A Casting Version is Available Polar Ice is very Polar Ice Casting (slightly different very plas- recipe) also has very good perfor- tic. This mance (excellent mold release, defloc- vase is 14 culates well). Its web page describes 1/2 inches how to mix it. tall after drying yet was made from only about 5 1/2 lbs of

KyoungHwa Oh clay. The walls are only 3/16 thick on average (only a little trimming was done near the base). It wants to be thin, centered and tall. It is easy to get it too thin at the bottom and too thick at the top! You have never seen translucency like this! At any temperature. This is an exra M370 (left) and Polar Ice (right). ordinary clay body. But us- Polar Ice is a cone 6 translu- ing it is very cent super-white . It different. Keep employs New Zealand Halloy-

Mindy Adrews up with the site, the whitest burning kaolin often-changing information on available in the world. To that its web data sheet. it adds the highest quality Always wanted to plasticizer available make bone ? in the world, VeeGum T. It is Now you can! http://plainsmanclays.com a no-compromise product. It is the most translucent, the stron- gest, the whitest and the most plastic clay body you are ever used! At the same time it dries well. 14 inch platter by Larry MacIntosh

It is great for making Left: Polar ice at cone 6 with a clear eyeballs! fritted glaze. Right: M390 at cone 6 with Alberta Slip glazes.