(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Council (SMDC), 06/12/2017 18:30

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(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Council (SMDC), 06/12/2017 18:30 Public Document Pack Simon W. Baker B.Ed MBA MISPAL Chief Executive 28 November 2017 Dear Councillor, The next Meeting of the Council will be held on Wednesday, 6 December 2017 in The Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Leek at 6.30 pm. The Agenda for the Meeting is attached at Appendix ‘A’. Tea and Coffee will be served in the Churnet Room between 6:00pm and 6:25pm. Yours faithfully, S. W. BAKER Chief Executive NOTE Councillors using the Car Park at the rear of the Council Offices are requested to indicate on their car that it is being used by a Councillor whenever they use the Car Park, otherwise they may be challenged by the Council’s Car Park Attendant. www.staffsmoorlands.gov.uk Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek, Staffordshire Moorlands, ST13 6HQ. Tel: 0345 605 3010 APPENDIX A Prayers will be offered prior to the commencement of the meeting. 1. Apologies for absence, if any. 2. Minutes of the previous meeting (Pages 5 - 10) 3. Urgent items of business, if any (24 hours notice to be provided to the Chairman). 4. Declarations of interest 1. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 2. Other Interests 5. Chairman's or Leader's announcements and correspondence, if any. 6. Receipt of petitions, if any. 7. To consider and debate any recommendations from the Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny Panels and Committees, if any. 7 .1 Standards Committee - 10 November 2017 - Annual Report 2016/17 (Pages 11 - 20) Recommendation – That the report be noted. 7 .2 Cabinet - 5 December 2017 - Updated Medium Term Financial Plan 2018/19 to 2021/22 (Pages 21 - 64) Recommendation - That Council approves the updated Medium-Term Financial Plan 8. Recommendations from meetings in the interim period prior to the Council Meeting, if any. 8 .1 Constitution Review Working Party - 4 December 2017 - Review of the Composition of the Audit and Accounts and Standards Committees (Pages 65 - 68) Recommendation – That the revised composition of the Audit and Accounts Committee and Standards Committee as proposed in paragraph 3.3 of this report be approved. 9. Parliamentary Boundary Review (Pages 69 - 126) Recommendation - To authorise officers to submit a response to the consultation exercise on behalf of the Council in support of the revised proposals. 10. Review of Dispensation To review, in accordance with Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972, the approval of a dispensation to Councillor D. Trigger from attending meetings of the Council and its constituent bodies due to his ongoing treatment for a medical condition until the next meeting of the Council when the situation will be reviewed. 11. Notices of Motion in accordance with Procedure Rule No. 8, if any. 11 .1 Councillor K. Jackson - Post-Brexit Regional Policy (motion enclosed) (Pages 127 - 128) 12. To answer questions asked under Procedure Rule No. 10, if any. (At least two clear days notice required, in writing, to the Proper Officer in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.3.) 13. To consider any political group appointments or changes to membership, if any. 14. Exclusion of the Press and Public: The Chairman to move:- “That, pursuant to Section 100A(2) and (4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings whereby it is likely that confidential information as defined in Section 100A (3) of the Act would be disclosed to the public in breach of the obligation of confidence or exempt information as defined in Section 100 I (1) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act would be disclosed to the public by virtue of the Paragraphs indicated.” 15. To consider and debate any recommendations from the Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny Panels and Committees, if any. 16. To answer questions asked under Procedure Rule No. 10, if any. At least two clear days notice required, in writing, to the Proper Officer in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.3.) This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 2. STAFFORDSHIRE MOORLANDS DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL MEETING Minutes WEDNESDAY, 11 OCTOBER 2017 PRESENT: Councillor B Emery (Chairman) Councillors R Alcock, C J S Atkins, J Davies, S Ellis, E Fallows, K Flunder, A Forrester, D Grocott, T Hall, K Harrison, A Hart, N Hawkins, G Heath, I Herdman, B A Hughes, K J Jackson, P Jackson, C R Jebb, B Johnson, J T Jones, I Lawson, L D Lea, G Lockett, M A Lovatt, M M Lovatt, I J Lucas, L A Malyon, T McNicol, D Ogden, C Pearce, N Podmore, Price, S E Ralphs MBE, T Riley, P Roberts, S Scalise, D Shaw, H Sheldon MBE, J Walley, R Ward, P Wilkinson, C Wood, P Wood and M Worthington APOLOGIES: Councillors A Banks, G Bond, M Bowen, J Bull, M A Deaville, M Gledhill, R Plant, J Redfern, D Trigger, E Wain and A Wilkinson Prayers were offered by the Reverend Prebendary Lawrence Price. 