Motel Plan Tests Haziet's New Zoning The Weather (.i: v\ Partly sunny ana cooler, high in mid 50s. Cloudy with FINAL rain likely late tonight and to- morrow. EDITION 20 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL 96 NO. 107 RED BANK-MIDDI.ETOVl N, N.J. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1973 TEN CENTS Nixon Outlines 15% Fuel Cut Rules WASHINGTON (AP) - gives the authority. age will require additional ing oil then they got in 197'.', start making such cuts imme- forbidding coal-burning power —A ban on gasoline sales Dec. 1. President Nixon says he is In a radio-television address measures to close the energy commercial estab- diately on a voluntary basis, plants from switching to nil. from 9 p.m. on Saturdays to —Establishment of nation- cutting 15 per cent from deliv- last night, Nixon said deliv- gap and avoid economic dam- lishements 25 per cent less, the White House said. Nixon pledged to take the midnight on Sunday nights. wide highway speed limits of eries of gasoline and home eries of airline jet fuel also age. and industries 10 per cent —Government-controlled al- following steps as soon as Nixon asked filling stations to 50 miles an hour for automo- heating oil to stave off severe will be cut 15 per cent,- in- Nixon continued to hold in less. This move imposes con- locations of jet fuel to airlines Congress passes emergency adopt such a ban voluntarily biles and 55 miles ah hour for fuel-shortage damage to the dustries will be denied 10 per reserve, as a last resort, the sumer rationing, but without will be cut Dec. 1, limiting in- legislation authorizing them: in the meantime, beginning See Fuel, page II nation's economy. cent of their oil wants and possibility of direct consumer the complications of issuing ternational lines to their 1972 The moves will mean homes commerical buildings must do gasoline rationing or high fuel fuel coupons. fuel consumption and domes- six degrees cooler than nor- without 25 per cent of their taxes. Proposal of regulations in tic lines to 95 per cent of their mal this winter and not heating oil. Under existing authority, December to impose controls 1972 levels. All airlines will be enough gasoline to go around. These and other measures Nixon announced these steps: on distribution of gasoline to cut back IS per cent below Most Gas Station Owners To start saving gasoline, announced yesterday would —Publication, due Tuesday, wholesale and retail dealers last year's supplies starting Nixon asked filing stations to reduce an expected 17 per of regulations to take effect cutting deliveries 15 per cent , Jan. 7. stop_selling it on Sundays, cent petroleum shortage to next Jan. 1, ordering heating- below the anticipated demand —Final regulations were Say They Will Cooperate and pledged he would order perhaps 7 per cent, Nixon oil dealers to sell house- scheduled for publication for the first quarter of 1974. Service station owners reacting to Presi- fering from allocations reduced by gas com- such a ban once Congress said, but the remaining short- holders 15 per cent less heat- Tuesday, to take effect Dec. 7, Refineries will be asked to dent Nixon's energy message say they will for panies, but the federal ceiling on prices keeps the most part voluntarily close on Sundays. him from recouping his loss." But many of them are either skeptical of the There were station owners who echoed effects Sunday closings will have or upset be- Phil Benson, a Shell station manager in Phoe- cause they say their income is being cut. nix. "We'll just have to tighten our belts a Reaction to Nixon's speech also came little. This Is an emergency," he said. "There Greece's New Rulers Purge quickly from homeowners, politicians and is a shortage, and If we don't cooperate now, businessmen. But gas station owners were the when the government comes down hard, we'll most vocal. have nothing at all." A Sunday sales halt probably will effect There were also some large stations in ma- some fuel savings, but will kill off marginal jor cities and along interstate highways which Security Forces After Coup gas stations," said Walter F. Stein of Colum- will probably remain open on Sundays. "I plan bus, the Ohio representative to the National on staying open until Congress says I can't," ATHENS, Greece (AI1) — Greece's new conservative mili- Congress of Petroleum Dealers. said Bob Shears of Shears' Standard station in tary rulers arc purging the military and police commands af- "It won't change life very much for most . Other station managers said they ter ousting President George Papadopoulos in a bloodless drivers — you can go a long way on a tank of would close Sundays if their competitors did. coup. gas," he said. "The average gas dealer is suf- See Gasoline, Page II The new regime, headed by Lt. Gen. Phacdon Gi/ikis, In- dicated that it was junking Papadopoulos' promise of a return to limited parliamentary government next year. The generals said they could not stand by while the country was "being dragged into an electoral adventure" and was threatened by Jahos Confirmation "anarchy, chaos and vandalism," an apparent reference to the recent student uprising in which 13 persons were killed. Papadopoulos, the former army colonel who engineered the 1967 military takeover, was reported under house arrest at his seaside home near Athens. Hope Seen Dimmed Gizikis was sworn in as president in a televised ceremony yesterday. By JIM McCORMICK Jahos' conduct, although un- The 8.5 million Greeks accepted their latest political up- derstandable in light of all the heaval with outward calm. No disturbances were reported. . FREEHOLD - Action of a circumstances, might also be < Tanks and troops of the army, air force and navy enforced unit of the Monmoulh County considered careless and Im- a curfew in Athens. There was considerable movement of Bar Association coupled with provident," concluded the tanks last night, but otherwise quiet prevailed. political consideration of the committee. Gizikis, who commanded the 1st Army, and his associates actions of a lameduck gover- Sayi Trust Violated moved swiftly against those considered loyal to Papadopoulos. nor cast a shadow today on Meanwhile, Louis Drazin, They ousted the commander-in-chM of the armed forces, chances orKvan W. Jahos be- the county bar committee Gen. Dimiiniis Zagorlanako*; the army chief, Lt. Gen. Mi- coming a Superior Court chairman who resides In Red chael Mastrandoni.s; the air force commander, Air Vice Mar- judge. Bank, said last night that Mr. shal Thomas Milsanas; the Athens police chief, Nicholas Das- John R. Fiorino, Monmouth Blanda "violated a trust" that kalopoulos, and Premier Spyros Markezinis and his cabinet. County Democratic chairman, involved a highly confidential t PROTESTING NEW REGIME - Demonstrators stand outside the Greek today is expected to announce matter. consulate In New York yesterday protesting the new government of The navy chief, Hear Adm. Petros Arapakis, was the only service chief to escape the purge. whether he will endorse Mr. Mr. Drazin said the com- Greece, which took power In the place of the government of George Pa- Jahos for the appointment. mittee met at the request of padopoulos. More than 300 persons took part In the protest. «' *>"•»•'• The new regime was also reported purging the hierarchy of the vast slate police network that I'apadupoulos built up in Senate President Alfred N. the state Bar Association's Ju- the seven years after his colonels'.junta overthrew Greece's Bcadleston said that If the en- dicial Approval Appointments last parliamentary government. dorsement is not forthcoming, Committee. They "graded" Adamantios Androutsopoulos, who had been finance minis- Gov. William T. Cabin's nomi- Mr. Jahos on the basis of 30 to ter, was named premier. He heads a cabinet of retired gener- nation of Mr. Jahos as a judge 40 subjects contained In a pre- Hijacked Jet With 264 als, a retired admiral and conservative politicans. will die In a meeting pared questionnaire. Gizikis, who is in his mid-SOs, is described as a rightist, a Thursday of the Senate Judi- Evan W.Jahos The "grade" is forwarded staunch supporter of Greece's membership in the North Atlan- ciary Committee. to the state association's com- tic Treaty Organization and a friend of ex-King Constantine. One factor that may in- "unanimously" decided not to mittee, and then to Gov. ('ah- But there was no indication the new president would re- fluence Mr. Fiorino's decision recommend Mr. Jahos for the III. The state association also Aboard Lands in Libya was disclosed by Philip .1. post. evaluates Mr. Jahos. verse Papadopoulos' abolition of the monarchy last June. Blanda Jr., a Ha/let lawyer, Gov. Cahill Saturday, in re- BEIRUT (AP) T- A Dutch .. The hijackers first forced racl during the October war. Some observers expressed belief that Gizikis is not the •Shrrwln Affair' who said the Judicial Selec- sponse to growing controversy Jumbo jet with 264 persons the plane to land at Dam- real power in the new government. There was speculation that Mr. Blanda, a committee The airline denied the ted Committee of the Mon- over the matter, Issued a for- aboard which was hijacked by ascus, then an hour later or- the architect of the coup and the new strongman is Dimitrios member, said that five or six charges. mouth County liar Association mal statement revealing he Palestinian guerrillas landed dered it to Nicosia, Cyprus. It loannidis, the military police chief. of the nine committee mem- The hijacking was denounced bers met Nov. 9 to make the nominated Mr. Jahos with the safe today in Libya, a spokes- stayed there nearly three recommendation of the state man for the Dutch airline hours while the hijackers by the Palestine Liberation decision Those nut in attend- Organization as " a distortion ance concurred over the tele- Bar Association's committee. KLM announced. tried unsuccessfully to get Drazin Silent "The plane, passengers and President Makarios to release of our struggle." It was the phone, he Mid. Arab Leaders Gathering The governor said he had no crew are reported to be seven members of their orga- first terrorist act by Palesti- He said one of the main rea- knowledge of the outcome of okay," the spokesman said in nization, The seven were nian guerrillas since the out- sons Mr. Jahos was rejected the county bar association Amsterdam. He said a repre- jailed in Cyprus last April af- break of the Arab-Israeli war was "this Shcrwin affair." committee's evaluation. sentative of the Dutch Em- ter an attack on the residence on Oct. 6, and the PLO said To Seek Peace Talk Unity Mr. Blanda was referring to hijacking was an "outmoded" criticism of Mr JahM by the Mr. Jahos, who Is director bassy was at the Tripoli air- of the Israeli ambassador and By The Associated Press Dec. 18. But Egypt, although it withdrawal were deadlocked. port. an unsuccessful attempt to hi- tactic. Slate Commission of In- of the state Division of Crimi- Leaders of 17 Arab nations also has expressed willingness The Arab summit confer- nal Justice, lives in RaiMpfl The airline said the Boeing jack an Israeli airliner from vestigation (SCI) over his are gathering in Algiers in to participate, was reported ence In Algiers was aimed at and is a member of the Mon- 747 was carrying 271 passen- Nicosia airport. "Our people refuse to be as- handling of :\ memo from a search of a unified ipproai h reluctant to start the confer- developing "a course or action mouth County Bar Associ- gers and 17 crew members sociated with operations then deputy attorney general The' hijackers threatened to to the proposed peace confe- ence until there is some with- ready to face any devel ation. when it was hijacked last which do not serve the revolu- in 1970 who charged that then blow up the plane in Nicosia if rence with Israel. drawal of Israeli troops along opmont," one Informant in \l F.ven though the judgeship night over Iraq. It was report- tionary line nor (he goal fur Secretary of State Paul J. anyone besides three airport The Israeli government said the Suez Canal. glers said. "This would In might not In' in Monmouth ed seized by about 12 mem- which we fight." said a state- Sherwin "could be considered workers approached it during it is willing in principle to begin Negotiations between Israel elude more fighting if diplo County, the county committee bers of an obscure group ment. as part of a conspiracy to viol- refueling. But the plea to the conference in Geneva and Egypt for a joint troop matie efforts fail, plus ecu was requested, as is the cu called the Arab Youth Organi- ate the bidding statute!" Cypriot President Archbishop nomlc pressure to create i la torn, to evaluate Mr Jaho* zation for the Liberation of Guerrilla leaders were re- Mr Sherwin was convicted Makarios to free their seven vorable international ell Gov. Cahill is not legally Palestine. » ported to feel that hijack op- of bribery conspiracy charges comrades was not backed by erations at this stage would bound to follow the recom The plane had just left Bel- mate" last year tor taking a $10,000 any threats. harm their efforts to secure a mendatinns of either the < ottn rut on a flight from Amster- But the first pan-Arab meet- contribution For the Republi- place at the Middle Bill Contract Rejected ty or state committees. dam to Tokyo, and KLM said ing since the October war was can party in return for favor- The KLM flight was be- peace conference proposed those aboard included 159 plagued in advance by char- able action on a highway con- Meanwhile. William I, Dill, lieved to have been chosen by for Geneva next month. The Japanese passengers and two ai [eristic Arab disunity. Iraq trad chairman of the state cum the young hijackers because hijacking occurred as Arab Japanese stewardesses. (See By Gas Workers and Libya were boycotting The memo was died in the inittec, apparently is sticking of Arab charges that KLM leaders — including Ptlesti- to what he maintains I map, page 2.) transported volunteers to Is- the meeting, i lalming it would "bid procedures" file, The nian chief Yasir Arafat — RED BANK - The strike of surroundmi; the contract talks only lead to capitulation to ,sci probe concluded thai Mr. bar's policy not todllfll gathered In Algiers for a sum- 414 employes of the N.J. Natu- remains in effect, according Isreal And King Illiiseln ol Jahos "might have been more the state bar committee voted •nlliliiir mit conference opening today. ral Gas Co. enters its sixth to a company spokesman. Jordan sent a representative •tort., " on any potential nominee week today after worker! to avoid an embarrassing "We further conclude .that See Jahos, pagr 2 The last hijacking by Pales- liefore the news blackout voted 2-1 yesterday to rejecl was imposed by John F. face-to-face confrontation The Inside Story tinians was of a Japan Air the company's latest contract with Yasir Arafat and other Lines jumbo jet last July It, McDermott, ;i commissioner offer of the federal Mediation and Palestinian guerrilla leader* too, landed in Libya. It Hen A ipokeiman fur (be two who rejecl Huaaeln'i claim to Newert «f Ilie aituntn bride* Pages R-l ghazi, and the hijackers blew Conciliation service. Trenton, Eagles Beat Giants, Falcons trip Jets Page 14 striking union locals said the the company offered a wage .speak for Uie Palestinians in Autistic Children. il up after the 140 persons company's terms "limply we- Jordan. Rangers win, but Knlcas lose to Bullets Pagr IS aboard got off. The Libyan increase of 6 per cent the first Maaasqaaa reigns supreme In grid ratings Page It ren't good enough." year and 15 per cent the sec- Foreign minister! of the 17 government announced that it "We win remain on strike stales met in Algiers Saturday DAILY REGISTKR had arrested the hijackers ond in a two year pat I. Oil Investments Bridge Advice S until we gel I bettl and yesterday to draft resolu- PHONE NUMBERS and would put them on trial, I he union MUghi an K 5 per SEARCH is the name of a program in Ocean TowniMp Classified 111! sponse," he said. tions for submission tn their Mala Office 741 Nil but there has been no further Cent t|KTMM in one year, but The letter! represent Special Education and Rehabilitation for C«mlM S The two unions involved ire chiefs. Conference sources ClaMifktf Ads 741 -MM word of them. Locala inland 1820nf the In- later trimmed It to 8.1 per '.aid it was hoped the result children with Handicaps. Actually, ins school ii the count) (.'••temporary Lite M Legal Adv 741 Mil ternational Brotherhood of cent. would be at least the frame- chapter of the National Society for Autistic Children. Linda Crossword Puule S Display Adv 741 nil Electrical Worki The gas company services work of a pan-Arab program Kills writes about the children there and one of their "budding Editorial! I tireilaUmi Dcpt 741-HM Free Barber Shop Quartet Details of the company's about 250,000 customers in projects" in a story being prepared for tomorrow's edition! Eatertahtmeat II SpwtsDept 74IMI7 Show, auditions. Auditorium, of action. latest offer were unavailable- Monmouth, Morris, Ocean and The energy crisis has caused a n?w flow Ol Investment FtaMdat.. 11,11 < Mitntpwiry Life 74I-M1I "Monmouth Shopping (enter The Israeli cablflel m •Me*.. Nov. 27. Hp.m. (Adv.) last night. A news blackout Cape May counties. flounced that, while it is will- money to Oil III I two-part srnes, Sylvia I'rnicr calls HtFVICtpC • * ArrtMln Payable 741 Mil attention to III! COn I .uid dangers, as well ;is the pro* and pro! Mevlti II ArcMals RtrHvaUr. 741 Mil ing to attend the propoaed 1 Lampshade* Selling out Tennis-Items, it ., uf men Investmenl TM llnl "Your Monej Wortl OMtMrici 2,4,11 NMdletowa Bireaa 171-ttM Open Housr Geneva conference, Premier .14,11 U.S. Army Reserve tenter, Open Wed tveningi 'til 9 pm. Dresses, Rackets, up to 50% OoMa Meir would give her fi- timn on the wbjecl will be in tomorrow's Dally H Freehold Bireaa MI :III off. Deal Tennis Courts. Mon. Northern Monmouth County- I Mon II IMK Branch Barraa...xn-MU Fort Hancock, N.J., Nov. 29, Ihlii Sterner Studio, Rt. 35, nal decision aftei Israel M 7-11 p.m., call 872-1055. (Adv.) .• Red Bank 741-5M2. (Adv.) to Sat. only. 531-9871 (Adv.) celves a formal Invitation mouth County's i< .ting newspaper. 2 The DallY Register, Red Bank-Mlddletown, N.J. Monday, November M, 1»7J 300 Mrs. Albert K. Klotzin iTAIUTftUUS HOLIDAY, Fla. - Mrs. City Is Not Yet Seeking Ella W. Klotzin, 77, of 4401 Obituaries Treasure Drive, formerly of lUMIIimUIIIIIIHMIIWII Red Bank, N.J., died Friday Mrs. Kdward A. Hasemann at the Tarpon Springs Con- Stewart's Replacement valescent Center, Tarpon HOLMDEL - Mrs. Helen School House Garden Club of Springs. C. Hasemann. 44, of 45 Line Middletown, and a member (if LONG BRANCH - No' brary unit. said, will have to pass a Civil Mrs. Klotzin was born In apparent move has been Service test. He said he does Road, died yesterday in Bay- the Holmdel Republican Club. Red Bank, where she lived "I am also very much im- shore Community Hospital. Surviving are her husband. made to seek a replacement pressed by Mr. Stewart's not know whether the board prior to moving here nine for Robert W. Stewart, the of trustees can work from an Edward A. Hasemann; two years ago. work in the library system," She was born in North Ber- sons, Eric and Douglas city library director who said he added. existing state list of qualified gen and moved here 22 years She was a member of (he mann, both at home; her fa- last week he will leave the job "It is unfortunate," he said, librarians or whether a new ago from Robertsville. ther, Charles R. Him- Red Bank Baptist Church and Jan. 31. test will be held for the job. the Tarpon Springs Baptist "that the two men could not melwright of Chester, Conn.; Mayor Henry R. Cioffi last get along. There was an Mr. Stewart was not avail- Mrs. Hasemann WII a Church, the Electa Chapter, rIANI HIJACKID two brothers, .lames ft, Hini- night said that the screening able for comment on the issue member of Holmdel Commu- Order of the Eastern Star, OVf* IAGHDAO apparent clash of,person- melwright of Hamden, Conn., of possible candidates and hir- nity Church where she also Tarpon Springs; Rebecca fOIClD SACK alities," he said. last night. and Robert T. Himmelwright ing a new director will be taught Sunday school. She Lodge, Red Bank, and Sons of TO DAMASCUS "1 also think," Mr. Taylor was active in work associated of Cliffwood Beach, and her within the province of the li- added, "that a $1,000 salary maternal grandmother, Mrs. Veterans Auxiliary, Red Gold Hospitalized with Cub Scout Pack 3.11 here. Bank. brary system's board of increase was justification John J. Mahle of Jacksonville, trustees. LONG BRANCH - Benson She was a member of the Bed Surviving are her husband, enough for Mr. Stewart to Fla. The mayor said he has leave his job here I do not T. Gold, president of the city's Albert E. Klotzin; a son, Rob- heard of no move to replace Public Library board of HuroMH. kumpfSr. The Day Funeral Home, ert W. Klotzin of Little Silver, think," he said, "that it was the director. He added, how- trustees, remains in critical Keyport, is in charge of ar- N.J.; a daughter, Mrs. Ed- necessary to bring out the LONG BRANCH - Harold rangements. ever, that the job falls under fact that the two men could condition in Monmouth Medic- H. Kampf Sr. 78, of 83 Sev- ward Mahan of New Port Hichey; a brother, Roger W. HIJACK ROUTE - Solid line shows the route of state Civil Service regulations not see eye-to-eye." al center today, where he was enth Ave. died in his home William G. Duncan Dutch KLM airliner seized by Palestinian gue- and that a successful candi- Mr. Taylor said he is not admitted last Wednesday. Mr. Thursday. Wymbs of Red Bank; two LEONARDO - William G. grandchildren, and one great- rillas over Baghdad after taking off from Beirut date must have passed a state aware of the mechanics of Gold reportedly suffered a A lifelong resident here, he Duncan, five-month-old son of grandchild. on a flight from Amsterdam to the Far East. The test for the $13,000 per year hiring a new library director. heart seizure early Wednes- post. day in his home. was employed by the former William H. and Catherine Mo- The Worden Funeral Home, hijacked plane then returned, dotted line, to Dam- The successful applicant, he Big Z market here 30 years ran Duncan of 44 Monmouth ascus where It landed for fuel before taking off Mr. Stewart last week said Red Bank, is in charge of ar- that he will take a JH.000 per and later by the Safeway Ave. died suddenly in his rangements. for Cyprus. (See story, page 1) Corp. He retired 10 years ago. home yesterday. year job as director of the As- He was born in Riverview bury Park Public Library sys- Surviving arc two sons, Hospital, Red Bank. Joseph I'. I'ulntcri tem. He charged that his res- Harold H. Kampf Jr. and Surviving, besides his par- EAST KEANSBURG - Jo- Jahos Confirmation ignation was due to inter- Frederick A. Kampf, both of ents, are a sister, Maryellen seph F. Palmeri, 69, of 25 ference by Benson T. Gold, Monmouth Beach; two sis- Duncan, at home; his pater- Grove St., died Friday in Riv- president of the local board of ters, Mrs. Florence Miss and nal grandfather, William Dun- erview Hospital, Red Bank. Hope Seen Dimmed trustees. Mrs. Millicent Flaherty, both can of Largo, Fla., and his He was a cab driver for the Mr. Gold said that he was of West Long Branch; a maternal grandparents, Ray- Century Cab Co. of Newark (Continued)' lantic County prosecutor and not trying to interfere with grandchild, and two great- mond and Catherine N. Moran for 20 years, and a bus driver Mr. Drazin appears to be Ocean County prosecutor. Mr. Stewart. He said that he ' grandchildren. ^ of Middletown. for Public Service Trans- following the same course of In 1968, he was a partner in only took corrective action the Red Bank law firm of The Flock Funeral Home, The John 1'. Condon Funer- portation, Newark. He was action. where he thought it was Jahos and Frank. here. Is in charge of arrange- al Home, Atlantic Highlands, also the owner and operator "I will not say that he (Mr. needed. Mr. Jahos was active in ments. is in charge of arrangements. of his own cab in the Brown Jahos) was rejected," he said. The chief library trustee is and White Fleet in Newark. Raps Blanda area civic affairs in the 1960s. now hospitalized in Monmouth Three years ago, Mr. Palm- "That is all I am going to He was president of the Red Medical Center for treatment EST. 1925 eri retired as a Pinkerton say. Mr. Blanda had no right Bank Area YMf A board of of a heart condition. guard at International Fla- to make any statement," Mr. trustees, and was a municipal Jack Taylor, city council court judge In Fair Haven and vors and Fragrances Co. in Drazin said. president, said last night that WHAT CAUSES PITTING AND BLACKHEADS Millstone Township. Union Beach. J. Victor Carton, Neptune, a Mr. Stewart's resignation was IN YOUNG PEOPLE? He was a member of St. member of the state bar's For several years he served unfortunate. committee, said last night he on the Fair Haven Planning He said that Mr. Gold "is a This problem is caused by an accumulation of Catherine's Catholic Church. dead skin cells that block in impurities. Notice Surviving are his widow, would not comment on the Board, and was chairman for hard worker" for the city li- matter. more than three years. He the areas of a man's face where he shaves. Mrs. Rose Conte Palmeri; a You'll see no large pores or pitting because .son, Paul Palmeri, at home; Richard J. O'Connor, Free- was named to the board by Admits Drug Count then Mayor Eugene Magee, a shaving removes the dead skin layer. Peel O three daughters, Mrs. Agatha hold, and Sanuel Carotenuto, Matique creme treatment is a non-abrasive DelVecchio and Mrs. Carol Red Bank, members of the Republican. FREEHOLD — Carl Ed- . Mr. Jahos moved to Fair ward Mattson, 229 Texas process, which removes this dry skin on Cocu/za, both here, and Mrs. county IJ.U•'•. ciininilllee. Said women's faces gently and quickly. Rose Marie Nigro of that Mr. Drazin should be con- Haven in 1982, and moved to Road, Morganviile, has plead- Bloomfield; VI grandchildren, tacted for comment. Rinnson in 1970. He is not ed guilty to possession of and a great-grandson. Mr, O'Connor is the former known to be active in Demo- marijuana and amphetamine Come'in and consult the expert —let her do half your face and see the difference The John F. Pfleger Funer- Monmouth County Democrat- cratic party affairs in either in Marlboro Feb. 23. Superior ; al Home, New Monmouth, is ic chairman. municipality, although he is a Court Judge Louis R. Aikins 1 in charge of arrangements. Meanwhile, Mr. Fiorino, the Democrat. set Dec. (for sentencing. current chairman, said he *~ I Mrs. J. Hi rir.ini Foley was meeting last night with RED BANK - Mrs. Emma persons' he did not identify to Gertrude Proctor Foley, 78, nt discuss the nomination. His •Triple Track Manor Drive died Wednesday decision will be announced • FuN WeattmttrlpfMd in Buckingham Nursing today, he said. • 15 Year Guarantee Home, Pineville, Pa. Sen. Beadleston said it has She was born in Trenton been "standing policy and and resided in that area until courtesy for the past 30 or 40 coming here 23 years ago. She years" that a nominee have Meet the was a fqrmer member of the his party's endorsement be- James Moses School PTA and fore the Senate confirms the of the Grace Episcopal nomination. Church, Trenton."she be- He said that although Mr. •Jahos is expected to appear Captain of the longed to various sewing cir- cles affiliated with Trinity before the Senate Judiciary Episcopal Church, here. Committee Thursday for Surviving are her husband, screening, the nomination will .1. Bertram Foley; a daugh- die there if it lacks county Friend Ship ter, Mrs. Andrew J. Cochran Democratic support. of Yardley. Pa.; a son, Rich- Mr. Fiorino last week ard B. Foley of Cuyahoga charged the Republicans wilh Kails, Ohio; a sister, Mrs. planning "to sneak through a and his James Shaw of St. Louis, Mo., judicial appointment" for Mr. 741-7500 and two grandchildren. Jahos. The Saul Memorial Home, Mr. Jahos declined to com- 32 BROAD ST. Rl 1T40 Greenwood Ave., Tren- ment on the matter last night. He serves in his present post Officer Team. ton, was in charge of arrange- 3 CREDIT PLANS ments at the pleasure of the attorney general. First Director Mr. Jahos was named the first director of the state Divi- sion of Criminal Justice in 1970 by Attorney General George F. Kugler. The divi- sion is a part of the Depart- ment of Law and Public Safety, headed by Mr. Kugler. The director began the divi- sion with a staff of three law- yers, which has since mush- lOlll roomed to H5 lawyers. Mr. Jahos has the authority to -'.now exercise all of the law en- forcement responsibilities of the attorney general. tor In the last decade, Mr. Jahos served as deputy at- torney general and later as an assistant attorney general in charge of the Criminal In- vestigation Section*. As assistant attorney gener- al, he spent time as acting At- Weather Partly sunny and cooler lomght, hi^h in the low .ifts. Cloudy with ram likely late tonight and tomorrow. Low tonight in the mid 4fts, high to- morrow in the mid 50s. Pro- bability of rain 10 per cent today. Ml per cent tonight and 70 per cent tomorrow. Winds northeasterly at 10 to 20 miles 'FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Edward 6. Walder- Wc» President & Secretary, Elizabeth L. Vaubel- Assis- tant Secretary, Robert C. Maison • Assistant (/ice President, Thomas M. Saundors - Assistant Treasurer, per hour today, east to south- Mary F. Healay - Assistant Treasurer, G. Douglas Hicks, Jr. - Controller and Rodney W. Kruse - Presi- east 10 to 15 m.p.h. tonight dent (Seated). and southerly 10 to 29 mph to- morrow with higher gusts. Outlook WedneuU) ronst* cruble cloudiness with a chance of rain late in the day. TIDKS Sandy Hook I TODAY - High K.19 p.m. and low 2: SI p m MARINE VIEW TOMORROW - High 8 55 a.m. and 9 IX p m and low 2:49a m and T2tp.m. SAVINGS 20 CONVENIENT COMMUNITY OFFICES 5% INTEREST For Red Bunk and Itumson II regular peymertte havi benn HEAD OFFICE: bridge, add two hrnn MIDDLETOWN • ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS • LINCROFT mid* ai icheduled tach week 80 Neptune Blvd., Neptune. New Jersey Bright, deduct 10 minutes;. PHONE NUMBER FOR ALL OFFICES «7I-HOO and club completed, 6% Interest lung Branch, deduct II min- paid on lha average balance utes. Highlands bridge, add 40 maintained. M«mD« f»UC Tie Dally Register, Red Buk-Mlddletown. N.J, Monday, November It, 1!7J I WORLD Master Plan Hearings By UM Ass*Uted Prcw Planned InMiddletown Blank Tape Explanation Set WASHINGTON (AP) - White House lawyers are return- MIDDLETOWN -The first hour hearings, all time will In- Bay coastal protection dis- ing to a federal courtroom to explain 18 minutes of a White of three scheduled public devoted to questions from the trict. Navesink River protec- House tape recording that has no conversation. And, according hearings on the township's re- public, Mr. Richardson said. tion district, flood plains and to one report, the President's secretary may be there too. vised master plan is set for The first 30 minutes wetlands. U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica scheduled the hearing 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Wednesday, he said, will be Mr Richardson said board for today after being told last week that an audible tone inter- high school auditorium. spent reviewing the plan in It* members feel there is ample rupted and obliterated the segment of a conversation between evidence that not all resident* Additional sessions are entirety, and listening to the Nixon and his then-chief of staff H.F. Haldeman recorded are able or wish to live in a planned for Thursday night position of the Middletown Ad- three days after the Watergate break-in. detached house on an individ- and again on Dec. 5. visors on Planning. Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Times quoted a high adminis- Residents may question ual lot. tration official as saying President Nixon's personal secretary, Dwight E. Richardson, board members either in writ- "Continuing to blanket the Kose Mary Woods, erased the tape segment, apparently by ac- Utallttr sloll PMta Planning Board chairman, ing or from the floor, he landscape with this one form- cident. ANNUAL FUND DRIVE - Representatives of Red Bank service organi- said the sessions will deal added. of housing is not good practice zations help Brig. Walter Eden, second from right, kick off the Salvation with three categories — land Planners will outline their from many points of view," IRA Blamed in 4 Deaths Army's annual Christmas fund drive. They are, left to right, Paul Morton, use, traffic circulation and proposals for town houses, the chairman stated, "wheth- Rotary Club, Howard Cohen, Kiwanis, Joseph F. Hunter, Lions, and How- implementation concepts. garden apartments, planned er they be economic, ecologi- BELFAST, Northern Ireland - The Irish Republican ard Mlllward, coordinator of the drive. Kettles manned by bell ringing With the exception of the residential development, an cal, social of psychological." Army was blamed today for the deaths of four of the five per- volunteers were placed along Broad Street. first half hour of the three- He noted that the township sons killed by terrorists in Northern Ireland during the week- historical district. Sandy Hook end. does not now provide an op- portunity for reasonably- The dead included three British soldiers and two Roman. priced housing for single per- Catholic civilians. One of the civilians was a man in his 20s 2 Hospitalized After Car Strikes Tree School Secretaries sons, young married couples whose hooded body was found in Belfast. A total of 913 per- FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - the car in whuh they were of 31 Koemg Lane, was listed and senior citizens. sons, including 202 British soldiers, now have been reported Two persons remain in the in- riding hit a tree Friday along in critical condition in Jersey "The township as it exists killed in more than four years of communal warfare. tensive care sections of two Halls Mills road. Shore Medical Center, Nep- Given Salary Hikes today is depriving Itself not In addition, three police stations were attacked with rock- hospitals this morning after The driver, Gary Eaves, IS, tune, with multiple injuries. MIDDLETOWN - School less than 10 yeans service will only of a vast pool of talent ets during the weekend and there was an explosion outside A passenger in the car, Don- secretaries who have served receive a three per cent in- that can help solve the prob- the home of the province's chief justice, Sir Robert Lowry. ald Rives. 16, of 16 New Castle the district for 10 or more crease in salaries under the lems of the community, but The upsurge in violence over the weekend may be part of Man Given Jail Term Road, was listed in satisfac- years will receive a six per new contract. A seven per also in the case of the first a campaign to sabotage the new coalition government an- FREEHOLD - David An- Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt Beth- tory condition in Freehold cent salary increase with the rent increase was also ap- two groups, it is impover- nounced last week. The IRA's Provisional wing, which is wag- thony, Jeter St., Cliffwood, une, Lincoln Ave., Cliffwood, Area Hospital, with fractures adoption by the Board of Edu- proved for district secretaries ishing itself by the loss of fu- ing a guerrilla campaign in the province, accuses the Social has been sentenced to an in- Judge Evans imposed a one- of both legs. cation of a 1973-74 contract at the lower portion of the pay ture citizens who would be ac- Democratic and Labor Party, which represents the Catholic determinate reformatory to three-year state prison Another passenger, Michael last week. scale. tively concerned about the minority in the coalition, of undermining its campaign to term for admittedly breaking term on Ralph II. Keevey, 23, Pizzi, 16, of 55 Hampton District secretaries with Also approved at the special township," Mr. Richardson unite Northern Ireland with the Irish Republic. into a Matawan Township of S. Bridge Ave., Red Bunk, Drive, was treated for cuts board meeting was the sale nf said home and stealing' a $200 tele- who admitted escaping from and bruises at the hospital IS million worth nf bonds, part Approximately 60 per cent vision set June 23. Ked Bank police May in. Kiiiiisoii Crash here and released. of the nearly 110 million ap- of tdttnship land is developed The sentence< was imposed Judge Evans directed that Police said the car failed to proved by voters last Febru- at present. There are no pro-' by Superior Court Judge Alton the sentence run concurrently Injures Man negotiate a sharp curve in the ary for school expansion and visions for apartments or oth- V. Evans after Anthony ad- with a threeto five-year term road near the Rutgers Univer- RUM SON - A West Long construction. er types of multiple dwelling MAINOMICI: mitted committing the break- Reevey is already serving for CHESTNUTT ST.! . RED tt.HK, H.I. tnn sity Agricultural Research Branch man remains in fair' Following the public meet- units. • RNCRANCHH OFFICESOFFICIS: in and theft at the home of larceny. condition this morning at Rlv- lit RT. », MIOOLf TOWN, N.J., 17741 Center and hit the tree at 9:40 ing, school board members !0 CAST MAIN IT.. FRIIHOLO. N.J.. I77II erview Hospital. Red Bank, met with the Township Com- 17t (ROADWAY, LONO BRANCH, N J . O77«O pm. with Injuries received after mittee in private session to f iioouihM in 1171 ay Jahn M. Cat* or* Hanry Cloy Keyport Reports Power Failure An investigation is contin- uing. his sports car crashed into a discuss construction of roads •UtLISHID »V THE RIO IANK RIGISTIR Member of the Associated Press—The Associated Press It tntitled cx- KEYPORT - Homes in the down, police said, but they tree early Saturday near the and drainage at the proposed clutlvely lo ihe use for repuollcoNonof oil the locol ntwi printed In IKI> Beers St., Maple Place and newspaper as well os all A> nrwt dispatches. could not give an official ex- intersection of Blngham Ave. second high school site, more Luppatatong Ave. area were planation of the failure. Offi- and Narumson St. efficient use of school build- Second clou postage poid of Red Bonk, N J 07701 and ol odditionol Monmouth St. moiling offices. Published doily. Monday fnrougn Friday. Mall subscrip- without.power for more than cials of the power company ings after school hours, and a tions payable In advance Police said John Peretti, 18, two hours early last night last night, were unable to Delour Starts preliminary review of the 1 Week I Month 3 Months 4 Months I Year 30 Baker Drive, apparently 190 uso I'M til 00 US 00 when a transformer on Beers comment on the failure. KK.D BANK - The portion 1974-75 school budget. lost control of his car at 12:30 Home Delivery Dy Corner -SO Cinlj a week St. broke down, police said. nf Monmouth St. from Bridge Single copy of counter, 10 Cents. There was no official report am. A hack saw was used to Ave. to Shrewsbury Ave will mi loi'NTirvi. nup from police on the number of remove Mr. Peretti from the AM (.(U.* MUKI •>#>• Crews from Jersey Central be closed to traffic for about homes affected. car, police said. Wrrkaa)« f-'mm NIMIR Power and Light Company 10 days, beginning today. Mtllll Iron. ] P.M. were able to restore power to , During that time, repairs He will face careless driv- Thermal Fig Leaves the area by 8:30 p.m. accord- Hoffman Injured' will be made to the railroad ing charges when he is re- otobtook ing to police. The failure oc- crossing. Bridge Ave. will be leased from the hospital, po- 13. IMtwtbury. Nfw curred shortly'after 6 p.m., LONG BRANCH - Coun- open. lice said. rt« far-ton rtml not in yellow pages police said. cilman George P. Hoffman re- mains in fair condition today Call: Adam 775-8407 Cause of the failure was not in Monmouth Medical Center, Eve. 842-5861 known last night, according tn where he was admitted police. They said police cars Friday with a severe cut on ABOUT BLOWN IN ROCKWOOL and fire apparatus were at his hand. Mr. Hoffman report- INSULATION the scene to block off the af- edly was injured while work- Our Chanukah Clubs fected area. Our 1974 ing with a power .saw in his A high tension wire was home. Christmas Clubs pay pay interest at embng in /tore interest at

air steps... happy shoes at a merry 16.00 price 'Soft Touch' is a very cheery moc toe Be Wise and Save for 1974 casual that will go Join The Central Jersey Bank and Be Wise and Save for 5735 blithely through the Trust Company Christmas Club now. Join The Central Jersey Bank and holidays. Red, black, Memberships start from as little Trust Company Chanukah Club now. camel or navy leath- as 50c a week. We don't just er. "Triumph' will Memberships start from as little enliven your busy collect your Christmas Club money we pay 5% interest on it. as 50C a week. We don't just days with its tapered collect your Chanukah Club money look and delightful comfort. Navy, See how our Christmas Club accounts we pay 5% interest on it. brown, black build up over a 50-week period: See how our Chanukah Club accounts crushed patent. Both % ,W|wHM * 25.63 5.00 a week— 256.25 in 7-9AA. 5'/*-10B. t.OOaweck 51.25 10.00 a week - 912.SO build up over a 50-week period: 6V.-8V.C. a.00«W«ak- 102.50 20.00 a week—1,025.00 $ .5Oaweek-.$ 25.63 5.00 a wpek 256.25 3.00 a woek - 153.75 on completed Clubs 1.00 a week— 51.25 10.00 a week— 512.S0 2.00 a week— 102.SO 20.00 a week 1,025.00 3.0O a week— 153.75 on completed Clubs CAN WE HELP YOU ? CA V WK HSU* YOU • THE THE CENTRAL JERSEY BANK CENTRE JERSEY BANK TRuerr COMPANV MONMOUTH COUNTY • A!l«nhur»t • AHtwitown MONMOUTH COUNTY AIMKlhuftl AHanlow Bradlay Baaeh • Baton' f»™|Hrt • For Bradlay Baach • fatontown • \ armmgdal* • Fort Monmouth • »ra*fto>d 11) • 'raahoholW Townah.p 13 Monmouth • PraahoW (31 * FraahoW Township (2) Howall • lon| Branch 17) ' Manalapan Howall • Long Branch 12) • Manalapan < Marlboro Matawan • Naptuna City • Ocmmn Townahip • Hum Malawan • Nap tun* City • Ocaan Township • Mum- •on • Saa Bright • tlhrawabury • liti Ha,|ht ton • Saa Bright • Shrewtbury • Spring LaMo Hatghta UNION COUNTV • Mounla,na>rJa • w.ttl.aid UNION COUNTV • Mountainside I

