1907. ·Congressional Record- House
1907. ·CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. 1401 Progressive Farmer, against duty on linotype machines-to the tlle life and clJaracter of the late Senator BATE, and those who Committee on Ways and :Means. speak may extend their remarks, if they so desire. By Mr. RANDELL of Texas : Petitions of citizens of Dor The SPEAKER. Without objection, the request of tlle gen che ter, Bells, Hail, Hagerman and Locust, Uonkstown, Fan tleman from Tennessee will be agreed to. nin County, Gover, Pilot Grove, Farmersville, Gunter, Ran TlJere was no objection. dolph, Grayson County, Emery, Whitesboro, Savoy, Collins Yille, Hy<le Park, Kentuckytown, Southmayd, Denison, Drip Mr. GAINES of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, ".,.ILLIAM BRrMAGE ping Springs, Des Yoigues, and Tioga, and city councils of Deni BATE was born October 7, 182G, near Bledsoe Lick, Castalian . on and Bailey·, Tex., for an appropriation to improve upper Red Springs, Sumner County, Tenn. and died March 9, 1905, at 6 River-to the Uommittee on Rivers and Harbors. a. m., in his apartments, Ebbitt House, Washington; D. C., hav By Mr. RA.l.~SDELL of ljouisiana: Paper to accompany bill ing only a few days before, for the fourth t ime, taken the oath for relief of estate of Daniel Y. Grayson-to the Committee on as Senator from the State of Tennessee. · 'Yar Claims. He receiYed his early education in a school, known then as By Mr. REYBURN: Petition of Robert Folk, of Philadelphia. "Rural Academy," near his birthplace. Bet,yeen sessions he against amendment to the copyrigpt bill 4limical to published worked on the farm.
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