Annual Report of Lands Under Control of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service As of September 30, 1986

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Annual Report of Lands Under Control of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service As of September 30, 1986 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR WASHINGTON, D.C. 20240 ANNUAL REPORT OF LANDS UNDER CONTROL OF THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 TABLE OF CONTENTS LOCATION MAP PAGE National Fish and Wildlife Management Areas. 1 National Waterfowl Production Areas ••••• 2 TABLES No. 1 - Summary by Categories. 3 2 - Summary by States and Territories. 3 3 - National Wildlife Refuges. 4 4 - National Waterfowl Production Areas. 12 5 - Coordination Areas . 16 6 - Wildlife Research Centers. 18 7 - Administrative Sites . 19 8 - National Fish Hatcheries . 20 9 - Fishery Research and Control Stations. 23 10 - Wilderness Areas in the National Wildlife Refuge System • • . • ~ • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 24 11 - Migratory Waterfowl Refuges on Federal Water Resources Projects ••••••••••••••••••••••• 26 Compiled By: Division of Realty KEY TO REAL PROPERTY NUMBERS SEPTEMBER 30, 1916 Neo•ho MPH, HO I) 14 2 Lona Lair.a NWl, NO 306 La.II.a Caora• NWl, ND , Catahoula NWI., LA 803 Na•on Hack NWl, VA 931 Upper Ouachita NWl, LA Leadvllh NFH, CO 146 Svanquartar NWl, NC 307 Lake I lo NWl, ND '16 Ph:l•y NWl , CA 804 San ••rnard NWl, TX 936 Calneavlll• Mat, Pi•h•ry l••• Lab,, PL Cra11 lroolr. NrH, HE 141 llac \r.watar NWI. , HO Lake Nettle NWI, ND War Horaa NWl, HT 80S A• agana•tt NWl, NY 9)7 Featheraton• NWl, VA II loze• an NFH, HT ,., 159 Harrtaon Lair.a MPH, VA 310 Lak• Zahl NWl. NO '18 Buffalo L•k• HWl, TX 806 Oy1t•r lay NWl, NY 939 Po'I: ltvar NWl, WI 14 Ervin NFH, TN "' 160 Hatta• uakaat HWl, NC 314 McLean HWR , ND '19 Da Soto MWl, IA , Nit 007 Kobe Sound NWI, FL 940 Lov•r Suwannae NWR, PL Haahua NPH, NH 162 Tra• pealaau NWI., WI 318 Shel 1 Laka HWI , HO 122 Fiah Sprln1• NWI, UT .o, u• at1J.J.a NWl, 01, WA 942 Craaalanda WNA, CA 17 Speadt.h NFH, SD " 164 Dea Lac, HWJl, HD 320 Hobert Lake HWI., ND 123 Erle NWI, PA '10 S•atuck NWl, NY 941 Ho•p• v,11., NWI, NV War• Sprln11 "'"· CA 165 J. Clark Salyer NWI. , NO 321 Carbon Klll MPH , AL '24 Pl•h r1r• in1 lt•P· Station, Al Wa•aav HWI, GA 944 Crocodile Lake HWI, PL Edenton MPH, NC " 167 Arrovwood HWI., HO 322 S11•qu•h1nn1 NWl, MD '29 Willow laach MPH, AZ 812 Saattle Hat. Piahery I••• Cen,, WA 947 Black-tooted Ferrat les. Ar•• • HT 22 White Sulphur Sprln11 NFK, WV '" " 1611 Sand Lake NWl , SD 323 ltdvln I, Por,yth• NWI, NJ Ucheaay NPH, AZ Grulla NWI, HH 941 Ion Sacour HWl, AL 2) Prh,ate John Allen MPH, HS '" '" 169 LaCraak NWl , SD )24 Stewart Laka HWI., HD 1)8 Kern NWl, CA '23 Ka•taraon HWI, CA 949 NcFaddln NWl, Tl Pl!lic:an llland NWl, PL 170 Loatwood NWI , HD 321 L•k• Alic• NWI, ND 141 Great Svaap NWl, NJ '26 Saquoyah NWl, or. Ta••· Polnt NVR, TX 26 Ha•• ot h Sprlna MPH' Al .,. " 112 Hedl clna Lake NWI. , HT 328 Noxubee NWI, HS 142 Modoc NWII.. CA 827 Nlnlgr•t NWI, Ill 96> Antioch Oun•• NWl, CA 27 Ireton NWI, LA 17) Lake Anda, NWI, SD llO Llttla Whit• Sal• on MPH, WA 143 Ouray NWl , UT 8)1 San Harcoa MPH , Plah T•ch, Can., TX 966 lutte Sln\r. WHA, CA Stu• p Lake NWl , ND 174 Squaw Creek HWl, HO 3)4 