shop all 6 steinbach stores open late monday night. S£RVtC£ tS OUR BIGGZST ASSET 7 SERVICE tS OUR BIGGEST ASSET ! 4 The DaUy Register, Red Bank-Mlddlelowo. N.I. Monday. November if, 1175 IHIIIHIinillllllllllllilllUIIHIUIIIIII Thomas Wpolvet Sidney Edwards, Retired Milliner FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. and a World War II N«vy v*1 OCEAN 6R0VE - Sidney Mr. Edwards and his wife, Also surviving are a son, - Thomas Woolvett, 69, of eran. Obituaries H. Edwards, 84, of 63 Clark Mrs. Rose Lewis Edwards, Mervin L. Edwards, here and 3701 N.W. 30th Court, died There are no known survi- Ave., the former owner of Ed- who survives, operated-the two grandchildren. Thursday at home. vors. wards Millinery Shop, Long Long Branch shop for many The Ocean Grove Memo- Mr. Woolvett lived in Ma- The Hlggins Memorial Raymond Lemberg, Had Liquor Store IOM pli Zuzchik Branch, died Saturday in his years. He was a disabled rial Home is in charge of ar- nalapan, N J., until he retired Home, Freehold, N.J., it in HAZLF.T -Joseph Zuzchik, World War I Army veteran. rangements. last year. He was a carpentg£ charge of arrangements. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS hoot. mission. He was a World War 57, of 25 Oregon Ave., died — Raymond Lemberg, 55, II Army veteran yesterday in Bayshore Com- Igor B. Boschanovsky owner of the Reliable Delica- Surviving are his widow, munity Hospital, Holmdel tessen and Liquor Store. First HOWELL - Igor Basil Bos- Mrs Pearl Litwacks Lem- He was born in New York Ave., died Saturday in his chanovsky, 71, of East St. died berg; three sons, Stephen City, and moved here 13 years Thursday at Point Pleasant home. Lemberg of New York, Hams ; ago from Brooklyn. Hospital. He was the son of He lived at 48 Eighth Aw Lemberg of Madison, Wis . He was a communicant of the late Rev. Basil Boscha- Mr. Lemberg was a mem- and Benjamin Lemberg, at Holy Family Catholic Church, novsky, who was pastor of St. ber of Congregation B'nai Is- home; a daughter, Mrs. Rach- Union Beach, and the BPOE Alexander Nevsky Russian rael, Rumson, and a former el Ilolstine of Lima, Ohio; a Elks Lodge. 1030, of Keyport. Orthodox Church here from member of the Harbor Com- brother. Melvin Lemberg, Mr. Zuzchik was also a mem- 1949 to 1960. fW.Dtoth Notlctt here, and a grandchild. ber of Local 447 of Printing He was bom in Evpatoria, ASMUSSEN — Thomas E ol I'll Rustic Posten's Funeral Home, Drive. OoUxmt, on Frldoy, Nov. 23. '"} Specialties and Paper Prod- Russia, and came to this ieieved huttxwd or Hti»n Curiin AKTIUS hore, is in charge of arrange- Sen. devoted 'other of Reglna. deor ion or ucts of New York City. country in 1949. He had be- Anne AsmulMn, brother ol Louis ond Ed ments. ^_ Mr* Asmvuen, Ethel Blank, Edna Wt» Surviving are his widow, come a naturalized citizen. He rls, «M Ann Mlltner service wo> held in ?40.Dtoth Notices Die iuckley Funeral Hamt. W M >•• . Mrs. Olga Birok Zuzchik; a was a member of St. Alexan- Astvry Pork, on KLOTIIN - Ella W Aot ItIf. or 4401 Trto daughter, Mrs. Patricia Anne p.m. Intermtnt w der Nevsky Russian Orthodox 73. f73. Beloved wilt of Albert E.. at CAtSIDY — Helen A . on Nev IS ifiJTel wotficiecl"mottitd another or RooRobert t W ond Mrt. Ed- Pucci of Mat a wan; two broth- Church and had been em- the Monmouth Medical Cnlir «f 111word Moron, lister ol Roger W. Wymbi. ers, Stephen Zuzchik and Union Ave., Lonq Blanch Age. '7 Fyner Funtrol services 2 p m. Tutsooy ot tht ployed by Porwico Elec- elWtdntsdoy Nov .11. Mo m of tht Worden Funeral Home. 60 E. Front St., Charles Zuzchik, both of Wood tronics, Lakewood. Weelltr Finer el Home 10 Morrell SI Red Bonk Interment Foir View Ceme- Lone trench. Friends may call Tuesday 1- tery. MKJdietown Frltnds may coll ot tht Haven, N.Y.; three sisters, Surviving is his widow, Mrs. «,7rt or tht mtrly ol Newark), on Nov. 23. 1973. Be- anovsky. Me AJfrtfl. Or—fa monwr or Mri Em loved husband of Rose Conte; devoted fa- of McKeesport, Pa., and Mrs. Htf Treittr and Mr». Doromy Ryon. dear ther ol Paul, Mrs. Agotha Del Vecchlo. The C.H.T. Clayton and Son tltttr ol Richard Schilling. Mrt. Mary Mrs Carol Cocuuo, and Mri. Rose Morit Vilma Azzopardl of Florida, Funeral Home, Adelphia, was Murptiy. ond Mri. Anna Jonn»on Rtlo- Nigro Funerol Tuet. at 8: IS am. Irom Nvee end frltndt art rnpttnulh; mviltd the John F Pfleger Funeral Homt. IIS and two grandchildren. in charge of arrangements. te etttnd funtrol wrvicn or me John F. Tindall Rood. New Monmouth. Mass of Pneaitr Funtret Homt. US T.ndall Rood. Resurrection fll SI. Catherine's R.C. The Day Funeral Home, New Menmoum, on Tun. et 1 p m Inltr Church. East Ktansburg. at f am. Inter- Keyport, is in charge of ar- merit. Fair Vltw Ctmtitry. Middietown ment, Holy Cress Cemetery, North Arling- Mrs. Juliu Slrauis Vljlllno Monday 1-4 ond 11 p m ton. Visiting Monday, 2-4 and 7-f p.m. rangements. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ***************** r********************************** — Mrs. Julia Strauss, 81, of 75 Ocean Blvd., died yesterday in Bayshorc Community Hos- pital, Holmdel. She was born in Newark and lived here for the past 20 years. f Surviving are three daugh- EARN ters, Mrs. Louise Paulson of . J- !> Bergenfield, Mrs. Barbara |i Bendedetti of Springfield, and |> Mrs. Esther Neigherbauer, MORE ) > here; a son, Otto Strauss of Freehold; two sisters, Mrs. AT OUR J Louise Conner of Cliffwood Beach, and Mrs. Evelyn Davis of Harrison; seven CHRISTMAS grandchildren and five great- grandchildren. Posten's Funeral Home, here, is in charge of arrange- CLUB ments. SAVE THIS Mrs. Felice .Mauro LONG BRANCH - Mrs. Fe- Natelsons will be open till 9 o'clock tonight AMOUNT each $1 $2 $3 $5 $10 $20 J lice Mauro, 92, of 1199 Lincoln * Place died Friday in her week for 50 weeks * home. •' and to help you, and us, get off to a budding start on the Bom in Italy, she lived in holiday shopping season, before we all get too bogged down, NEXT OCTOBER this country since 1909. She 151.25 S102.75 $154.00 $256.50 {513.00 $1026.00* was a communicant of Holy we have a very special value on a holiday dark suit. you will receive ' Trinity Catholic Church, here. Surviving arc a daughter, Elegant, well cut, made by Joshua Trent in pure wool worsted 4 Mrs. Frank Anastasio, with whom she lived; two grand- * with a subdued pencil stripe'and it has a vest. Makes for * children, and six great-grand- LONG BRANCH SAVINGS children. a nice smooth middle. Our regular 165.00 quality, 139.00. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION The Damiano Funeral 2 Home, here, is in charge of 169 Broadway Highway 34 arrangements. Natebons. Lpng Branch Colts Neck LOTTERY NUMBERS Fit, Nov. 23: 01732 91 Broad Street, Elizabeth. Open nigfgs, starting tonight. •* it***********************************************1 Sal., Nov. 24: 427K

BROAD VITAMIN CENTER VITAMIN SPECIALISTS FORTHE HIGHEST YIELD SAVINGS YOU CAN WITHDRAW foods Prices effective Thru DM. 1,1973 OR DEPOSIT AT ANY TIME LAVORIS CLEARASIL IICi MOUTHWASH OINTMENT COI«IETO 07 14 OZ. 23 Have ready money when you need it- 1.15 oz. Earn top interest while you bank it! a year FASTEETH •«?= FIXODEN ORACIN compounded 2 Oft wrwm continuously It's HERB'S WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU OPEN A REGULAR PASSBOOK SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH US 87' 187 79 IMMEOWC AtMIMttLITV-Withdraw as much at you wuh. whan. TOP INTEREST RATES We pay highest rates permitted by law .. . •var you wish ... without prior notice . wtihoul penally .without 5 ?5"« a year This provides an effective annual yield ol 5.47% when losing a penny ot interest, as long as $10 is lolt in the account at tho principal and interest are left on deposit lor a year. VICKS 44 and ol the month. VICKS MONTHLY DIVIDENDS We pay dividends every month ol the year VICKS VICKS DtPOSIT fllXIHLHI -Deposit as little as you wish... no minimum - not |ust Quarterly or semi-annually. COUGH requited ... or, as much as you wish, up to $150 000. Deposits or FORMULA FORMULA withdrawals may be made at any ol our seven offices, no matter COUGH where you open your account with US DIVIDENDS MAILED MONTHLY, DISCS ON REQUEST, WHEN MINIMUM BALANCE 44 44-D DA* OF DEPOSIT Is Day ol Withdrawal You OF $2,500 IS MAINTAINED. 21 •« SYRUP urn interest every day your money is on deposit-even lor a single day. Op«n 4 Regular Paisbook Savings Account now, at any ofour sav«i CONTINUOUS COMPOUMOfNG-Even your inlerest earns Interest. conveniently located officer Or. use the coupon below to open an lC 97 day alter day, month alter month, to help your money grow taster. account by mail. 79 8oz. 194 1 UNITED STATES SAVINGS BANK CO >»• til. NIKir*. N J. 01101 Enclosed i\S lor deposit in Regular Passbook Savings Account paying V< % a year, on balancos ol $10 or more. DIAL DIAL DIAL ] I wish to have dividends mailed to me monthly. ANTI PERSPIRANT DIAL SHAMPOO * j ANTIPERSPJHANT (Minimum account $2,500). ,...1 POWDER I wish to open my account at the ollice checked below: Regular & 6oz. dial DEODORANT Mam OMice Franklin Ollice Ivy Hill Hickory Square Balsam 7oz. uwrasrares Mail Dime Roseland Seventh Avenue . 9oz. In my namn only I i Jointly with 7oz. SAVINGS BANK I In truU lor 17 MEMHUi FDIC MGN HERE 43 29 PRINT NAMr H 1 MWANK Main OHlta '17 IrsM Itreet. Franklin Oltica ill MR. • MRS ! I Ml 1 1 •road Street, ivy Hill Olllea 11 Mt. Varnon PI, Sevanlh Avanua 98 OHice HI Seventh Avenue. OBANai Hail Oime Oifice in STRECT Main Street. DOM LAND noseiand btlice Us lagie Rock Ave. nunma 1 uwn. a nu. f W1R AVcNUt iUlfltHVILLfc. W MAIN STREET CHATHAM TOWHiMtr Hickory Squne Oflica K«>»( Iqviia CITY ITATI ORANGE. 301 MAIN STREET SHooeing Cante'. *41 Brtunp>ke rm 2IP SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER HACKENSACK. 630 MAIN STREET UNION. 1029 STUYVESANT AVE • 111 C«»r> should bi aani by Ragunrtd Mall. BLOOMRELD. 23 BROAO ST. RED RANK, 58 BROAO STREET BEHGENFIEIO. 40 S. WASHINGTON AVE. I Wo IQStllvolh,: ,!.,:,:.., wHJuMlito', Nol Hwsponsid/B lot typographic*: • he Dally Register. Red Baak-Mlddlettwi, NJ. Monday, Novem Dennis the Menace Snuff \ Siniih Crossword Puzzle

ACROSS 27 Stonehanoa 43 Gibberish 11 Causes of 1 Alaskan canoa 44 Content! flooding; 6 Has it - 28 Admiuion 45 Out ol ordar 2wds. 10 Venus da - 29 Aynindmip 46 Body 12 Kinds of 14 Wear away 47 Pertaining cloth 15 Godot war 30 What lh« uoly to tin 13 Scrape 16 Maplatraa American is 50 Time periods 21 Medical 17 Post at home 31 GoUmm 51 Painful aider, abbr. 18 Daticiancy 34 of 52 Beast of 23 Acroaa: pref. 19 Accommodated ClavM burden 24 Veep, lor one 20 Rhinn 35 Standard 56 Small: suff. 76 Reverence nvmph 36 Wino's 57 Porch pier 27 Apothecaries)' 22 Andys rnnasur* 58 Lawful dram: abbr. partner 37 GiMk letter 59 Scotch 28 Lessen 23 Mr.Tutl 38 Outer negativee 30 Kind of gem: author garments CO Kind of egg 2wdt. 25 Mental 40 Compilation 61 Colorado 32 Within: Gr. picturM 41 Provoke park 33 Jacket DOWN 36 Greek hero. Solution to Yeilerday'l Puitle; 1 View; name 38 Letter 2 Exist 39 Native of WHO COMPLAINS NOW YOU RE BUT ALL I SAID 3 Exclamation Ukrainian ALWAYS SETS PUT ON HEAD OP THE WAS," I WANT of dismay city 40 TBgirl A COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP TO RESI6N FROM 4 Aussie city; a lament' 42 Wipes out COMMITTEE THIS 5 Scar tissues 43 Month: abbr. ORGANIZATION/* 6 Virile 44 Main artery 7 Russian 46 Perceived lake 48 Skills * IF SOWEBOOy SUES YA ... DOES IT/^T ?' j B Mrsleaders; 49 Orderly once gay? 53 Representa- Children's Letter 9 Arctic tive: abbr. natives 54 Miss Watt 10 Spanish city 56 Than Gar.

Marv Wort I



Tl..> Wizard ..I I.I w ?E7iLte-ai

TO Know \WMCM U&T TIME IT WAS ONLY 50O J Your Horoscope, Birthday MONDAY. November 2«- tween carcor and leisure-, befalls you at mis time — it stale of affairs that has been Born today, you are one of time activities all but you are careful to employ a worry to you ceases to be so. those? "single-minded persons guarantees your success in your intellectual capabilities CANCER (June 21-July 23) who has some difficulty business or profession as well and not your emotion!!. -An excellent day for travel. allowing for the differences as with whatever hobbies you AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. Seek a conference with on* in people. You have a tenden- undertake. 18) -Get through the day who can help you in your cy to want to sec uniformity without important error and decisions regarding a day- MI VEHMiND ABOUT 'AVE NOL You possess an optimistic .of thought and action and you will stand an excellent by-day scheduling of events. US WftJTlM'TILLWE -< TSOUBLE ACTIN1 attitude insofar as your own will have to guard against chance of making excep- I.EO (July 23-Aug. 22) -A LIME MEN, ftUT endeavors are concerned. On forming your opinions of tional gains in the days to good day for picking up the other hand, you arc in- others solely on the basis of come. bargains, particularly if you TO ACTiN UKE clined to look pessimistically whether or not they conform are an art collector or any GENTLEMEN-! upon those activities of others IMSCKSHVb 19 March 20) to your notions of what they sort. Be on your guard, which are different from - Turn your material over to should think and how they several people to sec if they however, against the fakes. ' should behave. Maturity your own. It is not that you do not recognize the great diver- all express the same opinion VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) should bring with it a certain about it. You may be dealing —There may be considerable amount of tolerance, but it sity of enterprise that exisis, it is that you find it hard lo wilh more than one issue confusion on the home front may not be until you are well ARIKS (March 21-April 19) this morning. Afternoon along in years that you will realize that Ihosruenterpriscs which interest you not at all -Consider the leading hours make up for it, finally be able to accept peo- events in your life if you however, with the kind of ple for what they are. could really prove exciting lor others. would get some additional in- calm you've been hoping for. You have tremendous siuht into your own capabili- LIBRA (Sept. 21 Oct. 22) reserves of energy and have * * * ties and limitations. —A day quite free of disturb- seldom been known to call a Tuesday. Novrmhrr 27 TAURUS (April 20 May 20) ing influences from outside I'LL 6XV OWE TUlHCr RD*7 halt to any activity simply SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- -Reconsider your own in- your circle of business or pro- HE POC7OR...HET4KE6 because you were in need of Dec. 21) -References made tellectual capacities before fessional associates. Don't be LOTCPTlMfe V/iTUVOU. rest. Fortunately, however, to your work of the distant you agree or fail to agree to afraid to speak ydur mind. you know how to divide your past must be overlooked. You lake on another's problems. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) energy between work and will make or break your You may be asking for trou- —Stick to your usual routine play and are, therefore, not reputation on what you pro- ble today; otherwise, you may very likely lo put so much of duce NOW. C.KMIM (May 21 .June 20) find yourself behind schedule yourself into the one that CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-.lan -Day's end should see you by day's end. Don't be a- there is nothing left over for 191-You should be able to well satisfied insofar as larmed should children learn the other. Such a balance be- handle whatever misfortune finances are concerned. The 'he truth. SheinwolcTs Bridge Advice By ALFRED gladly got rid of Ins singleton first' Simple arithmetic pro- Central Station, New York, spade, and now declarer was vides Ihe answer The oppo- NY. 10017.) ' In Mime hiinds you can look dead He couldn'1 Ret hark lo nents nave only five spades Smilh dealer I'M JUST LUCKV several tricks ahead. When his hand lo draw West's rt between them, but have nine Norlh-Soolh vulnerable DAGWOOO YOU BUT YOU S. , WE DIDN'T WEAP this is possible, arrange mat- mainini; trumps. flubs. A spade discard is NORTH SAID YOUP TAKE PROMISED.' )| 1 lers for safely and (on- South had lo risk a spade a> J 9 7 5 4 2 r ME TO THE t^-i I'M therefore far more dangeToua wnience insleiid ol being lead, but Wesl ruffed, defeat- than a dull discard J A K 4 2 -r MOVIES y\TOO TIBER haphazard tboul ii ing the contract. O 4 West opened a low trump, Spade Kntry Pint DAILY QUESTION mill South "'in with Ule Mini'. Soulh needed in return lo Partner dealt and bids <>ne «KSI KAffl Declarer led the jack HI dia- his hand twice lie would nal diamond, and the next player • h i) 10 K) mond!, and West Inok lift •( > urally want to use the ace ol passes You hold S — A K 4 2 ?> Kri.U 7 West returned another trump, spades and the Kl of chilis II - .1117 J 41D-4G— K 0 A1* Uilh 51 and Soulh won uilh the ten fur this purpose U UIIHI do you MJ ' • J 'MM 1 2 10 A1 Since both must he used, Answer Kid one heart, llr- SOI 11II South led a low diamond South should decide which to sponrl in the rVcard .suit rather a> AK and ruffed with dummy's kmi; use first South should use Ihe than Ihe 4-c ard suit. Length is C OJ 10 9 of hearts. He Ihen returned lo '•li.nle enlry fust, before an more important I ha 11 O K (; J x 3 his hand by the safest route, opponent has had the chance strength • A7 Soulh VM by overtaking the queen »f in discard • tpado, The clubs C\ Pocket Guide lo Undue' • Wisl North Hm chilis with his ace ol clubs will be safe later on wntlcn by Alfred Shcinwold is 1 0 HUM I a) South then led Ins last low PdSS I I WHY? vou Why doesn't Soulh im\f lo available. Gel your copy by 1 Nr I'JSS WIN- y diamond and ruffed With 1I11111 worry iboul 1 club/BMcard ii lending Ml cents to lied Bank i 1 P.ISS my's ace ol heal 11 W (il he uses the mi- M ipadc. Register, Box MIR. tirand All Pass Opening lead - O J THAT'5 IT. CHARLIE BROlUN . /^U)HAT?) '5NOW LEAGUES'NOW SEIN6 FTOM NOW ON ALL 5N0WWEN FtR PRE6RTONS (PU HAVE TO BE MADE l/NDEK TEAMS...AGE BRACKETS... APULT SUPERVISION ...REAP THIS.. EU6181LITY KXt PLAKOffS.,.."

b 'I In- IMiunlom


rWrO5f OV/ / WfAKNfSS I. HIS 0FAUVFUL tHMPfk DAUGHTER iAURAHN GARBAGE Of BANSAUA.. VK TOMORROW- fMftAtPS! DAILY How to Win Friends, Vesco Way friendly." deaths of the inree rare EsUbiiihtd in lin-PublUbcd by Tin Red Bank By JACK ANDERSON and LES WHITTEN The sources believe, there- beasts. Secretary of Defense James ARTHUR Z. KAMIN WASHINGTON fore, that Vesco's carefully Government Investigators structured financial deals Schlesinger has such a dry, President and Editor have uncovered sinister bonds could enable him to escape 'offbeat sense of humor that between fugitive financier SCENK extradition. They point out his associates cannot tell Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor Robert Vesco and the leaders that when Vesco was arrested when he's kidding and when of the two nations that give recently In the Bahamas on a he's telling the truth. One day last spring, when him shelter. and nances. U.S. warrant, the authorities I Monday, November 21,1173 Schlesinger was director of the Bahamas. Vesco is believed to have did not seize the Costa Rican the Central Intelligence In the Bahamas, where Ves- followed similar patterns in diplomatic passport he car- Agency, he came to work with co is now fighting extradition the Bahamas and Panama. In ries. his hand in a cast. His aides to the United States, they Panama, his deposits amount Vesco has made a habit of 'We Did It! asked him what had hap- said, Prime Minister Lynden to several million dollars, the reaching the leaders of coun- pened. We Created a Buyers' Market in Cadillacs/ Pindling has profited hand- sources said. His investments, tries where he does business. which had hoped they would somely from his association in the Bahamas central bank He hired President Nixon's reproduce on Islands at the "I broke my hand while with Vesco. are believed to be in excess of newphew, Donald A. Nixon, to zoo. spanking one of my kids," According to U.S. In- $10 million. Again, the sources work in the Vesco financial But a male orangutan pan- replied the father of eight telligence sources, Vesco said, sudden withdrawal operations both in Europe and icked while a female was without a trace of a smile. bought a $450,000 house (or would shake the nation's eco- in the Bahamas. being shot with a Iranquilizer When we asked Schlesi- Pindling near Nassau. Vwco't nomics. Footnote: We reported last for medical purposes and nger's office whether he had Bahamas Commonwealth "Vesco has never given May 21 that a recent CIA re- jumped off a low cliff into really broken his hand on a Bank is said to hold Ihc mort- anyone as much as most port showed Figueres' person- deep water. A gorilla also youngster's backside, he re- gage on an office building people in those countries be- al fortunes were at low ebb. leaped into deep water and a fused to comment. owned by Pindllng's family lieve," one source told us. The CIA noted that Kigueres' second gorilla apparently died Censor Censored and also made loans on the "What he has done Is put his nephew, Fernando, said "all of food poisoning. The General Services Ad- Paradise Bakery, a Pindling money where everyone can members of the President's At Yerkes, a spokesman ministration has some good investment. see it and hope to get a family are deeply concerned conceded that since the go- news for citizens worried In Costa Rica, President piece." with family financial mat- rillas and orangutans cannot about their liberties. The GSA Jose Figueres is not only per- There have been reports ters." It was at this point, we swim, they should never have has dropped from its cata- sonally indebted to Vesco, but that Vesco has invested as reported then, that the clever been put near drops above logue of materials available to the financial security of his much as $2$ million each in Vesco began to buy his way deep water. He added som- government agencies a $21.60 nation depends in part on Ves- Costa Rica and the Bahamas. into the good graces of Fig- berly, "We wouldn't have put item called a "Censorship co's continued good will, the Winning Ways ueres. them there if we'd had enough Kit." The kit Included a mag- sources said. "Most of the money that he Perishing Primates federal money" for other out- nifying glass, scratch knives, Costa Mean Bonds has put out is in deposits or Two rare gorillas and an door quarters. erasers and a rubber stamp They said they have detcr- loans that are payable on de- even rarer orangutan have A Lion Country official said marked "Censor," among oth- 1 mined that Vesco hat more mand," the source said. "He died mysteriously at the fa- the details had been properly er things. It was a carryover than $10 million in Costa Ri- takes care of the top people mous Lion Country Safari zoo reported to authorities, but no from World War II days when ' can bonds. A demand by Ves- and a few others, and leaves outside Atlanta. The animals state or federal action had soldiers' letters were cen- co for return of his money the rest of the officials wait- were on loan from the re- been taken. Nevertheless, we sored, but the GSA said they would seriously affect the ing for a chance to get some, spected Yerkes Primate Cen- have learned the humane so- had not had an order for it Central American nation's fi- too. It makes them very ter of Emory University ciety is quietly probing the during the last six years. That Long Day in Dallas

By JIM BISHOP A Justice of the Peace tried nesses. He was headed toward to hold the body, stating that Jefferson. At 1:16 p.m., police Father Oscar Iluber was THE it amounted to homicide com- headquarters heard a citizen chewing Friday's fish when he mitted in Dallas, and an au- pick up a police radio and heard that Kennedy had been topsy would have to be per- shout: "We had a shooting out shot. He and a curate hopped REPORTER formed. Secret Service here." "Where's it at?" The agents, with O'Donnell and dispatcher called J. I). Tippit: into a car and hurried to IIIIIIIIIHIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Parkland Hospital. Men with Powers, said: "We're getting "78?" There was no answer. drawn guns tried to hold them out of here." The Justice of Dallas had two separate mur- her hands. "Pray for Jack," ders. back. Huber made it to she begged. the Peace was angry. The Trauma One. cart shoved the J.P. and a po- In an hour, Father Huber On Jefferson, squad cars He saw green tile, fright- liceman out of the way. had seen his first live Presi- roared by with screaming si- ened faces of doctors and In Oak Cliff, Officer J. D. dent and his first dead one. rens as Lee Harvey Oswald nurses against the rear wall, Tipplt drove alone in hit Kennedy's men .— Kenneth looked idly in the window of a and Mrs. Kennedy beside him. squad car. He moved slowly O'Donnell and Dave Powers Street and Corinth. Then he shoe store. Inside, a loud ra- The floor was streaked with across Kiest Boulevard to- — urged the Secret Service to Inched the car along the curb dio said that Kennedy was blood. He removed a stole ward Illinois. Police radio get Lyndon Johnson aboard at Zangs and Beckley. At the dead. Johnny Brewer, man- from a black case, kissed it, Channels One and Two were iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiMiiwMiiiitiiiiiiiniHiHiiiiHiiiMiimiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiii itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Air Force One at once. Mrs. School Depository, Dallas po- ager of the shoe store, thought and put it around his neck. heavy with babbling, orders Kennedy begged Malcolm Kil- lice and manager Roy Truly the stranger outside looked The body was long and cov- about searching an overpass duff, assistant press secre- were lining up employes. One suspicious. He watched him ered with a white shoot The and "get some men in that tary, to tell the press that was missing. His name was walk the street to the Texas feet were visible. They were building." The Crisis vs. Environment Kennedy had died at 1 p.m. — Lee Harvey Oswald. He was Theatre where "Cry of so white that Father Huber The passage of the Alaska pipeline' take care in reacting to it that we don't not 12:30. That would make Tippit was a non-panic cop. the only one who did not re- Battle" with Van Heflin was told himself: "There Is no bill by wide margins in both houses of shove ourselves into an untenable position the last rites valid in her To make an extra buck, he turn from lunch. showing. Oswald sneaked in. blood In this man." worked the movies at night, Congress shows how quickly the energy environmentally for the long run. mind. Tippit was on Tenth, cross- keeping children quiet. Tippit crisis has pushed aside environmental con- He Imparted the last rites, Numb With Shock ing Patton. A white male was Brewer asked the cashier if Second, therefore, in those instances with conditional Extreme drove out of Area 78 to 109. A walking ahead. Tippit rolled the stranger had bought a siderations. The Secret Service raced where we must case environmental re- Unction, and pulled the sheet the blood-soaked Lincoln to radio voice said: ". . . an un- the right window down. The ticket. Julia Postal said no. Dangers to the tundra environment strictions, let us do it for a stated period, away to uncover the gray skin Love Field. "Sec?" Dallasites known white male, approxi- man stopped. Tippit got out of Brewer phoned the police. In and polar-zone wildlife from the proposed such as six months or a year. That will al- and the staring eyes. He said. "There he goes. He mately 30, slender build, the left side o( the car and 10 minutes, the Texas Theatre height five feet ten inches, re- 789-mile pipeline weighed much less in leg- low a specific checkpoint for reas- anointed the dead President. wasn't shot." Johnson was leaned on the hood. Four was surrounded, and, after a "Father, do you think the sac- ported armed. . ." Second shots caught the cop. As he struggle, Lee Harvey Oswald islators' minds than the prospects of tap- sessment. squeezed into a car with con- rament had effect?" Mrs. gressmen and hurried to the voice: "What Is he wanted fell beside the wheel of his was manacled and under ar- ping Alaskan Slope oil as one long-range Third, let industry be cautious about Kennedy feared her husband's airport. Dallas, which had ac- for?" car, he drew his gun and his rest. answer to the energy crisis. seeming to throw the bulk of the blame for soul might have fled before corded Kennedy a more man- Radio voice: "Signal 19 (ace fell on it. The cops booked him for The pipeline vote is but one sign of the the energy crisis on environmentalists. the sacrament had been ad' nerly welcome than was in (shooting) involving the Presi- Horrified Witnesses Tippit's murder. They didn't ministered. "Oh yes. Yes in- dent." Tippit listened and times, as the Middle East War catapulted Some industry recommendations and their hearts, was numb with Lee Harvey Oswald dog- know it, but they had a much deed," Huber said. She wrung shock. parked his car at Eighth trotted through horrified wit- bigger little man ... energy concerns into immediate focus. statements sound as though the intent is to Strong pressures are emerging to relax air wipe out the gains environmentalists have standards, water standards and health and made by making them the villains. safety regulations in coal mines, as well as There is blame enough to go around — to throttle the efforts to curb strip-mining Resign, No; Impeach, Yes industry planners, government agencies, — all in the name of the energy crisis. the Nixon Administration — for tardy ac- IHMIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIII be taken only at a point when the Watergate burglary and Obviously, relaxation of some environ- By JAMES J. KILPATRICK tion. no other course will suffice. cover-up, the improvements mental standards will be necessary to pre- True, environmentalists have been so The time has come, much CONSERVATIVE We are at that point now. to presidential property in serve health and safeguard the economy Deliberate Will Florida and California, and overly cautious at times that they become as a long time admirer regr- in the winter months just ahead. ets to say it, to proceed with Resignation is not the an- for general obstruction of jus- obstructionists. They, after all, came on VIEW swer. It is politically incon- tice in the matter of the tapes. We Americans, however, must be the impeachment and trial of the scene late. A great deal of damage al- . Nothing else 'iiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiHiiiniiiiiiiHiiiniiiii ceivable that the President The trial of such a com- careful that in our reaction we don't suc- ready had been done. Understandably, will clear the poisonous air would resign under circum- prehensive impeachment cumb to our usual disease of over-reac- they are concerned that we not plunge and restore a sense of domes- by voting a bill for impeach- stances that would transfer would tie up the Senate for the White House to the Demo- months. It would take the ting. ahead with reckless uses of our raw mate- tic tranquility. ment. To avoid misunderstanding: That recommendation cratic party under a President chief justice away from the Several aspects must be kept in mind. rials, our air, water and land. I am not urging or predicting comes hard. I have known Carl Albert. But even if Ger- KILPATRICK Supreme Court for this same First, the present crisis is largely geo- ald Ford had been confirmed In the anxious public mood on energy, that two-thirds of the Senate this president for 25 years, period. So dramatic an event political in nature. The globe hasn't run as vice president, thus assur- would exhaust an already industry might make some temporary vote for conviction and re- supported him, defended him, out of oil. It's just that the margin of sup- moval from office. I am praised his general philosophy ing a Republican succession, many Americans, a breaking weary country and compound gains at the expense of the environmental- ply America needs is located in Arab lands saying simply, after lonR and while criticizing particular ac- the President's resignation point abruptly has been the partisan turmoil in the Middle East, and the Arabs arc ists. That could turn against tire corpo- sad reflection, that the House tions, and I happen to like him would come as one more reached. No action that Nixon But there would be this tre- unilateral act on his part: He himself might take — no withholding it to push us to force a settle- rations in the public mind, however, if the of Representatives should per- as a human being. Impeach- mendous advantage: We environment continues to go sour in the form a service to the country, ment is our country's last po- alone would be controlling the speech, no statement,, no ex- could look to the one thing ment involving Israel which in their eyes sequence of events. The fact planation through his aides — long years ahead during which we arc and perhaps to Nixon as weil, litical resort. It is a course to that is most desperately will be fair. of Ford's presidency would could quell the national doubt needed now, and that is an en- groping for permanent energy answers. Because we are irrevocably com- then be Nixon's sole responsi- and distrust. His one chance ding. Trials are finite. The mitted to the continued existence of Is- Americans want both energy and envi- bility. If the most powerful of- to salvage his administration, day would come when the ronmental protection, and not one to the fice in the free world is to it seems to me, now lies in Senate at long last voted to rael, we are in the best position to rngi-" submitting his conduct to the exclusion of the other. change hands, under the trau- convict or to acquit. In one ul- neer a settlement fair to both sides, i( we matic conditions that now ob- formal judgment of the Sen- timate tick of the clock on the will. If environmentalists sometimes didn't tain, the change should reflect ate. His acquittal would put Senate wall, it would all be That — more than slower speed limits, seem to understand this double-conviction the solemn deliberate will of an end to the obsessive at- over. the Senate. tacks; his conviction equally gas rationing, etc. - is the needed short- in the past, industry and government lead- No such finality is in pros- Weeks ago I said It was non- would permit the nation to re- pect now. The President is a term answer to our energy crisis. ers would be equally mistaken if they sense to suppose the Senate sume a normal course. man under seine. He is still The energy crisis, though, has long- brushed it aside in the flush of the current would vole to convict Nixon The Charges capable of governing, but his range dimensions. That's why we must crisis. and thus to remove him from A resolution of impeach- own blunders have cost him office. That column was writ- ment, if it is to accomplish the heavily in terms of public con- ten just as news was breaking desired end. should cover the fidence and respect. I am not Matawan's Past of the firing of Archibald Cox whole gamut of charges certain that even his acquittal bruited about In the past two Matawan's governing body has in- ed by council, three members by the .so- and the removal of Elliott would restore his leadership, Richardson and William years. The President should but I am convinced of this troduced an ordinance which, if adopted ciety and another member to be appointed Ruckelshaus. The story of the be indicted by the House, in much al least: We must not Dec. 4, will preserve the Burrowes Man- by agreement between the council and the missing tapes had not tran- eflect, for criminal mis- drift along much longer on the sion, built in 1723, by purchasing it for society. piA conduct in the ITT case, the rudderless course our ship of 130,000 from the present owners. We can only hope that the differences milk deal, the Ellsberg affair. state is taking now It seems evident that for Couneilwoman Lillian Burry said It is between council and the society can be re- ^council's intention to keep the ancUnl solved. The borough has • fine history and house from private exploitation "and quite its residents are proud of it. It would be a possibly from a bulldozer." shame if the 251-year-old building is torn Today in History Matawan's Historical Society had down, thus erasing an important symbol of By Ibe Associated Press vice in New York City, with In It43. President Franklin hoped to acquire the property, but it hasn't Matawan's past. the horse-drawn trolley run- D Roosevelt. British Prime raised.enough money to seal,the deal Unless some generous soul — or souls Today's highlight In history: ning between city hall and Minister Winston Churchill It appears that some society members — will put up the cash to permit the so- On this date in 1940, the half 14th street and Chinese President Chiang object to the borough's action to pun ciety to buy I In1 house, MaUwan'fl mayor million Jews In Warsaw, Po- In IH57. Ihe firsl Australian Katshek ended a wartime con land, were forced by the ference In Cairo. the house, mainly on a jurisdiction;*! and council should purchase it baton tlH parliament opened In Me|. Nazis to live within a walled bourne. In IM70. i Bollvl The society would like to own and opi DtC .11 option runs out. The society- ghttto In 1925, Germany ratified as a pried tried lo kill Pope It, but the council, if it does buy the house, borough argument can he i hi ashed out lat- On this date- the Locarno Treaty, pledging Caul VI In the Philippine capi- would turn the mansion over to er. The important point is that the man- In IK.U the first streetcar In guarantee the French fron- tal of Manila, hut the IIIK kuroiiiiil !\oi»t« ship consisting of three members appoint- sion be publicly owned, railway In the US. began ser- tier caped Injury Tke Daily RegUUr Red Bank-MlddleUwa, N J. MowUy, November 2t 1171 7 Rationing Should Not Be Mandatory 2* Daniel Drive upheld by the Superior Court. ing the world, including the ana this nation, like a bunch Mwdletown, N.J. Now it seems he has report- To the Editor: activity and policies of our di- of saps, is taking the bait edly declared he intends to Following Is in open letter FROM OUR plomacy. This would seem without question. If oil is such appeal to the state and feder- further evidenced by the ac- a tremendous policy our De- to President Nixon protesting al Supreme Courts. I don't the rationing of gas, and I READERS tion of most other countries as partment of State must hive think the FBI will find any- though some insidious master- realized the significance request all who are opposed to thing wrong with the Middle- gas rationing also write to mind is leading us through a many years ago. Yet, we have town Police Department, but tunnel for destruction. Most of President Nixon and their rep- depend on the automobile to sat on the lid sleeping while I do think the FBI should in- our problems here at home the steam leaks out. resentatives in Congress in go to work and to do shopping. 'Vesligate Mr. Randi due to opposition. seem to be tied into this Yours very truly, Without gas for shopping, the fact he seems to think the worldwide plan of dominance Dear President Nixon: then, of course, all facets of law should not affect him. I Stanley A. Mclntosh Your speech on the energy business must suffer, by clos- understand Mr. Randi is not crisis, certainly inspired me ing down, cutting back, early an American citizen and I "Christmas Wonderland to want to help my country in closing hours, etc. The same would like to suggest he re- of Unpainted the conservation of energy thing goes for the tourism in- turn to Canada and try to do and gasoline, and I am cer- dustry in this country. No the same thing he has done Furniture" tain that 90 per cent of all more vacations; more here, that is interfering with Americans must have felt unemployment. the authorities of Canada and similarly Inspired, if the coop- The unemployment and cut- see what happens. I think Mr. eration on the highway is in- back that will result, means Randi was looking for a lot of dicative of how we all feel. less purchasing power, more free press space in order to You stated that if we all pull people on welfare, and food make more American money together to conserve energy coupons, and less tax dollars and he seems to have done and gasoline, then rationing going to the federal govern- this. I don't think he should be would only be as a last resort. ment in the form of income given any more press space in Gefco's Favorite... THE However, a few days later I taxes and indirect taxes on ANY paper as I for one am read where your director of commodities, which in turn tired of hearing about Mr. energy, Mr. Love, had stated means more printing of dol- Randi... LAWYER'S ROLL-TOP FROM OUR that rationing was Inevitable, lars for our tremendous bu- James W. Harris FINISHED and would probably be in ef- reaucracy spending, which in DEPARTMENT fect by early spring, further, turn will mean more inflation, A Leak Congress is now in the, pro- with more dollars having to cess of passing legislation de- be printed to keep up with this 26 SUverton Ave. manding that rationing be put spiraling inflation'. A vicious Little Silver, N.J. Fora merry, into effect, very shortly. If, circle. All this inflation will To the Editor: this is so, then why the then mean continuous increas- This is a copy of a letter request for our cooperation es in social security pay- sent to the President. Thought no-worry Christmas... and sacrifice? If requested to ments, causing increased so- you might like to review it for ' do so, the citizens of this coun- cial security taxes for those publication. . try would certainly be willing who work. Of course, I The President Cash-O-Matic checking. to cut down further on the use haven't even touched on what The White House of their automobiles, electric this increased inflation will do Washington DC. It's the checking account that lets behind your Cash-O-Matic account. power, heating, ptc, on a vol- to municipal, county and state Being a little guy one is eas- untary basis, as an alterna- government spending, which, ily perplexed, but as I under- you borrow money in seconds—for Then it's there, anytime you need tive to rationing. of course, will also increase stand the news reports — those special Christmas gifts, post- it; costs you-nothing till you actually I shudder when I think of taxes for those who work. Israel is a small country — Christmas bills, anything—just by use it. Why not stop in before you • a little guy like me. It is the the far reaching results of gas With ration boards set up This roll top desk measures - writing your personal check. You start your Christmas shopping and rationing. First we have to and in existence, then will the victim of an aggressor. It is a hefty 59" Cong, 28" deep, open, we are told, 6,000 ration next shortage that may come showing an ability to defend 48" high. In stock. Delivery simply arrange with us in advance let us tell you all about it. boards. The renting, equipp- along mean more coupons? itself against this aggressor.. guaranteed before Christmas. to put a specified amount of credit Now, as before, it is being ing, upkeep and manning of Once we are controlled wilh This extra heavy desk Is a conversation piacel these boards will cost an un- rationing, and have accepted asked (or forced) to relinquish territory gained as You will be so proud ot it! Man-sized solid, rug- told amount of money, which it as a new way of American qedly handsome We've goi this desk at Geico the government doesn't have. life, will further restrictions the result of victory over this plus fitly other styles on display Like to see our aggressor. FIRST When the government needs be imposed on our lives? For big seleclion? Drop in anytime SHOP NOW AND NATIONAL extra dollars which it doesn't example, moving from place Where is justice? Are we — SAVE. have, it goes to the printing to place, from house to house, ' the United States as a nation COLONIALd) BANK presses and runs off all the. or from job to job, only with prostituting and/or penalizing HIGHWAY 35 dollars that are needed. Ac- government permission? Such ourselves to gain the favor of tually this is the major reason restrictions are already In ex- this treacherous agressor? Tn« all-sirvica bank that looks out lor you for inflation — deficit spend- istence in other countries. Are Further, it seems to me, the ing. When more dollars are we to have them here? A Communist mind is dominat- MMMM.M. put into circulation without short while ago I would have production and services in- said "Gas rationing here in creasing proportionately, then this country? Impossible." the dollars already in circula- I, therefore, respectfully tion become worthless, and it protest gas rationing, and re- takes more dollars to pur- spectfully request that ration- chase the necessities of life. ing on a voluntary basis be Therefore, rationing boards requested of us all in place of mean more inflation for the mandatory restrictions. American people.. Rationing Very truly yours of gasoline will cause Eileen A. Cameron emtira Qiltr in Jtore unemployment, because all who live outside of cities must Uumli's Agent 97 Mechanic St Red Bank, N.J. 07701 To the Editor: I would like to know if your paper is the press agent for the so called "Amazing Ran' di." You seem to support this man who was convicted of in- terference with a police offi- cer in the performance of his duty and the conviction was Make A Date A pala directory of coming events lor nonprolil nrgani/.n tlons. Rates: $2 00 for 3 lines for one day, 11.00 each addi- tional line; $3.00 for two days, l\ih each additional line; 15.00 for three to five days, $1.50 each additional line; $6 00 for 10 days, $2.00 each additional line; $10 00 (or 20 days,. $2 90 each additional line. Deadline nnon day before publi- cation. Call The Daily Register. 741-0010, ask for Ihe Dale Secretary.

