough to cope forge closer links: ‘When we partnerships for the benefit of all, decided to offer the use of our some settings may have become grounds, we did so hoping that too insular and suspicious, to the 0845 459 3157 I [email protected] more children would enjoy what detriment of their children.’

Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 39 Sport

What an experience! Three rowing enthusiasts from career, which was followed by a Triumphs at skiing Bromsgrove School were treated coaching session on the rowing to an Olympic rowing experience machines by European Champion championship day in Henley-on-Thames, home and Olympic Finalist Alan Sinclair. A group of five students from the The Ballard team were outstanding to the Royal Regatta, generously The highlight of the day for the winning both the Senior Open gifted to the School by Matthew Ballard School, , Ski pupils was the chance to take mixed team competition (16 points Taylor, Foundation Trustee and Old Squad represented the school at Bromsgrovian. clear of the second placed school) to the water, rowing in three the ISA Indoor Skiing National and the Closed Event (ISA Schools Rio 2016 Olympic Champion quadruple sculls with the addition Open Championship in Hemel only) mixed team competition by Matt Langridge gave the pupils a of Rio 2016 Olympic Silver Hempstead. 24 points. motivational talk about his rowing Medallist, Polly Swann. State-of-the-art cricket nets for historic The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School With a record of winning some 70% of competitive matches against other schools, cricket is at the heart of summer sport for pupils at Elstree’s historic Boys’ school. Now, a new state- of-the-art non-turf cricket net system has added to its already enviable cricket facilities… Fielding three senior sides – with artificial practice nets were due for professionalism, product and the every stage of the build – from 4th & 5th XIs often added – A, replacement and the hunt was on time and effort it dedicated to dismantling the existing facility B & C teams for U12-U15 age for a supplier who could provide a working with the school to specify through groundworks to installing groups and Prep School teams quality solution within budget. the best possible solution. the carpet and nets – in adverse for U9-U11 boys, cricket facilities Following significant research Its proposal to extend the briefed winter weather. Despite the at The Haberdashers’ Aske’s three ECB approved non-turf pitch 33m long facility to 40m; providing meteorological challenges, the Boys School get plenty of use suppliers were provided with a a longer run-up to cater for touring facility was delivered on time and during summer term. In Spring verbal brief and invited to visit first class and overseas teams was budget and the nets are already 2016, with the school’s Solai the site before putting forward seen to add significant value, proving their worth, as Head Indoor Cricket Centre facilitating proposals. Of these, total-play as was the specification of its Groundsman, John Lewis, explains: year-round practice, its outdoor Ltd immediately stood out for its ‘Protection Tunnel’ cocoon netting “The response to the new nets system as an upgrade to the panel has been very pleasing from netting originally specified. To everyone who’s used them, and remain within budget, total-play the staff are very happy with the recommended the installation of way they are performing. They’ve its tp5t ECB approved non-turf already had quite an impact pitch system; featuring a high- thanks to the recent wet weather quality tufted carpet laid on an which meant our grass nets were unbound base designed to perform out of use, so the new non-turf to the correct pace and bounce nets saved the day!” to promote every aspect of the modern game. To discover how total-play could help your school invest in a new state-of- Work commenced on-site in the art cricket nets or MUGA facility, February 2018, with total-play’s visit or call in-house team undertaking 01604 864 575.

