Transport and Environment Committee 10.00am, Thursday, 28 January 2021 Spaces for People Update – January 2021 Executive/routine Executive Wards 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17 Council Commitments 1. Recommendations 1.1 Transport and Environment Committee is asked to: 1.1.1 note this update on the Spaces for People (SfP) programme; 1.1.2 approve the schemes noted in paragraphs 4.3 and 4.4 (and in Appendix 2); 1.1.3 approve the recommendations set out in Appendix 1; 1.1.4 note the intention to review the current measures to determine if it would be beneficial to retain or adapt them to support the Council’s wider strategic objectives. The arrangements for doing so are set out in paragraphs 4.30 – 4.33 and in Appendix 3 and it is intended to update Committee on this in April 2021; 1.1.5 note the schedule of proposed measures near schools in Appendix 4; and 1.1.6 agree the funding allocation described in section 6. Paul Lawrence Executive Director of Place Contact: Dave Sinclair, Local Transport and Environment Manager E-mail:
[email protected] | Tel: 0131 529 7075 Report Spaces for People Update – January 2021 2. Executive Summary 2.1 This report provides an update on Spaces for People (SfP) measures implemented over the last eight months, seeks approval for changes to existing schemes and recommends the introduction or development of new schemes. 2.2 The report sets out a process to assess the benefit of retaining or adapting existing measures where these align to the Council’s wider strategic priorities, utilising the appropriate legal powers.