
! ! 78°30'W ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 78°00'W ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 76°00'W ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 76°30'W ! ! ! ! 77°30'W 77°00'W ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 112700 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



218000 ! 422303



! 216000

! !


112100 ! 217000 !

! ! !


! 218001


! !

215000 ! 312002

! !


! 422100 !

! ! !

! 222100

! 424001 !

112500 ! !



! ! 424000 ! 422301 212000 !

! !

223100 !



! 222200




! !

112701 A l l e g a n y ! 422300

! !

! !


! ! !

! 112600 422302

! !

! ! !


112301 ! !

! !

! 214000 ! 211100

! 312000

! 412100 !


! !

! 423100

! !

! ! C e c i l

! !


! !

! ! !

! !


! ! !





! W a s h i n g t o n !

G a r r e t t ! ! ! !

! !

! ! 421200

213000 ! 112200 ! ! ! 426100 Appalachian Plateaus

511101 ! Blue Ridge !

! !

! ! Ridge and Valley Plateau


! !

! ! ! !

422101 ! !

! 422305 ! ! ! !

! ! !

! ! Province ! ! C a r r o l l ! Province

! Province Province


! !


! !



! ! !


! ! ! !

! 224100

211100 !

! ! 422300 !

! !

! ! !


! !

! !


! !



! ! !

! !

! 221100


! !

! ! ! !

! H a r f o r d !


! !

! ! Allegheny Mountain




! ! ! !


! ! !

! Section ! ! !

511100 !

! !

! ! 112501 !

112300 ! 313100 ! B a l t i m o r e !

! Great Valley !

! !

! ! 224200 F r e d e r i c k

! !

! ! ! Folded Appalachian ! 422100 Section 78°00'W ! Upland Section


! ! ! ! ! 512100 ! ! ! 425102 !

! ! Mountain Section Western Shore

! 423200

! !



! !


! ! !


! Lowlands




! !


! ! ! !




! !


! !

! Northern Blue


! !


! !


112702 ! ! ! ! 422403



! ! Ridge Section

! 425100 ! !


! ! 223100

! !

! !


! !

! ! !





! 425101


! ! !


! !

! !


! ! !

0 ! !


! ! !

! Lowland 3

! !


! ° !

! ! n ! 112201 ! ! Section 9 o 9 i


! ° Major Physiographic ! g 3

! !

! 3 e



! 426100

! ! !

0 ! R


! 422304 !

! 514100 !


! ! ! !

! y '

! 224201 Subdivisions

! 78°30'W 422305

! !


! r

! ! ! !

! Western Shore

! !

! a

! ! ! !

! ! ! !


! !

t Delmarva Peninsula

! !

! Uplands Region




in s ! !

! !

4 112700 !


E Region !


! !

! !



! !

112401 ! !

k !

! 313200

! !



! 111100 ! !


! !

! e !



312001 p ! ¯

! !

a !


112400 !

! 422305 s

! !


! e ! !


422306 512100 h !

! ! C



! 79°00'W 0 10 20 40 Miles !

! ! !

! !

! !

! !

! 423300

! !

! 426101

! !

! !

! 511200

! !


! 0 12.5 25 50 Kilometers

! 425200



! ! ! 413100


! 425102

! !

112400 ! !

! !

! 422307

! ! 314100 Coastal Plain


! !


! !

! 511201 Province ! ! 221100 425100 Legend

! !

! !

! Embayed Section


! 313201



! 112200 !

! !

! Province Boundary !


! 314000

! ! !

! 422501





! ! !

! 412200 ! 112402 !


! 426100 !

! ! ! !

! Physiographic Map of Maryland 422308 !

! 422200


! !

! !

! !

! 511200

! !


! !


! !


! !


! ! !

! ! 422500


! ! !

! ! B a l t i m o r e

K e n t !


! !

! !

! ! !


! !



! !


! ! C i t y !


! By James P. Reger and Emery T. Cleaves ! 311100


! ! !

! H o w a r d !



! 514100 ! !

! ! 422400



! ! !

422401 422309 ! !

! Martin O’ Malley

512100 ! !


! ! ! !



! Governor !

! 2008


! !

! ! 422402


! ! !

! !



! !


! !


! !

0 2 4 8 12 16 !


! 511301 !

! ! Miles 426102 ! ! 77°30'W ! !





422300 ! 0 3.5 7 14 21 28 ! !


! ! Kilometers ! ! 514400 ! 422500





! !

! 511300 !

! !


! !

! !

412200 M o n t g o m e r y ! !

! !

100000. 200000. 300000. 400000. 500000. A n n e A r u n d e l ! !

! 426100

! ! 513000 !



Plateau of moderately to thoroughly dissected roughly horizontal sedimentary An "accordion-like" topography composed of alternating, subparallel ridges and In Maryland, the Province consists of two prominent ridges separated in the Mostly a broadly undulating to rolling topography underlain by metamorphic A seaward sloping plain extending from Cape Cod to the southern tip of Florida. 422310 ! !

! rock; elevations rise from west to east; landscape varies with Section. valleys resulting from differential erosion of various folded and faulted southern half by the rolling to hilly Middletown Valley. rocks and whose relief is increased locally by low knobs or ridges and valleys. In Maryland, consists of a fairly flat to moderately rolling upland and an even !



