Andrew Megginson Architecture (Jamaica Mr Neil MacRitchie Mews). 21 Braid Hills Approach Andrew Megginson Edinburgh 29 Jamaica Mews Scotland New Town EH10 6JZ Edinburgh Scotland EH3 6HL Decision date: 6 February 2020 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (SCOTLAND) ACTS DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2013 Erect garden room within garden space of house. At 21 Braid Hills Approach Edinburgh EH10 6JZ Application No: 19/05116/FUL DECISION NOTICE With reference to your application for Planning Permission registered on 25 October 2019, this has been decided by Local Delegated Decision. The Council in exercise of its powers under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Acts and regulations, now determines the application as Refused in accordance with the particulars given in the application. Any condition(s) attached to this consent, with reasons for imposing them, or reasons for refusal, are shown below; Conditions:- Reasons:- 1. The mass and position of the proposed development would result in significant encroachment of the rural landscape adversely impacting upon the quality and character of the Green Belt. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy Des 1, Policy Env 10 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan and the non-statutory Guidance for Development in the Countryside and Green Belt. 2. The proposed development by virtue of its scale and visually prominent location would have a significant adverse impact on the scenic value and special character of Lewis McWilliam, Planning Officer, Householders Area Team, Place Directorate. Tel 0131 469 3988, Email
[email protected], Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG the Braids, Liberton and Mortonhall Special Landscape Area.