Entiat NPH, WA Jordan Rlv•r MPH, HI 834 St, Johna NWll, PL 967 Lover Hatchie NWI, TN Wichita Hountalna Wildlife 11.ef., 01( " 1 71 Chautauqua NWI., IL Winthrop NPH, WA 149 San Juan Ialanda NWl, WA 83S Con,clance Point NWI , NY 970 lirtland Warblar WHA, HI 30 Huron NWR, HI "' " 176 Waubay NWl , SD HO Hava•u NWI, AZ , CA ISO Kackay laland HWII., NC , VA 836 Colu• blan White- tailed D•er HWl, WA 911 Cro•• Ialand HWI, HE P1a11ge ley NWl, FL 11) "' Red loc k Lake, NWl , KT )41 San Andra, NWl, NH I SI Wapanoc ca NWl, Al 837 Harrovat o n e Point FIS, WA 973 Hath•va lraka NWl , HS )l Shell ICeya HWl, LA " 178 Oregon I1land1 NWR, OR 342 Horicon NWI, Wt ISi Waahlta NWI, Olt 838 Allegheny NFH, PA 974 lan\r.1 Lake NWl, CA 3) Three Arch loclta NWR , 01. 179 Lake lao, NWl, TH H9 Whit• Lake NWI, ND 566-1 Garrlaoo 01• NPH, ND 839 Hlnneaota Vallay NWl, MN 977 Ov•rflov NWl , Al )4 Copalla NWl, WA 110 Seney NWl I Hl HO Wlll o v Lair.a NWI, ND 169 Ottawa NWl, OH 840 Sachuaat Point NWl, lI 981 Castla lock HWl , CA )S Flattery locka HWl, WA Ill Walhalla NFH, SC 3'2 l•p•rlal NWI, AZ i CA Wyand otte NWl , Hl 841 Salt "l•ad ow HWl, CT 912 Tijuana Slough NWl, CA )6 Qulllayute Headlaa HWl, WA Ill Valentine HWI., NE 3'6 Lake Haaon NWl. HT 101 Wythevlll• MPH, VA 842 Plu• Tree Ialand NWl, VA 984 Lowar llo Grand• Valley NWl, TX Key '" )8 Weat NWl, PL 114 Uvalde MPH, TX 3'9 leelfoot NWl, KY ' TN Harrla N•ck HWl, GA 843 Saddle Nountaln HWI, WA 915 Waterer••• Oart•r NWll, AL )9 Lover• ath NWR, C A 6 01 185 Upper Sourla NWl, ND 361 Cr•ad• an Coulaa NWl , HT 601 Jone, Hol• NFH, UT 841 L•wl• and Clark NWI, 01 981 loaue Chitto NWI, LA 40 11alheur HWR, Ol '" 187 Whlta llvar NWl, Al 363 Chaaaahovltr.ka NWI, PL 60) Delavan NWl, CA 846 No • ana Land laland NWI, HA 991 Alaaka Harltl•• NWl, Alt 41 Chaae Lake HWl, NO 188 Hart Htn. Nat . Antel o pe lefu1•, Ol 364 Par\r.•r llvar NWI, MA 601 Croaa Creaka HWR, TN 847 Wapaclr. NWl, HH 992 Alaaka Panlnaula NWl, Alt 41-1 Ialand lay NWll , PL 191 Huleaho• NWI, TX 361 Sant•• NWI , SC 606 Eaatern Neck NWI , HO 840 Seal laland NWR, Ht 99) Arctic NWl, AK 42 Hawaiian lalanda NWl , HI 192 Ille, Lair.a NWl, HM 369 Halfbraad Laka HWl , HT 608 Dale Hollo v HFH, TH 849 Thacher laland NWl, HA 994 lecharof NWl , AK 44 Cold Springs NWll, Ol 191 Dalt• NWl, LA 370 L••••tear HWI, NT 6 12 Anahua c HWII., Tit 810 Attvatar Prairie Chicken NWl, TX 995 Innoko NWll, AK Deer Plat HWl, 10 4 01 19' Taaa rac HWI, HM )80-1 Cole••n NPH, CA 6" Tlnl c u • Nat, ltnvlron• ental Can., PA 811 Narad o ala NWI, IL 996 Ir.e• bak NWl, Al Hlnldoka NWll, ID " 191 lowdoln NWll, NT 381 H1ll1tone NWI, HT '19 Creer, Parry NFH, Al 812 Pond lalsnd HWl, Hit 997 lanutl HWI , AK " Cu lebra NWR, PR 196 K•llya Slou1h NWll, ND )82 Hiaalquol NWll, VT Calna,vllle Wll C, PL .,, Nantucket NWl, HA 998 Kanai NWI, Al Fara I lon NWI., CA " 199 litter Lake NWl, NH 383 Chlncotaaaue NWI , HD ' VA 62)'" laulah Salao n Tachnolo1y Cen,, WY 814 Nat , Pl1hery le,, Lab.