Il Fenomeno Letterario Di An

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Il Fenomeno Letterario Di An Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Interpretariato e Traduzione Editoriale, Settoriale Nata sotto il segno del Leone: il fenomeno letterario Di An Proposta di traduzione e commento del suo romanzo breve “Lili” Relatore Prof. Paolo Magagnin Correlatore Prof. Ch. Fiorenzo Lafirenza Laureanda Chiara Scanferla Matricola 836975 Anno Accademico 2015 / 2016 Indice 摘要 .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 Prefazione ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 1. La letteratura per ragazzi e Di An ......................................................................................................... 9 1.1. Cos’è la qingchun wenxue 青春文学? .............................................................................................. 9 1.1.1. Breve excursus storico ............................................................................................................... 9 1.1.2. Nascita e sviluppo della qingchun wenxue .............................................................................. 13 1.1.3. Temi ricorrenti ......................................................................................................................... 15 1.2. I principali esponenti ....................................................................................................................... 19 1.2.1. Guo Jingming 郭敬明 ............................................................................................................ 19 1.2.2. Han Han 韩寒 ......................................................................................................................... 23 1.2.3. Rao Xueman 饶雪漫 .............................................................................................................. 28 1.2.4. Jiu Yehui 九夜茴 .................................................................................................................... 31 1.2.5. Zhang Yueran 张悦然 ............................................................................................................ 34 1.3. Di An: un astro nascente nel panorama letterario cinese ................................................................. 37 1.3.1. Introduzione ............................................................................................................................. 37 1.3.2. La vita e le opere ..................................................................................................................... 38 1.3.3. Cos’è la scrittura per Di An? ................................................................................................... 47 1.3.4. Il processo di creazione letteraria ............................................................................................ 49 1.3.5. Il rapporto con la tradizione ..................................................................................................... 52 1.3.6. La dimensione fiabesca ........................................................................................................... 53 1.3.7. Il disinteresse per le vendite .................................................................................................... 55 1.3.8. Wumei hangban e “Lili” .......................................................................................................... 56 2. Traduzione del romanzo breve “Lili” .................................................................................................. 65 3. Commento traduttologico ................................................................................................................... 109 3.1. Premessa ........................................................................................................................................ 109 3.2. Tipologia testuale .......................................................................................................................... 110 3.3. Dominante ..................................................................................................................................... 112 3.4. Lettore modello ............................................................................................................................. 115 3.5. Macrostrategia traduttiva ............................................................................................................... 117 3.6. Fattori linguistici ........................................................................................................................... 120 3.6.1. Fattori fonologici ................................................................................................................... 120 2 3.6.2. Fattori lessicali ....................................................................................................................... 126 Nomi propri ................................................................................................................... 127 Realia ............................................................................................................................. 128 Termini di derivazione straniera .................................................................................... 131 Espressioni idiomatiche ................................................................................................. 132 Figure retoriche.............................................................................................................. 136 Casi di ipertraduzione e ipotraduzione .......................................................................... 141 3.6.3. Fattori grammaticali .............................................................................................................. 143 Organizzazione sintattica ............................................................................................... 143 Punteggiatura ................................................................................................................. 146 Tempi verbali ................................................................................................................. 148 Discorso riportato e verba dicendi ................................................................................. 150 3.6.4. Fattori testuali ........................................................................................................................ 153 Struttura tematica e flusso informativo .......................................................................... 154 Coerenza e coesione ...................................................................................................... 158 3.6.5. Fattori extralinguistici ............................................................................................................ 161 Appendice fotografica ................................................................................................................................. 164 Bibliografia ................................................................................................................................................... 166 3 摘要 青春文学,是当今中国最为流行的文学类型之一,其主要作者群体是所谓的“80 后”,目前 青春文学已站上市场的顶峰,销量居高不下。这类作品主要涉及以下四个主题:成长、校园、 友情、爱情。 笛安是最具代表性的“80 后”作家之一。虽然她非常年轻,但是她的写作生涯可以说 是比较长了:从 2003 年开始写小说的笛安已经获得了很多文学奖,如 2008 年的中国小说 双年奖、2009 年的中国女性文学奖和华语文学媒体奖。她的才华是毋庸置疑的。 在笛安已出版的众多作品中,最著名的是《告别天堂》、《芙蓉如面柳如眉》和《龙 城》三部曲。她独特的叙事风格及所描绘人物的特殊性,使其作品获得了巨大的成功,也因 此被文坛所赞扬。 在创作过程中笛安选择的主题跟其他“八零后”作家差不多,但是她所塑造的人物形 象却是十分独特。除此之外,她还特别欣赏传统文学和严肃文学,因此她希望这两种文学类 型同样能被年轻读者所重视。 本论文第一章是关于青春文学与其最具代表性作家的介绍。着重介绍了笛安的生平、 其主要作品、其最具特色的叙事风格和其常见的创作主题。本章节的后半部分介绍了收录于 《妩媚航班》的中篇小说《莉莉》。《妩媚航班》收录了笛安自出道十年间以来所创作的优 秀中短篇小说。 第二章是《莉莉》的汉意翻译。这部中篇小说最早于 2010 年由最漫画杂志出版, 2012 年被收录于《妩媚航班》后再次出版。莉莉是只被猎人抚养长大的母狮子。由于它的成 长过程受到了人类的影响,所以它跟其它狮子不一样。莉莉长大成年后被猎人放逐回森林, 可那段日子对莉莉来说却是一段煎熬。莉莉的一生得到过很多被柔情呵护的温暖与爱,也体 会过被放逐漂泊的孤独与苍凉。在相聚与离散,得到与失去,眷恋与背叛中,她学会了独立 面对并承担这个世界。 第三章为翻译的评论。主要分析了在翻译过程中所遇到的问题及造成这些问题的原因, 并提出相对应解决此类问题的宏观或微观的翻译策略。 4 Abstract This thesis focuses on the Chinese female writer Di An and the so-called qingchun wenxue, a new literary phenomenon spreading throughout China since the beginning of the new millennium. Balinghou is the term referring to the authors who belong to the aforementioned literary trend and it is related to their young age, as they were mostly born in the 1980s. They are very popular in Mainland China and, for age reasons, they are especially loved by teenagers and young readers in general. In their literary works they investigate growing process, school life and all daily difficulties with which teenagers have to cope. Di An is one of the most brilliant figures among the post-1980s authors. In spite of her young age, she already boasts an astonishing literary career: she started writing while she was studying in France, in 2003, and is still active today. She has been awarded several prizes and her talent has even been acknowledged by literary circles. Her most acclaimed works are Gaobie tiantang, Furong ru mian liu ru mei and the Long cheng trilogy. Because of her particular way of writing and her peculiar description of characters, her novels are considered best-sellers. The themes she usually analyses are
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