PORTLAND DAIIY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. VOL. 11. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNiNG DECEMBER 10, 1872. TERMS $8.00 PEli ANNUM IN ADVANCE. THF PrtîtTf.i\n ηιιι.ν pufss ι u ijjCii. WAJNTS, JjUST, tfUUJNU. REAL published every day (Sunday· excepted) by the ESTATE. iron steamships, and twelve dollars Τ EL Ε ΡΕ ton on other per DORTI'AND Pl'BIilSUINC CO., To Let. EBB. steamships of not less than one Key Fourni. thousand tons and ONE TO FOUK ROOKS. AT Geo. II. Davis *k Co.'s each, not exceeding Ave Λτ ΙνΊ Exchange St. Port lam·». A SMALL KEY made like P. 0. The own- hundred thousand I7UIOM tlcitf NO. 2 COTTON STKKBT. key. TUESDAY DEC. -Ό. 1872 tons in the and or can have tue «»ame at MORXING, not aggregate, Terms : Ei^ht Doll are a Year in advaueo. by oalling more than one hundred thousand tons in deJdlW THIS OFFICE. BULLETIN. any one to Rooms To year, be employed in THE MAINE STATE Let. foreign trade. exclusively PRESS Found. (Jos-si·» and Gleanings. ITHEH with or without board at 181 Oxford St. *20,00» to Loan ! 1 ! tonrth, that the board shall receive Is published every Thursday Morning Ε cornur of Street. the P. S. & P. R. It. a SILVER foi the proposals at $2 59 a Myrtle ,dc7*lw WATCH, construction of those steamers to he jear ; if iu advance, at $2 00 a The owtie'· can have the same on We nrc to loan iu sums ap- imid year. AT by calling the prepared money J. died 18ti9 portioned titty thousand tons Ticket Master of the P. S. & Henry Raymond June 18, upon the Atlan- To Let· P., proving property from $iOO to nay nmouai detiircd, on first tic ana Gulf coast, Kates or Advertising : One Inch ot iu and paying cliar es. dec3tf James Gurdou Bennett died Juno 1. 1872 tn«î twenty-live thousand tons apace, WO rooms, class in Poriiiiiiil Eliza- upon Rreat lakes length of column, constitutes a "square." front with board, pleasantly situated mortage* Cape and the Ohio and the 50 Sutiable for Gentlemen and Wives. or Horace died Nov. 1872. Mississippi and $1 per square daily tiret week: 75 cents Τ Lost. beïb, ^Vcsibraok, Scerîug. Parties «îe- Greeley 29, rivers, twenty-five thousand week after; three per de5*lw Enquire at 38 FBEE SfREET. tons on the Pacific insertions, or less, $1 0U; continu- A PACKAGE addressed to Lcavitt sirou sof hniiilnsgcnn n!so be accommoda coast·, and to be constructed ing every oilier day alter tiret Camming, week, 50 cents. J\. was lo^t upon plans approved by tlie Half square, three insertions &\Vi«lbcr, Tuesday evening bel ween tc«î with lonas. The of the is Navy Department; or less, 75 cents; ono Wood Location fora Eastern Office and Street. A perception beautiful gradual, the government having the to week, il «0 ; 5U cente Plfysciau. Express Qniucy liberal «EO. K. light per week after. »AVI»& CO,, and not or charter them purchase LEASE, tlic located brick or reward will be paid on its delivery to Eastern Ex a it upon appraisal, aud the Secre- Special Notices, one third additional. centrally house, IS« ni E.^iale auil lightning revelation; requires Congress corner contains tci press Office. nov302w Morlgagr Broken. tary of the .Navv, upon certain Under head of 00 FOU Street, Chestnut, not but some conditions, to "Amusmements," $2 per square good rooms, Gas &c., Stable attached. κβρ24 % l f only lime, study.—ltajfinl. detail of officers of the per week; three insertions or leas 50. Navy t»> serve as §1 Apply to WM. H. Real Estate of such Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State JEHRIS, Agent. vessels. Press" ro28 3w Vessels Wanted FOR SALE. (which 1ms a large circulation in every part Where the mouth is sweet and the in- Fifth, that there shall he paid twelve dollars of the State) for £1 00 eyes ton per square for first insertion, TO LOAD AT f per upon first-class vessels of not less and 50 cents To Let. SECOND hand Ilugglee card there is a sailing per square for each inser- Printing Picas, telligent, always look of beauty, than three tion. subsequent half aud circular, tor sale cheap. Call 01· address. hundred tons, to be engaged princi- of double House No. 47 Pleasant street, with a in Adilross all Pictou, and Fori il ARRIS BRUS., right, Hunt. pally tlie trade. communications to ONEiu good order, eleven rooms, furnace, gas ana Sydney, Lin^iin heart.—LevjU foreign octSOdtf 135 Spring St., Portland, Me. Ten vessels of tifteeu hundred tons each cau PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Sebago water. Stable room for one horse aud car- Caledonia; C. B., riage. he built under this bill at a cost to the nov2tf the govern- — Upon of Miss of ment of — ι WITH marriage Wheat, Vir- $225,000. They would he adding to To Let. CHAIUDLSR HOUSE, the wealth ot BUSINESS CARDS. ginia, au editor hoped that her path might the country in time of peace, PLEASANT rent of and we have the 7 rooms, on Wilmot near COAL FOR CUBA. BETOEL HILL, and that authority of Admiral Porter Street. For ME.,* flowery, she might never be thrash- and other naval A Congress particulars call on officers that they would b ; η s nolCtf L. TAYLOR. in ed her husband. efficient for war HENRY F. T. Lay days guaranteed loading-and discharging. FOR by purposes, with very little al- MERRILL, _SALE. teration, as vessels BAILEY & NOYES built tor uaval purposes ex- COUNSELOR AT For Rent* BIRD, PERKINS & JOB., Γί^ HIS House ΛνίΙΙ accommodate 75 guests. Always clusively. LAW, X tilled with summer tourists the season, Λ beautiful form is better than a beautiful Admiral No. 30 FIRST CLASS located, con- during «,-ί r-A Porter, in his before the Kxcltange Nt., Portland. residence,-centrally 97 Sonth IV. V willi a good show of business travel during the year, testimony A taining 13 rooms, bath room, &c., stable on Street, face it a committee on the decline of Formerly of the U. S. ïlie best location in Bethel, situated at the head of ; gives higher pleasure than statues commerce, suid- Treasury Department and premises. Particularly suited for a I03 State Boston. "If tho Attorney in all the courts physician. Street, novl5dlm the Park. It has 50 well ventilated rooms in or United States the in the Dist rict of olunbia, novl3tf to GEO. R. DAVIS & large Piano pictures ; it is the finest of the flue arts.— possesssed steamships will attend to Apply CO. with stable aud ι Forte and plying between and the prosecution of « laims before the good repair, ice house. Will be sold Organ I J£uro(>·, the Govern- Court of Boarders Wanted. Warerooms, Emerson. ment would have a better Claims and the various at with or without the Furniture on the most favorable Navy than It ever had. department* Board· There was not a in Washington. octll-tt PLEASANT Parlor tc let with board in a pri- terms if applied for at once, as the subscriber is go- ship the American Navy that in search of could with the rooms and board ean be ac- A vate family ; also rooms with board for ing West. Apply to compare, beat ships on the Engli-h and co iimadated at single EXCHANGE Fioneli lines in of PARTIES by applying 214 Free Stree. gentlemen. Within fivo minutes the City o.'lGdtf F. 8. STREET, PORTLAm Gambetta has the idea. It is educa- point speed, stability, or tor & no!2tf walked CBI-%ItS>I^R, Prop'r. right guns. All carry U088 MRS. M. D. WOODARD. Address E. O., Box Portland P. O. -lug those vessels could be fitted with maul s STURDIVANT, Building. 1903, enforced that in a short ηοτβ tI tion, by government, France very time aud rigged completely. If the A For Sale. United "States had WHOLESALE COAL DEALERS' Few Good Rents wants, and such education as he possessed half the number of ΓΒ1 HE house on State the un- must, says, steamships now for at once. Boarders Wanted. Street, occupied bv engaged in the European trade with applied AGENTS FOR be New he did not 179 Commercial JL dersigned. This house is thoroughly built of strictly secular, and without bias. York, think the rebe's would ever Si., Portland. IF MATTOCKS & FOX, FEW BOARDERS can be accommodated, alee religious have out nov5dtf brick and stone and has all modern conveniences. got a bale of cotton from a southern 88 Middle street. A table boarders at No. II Myrtle Street. and would have port, Soie agents in Maine for the sale and shipment of ALLEX HAINES. had to submit long before tliey old.*' ectl» dtf Portland, 1872. Sleep SUcnce's sweet father of soft —Page 183. the 4.'ν le bra ted Coal To Let. Sep. 18th, sepl9-tf child, liest. mined by Messrs. Ham- Prince, whose to all mortal ■ ett approach peace brings And in to Is'cill & of half double House No. 4 on in Wanted dHICKERIfcNG& Indifferent host to again, reply the questiou— Co., Vernon jî SONS. shepherds and to Philadelphia. Court, kings; "I Wi; order. Possession St. Lawrence Mouse. * Sole comforter of minds are understand to that have also lor sale at lowest market ONEgood given immediately. to do by a young man wh® is willing -which opprcst 1 you say if at the commence- price, Apply to S. W. Real Estate Loi by thv rod all ment oi the late war we had had ROBINSON, Agent, SGMETHTNGto work. Address A. W. L., Press Office. For Sale of To charming breaihlng things thirty steamers like WilkesVarre, Scrauton, Lackawanna, and Pittston 491 Exchange Street. L.et, Lie slumbering, witlif tho?e runniug to New York from ~ oct!2-tf rgetiuiness possest. Europe they would Nov. 40 lîooms — have been as Coals, shipped from the vicinity of New Ycrk. Ves- 28th, 1872- no28eod2w Gas and Sebago vrater. ESTABLISHED IN 18Q3. Wm. Drrmmond, in 16th century. efficient as our entire Navy"— sels tu Ε. Η. GILLESPIE, procured for the tranportation of coals from Apply the Admiral answers: of To Fepl3-tf No. 34 Plum St. port shipments any point desired. t£apr27 Let, Vessels Wanted. "Twice"as Like ealm winds thou paseest by us efficient. I say that without hesitation OUSE 140 Oxford Staeet, near Elm, with all the The we bad To load Lumber at Portland, MANTJFACTUBERS OF Lined with feathers are feet ships could catch nothing. We never modern Ga3 and Wa- Bangor, FOR SALE ! thy ; had a vessel that J H improvemeuts; Sebago 'Macliias. and Thy with silence could run down a blockade-runner HOOPER, ter. Enquire on the premises. oct30tt Calais, Montreal, South- downy wings fly us, the ern Ports, for the River Platte. I Like tho shadows of the «luring whole war except the Vannerbilt and two House No. 24 Emery St., head ot night ; others. Our iron-clads Also, To load Coal, at and Port I On the stream are only suitable for harbor Pictou, Lingau, Citsinnan Street. defense. In case of war with UPHO STORE TO LET. Caledonia for New York, the Souond ports, That no beam Great Britain or France Boston, CRAXD, .A-iSTD our power would be in LSTEREE, and St John, Ν. B. Said house is one of the best locations en SQUARE UPRIGHT Of sharpest eye discerns to fleet. cutting up their commerce. Great Britaiu could not stand a war six brick store BIRD, PERKINS & JOB. on the street; tine neighborhood. Consists ot —John "Hugthorpe in nth cm fury. mouths κ ith Nos. 31 autl 33 Free large in the Rackleft Block, career a fleet of vessels that we would send St., of 10i State St., Boston. 27 South St., New York JsyLtwo story framed House and ell, containing ten out after her A Middle and Ceurch streets—basement and vessels. They would break her first nov!4 d3m highly finished rooms; painted walls throughout; up root and branch : MANUFACTURES op floor, eleganth finished and adapted to jobbing aud that kind of gas ; cellar and heated furnace brick cis- The Louisville warfare would be more to dry goods or other similar trade. good by ; large Courier-Journal says: "We about likely filtered well drained. One of the most bring peace than with iron-clads or to ALLEN HAINES. Wanted. tern, ; desi- PIANO-FORTES. iighîin·,' Parlor S nits, Lounges. Apply rable and convenient houses iu th· close to liave read the lectures of James heavy war-vessels." Spring and Pant makers and Machine at city; Anthony septlldtf OAT Girl, of j Spring street line can be seen from if to 6 P. This Beds, Mattresses, C sp«>tf CHESLEY'S. 167 Middle st. cars; Froude oil Ireland, and we have read Father testimony corresponds with that given ii. Terms easy. Enquire on the premises. CHIÇKERING & SONS' naval officers For Rent. Piano-forte Burke's by in Great Britain before com- DlcJDonough Patent Bed Lomiges, En- June 19. dtt Manufactory, lectures in reply to them. The con- mittees of TWO-STORY HOUSE, 6 rooms, in good order, Wanted. .Parliament. ameled Chair·, Are. 1 clusion we comc to that Til* »1«" £-- ν A Sebago water, situated in the vicinity of City * Ν experienced and aceountaat, is larger, by nearly tli:in is, Mrs. Froude had Hall. Will bookkeeper Mouse osa $£ai« street, for Salt*. one-tliiril, any piano-forte manufactory in and more than be let to a small family for 9200. c\. wants an to a small set of America, better in connection with the merchant 83ΓΆ11 kinds of done. Furniture opportunity keep double as as telegraph James to and shipping of repairing neatly to GEO. R. DAVIS & books or Brick house on New Stat·: next large any in It four Anthony quit the boxed and matted. Apply CO., accounts, or to do oopyiug, or other work, in etreet, Europe. occupies sides of an entire block. There are no country is apparent at a Here we oct5-'60TT&Stf to ha3 private come stance. dec5eod2w Real Estate and. Mortgage Brokers, the evening. Address 3ST0KJTCongress street, ten rooms and furnished houses or home. are called to buildiugs of any kind their on upon provide for the of W. Press with Gas, water liofcfcaud bath room, two except own, the entire square, which an area building sep26 E., Offlce. Sebago cold, comprises ten vessels for the at a cost water closets, dumb wash two of five acres. The of Navy of $4,000,006, SCR1BNER & JORDAN, To Let. Ifcmace, waiter, room, length the front on Tremont Street is 275 feet. Jenks aired his s and at an eellars &e. The length of each wing well cravat yesterday for anuual exueuso thereafter of ?1,(Ό0,- •RICK house No. 80 Clark sreet, 13 is -1)2 feet. The entire is containing 1» a very healthy location, every room the building five Btoiics The of the maiu the fir»t and 1)00, when under the Dill of the Committee of and. Solicitors rooms, with modern Vessels Wanted. having high. depth building, and also of time, he says he now reads the Attorneys Β improvements. sun in some of the Terms each to which I of shinning part dsy. easy. wing is 53 feot. Commerce, have referred, ten ves- —— Enquire old verse in a OF Τ η fr»iir1lf Πλί 1 ftvim Vaur V nrV «till For further information to G. G. new MARK Ml apply LARKLN, version, thusly— sels, equally valuable in all respects, with a WIGGIN, ιΐΒϋϊιτ 311 Street or HENRY A. to Portland and other Congress JONES, Galfe t.îlA t-ΙΐΛν ctr»ilo of ma can be American and on the premises. Philadelphia "And all tflrlu slight alteration, bailt at a cost to the Foreign Patents, irt 1Q Τ» Λ Cunf AfV. 1 αψο Block, Commercial Street. oct9-tf points east. All Persons who intend When coming through their ©ye." government of S'250,000, and be kept in readi- ROSS & to Purchase a PIANOFORTE 309 Consress St., Portland, Me. STURDIVANT, during the pres- ness for the use of the Government when re- mar26thdtf 179 Commercial et. A declined in FOR SALE! ent season should visit the young lady taking part pri- quired without any additional expense. If wo our Warerooms of Messrs. BAILEY & Examinations made by agent in Washington NOYES, vate theatrical} inferior to the tc build nine instead of ten naval and wliea desired. TO LET. part offered vessels, Consultation free. Letters of inquiry of PORTLAND, and see the grant the bounty at the tame time for and answered. All business in another because the father buiidiug cheerfully promptly young lady, of the tan merchant vessels, we shall r eej>crt to an lor Patent can be transact· GREAT OPENING get nineteen application former was a vessels at a cost of ed by mail. Store and Basement TEBBETS colonel in the war, while the §150,000 legs than the teu Jy2TlfifeStf HOUSE, naval vessels latter's was a will cost. — An — OF only major. exchange I SPKINGVALE. CHICKERING Now, sir, am not offering this as an NT©. 47-49 middle St. asks : "Have we rank us ment argu- CHAS. A. WARREN, j INSTRUMENT, hereditary among ?" why these ten vessels should not be built. I believe they should 1» but I Warren & One more of thoee and commodious WILL BE SOLD CHEAP! built, believe (Formerly Gregg.) large stores I or if unable from that in for the lack of timeor send for the providing building of naval ves- HOLIDAY As the owDer wants to West. convenience, An apt illustration of how overmuch schol- sels and GOODS, go appropriating for them, we should con- SHIP BROKER, IN THE THOMPSON serve nect therewith some BLOCK, Jau31 SAMUEL D. TEBBETS. arship may to weaken the force of lan- measure for the building of our mercantile TO LET. ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. guage is shown in the description by Mr. up inariue, U]>on which our Dec. Nary must depend in time of war for its main- COMMISSION Wednesday, 4, 1872. of MERCHANT, 53Γ" If for will be let low We this day issue a NEW Sumner the rescue of the steamer Assyria, tenance and j applied immediately CATALOGUE, in which wo print our VERY LOWEST support. I SOCTH DELAWARE AVENUE, HALE'S, and from which PKICESi as with "Mark Twain's" narrative Now, suppose we couple with this bill which ; Inquire of ΜΚΛ. II. Ε. THOMPSON, we make 110 Discounts or Deviation comparé whatever. has the sanction of the Committee on PHILADELPHIA. janSl I .ο well, Mass., of the similar rescue of the crew the Naval I am happy to inform my friend·! and the Our object is to furnish to onr Patrons of and X will Or, SHEPAUD & COMPANY, same block, general In the department of seasonable goods there may be the very best Piauos which can be and Affairs, hope have the sanction of public of my return from îfctw York -with a a manufactured, the J. C. PROCTER, very found very carefully selected, and economically I at the very Lowest Prices j Charles Wood. The latter is a most graphic House, the bill of Committee on Com- WM. MARKS elegant and large assortment goods adapted to tho which will yield us a fair remuneration. m7 jeSdtf 93 Exchange et. purchased, stock of and merce. to which X have there would holidays, consisting ot Being convinced that the stirring description, though given quietly referred, prevailing system among Manufacturers of and Dealers in be built probably twenty of these merchant To Let. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Ncceuariee, Orflameiital and Instruments to Musioij and in plain, unpretending language, while steamers the Card & Job Printer, Useful Goods, charge very High Prices, and make Largo is during coming year. Those Bopk, N·. 92 Middle street, recently ecoupled by Discounts, wholly wrong and un_ Mr. Sumner's is weakened finer words and twenty steamers would cJ«t the just, we have the by Government STOREHoyt, Fecg Jfc Breed. Jewelry Caskets, such as I have not heretofore had the pleasure of adopted under this bill not over 3500,000. We should lOO EXCHANGE ST., Jc3-|f MATTOCKS & FOX, M Middle »t. belore Portland's the use of Latin phiases. placing appreciative public. then have appropriated $4,500,000, and $500,000 Work I can offer Boxes, ONE of that amount would be appropriated for mer- (DAILY PRESS PBINTOG PRICE case HOUSE.Γ Glove and Handkerchief Boxe»» SYSTEM, He lives in Kansas, and his name is R. D. chant ships, which iu of war would treble EDUCATIONAL. our force. Every Description of work and this Jordan. He is addicted to use ol promptly carcfully , PORCELAINS believing to be the which will the tobacco, I am in favor of the bill executed, and at the lowest prices. Portfolios, proper course, secure JUSTICE to the purchaser, and estab of (he Committee lish a but he is aud as he ou Naval Δ liai ru, because it is ap22 tc i at less than they can be purchased, I am confident. STANDARD PRICE for tho Pianos of the young yet, grows oldei Decenary to PORTLAND ACADEMY. Chickering manufacture, wherever they iua- our naval establishment Writing Desks, be offered for sale. he will quit that pernicious habit. He is 111 keep up in time of peace in order to protect our commerce and be Fine and years old, voted for Washington, does all his for war; but we can H. L. GREGG & Co., winter"" term Cigar Stands, I English French, prepared get along with a December 2d and ooutinues own farm saws and the usual very small Navy in time of peace if we have Successors to Warren e is not an amount be can do 80 but and Portable This, sure, to alarm advantageously, not making it Marine, Stationary j auu for RUBBERS, au; une, recognizing as «ο til; import obligatory him to do so. But iu au.v eveut d#7 AGENTS WANTED. 2w as a let us unite the STEAM ENGINES. A WORD TO PIANO auce of the Navy means for our nat two bill.