110000. Allegheny Mountain Section. Wide ridges separated by lithologies. On the west are lowlands developed either on Mesozoic clastics or early flatter lowland. ! ! John R. Griffin

310000. Northern Blue Ridge Section. Consists of two prominent ridges ! 411100 Q u e e n A n n e ' s !


Paleozoic carbonates. !


broad valleys; plunge direction on broad folds produces topographic ! !


210000. Folded Section. Alternating, 510000. Embayed Section. Characterized by estuaries and embayments !

(South and Catoctin Mountains) that merge northeastward into a single ! ! !

! !


! Secretary !

basins (“canoe” -shaped valleys). 410000. Piedmont Lowland Section. A valley consisting of both a ! subparallel ridges and valleys; generally increase in elevation east to west; attributed to the drowning of river mouths and formation of barrier !

hilly to mountainous area. In the southern part of the Section in ! 511302

! ! relative spacing and width of ridges and valleys relate to fold limestone valley and parts of two Mesozoic rift basins. 422 310. Hunting Hill Area. T he largest of islands associated with post-glacial sea-level rise. Terrain is fairly 512 100. Aberdee n Estuaries a nd Lowlands ! 511400 514100

Maryland, a central valley (Middletown Valley) occurs along the fold !

! 111000. Gorges Region. Generally steep-sided !

wavelength and amplitude and to attitude, thickness and erosional several mafic and ultramafic bodies in the southern flat to moderately rolling; upland bounded by flat lowlands. D i s t r i c t . A relatively featureless lowland (mostly <50 ft !

axis. 411000. Chesapeake Gorges Region. Two major gorges !

gorge coinciding with the valley; in some places ! !

! resistance of the rocks. part of the Hampstead Upland; the Area stands out elevation) along the NW shore of . The !

parallel to regional geologic structure, in other places transverse to comprise the Region, those of the Potomac and Susquehanna Rivers, 511000. Western Shore Uplands Region. A flat to rolling upland ! !

311000. Chesapeake Gorges Region. Generally a steep-sided ! 512200 because it is less dissected and has broader, gentler District has a very irregular coastline indented by the 3

structure. both originating in the Appalachian Plateaus Province. In the surface underlain by Cretaceous to Pliocene sediments. Markedly ! 211000. Chesapeake Gorges Region. Varies between a steep- 9 !

gorge with very limited flood plain development. ! ! Piedmont Lowland the Potomac occupies a well-defined flood plain. slopes than the surrounding upland. higher elevations and greater relief than the Eastern Shore. flooded mouths of the Bush, Bird, Middle, Back and ° 0 sided gorge and broader, shallower, but still steep-sided, valley N '

111100. Upper Potomac Gorge District. ! ! 3111 00. Middle Pot omac Gorge D istrict. Steep- Patapsco Rivers. 0 0 Fluvial and estuarine terraces flank the major drainages, most ! ! with some flood plain development. 411100. Middle Potomac Floodplain District. 422400. Mt. Airy Upland District. Rolling 511401 ' N


Generally steep-sided gorge of the Potomac River; tends to !

! sided gorge in quartzite at and South Mtn; riffles ! °


notably the . !

upland; herringbone texture due to interaction of thin 512200. Annapolis Estuaries and Lowlands ! 511300 The Potomac River occupies a narrow flood plain, but has 9 !


parallel the regional strike of bedrock geologic structure; in 211100. Upper Potomac Gorge District. Steep- where Potomac flows over steeply dipping resistant beds; !

3 ! !


siltstones and quartzites with stream reaches controlled by District. !

A relatively featureless lowland (mostly <50 ft ! not developed a meandering stream habit. Several cobble- !

! its lower reach, transverse to strike. 5 11100. Elk Neck Pen insula Dist rict. With !

sided gorge, most slopes >15 degrees, some >20 degrees; river incised >100 ft with narrow, discontinuous flood plain !

! !

! !

joints oblique to bedrock strike; streams often incised (e.g., elevation) along the west-central shore of Chesapeake Bay; !


veneered bedrock islands occupy much of the channel. ! ! ! !


elevations exceeding 200 feet, the peninsula is a prominent !

! !

112000. Allegheny High Plateau Region. Erosion of the folds cliffs common; limited flood plain; incised meanders; across granitic Middletown and Pleasant (Rohrersville) !

! !

Bennett, Little Bennett, Bush, Linganore, and Israel it has a less irregular coastline than the Aberdeen Lowland !

! !

412000. Mesozoic Lowland Region. Relatively flat to gently rolling feature dividing the drowned mouths of the Northeast and ! ! produces both synclinal and anticlinal valleys bounded by several levels of discontinuous terraces common. Gorge Valleys. 421100 !

Creeks). !

due to narrower mouths of the Magothy, Severn, South, ! 514400

! Elk Rivers. Cliffs with multiple slumps and landslides !

lowland; distinctive red soils; diabase dikes form low ridges. ! 426100 depth decreases downstream from 400-800 ft. to 150-250 ft. !


! 312000. Catoctin-S outh Mou ntain Reg ion. Two !

4224 01. S ugarloa f Moun tain Ar ea. A Rhode, and West Rivers. ! 511303

Districts correspond to two Triassic rift basins, the Gettysburg characterize several miles along the NW shoreline above !

! !

