Addresses the American Road Herbert Hoover
ADDRESSES UPON THE AMERICAN ROAD BY HERBERT HOOVER 1955-1960 THE CAXTON PRINTERS, LTD. CALDWELL, IDAHO 1961 © 1961 BY HERBERT HOOVER NEW YORK. NEW YORK Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 61-5290 Printed and bound in the United States of America by The CAXTON PRINTERS, Ltd. Caldwell, Idaho 91507 Contents PART I: FOREIGN RELATIONS AN APPRAISAL OF THE CHANGES IN THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS 3 [Statement of April 20, 1954] ON THE 15TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BALTIC STATES FREEDOM COMMITTEE 11 [Letter to Dr. A, Trimakas, Chairman, Baltic States Freedom Committee, May 29, 1955] CONCERNING PRESIDENT EISENHOWER AND THE GENEVA CONFERENCE 12 [Statement to the Press, July 23, 1955] CHRISTMAS MESSAGE TO THE "CAPTIVE NATIONS" 13 [Letter to Mr. W. J. C. Egan, Director, Radio Free Europe, Broadcast at Christmas Time, November 30, 1955] ON THE 38TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF ESTONIA 14 [Letter to The Estonian National Committee in the United States, February 15, 1956] MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE OF HUNGARY 15 [Letter to Mr. Andrew Irshay, Hungarian Newspaperman in New Jersey, March 31, 1956] WORLD EXPERIENCE WITH THE KARL MARX WAY OF LIFE 16 [Address Before the Inter-American Bar Association, Dallas, Texas, April 16, 1956] ON RECREATION 27 [Message to the International Recreation Congress, New York City, September 21, 1956] ON THE OCCASION OF THE 5TH CONGRESS IN EXILE OF THE INTERNATIONAL PEASANT UNION 28 [Letter to Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, Paris, France, October 11, 1956] v CONCERNING HUNGARIAN PATRIOTISM 29 [Message Read at the Protest Meeting
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