·, and while we begin to No. 60 BUYERS. defense, and the necessity for it in n rebuild our let 113 at the same time Steam Bailers, Bleach Boilers & Kag Dusters, Shaft- Lagrange Street, TO placing Navy, start THE PUBLIC1. ficieut condition, I should vote for the bi up the private of the ing, Mill Gearing aud General Machinery. Castings | NOTICE. ship-yards country by made te order. BOSTON. The name of CHICKERING has for half a if it involved a much means that will insure them a or every description Repairing Regardless of the of century been identified with the manufacture of larger appropr permanent pros- 1UC 1·« 1W OH1V reports Bradstreet Russell, or and at attended to. Bat what I desire to call the attention of the perity, the same time build up establish- promptly (Next street Seutli of otlier pianos in this country, in such a manneer that a of the of the rjfXeu· and Second-hand Engines for sale. Boylaton.) any reports, I will say that 1 can pay two dol- history operations house would givo House to particularly in connection with this ments that can respond to the demands of the for old Iron. a fair cash prices paid Corner of India and Streets, record of the history of American were matter of for naval ves- Government whenever an Highest Congress lars tor every one I owe ; so in bills and Piano-making. They the first to make Pianos in appropriations building exigency arises which pass your get sels is the of their nid. 315 Commercial Street, America; they have always stood first in the successive importance providing at the same requires fermorly occupied by J. Deeming, {^-Country orders solicited. your as I ask 110 iavors. improvements which have rendered the W. H. FE8SENDEN. se ->13 6m Portland, Me. script, time for the restoration ot our merchant The largest stock of in the American Pianos famous in ship JRXJBBEJRS city the Old World, aud iu both the same as the means which our will hi addition to a choice stock of at the lowest to-day enjoy hemispheres ping only by Navy can keep cash prices. no2$eod2m J. BURLEIGH. DrniNO. the Kb ν eh prominence which they have always held. be re-enforced and sustained in any emergenc} epidemic of last month, when it may be called into actual service. the stock of Ayer's Ague Cure in the old & CO.'S Their uniform success has t een due to causes. North €HAWD£ER Te» and Groceries, legitimate Iuventivo talent, thoroughness in The loss "of our merchant and the became Scbago Bye Woi'ks, of shipping StateJ exhausted, and before a We are much every detail work, the use of the be-t constant attention to the importance of providing some means For its res- supply OF a large stock of obliged to some of our dirty neigh- materials, latest advances of could be received rULL ACCOUNT NO. 17 PLVlfl STREET. toration has been called to the from Lowell, the the in the of workmen and repeatedly atten- suffering We have out the above bors for their reports. applied sciences, liberality pay competent in the purchase of stock tion of since the from chills and Bleats and bought establishment, with Congress close of the war by fever became fearful. A few Provisions, Country all the and will of the ! and a accumulated have machinery good same, with all long experience, accounted for the success of the CHICKERINGS' the'President iti his messages, by the ot were so Produce the admirable reports parties fortunate as to have it on FIRL facilities, conducted by a practical J. BURLEIGH. the Secretaries'of the aud the hand, THE GREAT chemist and s : These, more than the deserved houors bestowed at the French Treasury Navy and in dyei fully confident of turning out Exposition, have contributed to and Iredell County, the ef all kinds. had an by reports of committees of this druggists eked out Having experience of thirteen work that cannot mil or giving satisfaction. build aud sustain the House, in tliia he up confidence which is everywhere felt in the CHICKERING Pianos. It and I think the conclusion arrived at their slender stocks J ΓΝ KUWI UXN I years eity, hope» to merit a share of the Ladiee' dres«ee eolored and finished in a saperior is that by selling doses—a spoon; Gent's for this reason the merchant marine of the ful each—for a public patronage. style. garments cleansed and colored without is that uot- only have exceptional instruments taken innumerable on both sides country is so inti- dollar. prizes connected Many paid ton dollars being ripped,and warranted not to smut,and pressed mately wit!» tlie Navy aud so neces- for a Pricc for all a of the but that uniustructed feel such a bottle, when the AND THE RUINS HigheM paid kinds of Conn ir. superior style. Piano and table Mar- Atlantic, purchasers degreo of assurance in the to its in case of war regular price is bnt one ©overs, $35,000. splendid sary efficiency that some and try Prodncb. Butter, Egg·, Ate. seilles covers bleached and framed : blankets scoured should be made for thought themselves 1 and enduring qualities of any instrument which bears the name of so a house. provision it in connection favored at that, so for tliie Illnatrated nd the wool raised. JOHN S. MILLER & trustworthy tysenj 29 rrntf ftilly CO., with the naval appropriations; and as this is valuable am the curative ! With .flaps. Or, 05K Dol- JOHN S. se;»26 We have thus expressed our estimate of the CHICKERING because tho properties of tliii B*oU, jaat oat FITZ, Proprietors. THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOL- Pianos, priées of these the first bill introduced into this House sine* BT MAIL, tO preparation, which not only the LAB FOB Tiyi OOFIB8, instruments havo just been rednced. Instead of to the down" of in- the close of the war for the expels poison oc28dtf (lateof the firm of Baxtom & Fitz.) yielding slowly "beating building of naval from the but OUT OF I think we system, leaves the THE FIRE. LARS WORTH dividual as is vessels, caunot do better than make patient with H. CHANDLER A CO., Pub'e OF purchasers, generally done, they have established a fixed scale o£._priccs decidedly Η. i'l the same bill for a class unimpaired health and IMPROVED HOWE lower than have provision building visor.—Raleigh (Ν. C.) obtained for several years. This will save both the time and the of of merchant vessels which be Standard. 91 Cornhill, Bui··. «uUcriber would patience may used foi IV·. First Class respectfully announce that commercial declO—lw and all other lie in in CLOTHING! buver and seller alike, and will lie much more satisfactory to both n.-irtio* Tim·.·» purposes (in time of pcaee aud be If ow I I THE organised another Mill and 1'sual diaconat to the trade. ready already taken the Government for its uso The health îy w4wS0 ready to fill all order» for Bar Mill» Oak ae promptly by in case oi restoring properties of Smoland- w heat Pianos tliat can be and who may favor us with an order can n:iv 20d 1 a* before the fir·. AND produced by letter, rely upon war. And with that view I he er1 s Bucnu hope'I may per- strengthen and the en- mitted to oiler as invigorate Machines B. C. JOKBAN. beiug served promptly, and upon the same teiimô as though they were preseut and made their an amendment the bill re- tire Sewing from the system, and remove or counteract R. noT26dtf in ported Committee on Commerce at kidney, "J. & E. BARBOUR, selections person. tho last 1 bladder ami GOOD MACHINE THREAD 1 spools for 5e. GENTLEMEN'S session, which think had the approv- glandular disAises, mental and All the great artists who have visited America have «sod the Chickebing Pianos. al of the of tlio as have a lareo ae«ortmeut of Thalberg, Secretary Navy, 1 know it physical debility, diabetes, gravel, general Ladies Dresses and Cloak did that of the Secretary of the pros- R. Warbnrton, 165 Middle Street. the greatest piano them UNEQUALLED IN THIS COUNTRY AND Treasury. tration of the nerve and all virtuoso, pronounoed That bill first, that the structure, maladies sepl0'72 and provides, Secretarief of tho Basted, fitting graceful and easy. New UNSURPASSED IN EUROPE. of the urino-genital organs in either sex. BOYS' / Patterns ! Treasury, Navy, Interior and tho Post- Evory W0MENS', C1UT constantly received. Samples shown Furnishing .Goods one should MENS', master General, shall be constituted a the merits of and goods sent for from any of tho House· in These were the fir.-t American those of at th hoard ol investigate thts valua- SOUTHERN PINE LUMBER ! leading pianos pitted against European manufacture, to lie — Boston and York. commissioners, known as ble — A>T> New Suits and Cloaks made to the board ol vegetable preparation. than World's Fair in England, in 1851, when, in spite of prejudice and took the commissioners of decIOeodlw Ships, Railroad Cars, Bridges, Factories, and order. L·. R. MARTIN, Cheaper any other party in competition, they commerce, whose duty shall No. 2 Modistes Elm be to execute all contracte FORother building purposes, furnished by the cargo Building. street, medal. The Chickebing Pianos revealed to the makers there the system, first introduced fcy in which t) govern- ΤΠΕ PritEST AND SWEETEST short notice. utv4d2w Portland. ment of the United CoD-LlVKR Oil. at Maine. States is inter ted, and is this linn, of the complete iron frame; which was highly and rise to the ex- which Hazard's and made CHILDREN8' Vfj^Nf£fj8 WANTED.—Coastwise and For- approved of, gave may be authorised by law to V made in Caswell's, ou the sea- of aid of shore, from fresh eign. Notice. pression "Pianos made after the American plan." foreign or djtnestic couiniei e of the selected livers, RYAN & KELSEY, by Caswell, W. PIERCE of United States, to see to the dus oie ition and Hazard & lit Cotnaasreial Portland, retires from ouv ,1. It was at this Exhibition that the of was first into Co., New York. It Street, and his iuterest and plan "over-stringing" brought notice in enforcement of all contract·! made f is absolutely esttt·' Portland. Me. CHAS.firm, responsibility ceases SSURUEICÎII, r the pro- sweet. & Shoes, from this date. Russian Pianos. motion of pureaud Patieuts who have Rubber Boots commerce, aud to the faithful per- once take.» NORTON MILLS it prefer it te all CO., & formance of their duties by all officers others. have de- Patent Weather Lumber S9 MIDDLE STREET. Chlckering Sobs first used the largo scales for Square Pianos, from which has sprung all the having Physician» Improved Strip Manufactures, duties to discharge in aid of in- cidod it Norton Mills and Island Vt. commerce, superior to of tha other in be found at Pond, ties tf present excellence of that class of instruments. officers any oils 8 ST. may Island Pond, de7tf cluding having charge of immigrants market. EXCHANGE Sept. 5,1872. and American to novH-12w tFebl FURNITURE Chickering & Sons have manufactured over 42,000 (forty-two thousand) Pianos, and it is call seamen, collect, arrange and LIBRY'S STORE report from time to time, mid at least ηοτΐί_ SL.EI&HS ! culated those that once in Chapped by curious on such subjects this House has supplied one-quarter of tho instru- eacli to tho to Hands, skin, pimples Corner of Federal and Market year, President, b« by him pre- face, rough Sts., FIS HER M EN" I Rental Notice Ï have a stock of ments in the United States. We claim for tho sented with his recommendations to Congress, ringworm, sail-rheum and other cutaneous af- and a good man to apply them. all such information and statistics concerning frétions cured, and the skin made uofi and nov26 lm· Fine and the commerce of tho United States and TWINES AND NETTING, Sleighs Carriages, other smooth, by the Jrxii'ER Tar Soap,made MACALASTER BROS. nations calculated to show the wants of Amer- using — BY or Finish GHICKERING by Λ Co., New York. — MANUFACTURES and ican Hasard Be or Style, Durability are not surpassed be PIANOS, commerce, together with such recommend- Caswell, For Savannah. as Miy. ations the/may deem proper in aid of sure to the Juniper Tar Swip, as there are Will. E. HOOFER Λ For Sale at ten that are the MOST and THE such get SONS, per cent cheaper than can be tl:ey REST, LASTING, consequently. CHEAPEST. Every per- commerce, and to all fO.^CBESS SQU'E, PORTLANDi THE fine fast-sailing Brig Fron- Λ/ηιrrH♦ In iiin nHtr discharge other duties many worthless imitations made with common Send for price-list. Md. son desires to the fullest value for their which may bo law devolved made Baltimore, JOHN get equitable money—we say emphatically that 110 other by upon said board Have such iniprotemautsln their JunlS-Gm ADAMS, Sacearappa. in relation to tar. nevl4-12w fur 1872. the commerce of apparatus manutwturinK Sirnn. Nov, 21st, ηον22βοϋΛη* Piano manufactured in the world will its cost if a desires to as as the United fizgigs* at bring person sell, quick States. ■ that feel aieparen Electric fj r they conltaenletlJ'r^i ^quicK Like tub Telecuaph Ciuitacr X1 :r;,^M^Oddc,are now pruducln* can u iahaKi r freight apply to CHICKERINGS'. A conclusive proof of their WORTH, after the test of half a cen- Second, that there shall be UJLLTthey RECEIVE» THIS DAY long established un,lei Ijvimbxt has been a long tima with Pliysician· and Chemiet» all unite h, CURTIS & DAVIS, REMOVAL! of directions of the board of earning,-«bat Impunity. Oxide le harmle·· tury public criticism. commissioners ol what a work it is now Pftviug that pure Nitron» when in Street. commerce, at least one doing. The halt and to bave our Gae no. 152 Commercial & SOI Wholesale 130 line of be- We are determined pure if it dlw L!:, deal·™ Tubs choice Vermont steamships soro haled. in ProtSucc ociri Butter, tween some port or in lame, and are eo. Teeth extracted by the use 0f Ni- dec5 Geu< rsl Couimingkon ports the United States wounded, literally can be made and one or niore throwing at our New Dental nrrchiinu have removed to Willi·' Mado of the their crutches. trons Oxide or Ether, Room·, 302 Block, in September and October. principal ports of the away Rheumatism and sli Mr. Geo. W. Hi®· ΙΟΙ Commercial Oue doer BAILEY & continent ot OONOKESS STREET, Over Whittled of Street, I^urime; also liues between New are and no28tf Dissolution Copartnership. runt of Τ. Π WHieu ac Ι'ο'ι NOYES, York and tiie joints banished, dumb beasts Drug Store. I). B. West Indies and Mexico ; be- cry ont juylGdM RICKER & CO., tween New for joy. One trial tells the of SOME? Orleans, the West Iudies. Mexico story, aud month* after date the copartnership and Jirazil the explains WOOD ! WOOD & at Casco, Me., wil Wholesale 185 Fore Street. GENERA L AOKNTS ; between San Australia, whole thing. SIX RAMSDELL, Tanners, Pisino for Sale. Grocers, and Francisco, deoô-eodl«Λ wl t be dissolved. Mr. Ramsdell. who retiree from tlu tdecl4 New Zealand, and other Islands of the ftir sale at Ho. « Lfa the firm at E\T, Dnt-claes, 7 0CtaTC Piano for Pacific. Jon m "«TAUD sert SOFT WOOD business, will attend to the settling of "\T sale on easy fairs to 1.1 term·. Phihtko.—Every description of Job aUMt. Abo Dry IMftep. up that date. j OB PKIUfTINO EXCHANGE that λ executed J I mJu noatly executed at this STREET, PORTEAN®, ME. Third, bounty of not exceeding fif- Printiug promptly, and at the lowest WM. HUSE. Casco, Oct. 24,1872, noTS0dlaw6w&w49 Mp28tf M. G. PALMEE O* office. novStf teen at the ome worthless Ligure, Richardson, and Samaritan, Dodge, Calai» ; He succedaneum for the few months in office when he demonstrated Washington, D«o. 7, 1872. President Grant. says: ^tandard tonic of America have Velma, Look, Addison; Denmark. Call, Dresden; invariably returned to it in an enthusiastic frame of Ularlssa Story, Clifford, Eddie F Treat, Me- SESSION. Tbere have been 110 general hostilities by tbe PARLOR STOVES! Bangor; TUESDAY MOUSING, DEC. 10, 1872. the utter worthlessness of his pledges by en- A WORKING mind, ready to champion it* merit· to the mtermost. [utire, Gardiner; Exchange, Howe, West port; Intre- CHRISTMAS 1N72. Indians this year, but the number of murders The warmest of 1872. in scheme the is itself into or- panegyrists its preventive and The He»t in the market, aad for pid, Anderson, and Winona, Jackson, Portland. every ingenuity of the Congress getting working and committed small war are Very gaging depredations by curative properties those who have havo weighed Cld 7th, brig Nellie Clifford, Littlefleld, Cardenas; is furnished the business of the short session will is than the the nostrumi ol envious adventurers iu •ale at I.ow Frier* by Ρ Every regular attache of the Press King could devise ior levying exactions upon der and parties greater during year preced the balance Uh S Hall, CfrlpmaCn, Jacksonville. Stanley T. iug. I fully indorse the efforts now and fouud them wantinj In a pecuniary point of Ar 8th, barque Saml Β Hale, Matthews, Rosario; with a card certificat© countersigned by the In the matter soon be in rapid progress. The House has being; ali tax-pajers. of street made to civilize and Christianize the Iu" view, attempts to undermine- the popularity of BUCKNAM & brigs Alfnretia, Small. Pensacola; Ho, ijolley. We have just received Editor. All steamboat and In tel wild. metlicinc BAILEY, Tally from New Y»»rk a Pullen, railway, which been at work in earnest ever since the and think that the reservation this have proved advantageous to the pro- Alexandria; Maria Wheeler, Barker, Baltimore; An openings, have always been a source good dians, system and managers will confer a favor apon us by demanding prietors, except for the sake of protecting the No. 19!) Fore between and na D Torrey, Cassidy, Hoboken: sobs John L TrareyT of The has thus and tlie policy of the Government toward the the St., Exchange claiming to represent our of gigantic plunder, he txceeded all his pre- meeting Congress. Sinate public game of exposure would not be worth the Murphy, Alexandria; Lizzie Carr, Teel, do; G W credentials of every person wild tribes is the most liberal and humane that candle. Plum Streets. ''bum- far transacted but little liawley, Rawley, Philadelphia; Jane, Haskell, Eliza- GREAT VARIETY as we have information that several decessors in lavishness of and business to the has ever journal, expendiiure, owing been adopted by any govemmeut to- octia-sntf beth port; Jesse, Sawyer, Weekawken; Malabar, Mc- name of the mers" aie seeking courtesies in the in the number he set occcasioned in the of ward savage and so far as the and Susan and extent of the delays re-organization people, military Ortv, Brutus, Babbage, Bangor; Taylor, — jobs If you want η uic» Photograph or Tin- or γποιγε — and we have no disposition io be, even pas- is concerned every effort will be made to Davis, ami Wm Batman, Carver, do; Wm Hill,Mur- Press, in His became sim- the Committees which was carry SPECIAL NOTICES. operation. income thus completed Friday, out its intentions. The error that [ Type, go to A M. McKeuny,'s 161 Middle Street. and Gookin, Franklin ; Sea sively, a party to such fraud. principal phy, Grampus, Queen, ply immense, and he has filled hi» puree to DEMO-LIBERAL DISCOBD. discover iu its successful management is that He war rents them as good as can be made in Port- Gould, Franklin; Isabel. Leeman,Hampden; Catha- rine, McFadden, Wiscasset; Maine, Brown, Port- name. The in tlie Senate Com- while efforts are made to teach the Indian land. agS-eodtf sn repletion at the expense of his good delay arranging being l-ind; Willie Martin, Blake, do; Mariel, Fletcher, We do not rea 1 anonymous letters and commnni- what is right, and to induce him to do HOLIDAY j of cit- mittees lias been occasioned the right, 9aco. GOODS, of are Ile soon lost the respect good mainly by has not been eations. The name and address the writer in very sufficient importance given to A IIORSE Ar 9th, schs Areola, Wolston, Woolwich; Elwood not for to enhance his fearful difficulties in the hiui what is wrong. I very much fear all cases in lisponsable, necessarily publication izens, but that only served experienced teaching AYanted, weighing not tesa than fourteen hundred Doran, Jarvis, Philadelphia ; Jeddie, Turner, Ron- which we (hall have that the course pursued toward the wild Indian dout ; J H Crowley, Crowley, Hoboken ; New Packet, bat as a guaranty of good faith. with the Tammany leaders, and distribution of the tail tndi by the and fifty lbs., by populaiity does not cause him to fully realize from his lvelley, Millbridge; Clarissa, Pendleton, and Mary Ε We cannot undertake to return or preserve com- his term of three Democrats and nov20sntf JOS. If. POOR Ac ABO. at the expiration of years, Liberals. Surely reconcilia- own standpoint that he is doing wrong when lie Pearson, Pendleton, Bangor ; Greenland. Horton, munications that are Rpt use·I. and Lizzie, Tabbutt,from Bangor; New READY FOR EXHIBITION in a renomina- tion and love are a blessed commits murders and other depredations, auil Globe, Pray, he had no trouble obtaining brotherly thing, We do not pretend that LOBING'S VEGETABLE Bath. if some wise system of punishment could be Cld sell S J tion and re-election. Before his second term but they are not equal to the task of har- 9th, Gilmore, Dutch; Jacksonville. which would SPECIFIC will — arranged and carried out have the cure disease under the Sun, schs — Blaine a dinner every SALEM—ArtJtli, Charlie Cobb, Ames, NYork ; os Speakeii gave party Sat- the Tweed charter was the of and effect of him in this it Foss. Franklin. ended, enacted, monizing incongruities Democracy controlling respect, but we do and the of Woodcock, We cordially invite the Public to say, testimony every person schs Snow evening in honor of Minister Wa»h- was would niach sooner terminate the Indian troub- Ar8tb, Squall, Norton, Philadelphia; uiday whereby the office taken out of the Liberal in the distribution of who Republicanism les on our frontier. has taken the confirms our statement, Jas Lawrence. Rumrill, Calais; Mahaska, burne. Mr. Washburne left for remedy Sawyer, Washington elective category, and placed in the of rewards, even when are Saco tor New York. WEDNESDAY, DEC. lltb, gift they merely compli- that for the treatment and cure of the Maine He will return to an inspection ot the Largest As- distressing DAN VERfc?—Ar 6th, schs Gamecock, Bobbins, Cal- Sunday evening. (tie Mayor, who promptly appointed O'Gor- as in the case of these What News and Other Item*. ais; Arkensas. mentary, places. maladies CONSTIPATION and DYSPEPSIA there Smith, Rockland. Paris the 28th inst. GLOUCESTER—Ar schs Ε F andlnrite our cuilomers to call and iu. man in the spring of 1870 for six years. would have been the result had obtained Bayard Taylor has settled with his family at 7th, Willard, Thomp- examine tl. they sortment ol is nothing like it in Medicine. son, Belfast for Boston ; Boston, tor Gotha to several He has Imported Fine Art Fogg, Freeport that hid While the "Ring" was omnipotent no crea- control of the whole civil service ? Liberal spend years. had do; Cora, Patterson, Bath tor do. The Baltimore American states dec3sntt LQRINQ, Proprietor. ture of it was more in his to enough of ramhliug about aud means to rest Mr. been to induce Vice Presi- abject devotion Republicanism would huve been «wallowed FOREIGN FORTH. Greeley able and Goods ever J. jH. its than its We are indebted to the Washington Chroni- Holiday offered UNDER D¥£R & arena for the nomi- behests law officer, or more defi- by Democracy like a biead pill and with SHIRTS At Yokohama Nov 6, barque for CO., dent Colfax to enter the that Ukraine, Griffin, ant of cle for the information George Washing- San Frauclsco, Idg. he would never public opinion. When that audacious about the same effect. This should stand as Sid tm nation Gen. Grant, — Oct 12, Jas S Phin- against ton's nurses are dying off like sheep. to the People of .Haine. AiiD — Shanghae Darque Stone, fell under the blows of the a to the trustful liberal who is even ney, New York. have made the grand mistake of his life by dynasty sturdy warning No. 6 Free It is said that the house of Wm. G. Fargo of Ar at Hong Kong Oct 20, ship Flying Lewi·, Street Block. Time» O'Goruian'sfall was amatterof course. now the of the Eagle, a candidate for the Presidency. playing,childlike,around edges of is tlie fineit in Whainpoa. being Buffalo, Expre-s fame, the SCHUMACHER DRAWERS Sid Oct Dec. 1872. Jecl0d2w He held his the Democratic where the banks are BROTHERS, 23, ships Saml G Glover,Miller, New 9, place by sufferance, last Leg-1 slough steep if not iu America. York; Board of State, Scotia, Drummond, San Francisco. The action of the Aldermen last In Oct islature having failed to repca and slippery and the solid earth too thin to port 26. ship Old one; ignobly The Centennial — Dominion, Morte, Philadelphia Commission AT — on the pending factory question will 5 Dcering Block. barque Penang, Patteu, for New York. Sewer Assessment*. night Tweed's charter or his even so trifling a as himself. that the coin of the United At Callao 13th displace hirelings by support thing suggest States ult. ships I$mma, Rich ; Gen Berry, meet the hearty cf the progressive Levensullsr, and approval enactment. SENATOR SCHUBZ. struck in the 1876 bear such devise and Nancy Pendleton, Pendleton, for is hereby given that there will be an ad- special year VERY LOW PRICKS. Europe. men of the Another d»cl« TT&S3t NOTICEjourned session of the Board of Mayor and Al- city. ample building But now a new is about to con- Senator Schurz has found it necessary to as will recognize the great event Cld at 4th Legislature inscription Guanape ult, ship Kendrick Fish, Mc- dermen at their Room, In City Building, on MON- will thus be and thousands of dol- Cloy, Callao. the of occupied, and one of its earliest duties will be to write a letter to Senator Tliurman to define then to be commemorated. DAY, 16tl· day December, 1872. at o'ekx k P. vene, At Demarara 1st Inst, sch 7J which benefit all Annie Whiting, Hutch- M., for the purpene of hearing all persons inter* Hied lars secured to the city will his Democratic friends The widow and of ex-President from and for New York. wipe out the whole brood of office holders his position, so that family Tyler CHARLES CUSTIS & inson, in the matter of assessments made by said lioaid on CO.. Ar at Havana let industries and trades. will witter iu inst, barque Mendota, Perry, St account of sewers constructed in the year 1871. No- hatched the that O'Gor- may know where to find him, and the rest of Washington. John, NB; S Ε by Ring. Foreseeing brig Kennedy, Hall, New York; 4th, tice of th«j same having been heretofore ac- Hon. Galusha A. Grow ha» been made Pres- Acacia, Robinson. given man must the a mankind know where lie lias He 493 CONGRESS barque Boston 10 days. cording to law. Per And now a German has been in- go. Mayor anticipates by few may gone. NTBBBT. Sid order, professor ident of the International 1st, brig Havana, Benuls, New York; sch A J H. I. KOBINSON, Clerk. weeks that that he is on Railway. octll intr City the attention of the law-makers at obvious act of justice, and confers would have them understand Bonner, Bonner, North of Hatterae. declMGt viting Mrs. Dust, wife of the bandmaster of a Brit- Ar at Matanzas 30th nit, Deborah S his a the und if brig Soule, to a machine. What in place upon Republican. As a political Cincinnati platform, anybody ! Soule, Pictou. Washington talking ish regiment, has presented her lord with three CHRISTMAS GOODS movement this of Hall's will where that is no doubt find the world such a machine is needed tor in device bepro- knows they can, Vermont little specks of dust, boys of equal age. [Lateat by European steamers.] Cheese, nouueed «mari men who take a Gen. Schurz. Do ask where? Echo I. O. O. F. is one of the things that "no by superficial you The N. nail over Ar at London 22d W H Washington, Boonton, J., factory,started Member» of EASTERN ult, Randall, Richasdson, view of the situation and do not insist answers 'where'—but an irreverent fellow on STAR ENCAMPMENT A choice lot of Bathurst, (and ent to return.) A LOT fellah can tell" outside of the District of Co- upon 100 years has grown to cover acre·. CHOICE~FACTORY AND ago, sixty No. 2 are hereby notified that the Resolutions in favor Ar at Deal 23d, Masonic, Coast for absolute rectitude as the basis of who i» of Meservey, Cape lumbia unless it will do the and only really my right, suspocted strong Repub- A Miss tried to commit suicide at Mar- PRESENTS ! London Rhine. New York for FARM DAIRY "chinning" apple of establishing a Sinking Fund will be acted on at FOR THE HOLIDAYS ; Jordon, do. CHEESE, Passed Fred wise official action. It is that tlie lican tendencies says sneeringly, "Gone because she was a by 22d, Tudor. Bradford, London for leave Congressmen to attend to business. very likely iposa, Cal., lately, neglected tiie next regular session, to ¥e held Dec. 11,1872, at Callao. FOR SALE BY, substitution of a Republican for a Democrat where tbe woodbine twineth." fruit. Miss Apple wanted to be oue of a pair. Odd Fellews* Hall. A general attendance is request- Ar at Bristol 22d, Amy, Pinkliam, Zante. a sober can φι,λ fitτ /ττ„: Ar at Cardlff21st, J C GAGE L 00. The Montreal (Pitnesa, sided, will embarass the and hinder the SENATOR SUMNER'S HEALTH. ed. By order of the Encampment, JEWELRY JEWELRY 1 Haseltlne, Hasse 11. Dunkirk, SMITH, Legislature, (and ent out for Havana.) 