Park Board Department of Parks
MINUTES OF THE PARK BOARD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1913 Commissioner CHARLES B. STOVER, President " THOMAS J. HIGGINS " MICHAEL J. KENNEDY " WALTER G. ELIOT CLINTON H. SMITH, Secretary j Press of CLARENCE S. NATHAN 9 and 11 Franklin Street, New York ~!.'il ~ 1597A-13-75 I \ 3 [January 2, 1913. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Thursday, January 2, 1913. Stated meeting, 3 p. m. Present-Commissioners Stover (President), Higgins, Kennedy, Eliot. A representative of the Comptroller being present and the meeting open to the public the estimate box was opened and all the bids on proposals which had been received pursuant to a duly published advertisement were opened and read as follows: For Repairs and Keeping in Repair During the Seasoh of 1913, the Motor, Horse and Hand Lawn Mowers on Parks in Manhattan and Richmond. Caldwell Lawn Mower Co., No. Items Quantities Newburgh, N. Y. Price Amount 1. Motor Mowers ........................ 3 2. Hand Mowers ......................... 166 } ..... $1,730 00 3. Horse Mowers ........................ 46 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Commissioner Stover offered the following: Resolved, That the time stipulated for the completion of the work under contract dated May 14, 1912, with the Tower Construction Company, for constructing carriage entrance to Addition E of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Centrgl. Park, be, and the same hereby is extended to February 15, 1913, for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor, and as recommended by the Architects. Which was adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Commissioners Stover, Higgins, Kennedy, Eliot-4.
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