40 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Sport

Ex-servicemen with students at Barnard Castle School Bowling to recovery Young cricketers offered their help Headmaster Tony Jackson said: to heroes with matches to aid ex- “It was a pleasure and a privilege servicemen on a road to recovery. to host this opening match of the The Help for Heroes players were season and the draw with our boys bowled over by the welcome they was a fair result. received at Barnard Castle School, “We are blessed with grounds that County Durham, where two matches I’m convinced have a therapeutic Guard of Honour at were organised against students, benefit and we all had a great day staff and Old Barnardians. of cricket. We strive constantly to Twickenham The first 16 over match saw a imbue in our students the need for Ten Moulsford School, Oxfordshire, Following their appearance at diplomatic draw secured on the empathy and a caring nature and boys formed part of the Guard of Twickenham, Adam Cottingham – final ball of the game against some with our strong military heritage we Honour at the England v Barbarians the RFU’s Kids First Manager – went servicemen who had made an were thrilled to be able to help.” rugby match at Twickenham. to Moulsford to discuss prep school almost 700-mile round trip to play. Help for Heroes ambassador Barrie As one of only two schools invited, rugby. Adam spent time with boys The Help for Heroes cricket team Griffiths said the ex-servicemen the pupils were treated to lunch in from Years 5 to 8 where he discussed plays fixtures all over the country played 15 matches a year as part of the Martin Johnson Suite, before how Moulsford used the acronym as an integral part of their recovery the boys were presented with new a recovery programme designed to CARDS (Creativity, Awareness, from physical and psychological kit, which was a surprise for them help them overcome their injuries Resilience, Decision-Making, Self- injuries sustained serving the all! They then rehearsed the Guard and integrate successfully back into Organisation) both in the classroom country. of Honour, practising the National civilian life. and during rugby sessions. Adam Staff and Barney Friends helped Anthem and even fitted in time for create a carnival atmosphere for the Cricket was also such a social event a chat with former England players also asked the boys about what they day with hospitality food and drink that it meant they could involve Ugo Monye and David Flatman and have liked or disliked and anything tents designed to raise funds for the their families, a major goal of the former Welsh international Scott they would look to change about charity. charity, he added. Quinnell. Rugby at their age.

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Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 41 Sport

Star-studded cricket Ski successes Abigail Passmore, a student of Trust, we believe there is a sport There was resounding success (ISA) National Indoor Ski Northampton High School, faced for everyone. We are proud to for St. Michael’s School, Essex, Championships. The School her heroes as the Girls’ Day School be pioneering opportunities and at the ERSA (Eastern Regional entered two teams of racers, and Trust Cricket Select XI took on creating new sporting traditions. Snowsports Association) Schools brought home two Gold medals Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) Today’s match against MCC Ski Championships Race held at and one Silver medal; and to top Women in a competitive match at Women is a testament to the Norfolk Snowsports. off their success, the whole team Hampstead Cricket Club, London. standard our girls have reached. was awarded the prestigious title They have enjoyed a once-in- The School entered four teams Students from schools across the of ISA National Skiing Junior a-lifetime opportunity to play of racers, who were thrilled to Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST) Champions 2018. Mrs Maria competed against professional against their heroes. I am bowled claim Silver and Bronze medals for Hadden, the ski team manager and players including Charlotte over by their enthusiasm for the 2nd and 3rd places in the Under parent at the school said, “It was Edwards and Beth Barrett-Wild. sport and how much progress 10 Female category, and Bronze two fabulous days ski racing, and The match was set up to inspire they have made in their cricketing medals for 3rd place in the Under the ski team are already looking the next generation of girls to skills”. 12 Mixed Category. The four forward to a promising and exciting play cricket, and is part of wider teams celebrated again as they were 2019 season.” Charlotte Edwards, MCC Women, initiatives from the GDST to drive awarded 3rd place overall for the said, “Seeing these girls playing Head teacher, Mr Steve Tompkins interest in the sport among girls school in the Championships. here today makes me just as said: “We are very proud of them all and young women. There were further celebrations for their resilience and team spirit happy as England winning the on Monday 31st April, with the which resulted in these fantastic England cricket superstar Lydia World Cup final. This match is Independent Schools Association achievements”. Greenway coached the GDST team, all about the spirit of cricket. It’s who battled the elements in the so important that girls are given 20-20 over match, culminating in the opportunity to play in school Schools a MCC win by 115 – 71 runs. to help us provide opportunities Sports Timing Carol Chandler-Thompson, Head for the next generation. Now is Indoor & External at Blackheath High School, who such an exciting time for women’s leads on sport for the GDST, cricket and I’m thrilled to be part For School Pavilions, Clubhouses & Pools said, “At the Girls’ Day School of today’s match.” For Gyms/Sports Halls Pictured: Northampton High Student Abigail Passmore takes part in the toss at the beginning of the match along with MCC captain Beth Barrett-Wild Rower brings home two gold medals Bedford School Sixth Former, Connor Sheridan, recently represented Great Britain at the Munich Regatta and brought home two gold medals. As a result of his success, Connor stands an excellent chance of being selected to race for the World Team, a goal he has been aspiring to since he was picked Connor’s fitness and strength to race for the European Team levels, combined with his superb last year. Connor told us, “This technique, have gained him an [email protected] means a huge amount to me on unconditional offer to Oxford a personal level. I was never really Brookes University. Additionally, 0333 7000 110 a sporty person until I discovered the Head Coach at Princeton rowing. Since I started rowing five University, USA, has also been in UK Manufactured years ago, my fitness levels are so touch, opening another tempting much better than they were.” door for Connor.

