Faculty a Homiletics Resource for Pastors, Preaching in 2003 Resurrection; St
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FACULTY JA MES P. JO HNS O N Johnson received the Chartered Fi- nancial Consultant (ChFC) and Chartered PRESIDENT Life Underwriter (CLU) designations from B.S., Wabash College, American College, Brawn Mawr, Pa. He is 1962 also a Certified Fund Raising Executive. B.D., Lexington After graduating from LTS, he served Theological Seminary, congregations in Missouri and Florida. In 1965 1980, he accepted the call to be a develop- M.A., Christian ment officer for the Disciples Christian Theological Seminary and Church Foundation. He left the Foundation Butler University, 1972 in 1986 to become president of the denomi- D.Min. Eden Theological nation’s Church Finance Council, a position Seminary, 1981 he held until 1992 when he returned to the Since 2008 Foundation as president. While president, the Foundation’s assets grew from about $50 im Johnson, an ordained minister in the million to more than $280 million. He left Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Christian Church Foundation in 2003 to becameJ president of the Seminary in August join the Mayo Foundation, helping that in- 2008. He previously served as a congre- stitution develop a planned giving program gational pastor and denominational leader until leaving in 2007. and most recently was in charge of planned He and his wife, Nancy, have two adult giving for the Mayo Foundation in Roches- children. ter, MN. O. WESLEY Allen's research interests concern broad homiletical interests as well as the connection ALLEN , JR. between preaching and the interpretation of Associate Professor of the New Testament. He has published a col- Homiletics lection of narrative sermons, Good News from Tinyville: Stories of Heart and Hope, St. Louis: B.A., Birmingham- Chalice Press, 1999; an introductory textbook Southern College on exegesis, Interpreting the Synoptic Gospels: M.Div., Yale Divinity Basic Methods for Interpreting Matthew, Mark, School, Ph.D., Graduate School of Arts and and Luke, St. Louis, Chalice Press, 2000; and Sciences, Emory University. Joined faculty a homiletics resource for pastors, Preaching in 2003 Resurrection; St. Louis, Chalice Press, 2000. Allen published a book The Homiletic of All s an ordained United Methodist, O. Believers: Approach to Proclamation and Wesley Allen, Jr., worked in parish and Preaching, Westminster John Knox Press, campusA ministry for 18 years before turning 2005; and most recently, The Three Dimensions to full-time seminary teaching. His teaching of the Lectionary with Chalice Press, which interests involve giving students a strong theo- offers cumulative strategies for reading and logical foundation and practical experience for preaching lectionary texts in congregational leading worship and preaching. To achieve worship He is also editing a series of intro- this goal, he teaches introductory courses in ductory textbooks on preaching for Fortress worship and preaching each year along with Press. upper level electives in both areas. 22 Faculty EMILY ASKE W hope after postmodernity and cultural studies. ASSISTANT PRO F ESSOR O F THEOLOGY At present she is working on a book chapter for an edited volume from the University of Kentucky Press on feminism and popular B.A., Smith College, 1983; culture which considers feminist theological M.A., University of conceptions of suffering and the Imago Dei Northern Iowa, 1991; Ph.D., in light of the recent rise in aesthetic plastic Vanderbilt surgeries. University, 2004 This past year, Professor Askew received Joined faculty 2007 a Fulbright Scholarship to study issues related to Muslim immigration in France mily Askew has taught at both Carroll and Germany. As a result of this experience, College in Waukesha, WI and Vanderbilt she has given several public presentations DivinityE School. discussing the ways the successes and failures For Askew, the practice of theology of Western European immigration can inform (reading it, writing it and living it) is a rigorous US policies on Mexican and Latin American but creative, exhilarating commingling of immigration. action and reflection. It is the vitality of theology As a violinist and violist, Askew has she wants to convey to her students. been an active member of Taize worship Among her teaching and research interests communities since her graduate student days are theology and the environment, theological in Nashville. perspectives on immigration, constructions of The faculty robes and processes to chapel on special academic occasions like Opening Convocation. 