
Trivia Quiz Answers

Part 1 - General

What movie inspired the TV series? (The Brass Bottle made in 1964. It also starred .)

What was the main difference between the genie in the movie and the genie in the TV series? (The genie was male in the movie and female in the TV series.)

NBC censors famously forbade this from being shown on all episodes. What was it? (Barbara Eden’s navel)

What was the name of Nelson’s space ship that crashed in the pilot/first episode? (Stardust One)

In what year did the first episode appear? (1965)

How many episodes were produced? (139)

In the animated series, Jeannie had a large, blue genie companion. What was his name? (Babu)

Part 2 - Jeannie and other Genies

What language did Jeannie originally speak in the pilot/first episode? (Persian)

When did Jeannie start speaking English? (After Nelson wished for it)

Jeannie once applied for a job at the WAF. What name did she use? (Ms. Jeannie Nelson. This was before she got married)

What was the name of Jeannie's slightly evil sister? (Jeannie)

Who played her? (Barbara Eden)

Why can’t genies host TV shows? (Because they are invisible to cameras)

Part 3 - Major Nelson and other mortals

What rank did Major Nelson hold at the beginning of the series? (Captain. Revealed in episode 2)

What was Nelson’s address? (1020 Palm Drive, Cocoa Beach, Florida)

How many fiancés did Major Nelson have? (Two)

Why did Roger wear a green uniform? (He was in the Army)

What was the name of Dr. Bellow’s wife? (Amanda Bellows)