From: Sarah F. Alger To: Andrew Vorce Cc: Vicki S. Marsh (
[email protected]); Megan Trudel; Holly Visco; Terry Sanford (
[email protected]); Judith Wegner Subject: Hawthorne Park Date: Friday, March 6, 2020 12:22:29 AM Dear Andrew, I was surprised to learn that the Hawthorne Park matter was discussed by the Board at its meeting today. Based upon my conversation with staff and a review of the agenda, I understood that this matter was continued until Monday night. My experience has been that when an item on the agenda is specifically marked as being continued to a date certain, as was the case here, that is notice to the public and applicants alike that the matter is off the agenda for that meeting and will not be discussed. Had we known that the matter would be discussed at today’s meeting, both my client and I certainly would have attended. That said, I understand that the Board has raised the following questions that it hopes can be addressed at or before the meeting Monday evening. We are happy to answer any questions that the Board or any interested party might have. The questions posed by the Board are below in blue, and my responses are in red. 1. What are the consequences if the Board declines to approve signing this document? I do not believe that there would be any consequences if the Board declined to approve the proposed document. The language of the special permit is clear that the permit is not affected by the failure of the applicant to find a holder for the Conservation Restriction (“CR”) as long as the Board finds that the applicant has made a good faith effort.