Activity -(European )

“If more of us valued and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

Europe has a varied number of distinctive features in terms of food and culture. The overlapping cultures of are a distinctive feature perceived by travellers. European cuisine is also known as the western cuisine as it is represented by taking all the from Europe and western countries into consideration. The joy of learning and teaching is when the students express their learning by taking up an activity and learning a new skill. The learner-centre approach inculcates accountability and responsibility among students.

The Geography department has been pro-active in using this learner-centric approach and uses the medium of teaching with presentation and representation skills in all the sections of Grade VII.

With lots of interesting and fun facts on famous food from Europe, the students learnt and shared a recipe during these online classes. This way, everybody learned about Europe and tried a hand at making European food. This learner-centred approach involved students being active in, and accountable for their development. The master chefs presented the cuisines of Europe like , , snow pudding, Russian , mojito, cake pudding, pancakes etc.

It was great fun to witness the students sharing their European recipes and talking about the facts and areas where the famous recipe is eaten. The students not only shared the recipe, but they taught us how to prepare and serve them.