NOVEMBER 26 thru NOVEMBER 30 "Thrift Shop" — Sisterhood of Congregation B'nai Is- rael, 62 White St., next to Leon's, Red Bank. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m! Clothing, household items, novelties, rtc. the looking glass jar... NOVEMBER 27 extraordinary value at 2.50 "Chinse Auction" — November 27, Ladies' Auxiliary of Knights of Columbus 3187, at 8 p.m., KC Hall. Third with any Elizabeth Arden Street. Fair Haven. Tickets $1.50. purchase of 5.00 or more "Card Party and Children's Fashion Show" — Nov. A beautiful, silver-toned 27, R p.m.. New Monmouth School. Donation $2.00. Benefit Cerebral Palsy. Bring friends and games. accessory for your dressing room, containing half a dozen NOVEMBER 28 perfumed* soap miniatures in a "Shrewsbury Historical Society" - Author Dinner. combination of the two famous John T. Cunningham, Speaker. Oidp t'ninn llnusp, Red Bank, 7 p.m. For reservations call Mrs. Dclloll 741-H271. Elizabeth Arden fragrances, Blue Grass and Memoire NOVEMBER 30, DECEMBER I. X Cherie. Come In to our Cos- "My Three Angels" — by Monmouth Players, Library Playhouse, Monmouth Ave., Navesink. 8:40 p.m. Tickets metics Department and take $2.75 at the box office or call 747-2853. advantage of this splendid value! Try these mainstays for NOVEMBER 30, DECEMBER 1 "Santa's Bargain Basement" — PTA Thrift Shop, St. your beautiful face: Velva Mary's Church Basement, Fit, 7:30-9 pm.. Sat. 10a.m.-3 Moisture Film 3'/? oz., 5.50; 8'/i p.m. New and nearly new gifts. Ceramics, tree trims. oz , 10.00. Bye-Lines Under- "Annual Bazaar and Cake Sale" — Rumsnn Senior makeup Wrinkle Lotion, 10.00 Citizens, Holy Rotary Church, River Hd Kn. Nov 39 i !> and Nightcare Cream for Eyes, p.m. Sat., Dec. I from 10 lo 4 p.m. Something (or every 7.50. member of the family, including the pets. Roy Karrell, Face Designer DECEMBER 5 for Elizabeth Arden, will be at "Middletown Newcomer Luncheon" — 12 noon, Fish- Steinbach to discuss your erman's Wharf, Rumsnn Babysitting. Residents less than makeup with you. Jyrs. invited. H Reservations, 671-MMby Nov 30. DECEMBER 6 Aabury Park Store Only "Christmas Bazaar" - 10 i i luncheon, Mon., 11/26 thru Frl. 11/30 12:30p.m, Reservations mil\ I. Donation $150. UMW Bclfnrd 1'nitwl MrM»«lisl i lunch SI , llclinicl

DECEMBER I "ClUlMM Auction" - H'-'l H;ink I'l \ Held at liner st. school from 1 p.m to4p.m Newglfls DoymirChrtrt mas shoppuiii hti • All stores-open late Monday thru Friday 8 The Dally Register, Red Bank-Middletown, N.J. Monday, November 2f, 1171 Couples Married in Traditional Rites Garofalo-Purdie Hurley-Stonesifer EATONTOWN - Miss in the Fisherman's Wharf, RUMSON - Miss Pamela Ann Stonesifer, daughter of Dr. Elizabeth Ann I'urdie, daugh- Rumson. and Mrs. Richard J. Stonesifer, 95 Buttonwood Drive, Fair ter of Mr. and Mrs. Junes B. Miss Pamela J. Kau was Haven, was married Thanksgiving Day, to Carl W. Hurley, son Purdie, 34 Farm Lane, be- honor attendant for the bride, of Willard Hurley of Squirrel Road, Neptune, and the late Mrs. came the bride of William Jo- who also was attended by Hurley. seph Garofalo of Eatoncreat Miss Mary l.angtiene, Mrs. The 4 p.m. ceremony here in St. George's Bylhe-Kiver Drive. He is the son of Mr. David Allem and Miss Rose Episcopal Church was performed by the rector, the Rev. G. P. and Mrs. Carmine Garofalo, Sihiafone. Mellick Belshaw. A reception followed al the home of the* 15 Park Ave. Hick Binaco was best man bride's parents. The Rev, Michael Vdna offi- and listen WWW William and Miss Linda Calendriello, Neptune, was maid of honor. Mrs. Carl W. Hurley ciated at the ceremony, which Bruce I'urdic and Mark Swei- Joseph Edward Smith, Deal, was best man and ushers (The former Pamela Stonesifer) Mre. Dennis Knaus took place Saturday here in ter. were Robert Mann and James Giordano, Madison (The former Susan Andrejco) St. Dorothea's Catholic The bride, a graduate of The bride's father is president of Monmouth College, Watt Church, and the reception was Monmouth Regional High Long Branch, and a former dean of the College of Liberal Arts School, attended Stockton at Drew University, Madison. State College, Pomona. She is The bride is a graduate of Madison High School and at- Knaus-Andrejco employed al the Central Jer- Mrs. William Garofalo Mrs. Thaddeus Wasilewicz tended Harcum Junior College in Bryn Mawr, Pa. FOKUS — The marriage of Miss Susan Carol Andrejco, to sey Bank and Trust Company, The bridegroom, a graduate of Manasquan High School Dennis Gerard Knaus, took place Saturday here in St. Nich- Baton town. (The former (The former Paula Hallam) Elizabeth Purdie) and the Electronics School at Ft. Monmoulh, served six years\ olas Catholic Church. Mr. Garofalo, who is with in the U.S. Army, and was stationed for part of that tune in Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .1 An the Monmoulh School for Ex- Germany and Vietnam. He is employed by Electronic Mea- drejeo, 25 Altamont Koad, Edison, and Mr. and Mrs. Manuel ceptional children, Eaton* Wasilewicz-Hallam surements Inc., Neptune. Knaus, 1 Stanford Drive, Hazlet. town, Is an alumnus of Mnn- The couple will reside temporarily in Ocean Grove. The Rev. John Oncsko officiated al the ceremony, which iimuth Regional llgih School, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Miss Paula Joan llallam and was followed by a reception for 1H0 quests in the Ureenbriar New Shrewsbury, and Mon- Thaddeus John Wasilewicz were married here Saturday in St. Rest, North Brunswick. mouth College, West Long Agnes Catholic Church. The Rev, Michael J. Lease, pastor, of- Ga'ringer-Jones Mrs. Robert Domolki was matron of honor. Also attending Branch. The couple will re- ficiated. the bride were Miss Marianne J. Karpac, Mrs. Gerald Knaus, side in Eatontown. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J llal- HARTFORD, Conn. - Miss 11. Raymond Garinger w'as Miss Donna Martelli and Mrs. Jack Nealnn. lam, Brotherton Ave., Navesink, and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wail- Margaret Ann Jones, daugh- his brother's best man. The lewicz, 5 Zerman Drive, New Monmouth. ^ Gerald Knaus was best man for his brother and ushers ter of Mr. and Mrs. William T. ushers were William T. Jones The reception was in the Belford Independent Fire Com- were another brother, (lien Knaus; David Andrejco, brother of Jones, West Hartford, for- 3rd and Michael G, Jones, the pany hall. Mrs. Ronald Garinger the bride; Edmund Dougherty and Richard Terzian. merly of Monmouth County, bride's brothers. Miss Deborah M. Cooper was maid of honor for her cousin. N.J., and Ronald Carltnn The bride is an alumna of (The former The bride, a graduate oi EdjBon High School, ((tended Rfc Wallace S. Wasilewicz was best man for his brother and Garinger, son of Mr. .and Mrs. St. Timothy High School, Margaret Jones) der College, Trenton. She is employed at General Motors Ac- ushers were Donald R. llallam and John J. McGavin. Harold Ray Garinger of Chap- Marymount College of Vir- ceptance Corp., Menlo Park. The bride, a graduate of Star of the Sea Academy, Long paqua, N.Y., and Clearwater, ginia, Arlington, and the Uni- The bridegroom, who is grocery manager at Shop-Kite, Branch, and Stuart's School of Business Administration, As- Fla., were married here Sat- versity of Pennsylvania. She Huitson-Keith Edison, is an alumnus of Raritan Township High School. The bury Park, is a secretary in the admissions office of Mon- urday in St. Timothy Catholic- is the grandaughfer of Mrs. couple will reside in I'iscataway. LONDON, Kngland - Miss mouth College, West Long Branch. Church by the Rev. Francis Margaret M. Jones of Shrews- Jennifer Kstellc Keith, daugh- The bridegroom, who is with Electronic Associates Inc., O'Neal. bury, N.J. ter of Professor and Mrs. Krayser-Ruede West Long Branch, is an alumnus of Middletown Township Mr. Garinger, a graduate of Quentin Keith. 3115 Broad SI., High School. There was a reception in Colgate University, Hamilton, Red Bank, N.J. was married NEW MONMOUTH - St. Laboratories, Holmdel. the Terrace Room of the N.Y., expects to be graduated Saturday, to the Rev. Christ- Mary's Catholic Church was Mr. Krayser attended John Hartford Hilton Hotel. from the University of Penn- opher Philip lluilson, son of the setting here Saturday for Jay College (if Criminal Jus- Mary Lynn Garvey was her sylvania School of Dentistry Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. the marriage of Miss Patricia tice, New York, and is em- cousin's honor attendant. next year. Huitson of Ottery St. Mary's Marie Ruede, daughter of Mr. ployed by the Star Watch Co. Mr. and Mrs. Garinger will in Devonshire. The ceremony and Mrs. William Kuede, 6 Margaret Riley was brides- in Los Angeles, Calif., where Mrs. Gregory Krayser maid. reside in Philadelphia. was performed here in St. Mi- Bayberry Lane, New Mon- the couple will make their (The former chael's Church by the Rev. mouth, to Gregory Matthew home. Patricia Ruede) Austin Williams, the Queens Krayser, son of Mrs. Ann Af- Greene-Smith chaplain. A reception followed ton, 80 Shore Blvd., Kuans- at Searcy's in London. burg. FAST KF.ANSBl'HG - bara Buglioli and Rosemary Wiggett-Della Pietro Miss Maureen Joan Smith, Milovi. The bride's father is a The Rev. James J. Roche member of the Fnglish facul- KKANSBURG - In St. Ann Thomas Racerdotfl was licsl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Greene was best celebrated the afternoon Nup- ty al Monmouth College, West Catholic Church here Nm. :l. man and the ushers were Hil- Howard J. Smith, 259 B man. The ushers were Gary tial Mass. There was a recep- Long Branch, N.J. and a re- Miss Grace Delia Pielio and ly Wright, Fred Delhi Pietro, Thompson Ave. here, was Montcfusco, Gary Stover and tion in The Cobblestones, Mid- tired Colonel in the US. Army© Robert Bruce Wign«'lt were Thomas Delia Pietro, and Mr. married Nov. 1.1 in St. Cath- William Greene. dletown. Reserve He and her mother, married by the Hev. Gregory Burns. erine Church, to John Patrick The bride wa* graduated Attending the bride were Vaughn. There was ,i recep- (ireene, son of Mrs. Mary from Middletown Township who was burn in Great Brit- Mrs. Wiggetl was graduated Miss Deborah Davidson, maid tion in Roman Inn. lln/lci. Greene. 110 Pacific Blvd.j High School and is employed ain, arrived in F.ngland Nov. from Raritan High School and of honor; Miss Donna Dcllo- Cliffwood Reach, and the laic by Monmouth County Welfare is for the ceremony and at- Monmouth County Vocational Mrs. Robert Wlggett Mrs. John Greene cono and Miss Patricia Shang- Parents of Hie couple are William J.Greene. Board, New Shrewsbury. tendant festivities School and is employed as a (Tiie former (The former hai). Mr. and Mrs. Fred Delia Maureen Smith) Following the Nuptial Mass, Mr. Greene attended Mid- The bride's brother and sis- beautician al Fttnlnlque Grace Delia Pietro) ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whalcn was best I'lctni, Ul Munni Aviv, West there was a reception in The dlesex County High School Beauty Sajou, Ketuufburg, Vaughn Keith of Annapolis, man and the ushers were Ken- Keansburg. and Mr and Mrs Cobblestones, Middletown. and is employed by United Md., also attended Ihe wed- neth Pajewski and John Robert Wlggett, 2 Avonqale The bridegroom attended The bride was attended by Parcel^ Service, Kdison. Henderson-Holland ding. Mr Keith was in the Ruede. Lane, Matawan township, Perth Artboy Viual ninal Mrs. Gloria Brady, matron of Mr. and Mrs. Greene will School and is an electrician MUNCIK, Ind. - Miss Re- from Southside High School honor, Janet Maddelina, Bar- reside in Eatontown. bridal party. . Mr. and Mrs. Krayser are The bride was attended by employed at Zak K.lectnc, becca Anne Holland and Wil- here. She and Sgt. Henderson The bride was born in Lon- graduate!, of Mater Dei High Miss Marian Nappi, maid Dl Matawan, liam Leslie Henderson, both are stationed at Dover (Del.) don and, after attending Rur- School. She was graduated honor, Miss Denise Holmes, members of the I! S. Air Air Force Base. Keller-Larson tnn Hall in Red Bank, and St. also from Katharine (iibbs Miss Diane Feranlee, Mrs. After i wedding trip to Flor- Force, were married here The bridegroom, an RUMSON - Miss Merry John Baptist School in Men- School, and before her mar- Michael Burns and Miss Don- ida. Mr. and Mrs. WiggOtt re- Nov. 17 in the Foresquare alumnus of Moninouth Re- Larson, daughter of Mr. and dham, N..I , went to Kngland . riagc was a secretary at Bell naWiggett. side in Matawan, Gospel Ch urch during a gional High School, New Mrs. Victor A. Larson, 2 Via lo complete her studies al SI. double ring ceremony con- Shrewsbury, N.J., received a Ripa, Sea Bright; was mar- Clare's Hall in Oxford and al ducted by the Rev Kelly Mei•- BA degree in geology from ried here Nov. 17 in SI. lluster's Secretarial School in milt. There was a reception in the University of .Southern George's By-The River Epis- London She made her debut the church hall. California, and did graduate copal Church, to James A. in 19K5 in London at a dinner Parents of the couple are work at the University of party given by her parenls, Massachusetts. Keller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holland William Keller of Chicago, ill. and was presented the same (if Muncie, and Mr. mid Mrs. After a wedding trip to Col- The Rev, G.I' Mellick Bel- season at the Debutante As- Ralph Henderson, 245 Maple orado Springs, Colo , Hie shaw and the Rev Stephen sembly and New Year's Ball Ave, Red Bank, N.I. couple will reside in Dover Duffy, a teacher al Mater Del in New York. Mrs. Debbie I'pchtiich High School, New Moinniiuth, The bridegroom is a gradu- her itster'i matron of honor. THRIFT SHOP officiated. There was a recep- ate of Keble College, Oxford. Mi's. Sandra Holland also at- tion in The Hum Runner, Sea He was ordained by Ihe Arch- tended the bride. RED BANK - The Sister- hood of Congregation B'nai Is- Bright. bishop nf Canterbury in 1970 Dan Mohan was best man Whether it be London or Los rael will conduct a Thrift The bride was attended by and is curate at St. Peter's The ushers were Arthur Hol- Angeles, the supermarket or Shop at fi White St., here. Nov, Mrs. .lotiri Sharp, matron nf Church in St. Albans in Hart- land Jr., Brian Holland and the football game, the classic 2B-30 from 10 a in. to 4 p.m. honor; Mrs Donald Vaughan fiirdshire where, following a Jeff Holland. Mrs. James Keller boy coat is right. Flora's daily. and Miss Robin Kreitkopf. wedding trip to Wales, the The bride was graduated |s (The former couple will reside. version is meticulously tailored Robert Handeyaidc »; best Merry Larson) in all wool, long wearing camel man ami ihe ushers were Ter- (UTGLASS PROGRAM color fleece and lined in heavy ry c.ilull and Donald EMigi, Advertising Agency in Chi- HOLMDF.L -George Muel- rayon satin. Sizes 6 lo 16 Mrs. Keller is a flight host- cago, ler, a representative of Fie- Comlortable and warm, this ess wilh Trans World Airlines. Mr. and Mrs. Keller will re- mmgton Cut Glass, will be coal is typical of Flora's She was graduated from side in River Forest, III. guest speaker at an open values. Try us... Shore Regional High School, meeting of Ihe Holmdel and West Long Branch, and at- RAKI SAI.K Colts Neck Newcomers Club ended Brookdalr" Community MADISON TOWNSHIP - Nov. 29 at 9::iO a.m. here in College, Lincroft, and John- The Madison Township His- the United Church of Christ, Son and Wales Junior College, torical Society will have a Main SI The club is open to We're Open Late Providence, It I Sugar 'n' Spice bake sale, all new residents in the local Mr. Keller was graduated Dec 5 from HI a in lo I p.m. area. Babysitting is available from Marquette University, at the ThonUIS Warni' Histori- (nun Handle Allen, II Sweet- Every Nile 'Til Milwaukee, wis and received cal Museum, lit. 5 Hi. The mu- briar Lane. seum will in' open that night V a master's degree (ruin Pur- due University, Lafayette, from 7::iO to K 30 O'clock and Liquid leftover after cooking Ind. He is an account man- any unsold cakes and breads vegetables may be used for dik'i- Christmas ager with Campbell Metlnm wiil be available then. ing canned soup.

tin yoUf < lirislmas »ilt shopping for Celebrate Did you receive our new the entire family ih lUitWi CHRISTMAS CATALOG? at Kinki l>! May we send you one?

Drop us a line or phone us 747-0169 Why? and we 'II send one — FREE

Un-mist- >on grl May we open a charge account lor you without dvnnmie wiving* on Ihe usual lust am) bother ol tilling out a long appli- Nationally Adverted cation? (•unions l

RED BANK YOUTH CENTER, 20 BROAD ST . RED BANK USE OUR LAY-A-WAY D Sand ma a catalog YOUTH D Put mt on your mailing list iCENTEfc D Open a charga account lor mt

Iw a quiet ttaiuloiti , . . ire7/ hrljt yon al NAME... DEPARTMENT STORE 20 BROAD ST. RED BANK STREET. rnorif 141 broid tlntt 44 APPLE ST. NEW SHREWSBURY OPEN DAILY 9:30-9:00; SAT. 9:30-5:30 TOWN

red b»nk, ft,;'. 842-2727 Brides', Memo to Change Name Tie Daily Register, Red Bank-MkkUetowR, N.J. Moaday, November M, 1171 9 M On Social Security Records

ASBURY PARK - A bride's list of "things to do" should said. "The disability and survivors programs also provide pro- include changing her name on social security records, accord- tection for the young bride and her growing family during her ing to James J. Caivano, social security district manager in working years." Asbury Park. Post Office Has Forms When she changes her name, the new bride is keeping her A new bride can change her name by calling, writing, or social security earnings record accurate and up to date, Mr. visiting any social security office. Or, she can get a form at I Caivano said. "Any earnings she had under social security be- any post office and many employer personnel offices. fore her marriage, as well as any earnings after her marriage, Monmouth County residents may contact the social secu- can then be correctly credited to the same record," he said. rity office here at 1200 Memorial Drive, or phone. Northern "Her earnings record determines the amount of her cash Ocean County residents can visit tho office at 8 Robbins SI, Mrs. George Waleata Jr. benefits — and not just for when she retires," Mr. Caivano Toms River, or call that office. (The former Mary Florio) , Waienta-Florio Furniture Course Scheduled at MC ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Mrs. Vikki Hogan and Miss WEST LONG BRANCH - of the early 1920's and extend- Much of it looks as if it had - In St. Agnes Catholic Andrea Discepola. Serious students of art, as ing through present day. been done today. The really Church here Nov. 4, Miss Matthew Florio was best well as those wishing to ac- "What we hope to impart fine examples are contempo- Mary Angela Florio, daughter man and the ushers were quire — for their own use and through this survey," he ex- rary', yet classic." -i of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo James Florio, Jerry Walenta interest — a knowledge of plains, "is a knowledge of Scheduled for the first three Florio, 7 Sixth Ave., became and Phillip Hogan. some of the basic precepts of good design techniques and weeks in January, classes will the bride of George J Wa- Mrs. Walenta was gradu- good interior design are likely good design qualities which be daily from 7 to 10 p.m. on lenta Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. ated from Middletown Town- candidates for' the course on will enable students to judge campus, with the exception of ••fitter Staff PMta Walenta, 95 Asbury Ave. ship High School and attended Twentieth Century Furniture for themselves what is lasting Thursdays or Fridays when WANTED: SHOPPERS — Posing In front of Rumson China and Glass The Rev. Michael J. Lease Brookdale Community Col- to be offered in the new Mon- and worth collecting. We want daytime tours will be taken to Shop, where 10 per cent of this Saturday's sales will be given to Rlvervlew celebrated the Nuptial Mass, lege, Lincroft. She is a mem- mouth College Winter Inter- to explain to them why it is furniture showrooms and ar- Hospital, Red Bank, through Its Navesink River Auxiliary, are from left which was followed by a re- ber of the Air Force Guard session. better to spend more for a chitectural firms in New Mrs. J. O'Nell Duffy, Rumson; Mrs. Bruce F. Blalsdcll, Middletown, and ception in the Magnolia Inn, Unit. Prof. Arie van Everdingen piece that will last. York. Mrs. Robert E. Buchsbaum, Rumson. Auxiliary members will be on hand Matawan. Mr. Walenta, an apprentice of the Fine Arts faculty will Prof, van Everdingen is a Those wishing to enroll for to serve the customers. The bride was attended by bricklayer, was graduated conduct the course which will collector of 20th Century fur- the course, or to obtain addi- Mrs. Marianne Florio. matron CHRISTMAS BAZAAR from Henry Hudson Regional survey architect-designed fur- niture. Of.the popularity of tional information may do so Serve crunchy celery sticks of honor, Miss Angela Florio, School and attended Brook- niture of the period beginning design of the early '20's, he by contacting Prof, van Ever- and crisp pickles with baked RIVER PLAZA-A Christ- firehouse, Applegate St. Fea- dale Community College. .with the Bauhaus experiments says: "It is really timeless. dingen at the college. beans. mas Bazaar will be conducted tured will be handmade items, Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 cakes and a variety of other p.m. by the River Plaza articles. Refreshments will be Indies Auxiliary here in the available. Some Pounds of Advice PRIME RIB REBELLION Dear Ann Landers: I am a Are these pills safe? I don't having learned that family Wf imilt you Is iti our girl 17, not bad looking, but I want to louse myself up, but members help each other and c.mjl.t, nH«li«l of li,u., need to lose about 20 pounds. I'd give anything if I could expect nothing in return. In flaltoriftf ihop,, in ,11 ,h, My boyfriend ditched me two lose 20 pounds. I'm sure my Ann Landers this way they learn to help wanttd fobmi f«r thoit tptkl xioiwm fam ih< months ago and I'm sure boyfriend would come back to others. And isn't this what tnra ttiel coi.i, to ,p.(,0[ that's the reason. He asked me. — Miserable brotherly love is all about? — me all summer to diet so we Dear M.: First—don't take for an evelopa and mail in The "what's in it for me" Rich But Not Wealthy In Aus- your contribution. attitude is all too prevalent in CI.USKI) could go swimming and have anybody else's pills. Your girl tin 3) Ask the volunteer his our society. Why should we MONDAY; fun at the beach. I didn't even friend was luckier than she Dear It. But Not W.: I hap- buy a bathing suit because I was smart. name. Tell him to come back promote it by paying a child pen to believe that tying daily HmnDmllf the next day if possible. Then for cleaning up his own room? 10&JO " / never wore the one I bought If you are serious about los- chores to a child's allowance call the local headquarters SUN.. MON & TUES. NIGHTS WtitFri.A last year. ing weight, go to a doctor and • Our son would no sooner ex- is a good way to teach the arid inquire about the person. •HI 9 EH, /I I'm writing to ask if I let him suggest a diet. You pect to be paid for taking out relationship between work, re- should take some of my girl say you'd give anything if you In every drive there are the family garbage than I sponsibility and rewards. friend's pills. They are white could lose 20 pounds? How bound to be a few chiselers, wpuld expect to he )i;nil for There arc still many things a and she got them from her about giving up desserts, cold i people who collect money and cooking a meal. He doesn't child can do for which he gets don't turn it in. They are al- expect to be paid for taking nothing more than warm LOCK-STOCK cousin who lost 24 pounds with drinks with sugar, and all be- them. This friend lost 27 tween-meal snacks? most always found out and out the garbage (or the el- thanks. And every parent not asked again. derly lady next door, either, pounds with the pills and no As for your boyflmed, if he should sec to it that his child The vast majority of volun- but sometimes sho bakes longer is on them. She says ditched you because of the 20 gets those opportunities. teers are honest and dedi- cookies for him. No charge. she Is never hungry — even pounds he's not worth having. cated so, please, don't stop now that she has quit taking Dear Ann Landers: May I Our oldest daughter baby- For a banana milk shake use, NBARREL giving. — Newport News, Va. them. say a word to the reader who sits for us and for a young for each portion, a cup of milk, Mot* II 10 Ml W« »1IJ Dear Newport: That but- mother who recently lost her half a cup of mashed banana COR. RIVIR RO. t PAIR HAVEN RO. had his doubts about the le- FAIR HAVEN 741-1M1 MERCHANDISE SALE ' gitimacy of certain volunteer tons it up nice. Thank you. husband. Sometimes she is and half a cup of vanlUa ice RED BANK - The Red money collectors? (He saw a Dear Ann Landers: Re- paid with money and other cream; buzz in a blender. cently you printed a letter ur- times'with words of apprecia- Serve to the youngsters for an Bank Chapter of Deborah will young fellow in the bakery after-school or party treat. conduct a merchandise sale buying a dozen doughnuts ging people to lock their cars tion, but she doesn't feel un-i tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 3 minutes after he had given as a precaution against steal- dcrpald either way. p.m. in the Shrewsbury Fire- him a dollar for a "worthy ing. As you know, an ex- Our children are richer for house, Broad St., where re- perienced car thief can unlock cause.") MEETING TOMORROW freshments will also be a car door if he wants to. But Here are some guidelines: HIGHLANDS - The Ladies served. Pant suits, car coats, if the door Is already open, it's 1) Most charities supply vol- Auxiliary to Highlands Veter- blouses, slacks, boots, jew- even easier to rip off some- unteers with I.D. badges, col- ans of Foreign Wars Post will elry, Christmas items, toys, thing inside the car. lection envelopes and meet tomorrow at s p.m. in M0ADST.,MDMHK handbags, cookies and candy Dear Ann Landers: I do not receipts. I'd be suspicious of a the Post Home, 31 Bay Ave. will be included. Proceeds go agree that "so long as chil- 741-4119 person who came to my door Plans will be completed for to Deborah Heart and Lung dren get an allowance any- without these items. the district president's official Center, Browns Mills. 2) If you are doubtful, ask way" they should get paid for- doing chores around the visit and for the auxiliary's house. Christmas party.

festive shoes for frolicking other styles in wtine. green, blut, black, hot pink courcftviiu MM LUXURY OF CHOICE IN ACTION 1974 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE D'ELEGANCE t Baskets WITH CABRIOLET ROOF We are now preparing a wealth ol beautiful gilt baskets from which CABRIOLET. This exterior roof design (or the Coupe deViile, has a sheer chrome strap, you may make your selection to bordered with vinyl welts, that halos the entire backrool section. It Is available with or with- please the most fastidious gour- out an electrically operated sunrool. met on your gift list. Tempting as- This rfieans that you may now order any ot the following special editions ol OeVille: sortments ol (me fruits, cheeses. 20 Monmouth St., Red Bank Coup* daVlllt d'Elaganct. This car combines the new styling of the Coupe wilh such ex- gourmet loods and home style Phone 747-4849 terior touches as the new DeVille standup crest and special striping with such interior luxury baked goodies in a wide range of ! 9 30-5:30 Mon Sal. as velour trim and deep-pile carpeting. prices. Coup* dwVlllt CabrloM. This version wilh Its dramatically styled roof accentuates the new look ol Coupe deViile The interior remains the same as the standard Coupe deViile. Coup* dtVlllo d'Eltginc* with CabrloM roof. Available wilh or without an electrically operated sunroof, this car blends the luxury ol d'Eieganace with the Hair ol Cabriolet styling.

Carl I. Qua^liii, R.I'. THANKSGIVING The Christmas BRINGS Bakery NOVEMBER NOSTALGIA for richly fragrant Fruit Cakes, Fruit IMMays always mike us think of bygonr da>s and nr of- Stollen, Pfeffernuss and our Delicious ten rtcitt happy crlfbrallont (hit look place In past vein. Cookies. Minca Pies, Pumpkin Pies, Fimlly niltifrinit* *" *«P*tWly »P' •• •"•"(! «« '«"< •' Cocoanut Custard, Apple and lestive "the pod old days." And, allhoiiKti mosl rtrryom nay* Southern Pecan Pies. Please shop ttey arf gone forf vrr, »f arr- trying l» bring them bark. early so that we may give you the best ot personal service R*mnnbfr *h»n you »rnl Into a phiiritiar) and kn«w ri trvonf In the How? And people really tared about wrtlng yta? ll'« Mill our policy lo treat our ruslomeni the way Ifeey remember Irom "the «ood old days." Personal Inter- COME VISIT OUR NEW ml, friendly courteous senlcr and lair prices need not be • thing al the pant. CADILLAC SALON FOR A DEMONSTRATION HIDC VOU OR VOUH DOCTOR (AN PHONIC US when you need J t delivery. We will deliver promptly without extra cturue. c A (treal many people rely on us lor their health weds. We THIS CAR 18 IN STOCK welcome requests lor delivery -ervlce and charge ur- AVAILABLE FOfl IMMEDIATE DELIVERY emia. 0 c J Slir«»wfchnry Pharmacy TII>: sniinK sin H\ siior* Delicious • ROAD NT. 741 1174 sHRF.HSIH'RV RUSSELL CADILLAC fRf:s( RIITIO\ L'HEMim nit IIM.IVKRV ROUTE 34, COLTS NECK.NJ. Jutt South of Rout* 537 Light 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. 7410910^ RED BANK OPIN MOM SAT I K> «, SUNDAYS 1 lo MIR CONDITIONED o The OaUj HrgisitT, K(d Bank-Middle town, N.J. Monday, November U. 1973 Television Today New York <:hannH»-2.4,5.7,9,l 1,13

