WASH Cluster Working Group

Meeting Minutes

Date: Thursday, August 31, 2017 Time: 3 pm to 4.30 pm (90 minutes) Location: United Nations Offices (Polotskaya st., 1a)


1. Introduction of participants; 2. Follow up on actions agreed last meeting; 3. Partner updates 4. WASH Cluster Updates a. WASH at EECP. Overview b. Preparation to the winter c. Timeline for HNO-HRP process d. Contingency Plan 5. WASH needs Data Base for VD for 2018 6. AOB.

1. Follow up on actions agreed last meeting: Action points from previous meeting: # Action Points WHO Description 1 WHO to provide their report on WHO Draft of the report is done and will be laboratories workshops. shared among partners as soon as will be finalized 2 Clarify and provide a list of needs UNHCR The needs partially covered, UNHCR will for buckets. determine whether there are still uncovered needs 3 List of requested places for DDC DDC will provide the list of such places to installing water tanks. the next meeting 4 List of schools with problem toilets UNICEF UNICEF will provide the list of schools to the next meeting

2. Partner updates:

UNHCR: During the reporting period 40 HH were assisted with NFIs (including buckets and jerry cans)in , Donetsk, Yelenovka, Sihnalne, Luhanske, Leninske ( rajon).

WASH Cluster Working Group Meeting As for CBPs, 3 projects are ongoing and 4 were completed. Repair of shower room at sports school, Donetsk, Kirovskyi district (through DDC, ongoing). Repair of heating system at school 62, Donetsk, Kyibyshevskyi district (through DDC, ongoing). 1 laundry of the kindergarten is being repaired in (kindergarten #94, ongoing). Boiler for heating system was installed in Samoilove kindergarten (Novoazovskyi rajon, completed). Water pipes and materials for repair a bathroom at CC in Yasynuvata (completed). Repair of toilets and installation of pipes at school # 6 in Yasynuvata (ongoing). Repair of laundry at Novoazovsk district hospital (ongoing).

PIN: has their activities only in LPR. In DPR PIN has solved problems with ‘frozen’ stock of materials for VD. The application for the registration/accreditation in DPR has been submitted.

Save the Children: currently, SC doesn’t have any activities in WASH direction.

IOM: is in the process of assessment of the social institutions (including but not limited to the medical facilities, IDP centers; territorial and rehabilitation centers) for WASH rehabilitation. All in all, 20 objects in Donetsk, Horlivka, Makeevka, , Khartsyzsk, Shakhtersk, Novoazovsk, Snezhnoe, Debaltsevo and other locations are now being considered and assessed.

OHCHR: continue their monitoring of the situation. In the middle September OHCHR produced their report #19, where WASH theme will be mentioned.

ICRC: continue their support to VD. ICRC consider issues at small vodocanals. ICRC also was presented as monitoring mission during the process of repairing pipe between Horlivka and in a ‘Grey Zone’.

DDC: has their project with Save the Children; with MSF distribute hygiene kits for social institutions. DDC also has projects with UNICEF and MOST. Continue working with UNHCR in repairing project of water system and with IOM in assessment of the projects.

WHO: monitoring the situation with quality of the water. Cases of Cholera Disease have not been confirmed. Coxsackievirus virus was registered in single cases, which do not exceed the epidemic threshold. WHO continue to monitor process of laboratories assessment of the water quality. WHO is in position of waiting for confirmation budgeting and its amount. WHO will continue their assessment (depend of Budget).

OCHA: will share the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) Mid-Year Review (MYR) report.

UNICEF: is working on a Water Risk Assessment (WRA) in Luhanska oblast. Equipment for water treatment was installed in 2008 – 2011. Some of them, in the amount of 15 units are needed to be repaired/replaced – after 15 September, representative of the company, who was owner of these filter stations will share the list of needs/spare parts with UNICEF.

3. WASH Cluster Updates a. WASH at EECP. Overview WASH Cluster took part in the joint observation mission to Exit/Entrance Checkpoints in Donetska GCA oblast, namely EECP Hnutove, EECP Novotroitske, EECP Mariinka and EECP Maiorske. Representatives from WASH Cluster: • Stas Dymkovskyy, WASH Cluster IMO; • Mathieu VERNUSSE, head of PUI mission in ; • Andrii Solonenko, WASH Monitor, UNICEF; • Other representatives of INGOs and Oblast administration. Dates for the visits: 22-23 August 2017.

WASH Cluster will share with partners report soon. (till 22 September).

b. Preparation to the winter FSL and Shelter Clusters are planning a special donor meeting on winterization issue, with participation by WASH. WASH Cluster is planning to raise the centralized heating issue and connected potential risks. Among hot spots, WASH Cluster is planning to highlights next settlements: Toretsk, , Pokrovsk (and settlements on the same water pipeline as Pokrovsk), , Lysychansk, . Also several

WASH Cluster Working Group Meeting settlements which are connected to the Karbonit system from Luhansk NGCA side (Kirovsk, Pervomaisk and Stakhanov). WASH Cluster prepared a new Bulletin, where partners can find detailed info about identified risky locations. We encourage all partners visit WASH Cluster web site, where they can find the last issue of Bulletin and many other useful information: https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/ukraine/water-sanitation- and-hygiene

c. Timeline for HNO-HRP process The Inter Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) is in the process of discussion of a 1 or 2-years Humanitarian response Plan (HRP) for the next humanitarian cycle. The next meeting ICCG will be focused on this issue also. In case, of 2-years HRP, there will be a recovery/development component and the modality of coordinate would need to be addressed. WASH Cluster would also follow up with UNDP regarding the interface between development projects and transitional-style programming, for example.

d. Contingency Plan WASH Cluster has prepared Version 9 of Contingency plans, which provide the general overview of flare-ups follow by different scenarios. An international mission of experts are coming to Ukraine to help updating the 2015 interagency Contingency Plan: experts from UNICEF, WHO, FAO and OCHA.The mission will be in Ukraine for 17-21th Sept. 2017. On 19th Sept is planned an extended workshop for Contingency planning…this is not expected to be extremely large (so limited participation) to help the productivity of discussions

4. WASH needs Data Base for VD for 2018 WASH Cluster is going to create similar to the last year Needs database for 2018, where you can find the main needed projects and materials for ensuring stable operation of water bulk supply system in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

5. AOB.

Action points for the next meeting:

# Action Points WHO Deadline 1 WHO to provide their report on WHO ASAP laboratories workshops. 2 Clarify and provide a list of needs for buckets (for store drinking UNHCR ASAP water). 3 WASH Cluster will share EECP WASH 22/09/17 Report Cluster 4 List of requested places for DDC ASAP installing water tanks. 5 List of schools with problem toilets UNICEF ASAP 6 To clarify the possibility of arranging visits to CPs (NGCA) to observe a OCHA ASAP humanitarian situation

WASH Cluster Working Group Meeting