! Jeffrey P. Halka

! prominent, north-trending ridges (South and Catoctin Mountains) ! 212000. Cumberland Ridges Region. Ridges seem to ! 112100. District. A prominent, isolated hill (a monadnock). Turkey Point. ! Basin, extending into , and the Culpeper Basin, !

that merge northeastward into a single hilly to mountainous area. 512300. Patuxent Estuaries and Lowlands !

dominate over valleys. Well-dissected folded terrane with most of ! Acting Director moderately dissected cuesta-like escarpment possessing a !

extending into . 4 22402 . Lil ypons Area . NN E-tre nding District. !

Broad (4-5 miles) flat-bottomed valley flanked by ! ! ! crest of basal Pennsylvanian sandstone; about mid-slope Region in slopes, generally >15 degrees. Most (9 of 11) ridges are 312001 . Shookstown B ench Area. A 51 1101. Gra ys Hi ll Area . A n eros ional ! P r i n c e G e o r g e ' s strike ridges made up of relatively resistant rock and fluvial-estuarine terraces; main river channel approaches 2 ! !

41 2100. Ge ttysbu rg L owlan d Di strict. ! ! inlier of the Piedmont, surrounded by Coastal Plain ! there is a "step" or bench called the Foreknobs that is anticlinal; 2 are homoclinal. Average ridge height 630 ft. Narrow ! pronounced bench, or "step," along the eastern foot of ! 512501 valley of relatively non-resistant rock along the miles in width, reflecting the estuarine nature of this reach of ! !

Relatively flat to gently rolling surface; distinctive red soils; !

sediments; Grays Hills is one of three hills to ! valleys underlain by shales. ! underlain by basal Mississippian sandstone. from Point of Rocks to ! southwest side of the Mt. Airy Upland. Compare the Patuxent River. !

diabase dikes for low ridges. The District is the ! protrude through the sediment cover near Elkton ! 511400 ! W a s h i n g t o n Shookstown, west of Frederick. In the vicinity of ! 112200. Frostburg District. Moderately 213000. Town Creek Valley Region. Well-dissected, physiographic, structural, and lithologic equivalent of the with Laurel Hill Area. ! ! ! (also see nearby Iron Hill and Chestnut Hill in 5124 00. St . Jerom e's Nec k Low lands D istrict. ! Shookstown and Braddock Heights, two benches are ! ! dissected upland synclinal valley; underlain by coal beds. rolling to hilly region, but generally lacking high ridges--with most Culpeper Lowland District. Sinkholes common in 42 2403. Laur el Hill Area . A pair of D C ). ! ! A very gently sloping, terraced lowland of Pleistocene !

! present. ! (except Polish Mtn) averaging less than half the height of those limestone conglomerate. NNE-trending ridges (relatively resistant rock) along ! 112201. Lower Savage Gorge Area. ! estuarine deposits. Three of the four terraces recognized in !

! ! in other parts of the Ridge and Valley. Region lies in the rain the northwest side of the Mt. Airy Upland that are 511200. Lo wland D istrict. A !

Steep-sided V-shaped gorge with incised meanders, ! 31200 2. Harbaugh V alley Area. An 41 2200. Culpep er Lo wland Distric t. Rela tively the Patuxent Estuary & Lowlands District are present here. !

shadow of the Allegheny Front. narrow (1-5 miles), gently rolling to nearly flat transition ! ! separated by a valley (relatively non-resistant rock. !

but little or no flood plain. Gorge is transverse to intermontane valley in the hilly upland approximately Maximum elevation decreases southward from about 40 to !

flat to gently rolling surface; distinctive red soils; diabase !

! ! ! between the Fall Zone Region and the Aberdeen Lowlands ! structural and lithologic strike. 214000. Region. Comparatively narrow along the axis of the Blue Ridge. Compare with Lilypons Area. 20 feet. 511600 C a r o l i n e Use Constraints: These data represent the results of data collection/processing for a dikes form low ridges. The District is the physiographic, ! ! ! T a l b o t

! District. The District is segmented by the drowned mouths !

belt made up of two sandstone ridges with intervening shale valley. ! specific Department of Natural Resources, Maryland Geological Survey activity and structural, and lithologic equivalent of the Gettysburg 422 500. Glenw ood U pland Distri ct. A r olling ! 112300. Avilton District. Well-dissected Legend ! ! 313000. Middletown Valley Region. A moderately rolling to of the Gunpowder, Bird, and Back Rivers. 51250 0. Poto mac E stuary & Low lands D istrict. ! Well-dissected with most of land in slope. Slopes generally 15-20 Lowland District. upland of low relief underlain by a felsic gneiss (Sykesville 514101 ! indicate general existing conditions. As such, they are only valid for the intended use, anticlinal valley. Topography markedly steeper, more !

! ! 514100 ! hilly valley along the axis of the Blue Ridge between South Mtn The Potomac River and its terraced lowlands and estuaries ! ! ! ! ! ! 512200 degrees. Fm.). Corestones and pinnacles common in the saprolite, ! 514100 intricately dissected than that of the Oakland District. 413000. Limestone Lowland Region. A series of carbonate valleys ! content, time, and accuracy specifications. The user is responsible for the results of any 51 1201. Lower Gunp owder River Area. Maryland State Boundary ! and Catoctin Mtn. The valley rises in elevation northward from extend from the Fall Zone to Point Lookout. Drowned !

