Portland Daily Press: December 10,1872
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PORTLAND DAIIY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. VOL. 11. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNiNG DECEMBER 10, 1872. TERMS $8.00 PEli ANNUM IN ADVANCE. THF PrtîtTf.i\n ηιιι.ν pufss ι u ijjCii. WAJNTS, JjUST, tfUUJNU. REAL published every day (Sunday· excepted) by the ESTATE. iron steamships, and twelve dollars Τ EL Ε ΡΕ ton on other per DORTI'AND Pl'BIilSUINC CO., To Let. EBB. steamships of not less than one Key Fourni. thousand tons and ONE TO FOUK ROOKS. AT Geo. II. Davis *k Co.'s each, not exceeding Ave Λτ ΙνΊ Exchange St. Port lam·». A SMALL KEY made like P. 0. The own- hundred thousand I7UIOM tlcitf NO. 2 COTTON STKKBT. key. TUESDAY DEC. -Ό. 1872 tons in the and or can have tue «»ame at MORXING, not aggregate, Terms : Ei^ht Doll are a Year in advaueo. by oalling more than one hundred thousand tons in deJdlW THIS OFFICE. BULLETIN. any one to Rooms To year, be employed in THE MAINE STATE Let. foreign trade. exclusively PRESS Found. (Jos-si·» and Gleanings. ITHEH with or without board at 181 Oxford St. *20,00» to Loan ! 1 ! tonrth, that the board shall receive Is published every Thursday Morning Ε cornur of Street. the P. S. & P. R. It. a SILVER foi the proposals at $2 59 a Myrtle ,dc7*lw WATCH, construction of those steamers to he jear ; if iu advance, at $2 00 a The owtie'· can have the same on We nrc to loan iu sums ap- imid year. AT by calling the prepared money J. died 18ti9 portioned titty thousand tons Ticket Master of the P. S. & Henry Raymond June 18, upon the Atlan- To Let· P., proving property from $iOO to nay nmouai detiircd, on first tic ana Gulf coast, Kates or Advertising : One Inch ot iu and paying cliar es. dec3tf James Gurdou Bennett died Juno 1. 1872 tn«î twenty-live thousand tons apace, WO rooms, class in Poriiiiiiil Eliza- upon Rreat lakes length of column, constitutes a "square." front with board, pleasantly situated mortage* Cape and the Ohio and the 50 Sutiable for Gentlemen and Wives. or Horace died Nov. 1872. Mississippi and $1 per square daily tiret week: 75 cents Τ Lost. beïb, ^Vcsibraok, Scerîug. Parties «îe- Greeley 29, rivers, twenty-five thousand week after; three per de5*lw Enquire at 38 FBEE SfREET. tons on the Pacific insertions, or less, $1 0U; continu- A PACKAGE addressed to Lcavitt sirou sof hniiilnsgcnn n!so be accommoda coast·, and to be constructed ing every oilier day alter tiret Camming, week, 50 cents. J\. was lo^t upon plans approved by tlie Half square, three insertions &\Vi«lbcr, Tuesday evening bel ween tc«î with lonas. The of the is Navy Department; or less, 75 cents; ono Wood Location fora Eastern Office and Street. A perception beautiful gradual, the government having the to week, il «0 ; 5U cente Plfysciau. Express Qniucy liberal «EO. K. light per week after. »AVI»& CO,, and not or charter them purchase LEASE, tlic located brick or reward will be paid on its delivery to Eastern Ex a it upon appraisal, aud the Secre- Special Notices, one third additional. centrally house, IS« ni E.^iale auil lightning revelation; requires Congress corner contains tci press Office. nov302w Morlgagr Broken. tary of the .Navv, upon certain Under head of 00 FOU Street, Chestnut, not but some conditions, to "Amusmements," $2 per square good rooms, Gas &c., Stable attached. κβρ24 % l f only lime, study.—ltajfinl. detail of officers of the per week; three insertions or leas 50. Navy t»> serve as §1 Apply to WM. H. Real Estate of such Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State JEHRIS, Agent. vessels. Press" ro28 3w Vessels Wanted FOR SALE. (which 1ms a large circulation in every part Where the mouth is sweet and the in- Fifth, that there shall he paid twelve dollars of the State) for £1 00 eyes ton per square for first insertion, TO LOAD AT f per upon first-class vessels of not less and 50 cents To Let. SECOND hand Ilugglee card there is a sailing per square for each inser- Printing Picas, telligent, always look of beauty, than three tion. subsequent half aud circular, tor sale cheap. Call 01· address. hundred tons, to be engaged princi- of double House No. 47 Pleasant street, with a in Adilross all Pictou, and Fori il ARRIS BRUS., right, Hunt. pally tlie trade. communications to ONEiu good order, eleven rooms, furnace, gas ana Sydney, Lin^iin heart.