15 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL COUNCIL MEETING 10 MAY 2017, COUNCIL ASSEMBLY 19 JULY 2017 AND EXTRAORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 6 SEPTEMBER 2017 RESOLVED - That the Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting 10 May 2017, Council Assembly 19 July 2017 and the Extraordinary Council Meeting 6 September 2017 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 16 URGENT ITEMS OF BUSINESS, IF ANY (24 HOURS NOTICE TO BE PROVIDED TO THE CHAIRMAN). Councillor Wood requested that, following the response received from the Department of Health with regards to the Council’s motion of no confidence in North Staffordshire CCG agreed on 6 September 2017, the Council forwards this motion to NHS England. The Leader of the Council confirmed that she would be meeting the Secretary of State for Health shortly to discuss this matter. RESOLVED - That the Council’s motion of no confidence in North Staffordshire CCG be forwarded to NHS England. Page 5 17 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations were made:- Members Declaring Agenda Item Nature of Interest Interest Any site specific matters Disclosable Pecuniary arising relating to the Local Cllrs. Hart and Johnson Plan. Interest 18 CHAIRMAN'S OR LEADER'S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE, IF ANY. The Chairman thanked members for attending his Civic Service on 30 July 2017 and reminded members that his Charity Ball would take place on 28 April 2018. 19 CABINET - 1 AUGUST 2017 - PERFORMANCE FRAMEWORK 2017/18 (INCORPORATING THE ANNUAL REPORT 2016/17 AND REVISED CORPORATE PLAN 2017-2019) It was requested by Councillor K. Jackson that officers be instructed to consider the implications for the introduction of a 1 hour parking charge at Wharf Road, Biddulph. The Leader of the Council requested that the suggestion be put in writing for further consideration to be given. RESOLVED - That the revised Corporate Plan 2017-2019 be approved. 20 AUDIT AND ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE - 28 JULY 2017 - ANNUAL TREASURY MANAGEMENT REPORT RESOLVED - That the Annual Treasury Management Report 2016/17 be approved. 21 AUDIT AND ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE - 28 JULY 2017 - TREASURY MANAGEMENT UPDATE REPORT RESOLVED - That the Treasury Management position as at 30 June 2017 be noted. 22 AUDIT AND ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE - 27 SEPTEMBER 2017 - TREASURY MANAGEMENT - UPDATE REPORT RESOLVED - That the Treasury Management position as at 31 August 2017 be noted. 23 CONSTITUTION REVIEW WORKING PARTY - 10 OCTOBER 2017 - DRAFT UPDATED PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE RULES RESOLVED – That the revised Procurement Procedure Rules be approved. Page 6 2 24 CONSTITUTION REVIEW WORKING PARTY - 10 OCTOBER 2017 - AMENDMENT TO THE COUNCIL'S CONSTITUTION, PART 3, TABLE 7 - DELEGATION TO THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (TRANSFORMATION) (CHIEF FINANCE OFFICER) RESOLVED - That the additional delegation relating to cheque signing rules as detailed in the report be approved. 25 APPROVAL OF DISPENSATION RESOLVED - That, in accordance with Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972, Councillor D. Trigger be granted a dispensation from attending meetings of the Council and its constituent bodies due to his ongoing treatment for a medical condition until the next meeting of the Council when the situation would be reviewed. 26 TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ASKED UNDER PROCEDURE RULE NO. 10, IF ANY. 1. Question to the Leader of the Council received from Councillor Chris Wood: “Following the decision by Leek Post and Times to terminate their lease of the building in Market Place, can the Leader of the Council inform the Council the costs which the Council will now incur in terms of rent and ongoing costs.” Response: “The Council has not received formal legal notification or intention to vacate the premises by the Post & Times. The occupier cannot surrender the lease without the Council agreement.” In response to supplementary questions the Leader of the Council stated that the tenant was aware of their obligations and that it would not be appropriate to discuss terms of the lease in open session. 2. Question to the Portfolio Holder for Environment received from Councillor Charlotte Atkins: “What is the maintenance schedule for the footpath from The Walks to John Street?” Response: “We believe the footpath is an adopted public right of way and therefore its maintenance is a matter for our County Council colleagues not SMDC. As an adopted public right of way this Council does periodically clear the footpath of litter, which is scheduled on a 4 weekly basis” In response to supplementary questions the Portfolio Holder issued the following written statement to councillors to confirm the liabilities of the Council: “As mentioned on the night in my reply this Council only has responsibility to clear litter and fly-tipping from the adopted highway. Highways, including footpaths, are adopted by the County Council who have responsibility for highway safety which would include dealing with obstructions such as overhanging vegetation, potholes, surface maintenance, signage and the like.
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