42 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Sport Dylan’s golfing success Dylan Jones, a Year 10 student at Dylan joined Ellesmere College Ellesmere College, Shropshire, took Golf Academy at the start of Year first place in the British Schools 9, which gives access to a full and Golf Northern Links Open at the rounded golf education covering challenging Fleetwood Golf Club all aspects of the game. in Lancashire. Harry Orr, golf liaison at the The competition is part of academy, said: “Dylan totally the Independent Schools Golf mastered the course to record Players represent England Association (ISGA) qualifiers that one of the lowest gross scores the Three members of the New Hall Africa and the competition hosted are held throughout the year. course has witnessed. He beat the nearest player by 10 strokes, taking School, Essex, tennis team, Adam 3000 participants across 18 sports in Groves (Year 9), Alex Groves and Marrakech and Casablanca. only 30 putts over 18 holes. Charlie Bischoff (both Year 12), After five days of competition, “He displayed a great calmness travelled to Morocco with Mark Charlie Bischoff placed 21st in the in his game and many other Crick, Head of Tennis at New world, Adam Groves finished 16th spectators commented upon his Hall, to represent England at the and Alex Groves came 9th. control and focus.” ISF World School Summer Games Gymnasiade 2018. Mark Crick said:“The boys have Established in 2006, the ISGA gained invaluable experience this For the opening ceremony, Alex runs a series of events for schools past week competing in Morocco Groves carried the St George’s cross and have played extremely well for throughout the UK. for England around the track at their country. They acclimatised In 2011 the British Schools & the Marrakech Grand Stadium. quickly to the hot weather and Colleges tour was set up to A memorable evening consisted slower clay courts. We were of music, dancing and a bright allow teams from all schools and unfortunate to receive a challenging light show before the 57 countries draw which saw Alex push the colleges in the UK to take part in participating in the World School Gymnasiade gold medalist to the a national event. Summer Games; all carried their limits. Alex was so close to causing country’s flag around the stadium an upset against the world ranked in front of the large crowd. This junior and has played well for the Team spirit, captured forever was the first time the Gymnasiade whole week. The standard was has been held in the continent of extremely high.”



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Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine 43 Squaring up to boundaries over ‘sexist’ remarks Quiet word... or disciplinary process? With an academic censured after making a ‘lame’ lingerie joke in a hotel lift, does this mean women are no longer prepared to tolerate sexist remarks, asks King’s Ely Principal Sue Freestone? And what approach should schools take?

