Modern Christmas Crafts Page 8 That May Surprise You to Create This Holiday Health Nathan Mendelsohn Hanukah, Which Means “Dedi- Lexi Jarrell Where This Time of Year
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The Ironwood High School Glendale, Arizona Eagle’s Eye Volume 33 Issue 4 December 15, 2017 What’s inside? News Read about Glendale Glitters’ excitment on... Page 2 Feature Christmas traditions to embrace Sarah Saunders com, the term Christmas comes there was another celebration on However it was not until Pope Staff Reporter from the ‘Christ Mass’ Christians December twenty-fifth. Saturna- Julius the first made it official that Find out what to get for Mangers. Reindeers. Candles. used to perform on the twenty- lia was created by Roman farm- the birthday of Jesus would be These are objects that have made fifth of December in remem- ers to mark the end of autumn and celebrated in December, as stated Christmas on... Page 4 the annual December holiday the brance of their God. celebrate their god, Saturn. by greatly celebrated jubilee it is to- As a matter of fact, this type The celebration grew and be- Additionally, no one knows the Entertainment day. of celebration began quite a long came an official Roman pagan actual exact birthdate of Jesus Not only does this time of year time ago in the ancient civiliza- holiday that also honored the be- because it was not written in the bring good will towards man, but tion of the great Roman Empire. ginning of the winter solstice, ac- Bible, or on any other found text. questions concerning the true his- As stated by, an cording to It is the cultures surrounding tory and story behind Christmas. old Roman bishop wrote these The first Christian emperor of the Mediterranean and across Eu- It is common knowledge that words in his ancient tongue, “De- Rome, Emperor Constantine re- rope that have influenced the tra- the original reason for this festive cember 25th, Christ born in Beth- placed all pagan holidays on De- ditional customs society has (or season is the birth of Jesus Christ, lehem, Judea.... December 25, cember twenty-fifth by declaring does) practice. whom Christians believe is the 336, is the first recorded celebra- that the birth of Jesus should be Son of God. tion of Christmas.” celebrated on this day, as stated According to, WhyChristmas. However, prior to Christmas, by Continued on Page 2... Get excited about up- coming moves on... Origins of Hannukah Modern Christmas crafts Page 8 that may surprise you to create this holiday Health Nathan Mendelsohn Hanukah, which means “dedi- Lexi Jarrell where this time of year. For a Online Editor cation,” observes the purifying Staff Reporter more modern twist on Christmas It appears everyone, or most and rededication of the holy tem- It’s the end of 2017 and the you could incorporate different people in the world know of the ple. world is continuing to modern- colors into your home. Silver and Jewish holiday Chanukah or Ha- The Talmud’s tale is the sec- ize. As we as a group become gold are just as festive as red and nukah and more specifically that ond part, and goes as such: im- more modern our traditions green, and sparkles always bring it replaces Christians’ Christmas. mediately after retaking the holy change too. Christmas is a time- holiday cheer. There’s also ways Though many think it is, Ha- temple, Judah relit the ner tamid less holiday however it can be to incorporate your old decora- nukkah is actually not a religious or eternal flame. Sadly, though, more modern. While the holiday tions into something new. Orna- holiday! Per reformjudasim. the only oil found in the temple its self is over a thousand years ment reaves are a new take on Learn how to keep your com, “The historical events upon was a small jar of oil that could old your decorations don’t have two classic decorations. which the celebration is based are only last one day. The soldiers to be. Colored Christmas trees Handmaking things has always New Year’s reloustions on... recorded in Maccabees I and II.” sent a man to find more oil, and have been in stores for some been around but it seems to have Page 9 Maccabees, while later added to this journey took eight days to time and are a modern alterna- gained an interest recently. There the Bible, tells the tale of warriors complete. Amazingly and magi- tive to the regular tree. are so many decorations you retaking their Jewish kingdom. cally, the small jar of oil burned Your ornaments and presents can make from stuff you have at View The legend says that a Syrian for all eight days, giving us the don’t have to be traditional ei- home. You can quickly turn