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SWEDEN -OLSEN'S REPORTS ,, J ;_,;; ..... -




AMERICAN LEGATION Stockholm, S\'Ieclen June 1:5, 1945

Dx·igac1ier General '.'iillie;n 0 'Dwyer Executive Di:cector V!ar Hofugee Board Washincton, D. C,

Subject: l!'inal Heoort of Activities of \'/ar i'(efn::;ee Board. frora S~ve der~.• ·· Dee.r GcJ"lerul 0 'Daycr:

In c.ccordancc \';itl:t :}roo_:c instruCtions, -'~he ·follo\;ti::.12:' ii:) the ~onclu(Lin~; rc.)ort coverin§_; o·?el:'etions :Cro1:1 ~"'.:Jeden of the ~ia:r liei\:t£}38 -Joc·.rd.- It is int0nded ·to Gl.~-))lc;ncnt 2l1

1 8 0 1 the d;t:~c~f\ ~~ r~~~~~·~t f~~~()~;~s]~t c;t~~i~~ ~~n~l~;~ot~fl~/·f~~ ei'f'ect sinpl:/ a GLL-:.nc,.r~,; of_ -194:., activities; ~he fJCope of oper.::t-'~iO~lS_ Juri:t~._;; the )Eirio_d htld, __ Of_ -coourse-, CQLJ,si dera.bl;;,r contrc:cted. ~he :Jaltic cou.ntries ht.d- cea-S-ed ·a:s an areB. of o~Jere:tions in Scgt!-3nlbeJ.... ,- lS44~ Eu..ngarie.~n o_)ere:~ions came to a -close in Janu2.r~r, l~i4:;. Co1lse·cp.J:-8nt__l;/, the gree:.test }Jos­ si ble attent:Lon- was focused.- On the _f,:-.:.te oJ:' Jevrs c:uLd. other civilian prisonerS in Germgny ,- as v;~ll as i:tl .]rc-Ssing __ active rescue 811(!_ re~icf operations in Eo1co,-;ay. Cert~:-.in li~11i ted activities \'!ere_ c.ontinlied in _;Jem-a_ark.

Suf:fi-Cierlt facts 110YJ a·_J_;_JeB)_... at _hc:.nd- ~Go sn9;;6rt -'G1I8 CQll­ cluSion the.t Hun[;c•.I·ie.l1 I'esCue an( relie_:f a:cti-ons·_--ini tiat-ed. by the War He:ft.:i.f/1C Board frOm ql,7e den_ \'Jere the key-stones- -o:r ti10 most proc.i:LlCtive steps- tcd·~Cn in tha·~ area-,_ and- ~)aved the way for- s2ving t_he --li.:.ves o±: perhc.ps 100-,oop Je\'ls. ~.!1e \t;ork of llaoul ',Yallenberg, actively snj?-)C?,ri:;ecl bJ.. :.iinister JJ.~:~1_1ielJ.J:ioi1 and his st{:t:t·f of' _the S~·;edisll-Le~at±:o_ri in ~~l.a;?est, \7e.s._notl~ing G:i:Lort of 'orilliaJlt - to s2.y nothi-nt; ·of bein.:_s hid4ly courageous. ~-