! of low relief in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. Only and corestones litter many fields. The degree of dissection ! 215000. Paw Paw Valley Region. Valley-dominant; Between the Fall Zone and the Chesapeake Bay, the ! ! application of the data for other than their intended purpose. Neither the licensor, nor the 112301. Upper Savage Gorge Area. the Potomac River, gradually merging with the South Mtn and rivers include Piscataway, Mattawoman, Nanjemoy, Port ! one such valley, the Frederick Valley, is recognized in Maryland's is significantly less than in the adjacent District. Boundary 511600 ! well-dissected with no prominent ridges. Three small ridges ! Steep-sided V-shaped gorge with incised meanders, Catoctin Mtn highland. flows in a broad, largely drowned Tobacco, Wicomico and St. Marys Rivers and St. Clements ! owner of these data makes any warranty, expressed or implied, as to the use or part of the Region. ! (Anthony, Sorrell and Big Ridge) average 250 ft in height. Most 422 501. P ataps co Riv er Go rge Ar ea. A valley of low relief. and Breton Bays. Province Boundary ! but little or no flood plain. Gorge is parallel to ! 313100. Upper Middletown Valley District. ! C appropriateness of the licensed data, and there are no warranties of merchantability or structural and lithologic strike. Includes co-linear prominent physiographic feature is the Potomac River, which here 413100. Frederick Valley District. A carbonate relatively narrow, steep-sided gorge that marks the ! Generally low, elongate hills aligned north-south impart a ! fitness for a particular purpose of use. The Maryland Geological Survey makes no 512501. Foggy Bottom Area. This low- Hydrological Features ! Crabtree Creek. exhibits large incised meanders. valley of low relief, punctuated with more than 1,000 beginning of the gorge-like character of the valley of 5113 00. G len Bur nie Ro lling Up land D istrict. ! parallel drainage pattern. ! 514400 sinkholes, but very few limestone caves. the South Branch ; side slopes are An undulating upland with slopes typically <8 degrees, relief surface consisting of low terraces, alluvium, ! representation to the accuracy or completeness of the data and may not be held liable for 216000. Hancock Ridges Region. Ridge-dominant; ! 112400. Oakland District. Moderately dissected ! H 313200. Lower Middletown Valley District. 420000. Piedmont Upland Section A gently rolling terrain of low relief to commonly >12 degrees and in places >20 degrees; transitional between the Waldorf Upland Plain and the and artificial fill rises from about 30 ft. near the ! human error or defect. Data are only valid at 1:100,000 scale or smaller. Data should well-dissected with seven ridges of varying height. !

anticlinal valley. Topography markedly less rugged with ! Moderately rolling valley floor; overall, has a bowl-shaped very hilly topography, distinctive broad-bottomed valleys underlain by flood plain is narrow to non-existent. Prince Frederick Knobby Upland. Potomac to more than 100 ft. on the north side. ! not be used at a scale greater than 1:100,000 (i.e., enlarged). ! 512500 511601 gentler slopes than that of the Avilton and Accident Districts 217000. Licking Creek V alley Reg ion. Alt ernating, transverse profile, punctuated by incised valley of Catoctin marble, and major streams incised into narrow, steep-sided valleys. Much of the southern part of the Area had originally 514400 ! ! 423000. Wakefield Valley and Ridge Region A topographically and 5113 01. L ower P atapsco River Area. ! 511501 on either side. strike-aligned, low hills and valleys. Ridge crests are the lowest of been poorly drained and swampy. ! ! Creek. ! E Acknowledgements: This physiographic map was funded in part by the Department of ! ! 421000. Chesapeake Gorges Region. The Chesapeake Gorges are structurally complex terrane underlain by polydeformed Between the Fall Zone and the Chesapeake Bay, the ! ! the Section, averaging 740 feet elevation and only 150 feet in ! 112401. White Meadow Run Area. ! Natural Resources, Chesapeake and Coastal Watershed Service. The views and 313201. Catoctin Creek Gorge Area. occupied by the Potomac and Susquehanna Rivers, both originating metarhyolite, phyllitic metabasalt and quartzite, and bands of Patapsco River flows in a broad, largely drowned 512502 . Indian Head A rea. An isolated ! ! height. Low ridges capped by sandstones of the Hampshire and !

Long, narrow strike valley floored by the Greenbrier ! Lower part of Catoctin Creek, entrenched into a in the Appalachian Plateaus Province. In the Piedmont marble; subdivided into three Districts based on differing lithologic valley of low relief. exposure, or inlier, of upland sediments (Park Hall ! conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be Limestone. the Mahantango Formations. ! S


steep-sided gorge cut into alluvium and bedrock. Upland these rivers flow in gorges characterized by steep sideslopes and and structural imprints on topography. Fm.) rising above the surrounding lowlands; probably !

! interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of 218000. Bear Pond Mountains Region. Ridge- Meanders fairly common with local flood plain extensive cliffs. 5 11302. U pper Pat uxent Val ley Area. an erosional remnant from the Waldorf Upland Plain. ! 112402. Pleasant Valley Area. Upland 42310 0. Du g Hill R idge D istrict. Charac terized ! ! the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. dominant, differing from other ridge-dominant by its development, giving rise to alternating cross- In this Area, the Patuxent on the south and the Little ! A ! valley along the axis of a breached anticline; 42 1100. Midd le Poto mac G orge D istrict . The by a series of northeast-trending ridges and valleys, the most 513000. Chesa peake E stuary R egion. The drowne d valley

! discontinuous ridges, plunging folds, reverse faults, and narrow, sectional asymmetry. Alluvium thickens downstream. Patuxent on the north flow in well-defined flood !

