Boodoos? ARBITRATE DEMANDS FIRST TAKE TRIP One of Aytr's Pills at Bedtime Just One
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12 THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIME- S. EMPLOYES AGREE TO PANAMA BOAT TO BE I EMMESST MAKES TO BoOdoos? ARBITRATE DEMANDS FIRST TAKE TRIP One of Aytr's Pills at bedtime Just one. Acts Community on the liver. Gently laxative. Silver 5S Sugar-coate- d. All vegetable. GO years Ono Indianapolis Traction I.lnc Will to Soinl One Sold for Proixjel of the Railroad Ask Your Doctor. fcS'.ftfxui: Treat With Men PuMir Utilities 11 .steamers With President's V-V"- V i'oniniihjii to Hear Dispute. N. Y. Graft Investigator Gets Purty Through. , One of His Informants to Re- INDlANAI'dLI.-i- Nov. The WASHINGTON. --Nov. 11. The first LITTLE OLD NEW YORK li deep pass through m:ir,ai,'cm'nt ami ths mployes of the tract Previous Denials on draft vessel to the - 11 . m Ac ocean to ocean - Indianapolis Cincinnati Traction Co. Panama canal from MAN. RY NOIt ,; Tuesday Mmu-- an agreement nlu.rv-b- y Stand. will be one of government of Pana- tit. is-v-,- 17' be-twe- 5(C jjc " tht-- propose to .irtibtrate all dif- ma's railroad steamers now plying en Vf. ji f c ferences existing between tin.-- mn New York and Colon, if the NEW YORK, Nov. 12. New Nov. 1;. George I con-- and the company, personally ws:td Ni:V YOKK. H. plan which Secy. Garrison has in t York's most expensive apartment d- - an-- d- templation finally is adopted. wU (Jujro of Syracuse, vh. nied The changed days ago. of employes and pr entl the j secretary's idea is to allow Col. house hands a few pii-c- t for their consideration. r oath last Thursday that he had Its new owner, Arthur Curtiss James, i Goethals all the time he requires to The :mn. I'res. Il :iry told him nt a tel gram to John A. liennesy. ' complete a banker and former commodore of - th-i- r the canal and experiment $3,-500.0- 00 they wen- satistifMi with pie.s. n t Cuv. investiga- ! with it is made, the New York Yacht club, paid working former iulzir"s raft before this initial trip it. MI conditior.s and with the for j Then, having aboard I'res. Wilson ni;r emenUs to - all diMer neis tor, relative to political cun'Hu'rior.s The building, 12 stories high, is at j and some of the members of his cabi- -' nrirl the rein-tat- " al': mn J: liar-- i Tt;. day admitted that he the the corner of Fifth av. and Slst st. s!nc- - a iui'M c i Uu-- net, the congressional committees ft --i2S ?' .''vv;."r.ey th work of unionizing ih" ro.;d teleiam. having juiisdiction over the canal, When it was opened, about two years "wa. c'iinm !ic. i, tii y vwml.l mi A threat of indictment fur peijury ago. it attracted much attention on m - w;.s l.a..-:i- u ':d-- aiid a few newspaper men, the Pana- conoid r striking. oer him when the pass account of the luxurlousness of its nt i ma liner will Ihrough the The traction ernpany in the aroe-liu-- n fell from his lips at:d h iett appointments and the high prices, Tu-.-da- sl-it- e way on agrees to r'in-Fat- e the witiess bland almost in a of from Christobel the Atlantic tUnfd to Balboa nt the Pacific entrance. ranging from $12,000 to $25,000 a the mn lieh ir'Mi and to re- eollapM. A physician was culled to tide year, which are asked for Its suites. a, ati-i:- d ceive rommittf" of employ s at any him. Among the are Elihu Root, i I I f soc-on- d tenants time they may wish to pivs nt griev- MctJuire waa testifying for the Murry Guggenheim. 1-- P. Morton, ances. Points that cannot re time in the Jolm Ioe inquiry in-sl- it COUNTRY HELPED Mrs. Elliott Shepard, Lloyd Aspinwall J Jietween the committe and tli rom-jxin- y ultd by Dist. Atty. Whitman into and Victor Morawetz. Root has more 1 are to Le d to pub- ey suhrnittr the ienn ssi 's chartjes that contractors 20 rooms, Guggenheim oc-cupi- "sand-bagged- than and lic prvico commission and the de- n state work had been " two cision or that body to ,' bin-lini- r ;ntj making campaign contributions BY IMMIGRANTS entire floors. XHANKSGIVING, this year will require upon both parties for thre year. to Tammany hall. s A boy in The agreement practically is the miik-it- Hennessy stood front of the court had testified that he had house, across New new V that reached in settling the street obtained most of his information from the street from the Oil Vl ear strike here last Friday. ' Speaiks York terminus