FEBRUARY 2001 News for the members of the Madison Nordic Ski Club Vol. 20 No. 4 • A WORD FROM JIMMY • OUR NEXT MEETING February 12th, 6:30 pm President’s Potpourri Rocky Roccoco’s West (Next to Erehwon) BY JIMMY VANDEN BROOK, PRESIDENT Agenda 6:30: Socialize w/videos on op ten list - If you seen active duty. the 200 inch screen Thaven’t gotten in 7:00: All you can eat pizza, WOMEN’S SKI CLINIC WITH CINDY SWIFT - as much skiing as you salad, breadsticks JANUARY 7TH want or need then ($6.50 per person/ This very successful, though not en- $3.25 for members 8 you probably deserve tirely uncontroversial, ski clinic was years or younger) a visit from a motiva- very successful and full to capacity 7:30: Announcements tional speaker. Condi- (trips, races, club with very enthusiastic women. The tions in the Madison projects) Madison Nordic Ski Club hosted, and area have been solid since December largely staffed the event. Read more 11th, and from what I can see, every- MNSC BOARD OF DIRECTORS about it in an article by club member body is out skiing. While the “List of Leslie Taylor. We will probably hold Jimmy Vanden Brook leading economic indicators” contains this clinic again next year President ominous warnings, the (608) 437-4192 but also provide co-edu- “Nordic catalog of cross-
[email protected] cational sessions and country clues” is over- “… EVERYBODY Willi VanHaren perhaps a men’s-only ses- Vice President whelmingly positive. In sion. Let us know what (608) 437-3782 fact, here are the top ten IS OUT SKIING”
[email protected] you think about the best clues that we’re having a Brett Larson approach to ski educa- fabulous ski season: Treasurer tion and participation.