! relatively flat to low, rolling hills within the valley. ! Physiographic field mapping was completed in 1999 at a scale of 1:62,500 or, in some irregular valleys. Seven of nine hills or ridges are held up by Potomac River flows across the Piedmont Upland Section in prominent being Dug Hill Ridge. Strath terraces occur plains and exhibit numerous and convoluted of an ancestral system; consists of the

a spectacular gorge marked by rapids, bedrock islands, and body of water known as Chesapeake Bay and the sediments and ! ! cases, 1:24,000. The physiographic map was compiled at 1:100,000 by the lead author along the northwestern side from Bachman Mills to the ! 112500. Grantsville District. A broad synclinal , and two by Oriskany Sandstone. 314000. E lk Ridg e Region . A ridge comple x of Elk meanders. (Note: similar to the Middle Patuxent P 514100 ! ! very steep to vertical valley walls. Maryland-Pennsylvania border. features on the Bay bottom; excludes most islands, flooded estuary ! ! ! and in digital form at 1:250,000 by Catherine Garcia, Jaime Alvarez, and Mary Valentino valley underlain by Allegheny and Conemaugh Formations; Ridge and Red Hill, plus a small valley (here, named the Valley Area, Crownsville Upland District.) ! ! 218001. Blairs Valley Area. Breached ! ! mouths, and other marginal water bodies. ! markedly less dissected than adjacent Avilton District. Rohrersville Valley District) separating Elk Ridge from South 421200. Susquehanna Gorge District. The ! of Towson University, Center for Geographic Information Sciences. The authors are 4232 00. New Win dsor Lowlan d District. A ! ! anticline (anticlinal valley) exposing Martinsburg 511303. Anacostia Valley Area. A ! Mountain. In Virginia, Elk Ridge becomes the dominant western ! ! Susquehanna crosses the Piedmont Upland in a spectacular ! E 112501. The Glades Area. Poorly Shale in valley floor and surrounding footslopes, with series of curvilinear, broad-bottomed marble valleys, of 514000. Delmarva Peninsula Region. A large peninsula extending 512502 solely responsible for the map’s content. pronounced valley cut into the upland surface of ! 511500 ! ridge of the Blue Ridge Province. gorge marked by rapids, bedrock islands, and very steep south of the and separating Chesapeake Bay and Delaware ! C a l v e r t which Priestland and Wakefield Valleys are the largest. ! drained marshy area, marked as much by the the steeper (15-20 degrees) upper sideslopes ; includes Quaternary alluvium ! (>25 degrees) to vertical valley walls. at Sinkholes common in marble valleys. Bay-Atlantic drainages; has grown by southward accretion during the ! presence of peat as by standing water. underlain by Martinsburg and Juniata Formations. 314100. Rohrersville Valley District. A ! The facilities and services of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources are

and Tertiary terraces adjacent to the main channel. ! U.S. 1 forms a large lake that has flooded the upper part ! A breached anticlinal valley eroded into Precambrian gneiss, 423300. Unionville Upland District. Lithologic Neogene. Consists of an axial “upland” bordered by a series of ! available to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, 112600. Accident District. Breached anticline 220000. Great Valley Section. A broad, gently rolling lowland of the Gorge. ! which is deeply weathered, and flanked mainly by quartzite grain and weathering impart a NE linearity of subdued 51 1400. Cro wnsville U pland Dis trict. An lowlands. ! 511502 511602 ! (anticlinal valley), more dissected that Grantsville District developed on carbonate rocks; contains both bare and covered karst, ! national origin or physical or mental disability. 422000. Harford Plateaus and Gorges Region. A gently rolling undulating upland, fairly similar in appearance to, but ! ridges on either side. upland ridges. Marble layers are thin, and their weathering !

5 14100. Dent on Pla in Di strict. An u pland K ! or Youghiogheny Highlands. characterized by pinnacle karst, numerous sinkholes, caves and subsurface ! upland to moderately hilly in places; distinctive landscape. Districts does not produce the distinctive marble valleys that occur in somewhat more dissected than the Glen Burnie Rolling ! surface of very low relief that occupies an axial position ! drainage. C h a r l e s ! Published September 2008 and Areas reflect contrasting lithologic and/or structural imprint the New Windsor Lowland and Timonium Valley Districts. Upland District. 511503 ! 112700. Youghiogheny Highlands District. along the Delmarva Peninsula, thus forming the poorly !

! Version: MDPHYS2003.2 221000. Chesapeake Gorges Region. The Potomac River crosses (e.g., broad-bottomed marble valleys, expanses of nearly flat upland, 511600 D o r c h e s t e r ! Dissected plateau; virtually all the land surface is in slopes, defined drainage divide between the Chesapeake Bay and E !