DECLASSIFIED State DePt. -~e-tt~r;_1_-11-72 By R. lLParks DateS[P 2 7 1972 I

- 2 -

:...:llis cx·ou11 ~1ioncei'ed tho ;rocram of con::)t<:.nt .: ... nd relentlc,s~3l~~ incre::+.Dinr; )ressuro oJ:. tJ.lo ~-Iunc;G.rj_e.h Goverlll:te;lt in bchc.li' of' tl1c Jor;::-;, at the cost o:i' scriour:.:l;;~ j eol):::.r::!.izin~.:; t~1cir o1.·.'n )erso.:~~6'.l sa::=·e-t:,-. L·U.nist er D:-_j"liellf30?1 in.f6l-'.::1Eiic_:n 1\:.uci:Jt::.; c·.nd t~l~J Ger2!l2l1B. ~~-~lle JI'ogr:_:un of :L r:;suill;:j Sv!e-di~-;J·~ ;~ro-Ccq-Lii ve _)2.Sf:3j_Jox··l~rj, oi' Ghelte:cin~;:- {Jor,·s in Sr.:e,:~_is~~ p:cotect~?ti. d'.·rolli=--ss, E.d.::·_ ;:;i;..:il::·.r o·~j1e:c ·cl..ctiYitios :i.n i·~sclf brou.)~t a))ro:-:in·_,_telj- 20,CJ;..<;. J?.;::s under -~Jlc Dc~ir)t2: o:f S·.ie c1ioh _;rcot8ctio:tl. _...,.. t ...~ila ~(leicht of' thiu _}ro,;l~~--~~-;,, O'l'Gr 3.:.10 )Dl'~~o _lfJ l.:.c~c~ been roc:ruitec1. to ce~rJ:z_' ou_t t~.!.ifJ e:aor:-_lo·u.f3 tc.sk. ~:·his )X'O[;l't:.i:l not 8. r1~.ttcrn \ .. !..i.C~l soo11 \'.'t:.s :!::'ol­ lo'.. 'O ~1 b;'/ t2~.c S·:;ifJs, ?ortt:tGUe se L::n(1 ·.;~·!c Intc::cn:;.,i~ion~'~ ....·~(;;Q· G:co::..;c, :·tn(:. in tlic c=-ll~ l1roz1ncccl ~-. co •. ~G:L1l0 ~l_ _J~"'o::::r~·.;ol ,:~_:_:Lc~-~ )I'9.b[..~jl;,· c.f"- f::n"J.::J. 'LlL~ :..·.:_ ~-st r:-::li·~f .--~.::~(. pi·otsc<:;i·:J.l t;~ J=;·:r': i~~ ;:::._~1~,r _:;uro :)8~i.rl co-li:.rG1·~ •

i:;ot lUr~j_l -..~-.-:_ll•::uber.::_; 1 S l"'GCO:::.:'C~[i )1·.:'t,~ oi' :_;~-d.::: _·,To[.;r:-·:.t co ... fJto::·:. be co :re ·.!c ::.re :L::.li'o}.·,_l~(~ -:~~.::,.-C ~le :.x: )t o:c:·i.;:cc: •. iol~ e:o ...:.,_1lc·Gs ::.~·16 {~OOLL.l-:.:::1-c-t-;, roco.:ccls of c. ~::.i_-_;1::1;;-- int;:.:rcs-Li1.::c_; ::1<::·.-t-nT•::, :_:n:~ -.;_,_·->.. t ::re:-co .-still ~~~ ·;:;L~~-" 8i.':e(~.:i.r~~~ Let~:~':~:i_,_ 1: \:::_~·?: -- 1--. ct :Lo:cc8r~ to lr:::..vs