(II) (SO) (SI) (SI) N.J. PUILIC IR0ADCASTIN6 O TO TELL THE TRUTH All proffrunmlng on Uieee chaAnaa) win b« llatad ffi ON THE STREET aa Channel 32 unlcu olhenrtM Doted. Mont Jack MrKinnry viaili • mnon it DAYTIME MOVIES phia'a t'nion ht*%u*. the baatlon of in* riiy'a oW- (mif OOP ainre tta creation during Civil War tinwa. •flO S "Skip of F«oU" (Part II 0 ID SPECIAL OF THE WEEK 10:00 ID "The Quarterback' 'A Convfruliofi Wilh A\trt\\ Harnman.' Harri- 1.40 Q "To the Victor" m*n looka bark on hla long &nd diatingukahed O The Gun That Won Ika Wall" CU*Mf '** • atntraman. 3 00 O Tka Mummy', Gkoit" (52) THArS IT IN SPORTS M0 ffl O DIANA 4.00 O "Captain Horatio Hornblowar" 1 ID "Mr. Robtrti' P*at In th« Houar." Howard, t?virtM from hit hnuac. finda a home at Diana a apartment Q "Ika Imwcanh" 4:10 O DRAGNET O ' Poclartul ol Miiaclai" (Part I) A 'younjt gunman fon fa a wt retury to uithttraw EVENING *7*i 000 from a bank at yunpomt 152) WAR AND PEACE a.00 OOOOOO NEWS t:00 O O HERE'S LUCY O THE WHO. WIID WEST Two roln tm+n rnliat Lury and hrr fntndt in their -Tht Night of Ih* Bin BlMt" 1 nt?a in a arnra of rmbarraMing pre- HurTtrane Jrannlr ' fi (dnirnli IB TODAY IN DELAWARE O KYW-TV MOVIE < Rjffti To l.wt ilf-tf'it tfarWflg Suzanne Plrah- IB HODGEPODGE LODGE ttt», )>\\ Quiari A handful debulante haa t IB SESAME STREET roHtyfalaiv* ricrrt for m»n and IIVM promlaruoualy |S?| ZOOM • tm Itiough her brhavior thrralena her poaition a M O NIC NIGHTLY NEWS O THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW O NBC MONDAY NIGHT MOVIE O AlC EVENING NEWS "Inning You' (|M7l Htarrlng Klvta Prfaley, LJxa- brlh hvoti A amnll-lown hoy becomea an overnight • MAT THE CLOCK •Vicnuiron uhrn he a aignctl by • lady preaa agent ID UNDER BILLY PENN S HAT 'n Mirijf with her ex-htmhnnd * lountry band R»9')ltr Pholo ay Don Larm ID ZOOM R THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW EATONTOWN THESPIANS — Members of the Eotontown Community IS?} YOUR FUTURE IS NOW 0 Q NFL MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL 7:00 fi ID CBS EVENING NEWS 1 itrrtt Ray Parker* va. H»n Fttncisco 4flere. Players, a drama group sponsored by the Eatontown Recreation Commis- O WHAT'S MY LINE? 40 BONANZA sion, rehearse the group's first production, "Bye Bye Birdie." Pictured O NIC NhSHTLY NEWS A noting Irmh nun (tianlaya worldly itrtn(th when a al.iKeioai h la rohtH are Don Hopkins, left, with the trio of, left to right, Linda Hopkins, Roz PI I LOVE LUCY ffl 0 TRIAL OF HENRY FLIPPER Woloshin and Ton! Welsh. The show will be presented 8 p.m. Thursday, n» Dnm Flipjer: H8M-ir40i; the flrat blark (raduata of O TO TELL THE TRUTH Weat Point. w*aa aubaequrntly dlarharged from the Friday and Saturday at the Meadowbrook School, yvyckoff Road, Eaton- ft AlC NFWS WITH SMITH. REASONER >, Armv for <-rnhe7/leiiirrii - - charfea which he denied town. O THE LUCY SHOW for the ri*al of hla life ELVIS IN LOVE - "Loving You," storring Elvis f:JO O (D THE NEW DICK VAN DYKE SHOW fit THE MOD SQUAD rurk in caught between trying to keep hla mother Presley in one of his early film roles, will be col- aj Aorrvi ' happy and fulfilling a death-bed promiae to conduct orcast on "NBC Monday Night at the Movies ', |P1 TAKE II a ."fun funeral"' for Jackie, hla recently departed 7 'Nutcracker' Performances Are Set CFl WHO IS MAN tonight at 9 o'clock on the NBC Television Net- O THE BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE ID HODGEPOOGE LODGE Fred Danieli's Garden Slate on Sunday. Dec 9 at 2 p.m.; being jointly sponsored by the 1000 O (D MEDICAL CENTER work. In the film, Presley sings numerous songs [Ml MAN IUUOS MAN DESTROYS Rider College in Trenton (in "A Life At Stake." A aurgeon'a rompulatva gtrnb- Ballet will be making its .sec- Garden Slate Ballet Guild and .that have come to be identified with him. ifr'lv' Tytniphl'a program foctwee on lha llng la deilrnylng hla career and marriage. Friday, Dec. 14 at 7 p.m. and rnlluiLMi nf inl-ind u.tlfrwttva and the problrma in- ond annual statewide tour of the Garden State Ballet Foun- Q ID NEWS Tschaikovsky's beloved at Glassboro State College on dation of which there are ac- 7)0 0 STAND UP AND CHEER ID NPACT INTERVIEW Christmas ballet "The Nut- Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 7pm Kuril and Irani i; ,.-- c ,k narV ID THE Slit STATE tive members throughout the TRANSCENDENTAL O LET'S MAKE A DEAL (R ElECTRONICS IN THE HOME cracker" and seven New Jer- Mrs. Donald Pons of lied state. All attendance records 10:30 O NEWS O THE HOLLYWOOD SQUAWS sey cities will be hosting the Bank, is a member of the were broken during last MEDITATION Program Subject 0 BEWITCHED CD HOW DO YOUR CHILDREN GROW? "Nutcracker" Planning Com- -:tm <;-*•• Sfiu'li (,,r i Srrll" ID BOOK BEAT 50-member troupe wilh open- year's tour when all 18 per- O WILD. WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS "The Oiith" by Elie Wieicl. ing night performance sched- mittee for the Central New formances were sold out to A telephone installer for 0 WORLD OF SURVIVAL SI THE DAVID SUSSKIND SHOW "The M.irilvn Monroe Syndrome" uled for Montclair Academy Jersey area chapter ol the audiences totaling more than •n New Jersey Bell Telephone . • nr-r ' |S2| FIRING LINE at 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 7. Garden State Ballet Guild. 20,000. Co. tells how veterans may O BOWLING FOR DOLLARS .nM MM OOOO NEWS • TH Improm aU Mf»ct* ol III* (19 EYE ON Other places where the Gar- Guest artists featured will receive $160 a month in tan a HOGAN'S HEROES (fi AS AMERICAN AS A RIVER VALLEY.. "The Anli<|iil!" den State Ballet will appear be Rosanna Seravalli, former FREE LECTURES benefits while learn ing a new VAnnii•» pofnla "f irrl^ffst nionjf I Of Ohio Pivff VM., Hot. U. i P.M. O WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE are Summit High School on soloist for American Bullet job on "Project 360 .' ;it f> :iO art* rxpiom] ,.l'>np w 11it perform ancn by thi re- * "Olve Away Gun" Ro4atar*VMCA f.nn'Bi mi'RirinnR. i Rt ID PERRY MASON Sunday, Dec. 16 at 2 p.m.; in Theatre; Teena McConnell, a tnd Fit. Nov. 30.1 P.M. p.m. Dec. l.'l and .1:10 p.m. (D CORONATION STREET "The t'nut of the Clumay Clown" Maplewood at Columbia High soloist with New York City Oooin T«f. Ubrory Dec. 14 on Channels K, Si, 50 AMitf WnlkiT mvites Bmml and Kmily to lea in h(.[.p«i nf rr.niiiinf Ihfm. «»»««»«M«IO««H TV fiMiiKms nf Nrwly O'Brinv" Nrwly'n >hil| nn A HtageHtriM'k New York youngatrr. (Ri on Sunday Dec. 30 at 2 p.m. The "Nutcracker" tour is with both prnpi* and mpdirin*> it put to the (fit Tom • DINE m ITALY TONIGHT 1 O O THE TONIGHT SHOW whrn Dor irmji him out to rheck on funlllea in Hoal M>nn strvenaon. Queat: Dorla Day. Southern New Jersey ap- < lha ri.K k 'fuirilry. GRANT'S aughlin O THE 11 30 MOVIE pearances of the Garden Stale O O LOTSA LUCK "Cry Wolf" MfilTi atarrlng Errol Flynn. Barbara "Arthur'* Inheritiim r " Arthur ll IIIP> PSClplMt nf Hlanwyi h Ballet are scheduled for Point Delores R J20.000 inheritance hut dnean't pi,in lo iharp il wilh thx riimily. O THE LATE SHOW Pleasant Boro High School jM ITALIAN |>I! Them Willie Roy Ta Here" HMD) atarrinf Taylor 0 SPECIAL ' Robert Knlford. Katharine Hoii. •My Kalhcr Q«Vt Mr AnwrilM1 Of the major languages now k OPERA • ID JANAKI O O ABC NEWS CLOSE UP i 1200 OB NEWS current, Chinese has the most - EXCLUSIVE - "FtrMl!" Thia HJ^CIH! will dfKum«nt tirwfl<«B dfath /P EVERY WED. | .T"! hum injurira in thi* US,, wltfi Jnlm Hrrern^n CD THE TWILIGHT ZONE users — more than 780 million, MONMOUTH COUNTV SHOWING 12:30 O CINEMA SIX ntPOfUnaJ OK Lhi Hirer npfrinr areas in which th« the National Geographic VJ 7 To 11 P.M. ] f.nliirra of govrrnment and imluntry are most com- "tvnth Pava In Dolliua" rl9M) atarnng John nmn and fvidrnl - GOniUBWT produrta, trunaporta- FViraytM. Dominlritw Boachrro. Society says. English is next, STREISAND V Ktilminnttmd tmn and hnuaing. O THE ONE O'CLOCK MOVIE with some 320 million. X Cex-tMi/toiinfr O MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE i •Thf r»\ Man" limil ilarrlnf J. Si nit Smart. • The Wuiga of Rnglea" llonT) atarnng John HREDFORD Tttxk Hndann. The mi pulfiil. drtr, in/ known aa Wiiyne, Mameen O'Hara. Op«n7Days < •Tl.» Kat M.IIT l» rallfd to InvMtijalt the dn- CD NIGHT FINAL TOGETHER! a>*a*'aaaaaj«ai ar>pfarania of a airl'i fiance. 12:50 CD INSIGHT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllllllll Music Motors Th*atr*s Reed, Theater Entrepreneur, Dies _ A Touch I I iihi.Tvision NKW YiTHK (AD-Joseph diplomat, resort owner and including "Children of Dark- THE f Of Class Vcrncr Reed, (nundrr and theatrical producer. He ness," "Twelfth Night," "Art T/i/s Wee* On Futurevision chairman of the American served serveral limes during and Mrs. Bottle," "Lady With WAV Shakespeare Theater in Strat- the 17-year history of the Sha- A Lamp" and "Springtime for ford, Conn., died yesterday in kespeare Theater as its pro- Henry." CINEMA 34 Matawan MONMOUTH COUNTY HUNT ••' • su J»OO Sloan-Kettering Hospital liter ducer and president. Nov. 26,7 P.M. Later he and his wife start- a brief illness. He was 71. After his 1926 graduation WALTER MATTHAU ed the Hobe Sound Co., a A native of Nice, France, from Yale University, Reed WAVELENGTH Florida resort. Mr. Heed had, at various joined the Chattanooga, CHARLEY VARRICK "Youwinltohive From Brookdale Community College times, been a newspaper re- Tenn., Times as a reporter. Mr. Reed is survived by his i good time at the movies? COMMUNITY Nov. 27,7 P.M. Nov. 29, 3 P.M. porter, Army officer, art col- In the l!i:i(i's he produced a widow, Permelia Pryor Reed;, Check into EATONTOWN & a daughter, and four sons. lector, author, cryptographer, number of Broadway plays, THE WAY WE WERE. CIRCLE. OCEAN TWP. VIDEOCORNER This is the nay MON THRU FRI. Nov. 28, 6:30 P.M. movies used lo be nude and for my morajy.The Way We Were' is Itie way SHOPPERS ONLY ON FUTUREVISION At the Movies mo^es onQhl lo be made mof e often' SPECIAL MAIL CINEMA I PLAZA - Hailet says Gene Sf\alil ol NBC -TV CHANNEL 12 542-7744 CINEMl III- NEPTUNE CITY Jirtmy 7 JO. • » "I II • MiDOII »0 }«* 4414 MATINEE Ttir War W( W«r« 1 00. 1 00; 9 00 Pti. WntwotIO MS. 9 70 MULL CINEMA >- | MATINEE 2 PM DAILY j lormonc* 11:00 • Illy Jock MS; f IS SHREWSBURY OCEAN TOWNSHIP DAILY 27-9 PM ALL SEATS $1.00 CINEMA I- cmcki- NORTH OF RED «»NK TOUCH OF CLASS I FRI & SAT 2 7 9 II PM Wntworld 3 IS. I 00. I: SO. ' l\, 9 IS Jtrfmy 7 00; I.M. 9 30 | SUN ft HOI 2-5 7-9 PM CINEMA II- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Jtrtmy7:00: J 30. s 10. 7 JO; 1 10 MALI I- ATLANTIC CINEMA - MALL 1 Freehold 'Advance Ticket* Available BIIIV Jack 7:70; 9.70 •illy Jock 7:00. t 00 ,»or»SG tin m » 412 otool Community EATONTOWN At the Bat Oilier COMMUNITY MALL 1- MIDOLETOWN Touch of Clou /:»; 9 7S TOWN EAST- Chvlla Vorrkk 7 00; Mi. 9 ?S Fonlnvo / 00; 9 00 ASIURY PARK *^ • HICKTOWN LATE SHOW "FAST MOVING J»VOY- TOWN WEST- ADMISSION ONLY' ACTION THRILLERI" Whotfvff Hopprnrd lo Misi Sfnlfm.- • RICK PL*IA— Jaramy J:JO; »:J» btr 7;3S; 9:00 Wnlworld MS, 9.10 -IERNARODREW KEV*ORT MICK J AGGER WALTER MATTHAU FULL COURSE DINNER STRAND— Deep Tnroot J.00; 4:M| a:00; I.M; IN 10:00 nun CUP on TOMATO JUICE, SOUP I S4uo The Dtvll In Will Jontl 3.00; 5.00; PETERSON'S RIVERSIDE INN M»; f:00; 11:00 MON. Linquint wilh wtiitt clam sauce . 3.50 "TOUCH I PERFORMANCE I MAIL IT HIGHWAY 35 741-7793 RED BANK LINNY IHUCI "CHARLEY TUES. Baked smoked ham w/Monlmoieacy FLAIA- OF CLASS' TovchofCloM >:»; t:M (THANK YOU MASK MAH Sauce (a debghtlui cherry sauce . Has A Completely New Menu! RT II ORIV8 IN- VARRICK" WED. Sleak Pitm\» Soylanl Green 7 00. 1? JO wtMworld THURS. AND SUN. Engtahoul Pntnt AID SERVING FROM 11:30 A.M. - 9 P.M. FRI. t SAT. TIL 10 P.M. CLOSED SUN. CINEMA I-IUA Twin)- Vegtlable. Polatot. Ice Cream. Gollae Tlw Don It Oral 7: JO. » .10 KITCHEN OPEN UNTIL 1:30 A.M. CINEMA 1-IUA Twlnl- Wellwofia 1.10. 1:00 Town West i Luncheont and Dlnntri Dally Seafood - Beef - Chicken Platters Sandwiches, Omelets, Salads Highway 11 at Palmtr ffvt MTrtOtLLHOPBIrlllttT. CINEMA 14- Chorlla Vorrlck 7;J3; »:75 ItMMHMl STRATMMORE CMMI AtaMfktr* • tmmW f ifMn / _ OUR DAILY SPECIALS CINEMA I- Circle Bllly Jock 7: JO; 9 JO fi6" Toomh.» p n\r BilO MONDAY Beef Goulash 2.25 CINEMA I- TUESDAY Roast Chicken 2.50 J«u> COrlil Supanlor 7:00. «:M WEDNESDAY...Corned Beef & Cabbage..2.50 "ITS ABOUT THE TMtWttkt THURSDAY Liver & Onions 2.25 ATLANTIC 5:30 FIRST TIME YOU CINEMA 291 0148 7:30-9:30 I FALL IN LOVE! ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Jeremy FRIDAY A SATURDAY BIIIEB Lobster Tails 4.95 EVENINGS AT 7 AND 9 ONE OF THE MOST Prime Ribs 3.05 'JEREMY SPICIAL POPULAR PICTURES at theTMolly" OF OUR TIME Town East

*'#*••» M «• r»tlT1». a«t Mon. Nov. 26 - Fri. Nov. 30 OLDE BILLY lHAZLET ROAST SIRLOIN OF BEEF UNION HOUSE Held Over! Rissole Potatoes. Mixed JACK ' EXCLUSIVE IHOWINO Salad, Hous* Dressing - $550 SPECIAL EVERYDAY!'DAY I Collee JUST SIZZLING SLICED Q95 STEAK PLAnER * " BAICIie StRVIO WITH POTATO • SALAD FrMay il I taUi^iy it IH "Out ol tht clitiitit potno flicks 3 to conn along hi qultl • while.' SINGLES NIGHT WEDNESDAY VACATION ranvou.. . M MWMW at cavn wufic INDEPENDENT FILM JOURNAL YUL MVNNER "WHATEVER HAPPENED TO Cocktail Lounte FASHION SHOW DANCINQ MISS SEPTEMBER' dJitlnauiihai' •KtWpiM* by FLORA'S FRI. & SAT. itulf with high cillbro ratinamanti FOR EVERYONE! ol tht ituploitttion Hold. Luih Molly: of RED BANK to luftavndlngi, ptattiiiontl iclinq, Motel TUES. NOON SAL BERTOLA Ituptndoui cimtn woth ind t plot. PInn& and, Tint flumll will turn miny ptoplt mum wtm Crmllon Helton on'.' SWANK 11 WHARF AVE.. RED BANK • (Mima MMM?' TINA RUSSELL SOYLEMTGREEN MOOOtW >«l Mail., , 842-7575 ill \mx iitwLaa wu p. Tie Dally Register, Red Buk-Mlddletowg, N.J. Monday, November II, 1171 11 Advance Fee Deals Booming in Low Income Areas "registration" fee mentioned By SYLVIA PORTER And sometimes the amounts1 been filled or the employers to prospective employers loans." The obvious reasons in the ad — which you must overseas (you pay the post- steep interest rates plus tight pay in order to find out the de- are not hiring this week or In New York's low-income ua,mofley are very ^ age). Sometimes your work credit for Ihe marginal borro- tails and also become a YOUR MONEY'S there hasn't been an opening neighborhoods, where It's de- Here's a rundown on some history is doctored to improve wer particularly. ''member" of the agency ad- in months, etc. All the agency fiantly difficult to find decent of the most widespread ad- obligates itself to do is to pro- your changes (one used car Pntecltag Yourself housing even at middle-in- vertising the apartment. WORTH vance fee deals today: vide you with job leads, which dealer was transformed into a To protect yourself against come prices, a brand new You get the firm impression may or may not be legitimate highly experienced worker in all advance fee schemes: deal has blossomed. It's that the (ee is in return for Employment: You see an the field of drug rehabilita- — Tind out in advance pre- called the "apartment locat- the agency's finding you the addresses. If you demand a or appropriate for you. ad in the help wanted sections Jobs Overseas: This ad also tion, reports New York City's cisely what any individual or does not materialize ing agency" and here's how it kind of apartment you are refund after your futile apart- of the paper for, say, a good Dept. of Consumer Affairs). firm agrees and/or guaran- — Find out just what — If works. seeking. ment hunt, you get nowhere. appears in the help-wanted clerical job. However, when employment service columns Some — or all - of your let- tees to do for you in exchange anything — qualifies that indi- But. As it turns out, the firm The Scheme you call to inquire about the ten may come back marked for Ihe money you put down in vidual or firm to deliver the You, the apartment hunter, does not have any special ac- This is one example of the and offers the lures of good job, you're asked to pay 1100pay, tax havens and adven- "addressee unknown" or oth- advance. promised goods or services. see an ad in your newspaper cess to low-cost apartment!, "advance fee" scheme which in return (or help in finding a erwise undeliverable — Kind out what portion, if — Then ask yourself wheth- for a good-sized apartment at such as you're looking for. Is now coming in an ever-wid- ture. You get the distinct Im- job (the advertised job isn't pression a good job is open or Advance Fee Capital: You any, of your money is refun- er the deal Is worth the fee \ mouth-watering monthly You may get a bunch of obso- ening range of sizes, shapes actually there). You are hand- need a loan, but for some rea- dable if Ihe promised service you must pay in advance. rental. In addition, there is a lete apartment leads — but and appeals — all of which will be found for you. You put ed a number of "listings" or down $200 to $300 to buy into son, you're in the high-risk the places may have already are designed to make you put job leads which you are sup- category and can't find a len- been rented or merely been up cash in advance for a what you are led to believe posed to follow through on are the firm's vast employ- ding source. lifted out of that week's pa- promised thing or service your own. When you do, you Then you see an ad by a pers or may even be fictitious which may not materialize. ment-research resources, con- find that all the jobs have tacts with overseas employers money-finder who says that and multinational enterprises, for a fee of, say, $200 In ad- computerized Job-matching vance,' he will help you track operations, etc. down a loan of up to $3,000 or Interdata rrogrammeProgr; r s Wkat YM Get so. You then are given a long But what you get for your list of lenders (he money-find- investment is little more than er says have been contacted help in writing a resume and for you - but unfortunately. Buy MM Pool You Couldn't Afford Alt Summtr — Suggestion Worth $1,224 covering letter, plus a couple you simply do not qualify. The Bo Among th» First to Swim Noxt Y«ar! money-finder has carefully OCEANPORT - Host com- software on punched paper A graduate of Douglass Col- of dozen envelopes addressed Fimoui Pool Distributor must sail balance ol 1973 Pool! tapes for the company's hun- avoided obligating himself to complett with Deck, Ftnea and Filler. Factory CIOMOUI — panies have suggestion pro- lege, Mrs. Snyder is now en- do anything but try to find you dreds of customers through- rolled in the graduate busi- muit ba told now to make room lor our naw 1(74 llnai grams'which pay creative em- Schuyler Has Joined a source for a loan. Oiigintl value 12,495 ployes a cash bonus for good out the world. The essence of ness administration program NOW ONLY $795 COMPLETELY ERECTED! ideas that save money. And her suggestion was to perform at Monmouth College. In or- Everett lnl«>rnutional The advance fee deal can In the necessary quality control most of these suggestion pro- der to encourage her and oth- EDISON - Theodore Kent applied to about any hard-lu- FREE POOL COVER to first 50 pool purchasers' gram awards range between checks on the paper tapes as er employes to continue with Schuyler has joined the indus- find thing or service — rang- |25 and $100. they are produced, rather their education, Interdata trial sales staff of Everest In- ing from scholarships to home Bank Financing Available. • Call Frank Colloet Now But computer programmer, than later in a separate time- pays 50 per cent of the tuition ternational Inc. The an- mortgages. And, warns the Mrs. Joan Snyder of Eaton- consuming, expensive oper- costs for these evening nouncement was made by Ku- Better Business Bureau of town, recently received $1,224 ation. classes. gene Blackman, president of Metropolitan New York, SAXONY POOLS Rabert A. Evans from Interdata for a complex the real estate and insurance "We're bracing for a big suggestion that will save the brokerage firm headquar- • surge in advance fee schemes ...<-.„, 486-3300 company an estimated $12,000 tered here, a subsidiary of In- in the home mortgage arena per year. vestors General Realty Corpo- and possibly also in Ihe area Ana Cod. «0> 795-0227 Evans Takes ration (OTC). The award to Mrs. Snyder,. 'Of personal and business OM'llon on Only 14 Hour! I Diy — 1 Dirt • W«l! a five-year veteran with Inter- New Position data, was by far the biggest in the history of the company's At Wakefern suggestion program. And In- terdata officials were de- ELIZABETH - Robert A. lighted to hand her the check Evans of Matawan, has been just in time for Christmas appointed director of Wake- shopping. fern Food Corporation's Com- munication Information Sys- Said Interdata treasurer tems division. William Alznauer: "Joan Snyder dug into her Wakefern is the franchiser job, thought long and hard and wholesale distribution about it, then put down on pa- arm of the 168 Shop-Rite su- per a seven-page analysis that permarkets extending from convinced all of us she had Maryland through New Eng- devised a better and less ex- land. pensive system (or producing customer software." He will be responsible for Interdata is a leading manu- Ihe research, planning, devel- facturer of minicomputers. In opment, implementation and the jargon of the industry, operation of advanced com- that's "hardware." But the munications and information hardware won't run without a His, systems at Wakefern. program, and that is called "software." VALUABLE IDEA — Computer programmer, Evans joined Wakefern in Mrs. Snyder is a senior sup- Mrs. Joan Snyder of Eatontown receives $1,200 Hers I960 as assistant data process- port programmer for Inter- check from Interdata treasurer William Alznauer ing manager and was later data's Systems It Software for suggestion Involving production of software named manager of computer Development Group, provid- programs. The award was by far the largest in and i operations. ing liaison for production of the history of the Interdata suggestion program. Theirs r The Ring up cash savings! Call CALKINS Storyi WAREHOUSE A READY-MADE FAMILY last two children. Colleen and Timmy. Both We all like to read a story with a happy lading \nungstcrs weighed in at VA lbs. And Timmy 280 WEST AVENUE, (North of Bath Avenue ) LONG BRANCH and that's the story of Bob and Gretchcn Cal- bronchial problems which called for addi- lanan. Gretchcn, a widow with six children, tional care. Although the girls have largely married Bob with four. They've since had two escaped medical problems, the boys haven't CLEARANCE been quite as lucky. Gretchcn, who herself of their own, making a household of 12 lively 1 youngsters. had a liin^. hmit wiih hepatitis, requiring scv- eral months ol doctors' visits and tests (all I or most of us. a family of 12 children would covered by Blue Shield) reports that: "George seem like an unruly mob; a houseful of head- broke Ins ankle skimp, big Bob fell and broke aches. Not so with Ihe C'allanans. however. his arm. Gary also tell and broke his arm. Me Hob and Gretchcn manage very well. Ihank also had stitches in his leg from another acci- you. What's their secret? Orgnniriiiinn dent, I.idle Boh broke his hand when he inter- THURS., FRI. & SAT. - NOV. 29, 30 & DEC. 1 . ceded lor one of his brothers in a neighbor EVERYONE PITCHES IN hood dispute. Mark crashed into a building OPEN DAILY 8:30 to 5 P.M. - SATURDAY 8:30 to 1 P.M. Their 17-room home culled "Shamrock OucM on his bike. ic(|inring emergency denial work." House" is a few blocks from the ocean in Bel- RANGES mar —and it's spotless. It is also a marvel ol WITH OUR BLUE SHIELD COVERAGE HAROWICK • MAGIC CHEF • ROPER • CALORIC • CROWN good-natured organization and cooperation WE DONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT DOCTOR BILLS" As Gretchen puts it, WASHERS SPACE HEATERS As a Newark policeman, the ( ily provides WHIRLPOOL • QIBSON COLEMAN • WARM MORNING • SIEGLER "I have no "help"; but Hob with Blue Cross and Blue Shield protec- I have the kids md tion for the 14 Callanans and there is little DRYERS HOT WATER HEATERS they do a great deal. SPEED QUEEN • WHIRLPOOL • OIBSON LOVEKIN worry about how the hospital anil medical bills The girls do the clean- will be paid. REFRIGERATORS HUMIDIFIERS ing, washing, ironing, WHIRLPOOL • OIBSON WEST BEND and making the beds. Blue Shield, the insurance plan that lakes care The boys take out the of doctor and medical bills, makes life a lot * ALL QAS APPLIANCES ON A REPLACEMENT BASIS ONLY < garbage, do the lawn easier, happier and rnore secure for the C.IIIH INSTANT CREDIT ARRANGED : and painting." mil hundreds of thousands of other New 1 MASTER CHARGE • BANK AMERICARD • AFCO • GECC • ABCC tamilics DESPITE A FULL SHARE OF MEDICAL PROBLEMS, THE ( ALLANANS ARK A 280 WEST AV&; HAPPY AND CONTENTED FAMILY ( North Of Batrt Ave.) Since Bob and Gretchen married, Blue Shield LONG BRANCH PH. 222-4841 has covered physicians' services for the pre- Blue Shield ACROSS RAILROAD FROM mature birth* and attendant problems for the MONMOUTH MED CENTER Medical-Surgical Plan ol New JaiMy f 12 The Dally Register, Red Bank-Middktown, N.J. Monday, November M. 1J7J Low-Priced Issues Are Not Always a Bargain By ROGER E. SPEAR continued several brand lines, up significantly. Hold. me pomolio, valued cur- International Tel. & Tel. trading above par to yield 8.5 Aileen managed to increase Q — I am 55 and recently rently at approximately (NYSE), RCA Corp. (NYSE), per cent or better, currently. Q — In January my hus- sales 12 per cent in the first SUCCESSFUL retired. What changes would $31,100, returns $1,710 in divi- Safeway Stores (NYSE) and Interest payments, which are band purchased 100 Aileen, nine months of this year. Al- you suggest in my portfolio to dends annually, equal to a 5.5 Sperry Rand (NYSE). semiannual, will be mailed to Inc. (NYSE) at % thinking it though earnings were up at 3H provide maximum income per cent yield. By selling five With the proceeds from you in April, May, October had recovery potential. Would cents a share versus 28 cents INVESTING with security? — L.R. low-yield issues and purchas- these sales — about $13,000 — and November. send $1 with name and ad- you please advise us on this in the 1972 period, tax credits A — There are a number of ing bonds your income will be buy 6M Carolina Tel. & Tel. (Roger Spear's 52-page dress to Roger E. Spear. Red holding?-J.A. at It cents a share were changes possible in your list, increased to $2,300 per year 9>4s of 2000 and 6M Maine Guide to Successful Investing Bank Register. Box 1618, A — Low-priced stocks, double those or a year ago. If late sales gains into higher which includes varying dollar and yield 7.4 per cent. The Yankee Atomic Power 9.10s of is available to all readers of Grand Central Station, New more often than not, turn out management is able to trans- profits, the stock could move amounts of 10 different issues. five sales are: Airco (NYSE), 2002. Both A-rated bonds are this column. For your copy. York, New York 10017.) to be anything but bargains as your investment, which has declined over 45 per cent in less than one year, demon- strates. The question now, however, is what probability there is for recovery. AUeen, in the last two years, has ex- panded Its plant threefold and SHOP EVERY WEEK AT FOODTOWN ... phased out four divisions. While expansion has resulted in sharply higher interest costs for the company, the benefits to be derived from 'the full integration of oper- ations, which was achieved in the process, are substantial. In spite of having dls- Extension

