April 29, 1999 (Ww* ** *>

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April 29, 1999 (Ww* ** *> It's the 29th running of Ohscrverl.ind track relays Saturday, CI lOeTbwn COMIUHHJATI.^ NHfWOHK' Putting ymi in touch ( Thursday with your world ' " ••» April 29,1999 Serving the ^stlan Vi*t I.Mi .H Nt \int if 94 WisuANf). MK.'MK.AN • 70 PAGLS • http: . O lftt HOMMTOWB OmmumicmtiMut Network, live. us in rec plans Residents attended a public hearing Tuesday Young people's evening at John Glenn High School to express concerns: their opinions on a proposed $12-million-plus Justin Cqle: A^MAY-ZING recreation center for Westland. The forum was man, 15, and sponsored by the mayor's administration. Jamie Man­ BY DARRELL CLEM though a survey of Westland residents ning, 16, urge STAFF WRITER city officials to dclemQoe.homecomni.net indicated strong support for a building Moms... they're amazing people. designed with teens in mind. consider the Grunted, they can't leap buildings Westland teenagers Tuesday "We feel very unwanted," 15-year-old •needs of in a single bound or stop,a speeding implored city officials to accommodate skateboarder Justin Coleman said dur­ teenagers in ing a public hearing in John Glenn train like Superman, but when it skateboarding and outdoor swimming planning a comes to juggling the demands of in any long-term recreation plan. High School's auditorium. work, home and their children ,.. Neither activity appears on a prelim­ Mayor Robert Thomas' administra­ new city recre­ Well, they're just amazing. : inary list of features for a proposed $12 tion sponsored the 21'a-hour hearing - ation center. In recognition of their, amazing million-plus recreation center, even status, the Observer Newspapers is ~~^ Please see RECREATION, A4 STAW PHOTO BY Ton HAWLEY looking for the most "A-May-Zing . Mom "living in Livonia, Plymouth, Plymouth Tbwnship, Canton, Wow a wallaby Red ford, Farmington^Fdrmington City hears Hills, Westland or Garden City. In 50 words or less, tell us why your Mom is so amazing. Be sure to include her name, address, telephone number and a photograph as well call of wild as your name, address and telephone M Entries should be number. sent to $u* Mason, The winner "An A-May-Zlrig willbe - coyotes Mom" contest, announced in 36251 Schoolcraft .the Sunday, May BY DARRELL CLEM Livonia 4S150, by 9, edition of the STAFF WRITER nolater than 6 pmObserver. She [email protected] Friday, April 30. ^ui receive a complete makeover at Gerald's Salon Wild coyotes, possibly uprooted from inNorthville Township, a$2Q0 their natural habitat by a construction ensemble from Bon-Loot in • boom, are seeking refuge in Westland, Norihville and dinner for two (a $50 police say. - value) at Fonte d'Amore Ristprante Residents have reported seeing as in Livonia, many as four coyotes at once near An4'alleiigibU"A-May-ZingMofn* homes and nature areas along Hix nominees will be recognized irLthe Road, from Joy as far south as .Cherry May Sedition. Hill. Police are advising residents not to panic. These clever coyotes apparently aren't as aggressive as the Wile E. Coy* o'te that chased cartoon land's Road- runner. "Nobody has been bitten as far as I know," Police Chief Emery Price said. ~~~"" Please see COYOTES, A2 COMMUNITY LIFE 'V A trend: Pokemon, a Bnir namw TOM HAWLET to market Japanese cartoon show i&iwll4fyc$ted"R^ for SPARK Day last weeklStu- with an American wer0 able to touch the Australian animal brought in by the Living Sojtewe Foundation. makeover, is becoming the DBA area latest craze among kids wha watch it on the WB, BY DARRELL CLEM "WKIliJT play its*card games and [email protected] • - •**> collect its stuffed toys./BX ^.yision-is-ensergtng for transTofrning mmtw&j Westland*s aging commercial ^corridors into bustling, pedestrian-friendly .areas — - BY HKATBERiTOEDHAM where people can shop, dine and live, ENTERTAINMENT \9^WKttn'.;::^i)\)^^.::;: officials say. ;It's one thing to read about wallabies hopping around One proposal centers on trying to the Australian Outback; Wit's another to watch one hop market several properties to one major Theater: "Fame" is what ArptuidftcUssro^^'-:-P;;;^vv^.'