Der Kunst Afrikas - Freie Universität Berlin (Stand: 28.11.2014)
Bibliographie und Filmographie der Kunst Afrikas - Freie Universität Berlin (Stand: 28.11.2014) Bibliographie Aas, Norbert (1998): Eigen-Sinn : Marcia Kure 1998. Köln: R. Köppe. Abaza, Mona; Shafei, Sherwet (2011): Twentieth-century Egyptian art. The private collection of Sherwet Shafei. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press. ʻAbd al-Ḥayy, Muḥammad (1982): Cultural policy in the Sudan. Paris: Unesco Press. Abela, Pepe (1997): Emandulo re-creation. Johannesburg S. Africa: Artist Proof Studio. Abiodun, Rowland (1994): The Yoruba artist. New theoretical perspectives on African arts ; [based on a 1992 symposium held at the Museum Rietberg Zürich]. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press. Abiodun, Rowland; National Museum of African Art Washington, D. C. (1990): African art studies. The state of the discipline ; papers presented at a symposium organized by the National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution, September 16, 1987. Washington, DC. Aboudramane (1991): Murs-murs de terre : du 17 octobre au 17 novembre 1991 [exhibition catalog]. Paris: Galerie Maine Durieu. Abraaj Capital Ltd. Dubai International Financial Centre. Museum of Arts and Design (New York, N.Y.); Attia, Kader (2010): Abraaj Capital art prize 2010. [Dubai United Arab Emirates]: Abraaj Capital. Abraham, Arthur (1978): Cultural policy in Sierra Leone. [Paris]: Unesco. Abrous, Mansour (2011): Algérie, arts plastiques. Dictionnaire biographique (1900 - 2010). Paris: L'Harmattan. Abusabib, Mohamed A. (1995): African art. An aesthetic inquiry. Univ., Diss.--Uppsala, 1995. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 6). ACA Galleries. (1972): Four American primitives: Edward Hicks, John Kane, Anna Mary Robertson Moses, Horace Pippin. New York. Achebe, Chinua (1971): Arrow of god. Reprinted. London [u.a.]: Heinemann (African writers series ; 16).
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