For many of us the line from the offence at a ‘lame’ lingerie joke we company with Sharoni, maybe famous 70s sitcom ‘Are you being are on a slippery slope to losing the she should have taken issue with served?’ ‘Ground floor perfumery, freedom of speech. Lebow at the time or at least stationery and leather goods, wigs That said, as someone who has sought to contact him informally and haberdashery, kitchenware and always tried to impress upon my afterwards to make her displeasure food . . . going up!’ might produce students that people should not known? a smile. be forced to tolerate remarks they An immediate rebuke is all that However, when Professor Richard find offensive, I believe Lebow’s should be required and I would be Ned Lebow made a ‘lame’ joke – comments are not appropriate in surprised if such a reproof did not referencing the famous comedy – today’s world. provoke a spontaneous apology. If requesting to get off at the ‘ladies All too often, tirades against it did not then a more profound lingerie floor’, the quip went down political correctness are just an issue might be revealed; and that like a dose of cod liver oil instead. excuse by those unwilling to is a different matter. Although, by all accounts, several confront their own sexist beliefs. Should an equivalent situation people tittered, fellow academic Sharoni, a professor of women’s arise in my school I would Professor Simona Sharoni, who and gender studies, said the probably recommend a ‘quiet shared the lift, deemed the Association’s code existed for word’ approach in the first comment sexual harassment and a reason, and that while the instance, rather than taking the often comes from a natural some days later reported Lebow comment would have been nuclear option of triggering a inclination to test the boundaries to the International Studies a “teachable moment” in her disciplinary process. of acceptable speech. Association. classroom, it was not her “role” to Although Lebow’s quip may have However, the furore over Lebow’s educate colleagues who misbehave In response, the association’s been inappropriate, he rightly inappropriate ‘joke’ shows that in an academic environment. Professional Rights and points out that “international many women now feel sufficiently Responsibilities Committee found The sanction was a simple request relations scholars know that empowered to articulate their that the 76-year-old had violated its for an apology and had it been dialogue is the first step in discomfort when they meet with Code of Conduct and gave him until forthcoming, it would have most addressing conflict and coercion sexist remarks. May 15th to apologise in writing. likely been an end to the matter; the last”. Doubtless, people will continue to but by refusing to apologise Prof The professor of international So where does this leave us? push boundaries, but maybe we Lebow has only compounded the political theory is refusing to do so Banter can be a wonderful thing. should all examine more carefully original offence. because he says he has nothing to It can play a vital role in forming where those boundaries lie before apologise for, arguing if we take However, and this is where I part and cementing friendships, and stretching them too far. Dads4daughters , Surrey, hosted This annual event is part of an and debate around issues facing including Virgin, Pret A Manger a ‘Dads 4 Daughters’ breakfast event international campaign, aligned women in the workplace, to and British Airways. chaired by Lower Sixth student and to the UN’s HeForShe mission. It encourage parents to champion Suki Thompson told the audience Deputy Head Girl Anastasia Lewis. is designed to spark discussion greater gender equality at work that of the people in leadership and to inspire the Lower Sixth as they start to think about their own roles within advertising only 19% career aspirations. are currently female; but that for this generation of women Guest speaker, Suki Thompson, approaching the workplace this is CEO and one of the Founding was changing for the better: Partners of Oystercatchers, a leading marketing consultancy. ‘You are the generation that can Suki has been the Chair of the make a difference.’ Marketing Society, a long-standing Headmistress, Mrs Alex member of WACL (Women in Hutchinson, commented: Advertising & Communications London) and is on The Board of ‘The days of linear careers are Trustees for Macmillan Cancer gone. Our students will face the Support and Touraid. 21st century workplace knowing The panel also included experts that the breadth of their skills and from a range of leading companies experiences all matter.”