:Jcv::.:T::-.1 indiJ.:·ect ,~~r.r:-; ia:Co~::.":.-:1.<:·:1 f:'._-i_:_)l"'qe_cl~eD -': ..·ere lJ:-.:.l_o in ilO_)r,:· ~::~' ;·ccuri~!.~; OettE~r -:~reqtno;nt of Jews 2;11C:~ ot~lel"' ~c-tvilie~n ~;risG.£~22.··::-J i.:1 G~-:::c~.l~.n;y-, :::.nc~_ to t~j_"dG -f-JO tJ--...:?"t t~~,;,c;;:- -~-:ocJ.lcl. ~1ot be sle,u,~;~:te::c.::c1.. S.'~!S :firs~~~ _ in Ju.l:~, 1~:--l~l~, iJ.1 £:~ discU.Bbion '::i·~~1 -~~- ~;-2.:-::·GD.Ll_ i:;:::. StcC}c.hol-sl'- :_l_z:.-.'l::)-3. :Joe:1i::.1g. .c.i,j_s sc~.:.1e cqlrt;(~o.·G, r.'llici~ r!~uJ l"e_:?or-tSd to· :,-ou ir... 1 Lo:~·"--·~:iJn s c&.fJls ~-~o. ~41~.; o:f Jul~, ), lS44-, ri::~s ns.int.=.in_ed. Lt) ·G:J ,::;,e_:_rCe .. lOe:c ;:Xloj_•tccL ou1~ ru.tl1cr stx··~nl~:: disCUBGiol·~. J._lcist o::·.it:J. -L~1::·.-~ l~r:.ltc~J..lJ:cu.:::n ce.lled .l.l:L-:1 (LleiGt i ov~;r ·co Ei:.~-.1lo:r-' G ~:1c~.:'.d.­ c.y.. u:.rt:._-:l''s ::--.:::cl F:.s~..:cd LL·:1 ·::llo.t this rc_.)ort 1.·:o.s c~ll L!Jout. ~=lr::ist ::lOrrJ or lef3C corii'j_~cmocl. the st·'Jr~v,- adtJiH:~ thc-.t if ..:.:;;_iCGe -~1orson:..:1 l"'e-:">l'(::H3i':':'Ht~:...tivc~"J of J?rosid.·!~·.ri; l.~uo"sevc:l·i:; ~-.:o:...tl\1_ ·bc:tl::.or ~~~)~;~~~:~c~o~~t~~~~~,l~~i~~jl~ ~~~jl~~f, -~i~I'~L;.'~~~;" e~'~ 00 ~~·~ te ·:dJus s.:1.ortl~· tli.c:r·s::-.f'te_·i~ tl-J€· cLecis:i.oJl trJ :nux•O.el.. ·:~~-:.o Je1.·rrJ ::.rr.:.B ~~.ba~ldon­ e .]., iJ2rl:u_--:)s on the 1)e.Bj_~.:: tl·U'~t tho Jer:fJ r;.;re vcJ.ue.f)lc. ei tJ·:r_o::..· ::=01" b£'~:c::_;2.ini~1~; o:c fo:c :SOOd 1,'lil1.

!'-i-,::. S'"C"lV.. ··-,jor co·1+-,c+ ··r"~'' ,_-!i·Lh Dr. ~!,..ritz Hes:::.e, I'G- [J":>l··to~~-i~l Le~;~:-:L.,~o;~'s C;:o~;"'s·e~:::-~~~) 93~-: o:f ~,l~\T'C~1 0, 1')4~·. _It ·_·/c~::::i the b~~sis for -~lle ttGerillf:.r· Je·-.ce fe2le:cs 11 ·stories circulat­ i~l.~; 2~l'OlJ.. LC~. s-~ocL:.holi:l s:t; "t~!.e ti--:e. 1.t"his (lj_scnsSion ·:.T~:~;:=; V8Y'~' l~.:.1.~_;t21~·, vcr::,:- ·stro~lg, u.nc1 most s)_oci-fic, It -neLt:L'lj- CE:I1le to c;. !).:ul end 1jecc.o-.u.. r::iG _{ibbentro;J ·::c;.s furim.. :.s over the )ress I'tL.lO.!'S .:;::~· _)ec.ce~fc3lcrs, ;;l_i-.~~ t_he f:::.ct -t~ll~.-.-G Eesse's -~iresc1lc-e i~l :i..:coc~-:.11ol~ ..:. pecc:nc ·:-yu_1Jlic lG'l0\7ledEe. Ifm·!C~ve~c ,- 1-Iesse· 1.'18.8 able -c:.> C{)~:vince Ribbe:1.tro) that I he.d :;::at cl.iBclosec~. the -~·u .. sc-o.. :]s;Lon, b~.:::'~ -~h[..._-;_; it r;ss tile f.?;ul;; oi' cert~·.ir. ~·:·:odes; S.fli.~ Tesults of ~;~,;~n~; s~~~~s 2i1 ~1~t "~~ t~b~-~~~~()~,1~ 0 \~~;~~:~t t~~t L};ks~~~~~~,~~she ,, ';:c~r, ·::_Licl-l 8._>!Je:?.T'3i..l to be .r.:. sul)ject- of'- ~)c.. rtiCulf.tr i~1t-0rcst to ~t~s~~ G\;~ t;~A~:~:~;-~ ti~\,l~~~~t;is;h~~e~~;~~cr~') ~~-~;~~ie~e~~,at ·tJ.lel"C ·:;ex·e }relL.ti2·.:.e.r:y 11 lJeace- 11 or 11 su.. rrend..f;l"" 11 r:1otives bel2.ind. -­ Hesse nal~in,_=; this con-tc:.ct. He ·::as C)_Uite .nervous, particularly \'.'~l8n in the J~iddle of our discussion; :fo:c _some une:cplaine d rc2.son, riy ki tche:cl buzzel" jaldf.a.ed and f.ru:pjlie (1 ra-G~1er ·start lin~ nireless sound effects.