4 24000. Silver Ru n Regio n. Rollin g upland NW of 51 1401. Midd le Pat uxent Valley Area. ! ! relatively non-resistant carbonates and occupies a well-defined, but and gneiss domes). 3

typically >8 degrees and commonly >12 degrees. District is . 514302 ! Silver Run; dissected upland S and E of Silver Run. Quartzite and 8 ! Near the boundary between the Glen Burnie Rolling ! ! bisected into two unequal parts by the narrow flood plain flanked by bluffs 80 to 120 ft. high. Incised 514300 °

! 42 2100. Bel Air Uplan d District. An upland 3

conglomerate beds in phyllitic rocks underlie NE-trending ridges; N

! Upland and the Crownsville Upland, the Patuxent '

514101. Upper Valley ! meanders and discontinuous terraces 100 ft. above river level are 0

! Gorge. characterized by gently rolling to flat surfaces, except for an 0 512300 '

stream incision along NW-trending joints. Parts of Big Pipe Creek Area. That part of the Choptank River valley that N and Little Patuxent join to flow in a single valley, ! 3 common. ! ° area in western Cecil County that is noticeably more and Deep Run have cut gorges. ! extends inland into the Denton Plain upstream of the ! 1127 01. Y oughio gheny Gorge Area. exhibiting a broad, well-defined flood plain and 8 ! 75°00'W ! 22 1100. Upp er Potoma c Floodpla in District. dissected and hilly because of its proximity to the more clearly estuarine part of the Choptank River. 3 75°30'W Steep-sided, asymmetric V-shaped gorge, the east 42400 1. Si lver R un V alley Area . A intense meandering. ! ! The Potomac River crosses relatively non-resistant Susquehanna River and . ! side being higher and steeper than the west side. !

! broad, open valley; strath terraces on NW side, ! ! ! 514200. Salisbury Plain District. Broad ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 511500. Waldorf Upland Plain District. A ! ! carbonates and occupies a well-defined, but narrow flood ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Occupied by a reservoir downstream of the town of ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 42 2101. Lower Deer C reek Gorge Area. 511504 ! similar to valleys of the Timonium Valley District. relatively flat upland surface comprised of alluvial plains lowland plain, little modified by erosion, with widespread !

Friendsville. plain flanked by bluffs 80 to 120 ft. high. Incised meanders Steep-sided (>20 degrees) gorge; little or no flood !

Chemical weathering of limestone results in the aeolian sand sheets and low-amplitude sand dunes, fluvial !

and discontinuous terraces 100 ft. above river level are and fluvial-estuarine terraces that occupy the higher 514602 ! ! 514100 112702 . Cranes ville Swa mp Area. plain. distinctive valley form. sands, and marine back-barrier and lagoon muds.

common. elevations of Southern Maryland. Stream incision creates !

! ! A relic of the Ice Age, a sphagnum and boreal forest 422200. Pimlico U pland D istrict. A n upland !

222000. Mercersburg Region. Gently sloping colluvium-covered 425000. Phoenix Domes Region. Four gneiss domes (Phoenix, Texas, steep-sided valleys. Much of the upland soils contain a 5 14201 . U pper P ocom oke R iver Area. B !

characterized by a gently rolling to flat surface, quite similar ! ! bog nestled in a highland frost pocket. Chattolanee, and Towson Domes) comprise gently rolling uplands fragipan. Largely swamp and marsh occupying the flood plain !

footslopes of Fairview and Powell Mountains merge with the to that of the Bel Air District, except the eastern part of the !

of the upper reaches of the within !

underlain by Gneiss, surrounded and separated by broad ! rolling floor of the . Limestone outcrops !

area is incised by the valleys of and Jones 51 1501 . Pi scataw ay C reek A rea. The A the Salisbury Plain. !

! 512500

common throughout. marble valleys; a steep slope (Setters Formation) separates upland !

! !

Falls. inland extension of the drowned mouth of Piscataway !

! ! from lowland. !

514300. Princess Anne Lo wland Di strict. A ! !

22210 0. Cl ear Spr ing Fo othills D istrict. Creek above ; valley is typically sediment- !

! !

4 22300. Ham pstead Upl and District . Rolling to ! ! lowland plain of very low relief (0 to 5 feet), little altered by W i c o m i c o ! 4251 00. C hattola nee Up land Di strict. Four choked; much of the flood plain is marshy; valley ! Y

Transitional between the steep ridges of the Bear Pond Mtns ! 514500 !

hilly uplands interrupted by steep-walled gorges. ! !

erosion; similar to the St. Michaels Lowland District. ! !

! ! !


! !

interconnected, gently rolling to subdued hilly dome-like sides are generally blanketed by fluvial-estuarine !

to the west and the limestone valley to the east, as ! 514201

! !

Differential weathering of adjacent, contrasting lithologies ! 511600

! ! !

topography grades from fairly gentle slopes covered by uplands underlain mainly by Baltimore Gneiss, each more terraces. 514301. Lowe r Pocomoke River Area. !

produces distinctive ridges, hills, barrens, and valleys. ! !

! !

or less surrounded by steep (>15 degrees) slopes typically ! 514200 colluvial fans and aprons to rolling floor of limestone !

Largely swamp and marsh occupying the flood plain ! S t . M a r y ' s 514601

Streams may have short segments of narrow, steep-sided ! !

5115 02. Ma ttawom an Cre ek Area . The !

! !

! !


valley. underlain by the Setters Formation (quartzite, schist). !

! !

of the lower reaches of the Pocomoke River within ! valleys. !


inland extension of the drowned mouth of !

! 514300

! ! ! !

the Princess Anne Lowland. ! 22220 0. Spic kler Pl ain Di strict. Plain of 42 5101. Wes tern Run Area. Loca ted in ! 514603 !

422 301. Upper Gorge Area. above tidewater; valley is !

the Phoenix Dome, an outlier of Loch Raven Schist 514302. Nantic oke Rive r Area. Largely !

moderate relief, less than in adjacent Districts. Some karst A narrow, steep-sided gorge; flood plain narrow to typically sediment-choked; much of the flood plain is ! ! N ! 512500

features, but not abundant, except in the belt of absent; side slopes generally >12-15 degrees, often rests on Cockeysville Marble, creating a ridge marshy; valley sides are generally blanketed by swamp and marsh occupying the flood plain of the ! !

