Minutes: BADMINTONscotland Board Meeting Wednesday 23 January 2019 at 7.00 pm Board Room, BADMINTONscotland Board: Ian Campbell (IC) President and Acting Chair in absence of Chairperson Frank Turnbull (FT) Vice-President Gordon Haldane (GH) Finance Chairperson (joined meeting by telephone) Christine Black (CB) Performance Committee Chairperson Jill O’Neil (JO) Coaching & Development Committee Chairperson Keith Russell (KR) Chief Executive Morag McCulloch (MM) Events Committee Chair Invited: Bill Mitchell (BM) Frontline Consultants Keith Farrell (KF) Connect2Marketing Penny Dougray (PD) Minute Taker

1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE David Gilmour (DG), Mac Henderson (MH), Dan Travers (DT); and Lorna Callan (LC). Ronnie Conway (RC) had formally resigned as Chair. His contribution to the sport was formally recognised, and a dinner would be held to note this. An article was on the BADMINTONscotland website. It was agreed to vary the location of future meetings. 2 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 5 DECEMBER 2018 (previously circulated The minutes of the meeting held on 5 December 2018 were approved by JO and seconded by CB. 3 DECLARATION OF ANY INTEREST GH declared receipt of payments from BADMINTONscotland for coaching services. 4 MATTERS ARISING/OUTSTANDING ITEMS KR advised on actions arising from the last meeting now complete. Actions carried forward are detailed at Appendix 1. 5 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT (previously circulated) Chief Executive’s Report updated on the following: 5.1 Head Coach The closing date for applications was Friday 1 February. /Andy Bowman were sharing the responsibilities of the role meantime. 5.2 Scottish Open Depending on financial support from Life, the Board recommended the length of the event remain at 5 days, not 4. 5.7 Performance Squads The previous squad coaching rule had been reversed. Coaches working within squad structure could, once again, work privately with squad members.

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6 COMMERCIAL PLAN Keith Farrell (KF) presented the proposed Commercial Plan which summarised the following key points for attention: - Membership development; - Identification of sponsor / partner; - Increasing profile of in Scotland; - updating data management information; - focusing on “selling” and monetisation. 7 STAFFING STRUCTURE Bill Mitchell (BM) presented the proposed staffing structure to take effect from 1 April 2019. 8 DRAFT STRATEGY 2019-2029 KR had circulated the draft document. Following feedback KR would circulate and meet with groups, prior to updating next Board meeting. 9 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 9.1 Risk Policy It was agreed that the Finance Committee would report risk back to the Board henceforth KR suggested another Away Day following the May Board meeting by which time it was hoped that a new Chair may be in place. 9.2 Recruitment of New Chairperson Proposal for recruiting a new Chair to be provided to the March 2019 Board meeting. 9.3 Review of Bye Laws This matter remained outstanding along with the Articles of Association. 10 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes of meeting held on 25 November 2018 had been previously circulated. 10.1 Annual Membership and Tournament Levy rates for Season 2019/2020 This matter was still under review. 10.2 Other 10.3 Investment Application for 2019/2020 The application had been submitted. Feedback was awaited. 10.4 Management Accounts for 9 months to 31 December 2018 These had still be finalised. 10.5 Related Companies A meeting would be held on Thursday 24 January, at which time the legalities of closing down the Events business would be discussed. Pending approval from SBU (Cockburn) Ltd, the Board agreed the sale of the flat at Birchfield Drive, noting that such would not result in any corporation tax liability. 10.6 Increasing Level of In-House and External Income This was covered in the Commercial Plan presentation and discussion. 10.7 Level of Reserves etc (see Item 12 Board minutes) GH felt this matter should be part of the larger Strategy review and would be considered at a future Finance Committee meeting.

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11 EVENTS COMMITTEE MM provided a verbal report on the Events Committee meeting held on Tuesday 22 January 2019, when it had been agreed to set up the Competition Review; and the draft programme for 2019/2020 had been discussed. The Board approved the U11 Nationals being moved to October, and U15/U19 Nationals to December. Robert Blair was now allocating seeding for seniors and U19 events, pending selection of a new Head Coach. 12 COACHING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Draft minutes of the meeting held on 3 January 2019 had been circulated. JO provided a verbal update. The Pathway Group would consist of JO, a representative of sportscotland, Bill Hogg or Lyndsay Morrison, Bruce Flockhart, David Forbes and Lena Robertson. 13 PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE CB provided a verbal report on the National Junior Development Squad meeting which had been held on Monday 21 January 2019, with Stuart Ferrier, sportscotland’s Performance Pathway and Talent Manager. A Needs Analysis Survey would be sent out to the Performance Committee, Julie Hogg (NJDS lead coach for East area), Craig Robertson and Iain Pringle (Glasgow School of Sport), Dan Travers, Gordon Haldane and David Gilmour. An NJDS viewing day would be held on 26 January; and viewing dates were underway for the Senior Development Squad. The Board agreed an increase in weekday fees for junior squad members, from £6 to £7.50. No team would be entered for the 2019 . 14 SIR CRAIG REEDIE BADMINTONscotland CENTRE UPDATE No change. A meeting would be held on Thursday 24 January. 15 GB BADMINTON REPORT CB provided a verbal report on the GB meeting which had been held on 16 January 2019. Kelly Morgan of Badminton had joined the Board. An application for Aspirational funding for from UK Sport was being considered by GB Badminton. KR / CB would liaise with sportscotland before concluding an agreement. 16 SCOTLAND REPORT No meetings of CGS meetings had been held. 17 AWARDS WORKING GROUP The recipient of the 2019 Derrick Roarty Award had been agreed. 18 DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS Wednesday 27 March 2019 and Wednesday 22 May 2019. 19 AOCB 19.1 It was agreed that BADMINTONscotland would support and propose Emma Mason as Vice- President of BWF (currently Chair of Athletes Commission, and Council member). KR suggested focus be placed on the area of International Relations on a larger scale and would establish a small group to consider any immediate issues. There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.58 pm

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