Special Acts
o UUT 25 1967 3-4-5V Cn 4/3 v". 3 3 \ SPECIAL ACTS PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT AT THE DECEMBER SPECIAL SESSION, 1965 and JANUARY SESSION, 1967 PREPARED PURSUANT TO SECTION 3-83 OF THE 1965 SUPPLEMENT TO THE GENERAL STATUTES by Secretary of the State HARTFORD 1967 Published by the state under the authority of Sec. 4-119 of the 1965 Supplement to the General Statutes. Louis I. GLADSTONE Comptroller SPECIAL ACTS OF THE &tate of Connecticut WITH APPENDICES CONTAINING Appropriations and grants from the treasury and executive appointments VOLUME XXXHI 1967 HARTFORD PUBLISHED BY THE STATE 1967 SPECIAL ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT SPECIAL SESSION, DECEMBER, 1965 At a General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, in said State, on December thirteenth, one thou sand nine hundred and sixty-five, and continued until the final adjournment thereof on December thirteenth, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five. [House Bill No. 2001.] [1.1 AN ACT VALIDATING THE REVALUATION OF TAX ABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF WATERBURY AND THE LEVY, ASSESSMENT AND REVIEW BY THE BOARD OF TAX REVIEW OF TAXES ON THE GRAND LIST OF 1965 IN SAID CITY. SECTION 1. In all cases in which the assessor of the city of Waterbury has neglected to give legal notice requiring all persons therein liable to pay taxes on property in said city, other than real estate, automobiles, motorcycles or other motor vehicles, to bring in, after May 1, 1965 and not later than June 1, 1965, lists
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