10 the WILLIAM K. de did journal, coolly expresses hope that, of an act out this officer and Much is the edited by the Bev. Ε. H. Chapin.· The cream NEAL, Scribe. Ar at 20th, Josie from passage sweeping apprehension expressed by FANCY GOODS 1 Newport Mildred, Herriman, has no indi- of the are Portland, Dec. 9, 1872. 3t Riga. although President Grant given his numerous suite with the residue of friends of Mr. Sumner in to the state clergy assuming the editorial tripod the regard Ar at Troon 19th ult, J Ε Woodworth, McNellley, FOR SALE τι :_ _n ii Ex-Gov. Vance of North ha» had » HABCBETE JEWELRY, cation of it in his message, he will aboli«h of his health which is said to be much more Carolina, FRESH VACCINE· Belfast. WHITBY JEWELRY, Ar at Queenstown 21st. John C Potter. MfClnrp. GOOD FAMILY HORSE, kind some of his measures" towards waltz dedicated to liiin because he wasn't elect- I have made "repressive it was meant to serve. But it than the are lei to believe- arrangements with a number of and a aboi «MU pose that will precarious public lead- RUBBER JEWELRY, Rangoon (ana eld 22it of (his is now DON'T PAY TOO HIGH. kind pending against vigor. He has, however, at his own request, at Princeton, Kan. Oct 0, lat 17 13 S, Ion 27 26 W. John Ν Cash A office. Salary not so much of an object, aa a to amend the instrument ship cussing the proposal If anything you wish to R. B. from Cardiff for permanent position. Add reef* Hall initiated by O'Gorman collusion with been excused from all committee work. The Shanleys claim that on the 3d of Decem- buy, SWIFT, ing, Baxter, Sinpapure. by Take eare you do not too : Dec off "BOOKKEEPER," and it to the progress since made. It pay high 1, Cape Florida, ship Keunion, from New adapt to head off ber were but 110 feet on the AUU u iiuu iv io CUQ »» 1DCB1/ delO*lw Hall, the genuine prosecution set This seems to indicate that there is at least they apart head- piu.ll UNDER MECHANICS' HALL. Orleans for Havre. Box 923 Portland, Me. contain· a Catholics hold- To save a dollar if you can. prohibition against on foot the a the ings east of the central shaft at the Hoosac dec7 en3w by Attorney General, and in reasonable foundation for fears c-f hi» A trifling sum if laved each an that since day, ! ing office, absurdity ouglît long Tunnel, and that to a hole With or care If laid REMOVAL which Chas. O'Conor i· engaged for the peo- f'iends. The latest advice of his physician they expected get prop away. BANK OF DEF08IT. to have Will help your daily needa eu 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS disappeared. through by next Saturday. The entire comple- poly. ^ ple. to the effect that he should cease hit war on the When you your labors have laid by. New York Life Insurance Ooui'y. tion of the work is in If have F. A. HAWLEY & It will furnish matter for is looked for eleven you Boys, and they need "Clothes," CO., Eaatern Branch offl· of the above Recently we were not a little surprised curious specula- administration politically sound to sty the They'll "Suit" Company, month·. them lo# at GeobokFenno's, 1829. Charter Perpetual. 1872. THEbaa been removed from Fluent Block, to tion, what courte will be taken by the and we will it it Coat, Vest. Hat and Shoes BANKERS, to see a name that for years had ended in Corpo- least, cheerfully admit that tante, complete,] 84 MIDDLE ration Counsel towaids the man from whom A manufacturer has Corner of Beach and street. STREET. Philadelphia perfected Washington Ν·. 1 cor. State Boston. honest 'brooks" to "brooke". scientifically so. d®c4-lw Derenahire, St., delOdlw W. V. General good changed in the expiring moments of hi· official life he an illuminated column of 1000 feet high to MORRILL, Agent. We are to that the fel- has received an THE CREDIT MOBILIER COMMUTES glad learn, however, appointment worth not less light the at the Centennial Ex- FRANKLIN grounds coming PIANOS. "WEBER" and other emi- Four cent, interest allowed ou Oirl Wanted. nonsense th-ii $50,000 a year, and which, if lie is not has had one and hare summoned Mr per deposit low who perpetrated this piece of meeting A look it as "a cas- PIANOS. position. good many upon nent makers. to drawn as bank. Deerlng Street, a competent and reliable Nova displaced by Albany legislation he is entitled McComb who is considered accounts, subject check, any city is a freshman in one of our inititu- the Mrs. Wood- tle in the air." PIANOS. Sold ED. B. ONSaotla fl^rl to do general liouae-work in a am all popular to retain for about four and a by ROBINSON, Out-of-town will havo their remitances and years half. depositors FIRE family, no cni dren. Good reference· tions and in all it. hull of the affair. The are A C'incinnatiau Histori- 5 Gaboon INSURANCE required. Ad- will, probability, outgrow Whatever may be thought of Hall's action developments lia» presented to the Β lock « opposite City Hall, collections promptly acknowledged. CO., ëreaa, "A. W.," Box 19S9. Idt^V awaited but there does not seem to ical a (Mineral and Had it come later in life his case would be in the premises, Smith has made a mis- be much Society the manuscript copy of Jefferson m y 17 AT REDUCED PR fCE S We do Banking Commission busi- eomly — — hopelesj. take and a very serious one. No man interest manifested in connection with the Davis' veto of the joint resolution adopted by ness, Negotiate Bonds, Stock, Notes and other Secur OF can afford to such an MUNICIPAL & REAL ESTATE ities, make collections through the United States and accept appointment, matter by the public. The conviction that Jhe Confederate Congress exempting newspa- Presents of a under such circumstances. The Europe. As Holiday Intelligent Maine readers leading suspicion men from active The En- SECURITIES ! the whole is without foundation per military duty. — attaching to the whole transaction is quite story having PHILADELPHIA. —at the Boston journal will be somewhat astonished quirer Bays: "It was this ill-tim«d and ill-ad- DEALERS IN SECURITIES, sufficient to impair the usefulness of a func- apparently settled down upon everybody but BONDS of Towns and Cities, and MORTGAGES to learn that the present excellent Chief Jus- vised act the of President Davis of Real Estate in the tionary thus created, and subject him to cen- the editor of the .New York Sun, who chooses upon part Improved west, bearing 10 per we invite inquiries relating to investments, and give cent, interest, payable in the east, for sale by Eureka Dollar Store. tice of our Supreme Court is the Hon. Nathan sorious remarks and unpleasant criticisms. which caused the ultimate downfall and ruin below the of a few of the most desirable "darkness rather t..an light" for reasons ob- CHARLES M. HAWKES, prices Capital, ■ ■ $400,000 00 D. is believed to It deprives him at the outset ef the confi- of the 28 Bonds : Appleton, who generally vious Confederacy. Exchange st., Portland. dence of his fellow and the to all. He is evidently preparing to have died twelve since. If the distin- citizens, only way The action of the Mutual Life Imurance sep28snrf B., C. R. & M., Milwaukee Extension, 7s 82-i Accrued Surplus and Pre- A splendid line of years Smith can it will be throw dirt 011 the Committee's when Midland 7s 90 regain by placing his res- report of New Pacific, relative Company York in reducing its rates is To Let, Crawfordsviile & 8s.. guished correspondent's predictions ignation in the hands of Mayor Havemcver, it comes out. Logansport, Southwestern, .97$ miums, ... 88 considerable excitement and dis- commodious four storied 2,916,816 to State officials for 1873 are based on no the moment he takes his seat. If he liursues creating sharp Brick Store, No. 57 U. S. Bonds and other marketable securities allow- GLASS WARE ΤΠΕ DEATH PENALTY. THECommercial St.—immediate ed full in this he will relieve cussiou among those interested in life iniurance posession given. price exchange. eep3-3mo-tt&« better of the than the above, obviously proper course, Inquire of ELIAS THOMAS & CO — a — knowledge past The execution of the death is himself from the odium of traded with penalty be- matters. No. 90 Commercial St. his favorites will come to having Cash Assets, Norember undoubtedly griei. Hall and O'Gorman. is no coming very frequent in this city, and mur- Or of W. W. THOMAS. Canal National Bank. MARRIED. There ether way Abeduego Bobinson of Stratham, Ν. H., was Vase·, Toilet Setts, Silver «less ders seem to be on the in- septl2sntf Ware, to do it. If he to thwart the proportionately ■ attempts popu- attacked α bull and under the ani- 1872, 88 Glasa crease. One man was on of by trampled 30, $3,316,316 Setts, Goblets, 4c., A Washington that the lar will, endeavoring to his lie hung the 31st Iu Dec. 3, Newell Jackson and Susan E. despatch says by keep place, mal's hoofs on His is doubt- BANK OF PORTLAND. Wiscasset, will not himself October, and Friday another met the same Friday. recovery Simpson. -w- friends of Clews the New York bank- only injure irretrievably, but and after this tbe un will · Henry while two more await their doom ful. On, date, ersigned carry In Wiscasset, Dec. 3, Charles E. Fargo of Chicago will furnish the strongest possible fate, only on a strictly Banking business, at the er are to make him the successor argument Banking and Isabella Coffin ol Wiscasset. striving of in a few days hence. The papers of this morn- from N. state Rooms now the Second favor of including that office in the number Specials Greentborougb, C., occupied by National Bank, In Gardiner, Dec. 1. Clias. H. Douglass of Gardiner New, Choice and Rich contain and in under the of the Premiums, October, Designs, Secretary Boutwell. Mr. Clews has recently which it will devolve on the to ing lengthy accuratc descriptions that Judge Thomas Settle has juit been Portland, Maine, style "BANK and Ella E. Dolloft of Ml. Vernon. Legislature ap- OF PORTLAND" and as will receive just received from tlie beat vacate in the outset of the session. of the process bv which the last one was such, Deposits In West Waterville, Nov. 28, Paul Hammond and manuflactorlea in Europe, issued a pamphlet on the subject of '*Our pointed an Associate Justice of the and make in the course of the 1872, 70 without made to furnish an of the Supreme Discounts, regular Clara E. Yea ton, both of Belgrade. $252,780 doubt the I have heard no intimation that Mr. Smith example majesty Backing Business. Monetary Evils," in which he suggests the of the and t!ie circumstances Court of North Carolina, and has accepted and intends to regard his appointment as a mere- law, attending W. N. GOOLD. Premiums, November, BEST measures as calculated to our the of his soul to been It was thi· he June 1872. MAKE, following plaee ad interim one; but he is sensi- hastening Heaven,—1er we qualified. position resign- Portland, 24th, DIED. ly extremely un23newit then sn tf are told his had ed to the mission to Peru. j .... monetary affairs ''upon a steadier and more tive to public feeling, and therefore I have tljat peace heen made with accept 1872, 301,876 64 GREATEST VARIETY, God,—and the from course of natural basis:" some hopes that his pride will overcome his papers give quotations Stanley's lectures in New York, 1 ο ο In Gardiner, Dec. 2, Mrs. Nancy, wife kof Benj. the Latin the as 60 AND avarice. W hen he was U. S. District Attor- prayers repeated by priest upon his seBrcli after Livingstone, ha» proved a Elwell, aged years. LARGEST STOCK 1. The removal or the amelioration of the the In Dec. Mrs. under Lincoln, lie fell a victim to final preparations were being made. The P^iston, ·, Harriet, relict of the late restrictions the reserves of the ney charges decided failure. Persons holding tickets for the John Jewett. 34 ITEB OFFERED I!f PORTLAND. existing upon which papers also say that the had to COAT, PANTS AND VEST $554,657 compelled his resignation, but with ex- proceedings course Id Norway, Dec. 1, Mr. John Witt, 81 national banks. be hurried somewhat, for fear that tlie assembled Friday night to listen to the aged years. traordinary pluck, energy and perseverance poor In Bangor, Dec. 4, Hon. Solomon Parsons, aged 74 2. Free issues of bank currency, upon de- wretch would faint be I the third lecture, but were informed by the janitor Also a assortment of lie collected and in a or* drop fell, and years. large of bonds at as at together published MAKERS posits Washington, present. thus detract from the moral force of the that the receipts had not met the expenses, and WANTED In Boston, Dec. 2, of small pox, Geo. H. Taylor cf pamphlet a defence which was pronouueed 35 Amonnt 3. Effective arrangements for ensuring the seems Bridgton, aged years. insured in the Hats, Caps, decisive by.several of the best members of public strangling. There to be one the undertaking had been abandoned. Umbrellas, Travelling Bay·, contraction of the bank note circulation, connected with all OK READY IHADB W Ο Κ Κ. the New York such an eminer.t Strang; inconsistency Prof. has a now re- Sil- seasons Bar, including Tyndall just perfected Burned District, Basket·, Pictures, Fancj Boxes, through redemption, in of undue these executions—which is that while the DEPAKTUKE OF OCEAN STEAKIEBM authority as Judge Woodruff. In this way for in which the solid abundance of money. spirator firemen, parti- ΚΑΜΕ FROM FOR DATE ver Table Cut- Aud, he succeeded in criminal had become a true Christian, fit to ... Ware, Jewelry, removing impressions that cles of the densest smoke are ORIN HAWKES & .New York.. Boston, $458,196 00 4. The utter abolition of the Usury Laws. dwell the blest in the belter arrested by flime CO., Henry Chauncey.. Aspinwall Dec 10 were extremely prejudiciaf to his reputation. among world, Java New York. .Liverpool Dec 11 lery, Toys, Ladies and dents' still he was of cotton wool wetted with aud the Now that circums ances have sent from this life just when he glycerine, Idaho New York. Dec It Amount insured on Out- A case will soon be carried to the again placed .Liverpool United seems to have become best for most of charcoal. novltsntf '390 & 293 Street. Crescent City New York. .Havana Dec 12 Children's him in an equivocal the fitted earthly pungent gas by layers By Congress Underclothing, position, opportunity Scandinavian Portland.. Dec 14 skirts of States Supreme Court that involves questions lies before him of existcnc,. Why is this? Do our laws com- this simple means firemen can remain within .Liverpool same, 39,500 00 setting himself right be- City of Brussels—New York. .Liverpool Dec 14 Far·, Ac., &c„ Ste. that are of interest to State in the mit or does the its GUNsT great every fore the people, by an honorable and volun- murder, Gospel through burning buildings for upwards of an hour al a Wasliinglou New York. .Havre Dec 14 of a interpreters deccive us ? POWDER, Liberty New York. .Ν 0& Havana Dec 1C It has been ascertained that will Union. A recent legislature of Illinois en- tary relinquishment post given to him time with safety and comfort, so far as their definitely 92000 Minnesota New York. .Liverpool Dec 18 a man who had 110 moral to be- LITERARY. cover Persons looking for acted a law the maximum tariff on the by right respiration is concerned. SHOT, Calabria New York. Dec 18 all claims upon the last iteau, while salvages fixing stow .Liverpool it. the of Prussian Dec 21 railroads in a Among interesting circumstances CAPS. Poitland—Liverpool determined indicate a net that State. Under this act, Now York. already loss of not over Useful and The Washburne 011 the 4th inst. the week in is the of a Mandiago .Demarara... .Dcc 23 Ornamental Presents suit has been to reception Washington opening BUY Ï.ÎE.U A : 51 EXCHANGE Ontario New York. .Bio Jaueiro ....Dec 23 brought compel the Chicago course of on STATE NEWS. ST., at the Union was a lectures Light, by Prof. Tyu- Should call at the and League Club, very enjoy- OF Alton railroad company to discontinue dall, of London, which are said to be very in- able and elegant entertainment. The beauti- itliaiafure Aimaiiac December 10. $400,000. its practice of teresting. J. IZ. LUCAS. charging discriminating freight ful ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Sun rises 7.19 I Moon sets 2.40 AM Eureka Dollar Store theatre of the Club was put in requisi- The Maine Association has organized Sept 18-sntf tariff. At the hearing the company contend- Several leading citizens of Aubura Sun sets 4.27 I High water 7.30 AM tion, and the was converted into an ex- for the year by the choice of Snell for petition before stage Jndgo to the Legislature for a charter for a mutual purchasing alaewhere. ed that when its charter was granted, the President and W. P. Freeman with VERMONT BUTTER ! quisite conservatory. Festoons bearing appro- Secretary, tire insurance company. Alfred G. Pres't. State gave it the right to fix its own tariff. an executive committee to arrange for a 103 Tubs Baker, priate inscriptions were over the fold- The Journal says that Auburn is Choie» Vciwout But- MARINE NEWS. 284 I hung series of entertainments and 'sociables a la daily Congress Street, In reply to this it was argued hat the sover- crowded as never btrore with teams. ing doors that separate the theatre from the "down east." The Maniacs will undoubted- ter. For Sale by eignty of the State must always remain unim- The Lewiston Journal that Knox FORT OF PORTLAND. Preble other rooms. The whole floor was thrown ly enjoy them very much. Minot. says Post, GEORGE F ALES, Opposite House. paired. Judge Tipton of the uircult Court G. A. R., give dramatic entertainments at City SHAW & HASKELL, opeu to the use of the and the December Dec. 9. guests grand An Ingenious old and Hall, 19th, 20th aud 21st, which will Monday, Vice-President. took this view and thus affirmed the constitu Murder.—An inof- be H. LOFIËLD was used for a under the able direction of Mr. G. \V. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ARRIVED. & parlor-library apartment sup- fensive inan at named CO., Liuuiuiiy υι tue law. χι» gues miue uuiicu Eldersville, Pa., John Heath. The Drummer of the Sch Annie Lyons, Grant. Baltimore—coal to Gae Co room. The was Boy Shtnandoah, per table one of the most a 147 Commercial 81., Portland. Sch Hannah Eldridge, Boston. States Court. Allingham, has recently been the victim of an fine drama, will br presented with new scen- Hodgdon, J. w. PROPRIETORS. Supreme Sell Addie Emma, Burgess, Grand Menan, NB. McAllister, dec9 tdec2S and or la- infernal carried ont a ery. oct4-eod3mosn* tastefully arranged app'opriatcly plot, in diabolical but ~ Sch W Η Mailer, Crowley, St John NB, for Ν York. The Journal that Sch ftrr.ad Vic.-Pr.aid.ut. mented boards ever seen in and and was a says S. B. Greenwood rais- Oregon, Dunton, Boothbay. The attention of the has been call- America, unique ingenious way. AUinfham DENTAL NOTICE. public ed from 1£ acres, 202 bushels of ears of corn, 9 Sch Onrust. Romer, Calais for Philadelphia. Monday, December 9th. was visited and admired of the com- small grocer about 70 years old, no fam- Sch H G Calais for ed to the not con- by many having bushels of 5 of and two cart- Fay, Philbrook, Providence. unusual, to say disgraceful, beans, potatoes REMOVAL. Sch pany before it was laid waste by the devour- ily but his wife. On Wednesday evening he loads of pumpkins. Addio Murchie, Gibbs, Calais for New York. THEO. m. flict now going on at New Orleans, and many Sch Lunet, (new, 170 tons) Hinds, ol and from Cal- REGER, December 10th. ing crowd. clossd up his store, and, as is usual with elderly The Lewiston Journal speaks in terms of ais for Providence. Tuesday, doubtless are how MACALAStTr BROS., puzzled to understand two of it3 or Sch for Secretary. Mr. Washburne arrived a little 9 people in quiet retired early highest praise 2000 25000 Canadian July Fourth, Cobb, Bangor Bridgeport. before neighborhoods, DENTISTS, Sch A sets of authorities can arrive at so different French population. They are Hayford, Shute, Fox Island for New York. under with his wife. Sometime afler midnight Mrs. industrious, Sch Geo Β Belfast December 11th the e»cort of Wm. M. Evarts ««IV ivmmou tuui JUILC Ferguson, Ferguson, for Nïork. Wednesday, o'clock, frugal, quiet and prolitic. Th· families fre- w UUVU1B υVCt Y¥ results in the vote of the State, Allingham was awakened a dreadful UCOigC Sch W Ρ Ritchie, lor L\nn. counting and by shook, have teu and one is Whittier's Dru4 Store, Congress Square. Frcethy, Bangor Elliot C. Cowdin. Mr. Evarts, and Mr. which caused the to tall quently quoted that num- Sch A Hill, for New York. SAffiL. W. rom all that we are able to plastering upon the Dr. Macalaster is now at liis new Taylor, Bangor KAY, learn respecting bers eighteen children. ready office to Sch the President of the acted as bed were she and lier husband were wait 011 those his services. Seraph, Varnum, Bangor for Maiden. Hoppin, Club, sleeping- requiring proiessioual Sch Globe. for Aa.iat.Ht ι e conflict, it that the candidate of The was as of some FRANKLIN CODNTY. Entrance to Dental Herrick, Bangor laanlftrr. appears τι f ixwl ιιηηκι nnd m nAimln λΡ Ιλλ,»».