OfRt.9 Drip, Fine, Regular, Electric Perk Coffee USD.A. Gov't. Grade Choice Is Scheduled Cut From Fresh Young Corn Fed Porkers TRENTON-The state De- BONELESS MAXWELL HOUSE partment of Transportation CENTER CUT ROAST OR — will receive bids on Dec. 6 on a contract to extend the duali- zation of U.S. Rt. 9 more than two miles south In Howell (ENTER CUT BEEF ROASTS 'Township. With Coupon' This section, from Strick- land Road to south of West BOTTOM ROUND, TOP SIRLOIN, Farm Road, will connect with CROSS-RIB, OR BONELESS CHUCK the 1>4 mile section under PORK Save 28c construction and is part of the hit, liM, lft>l«', state's plan for overall im- provement of Rt. 9. Two addi- metric rtrt (.lit. tional projects in design will MAXWELL HOUSE extend the improvement of With This Coupon Cawpan aood at any Faa#a»n Swpal the route to County Rt. 526 limit an* par oaun family. CHOPS Coupon aaW Mo.. 3S thru Dai. I Only. near Lakewood. irfs Mr. Cpn. wmm MR-ll/D The contract includes wid- USD.*. Oav'l. Oraata CKaica CUP THIS COUPON ening the two-lane roadway to PORN »-*-u. QQc BONELESS TOP j four lanes with a 32-inch high CHOPS *•"• •-"77 ROUND ROAST concrete center barrier sepa- Cut Irmm (re.*, yevnf fern fed eerhen U.t.O.A. Oev'l, Orade Choice rating northbound and south- OWiaraa'Po.Haln • •Hind BONEIESS bound traffic; a signalized in- PORK CHOP eVS 09 RUMP ROAST |Whol«fr»«i tersection with two jug- COMBINATION USD*. Oo. I Orado CKaica lon.lo.. , lightly i-.tghu EYE ROUND 28-01. handles at Casino Road and COUNTRYSTYLE giant West Farm Road and two sig- OO< ROAST APmillR SAVINGS! container J FRESH SPARERIBS * * USD*. 0. smooo SAVINGS nalized "V turn ramps half- With Thii Coupon taThkkCSl You Sa.O Mo/. L.on Sliced Sliced To Order way between Casino Road BONELESS SWIFT PREMIUM $129 Cevpeft eeej el ewiy leedtewn Sweermerhet $139 BONEIESS FRESH CODFISH t<|19 LEAN limif ene «er • lemily. and West Farm Road. PORK LOIN BACON *..... »±t I Ceween geed Ne«. 11 thrw DM. 1 enly. 1 Finn Ul.O.tO*.! OrsdeCheka LONDON BROIL BOILED , OO Mfr.Cfwt. IU-3) BONELESS \«"?,1 CHICKEN 6 FANCY SOLE 519 HAM ib. O7 BEEFSTEAKS .7 CL BEEF LIVER ROIL •-t' CUP THIS COUPON \ Finn ,.M (AwtteMe enly *i ttvrai l»«iUrins Dr. Mitchell Cho,larboard Iroion •ervke •.ppetiier deeenment.). TURKrf •(AweUeeU enly •• Mere. I vet urine, TURKEY "T $069 l«»d department To Appear ROASTS. 2 ROASTS .„, Save 4040c L1 At Seminar You Sov* Mora WEST LONG BrtANCH - PUNCH Dr. William P. Mitchell, assis- DETERGENT With This Coupon tant professor of anthropology Covpan food at any FooaHown Swparmarkat at Monmouth College, orga- limit ana par >M family. Coupon (aa. Na.. }S thrw Dai. I only. nized and will serve as coor- Ml, Can. RBR-M/J6 dinator of a symposium at the W»3I 72nd annual meeting of the CLIP THIS COUPON )J American Anthropological As- sociation in New Orleans Wednesday through Dec. 2. The seminar, which is pro- Save 20c grammed for the Dec. 1 ses- Instant Mothad sion, will be held on irrigation PILLSBURY and communal organization. Participating with Dr. Mit- POTATOES With This Coupon 1waa,waHial chell will be professors from ana p»t adult family. *4 Hv. IS Itwu &• the University of Pittsburgh, IM • 11 Pennsylvania State Univer- sity, the University of Illinois FROZEN FOOD : Two Mm, at Urbana, Brandeis Univer- DAIRY DEPT. : "Tho (11 that red Colors SAVINGSI : won't quit" sity, the University of Ken- SAVINGS! Mushroom & Mr. White & Oocorotor tucky and the University of I Fowftowri Texas. PRINCE Save 20c '' Dr. Mitchell will present a AMPLONI Economy lonus paper on irrigation and com- 2 50 loot SCOTT roll munal organization in the SPAGHETTI GLAD WRAP Central Peruvian Highlands I PANTY With This Coupon C*Hipe*i food ef mny tmuiftwn ftwpMr based on research he did in Un»H ene per eduh temtly. SAUCE TOWELS Cewften |eW He*. IS Urn DM. 1 enh/. the area this past summer. \ HOSE Court OKs pair »a,liay |^ 6 Divorces BIRDS EYE IOUAA, REGULAR „„,,„ e TASTI-FRIES p-g Z7 MARGARINE 7i 39 FREEHOLD - These di- Fr*MN Urdi Ire *«e*e*n Natural Rogularor Mint vorces have been granted in COOL WHIP 6.-o. C Oc SWI» CHEESE 17., tin 2.7S-«. Superior Court: CLOSE-UP tub* SWIGGLE conloinor 3 O SLICES r+r | POTATO CHIPS OATMEAL COOKIES Dorothy Blair, Bultonwood flo.Of, rooaHovn illtawry TOOTHPASTE With This Coupon Drive, Shrewsbury, from KE holt oOt CRESCENT i,, s Cawpan vooa1 at any Faaatawn Swaarmarhot 1 MALLOMARS l.mitooa par oault famify. George A. Blair, New Brunsw- CREAM gallon 07 ROLLS ,39 MOTff S APPLE NECTAR t A9 Caupon foW No.. IS thrw Oa>. I anly. ick, for adultery. '»•« ('..«, l^h. „ 0,,i II, Ik—,,, NABISCO COOKIES Grace Guyet, Shore Road, ^"'12' FOOOTOWNSODA AL •itt'i'i*' Mi ••*• SitiiM WtM M....«,. CUP THIS COUPON Union Beach, from Alexander CHEESE & NUT BALLS Guyet, for extreme cruelty. Joy Hoe Jarnagin, Button- PRODUCE DEPT. SAVINGS! SWEET CHERRIES wood Drive, Shrewsbury, COLOMBIAN COFFEE .- $109 from William McPheeters Indian River Seedless THIS Save 3Oc You Sov. Moro Jarnagin, Jersey City, for C COUPON rf the p>ur a»^wv^a1 nJ •••«.. oT, . ^, . a _ . • OAVPVpoar** •^a^PaTJ Wi •***.«/ TalaTaWTTa*aTn lUpptnhlll ml GRAPEFRUITS UmM ana par aaVHt family. John J. Pare, Berlin, for irre- Cawpan aaa. Na. IS m.w Bat I only concilable differences. BROlT-A-FOILPANS S "*. 49' Mir. Cpn. ISO John Polack, E. Main St., I HR.-U/M Freehold, from Mary Polack, SWEET CIOER SS5149 CUP THIS COUPON Toms River, for extreme ^(^ each cruelty. APPLE CIDER DRINK K$l49 Mary Ann J. Rossi, Wavorly 1' Wathlngtan Sf«l» St., Oakhurst, from Fred It. I THIS THIS j^aia: RED DELICIOUS APPLES Uwerd ihe ewthete el enf Rossi, Phillips Ave., Deal, for UCORTCTTWUZLERS ft 35' COUPON COUPON II Solid rod rip. slicing IO-OI. (or WORTH Haovy Duly Datarganl irreconcilable differences. WORTH INSTANT TOMATOES 39* HOFFMANCATNED SODA'!;1 10' LIQUID DYNAMO «Oc oH our rogular low prico. NESCAPI COPPIE Demonstration Slated Cawpan aoW at any Faarftown Swpiarmarlia). C limit ana pa. aoVa tamUy. In Color Printing 1 CHTP-A-ROOS !JJ 63 Cawpan (aaJ Ma.. IS Ihru Oo. I anty jUKiOiUlOB^^ PASCAUCtLERY ,,* 29' •kV.Cpn. j ' II aV- Oa.. I an*,. DIR-II'M PERTH AMBOY - A dem- m»_M,ja '»•• onstration of SlmmonOmcfia SUNSHINE COOKIES " n. 55' Prlcos ofioctlvo thru Saturday. Ooc. 1. Not rosponslbU CUP TH« cdupoiT)^gW CUP THIS COUPON color printing Is scheduled Inr typogrophlcal arrori. Mombor Twin County Orocors. next Friday and Saturday al Flshkin Brothers, M Ave. • You Save More Cash Everyday At Foodtown! • Actual color enlargements will be made In minutes. TN same work can be done in an individual's darkroom. Middletown Girl's Art Work Praised , Ntvenber M, 1173 13 By BETTE SPERO nne. "I believe in the philosophy, Two other works were pub- the writer must be read, the MIDDLETOWN - "It's the lished in Arts and Activities artist must be seen," Mrs. De easiest thing I can do—art," magazine. One, done in color- Wyngaert suggested. "Com- comments 16-year-old Middle- ed pencil, shows feet moving petition is sometimes a dirty town High School student about, with differences in word. But I think pupils Joan Riedel. "But I didn't strides and paces apparent. A should compete as an encour- STATE think anyone would take no- ninth grade assignment, the agement to their work, to see tice of it." purpose was to illustrate ki- how they stack up against oth- Take notice they have, netic motion. Why the feet? ers." though, for three examples of "I saw a pair of shoes that "Also, when their work is Miss Riedels work have been looked interesting," Miss Kir- seen on the outside, or in a Assembly Faces Busy Day published in educational del said, "so I thought I would broader sense, it should give TRENTON - The lame duck New Jersey Assembly (ices magazines, and one was cho- just show them walking." them more confidence in their seven major bills among the 34 proposals posted for action sen as the cover for a school Ocean Waves ability," she added. today in its last scheduled session of 1173. publication disseminated to The other Arts and Actiu Miss Riedel, who has been, fourth graders. Among the seven are bills to increase the mortgage interest ties-published piece Is a wa- drawing about seven years, rates ceiling from 8 to 1.5 per cent and to raise the governor's The cover piece, a collage ter color wherein a tall, svelte said she was first influenced,' salary to $65,000 annually. composed of cut-outs from lady is the center of interest and subsequently encouraged, Also before the Legislature is Gov. William T. CahiU's pro- magazines and a black profile in a series of scroll-type de- by her grandmother, Mrs. Es- posal to put the states moral pledge behind the $280 million of the artist, drawn by a fel- signs emanating from her. teile Robinson, Hasbrouck bond issue to finance the Hackensack Meadowlands sports low student, appeared on the The design, paint-sculpted in Heights, who is also an artist. complex. But there is no indication if and when CahiU's bill Nov. 1 edition of Scholastic blues, yellow and green, is She likes all forms of art, will be brought to a vote. News Explorer. meant to be reminiscent of but now does mainly sketch- The decision lies with Gov.-elect Brendan T. Byrne, who Mind Portrait' ocean waves ing. As far as schools of art said after his election that he wanted time to consider possible Miss Riedel is given credit Miss Riedel said Ihe work go, she does not usually like, alternatives to financing plans for the proposed complex and on the cover for the work Signifies Ihe woman beinn working in the abstract,' the lease with the New York Giants football team, which is to which appears in an issue de- surrounded by interference though her published water occupy the complex's stadium. voted to the questions of She is now a junior at Mid- color borders on that realm. Byrne was scheduled to meet today with Giants' owner "Who Am I, Who Are We?" dletown and no longer has Miss Riedel is the daughter Wellington Mara. The magazine refers to Miss Mrs. De Wyngaert as her of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rie- Riedel's piece as "a mind por- del, 120 Cherry Tree Farm trait." teacher, but the latter re- GM Workers Face Shutdown mains her mentor just Ihe Road. Her "plans include con- LINDEN - None of the 4,400 production workers at the Also given credit is Thorne same tinuing her art studies and Junior High School, Port Mon- eventually entering a field General Motors plant here that is closing for one week next • rgultf Sloll PMi >r Slt»r Croft "There are certain ones you month will be laid off permanently, according to a company mouth, the school Miss Riedel YOUNG ARTIST — Joan Riedel, a Middletown High School student, follow along after they leave where she could use her spokesman. attended when she composed shows off her watercolor that was published in Arts and Activities, an you," Mrs. De Wyngaert said, creative skill. The plant is one of 16 General Motors plants across the the art work. It was also at educational magazine. Miss Riedel's work has also been published In "and I would be interested In Such a skill, she added, Is country that will be shut down for the week beginning Dec. 17 Thorne, while she was under School Arts magazine and served as the recent cover of Scholastic News following her work." nearly effortless — for her. in an effort to reduce the number of large models piling up in the tutelage of Mrs. Laura De Explorer. Self-Motivated "I just start to draw," she new car lots. Wyngaert, that Miss Riedel "She is self-mot i- commented. "It doesn't take The company spokesman said all employes at the Linden did her other published work. the students liked. Miss Hie- her pet of the same species), about it until a neighbor's Vated—sketches at home—and a lot of thought." plant who've worked for General Motors for more than a year Mrs. De Wyngaerl was Miss del's multi-colored effort in- to children and flowers. fourth grade son brought the her work is distinctive," the "I didn't ever really think I will receive up^lo 95 per cent of their regular weekly wages, Riedel's art teacher in the cludes a multiplicity of com- A Surprise magazine home. teacher continued. "It just would win any awards or that less $7.50 for work-related expenses, during the week long clos- eighth and ninth grades. ponents ranging from ice Having her work achieve That same collage has also comes naturally to her, no anything would be published," ing. The collage was an assign- skates (for winter), (caves cover status was a surprise to been published as part of an matter what the assignment added Miss Riedel. "I just ;l All those who are laid off for the week will return to work ment to depict all the things (for autumn) and a dog (for Miss Kiedcl. She didn't know' article in School Arts inaga- l like doing art." Jan. 2 after the Christmas-New Year holiday, normal in the auto industry, the spokesman said. The Linden plant also employes 900 other persons, in- cluding supervisory and maintenance personnel, who will be Motel Project Poses Crucial on the job during the shutdown, according to the spokesman. Kennedy Leading Contender in Poll • PRINCETON - In the latest Gallup Poll, Democrats pick- Test for Hazlet's New Zoning ed Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts as the leading contender in their party's 1976 presidential nomination. . HAZLET - The Township The decision is further com- reviewed the proposal in Au- how the vote will go. He did, If Kennedy decided not to seek the nomination, however, Committee tomorrow night plicated by the fact that the gust, said there was no need however, discuss his own feel- the poll indicated that Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace and will be faced with its first rul- proposal is endorsed by the for the planned use. It ruled ings on the proposal. Sens. Edmund S. Muskie of Maine and George McGovern of ing on whether it should allow Zoning Board of Adjustment that the tract is not peculiarly "The motel would be a terif- South Dakota would be the next leading choices. a departure from the new zon- and opposed by the Planning suited to development for a fic ratable," the mayor said, In the Nov. 2-5 survey, 627 persons who identified them- ing ordinance adopted earlier Board. motel, and that it could be "but It violates the zoning 'selves as Democrats among a nationwide sampling of 1,550 this year. Zoaers' Opinion used best for residential pur- laws. The applicant has not adults were given the following questions: At issue is a proposal by In recommending a use poses. proved hardship, but to allow "Here is a list of people who have been mentioned as pos- Harry Kampelman, Red Bank variance application in Sep- "We felt they could develop this would be contrary to the sible presidential candidates for the Democratic party in 1876. builder, to construct a $5 mil- tember the zoners said a mo- on the commercial side with- zoning we set up earlier this Which one would you like to see nominated as the Democratic lion, 478-unit motel on a 16- tel is the best use for the prop- out extending to the residen- year. candidate for president in 1976?" acre tract on Rt. 35. erty, adjacent to the Rt. 35 tial zone." said Harry N. "I am going to vote for de- Kennedy was the choice of 41 per cent of those surveyed. The property is in both busi- Drive In. The motel site is in Greene, board chairman, last nial," the mayor declared. Wallace had 15 per cent, Muskie 9 per cent and McGovern was ness and residential zones. a commercial zone on Rt. 35, night. Commltteeman William K. tied with Sen. Henry M. Jackson of Washington with 6 per Committeemen will caucus but extends into a residential Fleetwood Park residents, Bourbeau must consider the cent. None of the other men among the 11 potential candidates tonight to discuss the propos- zone at the rear of the 16 most adamantly opposed to proposal further before he had more than 4 per cent al. acres. The use variance was the plan, contended as late as makes a final decision. "Like The Township Committee's necessary for ifjjg rear nor- Tuesday, that previous anything else, there are as Government Inaction on Energy Hit vote will be crucial. As Mayor tion. Motels arepTIPTflltted «nony before zoners and many advantages as dis- Herbert J. Kupfer put it, "It uses in the business zone. planners revealed the propos- advantages," Mr. Bourbeau NEWARK — Inaction on the part of the federal govern- is the first test case that has Zoners also felt it would al is not good for the area. said. ment is badly aggravating New Jersey's energy problem, ac- come along since the new zon- provide a good transition be- They maintain that the mo- But, he added, (he motel use cording to a state Public Utilities Commission official. ing ordinance was adopted." tween the drive in theater and tel would create noise and "might be one of the better PUC executive director Arthur Schowenwald said the fed- His comments perhaps re- housing on the other side pf pose hazardous traffic condi- uses for the location." In eral government has not acted on requests that could provide flect the quandary in which the tract. They said that cen- tions. They also dispute the spite of private discussions more natural gas for the state nor has it appointed a per- other members of the five- tral activities of motel, pool, builder's claims that drain- with other commi(leemen on manent representative to deal with the state's particular man committee find them- coffee shop and cocktail age, already a problem in the matter, Mr. Rourheau emergency fuel needs. selves. As of last night, Mayor lounge would be in .the busi> the area, would be improved said he has made "no deci- The energy situation is changing so rapidly, Schowenwald Kupfer said there was no defi- ness zone, with only sleeping with construction of the mo- sion" yet. said Sunday, that it's difficult to assess how severe the situ- nite decision by com- quarters in the residential tel. Walt and See SANTA SAVES ENERGY - Santa Claus did his ation will be in the coldest part of the winter. mitteemen on which way any zone. Mayor Kupfer last night Committeemen Stephen Fi- part to conserve energy Friday when he left his He said that one obvious factor was the weather, adding that of them will vote. The Planning Board, which could offer no indication of lardi and Prank O'Brien, both reindeer at home and decided to parachute down indications are this winter will be colder than last in New Jer- preferred to wait until the for his annual visit to the Monmouth Shopping sey. public hearing to announce Center, Eotontown. This year, Santa was por- If the winter is severe, he said, closing of schools and or- their stands. trayed by Steven Pavel of the Lakewood Sport dering four-day work weeks in factories may be necessary af- "I will make my comments Parachute Center, Lakewood. ter the first of the year to insure enough fuel for home heating. Cioffi Says Prosecutor then," Mr. Kllardi said William E. Ozzard, president of the PUC, has stated that Mr. O'Brien, who is ex- heavy industry would be the first target of energy con- pected to assume the office of servation and that this could lead to "periods of unemploy- Judge Clears 3 mayor Jan. I, said, "It is not ment." Has Not Talked to Him fair to comment before the. "We're just not going to have enough fuel for the furnaces," public hearing In all fairness Ozzard said. "We are prepared to start imposing restrictions, LONG BRANCH - Mayor of certain official acts here. vestigation. Henry R. Cioffi last night said He said he has not asked the He said that charges of dla- to everybody, I will wait," he On Drug Charges and the government has got to set priorities." said Schowenwald said the closing of schools and shorter factory that he has not been con- county prosecutor for an in- crepencies here could be Testimony before the zoning FREEHOLD - Three coun- MacDuftir Jr. concluded the work weeks were among the measures to conserve energy dis- tacted by James M. Coteman, vestigation here. He said he found to be baseless and the board revealed that the motel ty residents have been state's case. cussed by the state Energy Crisis Committee. county prosecutor, or a repre- has had no reply from the issue could be dropped Also, state agency. he said, the probe could result would probably be affiliated cleared of chargei of possess Creating more exclusive bus lanes on highways and tun- sentative of his office re- Mr. Shapiro's codvfendants Mr. Coleman said his probe in a letter from his office ex with a national chain, but in- ing a controlled dangerous nels into New York is another measure being discussed as a garding a probe of official were Larry Donald Damelio, was started three weeks ago plaining where certain unin- dividually owned substance Hiphetamlne, in means of pushing the use of mass transit to conserve gasoline, city activities which is report- 20, of (it Maryland Ave. and due to several Individual com- tentional errors had been The site for Ihe proposed Ung Branch'AUK 2H. 1972. Schowenwald said. edly to be concluded this Joseph Anthony Lucia, 2,1, of committed in governmental motel complex is almost oppo- Charles A Shapiro, 2H, of week. plaints and to news accounts 1 45 Maryland Ave , both West stemming from City Council actions and recommendations site the existing Holiday Inn 474 Adrian Place, Oceanport, While Mr. Coleman last Long Branch. meetings. for correction on Kt. 35. was acquitted after a one-day Student Tour Is Innovation week confirmed that his office trial before Superior Court Michael I). Schottland'of While Ihe prosecutor says PHILADELPHIA - Most New Jersey school students who is investigating several com- Judge Patrick J McOann Jr. West imn Branch represent the investigation will he run visit this, historic city are herded through Independence Hall plaints of irregularities here, Judge MHiann granted de ed Mr Lucia, Richard B, An- eluded this week, city officials or the Zoo or Ihe U.S. Mint. he has declined to say what fense motions to dismiss the sell of Asbury Park represent have claimed that they have But when 80 9th and 10th grade students from the Moores- type of reported discrepencies chargei against two West ed Mr. Diimcllo and the public not been Interviewed by conn- town Friends School visit here next week, they'll be visiting are involved. He also declined Long Branch men after Assis- defender*! office repp" ' •I'M'1 ty investigators the Italian Market in South Philadelphia and dining in Chinese to name the complainants tant Prosecutor Kdward Allen Mr. Shapiro. restaurants. They'll also be able to study the city's sewage Mayor Cioffi said last night Council President Jack Tay- system or the traditions of Ihe Mummers or the soft-pretzel in- that he is confident that no lor last night said that no dustry. serious inequities exist in city members of the governing It's all a part of a three-week program called 'City Proj- government body have been questioned by Award $199,200 ect," which will give the students a chance to take a close look He said he would be sur- county agents. He repeated at the city, as usually seen only by Philadelphians. prised if the prosecutor founil his firm statement that there For Marlboro Land 'The first week and a half will be spent in Ihe city on any reason to extend the is. "absolutely no substance" tours, attending conferences and meetings ' said Dr. Dud- probe beyond the preliminary to charges of irregularities in PRKKHOI.D- After a five- School Road Kasl, Dutch ley D. Heath, Moorestown senior high director. 'The second stage. city government or claims day trial, a jury awarded Une Road and Hucklcy Road. week and a half will be spent on Individual projects and re- $199,200 to two Marlboro A condemnation commis- Mr. Coleman said that his that there is a lack of integri- search at the school or in the city couples for l» 857 acres in sion awarded tl9.i.oon last staff has interviewed several ty in city hall. Dr. Heath said Ihe program has two purposes: to get stu- Marlboro needed lor HI IK •April IB and Ihe state ap- persons here regarding mdi- Mr. Taylor last ni^ht added dents out of school for studies and to teach an appreciation for iiir '. i•IIIM i againai the pMled .vldual complaints received by that il is evident thai Mr H the slate Department of i his office He stressed that chcr "is trying to embarrass The trial was before County 'Whether they realize il now or not, the city is part of their poftatlbn, was In favor of Mr there is no full-scale prnbe of the council " He laid the District Court .Indue l.eorge lives ... A lot of students have images of the city as a bad and Mrs Harvey Holland and official activities here and councilman "went off on his A. Cray Deputy Attorney place with a lot of crime. Sure, there is crime, but there are Mr and Mrs Alfred J. Hol- that he does not intend to con- own" in an attempt in dla- General Robert J I'aci ap- land good factors, too,' he explained. peared foi tha itate ind John duct an intensive in- credit the other city officials The Holland brothers and vestigation here at this stage it Orlovaky of Middlptown Declines Discussion their wives rejected Ihe of the probe represented Ihc Hollanda State's Traffic Toll Is 8 Dead Mr. Teicher, meanwhile, offer of |tO7,}N In 1070 WAYNK - The Thanksgiving weekend traffic death Kill in Caarges Made has declined to tlaboratt on fa tht acreage bounded by New Jersey rose to eight yesterday when three persons, in- The investigation followed the reason (oi till Chargi l,ilcs)i\ iii^ cluding two New Yorkers, were killed on id 23 hn • charges by former City clerk said that a public m S|Maciul Session S«-t Course at Shore Y Police said Ihe trio was killed and another companion in- Sanita Camasta, who resign- of his reasons would be pre- NEW TRUCK - Keys ond documents are trans- ASIH!KY PARK -Coed Ju- jured when their car crashed into two utility poles along the ed her 28-year city job last mature at this time ferred to the Fair Haven Fire PoHce for a new MARLBORO - The Board nior lifcsavinR and scout mer- ooad. month, and Councilman Sam- The councilman added, Fire Police Truck. James Acker, left, president of of Education has called it b«d| |ien In lho*> The victims were identified as William Morales, 25. of uel Teicher, vice president of however, that he will dl the Folr Haven Volunteer Fire Company makes clal meeting Thursday at 8 II years of H«e or older or Elizabeth, the driver; Manual Varga* M ,!«!• and Juan Men- the governing body, that a his reasons with an official In the presentation to Leonard Chernavsky, pres- p.m. at the Central School, anyone who has completed dez, no age. both of New Vmk lack of Integrity ntita in city vestigHtor or with the ident of the Fire Police. The new truck, which Rt. 79. to discuss the new In fifth grade, win si 11 .i .-.i in iff i condition .it ChUton Memorial Hospital in government Jury when fully equipped will havr a value of approxi- lantwdiati School the ghore Area YMCA. H00 Pequunnm-k was Carmen Mtfl : New Vmk Mr Teicher said he has Mr. Coleman has explained mately 1)5,000, was purchased with proceeds from er will be James Van Zocretl M-< in si Information in avail- Police StiKl Ihe d III Ihe southbound Une and called on the Main Attorney that three possible n the annual Firemen's Fair over the past three of the New Jersey I' able from William )d» virtually Ueslrojed ID* Vthll Qaiwral'i office fur t probe could item from III years. ment of Kdui •lion 14 The Dally Hegtoter, Red Baat-MlddleUwa, N.J. Menday, November It, IJ7J i Eagles' Ball Control Holds Giants ByJONNlFALK The field goal duel contin- Kelley got called for inter- came on a four-yard pitch into ued Into the second period ference. the right flat to Johnny Ro- PHILADELPHIA, Pa. - with Gogolak hitting a 43- That gave the Eagles the land, who was all alone. Even the New York Giants' yardVr, but the Eagles ball at the New York 9, and on There still was 5:42 remain- coaches lost at Veterans Sta- bounced tight back on Dem- third down Sullivan ripped Ing to play, and the Giants got dium here yesterday. psey's 26-yard skyscraper. over left tackle for the TD the Eagles Into a third and 20 While the Philadelphia The DcmpseyOogolak feud from the 3. situation, but Sullivan sucked Eagles were mugging the Gi- temporarily ended when Gogo in a 10-yard pass, broke tack- Johnson's passes of 26 yards ants, 20-11, on the field, some- missed from the 41, and then les and turned it into a 29-yard to Don Herrmann, 18 to Ron •r/I body broke into the coaches' from the 42 minutes later af- gain to mldfield. The Eagles Johnson and 33 to Bob Grim locker room and stole money ter Jim Piles recovered a then ran out the clock. moved the Giants to the Bird from their wallets. Norm Bulaich fumble. I L t 8 where they settled for Gogo- Now York Olonlt 3 1 0 10 - It The thoughtful thieves left Phllootiphlo 10170-M the wallets; the Eagles didn't Early in the third period. lak's 15>yard field'goal after a leave the Giants much of any- Gogolak attempted from 53 pair of incompletions. That RMM^»MLV".'."'.'.'.V,'." ..'.'.'.' T> i ii yards out, but was short. Stan made the score 20-V. Peitlnj yorot 1)7 thing as they played a ball- Hotvrn yarn M I Davis batted it down at the •o»lt» ll-M-0 IH control game which resem- After Dempsey proved he •unti l-)l I goal line for the Eagles, but fumblnfti 0-0 i bled "keep-away." was human by missing from Pmrllotvwdl S«4 4-SO The Birds kept the ball for was hit at the 8. INDIVIDUAL LIAOIRS the Giant 34, New York drove •.USHING-Ntw York, Don J. over seven minutes of the That's when Philadelphia 80 yards for its only touch- It-101; •hllodolphlo, Sullivan ii.fSo iuioitn 7n, jamot 7)3. third period in a (2-yard drive uncranked the 92-yard drive down. A 20-yard sweep by Ron . HCIIVINO—Now York, Horrmonn, S-M. TucMr i 4-40, Roland 4-17; Pnllo- that upped the score to 20-6 in 14 plays. All were on the Johnson and a 36-yard cross- (HiDhlo. Cormlchool *». Sullivan 112. (43) of the New York Giants yesterday in Phila- Zlmmormon 1-10. HANDY POINTS — Philadelphia Eagles end Don and eventually proved to be ground except for a pass to ing pattern to Herrmann were PAtllNO-Now York. Randy Johnson Zimmerman (80) gets his hands on the ball as he delphia. The TD play covered 29 yards on a pass the winner. Then, after the Charlie Young on which Brian the big gainers, and the score io-M.1.147 ydrdi. Pruioooiptiio. Ookriol steps into the end zone ahead of Carl Lockhart from Roman Gabriel. Giants had closed to 20-16 with 5:42 to play, the Kagles held on to the ball for the remain- der of the game. "We went In with the idea of Steelers' Big Lead establishing the running game," Eagles coach Mike McCormack said. "That's winning football — ball con- trol." Philadelphia ix now 4-6- 1, and the Giants are 2-8-1. Dwindles in Central SUMVM Stars By The Associated Press 13; Atlanta 28, the New York pick, ran 17 yards on his first The key to the ball control There's suddenly a squeeze Jets 20; Denver 14, Kansas pro carry and one play later, was running back Tom Sulli- at the top of the Central Divi- City 10; Oakland 31, San took the ball two more yards van, who seems to love to sion standings in the Ameri- Diego, 3. for a score. Later, he caught play against the Giants. He can Football Conference. Cleveland almost ran out of a 12-yard TD pass from An- carried 32 times for I5t yards The Pittsburgh Steelers, time against Pittsburgh. But derson, who also found Bob and the third period touch- considered one of the National Greg Pruitt skirted left end Trumpy and Isaac Curtis for down. Football League's powerhouse and raced 19 yards for the scores. Roman Gabriel was able to clubs, was cruising comfort- Browns' winning touchdown Los Angeles protected its rest his sore elbow but stUI ably in front until two weeks with only 61 seconds left to National Conference West threw 15 times with 10 com- ago when they lost to Denver. play. lead, defeating New Orleans pletions for IN yards and a Then, yesterday, pursuing The winning drive started while Atlanta hung on to de- touchdown. However, he han- Cleveland staggered the Steel- when Cleveland's John Gar- feat the Jets and remain one dled the Eagle offense super- ers again with a 21-16 victory lington recovered a fumble by game back. bly. that shaved Pitsburgh's edge Stcelcr quarterback Joe Gil- John Had! pitched a pair of Giant rover Jack Gregory to a mere one-half game over liatn, playing in place of Ter- TD passes, moving Los Angel- said, "Gabriel reminds me of the Browns. ry Hanratly, who was injured es past the. stubborn Saints. Bill Nelson (a former team- Meanwhile, third-place Cb> in the first quarter. Mike His second one, a four-yarder mate at Cleveland). He called nati also took advantage of Phipps hit Pruitt on a 42-yard to Bob Klein, climaxed an 80- a great game and kept us oft the slip, moving within one pass to set up the score. yard drive and put the Rams balance. We're a young defen- game of the lead by ripping Quarterback Ken Anderson in front for keeps. Tony Bak- sive team, and we need the St. Louis, 42-24. pitched three TD passes, one er's five-yard run added an in- big play. We didn't get it Elsewhere, it was Phila- of them to rookie running surance score later. <* today." AP Wiropholo UNANIMOUS VERDICT - The Atlanta Falcon Falcons are Greg Brezina (50), Tom Hayes (27), delphia 20, the New York Gi- back Lenvil Elliot, who scored Denver took over first place Coach Alex Webster was not agrees In giving plenty of help to the referee on a Tom Nobls (60,), and Ken Reaves (36). Bill Fergu- ants 16; Buffalo 24. Baltimore twice in his first action all in the AFC West, hanging on as easy on the defense which score by teammate Don Hansen (58) during yes- son (58) of the Jets tried to make the stop. 17; New England 32, Houston year, leading Cincinnati past to defeat Kansas City and dis- gave up 380 yards and could terday's game in New York against the Jets. The 0; Minnesota 31, Chicago 13; St. Louis. lodge the Chiefs from the divi- force the Eagles to punt only Los Angeles i4. New Orleans Elliot, a 10th-round draft sion lead. once. Offensively they stuck the ball down our throats," Web- ster said. We Just couldn't stop them. Our weakness was Atlanta Out-Duels the whole defensive team. We didn't get forcing from our backs on the sweeps, and our linebackers were being taken out." Jets, Joe/ , 28-20 Spider Lockhart, the defen- NEW YORK (AP) - "1 was Atlanta ground game with 76 tercepled by Ray Brown, who sive captain, called the loss, delighted to go against the yards rushing. had two for the day* for the "A group effort." very best," Atlanta Coach The triumph, Atlanta sev- Falcons. Atlanta drove from The Giants were able to Norm Van Brocklin said after enth in a row, raised the Fal- its own 33 yard line to New move the ball for 370 yards his Falcons defeated the New cons' record to 8-3. the most York's 38, then Lee hit Cere- and 257 of them came on Ran- York Jets, 28-20, yesterday, victories in their eight-year dine slating over the middle dy Johnson's 18 for 26. How- "and extra-delighted to get history, and kept them within behind the New York secon- ever, they failed to convert on Mercury the interceptions " a game of first-place Los An- dary and the Falcons wide re- 7 to 10 third down plays, and The very best he was talk- Keles in the National Confer- ceiver galloped untouched Pete Gogolak missed three Ing about was Joe Numath, ence West. The Rams de- into the end zone for the long range field goals that who threw two touchdowns, feated New Orleans 24-13. game's first score. could have made a difference. but also threw three inter- The offensive output by the Namath came right back Puit Once ceptions. The Falcons had a Falcons also raised their scor- throwing, though, hitting Je- Comet 74 Like the Eagles, the Giants couple of "bests" of their own ing for the year to 288 points, rome Barkum for 14 yards, punted only once, and that In Bob Lee and Eddie Ray. exceeding their previous sea- Bill for 22 and Emerson Boo- Beautiful proof, you can be was on their first possession. Lee duelled Namath to a son high of 278 in 1969. In so zer for 15 in a drive that Bill Bradley returned that 43 standstill, throwing two touch- doing, they dropped the Jets brought the ball to the Atlanta yards to the Giants 37, and downs on his own. and Itav to 3-8. two. gas stingy without three plays later Gabriel led scored twice on short runs as The Mild-nut game, tele- Then Namath. on a third- Don Zimmerman perfectly at the Falcons reeled off their vised locally and nationally, down play, faked a handoff to also being plain! the post 30 yards away. The seventh straight victory. attracted 47,283 fans, but the Mike Adamle and rolled out to play beat Lockhart, and was "We knew what our prob- miserable weather raised the the. right hitting Caster on the This year you'll find there's the first of 10 key third down lem was all along," .said Van no-show count to 14,044. run. some Cougar luxury shared successes by the Birds. Tom Brocklin, referring to the Namath's first pass was in- A Bobby Howflcld 14-yard Dempsey converted. years his Falcons were Just field goal put the Jets on top with one of our smaller cars. With Ron Johnson, who had another National Football 10-7 early in the second peri- We've let a little Cougar 101 yards, leading the way, League team. "We were a Buckeyes od, but less than a minute lat- loose in our economical New York came back- with good club without a good er, Atlanta had the lead for Mercury Comet with a spe- Gogolak's 31-yard field goal, quarterback. This year, we good. cial Custom Option. You'll his first of three. have one." To Repeat The Jets, buried on their see it in this Comet's soft, Dempsey kicked a 51-yarder Lee took advantage of New own one-yard line following reclining bucket seats and after the ensuing kickoff to up York's confused secondary to apunt, lost the ball on rich, woodgrained vinyl pan- the count to 10-3. throw touchdown strikes of 38Rose Trip Adamle's fumble and on the eling. In the thick shaggy next play, Ray leaped over •imiimmHiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiini! yards to Tom Gerdine and 47 carpeting and handsomely yards to Lewis Ncal. The Ut- ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) the line to give the Falcons a ter pass, coming in the final — Victory came a day late for 14-10 lead padded door panels. And Pro Grid minute of the half, turned out the Ohio State University foot- The Jets came back to cut even in the standard steel- to be the winner ball team — but It came nev- the margin to one point on baited radials, like the big "I never caught a pass that ertheless. Howfield's 24-yard field goal, cat. Still, with all ttiis luxury, Standings free," said Neal who hauled ii Athletic directors of the Big but Atlanta struck with light- it's an economical Mercury in a good 15 yards from the Ten Conference voted yes- ning suddeness in the final AMIIICAN CONFIIMNCI Comet. Gas stingy, yes-but • (•torn Dlvltltn closest New York defender. terday in favor of the Buck- minute of the first half. with a little Cougar in it. Sh«w»— Cantt mlh Cuilom Option. .Miami ID 1 "I had to look around to tte if eyes — rather than Michigan Starting from their own 26 •utlolo » Nowlngland • anyone was near." — to represent the league in following a punt, Lee brought Ntw York Jin j •alllmoro 1 Namath was making his the Rose Bowl game Jan. 1 the Falcons to New York's 47. Control Olvlllon first start since suffering a against Southern California. then found a wide-open Neal Clmtona.Z.'.'..'..'.'.'.'.'. shoulder separation Sept Q in Big Ten Commissioner on the New York 35 The wide Cincinnati 7 Hotnlon . 10 Baltimore He completed 15 of Wayne Duke, announcing the receiver caught the ball and Wtlt Olvlllon -.-J^--^ Dtnvir * his 32 passes for 191 yards. Buckeyes' selection in Chi- with no New York defender coufwit in-t __ * Oakland i MfHTlHtY KonmClty 2 Along with his three inter- cago, would not release the within 15 yards of him, trotted HMQU4 t»»(JU<,H*M Son Ditto the rest of the way. NATIONAL CONPIP.INCI ceptions, the Jets gave the vote count. • oil Dlvlilon ball away three other limes On Saturday, forth-ranked Waohlnfton I Early In the third period, Dallai ' on fumbles. Michigan had overcome a 10-0 PMIadolpMo 4 Dave Hampton fumbled the "The arm Just isn't as deficit with a fourth quarter ball for Atlanta and Namath em:::: i strong as it was," Namath rally and tied Ohm State, the capitalized on it Instantly with • MMnoMMControl Dlvlilon >? Ottroll M10 said "I'd throw the ball on nation's No. I team, 10-10. his 38-yard bomb to Bell. Orttn toy « the line and it would die ... If The game was supposed to Nobody has mon kind* of cars for more kinds of ptoplt! CKIcato 1 in Atlonto WOll Dlvlllon I was the coach, 1 would have decide the Big Ten title and Now/* At the sign of f/?e cat! ::;:::::::: I 18 put in another quarterback. I the bowl representative. In- didn't throw worth a damn." stead, it knotted the league SEE YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER Lee, ignoring a steady title between the unbeaten i4U downpour, which at times powers and forced Sunday's twYoYfr • Olonli 14 vote. -- - -^ ™ ' * reached near-monsoon pro- l,Crtlco«a II There was post game mur- INDIVIDUAL I RAhl n\ l