44 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Nittan ensures fire Next-generation digital safety for TOR School media library for schools Nittan Europe, UK manufacturer of conventional and addressable fire detection products, has had its Evolution analogue addressable fire detection system installed into TOR School in Somerset. The system was installed by Coomber Fire and Security Systems who are a Nittan Elite Partner and BAFE SP203-1 & SP101 accredited. The TOR School is an alternative to mainstream school for children Is your school’s collection of digital ensuring on-brand and approved and young people who may be media files constantly growing and media is used internally and struggling to cope in their existing difficult to manage? Digital content externally. educational environment in the creation is continuing to increase, Third Light is used by leading Mendip area of Somerset. As a so it is essential for schools to use independent schools: “The software part of a recent expansion project, a reliable and secure system that reliable, resilient to false alarm, and centralises all digital media files, for interface is user-friendly, so staff a new building has been added simple to use, but also saved the easy retrieval. find it easy to navigate around which required a comprehensive fire school time and money. At the heart the system and search for relevant detection system. Third Light’s intuitive digital media images. It enables us to provide of the system is Nittan’s evolution1 library is a powerful and secure The Nittan Evolution analogue control panel, with Nittan EV-PS quickly an excellent view of school system that enables schools to life to the parents as well as fellow addressable fire detection system, Photoelectric Smoke Detectors with manage all their digital content teachers and pupils.” installed by Coomber Fire & Security in-built sounder and EV-DP Dual effectively. Users can upload, tag, Systems, has provided the school Wavelength Photoelectric Smoke download and share digital content Sarah Gowans, Marketing Manager, with a system which is not only Detectors. quickly and easily with teams, Bishop’s Stortford College Tel: 01483 769 555 Email: [email protected] To sign up for a 30-day free trial visit Priva UK launches new Alder expands initiative and publication: education team Future-proofing Britain’s Independent Schools Alder, the reputation joins Alder to give senior counsel One of the world’s leading take control of their energy use management consultancy, has to schools’ leadership teams, building controls manufacturers, and deliver site-wide efficiencies. appointed two new Specialist particularly on how to avoid Partners to its education division or recover from regulatory Priva has published a guide, Gavin Holvey, UK & Ireland as a response to growing demand difficulties, while education entitled ‘Future-proofing Britain’s Sales Manager at Priva UK said: from schools for strategic and journalist Alison Brace will help Independent Schools which “Our guide explains how control public relations advice. schools promote their positive provides an overview of the technology can improve building Safeguarding and compliance stories to a wider audience. outcomes and benefits of control efficiency, reduce emissions and expert Durell Barnes (pictured) They will support established technology. It explains in clear deliver energy savings of up to team members – former language how Priva’s technology – 40%, through greater control of newspaper editor Anthony in use at Marlborough College and heating, ventilating and air- Longden and Alder’s managing – is helping conditioning services. All achieved director, Tim Toulmin, who independent schools of all sizes while maintaining a comfortable will continue to focus on crisis learning and working environment communications for schools. for pupils, staff and visitors. Mr Barnes is a former “Our controls solutions are deputy director and head proven to meet three essential of communications at the characteristics: unobtrusive; Independent School Inspectorate non-disruptive; and flexible, and ISI’s lead on quality which gives the independent assurance and safeguarding. Ms schools’ sector confidence in our Brace has covered education for technology for their historic and local and national newspapers, new buildings alike.” specialist education titles and the BBC. Tel: 01923 813 480

Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Products and Services 45 Chancellor visit World class Taraflex® The Ursuline Preparatory School, Essex, were delighted to welcome the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond to their school. flooring for school The visit was arranged by the MP for Brentwood and Ongar, Alex Burghart, to meet and listen to the Chancellor in the Ursuline’s recently built school hall. While the invited guests gathered in the hall to await the arrival of Mr Hammond, they were entertained by the Ursuline Preparatory School choir. Four of the children from the Ursuline were fortunate enough to meet Mr Hammond and Mr Burghart before The Chancellor took to the stage to address his guests.

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46 Independent Schools Magazine Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249 [email protected] Heads Hunted Among the upcoming head and principal appointments: Aldro School Surrey The Hammond School Cheshire Westbury House School Surrey If you would like mention made of your upcoming head or principal appointment for which applications are sought please let us know – there is no charge for a listing.

News items, contributions, comments and suggestions are always welcomed by the editor.