-. "·«·■" report heavy shoo! in/ weap Rooms, Cambridge. Sch Fred Warren, Robinson, Bangor for Boston. We need some more room for our Gov. Warmoth is the of on much overloaded. Tlie old lady's haud The Advertiser is informed that in the opponent negro giv- town of 392 Congress Street and 95 Free Street, Sch Coral. Colson, Bangor for Plymouth. spent ia and chat. ing her intense she discovered that one of Sfcronsr th«r« is airmail ν so m noli enow «a +.λ ■ and that Warmoth and his associates hand-shaking pleasant pain, Sch Iowa, Fisher, Bangor for Quiucy. suffrage, her fingers had been shot and that streams nov7 PORTLAND, ME. sntf Rollins & You who know what a cheerful face and cor- away, render the breaking out of the highways neces- CLEARED. Adams, CHRISTMAS GOODS, assume the right of the Stat» to exclude the of bl'.od were dyeing the bedclothes. dial manner Mr. Jumping sary. Steamer Franconia, Bragg, New York—Henry Fox. Washburnt; has can from bed BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. w* colored voters from the polls and claim the appre- her she called to lier husband, but re- OXFORD COUNTY. Brig Helen Ο Phinney, Boyd, Matanzas—Phinney therefore shall sell for these three days at no she 011 This Hair is the in ciate the informality and heartiuess with ceiving raspouse put her hand his From oar splendid Dye best the world. A Jackson. to throw out the ballots this class Fryebug Correspondent. True AGENTS, right of in head and fouud that a of it re- The only and Perfect Harmless Reliable ^ which this was relieved only portion Dye. Dug itiurj maimer, isurgin, luaraiizas—nnnney ceremony from dull- Fourteen inches of snow fell in on and no no ridiculous & Jackson. up the returns. It was for this mained. SI10 aroused the neighbors, and they Frycburg Instantaneous; disappointment; LOWER PRICES making pui- There is move tints or odor. Remedies 1 lie ill ness. The personal part of the reception fouud the old man's brains and blood scattered Sunday. than two feet now ou unpleasant effects of Sch Τ S McLellan, Farr, New Yck—Chas Sawyer. that Warmoth the a in bad dyes washes. Produces Immediately a Schs Jas and Ruth Office No. 1 pose summarily discharged around the room. A of his skull level this viciuity. superb Bliss, Hatch, Thomas, Dodge. Exchange Street, than the i; xxls can be bmtght at wholesale. being over the guests resolved themselves in- piece had Black ob Natural and leaves the hair Boston—James & Williams. board and constituted another. beeu driven Brown, returning into the wall, and the brains were FEKOBSOOr COUNTY. clean, soft and beautiful. The W. A. to a general and Mr. Evarls made genuine, signed Cld 7th, Lord Liv- meeting, from what was left. Au ex- Batckelor. Sold aU steamship Clive, (Br) Urquhart, One lot Tard wld? Thibet» for 75c. The Kellogg party contend that the Federal cleverly scooped The quantity of lumber at Bangor by Druggists. Porteous. IIP STAIRS. some remarks amination of surveyed CHAS. Κ erpool—John " appropriate to the premises proved that lie had between BATCH LOR, Prop., Ν. T. ■ deolO Courts interfere to complimeatary January 1st and Dec. 7th, 1872, was 3t all Wool Plaids for 40c. may prevent the' proposed been killed an octl d&w lyr s y the to which he by improvised blunderbuss, made 24T>,453,t>49 feet in [FROM our " ·' distinguished guest, feet, against 1871 correspondent.] ■ respond from a 227,491,075 for S 7 l-2c. violation of the Cunstitution. The real ques- piece of water-pipe about five feet iu and 202,014,192 feet in 1870. Dec schs IP YOU WANT Serges ed in an admirable BOOTHBAY, 1—Ar, Nevada, Gillis, Bel- " " speech, wherein Mr. length. This was luaded with an immense SKATES. fast tor Satinets for 55e. tion at issue would seem to be whether the The Whi'j says that been Baltimore; Oregon, Smith, Millbridge for to the of and and mounted in nothing having Portland. *' " Washburne, referring period of the charge powder slugs, heard of tho schooner Julia for 45c. has the to CO Ann of that Serges general government right interfere vu jiianUI lu iu UUC H IICIC lb W U.· city, Acme Club and Common Pocket Dec 2—Ar, sch Nettie Walker, Machias for NYork. A MJCiHAI tnitlSIMA» Franco-German and the novel duties J iUU, which sailed from for Skates, " war, touched off with a slow Iiangor Boston Novem- Dec 6—Slu, sch Ε Κ Dresser. Seed, Norfolk. Blk. for 25c. to protect the rights of citizens against hos- match, recoiling about ber all of Knives, Alpaceas him a 2d, hopes her are abandoned. Razors, Dec 8—Ar, sch Frank lor —ΑΧΟ— imposed upon on account of said dozen yards. How accurately it was planned safety Barker, Wylie, Bangor sun ιογ β< tile local in violation of the Fede- it, She was in ballast and is to Boston. ropuns l-xc. legislation the result showed. was supposed have Scissors in sets anil single pairs. that as furni ihed 110 tor Nothing missing, so sch « history precedent that foundered at sea. Capt. Reid of Sid, Alice, Love, Salem ; Mystic Tie, Dunton, BIk. for 90c. ral laws and Constitution. robbery could not have been the thing aun Hampden, Guns and Sporting Goods as usual. Boston. JVcw Year Repellents his he took a "towχ meeting" commanded the vessel, which was of 78 Happy " " action, purely ed at. The only suspected person is a customer tons, O. Crochet Buttons 20c. * doz. view of the and acted and had two unknown seamen. Ii. BAILEY, subject upon the uni- of Mr. who had some Launched—At Soatli Bristol 4*h from the « " " " Allingham, petty spite dec9sn3w 48 EXCHANGE RTBEET. inst, make somebody a present of a good pair of 12c. versal la»' of common sense and common and he a ot A & M a tine ccntre-board schr Rep. Our >ew York Letter. hu- against him, has been arrested. Saturday night public meeting was held in yaid Gamage, of " to consider 135 named A <& M Gam owned the Tassel Ties for manity. By this rule ol conduct he preserv- Bangor the propriety of loaning the ton*, age, by % ♦Sc. credit in aid of WATCHES Λ\I> JEWELRY ! builders and others and to be commanded " ed the neutrality of his and The Postal Τ ε leg ra ι· h —Τ h e Boston Trav- city the Sliore Line Kailroad. by Capt Shoes or Windsor Tics for 60.·. BtK LAST TBICK OF MAYC Β HALL—SOME- government, Without John Farrow. Boots, Slipper». still gave the of his to i.on- eller's the fol- expressing auy opinion the meeting " protection flag Washington correspondent gives one week. Dress Protectors 12 1-2p- ■ v···* combatant of adjourned MEMORANDA. more THING ABOUT BICHABD O'OOBMAN AND E. foreigners European nations lowing, which he regards "a significant inci- Nothing useful, appropriate or acceptable. " then Paris. To those who Joseph Cheever of Ν. has and Irom 2-Button in remember how dent in to Portsmouth, H., NEW STOCK Sell Boaz, Brown, of Belfast for Rondout» DEL AFIELD SMITH—THE WABHBCBÏB BE- regard the governinent postal ttl«~ been a full and assortment ef I well our excellent Minister performed the appointed railway postal clerk from Bos- into Vineyard-Haven 6th inst with mainsail torn? Harlng splendid good·. graph project" : ton to Bangor, at a of $1200 JIIIT RECEIVED FROM NEWVORK. ibboom brokeu, boat stove, &c, been run into am well prepared for the Holiday trade, and am We ba CEPTION. delicate duties of his how salary per annum, having embassy—with vice Jno. J. schr Ida Ella, while at anchor oft' the harhor. offering euch inducements to the public a· eaanot Gardner .T. Hubbard of the Leavitt, removed. {>ut>y The New Yobk, Dec. much tact be exercised the prerogative» of Massachusetts, Ida Ella lost her boat. fail to meet their a- proval in the way of purchasing. 8,1872. author of the so-called Hubbard SOMERSET Red l>am «va WW his office—his explanation of his views of the Telegraph bill, COUNTY. No better assortment of Turkey per yitru· Mayor Hall has been one of which looked much like a ia performing of his will be thor- always very job, The Wisconsin papers are quite ad- DOMESTIC PORTS. responsibilities position understood to have made his with Hon. generally LADIES' GOLD WATCH FS, Such bargains were never offeree! before in tbia eccentric feaU of sharp practice for peace vocating the election of Hon. Wm. P. Bartlett SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 29th ult, ship Geo H War- TOILET SLIPPERS city oughly. appreciated. Diplomacy acquired a William the President of the Western Orton, for the of the Mr. GENTS' GOLD en, Ellis, Liverpool. he has achieved »ucU an unenviable new meaning, in this critical and Union and it is Speakership Assembly. WATCHES, to be found emergency, Company, presumed that here- Bartlett is a native of New NEW ORLEANS—Ar 3d, ship Chae Davenport, anywhere. instead ol a blind adherence to Portland and 3ty. H* has appointed E. Delafield being prece- after their interest will be harmonious. Mr. graduated at Watervillo in 1853. BOYS' WATCHES, Potter, Liverpool. dents or a useless search for them, became a Ortou will therefore have a fair fight with Con- Gold Vnl Clmiu·, PENSACOLA—Sid 2d inst, sch Abbott Devereux, Republican, to the office of WASHINGTON COUNTY. Boston. Come and avoid the Corpora- living, practical illustration of the golden rule gress, and Hubbard will put his job in his pock- Rich, CALF BOOTS early rush Counsel «Jel l, OiH'rii and Lcuiliai Chain·, JACKSONVILLE—Ar 30th, sch James A tion in place of Richard O'Gorman in its and letter. The succe-s which et, so that if Congress should decide to take Several citizens of Columbia Falls no- Crooker, that spirit give Currier, Providence. in of and we are sure to have. hold of the business it will a tice that they will ask the Gold in 8«tla· great variety style·, qualities prices. resigned. This is altogether the most lucra- marked the career of our able embassador be in manner to Legislature to re- Jewelry Cld 30th, sch J G Drew, Carter, New York. benefit the people and not Hubbard. peal a special act of tjie year 1841, office in the of promises to open a new era in the relations authorizing SAVANNAH—Cld 6th, sch Amos Walker, Dunu, We have lot· of other Goods at tive gift the Mayor. Under William Nash of Addison P.iint, and Large stock of Boston. KIP BOOTS of governments with each other. Instead of others, to the Tweed charter the term was for six French Spoliation Claims.—Λ build a bridge across Pleasant Iiiver. CHARLESTON—Ar 7th,sch Β F Boston. GREAT fixed as Washington Lowwell, for all hands, from Father down to the littlest shayer BARGAIN?. treating diplomatic, intercourse a game, in Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Seal WILMINGTON—Cld sch Annie that a member of YORK COUNTY. Kings, 4th, Jones, Jones, year·, and the incumbent secured from re- which adroitness and skill are the special says the House For- Thoraaston. principal SOLID NECK Ac Affairs The that Isaiah B1NGS, CHAINS, NORFOLK—Ar sch except a impeachment tri- weapons, we shall come ere long I trust to ac- eign Committee, from which the bill Independent says M. Clark, a 5th, Martha Τ Pike, Allen, Ladies, Misses & Children's Winter Boot· moval, by sort#of laborer about 37 of ,Jaii· ma le to in Portland. cept the better doctrine, that straight forward for the settlement of the French Spoliation years age, belonging in Bid- Jewelry order large variety of al by the J ustices of the Court of Common deford, was found dead on bt>1'"'' BALTIMORE—Cld 6th, sch Bell Hardy, Baker, for in Calf, Goat, French, Kid and Serge, in Csct any- truthfulness and are the best accom- was Sunday evening last sincerity claims reported at the last on Elm street in that Portland. want in the of Covell & Pica». As Hall'» term within session, express city. He was found 4SEO. A. HARMON, thing you shape Company, expire* thirty plishment^' an envoy and that nation· like Sid 6th, brig Geo Gilchrist, for sch Del· es the conviction that during the present session leaning against the fence besiao tho and Matanzas; common that he individuals are benefited most when road, 317 CONGEKSS STREET, mont, for Nassau, NP. days, courtesy required negotia- theso claims will be met and undoubtedly died from the effeotof between them liquidated by intemper- PHILADELPHIA—Ar 6th, brig Josie A Devereux. Boots, Shoes, Slippers or Robbers Cor. Congress and Brown Sts., should leave this to hi» «uccess- tions lead to mutual advantage ance and exposure. Under mechanics' llall. Boston. appointment the government. The claims now amount to dec7 Haskell, aud profit. The Lew:ston sn3w NEW YORK—Ar 7th, Don

A Fkw ΑυτύΟΚΛίίΐβ. —ïlw Aâveriiàsr say» Ήη. C. C. Bbn.iett, Falmouth Hotel. WASHINGTON. THE LOUISIANA TROUBLE. Pn»Hg<· of Reform Bill—Cloalug of ■ of a Catholic t'hurchc·. ENTEHTAINMEXTS. ΓΓΗΕ ι' re i.·, among the possessions family in AUCTION SALES. collection of Secure comfort and health, ge.t- I Dec. 9.—The reform bill the : j t';ls cily, a unique uutogt&pli s— preserve by TJeklin, passe,: a of Winter Hoots at Goh!- The IS.'l for tli" Construction upper House of the Diet to-day, by η vote of some three hundred signatures to a call for a ting good pair of War of tl»e MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC TUESDAY DEC. 1S72 Vrucla. iiellop-r Lcg- 116 to 91. Furiiitnr·', Carpets, Ac·., at Auction MOUSING, 1<>, 11 Market dec7ST&T of the Whigs of Portland and thwait's, Square. the WEDNESDAY. Dec. 10 a. wp meeting vicinity, Dec. iJ.—It is stated Mature. The Catholic church edifices in city and 11th,at m., glial Washington, tba*, the ONsell at house, C&8ièr> St.. "and all others favorable to the election < f of which to the Gov- ES TE It Τ ΑΙΛII 2} parlor furniture in Save tbem bo- navy bill fur the of vessels of war will province Pasen, belong £Λ Τ ! black walnut and CITY AND VICINITY. vour buii.dinos by painting building the hair cloth, whatnot, 3-ply carpet·, Taylor for President, ami Millard Fill- certainly Im returned from the Senate amended ernment, have been closed because special coal Zachary fore winter ooines with the Averill j parlor strive, curtains, painted chamber sets and ou, Chemi- to retain the service was celebrated the of inrnit more for Vice President of the United States." original number of ten, and that Defeat of Warmotli's Scheme and His Im- therein, placing H'stry First Univei'sulUt Church Con- tiro, carpets, spring beds. hair and excelsior eal Paint. church of Pasen under the feather ΤII Κ Ρ It the House Committee of and es- in lier present trials, mattresses, bode, comforters, spreads, ward- ESS The was held Ways Means, meeting at City Hall in Market one of its ablest peachment—A Warmotli protection of the most sweet he"rt of gress Square. robe, black walnut extension table, chair·, May be obtained at the Periodical of Fes For sale at 83 Commercial St., Portlaud. tf pecially members, Ellis 11. Judire especial dining Depots on the 26th of advises Jesus. The pastors of the churches and the crockery and glass ware, refrigerator. Μ η gee cook sendeu Co. Square, June, twen- Roberts, this course. Sir. Banks states — — Bros., Marquis, Robinson, Branell & 1849—nearly o-v stove, back,) with the that under Garfield's Sent to Jail. teachers in the Catholic schools have been sum- (extern-ion together entire A.iidrewii;, Went worth, Glendenning, Moses, Heuder ty-five years ago. The Hon. George Evane amendment, if carried, kitchen furniture. son, and Chishoim run out 01 the construction moiled before the for examination Bros., 011 all trains that and of the vessels would be post- magistrates ; TUESDAY EVE>I F. Ο BAILEY êk CO., Auctioneer·. the other eminent "were to on the ,';, city. j speakers expected poned indefinitely, as notliiug could be dona charge of publicly ra.vliiig an exciting dec5 td At of be New BfcMeford, Pillsbury. present." BY TELEGRAPH. until the estimates and plans were submitted to Orleans, Dec. !·.—Both houses of the pastorate letter issued by the Archbishop of Dec. lOth, at 7 1-3 At Saco of L, j o'clock, Hodgdon. The call is and adopted by and Mechanics Institute legislature organized to- Pasen. At Waterville. of J. S. Carter. signed first by Eliphalet Greely, Congress, subsequent ap- will bJ the ElcRaut \cw fiiriiilurt·, Carpet», day and a commission was presented, fleauant PAKLOR DRAMA At of propriations be passed therefor. The joint appointed to Anli-Kepnbliran. | Gorham. News Agout. Isaac Ilsley, Levi Cutter, Henry Goddard, and appro- the at A ucliou. At Bath, of J. O. Shaw. priation bill, as agreed upon the committee Governor. C. W. Lowell was elected Paris, Dec. 9.—The police entered several MATTERS IN MAINE. by | THURSDAY, Doc. 12th, at 10 a. m., we «hal At Lewistou, of W. F. Stanwood, Joseph C. Noyes—all dead. Further down ap provides for 818,700,000. Speaker of the House l>,v acclamation. Tin- wine shops yesterday and seized copies of on the Senators peti- 1ÎREAD WATERS. ON•ell at office: pears the bold of John Neal, and a Headstone* on Soliliern' holding over entered a written pro- 4ions for the dissolution of the Assembv, which ! One In autograph Craves. test elegant parlor suit black walnut ard crim- The Storm. against the manner in which the Senate were for Admii&lou 28 it*. Don't fail to come, detodul son silk Ketr Adferliweinciit» Te«Day, little in the of J. B. The Secretary of War transmitted to had circulating signature-. terry. below, pencil, signature to-day been organized. Two parlor suit· in black walnut and crimson August a, Dec. 10.—It commenced snowing the Senate a communication plush Brown, which it be worth while to con- stating certain dif- Mr. Pinchback stated in the Senate One parlor sidt in black walnut and wine might ficulties which his to-day terry. ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. here about six o'clock last evening and has prevented execution of the that Gov. Wannoth and Mr. tlO'OiC ΤΕΙιΕυΚΛ,ΙΙΧ. Oue parlor suit in black walnut and lerrv, 2d vey to a document of a different character. act of Weed of tbeTiinc» green Musical and Dramatic Entertainment. 1871 relative to headitones in national went to ~~~7os~eph hand, been «ince that time. At his house at 1- W. Lewis- B. snowing «teadily (Pinchback's) o'clock A tire in Ottawa night a i Two NOTICE Jedediah Jewctt, C. Goddard, cemeteries and asking for legislation to enable last Sunday destroyed lounges in black walnut and hair cloth. SPECIAL COLUMN. this la. it is still night and offered him $50,000 and the number of stores. Loss Qhe 44 44 *· »4 " Nathan hour, ra.,' snowing hard with the department to said headstone» in ap- $40,000; insured. AND green rcpt. Fraud·. Smith, Ε. N. Perry, Jacob McLellan, supply pointment of a number of officers if he One Unproductive a north-east wind. accordance with law. large Alexander Morrish has been Lieut.- black walnut thatnber set, 3d hand, A. T. H. W. have all re- strong would pursue the course would gazetted Three Imported Fine Art Goods—Schumacher Bros. Webb, Dole, Hersev, they point out. Governor of Manitoba. painted chamber sets, now. nominations. Λ resolution Also au assortment ceived an There are well impeaching Gov. Warmotli passed of new tapestry, Bruss Is car- NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. official stamp. many one The the yeas 31). The Utiina, 1118 tons from pets. cranberry vine dinner service, live decora- MASSACHUSETTS. President has nominated John A. Good- House, 53, nays burden, Quebec | HIS BRETHREN. ted toilet Franklin Fire Insurance Co.—Rollins & known Democrats the number, for was one line Adams. among promi- win for postmaster at Bristol, abandoned at sea, and eight setts, French plate mirror (gilt North Cambridge,Mass., Washington, Dec. 9.—The following was j frame.) Boots, Shoes, & e. —Goldthwaite's. nent among them, S. B. Lyman, aud the vet- Geo. 15. for received pa*seujjere were lost. Coggswcll North Eastou, Mass.,and here this The above goods will be on exhibition the day be- Se»ver C. F. evening: Assessments, eran "Ollapod," Dr. Edward Mason. The Ed- Municipal Election· Shelton for Rupert, Vt. New Orleans, Dec. 7.—To the Hon. George Ex-Mayor Jesse Hunt of Baltimore, died ~r~ fore the sale. For Π. F. O. BAILEY Sr Sale—Horse. and all con- Dec 9.—Jacob N. The French Crises Over. Williams, General:—The Sunday. CO., Auctioneer·. wardscs Judge Carter, editorially Lyxn, Lewis, nominated Attorney general decS Vermont assembly returned the beard is uow A club of ten A td Cheese—Smith, Gage & Co. nected with the Advertiser. Royal W. Lincoln by the prohibition and economy party, ig elect- Duo de Noaille», French Minister, has infor- by legal persons in Columbus, Ind., Superb Entertainment. ed mation organized at the State House. The Senate lias drew the in the Holiday Goods—J. M. Dyer & Co. Mayor. from Franca by cable that the present $70,000 prize Louisville lotte- ι If «I. S. BAILEY & (with the Argua then we believe, now of the presented 20 and 8 Democrats and y Co., Auctioneer·. Beans—Smith. Gage & Co. Criminal—The Election. crisis will end peaceably and that President Republi;aus ry- S. J. Smith and Israel the House has 50 and 14 Demo- Girl Wanted. Pees».) Bichardson, Boston, Dec. 9.—ArroB. who Thiers will be sustained, not, however, without Republicans The Colonial Governor of the of Gcod Sa!<· of (jiroi'criw. Bartholomew, crats, about half of Warmotli's members Cape MortjaKee's men with bank accounts. Charles S. killed Chas. F. Storer of in his first some concession» to his par- invite· Removal—W. F. Morrill. Davies, Chelsea, February making oppo- Hope proposals toextend the East India TfirnSDAY, Doe. 121h. at 11 oYl.ck » m., at last and nents. ticipating. to AT William J. P. L. G. S. J. pleaded guilty of manslaughter, was cable that CITlr we shall sell an invoice of eon- Wanted—Situation. Boyd, Boyd, Boyd, 'lhe Supreme Court bas sent War- colony. HALL, ONoffice, Groceries, sentenced to six in State Prison. Secretary Delano Goes to Cuba. Elmore, in of Ten. Tobacco, Spices, Mus- Stover John A. Dr. T. J. to-day years moth's Cape of Good advices mail state that sisting part Cr.It'ce, Hardware—Hogan, Clarke & Sleeper. Little, Poor, Gilman, The Grand has indicted Levitt Delano will sail usurping Judge of the 8th District Hope by tard. Cream Tartar, Starch, Kttracis. Sto«o Jury Alley Secretary for Cuba on Thurs- to there have been tierce battles in the interior be- Soda, Abiel Eben the murder Court, jail for tan days and his clerk for five Polish, IlrUtol Dried Apple·, Somerby, Joseph llsley, Steele, forth# of Abijah Ellis, whose body was day. He will he absent from one to two tween the Kreli MONDAY & TUESDAY EVE'NGS, Brick, Vinegar, Strap, days, and,tined S50 each. All is people and Tambookis, in which &c. dec9d4t Court. and other names that to recent found dismembered and in two barrels mouths and it ia that he will quiet. j Beans, Fails, Pipes, &c., INLuuicipal Moody's many floating currently reported the latter and from 400 to 1000 were ; on Charles river. (Signed) S. B. Packard, whipped, JUDGE MORRIS PRESIDING. thoroughly inform himself of the condition of of residents of Portland are strangely unfamiliar. U. S. Marshal. slaughtered. Many the natives were armed ol" shells at The municipal election in Boston to-moriow affairs there and report to the President. It is with Enfield and j DEC. 9th and 10t.li. E2«>^uiii C'ollt'ctlon Monday.