·:.::~'!..G third m.ajo:c cont2~ct \'/3.3 w_ith- Dr. Kle;i.st, oQv~ousls--­ co~E:ected 1.'/itil the Geru8.118 -t:~t the :1ighest level. lhis- also 1."!3.3 an extrenely ler:.gti1y flj_sCns:Sion re-ported_ aS LegatiOn 1 S (:2op Secret) No. 1356 o:f April ll, 194:5. Like Hesse,· Kleist sup;lliel1 positive as,,;un:mce tlw.t no :further steps v;ov.l

11 \'!8.r. ~:his cltscuDnio~1 had clearer i:12.rks of Sl}.:cre:ndar fr::elers 11 :.:~ncl was :-:;o re~)OJ,tcd. It y.raa the strons-est of the three discussions.

:i_Jartl~~ in COlrl(~ction ,,.,.i th the fore::.;oin~;- 5.) .~ro~:G~les, but ,,lso rel:·.ted to certcciic other indirect corhaots o:t' 2. ciuile.r nature, on A)ril 1::, a r:lo:~tber of tlie.local 1.losalc Co .. l.i1UEity fle~'! to Berlin for c:, mcetinc: ·.vi th !~i1~1ale1"' on t.!1c Jc\'/ish ques­ tion. EiLL:ller arrived e:;; thr.: 1~1eetin::; at 2:30 a.m. Oi:. A9:cil ~-1, havin:; juot; driven CO km. fron ~-Iitler 1 s "birthda:;r l)arty •.2rob­ ablc.' l10 mox·e bizarre scene coulcl be ste.ge d to record Hiuuler 1 s unconditional s·~..'.. I':r·ender to r.rorld o··oinj_o:n ~ ::.;. t•.7o hoUl" drive througl: Ytrecke d Germau roads and e.'" co:rJ.:feT·once until dB.'l!ll •:;ith a Jew fro111 Stockholm. ~he discussion ancl. I-Ii.~tmler's remarks 2.nd 'promises I-1ave alrc::;_;J_;y been reportet-l to t1·1e Board. P.. direct resv.lt of thir; t:ont.:::.ct ·,}D.S the release of' :;:,- fe\'! tho{Isc:.nd frou RavensbrU_ck. CC?ntrar:~~ to reports, Coir:1.t Bernadette •:tas ill. n.-; \Va;y involved. in the r.et;otiations for the release o:f these 11eo;1le, but th8v would !lever :-,ave ,;ott en out if Sv1edish Heel Cro~s transporl;;_tion """·d ;:ot bee;·, sn,-,pliecl :ormwtly 8.ncl effic­ ientl~/, So fflr as is kno·.~.'n, BeX'J:1aclotte was concent_ratin.; e::­ clusively on Jku:!isli c:u1d Norvrei~·ir:~n _pr:ison-ers.

