Co-Creating Democracy
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A growing body of research has demonstrated that the Internet and, in particular, social media have given citizens the opportunity to participate, interact, network, collaborate, and mobilize themselves within communities. While these media have broadened the means of exercising citizenship in many forms of participatory democracy, the technological prerequisites exist to go beyond the standard uses of social media (e.g., social networking, entertainment) and towards proactive and co-creative democratic engagement. Such engagement includes, but is not limited to, participatory activities for democratic purposes. Further, some researchers have argued that representa- tive democracy is in decline and has several limitations related to citizens’ trust in politicians and engagement with representative institutions. There is a recognition among scholars to infuse representative democracy with parti- cipatory bottom-up processes by employing ICT in an attempt to bridge these limitations. In order to further facilitate and support participatory as well as co-creative processes, this thesis elaborates a concept of co-creative media. The process of this work was guided by the following question: How can co-creative media be theoretically anchored and conceptualized in order to facilitate and support citizen engagement within democratic processes? A concept-driven design research approach was adopted to address this research question, and this resulted in five interconnected articles. Firstly, based on the results from each article, four design guidelines were formulated to further guide the design of co-creative media for democratic engagement. These design guidelines may support future participatory design processes in which stakeholders collectively contribute to the development and evaluation of co- creative media. The guidelines constitute a resource that stakeholders may use to develop adaptations of co-creative media for the purposes of faci- litating democratic engagement. Secondly, the results from each article were fed forward into the concept-driven research process as theoretical and empirical insights, which were used to inform and elaborate the main con- tribution of this thesis, namely the concept of co-creative media. The concept of co-creative media in its form outlined by this thesis seeks to broaden citizens’ democratic engagement by means of creating virtual xii spaces in which new ideas, initiatives, knowledge, solutions, and digital tools could emerge. The implications of co-creative media could be to create, deve- lop, and strengthen partnerships between communities and local services, extend digital skills in society through community-engaged practitioners, and propagate as well as coordinate large-scale co-creative practices. Keywords: co-creative media, democracy, concept-driven design research, socio-technical systems, consensus-seeking, internet voting, mobilization, open source xiii Sammanfattning Internetbaserad informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) har i allt högre grad använts för att främja och stödja demokratiskt engagemang i samhället. Forskning har visat att internet och i synnerhet sociala medier har skapat potential för medborgare att delta, interagera, nätverka, samarbeta och mobilisera sig i gemenskaper. Fastän dessa medier har vidgat medborgarnas möjligheter till inflytande i demokratiska processer finns det tekniska förutsättningar att gå bortom den förekommande användningen av sociala medier, exempelvis socialt nätverkande och underhållning, mot ett proaktivt och demokratiskt samskapande engagemang. Vidare har vissa forskare på- pekat att tilltron till representativ demokrati har sjunkit och i samband med detta även förtroendet för politiker och myndigheter. Med hänsyn tagen till föregående har forskare identifierat ett behov av att erbjuda medborgare möjligheter att delta i demokratiska processer med stöd av IKT. För att stödja demokratiskt deltagande och samskapande processer elaborerar denna av- handling ett koncept för samskapande medier. Forskningsprocessen i föreliggande avhandling har vägletts av fråge- ställningen: Hur kan samskapande medier teoretiskt förankras och konceptua- liseras för att främja och stödja medborgarengagemang i demokratiska pro- cesser? Frågeställningen besvarades genom att tillämpa ansatsen koncept- driven designforskning vilket mynnade ut i fem sammanhängande artiklar. Baserat på resultaten i respektive artikel formulerades fyra designprinciper för att vägleda och informera design av samskapande medier. Designprinciperna kan vara ett stöd för framtida deltagande designprocesser där medverkande aktörer gemensamt bidrar till utveckling och utvärdering av samskapande medier. Vidare utgör designprinciperna en resurs för intresserade aktörer som kan använda dessa för att utveckla egna anpassningar av samskapande medier i syfte att stödja demokratiskt engagemang. Utöver föregående användes teoretiska och empiriska insikter från varje artikel för att informera den konceptdrivna forskningsprocessen som elaborerade det huvudsakliga bidra- get i avhandlingen, nämligen konceptet för samskapande medier. Konceptet för samskapande medier i den form som presenteras i avhand- lingen syftar till att bredda medborgarnas demokratiska engagemang genom att skapa virtuella miljöer där nya idéer, initiativ, kunskaper, lösningar och digitala verktyg kan ta sig uttryck. Möjliga följder av samskapande medier xiv kan vara att skapa, utveckla och stärka samverkan mellan intressegrupper och näringslivet, sprida digitala färdigheter i samhället via deltagare som engage- rar sig i gemenskaper och organisera en praktik av storskaligt samskapande. Nyckelord: samskapande medier, demokrati, konceptdriven designforskning, sociotekniska system, konsensussökande, internetröstning, mobilisering, öppen källkod xv Acknowledgments It is a great privilege to write this section in order to recognize the people who have given me their time, help, and understanding during this exercise in sustained suffering. This may be the last good opportunity to express my grati- tude to those who have played a key role in making this dissertation possible. First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisors Mauri Kaipainen and Robert Ramberg for their friendly guidance and thoughtful supervision. Without their encouragement, the path upon which I have traveled would have seemed a dark and lonely place. I owe them gratitude for facilitating the pro- cess through which I could grow to become an independent researcher and develop my intellectual curiosity, patience, and resilience. I feel fortunate to have spent my time under their tutelage, where I have learned to welcome con- structive feedback as a spur to drive improvement. During times of adversity, we have maintained our course and tirelessly continued with our efforts to move forward. I was blessed with a third supervisor, Georg Stenberg, who has been a beacon of light guiding me away from violent ocean currents towards the stillness of the shores. He consistently and convincingly managed to convey a spirit of adventure with regards to research during our meetings. I want to thank Google for listing his website among its first results in 2007, when I was pursuing a deepening of my understanding of implicit attitude measures. In retrospect, finding his e-mail address and contacting him was doubtlessly a moment of serendipity that evolved into a continuing relationship. It goes without saying that Georg changed the trajectory of my life by opening the door for me. For this, and for countless other reasons, I will be grateful until the very end. I wish to give special thanks to one of my dearest friends, Claudiu Pop (aka The Pope), for providing me with motivation often by asking: "When are you going to finish that #&!* dissertation?" There are no words that can describe my appreciation for his moral support