—George W. Jameson vs. Albert G.Cook, Advertiser is mistaken in that In the Europeon arms. [The supposing promises to be There are hinted that Delano In a semi- federal court to day Gov. Warmoth's Auction. on account annexed for unusually exciting. Secretary goes Jamaica Assumpsit labor—$13.20.— four tickets official case was letters state that a number of we Mr. Lincoln was on the Argua at that presented for aldermeu. capacity, and at the of the postponed till to-niorrow on account large Dec. 13, at 10 a. ro. and 21 p. m., for engaged sugg^ftion Cubans are FRIDAY, Judgment plaintiff $12.60. Appealed. who is anxious that the elTusion of of the illness of Durrell. Much inter- wealthy leaving Cuba and purcba<- shall sell at offl.'e η and line collection οι time. He was not then connected with any municipal Election. President, Judge j OX large Motley. Cobb & on est is manifested ing plantation· at the former Beautiful Oriental rare and beautiful shells from all of iho lilotoe, Ray. blood the Island should be brought to an regarding the political moves. place. Costumes, parts but was a resident at Wobcesteh, Dec. 9.—Hon. Clark Δ bv an old and 1 111' col- W. Jameson vs. A. Gowen. Tree- paper, Danrilie, (where Jellison, end. crowd gathered about Mechanist' Private cable announce the sus- collected reliable concholcgist. George Mary was elected Institute, despatches late (Rep.) Mayor to-day by a majority Xbe where the of the Wasrnificent Λο. lection will bo on exhibition on Wednesday and Thurs- puss. for for one cent he voted that year) in the employ of the Louisiana flatter. Kellogg Legislature met, at City Union Bank of Brussels, but it Tableaux, Judgment plaintiff" damaget of 477 in a total vote of G,227. The aldermen Hsll pension day before «ale. Ladles' and gentlemen particularly and where the fusion members were in is believed to be costs, taxed at $9.43. satisfied. Hon J. M. Wood, in building the Atlantic aud elected are all as are a Attorney General Ogden of Louisiana, has caucus, only temporary. to examine. Judgment Republicans, majority and at the court requested to the Court a federal room wher· the War- The steamer Thomas ; F. Ο. ΚΛΙ LU Y & Ancliourrr·. Motley. Cobb & St. Lawrence railroad. The was held of the members of the common council and applied Supreme for writ of pro- H. Allen was sunk Suu- BY 60 YOUNG PEOPLE OF THIS CITY. CO.. Ray. meeting mouth contempt case was set down for a hear- decS *^ A. school committee. hibition against Judge Durrell, restraining him day night near Duvall's Bluff, Mo., and two of Mary Gowen vs. George W. Jameson. Tres- in 1848 and not in for President ing. Ellmore of the district June, 1849, from proceeding further in the case of lvellogg Judge eighth the crew were drowned. Loss pass. Election. and $05,000. Will be on and even- Judgment plaintiff for one cent damages was March City vs. court, Manning, the clerk, were presented Monday Tuesday JË. ft. BAILEV & AuUsxen. Taylor inaugurated 4th, 1849.] Warnioth. Judge Miller, in reply to a ru- arraigued Tin store Br CO., and taxed before the e dry goods of Blum & Amazon was i ings next, Dee. 9tli and 10th, under the directiou of costs, at $11.11, Judgment satisfied. Newburïport. Dec. 9.—Warren Courrier mark that the case was for the issual of Suprem Court for contempt grow- proper robbed of $20,000 in currency on The Cobb & The Small Pox.—At a of the (ltep.) was elected of this a ing oat of the Bove# case. Klliuore was Sunday. ! Mayor city to-day by asked how it could be Judge 1 Ray. Motley. meeting writ, when the consti- money was received too late" for de- Books at Auction, a majority of thirty votes. The aldermen are tiued $550 and ordered to for ten Saturday Kntries, 8; defaults, 9; continued, 6. Board of Health measures were tak- tution of the United States expressly provided imprisonment PROF, FROST, yesterday, four Democrats and and was fined posit. Dee. 17th. at 10 o'c-ock A. M.,~at Λ two Republican». The that a case wherein a citizen was a days, Manning $50 and impris- TUESDAY, en of small in the party office, an invoice of in of to prevent the spread pox common council is about divided. oned five wore both David Moore, the wife murderer, was arrest- Of Providence, 11. I., his sublime Allegory, &c., of ON lîooks, consisting part Wanted by the Portland an evenly should »ot be a case for its issuance. The days. They pardoned by ] 1 net U. S. Coast 17 Vols. Fraternity has been ed at N. Joseph and his Brethren, received every when· wish complete Survey, city. A very efficient water police Court took the motion under advisement. Gov. Wannoth. Morristown, J., Monday. 1 Pacillc E. R. 13 il- great praise. This eutertainnient is in every respect Surrey, Vols., complete, fully English, a French and a Latin for har- The after It is denied that Wells' lustrated. Dictionary organized, and sailors who com· into the NEW YORK. Kellogg Legislature organizing Australian line ha· i high toned, and beautiful. Do not fail to with <>4 members been sold charming 1 Mexican 3 illustrated. 5 present, unanimously passed to the Pacific Mail Co. see it. Boundary, Vols., finely night school. An English Dic- bor infected with the disease are immediately 1 3 illustrated. XLIID CONGRESS. the following: Ν. H. Japan Kxpodition, Vols., profusely hare Barnard, postmaster at Iowa is ! 4 Paris 6 in full and needed. A of a taken to the hospital. Arrangements Whereas, th· General is now con- City, Exposition, Vols. eaïh sheep ^cially gift copy Assembly with embezzlements on the affidavits Brilliaut Colored Fires Illuminate Each cloth. THE W.'ECK OF THE voiicu iu charged (U-e'idtd been made with the U ni ted States authorities GAUTEMALA. uuuiuuaucu wuii me can υι ιαϋ ντοτ- of he a his clerk·. above named books will be and evil are SENATE. eruor, penoni reported to be form- Scene. By J. Si. BAILEY Ac CO., Auction·!··. for the city to take charge of these men, the The floods in the north of continue —we combination» to disturb tbo Italy to assistance to a very deserving charity. ing public peace j general government to pay the bills. The street New Washington, Dec. 9. 1872. and lawful and is •plead and some of the towns are threat- ι York, Dec. 9.—The detail» of the loss defy authority, the State larger Tickets 35 cents. Doors at 7 commence at > Desirable Ifctist* at Auction· The credentials of Mr. Morton of re- ened. open ; police are required to report every indication of of the steamship Gautemala show that when Ind., threatened with violence, therefore. Brief Jotliaga. elected, were presented Dec. 20. at 3 mM «n th· the shipwrecked crew tho Indi- Resolved, By the House of Kepresentatives of The revenue cutter Colfax rescued the cre-v FRIDAY, oVlnck, p. the that and the landed, Ltper λ», disease they notice, persona um uuui VJLXXJ i'XUJ IrtJ VUUiiUIUbCC π«Η j the f«ul>stantial house cn the «or- Forest City Temple of Honor, accompanied ans declined to J pi«3~ the General of the Senate of the schooner ONpremises, good assist them, when Capt. Assembly Louiaiana, J. F. Farland, wrecked oil ner of is infected are to be taken t· the Doug- seated, tbe interest on war { M. Oxford and Klin street. The house }>ainted by Union of will visit How- immediately lass and a few determined men seized their refunding fundi, concurring, that the President of the United Hatteras Inlet taken them to : L·. -A- Temple Hallowell, borrowed by the States the rébellion. Nov., 30th,and throughout, has 11 rooms, govnl close's, good cement- ara hospital. The improvements in the condition made him furnish and during States be to afford the Fortres» Monroe. ed tinlshed water Temple of liiddeford on even- chief, provisions guid· A resolution was requested protection cellar, basement, shod, plenty g«>od Wednesday adopted that the Commit- α of the the Pbkss recent- them toSalina near Oaxaca. The Amer- guaranteed each State by the Constitution of nml iliîHÎrulili» for ('*ntr«iHv naUwl 111 Dec. 11. Trains leave P. S. & P. hospital, suggested by Cruse, tee on Commerce into the Michael Dillon, confined in Springfield, Mass., William Curtis ing next, ican consular decliued enquire expediencey the United States where threatened with do- George good neighborhood, and just the l«>ea ion for a busi* are The walls have been ageut aiding Capt. of an jail, for cut his throat depot at 6.45. ly, being carried out. approprintion tor the harbor in Portland, drunkenness, yesterday none man. UnleM previoaelj di»]>oeed of at private Douglas» and hi» destitute crew and passengers, mestic violence; and that the presiding officers and will WILL DELIVER THE Maine. probably die. i-ale. Enquire of Geo. M. Steven· on tli premises tr banked up, and new furniture and bedding and but for the effort» a of the General transmit this resolu- Snow fell in a sort of of Assembly ....." ..V ΛΙ^- -l If— languid, disappointed private citizen, The resolution that a Committee of five be Tfifli-ji·.! ..C of the Auctioneers. decldtd provided. Two additional nurses, one male named Cremou thev would have suffered ex- tion immediately; and that the presiding offi- way, as though apprehensive of the to whom shall be referred the knocked off a train a while FIFTH LECTURE receptio» tremely. A Mr. Mitchell of also appointed, por- cers of tbo General Assembly transmit this freight by bridge to lie accorded and one female, have been secured; so that the Tehauntepec tion of the President'» message to comiug into New Ilis J. S. BAILEY Λ CO.. it, all yesterday afternoon. furnished the crew with the other necessaries relating resolution immediately by telegraph and other* Haven, Sunday evening. in the present course of the is with attendants. In transportation routes from the \v est to the At- legs and arm were badly crushed. He was tak- The pastor of one of our city churches an- hospital amply provided of life whle there. frise to the Presideut of th· United States. lantic seaboard, was laid over. en to the hospital but will probably die. nounced case more room for patients should be needed, The Internttional·. In the House today the Joint Committee to Mercantile Library Association, Sunday to hie congregation the open- A bill was introduced that after next .Tune the Commission Merchants, the authorities have the hos- wait upon the Governor reported that they had By overloading of a scaffolding in Cin- ing of a new "coffin and recom- engaged Greely At a meeting of the Federal Council of In- twenty per cint. of the customs duties mλτ be cinnati it Dec. establishment," called at the Executive office and were inform- yesterday fell, killing four workmen WEDNESDAY EVENING, 11. —Αλί»— a of ternationals last night, it was announced that a in United States notes, and mended that they patronise it. Was he looking pital, building capable accommodating paid twenty per ed that the Governor was not in and had not and injuring four others. The men had been mass meeting for the benefit of the widows and cent, additional each thereafter till Woineji in the old lime anil in about fifty person». There are at present sev- year 1877, been at the office the The warned an engineer that it was not but Sabjwt-' forward to the ravages of small Rather of the during day. Gover- by safe, the new." AUCTION KE II S pox? orphans guillotined Communists would when they may be paid either in gold or notes. no to •u at the The two cases in nor's Secretary afterwards sent to the House a they paid attention it. wasn't it. patients hospital. be held in Institute the 14th inst. Λ Mr. introduced a bill for JVO. îW «ΤΗ1Ι.Γ. suggestive, Cooper Anthony providing uote that the Governor would commun- In Tickets for tlio Course $1.50: Tickets 50 EXCHANGE the are those of who have the pre- letter was to from from stating the billiard tournament commenced at Evening Children arc as to the city persons read, alleged be Wendell free transportation Rome of a sailor'» cents each. Reserve·I heats speculating probability icate to the Ger.eral Assembly 'at noon to-mor- Boston, the first was won (additional) $1.00. Next below Merchants* Exchange. of the disease, but who Phillips, in which he said tho French Com- monument. Monday, game by Doors open at G£. Lecture at 7£ o'clock. of Santa Claus' reindeer afflicted with the monitory symptoms row. The Speaker then proceeded to read the Peck, the second the third Wil- W. Ρ AUK EU. being munists were entitled to the respect of the civ- In accordance with a resolution last by Kendall, by dec7 4t JOSEPH S. BAILEY, GEO. cannot as yet be said to be sick with the small adopted following, which he stated was an important marth, and the fourth Kendall. The epizootic. We understand that the old fellow ilized world; that the barbarities on week, the Senate at the end of the by games REFERENCER—Messrs. H. J. Llbby & ^o., and Hon practiced morning and asked the attention and considera- were As soon a· the disease itself the were a matter, GOO points. Charles P. Kimb.il l'or»Inn·!, Me.; Messrs. Leonard sends his now. pox. developes Communists disgrace and a shame hour proceeded to consider the bills on the cal- THIRD ENTERTAINMENT. goods by express tion of the members. B;>slon. will be removed to the to humanity ; and that never in the of eiidar. & Co., and Lee & Shepard, a|»lit The shop windows are to the patients hospital. history Resolved by th? Iloust of Representativts beginning present the human "race had there been a more disinter- The of the Committee on conference of There is a great want of old rags at the hospi- report | Hie State Louisiana, That C. War- a very attractive appearance, with the of ested effort for than the Communists on the bill the of Henry β·'3ΛΆVCIAI, AND array liberty regulating construction of bridges I Governor of be and is COMMERCIAL. & Course. and our citizens are desired to contribute. was moth, Louisiana, hereby Army Navy tal, made. It announced that the Governor is across the Ohio river was and the holiday good#. Lobenitein's are very noticeable. agreed to, impeached for high crimes and misdemeanor REMOVAL The clothing can bo left with the city physi- to be petitioned to pardon Chambers, who was House having to it at the last session There is a child up-town, seven agreed in office committed the Constitution Receipts by Railroad* and Steamboat*. only years sentenced to last week for a the bill was against THURSDAY EVENING, Dee. 12, cian. prison shooting pasied. and laws who entertains doubts »s to the ex- of the State of Louisiana. Steamer Franco nia from New York.—431 old, strong non-striker, and that the trades unions are sub- Mr. Sumner's joint resolution aa We are to say that those patients proposing After a short debate the resolution was bales cotton, 57 do rags, 2 do burlaps, 300 half chest» istence of Santa Claus. iSuch children requested scribing to a fund to have the s;ntence re- amendment to the Constitution, the ought confining 5S yeas to 6 nays. tea. 275 bdls paper hangings, 115 do paper, 21 crates who desire cau be attended at the versed. President to one was adopted, GRAND to be killed while very for will it, hospital term, referred to the Ju- said: "It sewing machines, 100 boxes tin plate, 100 do raisius.75 New young, they Colfax the Speaker Lowell becomes my sol- Store, their In view of the and Tribune. diciary Committee. do cheese, 398 do sewing machines, 50 do tobacco, 72 presently overturn the very foundations of so- by family physicians. emn duty to annouuee to the House and to the The Times Mr. Cameron moved that the French do bitters, 20 do hard 25 do 100 do sar taken it seems as the dis- Washington special says, in re- spolia- that the ware, drugs, the venerable shams precautions though people of Louisiana, Governor of Lou- 117 casks C do ciety, by attacking upon ferring to the revival of the rumor connecting tion bill be m'ide a special order for Monday dines, ochre, lead, 13 tes glass ware, 20 ease could not There isiana stands impeached of high crimes and bbls 40 bbls 26 do 5 hhds 10 THEO. THOMAS which the whole order of is based. spread very extensively. Vice President Colfax with a next. do, sugar, paint, tobacco, things prominent jour- misdemeaners." bags coftee, 9 bbls 41 half bbls and New Goods. is no cause for alarm on the part nalistic in New it is Mr. Sherm-n said he was to the molasses, keg« The "Haydens" had a rehearsal at Fluent's surely general position York, uuderstoood opposed A Committee was to the syrup, 1 piano, 250 pekgs sundries. he informed several of his friends that bill and to and called appointed notify Λ Hall last of our citizens. nothing opposed special order», Senate. evening. had been settled in to and that his for a division. CONCERT, regard it, The following was also passed : Mr. Jeremiah llsley, who sprained his knee and decision would on circumstances entire- Mr. Cameron withdrew the motion and mov- Tableaux Allegory.—Frost's grand depend Be it Resolved by the House, The Senate con- Foreign Export*. a fall from the third ly removod from either or ed to poitpone the bill till Monday next.— his by story of the Matthew allegory and tableaux in splendid costume· of journalism politics. curring, That whereas the House of Kepresent- LIVERPOOL. Steamship Lord Ciive—357,000 lbs with following distinguished soloists: M. A. BRIGGS & Agreed to. » CO., Cobb house at the a Varions Jiattcr». atives has and ar- cheose, 135,728 do butter, 4201 bbis 2 do Are week ago, is still con- and his was at formally presented approved flour, apples, Joseph brethren, presented City Mr. Pomeroy moved to postpone lbs 1500 do 100 do feet. James H. Hagan of East is an- indefinitely ticles of C. War- 155,000 potash, meats, pigs fined to the bouse. was Broadway the Uill to extend the time for the construction impeachment against Heury ITIr. GEO. L. the young American leave to Inform their friends and the Hall last evening. The audience very good other man. moth. and same MATANZAS. M C Mari lier—1000 shoots and ΟβΟΟΟΟ, Beg publie gen- missing presented the for action to the Brig Tenor. that have removed from 323 At the Cathedral of the Immaculate the of the Kansas, Topeka and Santo Fe railroad, heads, 3861 box 396 bbls erally they Congre»» Concep- considering the state of the weather; but Catherine Bnrns was burued to death at her Senate, shooks, potatoes. street to the and store saying the road had already progressed so far Mr. BKKMI ARD LISTKHAN^, the cele- spacious elegant tion last Rev. Father of Con- houso in L. a under the Constitution the im- Brig Helen Ο Phinney—7544 box shooks, 454 hhd evening, Bradley hall should have beeu filled. Our citizens have Rockville, I., Saturday night, by that it would be finished within the Whereas, brated Violinist. kerosene prescribed of shooks, 1350 pairs heading, 100 slicoks and heads, 17.- Ν. delivered a disDourse on the lamp exploding. peachment the Governor operates the sus- cord, H., Holy rarely the opportunity of witnessing so brilliant time. 42 > hoops, 325 tierce shook·. IVlr. ADOLPIll» LOCKWOOD. the lal The trial of Dr. Irish for tho pension of office pending the trial, the General cnted his text from the 15th in the alleged poisou- At 2.5i?o'clock the Senate went into execu- Harpist, together with the No. 305 Eucharist,taking chapter a spectacle with such superb mountings of Edward Anderson was commenced to- in the considered do now Foreign Import*. Congress Street, iug tive session and soon after Assembly premises of Matthew, 16th to 27th verse. This in adjourned. declare that H. GRAND Μ NB. Schr Addie evening way of liresÎ We heartily commend this ex- day Brooklyn. • C. Warmoth i> suspended frem ΕΝΑΝ, Emma—1m,- The of the HOUSE. the office of the 000 lbs fresh fish, 6000 do do to order. Formerly occupied by Crosentnn Qc Co will take place the procession of the clergy in hibition to all lovers of unique and strikingly proprietors Express state that Governor of State of Louisi- herring their will bo as ana until a as the blessed sacrament. paper issued usual to-day, not- Several bills were introduced, including one such time the Senate shall try GRAND ORCHESTRA!!! Druffgiiitft,) entertainments. Some sixty young the of impressive withstanding firo last night. for life stations on the coasts of Maine ana New and decide upon the charge preferred against Boston mock Lilt. The Aryu$ man is to disabuse and his twelve Two sons of endeavoring ladies and misses, Jacob sons, the sexton of Dr. Hampshire. him. tickets Talmage's [Sales at the Broker's Board, Dec. 9.1 Evening $1.00, for wile at Rand & Thomes where they will lie pleased to wait i.pon all their old the of the that he church were arrested with A resolution was introduced The House committee on public prevalent impression attendants, Egyptians, and yesterday charged proposing au impeachmeut ap- and at the Music Stores. aud will be to accommodate a Iehmaelitesjwith t)i« Boston & Maine Railroad 123 patrons, prepared an robbing the money boxes to the extent of amendment to the Constitution peared bpfore Senate and in obe- Reserved Seats 25 for sale at Rand new we is idiot, by the assertion that the writing ol the various characters repre- arafthensing reported, Eastern Railroad 106 Evening cents, host of ones, for liarc opened one of Angels comprised $(>00. The lias been carried on for Congress to fix a uniform time for State dience to the order of the Kouse ot Represen- & Thomes and at the box office. the finest stocks of items is a pilfering holding Scumsui "funny" necessary constituent ol sented. The costumes were oriental in design, throe months. elections. tees. fi»ll. Doors open at 6.30 ; Concert at 8. Eastern Railroad 3CU8Cm h-Uew'wUl worrrcUXOGT tllUt idiocy. The public still remains beautiful. The exhibition con- The Stokes case was not taken in Resolutions of the Vermont were At the evening session of the Senate, Chief 105| unconvinced, and exceedingly up to-day Legislature j No. Three 'locket is the only one which will be accept- the court of and as Civil Service Reform and ! Justice Ludling appeared and was sworn iu as LADIES' and in view of the circumstances it cannot be of four Part 1st was Jacob's Oyer Terminer, expeoted. presented favoring ed bj the doorkeepers. dec9d4l FURNISHING GOODS sisted parts. Justice of the court Justice King, tho murderer of O'Neill pleaded not the abolition of the franking privilege. presiding high by Kf.T York Siocli and 71 one y .Market. denied that the grounds for its disbelief arc Kachael at the in the dream; well; Joseph pit; guilty in the above court to-day. His counsel Mr. Banks of Massachusetts offered résolu- I Falliaferro. He then swore in twenty Senators New York, Doc. D—Morning.—Gold at 113.— ever in very reasonable indeed. "Our in the time to take evidence tious tbe of the President at I who ware and declared the court of offered this State, which will be sold at the Joseph sold; song, darling one," requested by commission, fixing salary $50,- present, Money at 1-32 per cent. Sterling Exchange, long, and the case will ou 000 organized and to The Signai Service ordered warning signals famine scene, by Miss Annie J. Ayers. Part probably go the calendar. per annum, commencing March, 1873, and impeachment ready proceed. 10S.J; do short 110. Stocks heavy. State bonds firm. CHRISTMAS 1872 Mr. an eccentric that the term of ofiiee of the President be six The court then adjourned till Mouday, the Kith. at this station last night, in with scenes.— Lephela, aged 70, Inventor, New York. Dec.9—Evening.