T~1ese OLJer~n;ions \'-/ere :)resc:e.-}, str-onclJr ·a-~a-.i;l_; 1945-, al­ tlwugh t~e;y were ter:lJ10rarily lla.ndica92."Jec1 froa1 time to ti 1e be­ cause o_f -shorta..:;e of funds, Tl~e .._)ro,;rP-...::1 continued to·~worl; smoothl~r, e..nc1 the resu.lts were extremely_good. Pel'lia~)S- 15, OOO}To_:r'<'W&ians, L1 serious jeopardy, >:rere brought to SV!ea.el-i, ,,,,;itll aid of the facilities ri.:."lcl_-;fillMci:al SU:p9ort -the.t tilis -)rogram suppliect.11 ~t is no. 8xq,ggera:t;ion to s_a;y the.t ~·these peo::~.le ,,·:ere in se:rious jGopar¢ty 11 , _sin~e Hor\7egians- raT.;e~y- fled frou Hor•.1ay unless they \'le_re in_ serious difficulty nith· the Gestapo. 1.1he s2ne proe;ram, :financed by Arp.erican Labor Relief' :for Nor-,'!a~·, also involVed an -increasingly active shi-p­ ment of relief' s~_pylies to ~-.:food, clot!li-ng, fOotnear, medicines, etc, Part of these shiuments ·:;ent into HOT'\':ay tbrout;b regular licensing controls- of -'·the_ Sv1edes, _\"Ihil8 ~the­ other was smuggled in through rt8ll established lU1.clergrot.nlc1 channels,

A secondary relief channel, the Horrre,;ien Church in SV!eden, also accelerated its progrmn of sending food and clothing into Norway. 'i'hisalso was a combination of resular.J.icensing and underground clJB.nnels, anc1 rras financed t!1rough funds supplied b;y American Relief :t'or Horwc.y, Inc, Although limited in scope, it was a V!ell workinc:;: program a.nc1 reache,J. notoriously dis­ tressed families, ------

- 5 -

A thirc1 ~1roe;ran, for direct relief vt:Lti1in HoJ:i.•te.y, was contin._·ccr_~ durin:; 1945 VIith the active coopere.·t~:L6n. of· tllc Swedis~l Consul General in Oslo. Also fi~:.o.nccd thr·oue;h funds sup;)lied IJu American ·Holief f.or l!or'-··'3_.,.., Inc., it ~-!afJ (ltrected to lJc'.rticui:.:·Tl~/ distresGet"• groups ~-..-ho" 1.'/ere ~w.rd tf) reach be­ cause :.le:::tbers of their fu2rrilies ~JLd beco~Je co~.1PI'01nise-l,· i,~l­ _prisoncd or shot ·u~.r the Gestapo.

:!Jw4eruu.s re)oi·ts hava alreo.d/ bcc::·1 su.J }lied coverinG tile aforeuentio~-Led rcsc\_;_e an( relief o )c~:·r.:·ci ons in Eorwc..::,~.

.J, l;'ood ?.:-:... reels :CroiJ Swcde:tt to Ge:r:'JiK~l'l"'r • ------~------··--.-.----~------"'--'-·

