49-50 Eagle Wharf Road, London, N1 7ED Archaeological Assessment Howe Malcolm Archaeology & Planning Ltd July 2015 49-50 Eagle Wharf Road, London N1 7ED Archaeological Assessment July 2015 Howe Malcolm Archaeology & Planning Ltd Telephone: 01768 898277 Email:
[email protected] Registered in England number 7381965 Registered Office: Clint Mill, Cornmarket, Penrith, CA11 7HW 49-50 Eagle Wharf Road, London, N1 7ED Archaeological Assessment Howe Malcolm Archaeology & Planning Ltd Executive Summary This report assesses the significance of any archaeological heritage assets that may potentially be impacted by development proposals at 49-50 Eagle Wharf Road, in the London Borough of Hackney. It identifies the evidential base from previous archaeological investigations, chance finds in the area and documentary sources; the aesthetic, historic, communal and associative significance of the archaeology assets are also discussed and an overall view of their significance in relation to planning policy is derived. The site is currently occupied by buildings of one to three storeys across most of the site. There is a small courtyard area. The buildings were constructed in the late 19th century. The whole site is within the Regent’s Canal Conservation Area. Note that this report concentrates on an assessment of the below ground archaeological potential for the site; the assessment of the architectural interest and the setting of the historic building are considered in a separate Heritage Statement (Montagu Evans 2015). The site does not lie within an Area of Archaeological Priority as defined by the London Borough of Hackney. For most of its history the site has been located within a rural landscape away from settlements.