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Fully equipped CollUI I7M ludlng neww Hrei. il«-way wet, AM/ ET CASH FOR YOUR FOREIGN - *i M nnu ureo IHRYSLf » IMPERIAL Hit - HAS Coll 741-0311 37,000 mllei. 1X00 791 252» VOLKSWAGEN BUG — Wood oroln VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE l»71 - W VUICK it l*IRt - Very Oooe fen';JRYTHING LOOKS AND RUNS mi IMPALIMPALA -. Sletlon wogon New MERCURY MAROUIS - Brougham IfTJ. :.. Hwy B, Eatontown 141 'dion Air. Power. Horotop. Low milfi !ELLENT. CLEAN. JSJO. 7414114 Four tpeed. AM/FM. Yellow. 11,70S >ur «»4. Totaling, Call 741-0530. 741-4143 I2S4 "rftT!% let FORD•Wss LTO COUNTRrY SOUIRE — rlor. Fully equipped, low mlleoge. Ne* ALL AMER H71 PONTIAC LE MANS - Six cylinder. Mknelln tlrn. Gorogtd. 7413131. 1941 CHRYSLER 100 — Automatic, air, Hwy 111 BodleRdB . Ntlc. mint condition. Excellent gee no. Autos for Salt 110. Autos for Sol* INI FORD FAIRLANE — fwo-doer hard power. Top condition. »»7S. 24 . Slew. Catlen-aTOt. to*. Red. 301 engine, l-cyllnder, olr. Four Call 9« 4131. 941 VOLKSWAGEN - Good condition. 210. Binlnws Sarvlcts new tlrei. Al. 11100. iunn, WALL LINCOLN-MERCURY 1971 ORAND COUPE PLYMOUTH - Air 1*72TRIUMPH SPITFIRE —Convertible. Shrewibury Ave. at Sycamore condltlened. power ileerlng, electric win- Mail tell, 1700 or belt oner. 1#?l»734 TAVAtTOYOTAl - ILon tmmAd Cruller ffulia, r4-whe t!^ke » White with block top. Four.tpeed 19.000 dewi, vinyl root. 11.000 rnllel. Excellent Cell Sot-1414 anytime. drive, perfect condition, 10,000 milei. Alk Mui mllei. Encellent condition, til JO. Call condition. «2400. CeHBeo. 244-4ltl. m CHEVY NOVA - Few-deer, ilx cyl- )F CHARGE-GE.. CALL 74I54U. Ing I3.0W. Coll otter 5, Ml.lit). USED CARS - LARGE SELECTION OLDSMOBILE II7J — Delto II Royole I9M CADILLAC GUARANTEED. RATCLIFFE PONTIAC Power tteerlng, broke! Air conditioning Two door Route M, Eatonlown. S4J-7M0 1M7 FORO FAIRLANE — leal work. etc. Coll 747-SOTt Monyextroi. Like new. 364-MtJ. TOP TRADE A • ESTIMATES m SCOUT II INTERNATIONAL — 4- Call offer 1 p.m. 741 Jiff GAS SAVERS SPECIALS - 19*4 Pontlo INS VOLKSWAGEN KARMAN CHIA — service. •Keel drive, excellent condlllon. 4 cylln- 1973 CADILLAC 1972 CADILLAC LeMant, ISSO I»M Bulck Skylark. 1475 .OOKS AND RUNS EXCELLENT. ECO- Main St.. «r. good on gas. SHOP. HI-4SI1. H4 PLYMOUTH — Ilk-cylinder, oulh. NOMICAL LUXURY. S17S. 741-4214. Eldorado Coup* IMS Dort GTO. ISSO All checked out on AAA AUTO CREDIT button, automatic. Good condition. I1S0. TTIC STAIRS CO. Stdtn DtVlll* reody to go by Auto Hobby Center. If) 911713. Bamboo, matching vinyl top 1 Chestnut brawn, dark brown 9o7 CADILLAC - Coupe de Vine. Block. Atiume poymentt on any of 100 can In 971 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX — Air condl 00 JOBS - Aeemeei. Pennine •" •ltd interior. Full power lrt-1 ully powered, four new tlrei. 114*5. Coll itock. Credit application! accepted by ._ AM/FM itereo, rodlol tlrei. mog 947 DODGE CORONET - III v-l. power reel el moienr, Orlveweyl. Cell 4t»- vinyl Up, rnitchlngintarlor. 6711441. phone. All mokei and model! available. eluding factor* air, AM FM i»7o CADILLAC — conv eTit t> ie. FUII wheel!. Toke over paymentl. 172-9799 leering, outomatlc. air, radio, heater, Cull power Including lactory equipped. White with block top. Red inle •71 CHEVROLET MALIBU — AM FM. Guoronteed credit. Coll for 1 hour ier- Evening! 2tl-44l7. very clean. U7S or belt otter. Coll otter S. •tereo. pomrer windowe, t-weyl rlor. Low mileage. Excellent condition Original owner. Automatic, power iteer- vice. Boyihore Chryiler-Plymouth. 4-7742. IGHT HAULINT* 741-051*. PLYMOUTH FURY III - Two-door •••I. Kictllenl condition!| ng. brokei. S249). Call •71-3441. hardtop. Air, power iteerlng. new battery IflfOUQnOUl. ktklm Me Feeler 1*7] MARK IV - While. Fully equipped M PONTIAC TEMPEST - Needi tome AUSTINS. MG'S ond TVR - Solei ant -• condition. 1700. Call 741 27*1 or Excellent condition. motor work. Veil ofler. Call after 12 Service. Eoit Gate Motor Salei, Ocean OOFINO - xtaSiding. Gutter*r . Aft for «oo Feller Coll 741-05)0 Grove, N.J. 77H4M. 120. Truck! and Trailer* noon. JI3-3US 941 FORD LTD SOUIRE WAOON - lf»t PONTIAC CATALINA - 15.00 KR6LL MOTOR'S, INC. 1947 COUGAR Automatic, power iteerlng/brokei. 10-poi mllei. One owner. Must be teen SI4f S. Longir K11 wnt Faclery air. llin. Al condition Mt DODOe PICKUP D 100 - Six cylin- RUSSELL RUSSELL Slick Ihifl • »». - der, slick inlft. Radio. I' box. ".Ion. with Call after 4 p.m. 717 MIS SLIPCOVERS RED BANK VOLVO helper iprlngt. 344-0103. kallc and fabric. Guoronteed low prices. OLOSMOULE-CADILLAC CO. OLOSMOBILE-CAnilAC CO. MURPHY 4 DAVISON MOOE 1944 - Very clean. 34.000 mllei leal direct with manufacutrer. eliminate Mercedei-Benl Solei one Service 1*70 BUICK LE SABRE — Sedan. Radio Newmon Spring! Rd. Red Bank 44 FORO — Econollne. Motor In ex 100 Newmon Sprlngi Rd. Rod Book | 100 Newmon Sprlngi Rd. Red Bank and heater, power iteerlng and brake!, imall VI Leaving country. Beit olfer te man Call Mr. Tupe. »4M319. Freehold 4*2 UOO Ml 7177112. llent condition. Needs tome body work. air, new tlrei. Beit ofler. 747-2000. 00. Call lu-tflf HOUSE PAINTING 741-0910 741-0910 THE FINEST SELECTION - Of new OM ?7J IUICK ESTATE WAGON - 11.000 Interior and exterior. Free eii 11*. Autoi for Sal* 19*9 DODGE MONACO - Slollon wagon. uied carl In Monmouth County. Over 100 mllei. Still under warranty. All extroi Rich Poulln. 7M-14S9 Fully equipped with air. Excellent condi- olr conditioned new con In Hock Air conditioning, AM/FM radio. Like new 972 INTERNATIONAL — Dump truck, tion. SITn. Mt-4977. McGLOIN BUICKOPEL INC.. Shrewi t4BM.741.04tl. S10 Serlei, 2Vi yard body. 104 VI. 4 HOUSE PAINTING — interior and ex- bury Ave., New Shrewibury. 741-4M0. weed tranimliikon. 1944-21' trl-a«le Law erlor Reoionoble ratei. Free eillmotei. 19M CHEVROLET IMPALA — VI. Auto- RACER — Modern Hock. Won champion boy Iroller. Call otter 7 p.m. 442-24IS. matic, olr conditioned. One owner. Asking CIRCLE CHEVROLET ship at Wall Stadium this year. Call after 9S7 CHEVROLET - v> ton heavy duty VJm. S37S. Coll 7411427. Shrewibury Ave. Shrewibury I. 339.1374 or 170-lHf. MOVING — Plonoi, oppllancei, furniture, 741-3130 ruck, utility body. S1S0 or belt otter. Call etc. One piece or full rtouie. Local or long 117] PLYMOUTH CUSTOM SUBURBAN oMMr Daver\*.•* . 741-lit 1MjWw 110. Autos for Sal* F t H Motori Inc. rVA GO N — Power iteerlng. powe dllioncr Coll 495 1917. 324-0709. 434-0934 TWIN BORO MOTORS, INC. Authorized Deoleri. brake!, air conditioning, om/lm radio 1943 CHEVROLET Dodge ond Dodge truck! '. ton pickup. 1215. mileage. Excellent condition. Coll of Coll 2f M775 B&H HEATING Hwy3S Eotonlown, N.J " .m.,le4.114f. 542-1111 CHEVELLE 1944 - Mallbu 55 1971 CHEVROLET PICK-UP — Six cylln Invites you to meat our DATSUN {peed masi. Alter 4 p.m. 172170- 9 Mon der. itondord shin, radio. I' box. '- ton WASHINGTON'S AUTO SERVICE nrough Sat., Sun. all day. wHh heavy duly iprlngt. Coll 7414940 of 370 Bread St. It4-11» Keypor ter 5 p.m. ~LET AAE DO IT! favorite way of getting you H71 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE - REMODEL-PAINT-REPAIR there In 74... SEE A "RUSSELL MAN" - Far Ihebn AM/FM radio, air conditioning, 37,000 INSULATION car buy!. RUSSELL OldimoblTe-cWlloi mllei. Excellent condition. Aiklng 12100 EXPERT WORK 100". GUARANTEED 1972 CADILLAC Co.. 100 Newmon Sprlngi Rd.. Red Bonk I7O-1474. 4O9494.M31. REASONABLE 74i-4ssi FRIENDLY Coupt DtVIII* 741-0910. I95» CHEVROLET — Belolr, VI. automat 130. MotorcycU* Duchm OokJ. wNke vinyl lop, KITSON CHEVROLET CO. Ic. four-door, 51.000 mllei. Excellent or la Inal condition. Promltlng claillc. 1711 JH CYCL^ERVICE. INC. ALTERATIONS matching Interior. Full power Hwy 3t Eatontown 171 w. Front St., Red Bonk I4J-0I1 the SO-1000 2M-0Slt. Dormers, porches, italri. oddllions, etc.. Including tacloiy air, AM FM HONDA C77 1141 — Need! battery and Free eitlmalei. Insured. Reoionoble. I do' altrao with tap*, power door MONMOUTH ^v^l^Srm/nJSfi^ throttle S120. he |eb mylelt. Cell Jim 77t I7>4. CHRYL_SLER-PLVMOUT_ H Call 171-1717 after 4. 'ARPENTER - Hondymon. Remodeling, locks, low mileage;. Excellent Hwy M Eotanlewn S42SS0O or beit otter. Call lor Dave, 741-ltoe. oolntlno. recondlllonlno. Free eillmotes. throughout lt»7 PONTIAC STATION WAGON - loll Roy. • a.m. I p.m. Ml 1074. 1974 JEEP CJ-5 INS VOLKSWAGEN — Redlo, one owner 1973 NORTON COMMANDO ROADSTER Wood grain . six-cylinder automatic, roo Ait for »o6 FoiHr low mileage. Jmt pointed. Looki and rum — 4000 miles. Like new. Best offer. Cal ABC. HEATING great. SMOor belt oiler. 741-2%. tq.7413. memlngi. 14 hour service. Reoionoble rotei. Call 7l77ltl as low as IMe PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON - 1*71 HARLEY DAVIDSON — Sporllter 19»» PONTIAC GTO JUDGE -Pour Roof rock, power Iteerlng, air. two new1000 cc. excellent condition. Custom paint RETIRED CARPENTER - Seek! imoll $ RUSSELL ipeed. Ram air IV. Excellent condition llrei end tnawt. UOO. M4-A23. Toke over payment!. 7I7-MS4. ond medium sired lobs. Complete Interior After ], S42 4393 rcmodllng service. Paneling, kitchen cabi- OlDSMOBILECAIMllACCO. IH7 PONTIAC — Tempeil convertible 1970 KAWASAKI 500 - Excellent condl 19i9 SPORT SATELLITE - Four-door Good condition. IJ00 firm. Call otter nets. coElnet remodellna. bookcases. 3150 100 Newmon Spring! Rd. Red Bonk Hon. low mllei, 1735. Armstrong chandelier celllnai. Free ad- Automatic tranimliilon, power ileerlng p.m. 747-1311. •41-4511 plu$ Inlghi ft option* factory olr. Many extra!. One owner vice ond estimate. Good workmanship. 741-0910 •),«00moitly highway mileage. A-1 cond 1N1THUNDERBIRD 1971 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE — 170t Cotl anytime. 27I-5J3O. lion SIOOO. Doyi: M4-170O. evei. 471 332«. Very good condition. 1100. 105 Boyvlew mllei. Mint condition. 11100. Ave., Union Beach. Anytime. Phone «42 2141 MASON I97TAUSTIN AMERICA — Navy Blue Specialties In llreplocai. Air conditioned, automatic. Goodfcon card ' ENGLISH FORO 1947 — Good condition HARLEY DAVIDSON SPORTSTER - Brick, concrete work. 471-7037 NEW for the 1st Time lion. 115O0. Call 2tl Ml« alter 4 p.m. New tlrei. 1973. Turquoise. Three month! old, uied 741-72M four tlmet. Still In breok-ln period. S10DO PAINTING - Interior or eKterler. Free CHEVELLE SS 1M4 - 213, Holley. cam firm. Call any time, 444-4ttS. estimates. Fully Insured. Reoionoble header!, magi, tour-lpeed. Hunt, mare IMe VOLKSWAGEN VAN - Need! bod ales William Brvon, 741-3171. Rum reol well 1450. 872 1709 after • p.m work. 1450. JEEP CHEROKEE Mon., Tun.. Thun., Sot.. Sun. all day. Call 7170294 EXTERIOR - INTERIOR PAINTING The great "leaps ... on rough io«d« or trails. Jeep CJ-5 makes its own I •AYSHORE CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Poperhonglng Free estimates. CHEVY SPORTSVAN DELUXE 19M 113 Flrll Ave.. Atlantic Hlphlondl 150. AutOt R*nt/LlCl.* "all S4M149 or MMvSI way For hunters, lishermon. on-lrall driving enthusiasts, CJ-5 is the Six cylinder. coii 442 not. CLEAN YOUR CELLARS, ATTICS. GA-' Tough One everybody else tries lo Imitate. Jeep guts and howl Let us 1972 OLDSMOBILE TOM'S FORD RACES. Free estimate. demonstrate. | 1949 TEMPEST WAGON — Air cond 1944 VOLKSWAGEN RENTACAR Call 741214? after 3 pm. Vlsla Ctulstr Honed, power iteerlng. S97S. Coll alter SUNROOF DAILY RENTALS AND LEASING Wedgewood Hue), lull powar p.m. 13i-1242. CALL M2-O47J 100 HWY 35 344 1400 KEYPOR RUG AND CARPET I Including lector* air, power Repairs, binding, learning, (ringing. In- "A SMALL PRICE for QUAUTY... at a Worklngman'S PRICE" 110. Auto* for Sal* 110. Auto* for Sal* uo.Autot for Sal* luronce estimate!. 147 0070. eteertng, eulometlc, t paaean- wn vi'Vi VIHIIIUIVI. evi lev* e< fler. In ucadant condition. -UROPEAN TRAINED CRAFTSMAN — 4l« hi tot Foiler bronici, framti. clocks, othtr dellcote on- tlquet. Fre* MtimotM Rtasonobl* prlcts. Antlqut deolert wctcomf. Coll *M2 3IS9. n ii 11 ^*V IUII47VV UCUICI 1 Wfivvtill. tun eet'tfNr, "CARPENTRY WORK AND~RE>AIRS TWIN BORO MOTORS RUSSELL FrtrFree estlmolesestimates. Call 717-5132 SALES A SERVICE OLDSMOSILECADILLACCO. 100 Newman Spring! Rd Red Ban THE WOMAN'S TOUCH 131E. NEWMAN SPRINGS HO. 747-0040 RED BANK Thorough housccleanlng. Moving In? — 741-0910 HEAR YE! HEARYEti moving out? Empty houses our specialty. For reasonable roles call 264 4409. 714- 1635. 264 2235 PAINTING . . . PAPERHANOINO VERY REASONABLE FREE ESTIMATES 747-4U2 NELSON ROMAN - Palming ond papepapr hanginghi . QlitQualityy work. Free estimatesestimates. ^ ' (foifoill 717 1045 RETIRED CARPENTER - Seeki small and medium slied lobs. Complete Interior SAVE ON OUR remodllna service. Paneling, kitchen cobl- netl, cabinet remodeling, bookcases. Armstrong chandelier ceilings. Free od- vle ond estimate Good workmanship. GRAND OPENING Cotl onyilme 77r-JlSt. ~ BEAT OIL SKIORTAGE Install your fireplace now. Deal direct "SPECIALS" HOLIDAY SPECIAL with contractor, m-4102 OK USED CARS. 310. Help Wanted Male or Femate SALES MANAGER Good par Good commission. HAVE IN STOCK • • Monmouth County's Call 4W-2l2e EXPERIENCED GLAZER Full time, with benefits. Contact Morrli Plate Gloss Co. 741-1043. MESSENGER - For law oltlce. vorloui Largest Chevrolet Dealer duties Including deliveries, general oltlce (maintenance. Write Box F-27S. The Dolly Register, Red Bank. CASHIER ANDTALES CLERIC — For drugs ond cosmetics. Port-time and full lime. Apply Foods Plus. SI Broad St., Red Bank. ^_-^_^____ J WAITRESS'WAITER - Counter work. • 1973 IMPALA 3695 1971 VEGA '1695 a.m. to I p.m. Mlddletown area. Coll 142- 4-door, air, vinyl root, Hatchback, air, automatic, 5311. radio whitewalls ELECTRICIAN - At leosl Iwa yean e«. power, radio, whilewalls. perlence. 1970 IMPALA '1795 Call 74IIW 15 PINTOs S WANTEO - Bartender m/w. Apply in 6-passenger wagon, oerion offer 10 a.m. The Monmouth Lounge, 32 Brood St. Keyport. 1973 MALIBU 3495 automatic, power, rool rack Coupe. Air, power, radio, OFFICE CLSAMERS whitewalls. Automatic Doyi, nights, port timt. full time, to per- form Jonilorlol lervict* In Shnw.bury> 1970 MERCURY '1795 Rtd Bank orto. Work available (or oil J 4-door Marquis, air, ihtfti. Steady work, oood pay. Call Eliza- 1973 LeMANS 3495 stereo, vinyl top, etc. beth Answtrlng Service. E L i W1S Wagon. Air, 9-passenger. TRAVEL AGENT Portllme. experienced. Call Mr. Brown. 10 MUSTANG Us rool rack, power, whitewalls 1970 PONTIAC. '1495 741-354t. SHORT ORDER COOK — Experienced Catalina. 4-door, air. only. Apply In person between 5-7 p.m. 1973 VEGA »2595 power, radio, whilewalls. Martini's Diner, Hwy. 34. Keonsburg. WELDED - Experienced. Must Be oble "GT" Halchback, to read prints. Call K 8. D Products lor lour-speed. AM/FM. etc. 1969 IMPALA M595 oppolnlment. 747-Ntl. EXPERIENCED - TV repolrmon, MW. 6-passenger wagon, air, rool rt-tlme. Alk for Stan, 147 nil Alter I, S rack, radio, stereo, whilewalls C1-Wo4. 1972 NOVA 2495 IMMEDIATE OPENING - For legal in 10 TORINOs relarv. SEC and corporale experience. Coup*. 6-cylinder, automatic, Excellent skills required. Salary com- power, radio, whitewalls. 1969 MERCURY '1495 mensurate with experience. Call Mrs. Davli. 741-IM1. Cougar. V8. automatic, powar, x vinyl top. whilewalls. TFIFPHONF SFCRETARIES NEEDED 1972 VEGA 2095 — Part-time or full time. Openings • to 12 Hatchback. 3-speed, p.m.* 3 to 11 p.rn. and 11 lo ** o.m, win train. Cell 7414709 radio, whilewalls. 1969 IMPALA '1495 4-door hardtop, automatic, IIIIII1MIMIIIIIIIIIIIII Illlllllllllllllllltl READY FOR DELIVERY! 1971 VOLKSWAGEN '2295 vinyl rool. power. Bus. 8-passenger More Auto 4-speed. TuTone 1969 IMPALA '1495 $ Custom Coupe, vinyl rool, 1971 IMPALA 2295 power, radio, etc. Ads On 4-door, air. automatic, power, radio, whitewalls 1969 LeMANS '1095 Next Page MUSTANG II HARDTOP Coupe, 6-cyltnder. automatic. S power, radio, etc. MM lltllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIHli 1971 OLDSMOBILE 2195 110. Autos for Salt Cutlass Coupe, automatic, 1969 OLDSMOBILE '1395 power, radio, vinyl lop. Toronado. air, power, radio, whitewalls. 1971 OLDSMOBILE '1895 1968 PLYMOUTH '995 "68" 4-door, air, power, 9-passenger wagon, air. power, radio, elc. vinyl rool. whitewalls 1972 CUTLASS Suprtmt •reweter Oreen. while vinyl lep, nelohlni Interior, lull •ewef literiieina feosm •». V- I, eutemelle. lewrar •leering. We back our \ In eioeienl aeneWan. «•» (or (ok Feeler DOREMUS FORD Circle Chevrolet Used Cars in writing RED BANK 641 SHREWSBURY AVE. RUSSELL 700 SHREWSBURY AVE. 7/M «„„„ OIOSKWBU.ECAOH.UC CO. SHREWSBURY, N.J. 100 Ntwmon Spf Inejt Rtt RM tonlt 741-0910 lit. H«*p Wanted 11*. Htfp Wonttd lit. Htlp Wonttd 11*. Htlp Wonttd Mole Of Female 110. Htlp Wanttd TW Daily Hrgjster, Red Bank-MkMleUwa. N.J. Monday, November 2i 1173 17 MMttr Mmalt Mrtt tf Ftmolt Malt or Ftmalt GENERAL FACTORY-OoyiAHi voco MLES M,W - For nurslna herrw. 310. Htlp Wanted )lt. Htlp WCWtaeJ 311. Htlp Wanted lion, holidays, pension, hotpltalitotlon Top Mlary Full Inng* btMtitl. So NOT Malt or Ftmolt AnpjyThtSlbson Homont Co . 11 Mom PHONE. Apply in ex.ion. wmkdovl. 10 ASSISTANT Malt or Ftmalt Molt or Fimali REGISTERED NURSE - Medical, port a.m lo 1 p m. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS tlmt. Fltilblt, rciponilblt, coring and ASSEMBLERS - Kra.lMO* ol prlnttd NURSING HOME. I MidtMtewn Avt.. At. REAL ESTATE SALES trt. Tap «Wr No. Salt Buy wt circuit outrnbly eetlrablt. Apply Eltctro TV TECHNICIAN - E«ptrl«ico«. Full MANAGERS OFFICE MANAGER tt'l offlct. MINI enjoy working with ImputM. ll« CIMllKit SI .. IH Balk. An to will train you to monogt a loon office Mtdtcol office manoatf, cxatritnced and ple. Wrllt lo BOM till. In. Doily OCWQl amartunlfy inplayof. BOOKKEEPER - Portlimt lor mining inctlltnt benefits. Good lOiary while mature. Send portlculart lo Box E 147 COME TO WHERE lH, Had Bon*. horn*. Oo not phone. Apply In pcrton roming. VA approved $e* Mr. Oo*,ey. Tht Ooily ftegliter. Red Bank. NJ. WAXER ' AUMtCRMXiD MVW ocol Ftnonct Corp. I Voin $1 Kryport waahaayi only. 10 am. lo 2 30 p.m.. At IMDUSTKIAL SPRAY PAINTER -Mull FULL TIME BOOKKEEPER - Pold «o iai laMtc HtfMgnds Nurting Homt. I Middle f Call 344 4 100 for appointment THE GRASS IS GREENER cortlont. lr#t hospltalliation. Apply Slor Coll »>! MM r De experienced in service ("eporotion and Clmtn and Loundt,. Ill Myrllt Avt.. n Avt.. Atlantic Highlands. AYR0U CLEB- 'eTpS"- \oray techniouei lor commerclol oryl aov ome to Apolebrook Aacncv. one of the laraest and most Lone. Brand! LEAD GUITAR PLATER - Or oraaa BROILERMAN M/W - Fully «• ntnt to computer payroll lyiiem. Re- trnmtnt work Apply Electro Impulse uccessful Real Estate Agencies in the area with sales over I*W nn«i« lrnm««1tly. lo play court Btrlancrl. Nla>lll Asoly In pecion The ulre occurocy with fipyrti. lypmo ond " a*.. Inc , SI Red Btnl WAITRESSES M/W - Ovtr II, VT "» Wnltrn and rock Mini iln Ste Golliry Rastauronl. US Rl I. Wood jnt yt«r payroll experience Apply tnptt:- Mllllgn Dollars every month. wort, new lost now Call Jot. 7P «zi on ol Pertonnel Office. Monmouth Mt- N — lio n ihlll Kuii or7oTTT|imV. dital Center, is* Dunbor Ave . Long St«nin» Mlary. IJ4 Coll lor opoomlmonl. We're looking for full time sales peoole \& hondle new FUEL OIL DELIVERY ORIVER - Divi- PART TIME — T»o otfernoom per »eet. Branch. Gretn Grtvt Convoltictnt Center. 774. ales, resales and condominiums, the newest and rooid bISHWAIHER. WAITMUES M/W sion ol national oil company. Full btn- vicinity Fort Monmouth. Good hand CASHIER. REFERENCES Estimator/Salesman ofltl. Call S4-XCO lor oppomtmtnt willing, with transportation. Write BBS ;u4uc RctM rowing segment ot the Real Estote morket. We want per MartlnWt Diner, Hwy 34. Koontburg MlW. For houtthola aoodt. m»»inj on« GiNERAL OFIKL UK. lu. out Co . Box 1UM, PMtadel»Ma. Pa. l»l70 iood typing, able io work _ cnosMf dwortmtnl Apply Crown Enoin uaslve salespeople who are ambitious, aggressive, and, Morogf. SliaSy BotllKn Coll lor appoint, Fund roning experience helpful Elemen- ill.Auto* lor Salt mtnt Andnan Irn . 51 U Mxhonlc SI , SECRETARY bookkeeping required Mutt be able eerina Corp.. Lotuit It., Keyport. 364 most important, ethical. You should have some Real Estate Rid Bonn, N.J T<10»» •* MECHANIC'S HELPER onoit people Write Boi f Jit, The xperience though not necessarily a great deal ot it. Our MEDICAL ASSISTANT - NURSING DEPT. Apply In per ion Daly Remitter. Red tank S1ATIS1ICAL TYPIST kr,0.le«»ro oftict Frinot btrttfitt Werner > Aulomollve. Hwy M. Bellord CASMJER - Wwk J «J a m to J IS n rn membership in 5 referral services olus our excellent local Coll »f ]6tU from » o m lo I p.m. Molur* per ion. ability to or«onue work. n buiy co«ee vhop Muii be e »p« tencrd. eputation help us furnish many excellent leads. This is an Ciefkal and rtctptionitt rttponsibilititv NO. > COOK — Full HIM or part time Good lolory and benefit. Apply In per.on D'verlifted typist. M wpm. work wltn con Good Mtary. Pltatf call for appointment. PLUMBING MECHANIC M/W - xceptlonal opportunity to join a leading agency and to PROJECT TECHNICIAN - MECHANI ol Personnel Office, Monmourn Medical Experienced only Steady work. CAL. With .uprrviwry ability. Mojt r«od IteXWio. tntormotior.. Eictlltnt workkM Happy Apple Inn. taUII Center, 1$4 Dunbor Ave , Long Branch. ring in above-average earnings. p int.. Apply Electro Impultt, II* Chest- OOnditlOAt and ptxtonnti pOllCtN- Contoci . nui MTMflMl ofllce, fttvtfvitw HotpJtol. tt AUTO BOOY MANAGER - For lorgl nut St , Red Bonk. An tqual opportunity PART TIME PAPER PHIUERY employer Union St. Rod 9mak. N.J.. Ul-zltt. Kit. volurrtt CM. dtflltr. Mutt bt thoroughly tM. Aw wtuol otpwtwntty employer M/W. txparlancee'. Pold vocotlon plui oil trlngt »undov A M . Rumfton oreo Wuil have PIPEFMTER/ASSEMBLER -E« btrttlltl. 40 hour wttfc. St* Strvict Moo- car. No collecting. Coil 747 )I4] APPLEBROOK AGENCY FREE! ptrienctd with refrlgtrotion de.ireobte INJECTION'MOLDING ooer,. McGLOIMcCLQIN BUICBUICK OPEOPEL ININC.C . 6MHELPER WANTED - In meiol working CARPET HELPER Apply Electro impultt, m Chestnut St . Snrtwloury Avt.. New Shrewsbury. ihop. olio welder Hei< ore experience SUPERVISOR Coil V4J J?f» Experience necetlo'V Phone: 671-2300 Red Bank. An equal opportunity employ mini E«pefitnce dttirablc but not necejwry- SCHOOL BUSORIVERS - Kill RUCK MECHANIC Fi« dov *«•» SNOW TIRES iil tram. Encellent opportunity with'a perItnct ntctuary. Storting salary ii pei op pov on benetii* pieoiam working GUARDS WANTED For Red Bank Ea . Wonttd Automotive growing company. Aibury Pork oreo. hour. Apply In person to Mr. Michoel Gor onditiont Call Service Monogc 'or ap- lontown area Mull hove dean record Wllh tiery usod car pur- Potct holidayi plus btntntt. ALL AR mley. Transportafion Coordinator. Hailel pointment. 747 0730 Uniform! Supplied Call W :in REAL ESTATE SALES 1 1 PLASTIC MOLDING. 4T3 U73. Township Board ol Education. I? Bethany AUTO MECHANIC fnfdav*eerH. H J PHIS lor toclol odminl.tration end a minimum Street Fothlons. 37 Wall St.. Red Bonk. Eiper (OOking r-uluMl o r partt ttime. not two year* odmlnl.trotlve eiperlente SHELLING AND SNELLINC - WoriiTs JOHN F. ANDERSON AGENCY Coll Ml 117* | So tor y il4.00O-tU.MO depending on quo!) largest employment service. 54 Brood St CARPET MECHANIC 741-4477 Hticotlom. Good trine* btntttH Send re- RedBonk, N.J. 147 1121. LEGAL SECRETARY - Typing and |tfno Isume to Witllom H. Johnion, E«etutlve etientioi Experience preterrtaC' WITH WORKROOM I Director, Family and Children* Service CAR WASH HELP CoM U7 iSSS . i JIO.Htlp Wantttf 3)0. Hilp Wanttd [line, of Monmouth County, If) Bath Ave.. Apply In person, Country Sudicr. 1*00 iub contractor wanted tor teveral itorei Malt or Female j long *">"€"•* Hwy., 33. MIoolttOMV ABLF PERSON~-~Ttchnicollv ontnlrt n Monmouth County areo Molt or Ftmolt potllion with growing sending and omu.e tiJTAL FSTATE ULES - Common LATE-MODEC ment compony Will troin, Btnedt. m For appointment .on nduitnot, and land only. Local •!._- 110. Auto, tor Salt 110. Auip* for Salt n Clyde free college ptogrom Call MS OOM TEMPORARIES - BY A-1 Ithed firm opening »w ofhtt for this lor interview YPISTS CLERKS poie Mint hove Hctntt ond tomt ••• PROJECT ENGINEER Mioh*ov (O» DEAN FLOOR RtCEPTIONIST SWITCHBOARD lence Send -emme to Boi K 25, The tlructlon. immedpenenct Office kod*, tittmlvt odwtrllilng nolton- Write BOM Fill, Tht Dally Regnter, Red 1969P0NTIAC mmed.Bte opening. To It JO. A-1 TEMPORARIES ot referral tervice Member of two MLS'. 1973 OLOSMOBILE Mroodil »Wton> 141 1443 roinlna proarom All replle* held In |trk- Toronado Custom DRIVE II ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - 1 e«t contkJtnce tend retume t* BOK G-tf, FOR FUEL OIL TRUCK celltnt tklMt ond experience a mutt he Dolly fteglitef. Red Bank I 2-Ooor hardloa. Ibony with Italian w»oon. Forotl Qroon, PHONE SWIM 110,000. FEE PAID. "NURSES MteNrhJ lnlo«lof. Full powor ^tftofllBaxwilcMaiwa. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER Far weaken*. I It ihlll. rter. Full pawor UraiaiM tac- ncludlng factory air, powar Apply Surroy Luogogt. tti Brood SI , Red RN — LPN Applyytil-140 I 0 •flndovt, • patttngaf, ti- DOCUMEN1tunlt1 y toT rCLER odvonremtnK - t.porl i locaGoold op »» air. AM-FN etorae, poem K. mmtdlota opening! In 'tconlly optntel YOU CAN OO ITI - If you wont to tarn •wMts.loeriaaaejje. BROItvCRMANM/W ntw facility. U0 In two hours and hove fun at the wine 4et Her Mai feeler ls* lot totifofr Experienced Apply Tomohawlt Rrilau Imt SARAH COVENTRY wont! you. ront 143 4111 EXECUTIVHeavy odmlnlitroE IICIITARt Y To v P llO.OOd, FEE PAID. Pito»e call SM-lrtt II and over. PART-TIMS SAltftM WSON — Hold icu -ecu tXHrt# portii", if Hi no tUQnfd ond m.mNjrivi CLERK TYPIST — General denco We have lutt one opening for o prolei- RUSSELL RUSSELL limited editions framed orlqlnoi nth- dvtltt. Good typing. Minimum one yto EMERGENCY ROOM lonol realtor who wont* to torn In e*ct*l SAVE office experience. of 1M.O00 Pull troJnlng progfom. Coll for oorapht Top cowmmioM paid, Houtt OLOSMOBiLE CADILLAC CO. OLOSMOBIIE-CAOILLACCO. porty solet experience helpful but not nee on appolntmenl. 141 0771 100 Ntwmon Spr.ncji Rd Rid Bonk I tOO N«wmon Sprlngi ltd Red Bonk wry Call JM-MMi. PERSONAL SECRETARY To eiec MEDICAL — SURGICAL MKN -BISTCIIUTI CATA- HOUSEKEEPER - Full time • 30 to live Good ikillt. Ftenbie hours. Oceo I, rlCK UP OBOf f»S FOU THE 741-0910 741-0910 4:30- Mature pcrion preferred Apply county. To 1140. Fee negotiable OPERATING ROOM E OF FULLER AVERAGE UAH perton, King jamei Nurting Home, 400 UR. PHONt H4-31U OR SU-1033. Hwy it. Mtddietown BtntllH far full or port llmo tmployeti BIG Ml Seulh Amboy Memorlol Hoipflol. 7)1 NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DISHWASHER - Full time EicttVtnt 000. Kit J»r. pay and benefit. Apply Broohdolt Nurs IngCtntt r^H wy IS, HoiHI. Our AAA client II creeling a whole new RED BANK VOLVO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE dlvllloon In dttlgttlgn monulocturlnmonulocurlng ond taltaltt i STOCKYLEBK - For mofVlal hoodilna DESIGNERS ot nucltor ppowee er lyttcmtcmtt BS dtgeedtgreel IIn Apply Crown F. nameenng Corp. Locuil DRAFTSMEN! ihe followinfing g duclplduclp llntl l ore rtaulrtdl . EconEo, , BullnttBulnttll AAdmd i MEE,, CEE,, IE. . M/W CLERK ChE . EEEE. ondd tomt maritime or com- MONEY! KITCHEN HELPER Full time. Good (•rowing Monmouih County monu clol tuptr Itnct in DOWtr generating pay ond benefit* Apply Broohdaif Nun focturlrtg compony hat Immedtale wmis ing Center Hwy ii. Hoilet opening for on experienced Ac BEAUTICIANS Wilh following LorQ«*t Payable cterk. CiceMent Product Planning (hop In Rtd Bonk. Salary plut COnimlt- PRINTED growth pofenital Solory ond ben tfltl Pteote apply In perton to Prtvtnllvt molnttnonct •Ian Also thompootr W S3U Ttchnlcol Suptrvlior. ... NURSE RN - Full time thnl< tupffviior Moniptr IE To H1.000 lor public health agency, includes tvenmg CIRCUITS MIDLAND GLASS CO. indytfrlal Engintti To II1.0M 1973 VEGA 1972 PLYMOUTH work. DrivtM Mcen»e ond ror eiitntiai Cliffwood Ave. Cliff- Co.TAnely»t To «!6,i00 11000. to Bo. F-Ml. Th« Doily Reg Stnlor Buytr To tll.000 HATCHBACK - Automatic, ra- OUSTER COUPE - 340 V-8, liter. Red Bonk __^_____ Layout. All Levels! wood, N.J. Product Schtdult 1 Control To til.TO dio, lactory air conditioned. automatic m floor, buckets, ra- Fortmoi Wtldirm Tolll.N0 PLUWBTR [ .per .emed only Mori CdM for complete Information Prjf k»oy Emit 1)0 Proem Tool Dttlgn 3.000 miKs. Buy new car quality dio, power steering, 23,000 i .S.M. with truck U Helper. U With back Monutocturt Htovy Mtloll at appreciable savings! miles. hoe operation knowledge. IS. Laborer, An Fquol Opporlvnlty Employer C Jltam Otntrotort 73 VOLV0164 69 VOLKSWAGEN I 13 SO S66AS09 LJ.GQNZER ?hltl Imptctor .. Automatic. Sunrool, Fuel In- Squareback Station Wagon, radio, ASSOCIATES INC KEYPUNCH OPERATOR O.C. Cuitomtr Strvict To IIS.0M $2695 EXECUTIVE SFCRFTARV To Ml lit MS HWY It. RED BANK O.C. Fltld Strvlco To Il4,r" $2395 jtction, Factory Air, Full Power. heater. Excellent Condition, director of eaponding public health CALL 141 WOO agency Good technical ond wpervnory 029-059 Silt Ooi Turolnt. Te til AM/FM Stereo. 25,850 miles 50.251 mrles thills ond orgamiatlonol ability, dicta- TECHNICIANS We ore o lorgt Monmouth County Sam RMrntntmivt Ta II I phone Muvt work well Independently IMMEDIATE growing monufocturlng compony Strvict tnglntti Tall 1 Boi F 3M. The Dolly Register, Rtd LOCAL OPENINGS with on immediate opening tor AjUJllccrllorn Enaiwti ,., To 111,1 1972 MONTE CARLO 1971 KINGSWOOD M295 Bonk full lime (1)0 to 5 p m. I OMIon Htavy Mochln* ... To lll.C '5495 heypunch opero-or* uling 07* Sr. Proltcl , ToM4.« Station Wagon. V-8. automatic. EXPERIENCED CARPENfER™iteooV keypunch ond 0W verily. We offer Morlrw Tranimlttlont To lll.C V-8, automatic, power steering, Iructurol 1 Prtuurt To lll.fl power brakes, lactory air, radio, power steering & brakes, lactory employment, benefit* Mm! have driver's ELECTRONIC on eRcellenl koiory ond liberal '69 VOLVO | llceri.e CoM /IM034 After * p.m., coll tMnem* Pleose reipond to Mottflol Wtld To lll.C vinyl rool. 19,000 miles. air. luggage tack,42 000 miles I0KMU H'D Wtld Lob ..To IIS 72 MG MIDGET P-1800 Soorls Coupe. Red. One Prototype *• Test The Dotly Rtgtiler. Rtd Bank Wtldlng Ttcrmotogy let)] Analyift Cnolrmr To 111 Blue. 4-speed. radio, healer, mag Owner, AM/FM Radio, 4 speed RESUMES PBOf EiSIONALLY V«y high rottl l.onp Iti An tqwol opportunity employer For ImmMlott octlon. tonlotf $3495 $2695 [ wheels, radial tires, 10,630 miles. with Overdrive. A-1 Condition. PREPARED ALL ABOVt FICI PAID one owner Like new! ASSISTANT MANAGER AND 40,000 mrtes SALESPERSON Sand or bring your rnumt la S d/r Personnel RITA I. HECHT 1971 VEGA Brood SI.. R«l Bank HI menit Good future, fringe benefiti. hoipi- 1971 MONTE CARLO •2195 2495 Atlantic loli/otlon. mtdicol lurgicol, vacolion, tie KAMMBACK WAGON - New OESICNCO. Eicelient ttortlng tolory for quohfird per d/r Personnel Radio, heater, automatic, power 110. Auto* lor Sol* ]/ William St , Nework «?1 1 ion Etiperienct ntIpful, but not entntlol M7JM1 engine installed 2000 miles ago, An Eouol Opportunity Employer Coll for appointment, Mr Mormon. Coott Brood SI . Red Bonk steering, lactory air, vinyl rool. Hardware. it\ BroodwaV- Long Bronch radio, heater, automate. 53,000 indutlnalt Temporor miles. 32,000 miles 68 VOLVO 72 TRIUMPH GT-6 4-door. Aulomalic. White. Radio. CLERK BOOKKEEPER 4-speed with Overdrive, AM/FM Healer, One Owner, Excellent $1695 $2795 Some tiperlenre in bookkeeping account HARVEST TIME Tape Deck, It.878 m*es. Condition. 54.230 mile*. OLSTEN Wig oetlvllm ond tontlliortfy with adding and calculation mochmt\ needed Floir for ftojurtl helpful Good itartmg tolory AT OLSTEN 197OCAMARO 1969CAMAR0 '2895 M495 INDUSTRIALS Come In belore tht crop of otilgnmtntt Mattnol hendltr*. fork lift, drlvtrt. olfl left picked over we novt buthtU of or R ALLYE SPORT - Vinyl rool. ra- Coupe. 6-cyiinder. automatic, 1972 CADILLAC and OH Otrttr otlict thilll nttdtd Oovt A-1 EMPLOYMENT »rt from onilout cllentt In need ol quail nlohM Vtry hinh poy Cor II tlltnllo led help dio, automatic, power steering. power steering, vinyl toot, radio S§d»n DeVllli JXBroodSI HI Jill Rtd Bonk 51,000 miles 54,000 miles 68 VOLKSWAGEN While. light green vinyl lop, NIVIR Artt TO YOU PART-TIME WE NEED ALL OFFICE SKILLS AND white leather Interior. Full OUR f »f F HOSPIIAI IIATION T 1 IGHT ASSEMBLY OUR HOURLY 72 TOYOTA Karmann Gnia Coupe. Radio Four tvtnlnai, holt day lot . I' - wttk powar Including factor* air, YOU IS WORTH U6SI0O RATES ARE TOPS AND WE NEVER Celica" 2-door Hardtop. 4- Healer, One Owner. E«ceiient Duorontttd cor ntcttiory Con Irom I? CHARGE A FEE $2295 $1795 HAZLET 10 Hoilet Avt . JM JUI. Do noon to ( p m !?• 'Hi speed, One Owner. 31.560 miles. Condition. 92.070 miles power door locks, AM-FM alar- eo. In eacalant condition. 10 3 p m ; cloitd Fri I Dloch off Rt. OUR FREE MOSPI t ALIZATION TO oppoillt Fltld I Shopping Ctnttr Mechanics, Auto/Diesel YOU IS WORTH M.tliOO *l» ror (OH folHf '2495 M095 WE ALSO HAVE AN AGORESSIV Nttdtd in » dtvttofllng countrln ovtr 1968CAMAR0 PERMANENT DEPARTMENT.N Mot Slngltl MorrltdOK Living olloo 1969CAMAR0 onct O'ovldtd Coll AC RALLYE SPORT COUPE - Ra- RUSSELL rets TION VISTA/Ptoct Corpi COIItct 11011 OLSTEN Convertible. V-8, automatic. dio, healer, automatic, power 144-1400. f o m » p m or comt lo Int Ro power steering, radio, 52,000 steering, vinyl rool. 59,000 miles. 72 VOLVO '67 TRIUMPH GT-6 OLDSMOBILECAENLLACCO. MAINTENANCE modo Inn in Foil BruMwick TEMPORARIES Mkm A well-kept cat' 100 Newmon Sprinot Rd. Red Senti HA1LET M Hoilet Ave . )<4 )l)l Dally Station Wagon, 4-speed, one One Owner, 4-speed. Gray, Wire MACHINIST AVON l») pm , rimed Frl 1 block oil Rl )(. 741-0910 oppoMif r-itld % Shopping Center I owner, root rack. AM-FM. Dark Wheels. A-1 Condition. 51.161 DeipAmible tor the repair, moinlenan AVON CHRISTMAS EARNINGS con help $1895 $1695 | moke the honclovt hoppitr lor your tn ftgreen. 29.00 miles miles antf I*IL*P of production mot*i «*s 'no, llrt lomlly' II i toiy ttlllng fint AVON WE ALSO HAVE AN AGGRESSIVE. edge of thop ttfhniau*^ and pro 2-door, 4-speed. radio, heater 1972 OLDSMOBILE 110. Autot lor Salt itt you ornbltiou* and torttr mindid Custom S. 2-door. radio, healer UO. Autoi for Salt wtfh an *•¥• Iswtxdl monogtmtnt rtipon- one owner, 21 OOOmrtes Delia 1$ i.sMlly1 It to. Ihtn MFC'i tUonagtment full power, one owner. 36.901 4 door hardtop, lentboo. frolnirij Progforn con htlp you btcomt a martogfr r)ul(iir Upon complthon of our '1895 ( Mack vinyltop, matchin g Inte- vfltQu* on Iht |ob naming program you 1095 rior Full power Including lac- Oft quorontitrl appolnlmtnl lo Bfontti lory air. Power ateerlng, Monogtr tn Itif nofion'» old*nl ond loratil brakee, V-i. automatic. A real \vmtr llnorc* company All iOlcwy In- nice car. 100% Authorized Dealer Since 1956 Tontr Stfuf* lulurf, citctMtnl tm AM for Bob lotlir ploy*t be»n»tlt». unlimMffd Corttr opportu Chevrolet nlfy 5omt colltgt prtftrrtd, but not rt GUARANTEED HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION RUSSELL CNonntl Plofa — lit floor HIGHWAY 36 Rt IS ond Harmony «e\, Middltlown RED BANK V#LVO OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC CO. Hovtrhoid it on Equol Opporiunlty Fm- 100 Newman Springt Rd Red Bank USED CARS jtoytr and oil minority uno ftmoi* appK- EATONTOWM 542-1126 E. Ntwman Springs Rd. 741 5886 Red Bank conti will bt corHidtred on lh« tamt bout I pDn guarantees I00'i lo repair or re> n Othtr opplicont. without regard lo 741- •'io engine, lia/ltmfl>»on real i>ie OCf, it>» Of not.onol origin L assemblies, brake j/sierrl jnd eiecincal | layi or 1000 miles, wruch More Clatillied l on Ntxt Page 310. Htlp Wanttd 73 VW THING 70 VOLKSWAlibN Molt or Ftmalt Inc. ™." % S97QR OPENINGS «ar>an!/ L. f vlU

73 SUPER BEETLE 70 VW CAMPER "d N i *> i tpted. radio, un So tferteoring, *,;*) miiet Bol new ear i iptfJ trant . Full*/ warrant/. 'nuippei n jnS IV " t \ tilf\ wS m i) I IC p m 72VWSDN 2395 itnndord lron» MMAfi '69 VW CAMPER DEALS NOW! * \t>*f»d MwyJJ 744 1000 Keyporl ;;r — 52095 u it*S OVER 150 NEW ft USED STOP IN TODAY FOR 2195 CARS READY FOR YOUR FREE RED BANK 71 BEETLE 65VWBUS UMVERSITY GRAPHICS Mirtf I J}\ i pi* m NUOTOMBFM I ipttd. rod o SI ^ftC IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AREA MAP iiMt.Npflr.1 m 4/dtl mutt I • U^u enti m.f\ 1 095 • TYPISTS NlgM thin. 4:30 • m te I im Kt- qoke SS «r»M accurately.