-.lhilc it bocc;J:1e rr-.-.t~1er cert;_;..in l.:.~te i11 19,~4 th8.-~ the J.c:.:·.:.:.:.·._~ls ;-_roulcL .:_:_;"/.; 1~!2.;:o :_21n~r laB·;~ u :.lTt.rtc lilOVe to e:;-:::tor'!ni.n~::.te t~_;_e Je\':s, it y:ns c. leo i_ :cre:~~-.:in__ ·l:,.' plce.~:· -:~lw.t virtu_all~..- t110 s:.;. ___ .;: ~ii}l;__.; ·;_;:.::.s bc:Lnc; e.cco·'.l.olinLed. throu-::)1 starvation· r::..nd .:le~lect. J!.ccoTCinc:;ly, ef'forts 1Jere: intensi:fied to slli.) food p:._-:.rccls f:r·on ~:..-·;··ode-::·1 to -tile Vr'.r:L~Yi.ls concGntrt_;_-~;ioH C2..lJPS in r}el~ __ :~~~l:-,.-. I{_:.;.·L-_,_ex· e::-:te::J.si vo list r:-: of ;)e rso!.ls iYt concfJHtr~:.-:,ion C2_l.l)s ~7crc co::tl)iled, c~r.. cl distribution chB.1Ul~ls· nr_rt~rl[;ed. In uo st C[~ses s~~i ;r:w:::.1.t ,:ras :.:~o.d.e v.:.J.d· .. r t~1e E-'.t~spices of the Snedish ~~ed :~I'oss. ~-~-lG )I_'9e;rc:ru '.lJ:.::.s gre~-~tl~· stre~l.gthene(l b~/ the s.ve.il­ E~bility oi' £.) ,ro~:i~-1~-:.~tcl~r 22:3,00(.. fuod ~)HCkases sup)liecl h. tfK~ ~~:\~~f~f~~n~~,~~d ~r~~i~;,~s n~~t ·J~i~o '\~I~~;~~ deto¥r~~~~t,~~!v·!i"~~ consm;Jin.:; J)roblcm of food rationin~ and blockade controls, Fairly good checl•s were maintained as to the ·illtimate delivery of these parcels and good results were obtained inthat con'­ nection. T:-.tis vtas one ~Jrogran i·n whicl1 the rtorlcl Jenisl~ Con­ cress ::1ere v.ras rr,.tJ1er ei'fective, ,_once -they .!2ad~ be-COrile- pro:per­ l:,r ort;anized.

bad narrowed camps -

Atte.clJ.ed c"re stater:E·nts co_vering vario1.1,s c0nfi(18ntial­ :fu.::1ds place-d ::·.t 1u.y -dispose.l b;- the Wo.r l~efugee -Boe~~c1. It- \'Jill be rccalleCt thc;:t clurinc ~Ty- _sta~c _fn Vfashingtop. in- Dece_mber--, stc_tements \·:ere prepared and receipts were sup:;>lied covering expenditures up to the er:.d of' november, 1944.- Accordingly, the attached ste.tements siupl-y bring_ th'J ve.riou-s-·--ac(}ounts- v:p to date. In acco.rdance rtith your instTuctions, outste.~lding-_ bc:.l:::.uces ·::ill be "transfe:-ci,ed back to- l.lr. Tiavid ':!hit-e-. I.Iy account ·-:;it;~ the American Joint Distribu:tio" Oot,lrli ttee has 6

been closed l'titlt the tre.m;fer of n k·.Lmcc of 2lG,OOO Srt.:cc, to tl1e locc~l bro.i1Cil o:f J. D.C. 'L'lw o::-.1o.nce of :l'unds supl)liecl b:)' ,,c:tcr·ica" Hclie:f fo2' Eor-.:E.;', Inc, io bein;; tre.nsf'cl'l'0( ·i;o "· locul or,;ecnizatior! rt1lici, L:.s be>oc.:-, crn?yi,Jt; out ot:.r:r :Tor­ \"e,c:,;:Lc::t relic:C ccctivi ties i'or .-.ner·i.ce.. ?cclief :for i•for;my.