of the Brooklyn bridge, Mctiuire and that the latter had sent KabM Cronbach on "The rush-hou- Pres. Henry was highly eornmrnd-e- l as the morning r crowd right here in city him a telegram from Syracuse signed Melting Pot" at Meeting of way finan- And your at Wyman's you by Gov. Italston for tli" action he "M." setting forth William II. Studcluiked ClIc Club streamed by on its into the took in the interurban troubles and that cial district. Kelly, democratic leader of Onondapa Tuesday Night. He 20, was can get the nationally advertised complimented upon the success of his county, had been helping: Arthur A. looked to be about Commu- visit to the men. M( Lean, treasurer of the democratic neatly dressed and of prepossessing The grievances of the Pnion trac- to down" i Kabbi Cronbach of the Temple appearance. Pinned to the front of guaranteed for 50 years, state committee "shake state I nity Silver at Ileth-E- l, sign, tion men will be presented to Pres. highway contractors. McGuire on addressed the members of his faded brown overcoat was a 11. T. i paper. Todd of the Indianapolis Ter- Thursday last unequivocally denied the tudebaker Civic club at the crudely printed on a sheet of the following prices: minal & Traction Co. Wednesday. that he huu anything to do with the .Studebaker school Tuesday night, It read: Two meeting of the men were held telegram. taking for his theme a discussion of "I Want a Job. tit the Iabor tempi here Tuesday Zangwell's play, "The Melting Pot." "I am a High school graduate and niht at which the agreement was Tlucv Witnese Heard. He told the svory of the play and re- have spent four years in preparing read. Tuesday Idst. Atty. Whitman sent cited some of his personal experiences myself to get employment from some Community Silver T'nion leaders refused to divuhre b fore the Krand jury three witnesses with the immigrants of this country. one desiring the services of a capable, what demands would be made of the who gave testimony to show that Mc-(lui- re "The immigrant makes a good cit- energetic young man who can use his fonipany. had not told the truth. One of izen." he said. "Wherever we find the head and is not afraid of work. Will More than triple plate FORKS SPOONS these was Miss Ollie Collier, a ste- immigrant, his children present an you employ me? If so, you will not More than triple wear nographer in McGuire's office ; another overcoming of parental faults. Every have cause to regret it." Medium was a typewriter expert, who took Christian ought to have a Jewish The bby courageously endured the 4.30 set Tea Spoons 2.15 set friend. He will find him faithful and ORE DOSE RELIEVES with him a typewriter which had been stares and comments of the people KNIVES Dessert 4.00 set Dessert Spoons . .4.00 set brought from McCSu ire's otfice. The loyal. It is not true that the Jew who stopped to read the sign. By stenographer testified, it is understood, has all of the shortcomings ascribed and by he was gone. Perhaps he got iMedium Solid Handle, Cold Meat 1.25 each Table Spoons 4.30 set one Me-Oul- re to him. Where he does fall short, he per- that the machine was which eo the chance he was looking for: 2.75 set Oyster . frequently used, and Is more likely to do in dealing with col- 2.00 set Orange Spoons .3.00 set II GOLD NO UlflE himself his own people than In his dealing haps a cop chased him away for Dessert, Solid Handle, the expert declared that the letters on lecting a crowd. Individual Salad . .4.25 set the original of the telegram corre- with Christians. 2.65 set "Christian children would never ap- Hollow Handle Forks, LADLES sponded in their peculiarities with the ply derisive names to their. Jewish A New York woman who spent sev Hollow Handle Knives letters on th machine. weeks during summer a " - comrades if they realized what pain eral the at Medium Medium . 6.00 set Cream 1.25 each 'Pape's Cold Compound'- Ends McGulre was informed at his hotel and heartache it gives the Jewish little village away up in Vermont was 6.00 set of the contemplated action of the as- child who hears himself thus jeered so charmed by the little old lady with Dessert 5.80 set Dessert 5.80 set Graw 1.50 each Bad Colds or Grippe in a sistant district attorney general at." whom she boarded that when she left against him and soon afterwards his Kabbi Cronbach also said that, it she asked her hostess to write to her.