MECHANICAL PASTEUP ARTISTS Nlf hi •hill, 4:10 p.m. lo I e.m. Preetilon, accuracy neceeeary. RASSAS PONTIAC lackgrouod In oVaftlnci, art, drew- MOTOR CAR CO. If rsu are IMerealea] In theee PeaNlene 395 BROAD ST. 741-5180 RED BANK ROUTE 35r SAYREVILLE Cel 747-HN Mr l/wnltwm» Ija"""!!! 727-1300 The Dally Reglst*r, Red Bank-MMdfctown. N J. Msaday, November M, «7J .10. HMMS for Rent U0. Commtrclal Rtnlois OE SEI.irriOHOF RIMT. FROfCSKONAL OfflCt -four rooms, 3lt. H«lp Wonted JlO.Htip Wonted shed and unfurnished Immediate octu- «wl» reiKwafe*. new Rl^rvlew Hosei p«sc*. SAMUEEL*£ICHL iKICHEER AOENCY, W, & W- ft. CM 141 mt. Molt or Ftmolt Male or Ftmole Oceanporl A» , Oieonport TYPISTS - DON T SIT HOME' Read This If You Monmovtti and Ocean Counties, ItOO THE SERGAGENC 00 Wonted lo Rent EQUITY PERSONNEL, INC. JS SWHwyJ! MMdlMown 4714500 471 1000 SLEEPING ROOM ONLY - For »enfi7 Want To Work man. Oownlown Red tanli. Weekly. Apply EW SHREWSBURY — Large Colonial, to Bo. » JI9, The Dally Retlsler. Red How Does Working For Dif- our bedrooms, two baths, living room Bank SALES REP Ih flreploce, dining room, three por- ferent Companies, Doing a acrlttnt opportunity for «xp«rl*nc*d of es, goroge. summer house plus two NEED STORAGE SPACE - Oreffr aa Variety of Jobs, On Your t» mochlnei loltiptrton Monmoulh om apartment on two ocres. tSOO o sltl^jl^ ounty territory, Good b«n«m» and pay onlh, one month security. One yeor Own Schedule, and Getting ockog*. lease. Water paid. Available Dec I. Ask Paid Without Delay Sound tor Ed Gllroy. MJ-4P0O To You? A-l EMPLOYMENT MATAWAN — New ranch One block roll- 330 Broad SI 741 rm DM Bonk ood station. Three bedrooms, two baths. REAL. ESTATE If It Sounds Good, Stop In ~~ per month, references, security. Call FOR iALE Mon. thru Frl., 9-5. We'll "IJUSTNESS HREWSBURY — Two-bedroom ranch, Give You All The Help You BACKGROUND vlng room, dining room, kitchen, bath. Need. Worh In VISTA or Ptoci Corpi ot a bu»i- Ice yard. Avolloble Dec. I. 1350 339. nt%\ contullant Htlp tfl up credit union, 30. 70S. HOUMI for Sal* ooducl market and labor surveys, ana- rie buitrwnt operation*. Volunteer poti- IOOLETOWN AREA — Four Bedrooms, on. Living ollowonce provided. Call AC vlng room, dining room, kitchen, I'j MANPOWER lON/Peoc* Corpt/VISTA collect of (701) >aths. Mint condition. Immediate occu- 44-1*00 from f omt p.m , Monday and 340. Situation* Wanted 510. Merchandise for Salt S70. Pttt and Livestock *05. Aportnvtntt :y. 1300 plus utilities. Coll 173-0745 to .MSBSW Temporary Services oesday or come to fne Romoda Inn In Kt. Iver. Front to roar living roam. psm ReCoonk 147 4)43 ail Brunswick. Female CARAOE DOOR - Used. 1x7' overheod HORSES BOARDED - Box stalls for den, lag burning fireplace. King sued dm 4 W. Front KEANBURG — Beochvlew Gardens. UMSON - Small house, near trans- 311 Main Asbury Pork 776SS77 WILL OO BABYSITTING - In my home? type. Good condition, complete with hard- en!. Riding facilities. Russell's Stables, On" e andd twt o bedroobd m oportmenltl s andd el l roam, proctlcol kitchen, three useful Please call onytlme. ware. 135 Coll 74) 5615 Texos Rd . Morgonville. 591 9307. 'Iclenc les available. Overlooking boy. portation Rear yard. Security plus refer- ooms and Iwo baths We recommend . Coll 543-4019. mmedlott Inspection. Ottered at SS4.9O0 319 FREE PUPPPIEP S Ing gas. heat, hoi water and porklng HEAD NURSE Collections-Inside TYPEWRITERS AND ADDERS " supplieIle3>ld 7 3467! "^ EONARDO - Small cottoge. Furnished, :uwrlence with finance, bank or slmiltor Sold. Bought. Rented Repaired. Part cocker NMMW Call 391 1SB0 Enlcienc:ei » SI SO plus heal Sultoble lor couple, EXCEPTIONAL! MEDICAL - SURGICAL AREA ollectloni activity. Other related ex 717-6699 Onebedri SIM loll 391 4391 otter 4pm ould you like a five-bedroom home m perlence considered, Full benefits Fine IRISH SETTER PUPPIES Twobedwo bedroor m IJ10 xcellenl condition? We have one which ompony, To JUS to start. 3*0. Situations Wanttd PRINCESS II LB WASHING MACHINE DAYS — Automatic ond semi automatic. Asking Champion bred. AKC papers. etudes a separote dining room, large Male/Female Call 946-3743 SEA BRIGHT - Wolerfronl. Three room Will consider t>p*rlinci In lieu ol degree. sloo. 14 Plnevlew Ave.. Keomburg, be- apartment ond one 3 bedroom apartment, •30. Winttr Rentals den, JV, baths, and even olr conditioning. Coll South Ambor Memorlol Hospital. 721 A-l EMPLOYMENT COUPLE — Housemon and maid, ex- tween noon ond 5 p FREE — Lovable Kittens Hove hod dls- furnished, utilities tree. Close lo school All this lor »SS,900. Call us today. 1000, E«t. 397. nOlroad SI _lMltl RedJIonk perienced, best references. Free to travel. emper shots. and bus. Available Dec. I. No pets. Nau- ERMONT — Ski season rental. Rt. 30 Call 367-1444, ask tor John. NEVER USED - While Parsons ddininl g SECRETARIES —CALL U*l room fable. 4' x 7' Reduced 300*.. $150 Coll 747-1144 tilus Apartments, 3 Rumson Rd 143-0503 tween Bromley ond Strotton Pour bed- EXCEPTIONAL! iony optnlngi — Good skills required Coll 747 »0O. AKC BOXER PUPS ooms. Iwo baths 847 2131 op condition four bedroom home locoled TEACHERS: Orroi benefits SI0O-II30. Going foil SHADOW LAKE VILLAGE - Adult com encellenl area of Little Silver. Has two THREE PIECE LIVING*ROOM — Drop- Nine weeks, Fown. Two moles munlty. One-bedroom, wall-to-wall carpet- iGHLANDi-- Three-bedroom house, replaces, new tiled both, plenty of car- ELEMENTARY EQUITY PERSONNEL, INC 431-1151 My furnished, r i baths, oil appliances. WHwyJS Mlddlelown 671 1SO0 es, pictures, ond other items. Coll 739 3191 Ing. central air, golf course, pool, tennis ellng. Actuolty In move-In condition, otter 4 p.m. Coll U1 1173 or 741 M3I 2!Splus utilities plus security. Sl> ontostlc property totaling P. acres, SECONDARY FINANC IAL FOUR VEAR OLD BLACK MARE — onths lease. Dec. I lo May 11. Coll 17] Peoct Corpi needs teachers in Micro- BARRELS — Old fashioned wood stove. Some schooling. S400 FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT -±- Heot and d l tSi.700, ond we have the key. nesia, iroill, Paroguay. and Lesotho. ELECTRICIANS 14" high, 13 eoch. 17" ond 19" high, 14. Call 536 570! hot water supplied Adults preferred No Train other teochert. Improve curricu- Needed In }« developing countries over- Ooiens of uses Call 143 7777. pets. Coll after 5 pm. 391 3961. CEANPORT — Four-bedroom house, lum. Volunteer poslfion. Singles. Worried easne, e Singlet Married OK. Living allow ST. BERNAROS — One mole, two months rovided Coll AC DRUM SET - Seven pieces, sulloble Io7 old. Excellent markings. Also mother, MATAWAN — Two-bedroom 'i duple* odern and beautifully furnished. Laun- 0 K Living allowance provided Call AC ION . P 13011 y, fireplace, shag carpeting, two baths, ARMSTRONG TION/Peoce Corps collect (3011 144-1400 411. Business Opportunities beginners or Intermediate. Asking SI00 three years. Best offer. 391 4391. »l»i month plus utilities and security •44-1400, »a.m.-A/Peac» em Corpor coms codee toc the Ra- Call 143 0460. Avolloble Dec. I. Call J9I-12M. irooe fn 95IJ ori4l 1446. AGENCY REALTORS from • a.m.-9 p.m. or come to the Ra- Inn In East runswlck. ELECTRO MECHANICAL MANUFAC 'OODLE — Black female, 7 weeks. S6S. I Prospect Ave. Little Silver mado Inn In East Brunswick. TURING COMPONENTS FOR SALE — POLAROID 450 — Automatic Land corn- FREEHOLD — Two-bedroom brick dupl WAREHOUSE WORKERS Will lake partner or sell outright. Mi era. Also Nolcom movie camera, electric 717-6407 ti. Good neighborhood. All appliances 741-4500 SUPERVISORS AND DRIVERS mouth County. Write to Box f 346, 1The eye. Good price. 671I96S. Available immediately. 43.-24I4. 440. Furnished Rooms EQUITY PERSONNEL. INC Dally Register, Red Bonk. N.J. 1 HAND, EIGHT YEAR OLD BAY Receptionist-Typist 590 Hwy 35 Mlddletown 671 6500 RIDE MOWER — Mower with sweeper. GELDING — Port Morgan. Sound, gentle TATPLACE TO LIVE" " ' *" URNISHED ROOM - Suitable lar lody. Good typing ond knowledge ol oenerol of A.M. NEWSPAPER ROUTE - Part time, 113], 35" Scotts spreoder. US, 50 tb. gran- and willing rider. Rides both English and itchen privileges, private both, private LUXURIOUS flee procedure* needed for this diversified oreo. One person. 104 papers ulor chlordone, 110. 671 4733. Western. Western saddle and bridle ond AVERY ARMS •once. il\ 64O0 s lovely ipaciouj Colonial In Rumson ond pleaiont position. Nice office and TEACHERS: dolly. IJJ popeiri s Sunday Moke offer. Call complete care equipment included with at It, Four lorge bedroom*, V i boihs, 747 1396 after 3 p.m. HOWARD DRUM SET - Good condition, horse. «500 Coll 143 5034. AT WEST END good working conditions. A rustic California style oportment In a LIOANT ANO EXCLUSIVE - Slu«lo iuae French country kilthen, llon-fiie INDUSTRIAL ARTS full let with extras. tflclencres ond eMCCUtlve suites. Ultra amity room with fireplace, large living wo years In Jamaica, Iran, Morocco, Ulowo ADORABLE P0ODLEV~Assorted7lTer suburban atmosphere. Wolk to beach, onlcmporory decor. No leose. Horbaur Broill. the Philippines. Train other teach assarted prices, all AKC registered. Call clubs, shopping, schools and trans oom olio with flreploce. Formal dining A-1 EMPLOYMENT olnt. Ocean Ave . Sea Bright. Nl. 147. oom, mutlc room with gueit room poten- •rs, Improve curriculum, develop'work ANTIQUES - Kitchen pie cupboard. 4636093. portotion — on ideal location. MM. 741-1100. MO Broad St. 74I-7W Red Bonk woks ond shop books, lob training. Peoce 430. Monty to Loan/Invest IHeuser), block high back rocker. ol. Boiement and 7' i cor garoge. Cen- Coll 717 9399 iOOD HOMES' NEEDED — For three New 1 ond 7 bedrooms. GE. selfcleoning al olr cpndilioninq Built in vacuum tvi- PROGRAMMER Corps Volunteer position. Singles. Mor- ud oven, stlf-detrost!ng relngerolor-ffeeter, Computer specialist with one yeor ex rleo OK Living ollowonce provided. Call EJT0«r«TTr^T6'S cats. Two spayepoyeid females ond one pure EATONTOWN AREA m PLUS MORE. Only I"., yrs. old. Mint TV pilot films. BIG PROFIT POTEN- BLONDE DINETTE SET - Table, sin white mole hols. Moving Into opart dishwasher, wall-to-wall carpel, formal t leen f 179,000. perlence In Cobol ond Fortran. Large In- ACTlONfPeoce Corps colled (301) 146 TIAL. For details, call 339-1673 All I. dining room, privole terrace, plus Iron1 Cilffl, III! otter 6 pm. 1400 or come to the Romoda Inn In Eost choirs, china closet, server. Red uphol- ment. Coll 495-3973. dustrial firm. Position with future super stery. SI7S. Coll 5(3-1364. and reor entries — lust like a home of OOM FOR RENT — College students' vlsory advancement. Brunswick, 9 am -9 pm INVESTORS WANT"ED"TO~B~UY OLD FOR ADOPTION — Two beautiful silver EAN K. . REALTOR HOUSES FOR RESALE — Also lo remo- your own. Rental* storl at 1240 a month eferred. Reasonable. EQUITY PERSONNEL, INC BOOKKEEPERS SLIGHTLY USED PAIR OF FIRESTONE grey cats. Altered, all shots. Musi go due Located on Avcry Ave., I block In from 74I-I6S9 oiler I p.m, WO Hwy 15 MkMletown 671-4500 del foreclosed houses for resale. Write to SNOW TIRES - On rims. »S5. F 71 i 14. to owners asthma. 142-3736 >ony openings In restaurant, furniture, Asbbury Occon At c. between Second and Soirs James Pop JOS. 710 Main SI. Coll B4I-I375. AYSHORE AREA — Furnished roams OUNTING CLERKS vtomollve ond nursing homes. Salary Park. N.J. r 1713. FREE PUPPIES Ave. Ith private baths. JJO per week. IRWIN llflA/R. A/Por Poyroll ITOSIeO. ESTEY UPRIGHT PIANO — Two globe SMALL BREED Call 717-9653 days, M3-3OS4 evenings PERSONNEL, INC EQUITY PERSONNEL, INC. choirs, secretary desk, dry sink, end to-, CALL 391 S33O AVERY ARMS MARINE PARK RED BANK 590 Hwy 3S Mlddletown 671 6500 bles. 671 0S3I. 119 Avery Ave., West End Long Branch IDDLETOWN - Private bathroom. 842-4188 TAME E SKUNK. TAME PRAIRIEOOG 339.4460 741-i:00 Itchen privileges. Near trnsportallon. AIR CONDITIONER — ISO, walnut desk. or sale, both ore lovcoblc ond offec- •male student or woman only. Reason- RIVER OAKS ARCHITECTS CIVIL ENGINEERS S7S, mossoge belt, MO. Miscellaneous arti- lonoli. Coll.717-7715. EXCLUSIVELY YOURS Developing counilrei need your help In cles. 747 0454 $51,990 „, . PLANNERS onitructing dams, roadways, sewage and POODLE — Apricot, AKC registered. I Llvo In quiet elegance, trangulllty. and Work with ontl-poverty oroonltatlont and disposal plants, etc. Peace Corps voiun- SIJTPIECE DRUM SET — Microtome? months old male. 150. security. Designer furnished studio effl Fair Haven Colonial avolloble (or imme- community design centers to Improve eer position. Singles: Married O.K. Llv- Excellent condition. Exlroi. 1140. Coll 471- . 143-7170. clencles and ivi room ixccullve Suites diate ouvponcy. Large rooms, fhrouan housing, lorn) use, tronsporioiion r«rr»a no allowance provided. Colt AC 510. Merchandise for Sole 5M7 or 191-4771. Total living In an Inviting contemporary out. Fireplace In living room, three bed- AKC PEKINGESE PUP - Female, five o.mosphere. Enloy a short or long Hay BELONGING!! ooms, two boths, to teltte estate. tlon and commercial oreos. VISTA Volun- lON/Peoce Corps collect (301) 844VU00 1 teer position. Living ollowonce provided. months old. Rolsed with children. Chom- No leases. Mala and linen service avail RAY rom 9 a.m. 9 p.m., Monday and Tuesday FURNITURt AND APPLIANCES SAVE HEATING FUEL Xon bloodline. 1100. 67I.3H6. WIACTtON/VlSTA collect ot foil 84* »r come to the Romoda tnn In Eost Aetfore ond people with credit problems haft what Iti all about! Year round Mv- WOO from ? a.m.* p.m. Monday and nslont credit. Immediate delivery. Coll Burn oak firewood IS tills your trunk. 671 HARBOUR POINT Brunswick. 1511, 6711371. ORSE STALLS FOR RENT no tor Golden Ageri Nice rooms. Ocean Tuesday or com* to the Romoda Inn in Mr Grand. 371-6411 Colts Neck 1491 Ocean Avo. Sea Bright. N.J ew. Three home-cooked meals daily. 74 VAN HORN Eost Brunswick. NEEDLEPOINT RUG - W « 5'. Never Phone 543 mi 747-3353 741-130 tour love ond attention. You're not " ust gPfiiO.NNELCUERK "~ CAMPBELL'S SOUP KITCHEN ~ been used. Flower design. 1350. AGENCY — REALTORS ENOINEERS wo cups. Originally tlOO. Make offer RED SANK THREE-ROOM APART name" here. Berkeley Carteret In A»- Prolect or Maintenance Good typing, filing required. Challenging Call M3 7319 alter 5 p.m. Coll 7475435 otter 5 p.m. PUPS WANTED — In Utter lots far resole wry Park. Open 7 days. Call 14 hours a day. work lor personable Individual. Coll 54* as poll, mull be cute ond healthy. Pure MENT — Heal, electric, gas. 13S pe Must have ME, CE or EE degree ANTIQUES month If you wish to buylwo 3 room KM River Rd. ''''* ™ Fair Haven Two with 1 year experience 11000 1700. Ext. 2671 or 3707. UTCHER BLOCK TABLE - Originally ondmlxed. 609 453 IW3 before noon. FEDDERSCORP —rv Jane Roosevelt's newly opened opartmenl house, oil Improvements, smol Call 775-5000 plus/mo. One with 3-5 years experience — sed In butcher shop Top is 34 "x74 ' ond store at 109 Eost River Rd. (corner Block- THREE-MONTH OLD ST. BERNARD down payment. Coll 7 p.m. -9 p.m. 353-5SI Open. One with 5 plus years experience — Edison. New Jersey ' thick. Table stands ]3" high Well sea RED BANK Affirmative Action ond point Rd.l Rumson. Open 11-5. Como Female. Good color and markings. AKC Open. oned. Asking ii35 Coll 741 1671 before 7 RED BANK THREE ROOMS FUR URNISHED ROOM - Sultoble for lady LET US MAKE YOU THE LANDLORD Equal Opportunity Employer and browse before Christmas. registered. Call 739-0331 after 4 p.m. only. Keyporl. Centrally located. EQUITY PERSONNEL. INC. PERSONNEL COUNSELLOR NISHEO. SI75. electric, an heat, hot wa .Ive rent tree In this three-bedroom, two- W0 Hwy IS MMdletown 6716500 APPLIANCES - Refrigerator. ISO. Gas t»r. Coll 7 p.m. lo 9 p.m. 352-5J15. 264 7167 tory Colonial. Collect rent from this 2 + 2 EQUITY requires person with long Indus Free demonstration with your own dog. dryer. 175. Both In excellent condition. TLANTIC HOTEL - Keonsburg. Nice bedroom slde-by side duplex. No closing 1 trial exposure to place Professional oppll SLIPCOVERS Call 339-6694 No obligation KAY 9 COLLEGE PET ost to qualified buyer, inspect this beou'v MEDICAL PERSON cants. Unlimited potential. Good working Jita and two chairs In plastic, 19995. In CENTER, (The Real Pro s) 239 (399. OPEN FOR INSPECTION quiet.cozy double, single rooms. Laundry on premises. Very reasonable. 787 9M7 ocatedat 113-DS West Bergen Place, Red conditions. obrk. 1149.95 complete Deal direct with CHAIRS — Four black leather covered, 11, 2 bedroom oportmentt Bonk. Full price S39.9O0. MEDICAL PERSONNEL EQUITY PERSONNEL. INC. manufacturer. Coll Contracts Slipcovers. swivel-type, 17 eoch. PEDIGREED GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS - Six weeks old. US firm. Marine Manor EANSBURC - Furnished rooms"wii'h Peoce Corpi needs technologists, thero 590 Hwy 3S Mlddletown 6716500 •43-1319. 775-5176 ooklng privileges, tif-120 per week. Cal pills, x-ray technicians ond others lo Call 143 3477. 100 Shore Drive, Highlands 172-1900 THE BERG AGENCY work In many disease control programs STILL TIME TO PLANT SEWING MACHINE — Singer portable Houri: 10-4 p.m. Rle IS Mlddlelown Positions In Latin America and Africa WELDERS Hack pine, blue spruce, rhododendron, featherweight. Excellent working condi- EATONTOWN — Immediate occupancy ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Slnglei; Married O.K. Living ollowonce Needed In 59 developing countries over taleos, American holly, others, 11,35 up. tion. 150. 543-3119. lit, 35. adlactnl to Main Entrance For tflclency. Reasonable rate. 14 Cast High 671-1000 ' provided. Call ACTION /Peace Corps col seas. Singes. Married O.K. Living allow 5M Merchandise Wanted Monmouth. New loroe 3 ond 4-room oporl and Ave.. 391 0599. led (101) 146 1400 from V a.m.-9 p.m. once provided. Coll AC nenls. Luxurious wall-to-wall carpeim TION/viSTA/Peoce Corpi colled (301) COMPLETE VOLUMES KINDLING WOOD- COPPER — trim, leod, aluminum, bat- Included. Air conditioned. Gold Medalllo -ANTICHIGHLANOS - Small hotel MIDDLETOWN Monday ond Tueidoy or come to the Ra tfriti. tot! iron and tieet urop Old heot mads Inn In Eost Brunswick. •46-1400. lo.m-1 p.m. or come lo the Ro Merrll Encylopedlo all electric oportmenls. Rent from S.~ ims by week or month. 3910066. It no You'll love tMs two-story, four-bedroom modo Inn In East Brunswick. 495-OV57 $1 a bag to ond 'od'oton. uied macnintry, An- per month. Phone (201) 136-3100. wer call 741 1144. Colonial high on a hut. Completely air SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS — Fe~e For Ihote chilly mornings. t.quei L Abrpm> i Son. tJ4 ItOO conditioned. Large living room with flre- paid. Opening tor large company. Start to RECEPTIONIST ANTA CLAUS OUTDOOR DISPLAY - Open Saturday* until 5 pm. COLLECTOR —"Buying LIONEL and oth- RED BANK -ARGE ROOM ANO BATH — At noml Evening hours. Typing, steno, ond good Mode ol plywood, multi-colored, three- LUXURY — One bedroom apartment1. Ai ol cosl for working girl willing lo hel ploce. beautiful new kitchen. A real bar- morrow for 1110 per week Coll us now! Ti t er toy tralm, ony age or condition. Coll gain ot KS.OOO. EQUITY PERSONNEL phone volet- Holmdtl area. Come In piece. Main piece I' loll S40, firm. Coll RED BANK LUMBER after 6 p.m. 391-6430. conditioning, dishwasher, pluih corpe round my house. Skating pond and pool 5WHwy)5 Mlddletown 1716500 JM-09M after 6 p m sun deck. Convenient lo shopping on Near Red Bank but will need car. Cal 9 Wall Street Red Bonk 741-SSOO f EQUITY PERSONNEL OLD FURNITURE — Anlfauet.Vhlnanllquei, _.., . transportation. \21S 671-196V • 143-3131. ALLAIRE-FARROW 190 Hwy 35 Mlddletown 6716500 TOP SOIL TYPEWRITERS, ADDING machines. All Realtor SCREENEO FROM FARM LAND mokes new or used. Guaranteed law as firmware, art oblfcts ond brlc o-brac. KEANSBURG— Private cottage, on ROOMS FOR RENT - Dally, weekly NURSES — RNs Immediat_;e_ cajca»h forr anvilanythin- g ond every 794 Brood SI.. Red Bank Serve at home, abroad. Teach In nursing L.LUCAS INC.. 3641415 135. Serplco's. 101 Monmouth St. rMnl to room efficiency. Security, no pets. Co monthly. Reasonable winter rotes. MACHINISTS theater. 747-O4IS. fhina RuscN's, 35 East Front St. 741-1693. before II a.m. or after 5:30 p.m. 671-4743. Call Alpine Manor, 173-1773. school In Latin America. Africa, and the WOOD — 4'x6'xl' timbers. Oreen hard- 741-3450 Pacific. Serve In neighborhood clinics. Needed In 59 developing countries over NAN JOHNSON seas. Singles. Married O.K. Living allow wood. Good lor holding bonks. SS each RED BANK' — Unfurnished Greentre Call Anytime mobile health units, drug rehabilitation Icked up. Open Sot., until noon. Econo- HAMMOND ORGAN BUYS AND BUYS Apartments, 239 Spring St., Red Bank KEYPORT programs, etc. In U.S. VISTA/Peace once provided. Call AC' From on entire housthold to a single TlON/VlSTA/Peoce Corps colled (301) «, Inc , Rt. 79, (I mile South of Marlboro One bedroom aportmenl available, ca M0. Commtrclal Rentals -orge and lovely three bedroom ranch Corps Volunteer positions. Living allow- Center.) Jtcm. Antique furniture, jewelry, illver. 741)953 for appointment. with fireplace in living room, dlnlnc ances provided. Coll ACTION/Peace •4*1400. 9 o.m.-9 p.m. or come lo Ihe Ro- Of Asbury Pork immediate coin. Top dollar. 74I-5U1. HREWSBURY - Space available, suit oom, full basement ond detached goroge. Corps/VISTA collect 17011 146 1400 from 9 modo Inn In East Brunswick. IREWOOD FOfTSALE — Lorge supply Brand ntw oraon with Rhythm RED BANK'S FINEST Located near schools, shopping, local ond a.m.-9 p.m.. Monday ond Tuesday or ACCOUNTANTS f blocks, cut-offs, klndlino, hardwood CASH — Pawn Broker will buy or loan Available for Immediate or future occu "Me tor stores or offices. Prime h.ghwoy acotlon 143 6US city bus transportation. Nicely landscaped come to the Romoda Inn In East Brunsw- BUSINESS INDUSTRIAL CPA only. Fill your cor trunk for 13. Station Immtdlalt delivery Bench, muilc and monty on diamond*, jewelry, antique ooncy. Spacious 4 and 5 room, two-bet ot with many tall shod* trees. Listed ol EQUITY PERSONNEL wagon. 14.50. Open Sot. until noon, Econo- IMIOM included. pieces and musical Instruments. CEN- jm opor — tments. Adults preferred. N FAIR HAVEN — Office or store. U7.9OO Call today! SALES 90 Hwy 35 Mlddlelown 6716500 ll. Inc., Rt. 79, (1 mile Soulh of Morl- TURY LOAN CO., » Hwy 35, Neptune. pttisj . 7*\M,5672. iroCenlerl Call 776 1900, Centrally located. OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED! 775-9300 LONG BRANCH — Larpt two bedroom 741 2699 or 741 3041 WALKER & WALKER Choose your own field for s 11 I f S ANTIQUES URGENTLY NEEDED unfurnished apartment. Near shopping Realtors EQUITY PERSONNEL. INC „ LAWYERS ALL PURPOSE'CONCRETE FORMS - Open dally'til f Sot. til 5 VISTA needs volunteers to work in hous 4 lineal feet. S300. Rigid 300 pipe threa- Furniture, paintings, cut glass, ort, schools, buses, W25 monthly. 229-1507 LONG BRANCH — Under S4 per sq. f Hwytt 671-3111 Middletown 590 Hwy 35 Mlddtilown 671-6SOO DESKS. FILES, tables, choirs, adding ma- bronies, clocks, porcelain, rugs, jewelry. ncludes dally cleaning service, air cond BRAND NEW ing, welfare, legal education, low reform der, 1100. 764 Mil RED BANK — Three rooms. Redobi KEYPUNCH OPERATOR police-community relations, consumer chines, typewriters, office equipment, etc. NAME YOUR PRICE .onlng. free on site parking, all ulilltle -our-bedroom home with o view of Ihe EARS BEST INDOOR*iOUTDOOR~CAR- ot bargain prices. New or used. AAC INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES adults preferred. No pets. Reference on and security system. Single room offic river In Monmouth Beach V J bolhs, for Some experience necesvory, good typhl right), and civil cmev Full time volunteer •tote. Coll 741-6421. •ami filing, salary lo IDS. poiltlon Living allowance provided Cal PETINC - Two years old. 17x13, 150. )ESK OUTLET, 1709 Rt. 35, Ookhursl. 10 Riverside Ave., Red Bonk 741-7474 start from 160 per month. 273-3000 mal dining room, eat-In kitchen, family 531 1990. room, double garage. Lorge mortgage ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ACTION/VISTA collect (701) 146-140 Good condition Coll 513-3473 RED BANK — Unfurnished. Two bed C^sTTToTOLD TOY THAI Nl — An I SMALL STORE - Cenler of business sec available it qualified, immediate occu- » Thomas AVe. 747)494 Shrewsbury from • o.m.-f p.m. or come to the Ro FIREWOOD FOR SALE rooms, kitchen, living room, both. S11 mado Inn In Eost Brunswick. moke or condition or will .rode HO, 027, 0 month, ptut wan Ion. 1 W. Front SI.. Keyporl. Wit""Ih base pancy Alklna 147,500 Call now. ROGER GUY/GAL FRIDAY - E«perlenced7iT MIXED WOOD IBM TYPEWRITERS « wide gavo*. 774-3710. ment. No toad. Avollaablo e Dec. I, 197) F. COZENS, Realtor. 113 River Rd., Pair Call between 6-10 p.m. 946-M33 light bookkeeping ond retail sales. Full Rental $16.50 per mo.ANTIQUE JEWELRY - Top cosh paid. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Ground floo Oil J44-1II7. Haven. 741 7614. Multiple Listings time position. Call Morris Plate Glass, WASHER-DRYER COMBINATION - J LES DEUX & DON PONS, 7f9 River Rd.. of family house. Close to bus stop an 74II0M. SECRETARY Portoble repairs U. •77-033 stores. Three large rooms ond both, Ca OFFICE SUITE FOR"RENT - Profei TWO FAMILY 124,900 Good typing and dlcto needed for Inter- years old. In good condition. Asking 1300. Fair Haven, 142-6257 or 741-4337. slonal building. Choice location. Approx 495-1167. ANTIQUES after S p.m.. 291 4>7' ACCOUNTINCCOUN G CLERK esting position In convenient location. TOY TRAINS WANTED motely M0 sa. ft. Coll 747-373O. .orge two family home features three I of occ T 13 dining tables, 77 dining choirs, six ATLANTIC HI,.,,. Knowledge of accounts payable, no typ- Pleaiont working conditions. Excellent 7 ~MYifR SNOW PLOW - Wflh electric china closets, nine sideboards, 7 gome to Any model or cetdiflon. Will pay cosh or bedroom) on one floor, ond two bedrooms ing. Excellent company. Salary lo 1115. benefit! and salary. III. brackets tor Scout or leep. Originally AH utlliltes supplied. Suitable busines NEW SHREWSBURY - 6000 sq It oval on other floor. Owner will arrange tlnonc- bill, 13 teak tobies. 13 desks, five or- trod* HO. Call 131-1314. couplt. Call 291-5731. Available now. ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 4650. Must sell.HSO JI3-3919. moires. 50 occasional chairs, eight grand able In discount department store. Will d ng with inOOdOwn. JOThomol Ave. 747-3494 Shrewsbury WANTED — 3l J room. Tiled bath Ide. Ctwlce location. Call w 3000. MELMEO REALTORS 671 S4M WASHER AND DRYER" ' other clocks, 35 chondellers, 117 oil paint Used Oriental Rugs ROOFERS WANTED 370 Broad St. 741-2327 Red Bonk )ryer like new, washer oood condition, carpet Mature odults. S170 plus utllllli NEw"s'HiTEWSBURY - 3000 saTtTsJori" Chinese ond Pcrilon Security. 7t7M.fl- FAIR HAVEN — River Oakf. Colonial. tm lor both Call 741 1317 ""INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES Also Walt Tapestries (Hossed fr6nt. In shopping cenler. Heavily treed. Three bedroomi,' formal 546-7929 alter 6 FRIEDMAN GALLERIES SOCIAL WORKERS DUAL SHOWMAN AMPLIFIERS ^Wlth 10 Riverside Ave., Red Bonk 741-747i RED~BAN K — Two room opaTfmenMo Con iSTodoo. dining room, fireplace, den. S63.900. Prin- RECEPTIONIST Positions ot responsibility ond sensitivity wo 15" JBL speakers. 1350. RMI electric senior citizen* or retire couple only. Fir STORE FOR RENT - 100*. location a cipals only. 741 3945. Some steno, diversified office work. Local Overseas ond domestic. Must have prob- Plono. 1400. Coll 547 9060. SHOW BEAMS BUYING SILVER COINS floor, private entrance. Near church Rt. 9 North, Freehold. N.J. 40'xlOO' ( area. Excellent opportunity. Salary (90. lem solving ability. Call AC- 30% over face, ond silver dollars 11935 shopping centercenler, etetci . Reference ond sec IO'XIOO'. Has heat, olr conditioning, vln NEW SHREWSBURY - Three bedroom oy the warmth and character of q ond before), »2.S0 eoch. city. Col) botwetn S"ond 6p.m., 747-1006. Ranch. Living room, dining room, recrea ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY TlON/VlSTA/Peoce Corps collect <20l FENDER DUAL SHOWMAN AMPLI- utifui beamed cenino Eosy to mstoli tile floor, celling, etc (New). Cotl 46 30 Thomas Ave. 747-3494 Shrewsbury 146-1400, 9 a.m 9 nm or come to the Ra FIERS - With two IS" JBL speakers, Call 364-1676 otter 6 p.m, SOOS. Ask to^Marfln Mtll. . Ion room. Woll to wall carpeting. 144.900. Sale priced at- I'. 17 93> 10 . 19 90; If'. ROOM APARTMEVTTT 717-2310. modo Inn In Eost Brunwstck. 1350 RMI electric piano. 1400. Call 543 tllM: 14,113 M In'stock. HOT DOG CART WANTED FASCIA ANCTSOFFIT •060 Mlddtttown orea- Suitable for bachelor LARGE~PRlvA?E OFFICE - Compbei PERSON WANTED ELECTRICIANS RED BANK LUMBER Push type or trailer hitch type. couplt, Tfl) J71 bttwetn IS p.m. Junction. Belford. US a month includes a MIDDLETOWN - Two-bedroom ranch. CALL 566-7979 oner 6 ROUGHER* FINISHERS MECHANICS WOMAN'S IMPORTED BLACK SUEDE 9 Woll Street Red Bonk 74IS50O Coll 264-1169 utilities. 671 13SI Living room, dining room, kitchen, utility EQUITY PERSONNEL, INC. BOOTS — Sfie 10. Never worn. Asking Open Saturdays until 5 D m room ond detached garage. 75*100 lot RN OR LPN - Port time 590-Hwy JS Mlddletown 671 6500 fenced. $71,000 7I7-O93T 11-7 shift. 130 Call 143 9031 oiler 6 p.m. Call HI 3W0, E«l. 13. PIANOS-ORGANS SHREWSBURY MAHOGANY CHINA Cl OSF I And Over 150 units ot warehouse prices. Conn, REAL ESTATE DUPLEX — Three bedrooms upstalri. matching 54 ' buffet with plate gloss mir- KEANSBURG — Four-room houve. Mom THE Two bedrooms downstairs. Needs some SURVEYOR'S HELPER - Must hove~e7 320. Baby Sitting/ Klmball. Yomoha, Chlckerlng, Grond. security. No pelt. perlence with transit, ond drolling. Three ror Good condition, 1300 or best offer lor Lots of trode-ln pianos ond organs from RENTALS MILL RUN BUILDING epair work. Financing ovalioble to quali- days per week. S3.50 to 14. per hour de Child Care both Coll 547 1314. 135. unlimited rentals from 17.50 ptr Highway 35 fied buyer. Keamburg, Aifcing 125,500. ndlng upon experience. Call evening month. Turn your Christmas Club Into a IS RED BANK — Two bedroom house o Call W TlJf. BABY SITTER WANTED - Five days a Now renting 10,000 sq. fl. for er 5:10 p.m. 333 0303 CSTA7C>N6EUE lifetime of enloyment. Christmas Eve de- Noveilnk River, wolhing distance to N. week. 3 to 7 on weekdays. Weekends Suiloble tor dining roam. I3S. February occupancy 10.301a ' Coll 7JO-94JJ. liveries; loy oways. Weekdays 99, Sol. bUMs/trolm. S7S0 monthly. 54J 194* Fully Air Conditioned FAIR HAVEN — River Oaks Colonial 3CUSTODIAr N — For religious institution 143-4670 until 6. 605. Apartments Living room with greenhouse window, Port-time, four hours per day, five doy 33CT4ANN~ETrCITll~irNyBA~ND MOB 11 F RjMSdN Wattrfronrrmodtrr All utilities Included per week. Apply to Box B-391, The Pall BABYSITTF« — Reliable, to ill In ou MODtRN APAKTMENTS nfihtd Ihrtt bedroom, air cond . decor On Site Parking dining room, library, screened porch, full home weekends Two children, ages 1 an •ADIO - With M»3U Microphone. Coll Freehold Music Center Ntw rroniptvlallon Offices Designed to Suit basement ond attic. Kitcheni, three be* Register, Red Bonk. 4. Long Branch. 170-1677. 937 1933 alter 6 p.m. 463 4730 lor home. Dock, fireplace, *tcluded W Coll 4lf Ml* 143 9000 dayI, 1213) 6>S J6I6 weekend*. 600 sq It. to 1Mb sq. It. Suites rooms. Landscaped garden, enclosed WAITRESSES WANTED M'W — Elthel BEHIND THE TIMES ANTIQUES* yard. U7.W0. 741 -9514. B~AB~Y~SI T I f- R Mon lhrOUO.ll ftt ANTIQUE CENTER 1 ONE BEDROOM - Kllthen. llvlna room CALL 842-3888 dovs or nights. Apply Copperfop, 163 a.m. to noon. Preferably In my honif Trifles to Treasures 77 Shrewsburhrewsbury AAvf. Red Bonk UNION BEACH — Four-room houL 747-»2f combination, located ot 199 Port Uo.i- Newtewty painted. I23S month, security r Hwy 35, Mlddletown or call 671 6IM Mlddlelown areo. Personal Interview 1309 Allaire Ave., Wonarooiso 5310094 mouih Rd . Porf Monmouth, Coll otter & More Clottlfltd EXPERIENCED sVAl T~E RS/wVl I quired. Call 671 5659. quiredJlrtd., for Information call 2I/-S470. "" ADAMS REPRClbOCTidNS pm 4fi 0374 or 671 0110. RESSES— 10 p.m lo 4 a.m. TOWN n Sales ond Furniture Reflnlshl ig FIREPLACE WOOD IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY on Next Pagt COUNTRY INN, Keyport. Coll 2646130 Relocated 501 1464 Seasoned firewood from Vermont. Cut, SEA BRIGHT - ANCHORAGE APART KEANSBURG — Small two bedroo for Interview. split and delivered to your home. 135 for MENTS SOUTH AND WEST. Private house Ctose to schools Nice yard. Id RED BANK 705. Houses for Sale 330. Domestic Help ELBBA SSYSTEY M -TFOTinsuVance sales- ocean beach, new one ond two bedroom for co lie with one child 1110 per mon HELP WANTED - For public senao ' > fireplace cord (h««<> US lar full fire- w couple CHOICE PROFESSIONAL ZONE HOUSEKEEPER -'Live'in Cnreo men CompletCl e with machine, ffilml , cas- place cord 12x4x1). Limited supply, order ILportmtntt featuring wall lo wotl corpet- Ul utlllllles. Call «7l 1000. business office. Accounting and/or busl household and assist with three school ag settesees, . ond assortessoedd salesales aids. OriginallOl y now, delivery In two weeks. Coll eve- ing, color coord.naled G.E. opplloncei First floor, decorator designed office lul ness management training or experlenr children Utperwrek Call 147-6663. 1110111000. now 145014S0. 717 1331231 jnd olr conditioning Convenient to allHOLMDEL VILLAGE - Four bedroo equiredegulred,. eExcellenx t growth opportunity nlnas, 74I.MI1.'