—LevjU foreign octSOdtf 135 Spring St., Portland, Me. Ten vessels of tifteeu hundred tons each cau PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Sebago water. Stable room for one horse aud car- Caledonia; C. B., riage. he built under this bill at a cost to the nov2tf the govern- — Upon of Miss of ment of — ι WITH marriage Wheat, Vir- $225,000. They would he adding to To Let. CHAIUDLSR HOUSE, the wealth ot BUSINESS CARDS. ginia, au editor hoped that her path might the country in time of peace, PLEASANT rent of and we have the 7 rooms, on Wilmot near COAL FOR CUBA. BETOEL HILL, and that authority of Admiral Porter Street. For ME.,* flowery, she might never be thrash- and other naval A Congress particulars call on officers that they would b ; η s nolCtf L. TAYLOR. in ed her husband. efficient for war HENRY F. T. Lay days guaranteed loading-and discharging. FOR by purposes, with very little al- MERRILL, _SALE. teration, as vessels BAILEY & NOYES built tor uaval purposes ex- COUNSELOR AT For Rent* BIRD, PERKINS & JOB., Γί^ HIS House ΛνίΙΙ accommodate 75 guests. Always clusively. LAW, X tilled with summer tourists the season, Λ beautiful form is better than a beautiful Admiral No. 30 FIRST CLASS located, con- during «,-ί r-A Porter, in his before the Kxcltange Nt., Portland. residence,-centrally 97 Sonth IV. V willi a good show of business travel during the year, testimony A taining 13 rooms, bath room, &c., stable on Street, face it a committee on the decline of Formerly of the U. S. ïlie best location in Bethel, situated at the head of ; gives higher pleasure than statues commerce, suid- Treasury Department and premises. Particularly suited for a I03 State Boston. "If tho Attorney in all the courts physician. Street, novl5dlm the Park. It has 50 well ventilated rooms in or United States the in the Dist rict of olunbia, novl3tf to GEO. R. DAVIS & large Piano pictures ; it is the finest of the flue arts.— possesssed steamships will attend to Apply CO. with stable aud ι Forte and plying between New York and the prosecution of « laims before the good repair, ice house. Will be sold Organ I J£uro(>·, the Govern- Court of Boarders Wanted. Warerooms, Emerson. ment would have a better Claims and the various at with or without the Furniture on the most favorable Navy than It ever had. department* Board· There was not a in Washington. octll-tt PLEASANT Parlor tc let with board in a pri- terms if applied for at once, as the subscriber is go- ship the American Navy that in search of could with the rooms and board ean be ac- A vate family ; also rooms with board for ing West. Apply to compare, beat ships on the Engli-h and co iimadated at single EXCHANGE Fioneli lines in of PARTIES by applying 214 Free Stree. gentlemen. Within fivo minutes the City o.'lGdtf F. 8. STREET, PORTLAm Gambetta has the idea. It is educa- point speed, stability, or tor & no!2tf walked CBI-%ItS>I^R, Prop'r. right guns. All carry U088 MRS. M. D. WOODARD. Address E. O., Box Portland P. O. -lug those vessels could be fitted with maul s STURDIVANT, Building. 1903, enforced that in a short ηοτβ tI tion, by government, France very time aud rigged completely. If the A For Sale. United "States had WHOLESALE COAL DEALERS' Few Good Rents wants, and such education as he possessed half the number of ΓΒ1 HE house on State the un- must, says, steamships now for at once. Boarders Wanted. Street, occupied bv engaged in the European trade with applied AGENTS FOR be New he did not 179 Commercial JL dersigned. This house is thoroughly built of strictly secular, and without bias. York, think the rebe's would ever Si., Portland. IF MATTOCKS & FOX, FEW BOARDERS can be accommodated, alee religious have out nov5dtf brick and stone and has all modern conveniences. got a bale of cotton from a southern 88 Middle street. A table boarders at No. II Myrtle Street. and would have port, Soie agents in Maine for the sale and shipment of ALLEX HAINES. had to submit long before tliey old.*' ectl» dtf Portland, 1872. Sleep SUcnce's sweet father of soft —Page 183. the 4.'ν le bra ted Coal To Let. Sep. 18th, sepl9-tf child, liest. mined by Messrs. Ham- Prince, whose to all mortal ■ ett approach peace brings And in to Is'cill & of half double House No. 4 on in Wanted dHICKERIfcNG& Indifferent host to again, reply the questiou— Co., Vernon jî SONS. shepherds and to Philadelphia. Court, kings; "I Wi; order. Possession St. Lawrence Mouse. * Sole comforter of minds are understand to that have also lor sale at lowest market ONEgood given immediately. to do by a young man wh® is willing -which opprcst 1 you say if at the commence- price, Apply to S. W. Real Estate Loi by thv rod all ment oi the late war we had had ROBINSON, Agent, SGMETHTNGto work.