23 Faculty LIS A WILS O N DA VIS O N Vocabulary, Gram- Professor of Old Testament mar and Semantics of Psalm 119,” was B.A., Lynchburg College, 1988 completed in Decem- M.Div., Brite Divinity School, 1991 ber 1998. Davison’s M.A., Vanderbilt University, 1996 first book, Preaching Ph.D., Ibid., 1999. the Women of the Joined faculty in 1996 Bible, was published in June, 2006. She isa Wilson Davison is a native of wrote the commentary Radford, Virginia. During her seminary on the Book of Job for years,L she served churches in Garland and The New Interpreter’s Study Bible (Abingdon Plano, Texas. A Disciples minister, she served Press, 2003). She also co-wrote a chapter on I as an interim associate minister in Louisville, and II Samuel/I and II Kings for Introduction KY, and worked with the Christian Church to the Old Testament (Chalice Press, 2003). (Disciples of Christ) In Kentucky as a congre- Dr. Davison had a sermon published in Those gational campus ministry developer. Before Preaching Wormen: a Multi-Cultural Collec- joining the LTS faculty, she served for a year as tion (Judson Press, 2008) and has an essay in chaplain of Culver-Stockton College, Canton, Tabletalk (Chalice Press, 2003). MO. From March, 2003 until January, 2004, Dr. Davison has written book reviews Davison served as the interim preacher for published in The Lexington Theological Quar- Kaleidoscope Christian Church (Disciples terly, Encounter, Interpretation, and Review of Christ), an emerging congregation in the of Biblical Literature. She wrote entries Kentucky region. for the Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Dr. Davison’s dissertation, entitled “Your Movement and has had articles published in Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet: A study of the DisciplesWorld magazine. Faculty like Dr. Lisa Davison are teachers, ministers, mentors, and scholars. They welcome opportunites to help stu- dents with their studies. 24 Faculty LA URENCE H. KA NT University (in Toronto). Kant is conversant Associate Professor of the in many languages, including Greek, Latin, History of Religion Hebrew, Aramaic, Italian, French, and German, and has lived abroad and traveled widely. B.A., Tufts A historian of religion, Kant has wide- University, 1978 ranging scholarly interests, including New M.T.S., Harvard Di- Testament and early Christianity, ethics, and vinity School, 1981 Jewish Studies. M.A., 1982, Kant is dedicated to interfaith dialogue Ph.D., Yale with all religious groups. Deeply committed to University, 1993 Judaism and his heritage, he has a long history Joined faculty in of working in Jewish-Christian relations and 2002 has devoted his career to breaking ground in this area. aurence H. Kant was born and reared near Kant is married to Dianne M. Bazell, Boston. He has been a visiting scholar at a scholar of medieval religion (Harvard, HarvardL University, and has taught at several Ph.D., 1991) and Assistant Vice President for institutions, including Harvard and Yale as a Academic Affairs at the Kentucky Council teaching fellow, and served on the faculty of on Postsecondary Education. They are both the Department of Near Eastern Studies at active members of Temple Adath Israel. Cornell and the Division of Humanities of York taught, selected curri- JIMMY L. KIRBY Professor of Church and Society cula, conducted work- shops, and worked with B.A., Indiana University-Purdue University at urban youth in a tutorial Indianapolis, 1984 program. At CTS Mr. M.A., Christian Theological Seminary, 1988 Kirby combined a ma- Th.D., Boston University School of jor in Christian educa- Theology, 1997. tion with a strong focus Joined faculty in 1994 in social ethics and participated in an Urban immy L. Kirby was born in Tennessee and Internship Program. grew up in Kentucky and in Indianapolis, Kirby’s graduate education has continued IN.J He served in the U.S. Air Force in the the combination of education and ethics. He 1960s and, thereafter, worked for many years completed the Th.D. program at Boston Uni- for the RCA Corporation in Indianapolis. In versity School of Theology in 1997, where his 1979 he became an active volunteer worker and curriculum focused on Christian Education teacher in the McClendon Tabernacle Chris- and Social Ethics. His dissertation was on the tian Methodist Episcopal (C.M.E.) Church in philosophy of the religious educator George Indianapolis. Albert Coe and its implications for education In 1986 Kirby became the Director of with a social vision in the C.M.E. Church. Christian Education at McClendon Taber- He and his wife, Marion, are members of nacle while completing his M.A. at Christian Phillips Memorial C.M.E. Church. They are Theological Seminary. At McClendon he the parents of three grown children. 25 Faculty IAN CHRISTO P HER LEVY forthcoming], and the Dictionary of the Middle Associate Professor of Theology Ages Supplement. He published a translation B.A., University of New Mexico, 1989 of John Wyclif's On the Truth of Holy Scrip- M.A., Vanderbilt University, 1991 ture (Medieval Institute, 2001). His book, Ph.D., Marquette University, 1997 John Wyclif: Scriptural Logic, Real Presence and the Parameters of Orthodoxy (Marquette Joined faculty in University Press, 2003), concerns Wyclif's 2002. eucharistic theology. He has recently edited A Companion to John Wyclif: Late Medieval an Christopher Theologian (Brill, 2006). He is completing Levy is a former a volume on medieval commentaries on the presidentI of the Soci- Epistles of Paul.