>> Victorian. Newly redecorated. Immtdio tor immediate occupancy. Ample prlvo ;9o% DRUM SET - I piece, like nrw lntluriIANO dlMonlng One bedroom from 1300, two TAGE - On beoulllul wooded secluded ing only $45,500 Call us SEMI-SKILLED & UNSKILLED : bedroom* (rom SIM. Call 147 I Off ace estate. THE BERG AGENCY, R SNOW TIRES - •,lndrle07"M7i iS. good - 1171. II keys ISO Wogonwheel type RED BANK - One room office, all utl today... celling light (three lights), III Coll 471- Mlddletown 671 1000. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY pair, IIS Bay's 16" bike. 170. Boy's Ice KEANSBURG Nfw thr-*? bedroom ties supplied Air conditioned. 195 a skates, sue I 117. Mr>?m npartmenti. All electric Excellent neigh- COLTS NECK - On Hwy iV In the V month 747-3706. * PACKERS 10 CONTEMPORARY - rurvert «nfn. COLOR TV - Slerea radio combo, tv aorhood. Avolloble immediately. One looe. Cope Cod. seven rooms. l'i bath 747-5600 separates to two pieces for easy moving. needs work. Furniture, good condition. months stcurtty and reference* required full basement. Iwo cor oorooc. gord ASSEMBLERS green and gold, 1700_«_7M;59 1175. Push reel mower, like new, 110. 671- 71 J- 2430. house. UIS plus utilities 94ft 4«?« oiNiNO ROOM til - Danish, table ptgs HAILET TOWNSHIP - Four rot MACHINE OPERATORS SCVEN-PIECE LIVING ROOM SEC- house. One year lease. II75 a month p three leaves, six choirs, breoktont ond BRAND NEW utilities. Dec. 1 occupancy BETSY RO table pod. IH0 in J/',» TIONAL - Needs slipcovers. 135. GENERAL FACTORY WORKERS JMI44I PATTEN POINT APARTMENTS AGENCY. 264 3416. 117 Hwy 3S. Keypar IIIISH BEI I FH IIIF One ond two-bedroom luxury apartments, EXCELLENT STARTING SALARY KFANSfHIRG Four ranm houlf. Oil "WUHr" black/while TV. WV cut loss. Roionne from SIVO per month, featuring air condl & ADVANCEMENT OPP'TY Rosevllle. 94AI4i;nHrr V30. Composition ond celluloid. Honing, refrigerator, heol and hot water Improvements, utilities supplied MOHayU SNOW IlRFS 1) MuddertrTTsTocF Coll 49! I]74 furnished, polio, pool, foundry facilities, Coll 717 0607 offer 6 pm. Yellow crib and motlresi, S70 High choir. SOFABED water.ront aparfmeni'. available. No bro- MO. Commtrcial Rentals 747-5600 CHARITIS INDUSTRIES 110, men's Ice skates, slit I. » w J<*1 Good condition. Green. ken fee. Directions Rt* 36 ID Branchpoint CORBET — Conn, with cose cv <> 150 Call VI 0*0) Ave. left lo Monmouth Ave , right on 73 Atlantic Ave., Matawan. N.J. menls. like new. IB Coll before 7 p m Monmouth across the bridge, iett on Pot- (201) 566-7500 llllltl TAUIF. ten to red brick buildings. Two end. one coffee, in walnut. 135. Call ATTRACTIVE I COUNTRY ~N H\b7>l . DANO AGENCY 2-OFFICE SUITE BEAT TlIF FUEI SHORtAcf -Or jusl EXCLUSIVE AGENT ; LIVING... use for decoration Potbellied stove, cost MODEL PHONE. JJ»nili Ctntmiy located in Htd Bank Ap- Iron 1W> Coll oil" 4 p.m., I;.' I'D, OFFICE PHONF ?. apartment Suitable couple. Neor to oil lioning. iinitoml MrvtcM. Mil-Mr- 10,000 miles 13x445 whltewalls. Good con- tronsportollon Call /»/ 01130 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY dition Call 741 1799 yiCO tltvllor. lit* Dirking KfTANJBURG - fnTtt bfdron^ awaits Ihe new owners ol A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR electric included. All new opphnnffs Re C4LI 747-1100 PliPPRitie. urn cently remode'ed 4?\ l?n nr 49S 01/0 this lour-bedroom, 2V4- MANY NEEDS REFRIGERATOR. l]> •' (tout HO CALL 741 7145 FOUR ROOMS - Baseboard Iv..< bath, center Hall Colonial wood Moors untities furnished imme- Located in the Beacon diate occupancy Adults preferred. No MS. Apttrlmtnlt MS. A»#jrtmants 370. Pit> ond Livestock pets WJUl. Hill Estates section ol •ral Contractors Adding Machines Plumbing and Heating VWINl WIRE HAIUBO 6ACHSHUNO KEANSBUH.. i ,(>r>m gorden opart Mlddletown. Custom Typewriter* CARPENTRY - Remodelino, ponellno VAf.NER S PlUrVHING AND HEAIIHO PUPPIES- AKC register* ' ment. tin per month. Private entronct kitchen cabinets. 20' dan, closets, doors, additions Odd lobs Ren New installations ond repairs All types K4-34I4 Near all tronsportollon 72 jtj Honrtxk *| FARMINGDALE GARDENS j work 74+9494 onyttme 1 MARF QUARTF R HOUSE - Mr Nopp, Apt ?? 4t* 1J1J, } lo 7 p m lull huge basement. Less Witt, fancy western saddle and hridle, like SMAI I I than Iwo years new, pro- Limousine Service i"* M9 1160. Ask for Al Pearl and Utilities, air conditioning paid 117) Man WEST MAIN STRIET. FARMINODALE, N.J. fessional landscaping - Additions, on l W«d<1lngs Any occasion AKTTP^MERANIAN only Coll 747,9441. 'eured Codllloc limousines Perionollied Bead Restrin reosonatl* OCIAN.1H6NT~ Transferred owner asking service on time Sea Bright Rumson Llm Eiperlly on brnloW nylon II 7|7 2»79 FURNISHED APARTMENT In high fifties. Call us ouslne Service Ml <*I9 ____^__ 7J7M79 Veiling clasps from 'V RCUSSILLES' 34 AKC COLLIF rups ffSTtT SnTF? Spacious 1 & 2 BEDROOM APTS. today . BrgbdSI , Rd Bk mote. Sable, white and Irl, Ready Dec 21 POUR ROOMS - Prime area of Keyoort, CLOCKS AND Painting & Decorating Tim* payments ore epted M? /an. All utltllies Included One year lease TENNIS CLUi • SWIM CLUB WATCH REPAIR INTIRIOHPAINIINI.. PAPi BIN', Rooflng, Siding, OMMAN iHfMHF BOS - AKC. li SKurltSecurity reaulerequired • lrnJM«yill« MnM Hs*4 MM) Mr Cmm*»**t • IntMoam «nd 747-5600 JehtT, tine fewelry e»p< 542-0779 ceptlonallv oeoutirul dogs with good tern ttfo BA" • wit. hci •uaar Ti ktUn Intrana* Ooo • Cwmd Twn«» Nr twi AMMI- Jtwelers, 7f9 River & Insulation nefmrnt r nil <•<<. t .*/ overlooking Ihe Navesinh Twt b.dronm* . •MKt • (MSBB tlMMMjr liMtoMtn • Vantty • All ManftnoMJ Floor. • • T PAIMTINA INC. 1471911 S*WROOFtM(. ti\ htSt »'* F'REFZFM two bath, wllh full dining room Carpeting Interior - lalerlar ond forking included RODMAN ARM! Ulff) ClowtB • "L" MmmJ LMna Hoam • DMna AIM • FrM On- 4let 7474711 ' Monmouth County's Live Wire Roofers Angui and white face iletrs Grnm ifii Specialist* — repairs, shingle work Reody to be siouahtered For intormotlon APTS 74) D1IA or 14} 6971 ••HHa PPkl • Uun*y CMMUM • Walk ta H«««l Trrnnthlo tchooi* colt 4621914. STERLING THOMPSON Diamonds L6NO BRAHr >• *M Aptj On 0Ha4a> M6 f'uf^llj - Akc! ntshed oportm»ntv h»nt onTwnter sup Bought or Reityled Slip Cover* Loveoblt clownl. rveea oood homes. Hen RCNTINQ Office ON PREMISES AU0CM1U-IULTM •ig onrl tvollpo sanoble 4464564 CALL t3S-SS91 ff let us retlyli them fnr you parsonr tree estimates, i>m Air conditioned, including an M«HwyM "*»ylwico lo NY.. Noaark but n Newman larlnfi Ro Rod tank, N J Track Stand On o»- Grociowt roomy mrw •aavoem Co 842-4350 WATERBURY nwaVU latf roar.nKN-cMolM ovan. WE tUV HOUMI FOR TOP DOLLAR iXmoUmnr— totta U7.SO0 Ttall 9 la any caMHan. AGENCY - aW-raM 'Vi ASSUMX11E MbHTOAOI LIITINOS O> ilTTf » HOUIi - In umton. Lovely ttorfar or rttlramant Sports Complex ma. Convanlant to thopplna. rlwar. RED BANK Ktieolt on< tronuortoliiat MoMonanca PERTH AMBOY (AP) - aa. U3.M0. Call in Hti or 741 ttM. Citizens for Clean Air. NO CLOSING COST An attorney aanclated with lid HAVEN — TtireeMdreem haoie. "As you know the NJTA U LI»jJ)t rjam, «nlng room, oat-l kll vlng roam, alnlng room, full botement. the Monmouth Park Jockey le. Central air conoVtlaMno, OatlraWe New Jersey's most respected atlon. Mutt Oa Men to 60 aerrecttM. Club has defended the club's and responsible group dealing , . Full prica Ill.W. ' aanintmant. prlnclpak only Uliilt opposition to the state making with our state's fiscal policy," THE BERG AGENCY EWI NEWI NEW! - lrl»m kl lev* »••» • MHdltla»n i MCtllw) Mellon H Hoil«l. Featuring a moral pledge to support the WUenti said in a statement to iw»-ear gorooe, (aw badroanu. lor oa f tt ofUn room. I'.Mlhi, faonal ainlna Hackensack Meadowlands the Newark Star-Ledger. 671-1000 oom, to* In mtchan. Lcxatad an ouW cu" •WftiwUuikY-tlittNT LUtlMO sports complex. Claiming the newspaper Partacl *rSf or railraa homa «ini two • •oc. Ptrftct for orewlna family. b.aroami, lalauilad tnclotto lemllv Conn wllfi appltancn art many tmroi Robert N. Wllentz said had "constantly presented a roam, ••ull tVy Mmlllnlibad ksMmtnt UK 1%% down. mtrtgtM ovollablo. LOST OUR LEASE Ooa-Mr farogi. oil en '* ecra nlcal» '.MO THE KIRWAH CO.. Realign, (mire itock 01 keatln* occeuerln tewt Sunday that the jockey club's one-sided view of this issue," mi. M*rm. own HI I u » MM. WDeUwfi arlcet on avtboorat ma- wwroaao •rooarty. Tip-top condition. San tori, trallert etc Open I »S aocn ooy. position was supported by oth- ft win caniMar wma tlmnclng ond will IANSFCRRCD. O* JUST OUT WUentz said the Star-Ledger's all* tMI VA-TMA For furthtr Krtitulor" ROWING YOU* HOME? - Coll ar coll M*«Y AMIROSINO. wSiSn: BOAT & SKI CENTER er groups, Including the New "commitment to this project • la tar your complimentary copy ot Ap '5 White St.. Had •onk 74I-I1M eSrook't monthly Hornet lor Living NEW AND USED SAILBOATS Jersey Taxpayers Associ- is so Intense that, unfortuna- I-DEAL REALTY oaailne. Ollert flcturti. prices, de la'. Tvpnoon If, rlpllont. APPLEIOOOK AGENCY, Entenado JO Tenv ation, the Sierra Club of New 1 n. VlvoelhJ IT, ..Esie. » le' And other tely, you have not been able eoltort. ttt Hwy U. MiddMawn »;i ?000 Jersey and the New Jersey MONMOUTH JAILING CENTER to weigh both sides of the RUAASON VICTORIAN Weal SI, Manmaulh teach m-Ml moral pledge issue." Ono tf Rymtan't lovallait oia homer LEGAL NOTICE mmplalaly raitorad with elegance re 7M. IncaMWt Prepfty 17' aHUNIWICK 'KEROLAi OUT 1 NOTICE According to the Perth Am- lotnao . Savon bedraomi. rhraa Sothi. 0. RacraalloiMri Vtlclts "1 Ofttr entry of (udgmtnt ht flit Invitations are being tent to II. Gauch of Middletown are ry with treat, ready lo go. From W.S00 i^ntnt ond offidavll of publication of lion bond issue to finance the To highlight thin occasion, HAILET — Lorge four bedroom home I tll.SOO. Coll owner, 229 1613 oftar 6 XURY MOTOR HOME -. luagment with tht Monmouth County project. the YMCA's board of direc- residents throughout the l> co-chairmen of decorations. crying for o lorae family. Large livtni m. or Sorurdoyt ond Sundays. Clef h, ond • ctrflflotf copy of tht |ua> room, country kitchen, lull basement, oo- mtnt with tho Stcrotory of Stott pur- tors is sponsoring a dinner- per Monmouth County area Other members of the YMCA roge, and oil the nkctt aHtrol Con IVE ACRES — Atlantic County. 25 mln- •uanl to tho oroviilorn of tht Stafuto venlence plus comfort In this Immoculofa He* from Atlantic City Racetrack. Corner W73DODOE MOTOR HOME - ir. WO ond Rtvlsed ftwltt In tuch cost madt The state has not acted on dance at the YMCA's build- •erved by the YMCA. Co- board serving on the centen- home, priced far quick sale. VA ond PHA iraperty, rood frontoge an two roods. miles. Excellent condition. Fully ondorovfded. buyert welcome! Xn.wo THE KIP.WAN 10.000 firm. Only Interested ponies coll. equipped. Call 2H17W otter a am. the moral pledge proposal, and ing. Maple Ave., Saturday, chairmen of Invitations are nial committee are arrange- CO.. Raaltort, Hoilel. wm. Open III MARSHALL SBLIKOPF, J.C.C. p.m. l»;i FORD CAMPER SPECIAL - Auto- On Morten of Lewronct A. Carton, it Gov.-elect Brendan T. Byrne Jan. 28. Mrs. Herbert McNulty of, ments chairman, Mrs. Robert MONMOUTH BEACH -Al rtsldenllol matic, power ttaarlng, power Drakes, Nov. M JIZJO SETTLIMSVlt OF ESTATE - Requires stereo tape, law mileage. (2 ft. STERNER said recently that he would Purse", Middletown; dinner sale af charming three bedroom Colonlo CAMPEX sell-contolnod, fully equipped. NOTICE TO BIDDERS chairman, Mrs. II. Ernest In one of flnett oreat In Rumion. Conloc Nellce It hareey given that mill not support a moral pledge owner Mr opaalnlmant. 14} I3M. tiea will be received ay the Secretary of measure until he had more Thompson, Fair Haven; MipOLETOWN - Six room ranch. Thrt 770. Moolle Homes the Department af Purchasing af the "loched gorage On V, acre Caanty »t Menmeufh, New Jersey end time to study the sports com- chairman of prizes. Dr. J. Al- GARDEN PARK MOBILE HOME CI AL •fined ond road M public M Ream Na. Gasoline Dealers "^fween Mp 79 Bethony Rood oil Hwy"05, Mailet, New | I Jta, Preeheldars' Mealing Ream in the plex plans. vin Parker, Red Bank, and trtey. Walk to shopping oroa. 744-3911. NOT' Nail af Records, Main llreel, Preaheld, 705. Howes for Sole Mr. William Wescott, Rum- WANTED — Mobile home trailer. Ap Now Jersey ail December It, Ifrl at •otlmole slie, )OH40. v*0. Lost and Found H:M A.M. prevolllnf lime tor me fat- The complex is scheduled In son. « Call 7I7-14U NEXT TO — iLOSf - Mole Oermon theah>rg~, 4", I. 'uRtfllNINO AND INSTALLING house the Now York football See Profit Squeeze Prize co-chairmen areMrs. 70S. Houses for Salt months old. vicinity ot Long Bronch LEASED DATA PROCESSINO ewalwaik. ittourM. trtliTa-ITot. . EQUIPMENT IN THE COURT Giants by 1976. George A. Shechan, Humson, OAK HILL... SECTION OP THE OPPICE OP (Continued) per cent. "It's been terrible," I ALMOST I L%sTi^>5n s'rood St.. Red Bank., tntrfV. MONMOUTN COUNTY CLERK member of the Rtd Bank. I Nov. I. Old fashioned dangling earring LOCATED IN THE MONMOUTH Most station managers con- he said. "I've had a cold for a Board of Management, and I with small transparent ttonee and orange COUNTY COURT HOUSE, FREE tacted after Nixon's address •NEW... I hoop. Reward, scntjmentol value. Call HOLD, NEW JERSEY FOFORR THE month. Even my dog has a John G. Schmck, Hazlet, who 1741 SlOe. PERIOD JANUARY I. 1*71*74 last night said they would is this live-bedroom • THTHROUOR H ptCEMBER IIII . mmee . 2 Arrested cold." — Browntsh oronoe. lightly ttrlpefi serves on the Arrowhead-Bay- 1ST -_frm 7 PURNISNINPUR O TELETYPE PA. home A custom house in lole cacatt . AAnswerr s lo name "Whiskey. n FOR TH comply, but some were upset. Pennsylvania Gov. Milton J. mson-Sem-Sooa IBright oreo. Reward. M Pi n FOR THE MONMOUTH shore Board of Management. ' a most beautiful area is this four-bedroom COUN""VNTT Y POLICE COUNTYWIOE After Entry Some said the l.'i per cent Shapp urged an immediate Ideal as mother-daughter home located in Middle- POUND -Hydraulic lack, Rt. ». Olva cut In gasoline production ban on all American oil ex- setup. Maintenance tree. nodal ond serlol nu|n*K- Coll Complttt tHCirtcollttni>. . liri m «f bid, lown. A beautiful lot with Mirtut and ktnijtr IIhi pn which Nixon will order will ports and a restriction on ol) Liquor Store Treed lot. 26' family work art to III* in'rfl....* ODtMrtmtnt «f large trees. 1 7' work r — Reddish brown dog, while under- cut their profits unless the company prices. He said un- room. Asking only Purcr>otln« tf Iht Cwnty tfMtnmtutri, At Store bench in garage 21' N«ll tf Ktctrdi, Main llrttt. PrtttitM. government allows them a less such a restriction was im- $51,900. Call us today .. Ntw aftnty and c*fl«* m«v bt rtciivtd NEW SHREWSBURY - Owner Robbed game room. Fireplace tor I Belongs to sick girl II teen or found toy Iht prciHCNvt bMtMrt, upon OMli- George Corrigan, 18, of 124 greater profit margin. Others posed, "then the people are cozy get together. Cen- pleata contact 7I7-W7I ImmaOlotely. emin. durim 4wt>fwti h»ur«. WEST LONG BRANCH - • i Arrested on the same closing would have little of its over the sale, transportation •RITH THTSAD -SPECIAL READING from a rtpulaklt Inturanct CoA- with about $300. STERLING THOMPSON Modam Rose. Reader and Advisor on «ll •ony ctrhtyinf tt «h» ltd thai II charges was a 17-year-old boy anticipated effect. And time and use of oil and natural gas. 747-5600 oblerm. Sha can ond will help you. Hwy Iht biddtr It lucctttful, a Hirtly ASSOCMTEeVKALTM rot Sixth st . Freehold Acres btnd will bt flltd for Iht ptrftrm- who was released in the cus- were dealers like James R. Edwards' program would The Incident occurred at Freehold ond Lokewood. 3o3 tSII You ontt tl Iht contract, and Waldon. owner of a Los An- MOrhryM must come ond see to believe. t A Ctrlllitd Check drawn lo tht or- tody of his parents. combine new taxes on oil and 12:48 p.m. Thursday, police 747-5600 NOTICE dtr of Iht Monmtuth County Tr?a The boys were seen running geles Station, who said. "I gas produced In tho state for said. Mr. McGuire was alone Cuddly Trio I will not be responsible lor ony debts olh lurtr irt an amount not Itil than er than Incurred by myself OS of Nov. 1). frn pfrcvnl (IDS) Of tht amtunl from the rear of the store and think it's the creates! thing sale outside of it with tax re- In the store at the line and 1*73. Curtis Wheeler. 26) 5. pearl St., Red bid bul not 10 tutted Twtnly ThtN- Bank tond Dollorj were arrested in a wooded going. It will give me an extra lief for state citizens. It Is de- there were no Injuries/ mi kt tftltvtrrd ol Iht piof t and on nit Graceful Lines hour abovt nomtd area by Sgt. Wayne White, as- day of rest." signed to keep an adequate 638 Tht riant u rtftrvM tt rt|tlmol«ly 5 700 Ittt Includlna showed that the slops an oil nectitory oppurttnoncM ond work Incldtntal of arrangements. Frank Blank of Union, Mrs. mittens in 2 each plus lonj thtrtlo IS3.000 II 1.000 nounced yesterday by the r Edna Morris and Mrs. Gus scarf. All In single crochet o TOTALS IJO?,O00 ~ 1707.000 Mrs. Kmily (llirislcn.srn President could make up only ttctlan 4 Tht lollowlng matttri ort htrtby dtitrmintd, dtc'ortd, recited and Mr*, llrlrn A. Ca*si*r»ot compuftii from The remaining shortage of the date ol tht tald bondl ovthoriftd by thtt bond ordmanct. ond taking into ron- Monmouth Medical (.'enter Buckley Funeral Hume, As- Red Hank tern - add 25 cents for each a tulip shape — even to Ihr Uderotiorrotion ththt retptct'vct'vtt aamountt ol tht told obligation*, lo bt iisutd 'o tttt wv 1.2 million barrels dally mei< rall purpoittpurpoitn,. i- t lOvtori Mrs. Cassidy was born in bury Park She was a ward clerk at pattern for first-class mallini lovely curves of the pockets lures how far the admlni' (c) The supplementasupplementall debt statement required by said law has been duly mode Atlantic Highlands, and lived Flushing Hospital, New York, and special handling Send to No waist seams — sash it or ond di''led d in ftheh offic ffe OfO thef Borough Clerk and a complete eircuted dupiitote tration still must go to thereof hat bttn filed in mt office of tht Director of Iht Division of Local Govern- here most of her life. Clurk II. ShallWSr. lor seven years, and formerly l.aura Wheeler, HI The Red not as you wish. Send' ment Service! m the Department ot Community Affairs of Iht State ot New Jer»ty, the gap between petrnleun Register. Necdlcfraf ond luch itattmtnt thews mot tht mott dtbi of tht Borough at defined in void law She was the widow of John ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS worked as a secretary of the Printed Pattern 8343; ii incrtaied by the author \t oil on of Iht bond! ond nottt provided for in mn bond supply and demand [>ep< . Box 161. Old Chrlsc; ordinance by 1707 000 and the lituanct of tald obligations outr>oriied by this bond J. Cassidy. - Clarl II. Shaffer Sr, 88. of Crown Point Republican Club, Misses' Sizes K, 10. 12. H. 16. ordlnonct is per milled by me ecceptlon provided In paragraph id) of laid Section Station. Now York. NY 4OA.7 7 of told law to the dtbt limltollont prescribed by told law Mrs. Cassidy was a member 08 K Washington Ave , died Flushing Mrs. Chrlstensen To provide a fair dil Size 12 (bust M) requires [% Id) Tht oggregate amount of not t>cttdlng W) 000 for itemi of entente* per 10011 Print PATTERN NIJM mitttd undtr Section 40A.J-70 of told low hot bttn included ot port of the eitl of the Asbury Methodist Friday In Hiverview Hospital, also served nn the Board of trinution of homo healing oil yards 60-inch fgbrtc moftd COttt Of tht Itvtrol impfOvtments or purpotti dttcrioed In Set'ltn ] ol thlt Church and the Senior Citi- and allow some reserve In HKR. NAME. ADDRESS fcontor. d ordlnonct Red Bank Elections In New York. She ZIP SKVKNTYKIVK CKNTS It) Tht Borough will wtdtrlohf Iht Improvtmtntt or purpottt dtirrtbtd zens of Chester Arthur Apart- Mr Shaffer was an industri- was a member of King of case of an extra-cold winter for iscti piiltorn — add J1 WfMon J ot otntrol improvtm#ntt Tht Borouoh t.ptrli fa rtftlvt grnnli From \l,l, NK,W FOR IWS! K;ish Itw Slatt ot Ntw ltrt#v ond County ol Monmouth In aid of undtrfONing fht im ments al arts leachei In tin Newifii Kings Lutheran Church, here. the President turned If conls f(ir fttct) pitllrrn foi \tr provtmfnU dtitribad In Stctloni )(bl ond ]ltl Amounlt 10 rffrtivtd than bt 00 mn Inspired Npcdlccraft Cata <«d only to flnonct irnprovtmend dtttnbad thtrcin by appiicot'on Ihtrtot turtti Surviving are Ivwi sons. school system belpn retiring Surviving are two daugh- modified form of direct con Mall ind Special Handling K dlrrcl poymtnl of tht cottt of tald Improvtmtntt or lo povmtnl or raducllen of 1 log — more knit, crnchM m« oulhorliotlon of tft* oblloatlont oufhorlttd by ttili bond ordtnonc* Francis Cassidy of Shrews- several year ters, Mrs. Kmily Troster, with sumcr rationing, directing thi Send to Muriiirv Martin. 42(» I ttcllottcllon I ththlt t banband odnoordlnoncn t ovthollaovthorllatt oblgotnobllgofitnt t of tht t Borougugh taftalfly y sivles. cralts KRKE dircc puranat dttirlbtd In porogro«r> Idl af Ixllon At, II of told low and tald bury, and Richard Casaldy of Surviving are Ins widow, whom she lived, and Mrs. Do- 10, IS and 25 per cent cutback!. The Ked Bank Register. Pat- puranat dttirlbtd In porogro«r> Idl af Ixllon At, II of told low and tald pur. tinfl.a.. 7!,c potat art I n tthha publiblc i IlnInlarnl l ondd mn 11tt thh t hlh#allnl . wtlfortlf . ronvtftltnclc t or bat- West Long Branch; a daugh- Mrs Murle Krennan Shaffer, rothy Hyan of Ft. Bragg, In dealer deliveries to Indus .tern Dept 2.1? West 18th SI, Itrmanl af lha inhabilanlt af tna Borougfi and ma amount! fo tx t<»andtd tor toid NIWI Inilinl Monay Book — puroottt pursuant to Iht bond ordlnonct ore . ter, Mrs. Frank Kerchner of a son, Clark II. Shaffer Jr. at N.C.j a brother Richard trial, residential and com- horn* New York. NY 10011 Print tht Isiuonm of Mid oolftfotlont ovthorlftd by thl* bond ordtnonct will not mott mik* extra liollnri Molly impair tht credit af tht BorougBarauafht ov r luMtorttloillubtfantiaiiy reducttOutfe liift abilitability ftto pay Colorado Springs, Col; three home, two daughters, Mrs. Schilling of Scarsdalc, NY.; mercial users, respectively. from your crafts . II 00 NAMK. ADDRKSS with ZIP, puncluolly tht principaal l «l ond Intaratl 9tt lti debit ond tupply othtr tttantlailpub 11.00 IK Irnprovtmtfitt an..d. MrvlctlI , and tha LKol Flnarxftnmnti t "Board in Iht Olvllltn .. . sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Meada Hilly Kuritz at home, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Mur- inttant Creehat look ol Oovarnmant torvlcM In Mit Daportman.. f o)f CommunitCorrn y Affoirt, of the Mntaftt o* Love said spot checks might Hairpin Crochot look || 00 si/K and STYLE NUUHER Ntw Jersey hot heretofore mode a dtlermtnatl unify Alfalrt ot Iht lloif. of of Morris Plains. Mrs Flor- Mrs Nancy Zsak of Ft Lau- phy of Flushing, and Mrs. n» tnxt and routad m can Inatant Mierimt Book It 00 NEW! flPRlNOaUMMKR sent to bt endorsed upon o certified copy of (hit bond ence Clark, here, and Mn derdale, H;i .i llstel Mn Anna Johnson nf Kast Keiiriv be made, and violators CATALCKJ! Wa lov« tortf i-n n rowRno ordlnorirt at rmttad on rlrtt Inatant Gift Seek ,.. ft 00 m 4 Tht full faith ond credit of fhe Boroufti i! nereby pttdot* to the Muriel Lippincott of Colorado Edgar II Schrape of Vinlct, burg, five grandchildren, and be punished by fines up to .11.00 for you -over 100 town, V»CB- nrtuoi payment of the printipol ot ond interest on the snid nbiigatifHii outhnntec Complata Afghan Book this bond ordinance Said obligations shall be direct unlimited obligation* tf the 15,000, but there would be no SM tlon, xlatnor »tfiM ChooM on* K Springs, seven grandchildren Kin. ami a grandchild tun i;ifat grandchildren. It Jiffy Rufi Book Borough, ond Iht •orouon sholt bt obttgattd to itvy ad valorem to«et upon nil tht general government monitor- 12 rVlia Affham Book •,n# liaiinrn freo! 8«nd 75f now. trundle property wiIMn the Borough for tht poymtnl of laid obtifOfiont and inter and two greatgrandchildren. Postcns Funeral Home, TIM John F. Pfleger Funer- INHTANT Fiihion Book. II. ni Ihtrton without limitation of raft or omount Ing or enforcement oper- Quill Book 1—1» pultrrn Stctlon / Thi» bond ordlnonce sholl lake tfitd M days offer rht tint The Woolley Funeral Home here, u in charge of arrange- al Home, New Monmouth, It INHtANT flfwlng Booll—t#w MuMUm Quilt ««t)k i ntn thtrtof oftor finoi odopfion, ot provMoo' ky MM Locot M L*» U In charge of arrangements. ments. In charge of arrangements. ations. »« UOulltaforTr,,! ••> It tnrtny wanr It lomnrow. |t. Nov M * Daily Register, K«j Ia**-Mi«dlelew«, N J. Meaday, November If, | Matawan Man Denies Bomb Threat FREEHOLD - Richard Gilpln, U, of 29 Northland Lane, llatawan, has pleaded wnocent to a charge of send- ing a threatening letter to a [ormer Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital psychiatrist that he •U«8«ny would blow up two stages If he did not receive Gupta had pleaded innocent 6y mall to a charge of sending a letter to Dr. Betty Powell May 10, threatening to blow up Cottages 16 and 17 at the hospital unless the hospital aent him $25. Alfred R. Davis, 27, of Bor- dentown pleaded Innocent be- fore Superior Court Judge M. Raymond McGowan to charges of entering Holiday Inn, West Long Branch, with intent to (teal June 8; robbing »n employe -of $289 at gun- point, and assaulting the em- ploye with a .32 caliber re- volver. Norman W. Adams, 22 of Earle Naval Ammunition De- Center Pull Brake pot, Colts Neck, denied pos- "DELUXE sessing marijuana and in- HEDSTROM 10 INCH tending to distribute it in MURRAY MARX AMF 10 INCH SIZE 10 SPEED RACER Long Branch July 25. PEDAL DRIVE FIRE TRUCK TRAIL CYCLE MINI WHEEL R.g.6.87 CHILD'STRIKE 10 speeds with dual caliper hand Michael D. Alston, 20, or brakes. Racing handlebars. It's the Sea View Ave., Long Branch, For the young firefighter. Husky wide track The little folk enjoy Withstands the 5988 bike that really rolls. Has rt»r platform rails, 987 roar wheels, sturdy 487 this introduction to roughest treat- has pleaded Innocent by mall 1999 white plastic ladder and tubular frame. the world of Mini to ment. Rear step to a charge of possessing a plated bell. Moulded seat. Racing-type BIR Wheels. Age 1x h to 3. deck. Tubular steel frame. dangerous knife May 1. handlebars. Edward W. Kenmore, .18, of Bronx, N.Y., pleaded innocent by mail to a charge of pos- sessing a revolver in a car without a permit in Middle- town April 6. Michael J. Perry, 23, of Wil- son Ave., Long Branch, de- nied escaping July 5 from MENS-LADIES Long Branch Patrolman Don- ENGLISH ald Plngatore, who had alle- gedly arrested him on a 3 SPEED BICYCLE charge of receiving stolen WELSH DOLL STROLLERS It's the popular choice for the big property. STANDARD SMALL boy or girl or adult. Lightweight. COLECO STANDARD STROLLER Its her easy pedaling, trigger shift, dual Randolph L. Jones, 25, of DOLL CARRIAGE DOLL CARRIAGE very first, gay and colorful print. caliper handbrakes. Padded seat. 102 Center St., Freehold, de- DELUXE DOLL CARRIAGE s*f*n Featuring red _ __ Chrome Perfect for her favorite doll. nied breaking into Freehold Floral pattern top. Smart styled Q99 floral top. Big 399 Plated tubular ...TANDEM STROLLER Very attrac- Radio and TV Center, 30 matching body. Bright chrome size for the handle and ^Jjjjtivefloralpatternwithchrometub- South SL, Freehold, June 8. 999 frame, large wheels. taller miss. Chrome frame. MouldeDUlded bodv. inog anrandi easMCyU rollinrnllinog wheelsuuhpAk . PlentPlpntyu frame and springs. Edward Lockwood, 28, of 74 Large wheel. of room for two dot Elizabeth St., Keyport, plead- ed innocent by mail to a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a 17-year-old girl by allegedly giving her mescaline July 13 in Keyport. Ronald O'Neal, 22, of 803 DELUXE Memorial Drive, Asbury Park, denied possessing he- HIGH RISE BICYCLE rion July 6 in Ocean Town- DO A smart design and rugged con- ship. MUSICA. ROTH ' struction bring you a bike for that Elliott Nochimson, 20, of WOODFRAME AMERICAN 32 'rough rider' who needs depend- Paramus, pleaded innocent by AMERICAN PUSH TOY CART TOY BOX COLONIAL ROCKER able transportation. Coaster -ran You'll be impressed PEG DESK brakes. mail to a charge of soliciting Big size to carry a big load and a-nrk Alphabet screen on Chalkboard top. for prostitution by allegedly gaily decoated with your favontt 799 siding blckboard 788 with the styling and 199 Slide out board can pals Raggedy Ann and hr friends. ' doors. Walnut workmanship. High be used as easel. inviting Long Branch Patrol- grained. Holds plenty of toys. gloss maplefinish. man Peter Johns July 15 to • Chalk and eraser. have sexual intercourse with Janice Whitehead. 19, of 392 Ocean Ave., Long Branch, for $50. NJ Vets' CHILD'S Coordinators FIRST Reversible WOOD5PC TRAINING BIKE Will Meet TABLE AND CHAIR SET CHROME TABLE SET BLACK BOARD Puncture proof tires, adjustable TABLE AND CHAIR SET seati at) s ble L1NCROFT - Brookdale "1/lfifl2 Captain's chairs Marr proof Chalkboard on both "1O88 i" Ia handlebars ... Community College has been Beautiful maple finish. Hand- I*t"**'Smart styling,' sturdy, 887 top. Two high back sides. Sturdy tubu- Ifc This bike will grow with the owner some decoration on table and construction for all chairs. Uphol- lar frame with ... Completewithtrainingwheels. selected to host tomorrow's or- 1988 chairs in two colors. stable legs. ganizational meeting of the around safe play. stered. New Jersey Organization of Veterans' Programs Adminis- USE OUR EASY LAY-AWAY PLAN trators. Carl Viola, coordinator for Brookdale's office of Veter- ans' Affairs, is a member of a seven-man steering com- mittee, and will speak on "The Needs of the New Jer- sey Veteran." Jerrell Jackson, veterans AMSCO BARBIE MATTEL PLAYSKI GILBERT program coordinator for the BuffyHAIRSTYLER SURPRISE HOUSE Newborn TENDER LOVE RESCUECENTER POTTERY CRAFT Rt|.8.97 R 9! U.S. Office of Education, Re- _ o_ Reg.. 14.814.87 Ref.9.88 rtnT Reg. 10.87 CQ7, Reg»«-. 9.99 gion II, has also been invited To make any and all Qp7 Reaeall growing plants. Looks and leels like a ><9 / Its the newest toy with moto- faces: make-up, eur- W 3 bbi g rooms 33 patios. Q9l Complete wit to speak. • new baby. Soft blan- ^» Irom Playskool. For nzedturnta...liabl! e Ev- lers, brush, instruc- Use indoors or out PerlecPl t to ket. diaper, bottle and ID. children 4 to 9 years old. Corn- erything included to introduce tions and accessories. add to her Barbie collection. bracelet. Bath her! Feed her! pletely captivating. "Pottery Craft" play. FUN AND GAMES RIOT! The organization WHS formed to unite veterans coor- dinators throughout the state, thereby giving them a more effective voice In seek- SCHAPER LAKESIDE CADACO ing programs and help for the LONDON DROP IN THE MOTHER veteran. BRIDGE BUCKET GOOSE EACH Administrators of veterans' programs from 22 private and FISHER PRICE FISHER PRICE SAMSONITE AURORA public colleges will attend the FAMILY JET FAMILY SCHOOL ICE or ROLLER SKATES PENDULUM POOL AURORA DERBY Reg. 4 97 meeting, during which offi- ••07 Rtg-t-97 Aa7 Re|.4.«7 #% f&oa Reg. 11.97 Re|. 14.97 cers will be elected and a For the pre-schooler. /*" "s an entire school JJ91 Your choice ot rug- H97 The popular game t hottest toy for You can do many drl- * Including black » g«d tasy rolling w featured on TV Fun kids of all ages. statement of purpose adopted. lerent things with this group board, swings, games and lun skates or double runner Ice for all. You can develop skill Watch 'em roar down the mg. things to do. Preschoolers. (kites. track. Members of the steering committee, in addition to Mr. Viola, are Nell Clark of Ra- mapo State College, Larry Bl- MATTEL figllo of Stockton State Col- NEW FOR 73 lege, Donald R. Schullge of Trenton State College. James HOT WHEELS RE VVERS Credle of Rutgers at Newark, OFF TRACK RACERS Joseph Mannella of Newark QABRIEL MATTEL MUNRO COLECO IDEAL Sett powered super fast. No College of Engineering and LONE RANGER t Friends HAIRY CANARY BOBBY ORR Hockey Game Champion POOL TABLE SNAP BOWLING batteries, just rev >m! Pull James Manlon of Atlantic' Re|.3.S7 LOW DISCOUNT out the g*»r-l«t >m rip oo-r "u 10." T 68' Community College. Famous masked MOf Hand powered easy 797 "° rivals meet mi^l O/fneentiTelamilycan Pull back on the ••eh Choose your favorite or man and faithful In- ** ' to operate stunt • your homehome. Fun.. skilskilll I "^ .play and en|oy pro- snappin action shoot- sttrt a collection dian companion. Choose from plan*. Climbs - dives - swoops and action filled. Complete action pool. Steel legs. ing system and bowl em over. WERE $1.29 all the urea! western charac- and makes perfect 3 point withpuckdropper. 45"»22" with rack, cues, You can direct the action. Ev Whvrt tetter Toys 'Geniu» Night'Set ter*: Silver not Included landings. tnange and balls. eryone will love to play By Cub Pack 231 IICES EFFECTIVE THRU DECEMBER lit. UNION iEACH - 'V.enlus Night" wUI be the theme of a HAZLET PLAZA meeting of Cub Scout Pack, HIGHWAY 35 (acroea from KM art) HAZLET 231 Thursday at 7: JO p.m. In Ihr Memorial School all-pur- > Enry nlt» Till Chrlttmat Until Midnight HI room. The unit win fct toys for needy children