! A

Chambersburg Limestone on the east side. Limestone surrounded by a marble valley. Along the ridge, within the Princess Anne Lowland. !

>20 degrees. fluvial-estuarine terraces. !

! W o r c e s t e r E ! outcrops (pinnacle karst) common to abundant; residuum of relief ranges from 100 to 200 feet. !

422302 . Rocks Ridge A rea. Prominent 5 14400. S t. Michael s Lowland District. !

C ! 511503. Port Tobacco Creek Area. The !

variable thickness. !

ridge underlain by the Rocks Metaconglomerate. 42 5102. Gun powd er Fa lls G orge A rea. Coastal lowland of very low relief, including salt marshes ! 512400


inland extension of the drowned mouth of Port ! O !

223000. Martinsburg Dissected Plain Region. Distinctive ! The Area is separated into two parts by Deer Creek A steep-walled narrow gorge in three unequal Tobacco River above tidewater; valley is typically and low estuarine terraces along the west-central shore !

! 511500

dissected plain and incised meandering streams developed on shale. ! 514200

Gorge. segments: the major one where the Gunpowder Falls of the Delmarva Peninsula north of the Choptank River. C ! sediment-choked; much of the flood plain is marshy; ! crosses the Phoenix Dome and two much shorter ! I 223100. Conoco cheague Creek Di strict. In !

42 2303. Sla te Ri dge A rea. Prom inent valley sides are generally blanketed by fluvial- 514500. C risfield Islands and Marshes District. 77°00'W !

segments where the river crosses the north ends of T ! Maryland, this District coincides with the Martinsburg NE-trending ridge underlain by the Peach Bottom estuarine terraces. Discontinuous coastal salt marshes and low islands of !


the Texas Dome and the Towson Dome. N !

Dissected Plain Region, a dissected plain underlain mostly !

Slate and the Cardiff Metaconglomerate. 511504. Zekiah-Gilbert Swamps Area. various sizes and shapes along the southwest shore of the ! ! A by shale and occupied by the incised meander belt of 4252 00. T imoniu m Vall ey Dist rict. A broad Delmarva Peninsula. Explanation of the 6-digit numbers !

The inland extension of the drowned mouth of the ! 422304. Hydes Valley Area. A marble ! . flat-bottomed valley underlain by Cockeysville Marble. ! L

Wicomico River via Zekiah Swamp and Gilbert 5 1 4 6 0 0 . A t l a n t i c B a y s a n d B a r r ie r s D i s t r i c t . The barrier !

valley underlain by the Hydes Marble Member of the Each Province, Section, Region, District, and Area has been ! !

T !

! Where the marble outcrop becomes narrow, the valley !

224000. Hagerstown Region. Gently rolling terrain consisting of Swamp; valley is typically sediment-choked, marshy, island system of Fenwick and Assateague Islands, which ! Loch Raven Schist. Alluvial/colluvial fans border assigned a six-digit number for identification. These numbers are !

disappears. Chemical weathering of the marble produces a A ! !

two Districts: the Charlestown District, a gently rolling and densely vegetated; valley sides are generally includes barrier islands, back-barrier bays and lagoons ! P

the valley; weathering of the marble has produced a distinctive dolomite sand and numerous pinnacles and intended to help keep track of the hierarchical organization of the ! O T O !

karstic landscape, and the Waynesboro District, a dissected blanketed by fluvial-estuarine terraces. (Coastal Bays), fringing salt marsh, and tidal inlets. ! M A 514500 !

thick dolomite sand residuum that contains both residual boulders. physiographic subdivisions. Of the six digits, the first (reading left C !




rolling plain with low NNE-oriented ridges. Extends into ! R




! !

pinnacles and corestones. ! I to right) represents a Province, the second represents a Section, the !

514601. Berlin Scarp A rea. A generally !

! V


511600. Prince Frederick Knobby Upland ! ! E 514603 ! !


! R !

426000. Fall Zone Region. Transition between crystalline Piedmont !


Pennsylvania and into Virginia. !




422305. Upper Gunpowder Falls Gorge distinct topographic drop marks the transition third a Region, the fourth a District, and the last two an Area: !

D i s t r i c t . Moderately to well-dissected upland with numerous ! 514201 !


and unconsolidated Coastal Plain; many hilltops are capped ! !

! !

Area. For most of its length, Gunpowder Falls has between the Salisbury Plain and the lowlands ! 2241 00. Ch arles Town D istrict . Broad , open, hillocks, in large part occupying in interfluve between P00000 1st digit: Province (e.g., 300000 = Blue Ridge !

by Cretaceous gravels and sediments that thicken to SE; rivers ! eroded a narrow, steep-walled valley into the adjacent to the Coastal Bays; is most clearly 512500 S o m e r s e t ! gently rolling karstic plain underlain by limestones and Patuxent and Chesapeake watersheds. Stands in stark Province) ! flow across the Region in steep-walled valleys incised into ! 514601

underlying bedrock. Occasional rapids and a expressed to the south, becoming hummocky and ! dolomites (Beekmantown and Conococheague limestones). contrast to the gently rolling Glen Burnie surface and the !

crystalline rock. PS0000 2nd digit: Section (e.g., 310000 = Northern !