-LaCroaaa, WI 999 Kodiak HWI, Al " Fairport NPH, IA 200 Deaert NWII., NV 386 Santa Ana NWI, TX 626 Ala• o•• NWR, co 8,S Hanalal NWl, HI 1000 Koyukuk NWI, Al "se-1 Hatlonal 11,on Ran1e, HT 201 Svan Lak• NWI, HO )87 Coluaa NWl, CA 629 Pahrana1at NWl , NV 816 Hu • holdt lay NWI, CA 1001 Nowlen, NWI, Al Pittsford NFH, VT 202 Stora Laka HWll. NO 388 Cherav MPH , SC 6 )0 Prl•e Hook NWl. DE 817 Swan ltvar NWl, HT 1002 S•lavlk NWl, Al 60 Qui lcene NFH, WA " 203 Tavaukon NWl , NO 389 Creat H•adova NWl , MA 632 Herritt l aland NWI., PL 8,0 Gr•at Dla• al S wa• p NWl, NC ' YA 100) T•tlln NWI, Al 61 Clea r Lake HWI. , CA , I Pralrl• WIC , ND 6) 206 Ard oc h HWI ND 390 Ora.ngebur1 County MPH, SC 639 Northern 8'9 Hulet, NWI, Hl 1004 To1l1k NWl, Al Fort Niobrara NWl, 1rlE 207 Turnbull NWl, WA 391 Hono• oy NWl , KA 640 Great Lakaa Fl ,hary Laboratory, Hl 860 Haru• I CO NWl, VA 1005 Yukon Oalta NWl, Al 65 Creen lay NWI., Wt 210 Wlllap• NWll , WA 392 Hlng o NWR, HO 643 Lake Wood ruff NWR, FL 861 Wallop, Ialand HWR, VA 1006 Yukon Plata NWl, AK t,7 Oran1eburg HFH, SC 211 Ca• a• NWl , ID 39) Colu• bla NWlt, WA 649 Pungo NWR, NC 862 White liver HFK, YT 1008 leara lluff NPH, SC 69 Cravel Ieland HWI., WI 21) Ok•f•nok•• NWl, PL i CA 39' Slade HWl, ND 6" Choctaw NWl, AL 863 J.01• Atoll NWI (Pacific Ar•• lnaet) 1009 Pe rn Cava NWI, AL 71 Anaho t,land NWR, NV 214 Yar.oo NWl, HS 39S Craaton NPH, HT Hescalero MPH, HH 064 rr,11klln laland NWR, NE 1012 Sundarland Nat. S•l•on Stat ion, KA National Elk Refuge, WY 74 2 15 Charl,a H . lu•a•ll NWI, HT 396 Sutter NWl, CA '" Lee Ket c alf NWR, HT 861 llock laland HWR, ll 1015 San Bernardino NWl , AZ 75 Saratoga NPH, WY 217 Patux•nt NWll, HD 398 Sen•cavl I la MPH, OM '"664 Topp•nir.h NWI , WA 866 Pr•d•tor , Ecolo1y • lahavlor 1016 llue lldg• HWI, CA 77 Oungenaaa NWI., WA 218 loaque d•l Apach• NWl , NH 400 J.M.
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    JUNE 1993 VOL.64, No. 2 THE MIGRANT A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY FIRST ISSUE PUBLISHED IN JUNE 1930 PUBLISHEDBY THE TENNESSEE ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Founded at Nashville, Tennessee on 7 October 1915 The T.O.S. is a non-profit, educational, scientific, and conservation organization. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor - J. Wallace Coffey, 100 Bellebrook Dr., Bristol, TN 37620 Assistant Editor - Richard L. Knight, 804 N. Hills Dr., Johnson City, TN 37604 State Count Compiler - Susan N. McWhirter, 4962 Gwynne, Memphis, TN 381 17 Season Editor - Robert P. Ford, 4141 Scenic View Dr., Pegram, TN 37143 Editorial Assistant - Beth E. Hogan, 1092 Charter Row, Johnson City, TN 37604 Editorial Advisors - Fred J. Alsop I11 Charles P. Nicholson Robert J. Cooper Charles R. Smith Kenneth H. Dubke Gary 0. Wallace OFFICERS FOR 1993-1995 President - Robert P. Ford, 4141 Scenic View Dr., Pegram, TN 37143 Vice Presidents: East Tenn. -James Brooks, 114 Malone Hollow Rd., Jonesborough, TN 37659 Middle Tenn. - Candy Swan, 1172 Dry Valley Rd., Cookeville, TN 38501 West Tenn. - Jim A. Ferguson, 5400 Kimbark Rd., Memphis, TN 38134 Directors-at-Large: East Tenn. -John L. Shurnate, Jr., P.O.Box 130-2, Shady Valley, TN 37688 Middle Tenn. - David Hassler, Rt. 1, Box 164-A, Byrdstown, TM 38549 West Tenn. -John Conder, P.O. Box 443, Camden, TN 38320 Curator - Charles P. Nicholson, P.O. Box 402, Norris, TN 37828 Secretary - Robert M. Hatcher, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency P.O.Box 40747, Nashville, TN 37204 Treasurer - George R. Payne, Jr., 5851 Ardwick Dr. #4, Memphis, TN 38119 All TOS members receive The Migrant and the TOS newsletter, The Tennessee Warbler.
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