—Money was active 2d, Joseph plenty, varying was found dead a President to bo Lieut. Governor Pinchback was as in cellar on Greenwich street years, the ineligible for re-elec- qualified in the morning at 1-32 per cent, per but the al- VERY LOWEST RATES· with the day", Part 3d, The brethren before Joseph, Saturday night. The body was partially eaten tion and that the President and Vico President Governor and took possession of the office aud liance between the old Gold clique and the Pacific % CilT Affair·. — — maroli of Jaeob and his rats. be elected the at the same time that received the congratulations of friends. Mail people having been abandoned it returned to a AND Λ of the and of cup in the sack; grand by by people meeting Mayor Board Alder- War. are The Fusion members of the condition of ease and was loaned at 4 and Oyster Congressmen elected. Legislature have complete freely family into Egypt; the meeting blessing. been in at Hall 5 per cent, per annum, men was held last evening. An war has broken out on Bills were introduced for the session Lyceum to-day and ad- @ Sterling Exchange quiet TIIE ΟΛΕ PUICE SYSTEM with oyster Jefferson, providing safety and firm at @ tor and 110 lor Part 4th, Death of Jacob—and Joseph L. of to reduce the journed at 9 p. m. till to-morrow. 108J 108ft long, @ llOjf John Alison was given leave to withdraw tin I., growing out of the sale by tho town au- bonds; taxes; repealing usury, abort sight. Gold lower and decliued from to have the beautiful This sectiou of the In the Senate this afternoon Lt. Gov. Pinch- 113$ 3ÎEW will be adhere.! and its thoronch trial ha» petition presented at a meeting. »ong, "Where gone." thorities to certain parties of the right to plant currency act; amending postal 112^ ; loans at J to flat for use. and 3 @ 7 per cent, for YEAR'S 1873. strictly to, previous acts for the ocllection hack contradicted the statements made proved it to be for the best interest of tne An order was passed directing the vaccination brief outline but a idea of the oysters in a specified over which de- ; providing of statistics flatly carrying. The clearances were $84,000,000. Treasury buyer. gives meagre locality him this that Webb and of all those pupils in the public schools whe fendant in a suit cemnienced. Seth Worth of inland ami coastwise trade between States, by morning, Gov. disbursements $156,000. Governments quiet an 1 rich and full character of the entertainment. for Warmoth had offered him and as oasier. The bonds the weak- have not been vaccinated. claims that the authorities have do control, it also making improvements in New Haven, S5.)0,000, many slightly currency being m so it is difficult to Norwalk and harbors. officers as he wanted to him in their est and J per cent, lower. State l>onds dull and firm. The order relating to the Boston & Maine Among many good things being a naturel oyster bed whereupon the oys- Bridgeport help Mr. of measures. Stocks with the exception ol Pacific Mail.Hanib iland Thankful for past favors so liberally bestowed Kailroad in the matter of J*hn W. was more than others. ters be taken Tho case has Butler Massachusetts offered a bill re- upon Lane, specify a.iy portion deserving may by any person. St. Joseph and Northwestern have been all (lav We have ourselves for the ns, we hope to see you at our now stand, and shall been tbe duties ou certaiù quiet prepared passed. Rachel at the in tried before two juries and now goes to a mitting goods destroyed New York, Dec. 9.—A New Orleans special on fluctuations of ± to 1 per cent. Pacific Mail was spare no effort» in the future, a» in the to merit Jacob's dream, well, Joseph the Boston fire: also past, The of J. T. for leave to built higher court. by the amount to the Herald says was Irregular,· fluctuating betweeu 79 and your continued conttdcnye and petition Rogers were Mr. refunding yesterday remarkably frequently patronage. death and the famine scene grand. of duties un- a wooden stable on the corner of Danforth and New Officer*. discriminating paid by importers quiet. The Warmouth Legislature held a cau- 80$; Hannibal and St. Joseph common advanced der the of from to and from 57 to 591 North- Tyng streets was presented, and a remonstrance John Morgan, the distinguished tenor, assiste^ Hooper C. Van Vorst and Josiah Sutherland proclamation Oct, 30, 1872, on mer- cus in the morning, but all parties were reti- 33£ 39$, preferred ; chandise in western common from 86J to 881, and preferred troin HOLIDAYS the same. A was ordered foi will be the last ■were sworn into office the former as »ctnally|afloat French vessels from cent of future intention·. BRIGGS & against hearing in th· singing. This evening to-day, 90 to 92$. The market closecf duii and steady.— CO., Justice of the other than French ports at the date of that Durrell's house was mar- Wednesday. to behold an the like of Superior Court, and latter city Judge guarded by Northwestern Company have declared a semi-an- opportunity exhibition, Packard's is A petition was presented for the increase ol judge. proclamation. shals, hous· guarded, Kellogg in a nual dividend ot 3J per cent. on both common and in and is Several other bills a facilities for storing gunpowder. Beferred. which design execution, rarely pre- Illuriler·» Sentenced. were introduced, including hotel, aud Secretary of State, Boree, was es- preferred, stock payable Dec. 28th. by purchasing 305 CONGRESS STREET one the iron clad oath. Notice was given that a vacincy existed ii sented to the people of Portland. Arthur Quinn, tried for murder, has been repealing corted lu the streets by a squad ol soldiers. The earnings of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids Λ The bills were introduced: If Minnesota Railroad for November were dec] tf the Assistant Assessorship of Ward Six. Tht sentenced to fifteen and following propos- Warmouth's call for the assembling of the $98,592.07, years imprisonment, an amcndmtnt to the $69,394.92 the month of matter was laid over 'to be taken up in A Certificate of Good Character.—One ing Constitution, so as is not revoked that will as- against corresponding 1871, joiul Timothy and Josoph Barrett to two and a half Legislature body an increase of convention. to provide for the election of President and semble to the start $29,198.15. Choice Selectiou of Goods of our stable received a horse each. early Monday morniug, get livery keepers years Vice President a direct The were the of Government The petition of Edward Moore, in regard t< Hudden by vote of the people; of the Kellogg party. The latter meet at noon, followiug quotations EXPOSITION from the town of the other and Death. securities: remuneration for on account of cessa- Millbridge day for the repeal of the test oath; creating a com- and their first act will be the of a damage A cable announces the sudden death appointment United States coupon 6's, 1881 1174 OF a of his which reads as despatch mission to the of the tion of work on marginal way, was referred tc certificate character, adjudge compensation body of sergoaut-at.arms to arrest and bring in United Slates 5-20's 1S62 suitable for the season, consisting of in Bremen to-day of Herman Peters, General several claimants for for 113é Committee on Claims. follows: "X send the horse this His damages depredations as guilty of at) overt act of contempt all absent United States 5-20's 1864 morning. Manager of the North German Lloyds Steam- rebel to ha 113·} The petition of Hayden. Hikbard & Co., foi by cruisers, discharged out of the in- members, numbers of whom are in the other United States 5-20's 1865, old.-% 113J HOLIDAY GOODS. name is why so named I am un- ship Co. fund awarded an from taxation on bustle manu Tiger, though demnity the tribunal of ar- This will United States 5-20's new ... exemption The Brunei· Ranker·. by Legislature. precipitate the issue. It 1665, 113$ factory, which was referred to the Committei able say, for surely there is nothing tigerish bitration at Geneva,to be paid by Great Britain is expected that the whole affair will be settled Uuitcd States 5-20's 1867 1161 In to the of Jacob Freres to the United United States 5-20's 1?6S on Claims at a previous meeting, was granted about him. The 'out' about him I know regard suspension States; extending for four years Monday. The Warmouthitea intend exhaust- lltfj only de L. U nion at Brussels and United State* 5's. new 11 NUBIAS, SCARFS, the order the manufactory fron Etcio, Banque the southern claims commission; repealing the every lawful of resistance to arbitra- of exempting of is that he's 'out' of training, occasioned by a ing power Uuitcd States 10-40'*., coupon a Antwerp, later despatches say they have been taxes under schedule "C." taxation being given passage. stamp ry power, butin no event will they counte- 6'? Schumacher Bros. rccent attack of the I have never an extension of four weeks. Mr. Currenèy lllj An order was offered the Com 'epizootic.' grautod Hooper's supplemental civil rights hill nance violence. empowering T?e following were the closing oi a sd not at Electron of Director·. from last session was referred to the quotations mittee on Street Lamps to place a lamp in front used him with check rein, he may Committee Stocks: Will make, t\f ilia rTnivorsaliaf: nhiirrh on t.h· rnnwr nl on Revision of the the House M ITT E N S. firit be to submit to it tho' The following directers of the Atlantic & laws, having re- DisaHter la the Pacific Iflail N(raninhi|i Western Union Telegraph Co 77 disposed patieDtly; fused to table it. Congres» and India streets. Referred. Great Western Itailroad Co. were chosen to- Sacramcnto. Pacilic Mail like many another unsophisticated country The 79| On Dec. The Board receded from a former action am George B. W. W. McFar- adjournment from Dec. 20 to Jan. 6 was Sax Dec. 9.—This afternoon the Ν. Y. Central and Hudson River consolidated 95} Wednesday, 4th, day: McClellan, On-fAA/1 ¥i\ t\r\ Vf r· Τ lo iir.in' Francisco, with tbe Common Council in he may ape manners and customs, ..tu,.,.- ,,f fiw. Erie 523 oncurred grant chap city laiid, Lloyd Aspinwall, A.S. Hewitt,Lawrence (KID An extensive exhibition of in their line. W. 8. "Mr. Hooper of Massachusetts introduced aud Erie preferred 73| MITTENS.) goods ag reference of petition of Trowbridge and hold his head as high and as proudly as the Wells, , James B. Hodgkins, Co.'s ship Sacramento, due here from Panama or down a tree in front of bii re»ldenc< James H. all asked to have put upon its a bill tliat The following were the quotations lor Pacific Rail- cutting best of them after a short at the Fay, of New York; George B. passage oil Wednesday, arrived at San Diego in an open Beautiful Swiss Delicate Por- stay metropo- at the late fire in Bostun the road securities: Carvings, m Mechacic street. John H. E. Parsons and Ueubeu groat safe of the with the news that had Tree State. He will stand with- Wright, Tod, boat, the steamship Central Paciticbouds celain Tbe Committee ou and Sewers re- lis of the Pine of sub-treartfry, of 101$ Painting's, Exqnisite Orna- Drainage Hitchcock Cleveland ; G. Iloss of Cowdcn- containing 813,000,000 public struck a reef 200 miles southeast of that port, Union Pacific do an order for tbe of tbe Board 01 out as it if was »aved from destruction the 88J jorted meeting hitching or, strange may appear, port. property, by oil San Antonio, lower California. Union Pacific stock GLOVES ments in Carved Ivory,Oil Paint- heroic exertions of the and 37| Dec. 16, to take into coaiideration the matte: he be hitched. He has"a kind, affectionate and Λ Fallen Chief. firemen, appropriat- When the officer left the ship the captain was Union Pacific land grants 78 ings, American, English, (1er. of sewer assessments for sewers introduced ii ing $20,000 to tho firemen'» fund established Union Pacific income bond* 82 and two white feet. He The Supervisors to-day ordered the removal by making preparation· to laud. The passengers the 1871. Order loving disposition, the firemen of Boston to aid the families of man, 1'rencli anil Italian! year passed. from their room the immense portrait of Wm. were all safe at that time. The Sacramento —.VXD— was for a oi don't use ardent and indeed isn't firemen who lost their lives U the A petition presented street lamp spirits, very M. Tweed. conflagration. had 150 passengers and 200 tons of freight. Chromos, The bill was and advocated Cotton street. Refe-red. spiritually inclined anyway, though one might The Jamel Can. explained by Messrs. Domestic Market*. A message was received from the Commor Hooper and Butler, and criticised by Mr. Kerr think he to the church, for he is more A was in the New York. Dec. 9—Evening—Cottou quiet and a belonged jury empaimelled to-day jumel and other as to establish a Engravings, Lithographs, Council asking for joint meeting for the pur will and members, proposing moral than our deacon—our deacon swears and case, the case will be ope Lied for the FOEEIGN. HOSIERY! of an Assistant Assessor in Ware very dangerous precedent. The Dill was further Flour dull and sales 8300 State 5 90 pose choosing plaintiff, George W. Bowen. It is expected unchanged ; bbls; Photograph*, Stereoscopic CioodH, Six. he don't. I don't know of more to advocated and defended by Messrs. Cox, @ 8 Round Obio 7 00 @ 9 Western 7 50 anything that the trial will last for a Bing- 65; hoop 25; @ Ac. month. Hoar and the latter 8 Southern 7 10 12 00. Wheat sales &c,, Tbe order directing the Committee on Street! him." ham, Banks, declaiming 65; @ very quiet; say about Buu on a Bank. No 1 1 61 1 No 2 do 1 to order tbe Boston & Maine R. R. Co. to erec that it was based upon the principle of univer- A TERRIBLE GALE. 41,000 bush; Spring @ 64; 51 @ I 59; Winter Red Western 1 63 eg} 1 70; White Mich- * a on Commercial and Yorl The run on the Mutual Bank commenced sal applicatiou, that of rewarding persons for Patterns partaient we Lave a fall &B8 -rtment of every kind of temporary bridge More Light Wasted.—A gentleman resid- igan 178(3)205. Corn is firm; sales 22,300 Slipper was continued this but was service to the United States. bust!; moulding^ and are manufacturing many new and streets to the foot of Brackett street, came u[ Saturday, morning, steamer Mixed Western 64 @ 64}c; do «ail 65c. (Jais on Paris street bitterly of the over Mr. of beautiful styles of framer. Our prlca» are reasona- from the Council. The order was laid upon th< ing complains apparently by afternoou. During the run Lynch, Maine, inquired the character sale· White 52 old Wes- Demolished quiet; 47,000 bush; @ 54c; ble, our goods first class. table. lack of illaminatiou on that thoroughfare. $65,000 were paid depositor», $12,000 of which of the property saved in the safe. Buildings tern Mixed 53 @ Beef dull. Pork more active: 55}c. We respectfully invite the attention of friends, cus- were returned. The in the.bank Satur- Mr. of new mess 13 25 13 50. Lard weak at With An order was presented that tbe Committe( From Portland to Kennebec street, a distauce deposits Hooper, Massachusetts, replied that @ 7J @ 8|c.— Worsteds for Filling! tomers and strangers. amounted to of the amount and Vessels Wrecked. Butter State 24 30. llrmer at ou fire Department be authorized to purchasi day morning $150,000. The capi- 99,000,000 consisted of money, quiet. @ Whiskey 94} of about 800 feot, no" light of any kind exists. 95c. Rice dull at dull Muscova- 1000 feet of hose and the cost of sami tal of the bauk is §100,000, and the officers «ay partly in coin and partly notes. @ 7| @ 8Jc. Sugar ; ϋ Dec ring Block, Contre»» Slreet. charge do 9îc Coffee Rio at The residents liavo the tue assets are good and available. No outside Mr. Lynch remarked that it consisted 9} @ ; refiniug 9} ^ 9Jc. quiet ; docl lw to the appropriation for that department repeatedly petitioned proba- 15 in Gold. Molasses in moderate assistance has been but will be of United State· bonds and GitKAT DAMAGE TO PROP- @ 18}c request ; Passed. authorities for a gas lamp but no attention has received, money bly notes which New Orleans 60 Naval Tur- on @70. Stores—Spirits was enforce borrowed securities if to were worth just so much If there was An order passed iu regard to the been to the Our necessary satisfy paper. ] dull at 60c; Rosin quiet at 3 90 for straineu. paid request. correspondent demands of The run was coin in the safe it would not EBTY. GEO. D. ment of the City Ordinance respecting coasting depositors. caused by any have been de- gîntineetr oleum is dull ; crude 13o ; re lined at 26} % 27c.— Embroidered Linen JOST, admits that there is no in the houses on the the as Setts, on certain streets. gas Chatham National Bank refusing to con- stroyed the safe was in a vault which could ! Tallow is steady at 8} (g 8Jc. tinue as the not be to and Cotton α to the Council lower portion of the street, for the reason that clearing house agent of the Mutual destroyed by fire. Freights Liverpool quiet firm; per adjourned sail Grain sail τ Bank for the reason that it was misunderstood Mr. of that the I @ l-16d; per 9}d. FRESCO to joint convention with thf there are not enough residents willing to take Garfield, Ohio, argued bill London, Dec. 9.—A westerly gale, causing PAINTER, the that it did remun- should be referred to a Chicago Dec. 9.—Flour and Wheat by depositors not pft>ve committee. considerable damage to property, prevailed yes- quiet steady. it but he thinks that no reason why the in- is active and No 1 at 1 No 2 do (COLLAR ANT) CUFFS) tion of the two Boards, Par in; erative. The Mutual is a State institution and Mr. Hooper moved to suspend ihe rules anil terday throughout England. higher; Spring 20; Many buildings closed at 1 12$ cash or Dec, and in open board in the 134 MIDDLE ST., up Stairs as elected Assessoi habitants should be allowed to grope in dark- not a hank of issue. pas· the bill. Negatived. were demolished and others In this (Assistant damaged. afternoon at 114 ; No 3 do at 1 01 @ 1 03; rejected 91 ο The The bill was then referred to the a number of were Stephen H. Dow Culler ness. If it be deemed inexpedient to put in a Hudson Cloned. Committee citv large pedestrians dashed •M 93c, according to location. Corn active and higher ; ME. on with PORTLAND, uuwj»'·' 3.11(1 Sl^V 6li Appropriations, leave to at any to the ground the hurricane. Street No 2 Mixed at ca«h or Dec; rejected 29c. Oats gas let oil be at proper dis- Poughkkepsie, Dec. 9.—The weather is report by lamps 31}c lUDOVnS, lamp, lamps placed time. and boards were blown No 2 at 22* Adjourned. cold. The river is filled as advertising down; many steady; 25$c; rejected @ 23}c. Rye steady ; So. β Hra II 87J·. Lard dull and drooping; fcteam 7 @ 7}; kett- ! Officer, Washington, C., Mr. Lynch, of Me., a bill from tho sections of the of together with our usual assortment of 18G6. It seems that in 1864 the Charles Ε reported country bring intelligence le 7} Bulk Meats dull : shoulders at 3|c ; clear thip Dec. U. (8.00 P. y.)> Committee on The @*7§. Lectcre.—Mr. William W. Jackson Jr., of Commerce, appropriating $15,000 tlio great destruction of property. gale rib sides at ; clear sides all loose and cur- CIIKBSTIVIA» « Ο Ο D was chartered from New York to Sar 5}c partially S, Pennell The barometer will continue in the for the removal of sunken wreck in the was ai severe in Wales and as in ed at Bacon shoulders 5c rib Boston will deliver his and high {the Ireland, Eng- 5Jc. steady ; ; clear sides sami popular eloquent is than have taken Francisco, with a mixed cargo. At the north-west with light north-westerly winds, channel way of Sandy Hook. Passed with an land, and was accompanied by lightning and 8c ; clear sides 8}c. Sugar cured hams 15 @15}.— (which larger ever,) and rooms lecture in the Advent Union Hall, No. 87 Free to amendment Green moats are shoulders 33c; over our store for WIIOLKMALK TIIADK time the cxceuted another charte veering south-easterly to-morrow, with clear holding the owners or charterers or rain. Many towns were flooded. Several vos- quiet; sides4$.— Ladies' Goods. captain cold Hams to Live firm Furnishing exclusively, which we otter at New York prices. street this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. weather extending cast over the upper insurer· responsible for the cojt of removal. sels are ashore in Cork harbor. The damage to 7} @ 8}e, according weight. Hogs (known as ''a guano charter") between the sami lakes to at 3 65 @ 3 80. Whiskey is firm at 88c. of Christian Man- Michigan, and thence southward to Mr. Bingham, of Ohio, from the Judiciary in that city is very great, many build- charter covered also from thi Subject, ''The Elements the property Dec. 8.—Flour in fair demand and Arm. ports. Tbe latter Missouri and Ohio valleys; fn tho gulf and Committee, reported a bill removing the politi- ings were unroofed and trees blown down. aOLBDO, hood." south Wheat in fair demand and advanced ; Amber Michi- We oft'er our at the last named to the Chinchas, and thence t< , Atlantic States, nortii-easterty to north- cal disabilities of L. Q. C. Lamar of The of the tower of St. Thomas goods Chas. & port Mississip- pinnacles gan, cash and Dec at 1 55: do Jan 1 59; No 1 Red at Day, Jr., Co.,· westerly windi, cold clear weather and rising pi. Passed. church in Exeter, Devonshire, were blown Harrisburg. Two policies of insurance, one oi Elizabeth. 1 63 ; No 2 do 1 57. Corn is a shade better at 38}c tor Cups barometer; on the lower lakes and in the St. Mr. of moved down were at Acker, Pa., to suspend the rules while the congregation worship, high Mixsd ; flo new 361c ; low do 3f$ @ 3f}c. Oats each charter were taken out. The vessel wa the Samuel Haskell and Lawrence north and a bill Upon petition of valley, westerly winds, ligh pass removing all political disabili- and falling on the roof crushed through into dull and unchanged ; No 1 at 37} @ 38c ; No 2 at 32 jc. 94 Exchange St. snow and cold LOWEST CASH PRICES. wrecked on the coast of Brazil, taken to Ri others the Selectmen of this town have called a clearing weather; in the Middl ties, and extending general amnesty. Nega- the body of the church. The congregation was Clover Seeds 5 15. Dressed Hogs at 4 75. and Eastern bbls bush ftev21doo}e. good demand at 26}e, follouinp Individnalx desired. presented vaccinated, Cape May, New York, New London, Boston The crew with their lives. bbls bush wheat. passed. hardly escaped Receipts—2000 flour, 8,000 T. Welch sale; second, that the poli see if the town will vote to raise a sum of and Portland. The announced tha of of the huts used at Alder- bbls bush wheat. Henry alia» Walsh late Privato Co. E, 13 First, unjustifiable money Speaker appointment Many by troops Shipments—2000 flour, 9,000 Me. Inf. charter". Tiles s not three the select committeo to the Ceutenial celebra- shot were At Oxford the chapel of Charleston, Dec. 9.-Cotton ! cy did not cover the "guano exceeding hundred dollars to pay for destroyed. dull; .Middling .Joseph N. late Private tion as was Walsh, Co. r follows: Messrs. Kelley of Pa., Dawes Oriel Oxford University, badly uplands 18&c. Thomas " " 14 points were overruled and given fo vaccination, and also to see what action the College, Dec. Givens, judgment Fire. Savan.xaii, 9.—Cotton quiet and Mid- ! " of Mass., Maynard of Tenn., Sargent of Cal., damaged, and the freight depot of the Great firm; Thomas Fox, ·« " the with interes t town will take in to dling uplands at 18}c. plaintiff in the sum of $9200, regard the across Dec. a.—The new Metho- of Conn., Havens of Cox of N. Western Kail was demolished. Cbas. H. '* " bridge Titcsville, Pa., Hawley Mo., way entirely Mobilk, Dec 9.