\htL the s~cbruission of this fine.l reCJort, L.ncl Lt vie;·, of uy ne·..-t ansi_;'D:Wnt at 't'hc Ii2.,;uo, I sl1oull1 lil;c to exgress , ·ho ;you the :ceccl so:.tis:£'£J.ctiotl o.nd ple~wure I i1ave experi.encod L1 "'W associc:tion v;i ti: tile .ie.l' :=;efugce ·J3o:.l'd, It has been L1ost interestinG a::1d a .real chcllen,c;e, 'l'he entire :oro!';l'EG'l was vcr.~r muc11 W01'tlm£Jile and tlw onl~r regrettable thing is that the ·.h.r Iloo.:n'. '.7as not establislle d a :rear or two em~lie:r. I ):reO':! thcct I COu.lcl do much better had I this activit~c to underta;:e now, on the basis o:f exl)erience gained, but ·the tili!e ele,:wnt in tlJic3 <>rocram oi'forded no opportuEit~' to )ro:fit froH ex) 'rienee or to 1e:n'n .from raistu1:es· already ii!Hde, 'L'o an;yone here in }ffirope, ho\'lever, it is extl'emel;y emountclear tL&tof good,tho -'.!ai· Refugee J3oE,.ni <:Wcom)lished· an enonnous

Iver C, Dlsen Speci2l Jttte.Che- -:for 1."/c.r Rcf'u.;ec 13oard

·:EncloEures \t

llnvins; for five centurien lived uncler forei[s"TI rlomin<:ition, the Bul;~arian ,_,eonlo disrne;nbered since lfl7B until -now have boon under the domiwttion of certain foreign stc;tes. Thus this nation has had to fi~)r!; for centuries to obtain .at le.st its independence and its ne.tionaJ. unity.

Itself ren.:cecl in th8 trr-.!,(1itt:.)ns of f'reedom, the J3u1_~9.rian })COple iJ rnfractory to r.ill o·::~:;lreos1.oi1;. :i?o:r· this reason tJ·le ~-3nl~~o.rinn ·.·rovcJ~nmont h3~3 al''T!.Y0 roopnct~d the fnunan ric:;1Ji;s of c_cl.L n::Lnorities Y!hich have lived on Bulg2.rian territory. -

·uu.T·jn · ~~~l .... :::c-3GG.nt 1-':::t:c, ~J1.1.l.::;2.ria ho.~s not ~Jent a_ oint;le ~;l;:L.li~l.. "~;b any :(:cant, i>he ~!:·:.·_; !lro~)1HJ<.1 no·!; n'.r:;ing1c bomb on ::tl1J !Y~ h2T enc·.:i-:::1, 1>ut ')he ho.r.-: onasr:leB:Jly :~tr:Lven to ··tti·~:L!.._~:~tc~ · -·ttlltn tile J.:Lmits of l'OHoib:Ll:i.ty the inevitable f.!Onsoq_nencc:: o~·:· y;.-~ :r· i'o:r th[} J3ule;r::.:r.ian l')O)Ult;.tionc of . :;.cedonin 8!ld .. ecrtern ~~~hracc •::lticJ·l until l)tf.J. ~::er·e under 3orbj_~u1 ·:.n<1 •-+rBeL: domin..a tion~