-' ••..:'- ' developer amid hopes of spawning University of Michigan ; Madison Elementary students in Westland got a close- Nankin Town Center - touted as a up look at a wallaby, an alligator, an exotic tropical bird, potential rebirth for the southwest cor­ graduate Gavin Creel pre- ner of Ford and Wayne roads. a six-foot-long snake and the power of electricity Friday -The plan could fuel even more rede­ pared-forrNowhe's learn­ at Madison's "gPAftK Day,* which wfeauda for-Sctertw velopment along Wayne Road from ing what's it's really Please see WARK, AS For the bird: Merlin the cockatoo shows off. like. /El Please see DDA, A6 INDEX Register for Your own Web site? It's free and easy Obituaries A6 "We offer community news in our news­ I Classified Index F6 ^^ If you've ever been and refreshments. You can fill out the A a BML surfing the World Wide attached coupon and send a check payable papers and our online services. Real Estate F6 • Name; ^ttAVj^L Web and decided that to the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers or Mihometown.com completes the service by evervone n Crossword G2 ^^|^T|^H > the world register online with a credit card at this offering groups the ability to promote ^H|l I^H has a Web site except secure site http://oeonline.com/mihorne- themselves and by serving as a community Jobs G5 ^HW| at^V vou> here's your chance. town or call Jennifer Murray at (734) resource for these groups." Home & Service Jl I Organizations} you represent: '^^••^^1^ A new service being 953-2038 for more information. Space is The service is available for schools, . ••»-.< . ' .- • • •. • PTAs, school clubs, libraries and govern­ Automotive J3 ^I^^^H^^ offered by the Observer limited. ^^^^^ Newspapers allows non­ After the brief training ment agencies, as well as • Opinion A12-13 profit community organizations to set up session, you can create a _ ,J \ r- *. - -^ .--^1 such diverse organizations 12 Mile i. • Calendar - B4 I Address: (Ww* eitf mrt isp eo*) their own Web sites. And the best part is: Web site complete with an NOYt as churches, arts and cul­ It's easy and it's free. online newsletter, a calen­ ture groups, sports and • Sports CI "Mihometown.com is a new community dar of events, discussion recreation clubs and teams, • Real Estate Fl Web site service designed to serve and pro­ groups and a live chat Nhjfeju.,^ alumni associations and so mote community organizations in the state room. The site also includes \ on. of Michigan," said Brion Roberto, manager a built-in search engine 1--^4%^. j •\ Roberto said that groups I Telephone; (*«* am* Km) of the Observer & Eccentric Enhanced The sites can be customized V that already have a Web HOW TO REACH US Media Department. "We want mihome- by following on-screen site might want to set up 10-Mile another one through town.com to be a local hub for community instructions and can 275. include graphics or pictures mihometown.com simply Newsroom: 734-863-2104 information." I Current e-mait addrew: Using software developed by KOZ com, that you upload, feedback $ lwcause of the sense of com­ Newsroom Fax: 734591-7279 forms, and one-click e-mail Cm^vlA'i Nwf Trsfnin^ fcap#fv#m#f munity t»f having many the site allows organizations to set up «UiCrMMK<IM. Email: b^hma^ w.homtcomm.net sophisticated Web sites with just a few to participants. Notf T^W WHW#t local sites accessible V- ; Nightline/Sports: 7349534104 I type of compute?' you have: clicks of a mouse. Yon don't need to write You can open your site to Htrt, Ml 4*171 through one source. : 1 1 Trelnlr* Dept: 1248) 5057450 '•'•• ' '1—.——-'• •'-.— -*—v*- --- -V^T——• "There's strength in num­ Re^rCommeiTt Line: 734953-2042 code or know HTML. You simply connect the public or password pro­ to mihometown.com, click on "Create a tect it so that only members bers by combining many Classified Advertising: 734591-0900 T 1 Fir* choice for training »«lon: New Site Now," and follow the on-screen or participants can access it. Or you can organizations in one place," ho said. And Display Aoyertlsiw 734-5^1-2300 instructions. keep some areas public and make others he plans to promote the service through Home Delivery: 73^591-0500 Training sessions are scheduled for 6:30- private. It's all lip to you. newspaper advertising and through the Roberto said that while other services oeonline.com and obseiver-eccentric.com I second choice tor training ae.tsion': 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 12, 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 15, and 9 a.m. to noon offer free Web sites, the mihometown.com Web sites. Wednesday, May 19, at CompUSA in the site is able to serve community organiza­ "The notion of 'Huild your own Web site Novi Town Center. Kach session will last tions and bring them all together on the and they will come' is not working for • Check No. two and a half hours, after which. Roberto main page. He compared that to the com­ many people," he said. "There are millions said, you will be ready to set up your site. munity news provided by the Observer & of sites out there and they aren't always, The $15 fed includes training, materials Eccentric Newspapers. easy to find." 6 63174, 10011 6 ^11^1^1 mmmmm^mm The Observer & Eccentric! TlfUftSDAY, APRIL 29,1990 ^-L frdmpageAl But he did suggest that resi- hit one coyote with a tranquiliz­ jfenta take precautions.
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