—Cotton Merrill, quiet; Middliuguplands A. M. PEABODY'S " from April 28,1805, amounting to about $14,OOC Lonj Creek. A. dist church at Tidiout, and Judge Harlow's Y., Marshall of 111., and Hancock of Texas. Ffou Arrival of the Cilr of Bramela-Thc Charles Nichols, Seaman U. i was this The House at 3.10 o'clock Robert D. It is understood that tbe Ocean Insurance Com residence adjoining, destroyed by fire adjourned. Storm—Tribute to Mr. Greeley. Nrew Orleans, Dec. 9.—Cotton in good demand; Bond, w anqqie Loss on church, $45,000; uo insur- Middling upands 19 φ 19Jc. novSdtl C. P. MATTOCKS, Street. pany is reinsured in the Sun Mutual Insuranc > niRCEIJ.ANEOll! NOTICES. morning. Dec. 'J.—The of ance. Harlow's residence was insured for London, steamship City Snlilrn Eûeal!i- .71 iir.lrr—Iitcrntliarism. Brussels has not reached and much Sale· Company of New York. Tbe defence was ii Two tanks full of oil and in close yet port Ladies' For Card. $45,000. to Pbovidexce, Dec. 'J.—John B. a anxiety is felt in regard her. Furnishing Store, with Stable in th e the hands of the latter A. A. Strou proximity to the fire were saved. Hartwell, RAYMOND'S No 90 Market Square, company. The thanks of the are ex- merchant the The harbor of Cardiff is orowded with shin- in the e for Fraternity hereby prominent and manufacturer, STORPrear/prt liege to>Ceu» appeared tbe J. & Ε. M sail are wind- plaintiff; Messrs. tended to Messrs. Lori:ig, Short & Harmon for head of the firm of Hartwell, Richards & Co., ing. Over one hundred there street. lnq«dre ot ^lllOAlAb SHAW, Rand for defendants. dead in a store thi» of heart ouud. A number of cottages were blown DANCING ACADEMY » dec! Jw their donation of Webster's Un- The Centennial Celebration. dropped afternoon, 345 generous diicase. dowu during the storm yesterday at Bridge- Congress Street, LANCASTER HALL. HOTEL, FOR SALE, Location of irrea Franklin I4 ire Dictionary and a Latin Lexicon, Philadelphia, Dec. 3.—Tho Cetneuuial James Gannon was water. C* MALL Insurance Company.—W abridged to-day adjudged probably value, thoroughly well «furnished Commission to-day conferred administrative The at Hotel established, call attention to tbe H. F. Coolidge, Sec'y. guilty of causing the death of Patrick Gorman meeting Langliam Saturday and in perfect modern advertisement of thi power on th· Executive and *11 through order, improve- Committee ordered m and committed for trial. night, to.take action regarding the death of run of and Franklin Fire Insurance December '72. the North Providence, ments, splendid regular transient business Company of Philadel 9, preparation of tho memorial to wa« arrested at to- Horace was wall attended. Mr. Dor- and »»n the can 1* Congress William Waters Newport Ureeley, nn. «V. W. RAYMOND an- diîCi PORTLAND. continually increase, bought at a as its statement shows asking material aid. sheimer and those respectfully tf as the owuer is from the pbia, beyond questioi will the worth of your money every for incendiarism aud confessed bis guilt. presided, among present nouuees to the citizens of Portland and vicinity that bargain retiring business; or You get day were would sell half Interest. of that this is one of tbe institutions Messsrs. McCulloch, Body, Attmau, and ho will open a school in Do.ucing tor new at Worthy investigation. that wil and beginners 9 TAYLOR 3 time at Goldthwait's Boot, Shoe, Kijbber Bates. ou the AS3IA jr.VL.HEK. deiklût &CO. Stata St, Boston. stand ordeal Λ Mr. Dorslicimer taking chair the above ball ou successfully any short of a 1 Building Fall· In. Λ BiaodlcK· Duel. genera Depot, 11 Market Square. dec7ST&T paid a feel'ng tribute to the memory of the de- Teacher of the and Piano Parties at this Ciucivxati, Dec. a.—The roof and walls of S. Dre. 1872. Cabinet Organ FRUIT, PERIODICAL AND conflagration. insuring tim Augusta, Ga., Dec. 9.—James Hayward, ceased, whose death he lamented and whose Monday Eyeuing, 9, for the city water works have fallen in. Two men 3i» CONFECTIONERY,Cigar Store, sale, on a leading thoroug! fare, wlli look for the best, and few can present mor and best Paint in the wo .Id, is editor of the Times, and Malcolm J. Browning, private life he extolled. He deprecated the Gents* CONGRES STBKKT. and The cheapest were Tickets, .85.00 □icely flted up, paying well. A i> floral buried in nine feet of water under the editor of the criticism in at the %i bargain than the of News, two weekly papers pub- the newspapers present time. Ladies' 2.00 G. Walter GooUI. References ami or- if applyed lor soon ; small capital satisfactory figures Franklin, whic! the Averill Chemical. the 4<'bris, and three others w ere so hurt Reference, required. badly lished at S. C., fought a bloodless Resolutions of and respect were for twelve lessons. ders left Ht anil llanos « Cragm β. TAYLOR & CO., 3 State St., Boston, Mass. are the Portland, tf 1 that are not Orangeburg, eulogy adopt- Stoekliri.tgo's jSollins & Adams agents. For sale at 83, Commercial St., they expected to live. »r a study," the painter said; Sec. 7. That whenever notice is given 01 a motion Book Concord, Lawrence, I, and 3.15 P. M. Binders. VI. virtues. Per- that rui»y ligflit. for an injunction out of a circuit or district court of Α. Kct urning leave Jones' Landing at 8.15 and 3.15 P. extraordinary "Fairly glimmers WHI. A. Rociu E'nnter'* haps no one ever secured so it froni oaves overhead : the Uuiied Srates, the court or thereof may, if QUÏNCY, 11, It is not a For Lowell, *7.00, *9.55 A. M., and t3.20 P. M. '· Icicles t. in®· judge physic which may givo relief wide a w thou art white! temporary For Milton and *7.OU A. JVI. and P. M. ι reputation or main- Ο Ulou art Ο rid, there appear to be of injury from S.'xchnn^c, No. 311 Uxt-haugc Ml. to tlie sufferer for the first few uo but Union, f3.20 moon, ghostly! danger irreparable es, which, from Fare down and baclt 25 cent·, children half price. tained it so as Ayer'h at the w indow all warm and red." an order to be I N use $250,000, NOTE.—Tb® *7.θυ A. M. and 13.20 P. M. train con- long I'll look in delay, grant restraining the act sought T1ALL tic No. 35 JPluin continued Piles and kindred diseases to H2iA€KFOKD, brings nects at with trains for New York. Special arrangement» can be made to ClIKBRY PBCTOBAL. it enjoined until th*· decision the motion. Such aid in the nor is it a doctored are now prepared to take Boston Passen- by applying upon ûÎir««t. weakening invalid, liquor be ociodtf lias been known to the he whatever his eyes might see order be or without security, in under gers Ucketcd and baggage checked through. Capt. pub- So looked—hut may granted with the popular name of "Bitters" is so lic about not: his were dumb. the discretion Prodded, That ^wliicli, β" trains ou» ween Portland aud Boat on forty years, by a Hi-, pencil told lips of the court or judge: extensively palmed oil on the public as sovereign rem- ^""Freight would listen to me! hear all w and Builders· long contiuned eerie* of I li'igut guess, but who no justit'»· cl* the Supreme Court shall or^ Carpenters» edies, but it is a iuo*t powerful Tonic- and FIRE AND MARÎIE RISKS daily. bailie Co have tuld their sum. η or or- station in marvellous won for it a An I the days of the painter any application for an iujuueti restraining W£6ïT!VEï & JîilÂSIS, Peurl Street, op- alterative, pronounced so by the leading medical Passenger Boston, Maymarket Square. Steamship cures, which have confidence must wait till your soul is free to which he is allotted, Freight station in street. In its never other medicine. Would you know, you der, except \\i hiu the circuit po*ite H'urh. authorities of London and Paris, and has been AT CURRENT Boston, Causeway NEW ABRMfiEJIKSiT. virtues, equalled by any the world to come. circuit to which he is long RATES. ♦Accommodation. It slill m ikes the most cu.es of And you two meet in an in causes iKrii'liitg in the used by the regular physicians of other countries with effectual Coughs* such outside of tFast al al'.ott. d, or in sucl causes at place wonderful remedial results. Express. Co'tie, Consumption, that con be made by medi- iu Dcuiistd· W. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE skill. the Here is the study the painter wrought; tlie circuit as the partie»» may writing stipulate, MERR1TT, Superintendent, Indeed, Cheiît:y I'i toral lias really these A little otf tha window glows. causes whore such application cannot be D«. W. C. JOHNSON, orcr II. 12. Loston. robbed dangerous diseasi of tlieif terrors, t a way except In llay'e. I)r. Wells Extract of Jnrnbeba SAiniJEL GOULD, Steamers ami Franconia An I the prints of children's feet are brought heard bv the circuit judge of the circuit, or the dis- Attorney. PAYSON TUCKER, General Agent, Dirigo great extent, and given a feeling of Immnnity fr> m ret ains all the inediciual will, until furtner run a* effects, Up to the doorway, ailiwart the suows. triet judge of the district. virtues peculiar to the plant 353 Commercial Street, Portland. notice, their fatal which Is well founded, if the rem- Dye-Ko use. and must be taken as a NATH'L F. Dec. follows : in season. An the moonbeam talis like an a; : in thought, Se< 8. That no indictment found and presented permanent curative agent. DEERMO, Agent. 2, 1872. dec3tf edy betaken Every family should have it district or F. SVJIONitfS, 3udia St. Velvet €1©uL* Leave Gait's Wharf, Portland. in closet for the And silvers their pathway who now repose. by a''rand jury in any circuit oroiher In there want of action its your Liver & Portland, Nov. 29th, 1872. noS0d3w "their ready and prompt relief of States shall bo every MONDAY and THURS- nicml>ers. Sicknoss, and cou'rtof the United deemed insuffi- iiye.i and ϋιιΐκιΐυϋ. Splien1? Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes guttering, even life is saved SAINE CENTRAI RAILROAD. DAY, at 5 P. M.t and leave Pi<>r 3» Κ. K.. New York, his The Cold show» the world and the sky round about, cient. nor shall the trial, judgment, or other proceed- impure by deleterious scrof- by timely protection, prudent should c«t I'OSIEK'S Dye Uoukc, i2-i lrnioa Street.* secretions, producing ν y MONDAY and T1LUUSDA Y, at 3 P. M. wine And warm breaks that thereon be atVected by reason of any defect or im- ulous or skin Marine IsisBaa'asace I neglect it. and the will not. Keep it by von for ruddy light between; ing diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Winter The and Franconia are with tine in matter of l'orm onlv. which shall Arrangement, Dee. Dirtgo fitted up the it anords in su Idea and ts Of the painter's thought i η ceil not doubt, perfection not Canker, Pimples, &c., &c. fommeneiiiji LCCOEimodntiousfor protection attacks, by ii.· to the of the defendant. Furniture--Wholesale and Retail. passengers, making this the inosl ose. For ung-li e his s.udy his life had been: t·. prejudice Take to OiSee No. lonvenicnt and timely Jurnlicba cleanse, and restore 17 β Trains leave Portland for comfortable route tor travelers be- All.· liim* li s lot was to walk Sec. 9. That in all criminal cans -s the defendant WALlfiB COREl & CO., Arcane, No. purify Exchange Street, Banger. PREPARED I5Y long without, the vitiated blood to healthy action. Calais and St. John at 12:15 ,ween New York and Maine. From the one in a scene. may he found guilty of any offense the commission oi IS Free Sîrtet. l^fgfS?SSHt>Ulton, AYEK <£ CO.. light apart, wintery PORTLAND, MB3, a. ,η·in. in State Room Meals DK.J.C. LOWELL.MASS., which is necessarily included in that with which ho Jilave you a KSyMpepNtie Stomach ? unless (sleeping and davday carson this Fatsage extra. ϋκοαϋΐ: λ. ivo. so Εϊ· Uooils forwarded to and from Practical and Analytical Chemists, But ί where the wldto flakes freeze no more, is charged in the indictment, or may b.* found wmit.vhv, digestion is promptly aided the is debilitated "train.) Montreal, Quebec hope, guilty system For Bath, Rockland and at 7:00 îalifax, St. John, and all parts of Maine. i where and of an attempt to commit the offense so cliaiige Si. oi" all kiati.·· wiili loss of vital force, poverty ot the Blood, Lewision, Augusta Shippe And sold by all round the world hope, whiter is over gone, charged: Upholelei'iag Dropsi- The Ocean a. m. ire to send their to druggists That such cal General Weakness or Lassitude. Insurance Co., requested freight the Steamers at For the cold of the that went before Pmridcd, attempt be itself a separate tfonc So order. Tendency, as 1 P. d«cl8-dJtwovery3dwly night Take it to assist without in For Bath, Lewistou, >arly Μ.,οη the days they leave Portland. lie almost how he made his moan ; offense. Digestion reaction, it will (Established 1833,) Rockland, Augusta, Readtiold, For forgets Wiatlirop, Skowhegau, St. John and Freight or Passage apply fo And almost had closed the door îsiîo. 10. That on an indictment impart youtliiui vigor to the weary Batterer. with a paid up Capital of eontin- Belfast, Bangor, forgets how tliey against several, Furniture and House Furnishing Uoods. $140,000.00, Halifax at 1:00 p. in. HENRY FOX. Ualt's Wharf, Portland And doomed hitu to walk "in the world—alone. if the jury cannot agree upon a verdict as to all, they ISavc you wenknews of the laiteaiiues ? ues to issue all clashes of Marine to an J. F. ! JlîËNJ. coi. uae authorized any legal or equitable lien or claim against real oi j BOSTON. Leave Boston for Portsmouth and Portland at t7.30 POKTFXHJS. Agent. resort to this stand- the same mannwr and timely termine said application in persons I probi ty within the d strict where such suit Carpet-Bags. bfci JSYCHOJ1 ANCV, or StfCL CHAR3E- j A. M.,t8.30 A. M, 112.30P. M., t3.15P. M.,*8.00P.M. an JT wiiii the same etfect aa if it were original applica- is brought, one or more of the defendants thereir J. It. D ET It AN & CO., i 71 middle and IflfiK." How either sex may fascinate and MANUFACTURERS OF Leave Portgmouth4or Portland at i lfl.00 A. ;>1, ïlU. ard as lias been within the time re- preparation, ti η f >r such extension, duly tiled shall not be an inhabitant of or lound within the sai( I L· i<â Federal Streets. gain the love & affection of any person they choose : 35 Λ. M., t3.l0 P. M., t5.40 P.M., »10.U5 P. SI. FOR r. BOSTON. had here- Τ i»:»VA Τ(ϊ(1ι1ι·(ηη1 fill· Ι^.λγΜοι».! ..t· C nil Λ Λϊ ;.im_ quire 1 by law, ana η > application therefor instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can the hundreds ot in case such ex- ior BOSTON at P. M. proved by to!* »ro been made: Provided, That, shall be lawful for the court to make an order direct Masons anil Builders. possess, free, by mail, 25c., together with a mar- inίϊ 4.35 bet ween the ♦Pullman car THE SUPERIOR tension shall be granted, all persons who, in g such absent defendant to appear, pleat!, answer riage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to sleeping express tram. Ν. B. This SEA-GOING testimonials received the and the S. E. !tKBS,«X, «S3 1--2 St. &c. A train runs by date of the expiration of the original patent or «lemur to t e com plain tant's bill at a certain da\ Congre»· Ladies,, queer book. Address Sunday Morning, does not run Monday ïJiÉsstl STEAMERS date of such extension, have constructed, or caused therein to be designated, which order shall be served T. WILLIAM & CO. Publisher Phila. morning. It is acknowl- in Pure White Lead ! FOBEST CITV and proprietors. to be cons.ructod, or used such improvement on such absent defendant, if practicable, wherevei Paper Hangings, Window Shades, and novlG tlw tAccommodation train. .1IOXTREAL, shall be at liberty said extend- tFast horse-powers, during fonnd, or where such personal service is not practi- Dry and fSrounsl its Express. Having commodious Cabin and State Room ac- to others to said im· Carpetiugs. Oil, edged by many prominent ed term to use, and vend use, cable, such order shall be published in such manuci AGENTS! A JggThe Pullman Car Express Train ar- will run CO, RARE CHANCE rives at an·! Sleeping commodation», alternately, leaving provemcut in horse-powers 30 constructed or used. as tbe court shall direet ; and in case such abseni L9TBROP,9KVEM& ,βΐ ExlianK< DRY AND GROUND departs frem tne Depot of the Maine to be the most Mree! and 48iîlnrke! St. We will pay all §40 week in ZINC, LITHARGE, RED physicians Approved, May 29, 1872. defendant. *hall not appear, plead, answer, or deniui Agents per cash, who Central Railroad, in Portland. ATLANTIC will witn us ΔΤ once. LEAD, LEAD SHEET LEAD, TIN WHARF, Portland, within the time so limited, or within some furthe] engage Everything furnished PIPE, Ν. B. The 7.00 A. M., and 3.20, P. M. trains reliable ever in- and expenses ddress DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) preparation [General Nature—No. 93.1 to be allowed the court in its discretion, anc Photographers. paid. PIPE, TIN-LINED PIPE, IRON PIPE from Portland, laake cluse connections to New time, by notCt4w A. of the service or of said order COULTEB & CO., Charlotte, Mich.. Yolk one or other of the routes from Boston. A.T 7 O'CLOCK Γ». at. for and AN ACT to an act entitled "An act foi upon proof publication Λ. ». 1» A VIS & CO., Ko. 80 Middle Street, Λ FITTINGS, PUMPS. AC., tly aftiraded to. as our trade-mark an fight-pointed red star, with of over When States shall be entitled to one Representa- Mild Climate, Fertile forty years. following Seo. 14. That when a poor convict, sentenced b? Soil, corporate seal in the centre. This is on every pack- tive each in the of the United States in for Grain On and after Nov. and VnJnin and St. season Congress any court of the Uuiied States to be imprisoned am growing- and Stock Raising unsurpassed by age of our Pure Lead. None genuine it. Monday, 4th, Eantport, John, Oigbf, resorted to in it sel- addition to the number to such States Plasterer, Stucco Worker, Ac. yrithout further trains will run apportioned pay a tine, or line aud cost, or to pay a tine, or flu< au y in tlie United States. M;'*fJ?Si§??5Suntil notice, tVia-.foor aad Halifax. the act entitled '·Λη act for ths ol P. Cor. Cumberland and Franli· follows: by apportionment and cost, has been confined in prison thirty days FEENÏÎ, Cheaper in Prick, more favorable terms given, -™ dom fails to effect a ntatives to the several States Sia and A. M. P. M. speedy Repres Congres* among for the non-payment of such flue, or fliie aui more convenient to market than can be found W. F. 3c JFAJLbTa to the ninth solely Phillips Co., Leave 7.1δ 3.15 ARRANGEMENT. acc nding census," approved February cost, such eonvict may make application in elsewhere. Portland, cure in tho most severe hundred and to wit: writinj Leave N. 8.30 1.00 second, eighteen seventy-two, to any commissioner of the United States court ii Real Estate Agents. Free Conway, TWO New Now York. Homestead* for Aetna 1 Settlers. The 7.15 a. m. and 1 CO m. Trains will be TRIPS WEEK! Hampshire, Vermont, Pennsylva- the district where he is imprisoned, forth hi JSaJT J*o. AGENTS FOE THE p. Freight eases of setting C. S'BOCTEB, OU Exchange The best CO., with cars Coughs, Bronchitis, nia, Indiana, Tennessee, Louisiana. Alabama and to such or fine and and location for Colonies—soldiers entitled i* passenger attached. inability nay floe, cost, afte: Street. a Or. and after F ο ida, an J be elected oy separate districts, as in to the Homestead of l&O Acres. MONDAY, Sept. notice district attorney of the United Staiei STAGES the Steamer New s til act directed: Provided. That in the election oi GliO. R. BAVB8 & Co.. No. 301 1-2 Cou Send for the new with new 46 & 48 MIDDLE ST. 30th, Ysok, j Croup, "Whooping Cough, who may appear, otfer evidence, and be heard, th< Descriptive Pamphlet, 15. B. to the sreas Street. iu an 6d0m e«30 P " gress assembled, That, in the State of Louisiana th* ωα1ίι„£ William Lawrence," Cant. W. A. Hallett. These Standard Instruments JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St,· New direct connection at Rochester " " else ion of to the York, with trains for Boston, William Crane Capt. Solomon Howes. Representatives Forty-third Con- SAFE BEYOND QUESTION. Sole Agent for United States. over Boston & Maine and Eastern and the of electors of Railroads. Also "George Appold," Capt·. Winslow Loretand. gress. appointment President Price 25 cents a box Send for circular. connect at Rochester with Dover and and for It is seldom that new Are now offered at Reduced Rates at "Blackstone," Capt. Goo.H. Hallett. Vlce-P*jsiaent said State, shall be on tht Mortgages upon Raiiroad % Winnioiseogee " dec2-4wt Railroad for Alton Bay. and with Great William first Monday of in the hun- are Portsmouth, Kennedy," Capt, Henry D. Foster. November, year eighteen considered sufficients safe for the iuvc stment c Falls and Conway Railroad tor dred and seventy-two; but thereafter such eleotioni Conway. •'McClellan,"Capt. F. M. Howes. Trust Funds. It is when a Railroad is Leave Rochester fur Portland and and shall be on ihe only earning Οiie-I?rice A way stations at Freight forwarded troni Norfolk to appointment day designated b) System Great Offer ! Y*.' 7..30 A. M., and 12 M. Washington j law for the other States. an excess of iis interest with a cer 48?Br^adwav^N1/ Steamer Lady of the Lake. net, obligations, will dispose of ftOO PIANOS, MELODEÔNS. and The 7.30 train June 1872. connecting with down trains on Do- Freight forwarded from to a Approved, 1, of a that its Bonds can be sai< ORGANS,of six first-class Wat- and Norfolk Petersburg tainty steady growth, 41,000 makers, including ver Winnipiseogee, and Great Falls river or and at Jow for eanh or and Portsmouth, llichaumd, by rail; by the Va. Λ Ten to he ers', very priée part cash Economieal. and and the 12 o'clock train mak- Air Line to all A 1Î0ST [General Nature—No. perfectly safe. in small Conway Railroads, points in Virginia, Ai 87.] OF THESE bafattGe monthly instalments. New--7- direct connection at with Tennessee, j The an ing Rochester trains from lama and Georgia ; and over the Seal>oard AN ACT to for Chicago, ρ ville & Vixcesses Rail octave first ctass PIANOS modern improvement, for and Ho RELIABLE REMEDY FOR provide the i^sue of Bonds in lieu ol Boston, leaving Boston at 7.30 A. M., via Boston & noke R. R. to all points in North anil South ! or defaced road is and has this Tha 9X7X cash. Now ready a CONCKRTO PARLOR Saves dam- Carolina destroyed bonds of the United States. doing this, certainty. Maine, and at 8.30 A. A. via Eastern Railroads. by the Bait. & Ohio R. R. Standard Piano Fortes ORGAN, the most beautiful and tone to Washington and i Be it enacted the Senate and House part of it known ::a tiie Illinois Division (iron style perfect Leave Portland for Saco River at 6.20 P. M. West. by of Repre- ever made. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. >S'heet places sentatives of the United States of water Leave Saco liiver for Portland at 5.30 A. M. rates ro South America in Con- Chicago to Danville, 132 Miles.) was finished last year Have been made and sold since 1823, and Music and Music Merchandise. dec2-4«>t age by Through given and West. Cîifls, Colis, Hoarseness, connect as follows : b'ine gress assembled, That whenever it shall appear '.otlie Stages Passenger accommodations. and its gross earning^havc increased from §3 ,4Gi 0 At Gorliaiu for West and Fare Secretary of the Treasury, by clear and uuequivocal Eighty-one First Premiums Gorham, Standlsh, No. including Berth and Meals to Norfolk $15.00 > CATAllBU, BRONCHITIS, proof, that any iuterest-bearlng bond of the Unite·! in December, 1871, to $69,109 40 in Octobcr, 1S72. ~~FREa-TO BOOK AGENTS. Will work when Steam and Hand Engines freeze. Limington, daily. line -ÎS hours; to Baltimore §15, time G5 hours. Slates At Buxton Centre for West Bonn For further has, without bad faith upou the part of the The net for October were 62, or a Buxton, γ Eagle information apply to earnings $28,399 Have been awarded to our Firm AN ELEGANTLY BOUND CANVASSING KOOK Send for eircular to and owner, been destroyed, wholly or in part, or so de- Limington .daily. E. SAMPSON, the rate of §340,795 44 per annum. The total inter for the be«t and cheapest Family Bible ever At Ceutre Waterboro' Agent. RAISrtTΟ or BLOOD, faced as to impair ils value to the holder, and which published for Limerick, Newfleld, Par- Janegtf 53 Central Wharf. Boston. est 1 the total OVER ALL COMPETITORS. will be sent free of charge to any book It con- Bonsileld and bon I shall be identified by number and description, ability upon issue of Bonds upon bot! agent. PLUMMER & Ossipee, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat- j vr ii ο ο pi s « -c ο υ g c r ou the of the tains nearly &£0 fine Scripture illustrations, and EATON, alternate κ, γ, Secretary Treasury shall, under such regu- the Illinois and Indiana divisions is urdays. returning days. $280,000 gold These Pianos are still and agents aie meeting with unprecedented success, Ad- At Centre Waterboro' lations and with such restrictions as to time and re- regarded universally for Limerick, Parsonsfield, STEERAGE FARE The Illinois division is, therefore, earning, net, mor conceded to be dress, stating experience, e»c., and we will show you BATH, ME., -A-STiiUVL^.., tention for security or otherwise as he may prescribe daily. than to what our agents are NATIONAL PUBLISH- IN FACT, ALL PiSEltll LKHIIO TO issui a duplicate of such bond, the same time enough pay interest upon the entire bonde· doing, WILLIAM H. TURNER, Superintendent. having ING CO. Pa. dcc2 Sole Agents for the State of ITIaiue. to run. like interest as the i-o debt Piiila., 4w1 d«cl6-tc REDUCED. bearing bond proved tc upon the whole road. The Standard Instruments of the World j COIJ&UlfePTION. have boeu destroyed or defaced, and so marked as tc no ν 19 1mTTS show month to sell the original number of the bond destroyed and i HE INDIANA and are so pronounced by all the great artists. 'Ti,$200 per Tin? cflocts to bo looked for by taking tlie the date DIVISION WANTEDthe IMPROVED AMERICAN FAMILY KNOX & thereof: Provided, That where such de- Dr. Liszt "f the Ciiicker LINCOLN RAILROAD. vk'j? ΡBCTopjà» arc, a eootU!:}£ai:.! Franz says: consider KNITTING MACHINE. The and best in coutruUlng stroyed or defaced bondt· shall appear to have been ol simplest influence over congii, is about eighty miles in extensiv ing Piano su pe lier to any made in Europe or Auier tiie World. Address nay i-roitiotln·· «deep, such a cl iss or scries as has been or length, traversing American Knitting Machine Sleighs! Sleighs! Dircct rail route to Wiscasset. * may, before such iea, aud am c onvinced that were Sleighs! New till.iylnj? tho tînr Inkling :»sn:if»n 111 tho tl.rojit, be Bituminous Coal and a direct flu fully they justly Co., 345$ Washington St., Maes. application, called iu for redemption, instead ol fields, making (aud entitled to the First Prize. Boston, de24wt e» Damariscotta, Waluoboro, ixoâtiiiz η b earthy aecpr. loa or eTp#et<*ntlon, issuing duplicate s .hereof they shall be paid, with shortest possible) line between Chicago and the Bloc, (The Best Thin? Yef.) t~uld there >n until the principal thereof h ble business. FREE to all who may write. Address I. GAR- SLEIGH, Stages counect at Rockland, for Camden, Lincoln- due and their business i» 1823, made aud sold 41,000 Pianos N. J. payable, with two good and sufficient sure- SIDE, Patterson, ùe2t4w ville, Northport, South Thomaston and St. George, residents The company is not in debt, and owns a large am and these St tndard Instrumente are now offered a (Patented At. tie·*, of the United States, to ee approved by Hugh Smûd.Oct. 3}1871 daily. Rockland for Union, Appleton and Wash- the real Reduced Rates upon the 'One-Prick tre< STEERAGE ! by ecretary of the Treasury, with condition tc very valuable estate in Chicago, beside ha vin System," ington. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. PASSAGE and save from all discounts and commissions: and they are At Thomaston for indemnity harmless the United States from an equipment, of twenty-four first-class locomotiv? LEGAL· AI>YICE! Tli is sleigh was awarded the SILVER MED A at St. George daily. an* claim beyond all refutation, the vert best and ver: At Warren for upon »lie said destroyed or defaced bond, the New England Fair, held in Lowell, Mass. also Union, daily. and about 800 cars. Cheapest First-Class Pianus now offered. At Warren for $30 CURRENCY J. ^7. PEKKINS & Approved, June 1, 1872. the highest Prem um at the State Fair hold η iu Jefterson and Whitefleld, Mondays, CO., Agent. A first such a at the rate c &c. and eplC-MW&F &weow Cm Portland, 3£e. mortgage upon road, **"· Receipts, Bangor. It has been used before a criti- Wednesdays Fridays. [Geneual Nature—No. An to extensively At EITHER WAY. 93.1 mile is a safe and know c important enterprise, designated for the last four and is Wa.doboro* for North. $18,500 per investment, we .V CARD. want supply cising public years, apidly Waldoboro', Washington, public long felt, has been established by favor for and Liberty Dr. AN ACT to farther the administrât no gaining the following reasous: daily. U. J. .rOlHDAW, ion of Justice. other railroad bond, at the price asked for this the have been made At New Castle for Ha undersigned. Engagements 1st—It is vastly more being con .ructed Bristol and Pemaquid, daily. Paucngen landed and embarked at Be it enacted the Senate and We sail especial attention te ear Π with leading men in the durable, by House of liepre· that can demonstrate a similar value as a securitv fo professional United without tenon nr mnrfisr wviiml hv hnlts nr σ Freight Trains daily and freight taken at low rates. PROPUiteHit OF TUB tentatives of the United States States which Medical and Advise. Re- of America in Con- by Legal 2α—The with a is of best jy29atf C. A. COOMBS. CUNABD WIIARF, Ε 1ST That savings banks and others. post brace oualuy mal- Sup't. BOSTON. ! Parisien gress assembled, whenever, in any suit or w ceipte, Formulas, and directions for manufactur- leable iron. Gallery of Anatomy, in a pro- We have sold two millions of lioston, ceeding circuit court of the United nearly these bonds t UPRIGHT PIANOS, ing any article required may be Stares, being ^ promptly sup- 3«1—Its elegant and light appearance, Passengers booked from or ro Lon- i just published a uow edition of held by a justice <»f the Supreme Court and toauks, trust and the most careft d àt trifling cost. system has proved PROCURE London, Bristol, iûslectniei*, the cir- savings companies pli _This 4th—The ease with which It can be repaired. TICKETS denderry, or for $30 HAScontaining niosl valuable information on the cuit or a district, which in the finest instrument aw» III Glasgow, Dorry, currency. jud^e judge, or by the circnit and have but are, every particular, uiS.u» CUI/bSSIl'll A2iUlVf Ottll CUUIllDe· WII'"H5 Parties and treatment and a jud#< investors, 3750,000 bonds remaining. iutending to purchase are respectfully in- .causes,eonsequcnecs of disease* < lb* dieirlct julge, there «hull occur of their class manufactured, and second to th ! 5SS| certain classes eould not afford to pay the any different only high vited to call and examine our varied assoitment of FOR reproductive system, with remarks on md of opinion between the as to They are for $1000 each, and have years t Grand Piano, for which are a substitute. prices for nrofessional services. Our re- DRAFTS il 4NO VPWABDIOIV marriag judges any matter 01 forty they good ™ charged both and double the various causes of the loss to be single sleighs. of rr€anhoon of complété restoration ; also a eh τ opiui the presiding justice or tlie while our medical and Instructions will ♦or on presi inj legal THE BANK OF IRELAND. venereal infection, and tho means of be jud^e shall prevail, and he considered the have the indor ement oi of wide OLD the ntref opini gentlemen rcp- SMITH & tag most comprehensive tcork on the ever of tîie court for the time 7 PER CENT. Chickering & Sous, utatiou. Branch offices COBB, subject being; but when à fina GOLD, are about to be estnb- yet published, 150 Mailed or For Cabin Passage at the Cabin M comprising pages. treu tm Judgment, decree, order in such suit or Jiahe I in ottter States. All that i>ply Offlee, any address for 35 cents. proceeding an ί Octobcr. Present 90 and ac il Ε. 14tb Sfw ^ correspondence ο BAY. State and for > Address, shall 'oe if said pavable April prie,: at., York, we receive will be as SOUTH Ticket ! street, «erage Passage at the Steer- entered, judges shall certify, as ii regarded strictly confl- Passenger Agency el « all be their crued interest from October ist in oc22 eodlf age Office, 99 fctate street, Boston. Dr. Jourdalu's duty to do if such be the that currency. 354 Beitea. dential. Each letter asking advice, whether Consulting OUI ce, in fact, the) WnsEibglon At., Travelers for differed opinion as to any The last week of our sales of Illinois Legal or Medical, should enclose One Dollar with CALIFORNIA 61 Hancock question which, undo Diyisio; iiovT 2mdaw ™ JA!dE8 ALRXANDEK, Street, Ronton, 3Ia*«. the act of Congress of April twenty-ninth, stamp ; Receipts and Formulas, Fifty Cents p^^^m?ind the Went, South and Nort.· junlidlyr hundred aud eighteer Bonds amounted to $500,00'. Early orders ar went, m obtain jn'Jdly General Agrnt. two, might have been reviewed by tin ra with .stamp. If the (questions asked are com- F A I RBAN KS "-^3 ay tbrongli Tickets Court on therefore iu order to secure < the beet and most Supreme certificate of difference <-f suggested, any portion AHEKIC1N plex, requiring an extended reply, a small addi- by reliable then either opin- route from Portland or or New io», party may remove said final judg- bill will be sent. Boston, York, to ment, decree, or order to the WtionalS' nd for circulars. Address all letters any point desired, at feke lowest at the ol Supreme on w. il C'snsolidatcd am 1 to the rate*, CONVERTIBLE of error or Court, For farther particulars, statement of earnings aud reliable Union Ticket of λ appeal, accord jig to the nature of the W AMERICAN AJDVICK STANDARD Agency BRONCHIAL and the AfiENCt, ΓΟΚ &c. case, subject to the provisi ns of law maps of line, &c., apply to f*\ dec3-4wt CALAIS, Maine. COCOHS, COLDS, ^ to appliciblt ONLY 35 other writs of error or appeals in BABCOCK BROWN'S CENTS. and regard to bail W. 5>. LITTLE supersedeas. Messrs. Swan & & CO. Sept E-demoa Sec. 2. That no Barrett, Bankers Fire ! AGENTS WANTED.—Address for the most lib- MIDLAND BONDS. judgment, decree, or order of a Extinguisher circuit or eral terms ever offered. THE DISCOVERER SCALES, 19 1·3 district courr of the United in Ofllee, Exchange Street civil ac\ion at law States, an:, —AND— Bills iu A 7 per cent, bond for sale or in equity, rendered after tliii Equity have bcei mortgage on one CrCt shall take file· 1 and information of the great roads from New effect, shall be reviewed the suits commence ! DISCOYSRED g^^Reliable clieerfuliy furnished at running York City—on Ayer's Cathartic C-Jurt of by Su all times. the third road im New Pills, preuii the United on writ against the Gardner an< I apCd&w wl5 is4t largest York State. The most States, of erroi M. Not Burned desirabio bond of all the or appeal, unless the writ of error Heury National Eztinguislie r DR. LIVINGSTONE IN AFRICA-Ilie Adven- Midland issues, the be sued out, or tlu Paysen, Esq, Out, affording appeal be taken, within two as in οttlii » tures-THE STANLEY-LIVINGSTONE EXPEDI- largest income and promising the greatest protit. For all the Purposes of a years after the o: 5Company fringing Family Pliyxie, such entry FOETIiAND. s ϋ TION to Africa. octavo volume Priee, 86 and interest judgment, decree, or order; and no judgment :uompany's lights—again Largo just issned. À,: dec.ee, or order of a the Oxnard Contains Incidents of the Wonderful Career of the We Relieve them one of the safest and most flWMBIt district court, rendered afc-ei --oit- Sugar Relinerj GO profit· this act shall take effect shall Doston, Ea^lo Concord. and and aJ I Great the WEST! bio investments ottered in this market for Cott ivencss, be rev ewed by a cir- Hotel, others; Traveller, Country, Animals, Natives, At itae Old years. Jaundice, cuit court of the Uuited St are warned or Fire Ex &c. Full Account of this most interuRt- Stand, Dyspepsia, tes upon like 01 W. a SÎÏATTUCK & Co., Banker parties against buying using Hunting. Indigestion, appeal, unless the cess process tiTiïuishcrs of kin in which water ! of the Globe. Oûifit spxt Ad- ïou can save on Dysentery, Foul Stom- pr be sued out, or the any 1, impregnate! ing part for$1. $4 each Ticket Co be taken, wichiu one appea with Carbonic Acid Gas is used as the > dress UNION PUBLISHING ALLEN, STEPHENS & ach, Head- yaav after the entry of the GENERAL AGENTS, Kxtinguishir CO., Chicago, HI.; Kfnily lo Supply Orders. Erysipelas, ment, decree or rder judg- element, those manufacture ! our Com Pa. or Mass. ache, Rheuma- sought to be reviewed: Pro except by Philadelphia, ; Springfield, dec3-4wt Piles» Uilea, That where :i no27—<1& w3m 23 Nassau St.. New-York ο hers licensed an: I arthorized BANKERS, and Skin party entitled 10 prosecute pany,or duly by us,ni tism.Eruptions writ "f error or to take an of immediate prosecution for Diseases, appeal is an or non pain infringement SOIS AGENTS Biliousness,. compos or infant, : FOR THIS I.OAk, .Liver mentis, imprisoned, such writ of erroi MUSIC BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS American Consolidated Fire m AGENTS WANTED. Complaint, Drop- m '!* "'· Extinguish Brown & sy. s'eh mav Fairbanks, CO., Tetter, Tumors a anpeal be taken or 22 South Market > thin the Company. Street For most Important Book ever Published 9Λ PINE ST. Salt Itheum, Woruw periods above designated alter the o: "Ercry tlo; u entry Boston. Horn Owapr'e New Horse jvlSdtf New York. â·.· a.c.'W, o der, exclusive of IjIFE of IIAIVDKli ; of Cyclopedia." Dis- GRAND Gout, Neuralgia, as a th( [$2.00] Chopii ease and all of which the horse TRUNK RAILWAY. Dinner term of h ch di*abi i of oi Uec7 D&W6T50 others is 118 MILK Pill, and Paci- y. Ti/e appellate court maj [$1.59] ; Bee^tws'i, [S--0j] ; Mendelssohn subject, STBEET, or reverse of Rossini of fully Kzplaiitert with sucsessful treatment, every fying the affirm, modify, tho judgment, 01 [$1 75]; [$ 1.75] ; Afozart [.$1.751 ;ofSchu To Canada. Octroi!, Blood, order decree, m horse owner should it. Also IVrw of Chicago, ftaginatr, Destructive Fires ! are the brought before it for or direct inn [31.75]; of Gnttsch ilk of }Vcee MUTUAL BENEtIT ACCOUNT BOOK Picture», Laraest Assortment for 1 er lin^s to be had the inferior court ai biographies. Li··' Γν of dollars occur too often in Pills. They are safe and to take, but by in N<»w and. at once tlite pleasant the of Agents fcr terms te — justite the ca*e Eng Apply JLST> — We submit to powerful to cure. out the foul humor* Sec. 3. may require. M>. JL. />:.·· \ country. ermy They purge That the IjETTER^of Mendelssohn 1.7 of Mozar Publisher, Concord, Ν. H. West, Northwest and Southwest ! ù » of the Supreme Court may at any time [S ] ; BY M. V. B. STIMSON. ;*si sensible, prudent man, that blood; they stimulate the sluggish or disor- in its discretion, aud of Beethoven Polko's dec3-d4wf Vt dered into upon such terms as it may deem [•$1.75] ; [$2.00]; Reminisccnct ;i V· fe./ they can bo prevented by the organ action, and they impart health and just, an 1 jvhere the of Mendelssohn 'ΓΠΕ GRAND TRUNK is in con- ton· to t ne defect has not [§1.75]. In a book for the use of all ο splendid running introduction ef whole cure not the ev- injured and the pass designed classes v. ·.>■■ι»/VjSI general the being. They only amendment wil; not These records of the inner life of the master TOi© AGENTS waut absolutely the best Fairbanks & di>ion, is fully supplied with first-class ery prejudice thedefendant in error, great dealers in every department of trade, and is an in val selling Co., rolling stock, Gardner fire ηχτιΝ- day complaints of everybody, but formidable and allow an uHioidment of a are like the Books? Send for circulars of Vent's Una- including the writ of error, when there intensely interesting. Finely bound, pic uable medium for encouraging cash payments fo ου isher. dangerous diseases. Most eminent clergyme®, most is a mid;a .c i tho teste of bridged Illustrated Family Bidle. Over 1100 Τ hi* skilful the writ, or a seal to the ceeding. goods, machine elands «ροη It· physicians, and our beetcitieeus sead certifi- writ is w η or when 10 bv 12 200 s Eible &c. CELEBRATED PULLMAN oi ling, the writ is As an economical measure it lias no in tin pages in., pr< Aids, Arab- PALACE CAR, merits, made cates ".nies per farmed ami of benefits on a other than the made returnable equal J 3111 BROADWAY NEW YORK. having for iteelf. great they day day of the Rfoore'e Eiicyclopciîia of IJIusic coe esque $($23; Gilt Edge. eU-o, $3 25; Full 2 BY SOLID have derived from these are the commencement, of [ÇG.00] interest of both buyer aud seller. Its adoption wil Gilt, uolti « dCw and is making the best connections and WORK, » rceord Pills. They safefet the term next ensuing the issue ta ns "all that is worth about music an clasps, $11 00. "Bhlde* : the WiiiTE Chief," for quickest that and bcyl of the or when Knowing" save 20 per cent in the cost of living. time of any route from commands attenticu. physic for children, because mild as well as the sratemeut of the title of writ, Winter Evenings. 38th 1000 The Ameri- Bangor, Send eftectual. the aetion or musical people. Price $1.20 per dozen. Sent post-paid iu ready. checked from to 4or Being sugar coated, they are easy to thereto iu the writ Jh defec parties package! ca ν Farmer's Horse Book: The Standard. 46th Baggage Bangor Ch icago, and not deecriptiveeircular to ivo, if the of to of the Uniled States o: to take; and are detect can be any number, any part ) Sanford's subject Custom House examination. being purely vegetable, tacy entirely reraalled by refereuce to the fa· 10 rh Epizootic Treatments, «Sc. C. F. Improved Refrigerators. h record GK1IM OI- MTUAUSH, 250 large British Provinces on receipt of order with price in ready, For full at C. M. & Η. T. aimless, and in all other particulars of formaccompanying pages, VENT, Ν* Y. & Cinvinnati. Vent & Clii- particulars enquire Station where the defect of the best Strauss Music. B'ds $2.50; Cl. 83.00. closed. Full particulars on application. Goodrich, or any of the in Railway PLUM.MER, PREPARED BY lias not prejudiced, and the SampL Companies agents New Engl nd. amendment will not in- copies bv mail poet-pni i for 10 cents. cagdecS-4wt The three points ot excellence which I claim, are: 7 UNION DU. J. C. jure, the defendant in and D. H. Preble STREET, AYJKR & CO., LOWELL, MASS., error; the circuit and dis- ΤIIΚ UlUSICAfi Τ Κ Ε AS υ Κ Ε 225 page 12. A. jlcK JVSBV A *!©., E'sibl jftlirri, 1st; constant and thorough circulation of BLANCHARD, oppo. Hwuse, iiorgOdtftnTn&F2taw Practical Chemists. trict courts of the United States shall pure air; No. 2S2 Portland Me. POttTHWP. Mr. and Analytical possees the like of the most popular Vo;a and Instrumental Musi· scp23-d&\vtf 1L9 Middle St.. Portland, Me. 2nd; dryness, no dampness mould nor no Congress St., Sold all Iv-. power of amendment of all taint·; 3rd; WM. FLOWERS, Eastern Agent. by druggists everywhere. janl-e3aw process returnable to or $2.50 in B'ds; $3.00 in §1.00 Finely Gilt biudiug MUSIC BOXES ! MUSIC of and active the before hem. CI.; BOXES* hiteraiimgling odors; purity air, aug28-tf Me. elements of its success. or send for circulars. Bangor, ELIAS HOWfc Sec. 4. That a bill of Commissiosier^' Notice Call, exceptio s hereafter allow- CrEiflM OF OERJIAKT SO^'G. 212 paaee Not only the tinkling, sweet-toned little Music Manufactured and for sale by J. F. MERRILL. be- and Deformities ed in any cause shall b *· but and Paralysis Cnretf,, deemed authen- The best with and Kn undersigned commissioners appointed by tin Boxes, larger larger ones, up to immense in- tween Cross aad Cettoa near ticated if sufficiently very Gsrman Songs Gorman sfes., Leavitt, Burnbam eignel by the judge of the court in which glieh Words. S2 50 in in Cloth §4.0 THEJudge of Probate for Cumberland County t< struments that produce sounds as powerful as those & Co.'s Ice House. Portland, Me. ι The Orient Health Institute is the cans? w is Boards; §3.00 ; je4dtf Registered Municipal Sewiiig Machines Springs located near tried, or by'the presiding judge there- finely gilt meet and examine the claim of the creditors agains of a Pianoforte. and till a house with melody. Call the town of Mass., tor the treatment of, if more than binding. Amherst, and one judge sat on the trial of tlu the estate of V cran us C. Hanson, late of Portland soon at 33 COURT STREET and select one from H:e cure of in all Its cause, without ANDKUTTKKICK S Paralysis forms. Spinal Disc am*, any seal of court or an- •LIVER DITS ON & CO., Boston. deceased, represented insolvent, give not ice that si] tar ο s!ock, so that it may Cleansed. Contracted Cords nexed thereto: judge being Clothing: and Limbs, Crookçd Feet and and all process issued fr in the court C. H. DITSON & months from the seventh day of May, a. d. 1872,are al and of the United CO., New York. BONDS. Hands, Enlarged Joints. Wry Neck. Curvatures States shall bear teste from the ol lowed for said creditors to be present and prove thei: Chiiuc Chrsâîiuus, of the such issue. day dec7d&w2w w50 to Cleansed and Repaired at short notice, Patterns of Garments Spine, Hip Diseases, Rickets, St. Virus's claims, and that said commissioners will be in sessioi kinds and Bonds and all Sec. 5. r-ng the New Year, in the ears of CLOTHESand all of goods dyed in a thorough man City County registered un Dance, deformities, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, That tho for the purpose of receiving said claims and proof a your delighted the laws at lust all an-1 m ides of practice, plftidings, and form? family! mer. Also Second-baud Clothing for sale. MISSOURIder passed session of tho Legis- and Lameness, Nervous Diseases, Gout, Convul- proceeding in other thau the office of A. A. Strout in Portland.County of Cum All will lator. Semi-annual Interest PLtJMM:£~& Diseases of the Heart admiralty causes equity and 3I«asi<3lssi»ijta Tea ! VIOLINS,GUITARS. FLUTES, BAND INSTRU- orders receive prompt aud faithful atten_ Coupons and Principal WILDER sions, Bruin, and Lungs, Can- in the circuit and berland and State of Maiue, on the third Saturday ο for State etc. the Uuited States district corirts ol MENTS, and a full assortment of other instruments. tie®" provided by taxation, and paid by the cers, Hysteria, shall as and October, and the soveuth day ο State Treasurer in New York. to GEORGE W. to tho conform, near as may bo, June, August, MUSIC and MUSICAL also ior WILLIAM BROWN There is no expanse 173 Middle St.. Apply RHODES. M. D., Amherst, practice, aud Imported by November A. D. at ten of the clock in the fore MERCHANDISE, and no Up Stair?. to procea pleadings, forms and modes of 1872, sale at the store of Federal for collecting tax deduction. Present indebt- or F. E. FAXON, ESQ., .Λ g ut for the Institute liug existing at the st., is ceurtsof time in like causes in noon. Near the Park edness small and therefore easily anil must Ne. 1 Pemberton square, Boston. rocord of the the J. C. HAYNES& 33 Court paid re- S'ato within JAMES G. TUKEY". CO., St., main so under the laws of Oct t.~-