Pinnacle karst and sinkholes are fairly common. Limestone restricted flood plain are common. Sideslopes relatively flat Waldorf surface. indistinct north of the town of Berlin and U.S. 50. ! ! Section of the Blue Ridge Province) ! outcrops common to abundant; residuum of variable usually >12 degrees and may exceed 20 degrees. 426100 . Perry Hall Up land Dis trict. Tr ansition 514300 !

511601. Lower Patuxent Valley Area. ! 51460 2. Barr ier Bea ches Ar ea. Coi ncident !

between crystalline Piedmont and unconsolidated Coastal PSR000 3rd digit: Region (e.g., 313000 = Middletown ! thickness. ! 422 306. Caves Valley Are a. A marble Downstream of the confluence with Western Branch, !

Plain; many hilltops are capped by Cretaceous gravels and with the sand dunes and beaches of the barrier !

Valley Region) ! !

224200. Waynesboro District. A dissected valley surrounded by low hills underlain by Loch the valley and channel of the Patuxent markedly !

islands (Fenwick and Assateague). Part of a series !

sediments that thicken to SE; rivers flow across the Region ! Raven Schist. Alluvial/colluvial fans border the !

rolling plain with low NNE-oriented ridges that are due to widen and include several broad, shallow "bays" of barrier beaches / barrier islands from PSRD00 4th digit: District (e.g., 313200 = Southern ! ! ! in steep-walled valleys incised into crystalline rock. ! relatively resistant beds within the Elbrook Limestone, the valley. Thick dolomite sand residuum. Marble (e.g., Jug Bay) alternating with fringing marshes and to Georgia. Middletown Valley District)


! ! pinnacles and corestones common. 514603 ! Tomstown Formation, and upper part of the Waynesboro 4261 01. G unpowd er Fall s Gorg e Area. a markedly constricted but meandering channel. PSRDAA 5th & 6th: Area (e.g., 313201 = Catoctin Creek

51 4603. Coas tal Ba ys an d Ma rshes Area. ! !

Formation. Thick colluvial cover adjacent to South !

422 307. Soldi ers D elight Area . An The Gunpowder Falls is incised into bedrock in a Gorge Area) !


Back-barrier bays or lagoons and fringing salt !

511602. Calvert Cliffs Area. High cliffs !



Mountain. !

! steep-sided valley; sideslopes commonly >12 degrees !



upland area of generally low relief and underlain by !

514301 !


and an eroding shoreline made up of mainly Miocene marshes; greatly influenced by tides. 514300 !


In the simplest scheme, an Area is part of a District; a District is Copies of this map are available !



and in places >20 degrees; boulder-strewn channel; !


224201 . Keedy sville Ar ea. Bro ad plain !

serpentinite; thin, nutrient-poor, droughty soil results ! ! !


marine strata. Cliff retreat is primarily by mass !


part of a Region; a Region is part of a Section; and a Section is part !

in PDF form ONLY !

the flood plain, where present, is narrow. ! !



between a series of low ridges (Waynesboro District) !

in a distinctive "barrens" vegetation. !

! !



wasting. With exceptions at Long Beach and Cove !

of a Province. ! !

online from the !


! !




on the west and the base of South Mountain on the !


4 2 6 1 0 2 . P a t a p s c o G o r g e A r e a . T h e !


422308. Upper Patapsco River Gorge Point, there is little or no beach along nearly the ! ! !







east. Sinkholes and caves fairly common. Eastern The total of all Provinces, Sections, Regions, Districts, and Areas ! !

Area. Relatively narrow, steep-sided gorge of the Patapsco River is incised into bedrock in a steep- entire length of the cliffs. ! 75°30'W ! 3

2300 Saint Paul Street ! !

side is covered in many places by mountain wash and in Maryland is about 150. Of those, about 115 appear on the map 8

Patapsco River upstream of the Fall Zone, including sided valley; sideslopes commonly >12 degrees and 76°30'W !

! ° 512000. Western Shore Lowlands Region. A series of low Baltimore, MD 21218 !

0 ! colluvium from South Mountain. as discrete units bearing six-digit numbers. !

in places >20 degrees; boulder-strewn channel; the N

the West and South Branches; sideslopes usually >12 '

! !

(generally below 50-ft. elevation) fluvial and estuarine terraces, beaches, Ph: 410-554-5500 0

0 ! !

' !

degrees and in places >20 degrees. Rapids flood plain, where present, is narrow; rapids are N

and drowned river mouths that fringe the Western Shore Uplands; For more information about the numbering scheme utilized on this Fax: 410-554-5502 0 °


! ! !

widespread throughout; flood plain narrow to absent. common. map, see the accompanying report. That report also contains more 8


the Region extends some distance up the valleys of the Potomac http://www.mgs.md.gov/ !

3 !

! !

! ! !

! ! !

! ! ! !

! !





! ! !

details about all 150 physiographic units. !







42 2309. C larks ville M arble Valley Area. ! and Patuxent Rivers. !






! !


! !

Several small marble valleys around the west and !

! !




! ! !

south sides of the Woodstock, Mayfield, and !

! !


! !





Clarksville Gneiss Domes; these valleys are ! 76°00'W




! !




! !


! ! !

! ! !

! !

surrounded by gentle slopes and rolling terrain that !


! !





! !

! ! !

blend imperceptibly with the rest of the Hampstead !






Upland. ! ! This file is protected by an end user license agreement. The file may be downloaded, viewed and/or printed. The file may not be redistributed, copied, digitized or reverse engineered. !