your tyrant sent a massive army to Je- eight days of Hanukah. ther. Adding picture frames into living room into a winter wonder- rusalem and pillaged the holy Maccabees has changed over your tree can be a new way to land by cutting out snowflakes temple. Then, he erected pillars the years with different transla- incorporate your family into and having a little string. and monuments to the Greek tors and new perceptions of it, Christmas decorating. An alter- However, while looking at all gods and gave any living Jews though the original Maccabees native to time consuming wrap- these new traditions they almost a simple choice: conversion or I and II hold the most accurate ping paper is boxes. However all lead back to one thing, color. death. A resistance group known translation of the historic events not cardboard boxes, boxes with The new trend is bright colors as the Maccabees decided to fight years ago that still impact today’s lids. You can get them at stores throughout all your decorations. back. Mattathias was placed as society. Unfortunately, it is rather like Kohl’s which boxes clothes So this Christmas step out of your Discover the top the head and Judah Maccabee be- hard to find a good version of the around Christmas time or art comfort zone and break out a pair christmas songs on... came chief strategist and military Maccabees book but if you want craft stores that sell them for of scissors, some glue, and old Page 12 leader. Judah and his soldiers mi- to read this story yourself, a quick crafts or decoration. decorations or take a trip to the raculously led two decisive victo- search on the internet should re- While red and green represent store and modernize the timeless ries against the Syrians. ward promising results. Christmas, we see them every- holiday season. 2 Friday, December 15, 2017 News The Eagle’s Eye Ironwood’s 2017 Year in Review “Tune into Ironwood” Homecoming Mural Ironwood’s Excelsis Choir sings with Foreigner Ironwood Stadium named after late Chuck Esquivel Ironwood hosts Patron Tour for community Ironwood Spiritline visits Kiss FM 104.7 Festivities to Celebrate the Season Christmas Traditions Logan Reeves send anyone begging for more. Wonderland. ...Continued from Page 1 monk named St. Nicholas. News Editor This year’s light show will end This year they decided to switch For example, the heathen prac- According to, “It is Looking for something to do on December 16th leaving plenty things up. tices done during the old pagan believed that Nicholas was born with your winter this year? Or of time for those who want to Fox News reported that the staff holidays were still being prac- sometime around 280 A.D. in just want to get out of the house miss the opening weekend bustle. will dress in all white and in addi- ticed, and are similar to what Patara, near Myra in modern-day for a few hours? Then you are in For those looking for some- tion angel wings. The white will many cultures do today, accord- Turkey. luck because there is plenty in thing a little more adventurous, also help attract the butterflies as ing to Thought- Much admired for his piety and store for you. the Phoenix Zoo is putting on the well. kindness, St. Nicholas became On Friday, November 24th, the annual Zoo Lights display. One could say it would be wise Giving the subject of many legends.” switch was flicked on one of the This light show begun Novem- to wear white if you plan on at- presents is Charles Dickens was an author biggest traditions in the Valley. ber 22nd and will be open until tending the Winter Wonderland. a staple in of the famous novel, A Christmas With an Accord- a traditional Carol. added ing to expe- Christmas It is this work of fiction brought 1.5 mil- riencescott- ritual, but the movement of Christmas back lion, states, “... the into popularity in the Western lights, “Winter Won- tradition can also be traced back world. The idea of good will to- the an- derland will to other cultures – the Romans wards everyone was brought to nual be offered on gave gifts between Saturnalia and attention in this book. It could be Glen- the following the Kalends, and during the Mid- for this reason how the term “the dale dates: Novem- dle Ages, French nuns gave gifts Christmas spirit.” Glitters ber 24th-No- of food and clothing to the poor The past has influenced the has be- vember 26th; on St. Nicholas’ Eve.” most popular holiday in the West- gun. December Additionally, putting up lights ern World in a significant This 2nd-3rd; De- whether outside our homes, or in- way. There are year cember 9th- side, is a customary and decora- many leg- was a 10th; Decem- tion for the season.