Please email to: A charity providing care for sick and terminally ill children has raised more than £1,600 as [email protected] Ellesmere College, Shropshire, hosted its first ever classic car show. Seventy four classic and vintage vehicles registered before the day, with many more guests Enjoy the holidays! attending the rally. It proved so popular that the entry list had to be closed early. This is our usual combined issue for The winning car belonged to Anthony Madden, of Ellesmere - a Ford Anglia 105E saloon June and the Summer months. registered in 1968. We’ll be back in September. The cars began the rally in Market Drayton and made their way to the College. Schools featured in this issue include: Abbey Gate College Cobham Hall School Gower School Lancing College St. Edmund’s School Ampleforth College Cumnor House School Great Ballard School Lewes Old Grammar School St. Helen’s School Ashville Prep School Cundall Manor School Gresham’s School Luckley House School St. James’ School Barnard Castle School Derby Grammar School Hull Collegiate School Maltman’s School St. Michael’s School Bedford School Devonshire House School Hulme Hall Grammar School Meadowbrook School St. Wystan’s School Benenden School Downside School Immanuel College Moulsford School Sheffield High School for Girls Berkhamsted School Durham School Ipswich High School New Hall School Sydenham High School Bishop’s Stortford College Egerton Rothesay School Kelvinside Academy Newcastle High School for Girls Bolton School Ellesmere College Kensington Prep School Northampton High School Towers School Brentwood Preparatory School Epsom College King Alfred School Prior Park College Ursuline Preparatory School Bromsgrove School Falcons School King Edward’s School Red House School Winterfold School Brooke Priory School Felsted School King’s Ely Rendcomb College Woldingham School Claire’s Court School Forest School Kitebrook Preparatory school St. Columba’s School Woodhouse Grove School

The Independent Schools Magazine is read by decision-makers – Governors, Heads, Bursars, Departmental Managers – and reflects news, ideas, influences, and opinions in the independent education sector. A personal copy is mailed to heads and other key personnel in fee-paying independent schools plus opinion formers in governments, political parties and educational Vires per Verum – Strength through Truth associations. It is also available on the internet. Editorial Advisory Board The publishers are grateful for the interest, advice and support of a distinguished Editorial Advisory Board whose members currently include: Richard Brown: Head, , Sussex Alex Beynon: Former Head of Press Relations, Independent Schools Council (ISC) Tory Gillingham: Managing Director of AMCIS – Association for Admissions, Kevin Fear: Head, Nottingham High School Marketing and Communications in Independent Schools Deborah Leek-Bailey OBE: Director of DLB Leadership Associates Ltd., a governor of Bloxham School, Oxfordshire; 2008 Elisabeth Lewis-Jones: former head of Babington House School, Kent President of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and Director of Liquid Public Relations, a consultancy with expertise within the education sector Tim Wilbur: Director of Schools Consultancy at Gabbitas Educational Henry Briggs: Senior Partner, HW, Chartered Accountants Birmingham and a Consultants; former head of Rossall School, Lancashire, and of Wanganui former school Governor Collegiate School, New Zealand Georgina Belcher: Communications Officer, Independent Schools Council Helen Davies: Bursar, Tormead School, Surrey

Subscriptions: £3 per issue, or £20 per Advertising Sales & Accounts: All rights reserved. Any form of reproduction of this magazine in part or whole is prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. annum (nine issues) payable in advance by Sam Turner, Fellows Media Ltd., The Gallery, Any views expressed by advertisers or contributors may not be those cheque to Bull Nelson Ltd (please remember Manor Farm, Southam, Cheltenham GL52 3PB of the publisher. Unsolicited artwork, manuscripts and images are to include your name and full address) to: T: 01242 259249 accepted by the publisher on the understanding that the publisher E: [email protected] cannot be held responsible for loss or damage however caused. All The Independent Schools Magazine material, copy, and artwork supplied is assumed to be copyright free Editor & Publisher, Distribution: unless otherwise advised in writing. Advertisement bookings are PO Box 4136 accepted subject to normal terms and conditions – see website. Kimble Earl T: 01491 671998 Upper Basildon, Reading E: [email protected] Independent Schools Magazine is Berkshire RG8 6BS published by Bull Nelson Limited. E: [email protected] Design studio/pre-press production/website: Reg in England No 2876999. Andrew Wicks T: 01635 201125 © Copyright Bull Nelson Ltd. E: [email protected] Printed by Manson Group.

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