Optimizing Packed String Matching on AVX2 Platform
Optimizing Packed String Matching on AVX2 Platform M. Akif Aydo˘gmu¸s1,2 and M.O˘guzhan Külekci1 1 Informatics Institute, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey aydogmusm@itu.edu.tr, kulekci@itu.edu.tr 2 TUBITAK UME, Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey Abstract. Exact string matching, searching for all occurrences of given pattern P on a text T , is a fundamental issue in computer science with many applica- tions in natural language processing, speech processing, computational biology, information retrieval, intrusion detection systems, data compression, and etc. Speeding up the pattern matching operations benefiting from the SIMD par- allelism has received attention in the recent literature, where the empirical results on previous studies revealed that SIMD parallelism significantly helps, while the performance may even be expected to get automatically enhanced with the ever increasing size of the SIMD registers. In this paper, we provide variants of the previously proposed EPSM and SSEF algorithms, which are orig- inally implemented on Intel SSE4.2 (Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.2 version with 128-bit registers). We tune the new algorithms according to Intel AVX2 platform (Advanced Vector Extensions 2 with 256-bit registers) and analyze the gain in performance with respect to the increasing length of the SIMD registers. Profiling the new algorithms by using the Intel Vtune Amplifier for detecting performance bottlenecks led us to consider the cache friendliness and shared-memory access issues in the AVX2 platform. We applied cache op- timization techniques to overcome the problems particularly addressing the search algorithms based on filtering. Experimental comparison of the new solutions with the previously known-to- be-fast algorithms on small, medium, and large alphabet text files with diverse pattern lengths showed that the algorithms on AVX2 platform optimized cache obliviously outperforms the previous solutions.
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