,,-:;::o,::>~tre:..-: t~;,l:~~n a,~;c~in::.:t the ~ e· ..rs b~~ Bu1.-3:aria havo ·oeen ~:11rlied ·.-:ithov:t h:::~rc:hncss l)~l all or_·_~ani:~8.t:Lon:-.: of ·~he :::.dL~iniotr::=-~t~on. It i~; no scc~"'et-:-an~l -~ho ~nl;o,rin.n Jews the~n:3el ve:: ~i.nor; it "-te~cy ... .--ell--tho..t tlH3 late Xint.~ :Boris, D.8 :·:ell e.s t~1e. stqJrece autll6:r.:·i ty o:C the_ ~ulz;e<.rian vrtho­ llO}: Ghtu·clt h£vc e.l\'la;'IS taken cere to see tl1£ct ..~l1e Jeus :-.ere t1•eat~~tl. -,·,·i·Chol-:..-G liB.rfJhnesn. .'1.!J :i:or .1Gl1.o ~Ciulc.~~~ci~-:.n tor.'n ~~nJ l"'U:t.:·n.l I>OJ}UlaJ,;ions, these have ~i.ecl:J:ced a sympathy i'or t1Ie J eY;:CJ ;;:-_::.ch the ~7 e:·:s ti1c:n:-.~ olvc:J ~-:.avo recognized. -· -~ tL:~u .LLO.\J.2nt thu :Tcy;s a::.·(; livin6 j_n ... uch 1letter conditions tl.z.cD1 -~:2"!c3e onjoyeU ::;:I J::;hc raajoJ:>it;:t of JJu~cc:~rian -c_itizens ·aLo L2.ve Oeen oblii3;ecl to abe..nd.on their .to\';ri:-J deB_tro~;ed by ..\..;;er·ican air l'nids and ::.L["1.ve lost evl::rythinc they posaessed.

~~~L.e 3ul2;:3'i::.'Jl C!-ov:::cnment 11ct;:; nev'"··r :::-of'U::-=;ed to·· len·i an 2.ttentive eex to counsels oi' llu;~:anit;y and tolerance. In ~3~~i;c.ria everJ~o:ne l9}or;s -'clit-t t tLl8 f:: trength of' a- smg_ll nation ..LlGV in its }EOral integrity. lNcn _t-odaY th_ey v.r ou..ld have bo::.:en y,·illin.; to liste:n. to -sug2:estio11s .nn

S:iLe A:t[;erican Air I'o:r·ceo have carried out- acts of _;;;he .c;re::>.test and ;r,ost arbitrary cruelty against the civilian cJopuL~tion of the cities of Sofia, Plovdiv, Slcopie, :Joupnitza, Velles, Vratza and othe~s.o They have done violence to the- cl.!.c..teau oi' Vrana, --re3idence oi' ·t;he ~~l,leen, __ a widow of 1)ar_ely -six months' st~nding, and oi'-lier two

orp!1an children aged 0 12 arid 7. The chateau has been totally destroyed, although it is far from any military objective, far from any othe~' habitation. I:Z the :Dul,;c.rian :;eoplc were to learn that there are still to be found in tho United States of f.r::crica noble souls who (icplore these cruelties; if those who ~;reside over the­ d:fltinies of .the Great Arr.erican nation, :i_ristead:of addressing threats, Ytere to promise to repair the dam8,ge. that their · cruel military leaders have already done, and never again to permit their Air Force to kill and ruin a harmless and ~t­ less population, then without a doubt the Bula;aria Government would reco~ize the moral right of the USA to give humani­ tarian adv~ce and then the Bulgarian people \yould fully rqtify the execution of such advioes,

';';hen the necessary Illeans for the evacuati n was ljl&cec: at our dis_cosc.l, our regular connection with ~ithuania was broken on account of the many arrests do.riftg itay-'June lSJ44 among the lE:auing men in t .•e Lithuanian resistance movement. Even if we wern plan.

Ir1 Sweden there was a sh0rtage of' .nen •.vho were 'lli:Lling to coo,:.erat

·:;hen dr.A. Vokietai tis did not ret1:·rn 1 we tried to sen6.· over as oany boats as we dis.;;oseci of for evacuation ;.Ur,t;oses, A shortase of li tllu>"rti

A, 'i:i,e boat tri,JS condt..cte:u from Swe<.:en.

C.:hc fishing boat whic:n VI&.S i>crchased in Sweuen/ calle•:r "the little ·ooat in t£1e below"/E• fishin;i boat which in Ju.ly 1943 arrive;ifrom Lithu­ ania/cal.Led"t:ce big boat"below/ an

Table o~ the Journeys which have be en ;Jlad e f:ro:H s,;,ed en.- l':illiber irl the description Date of arrival Number of re- The little boat: and return, fuge8s fetched, l. -L journey __ .14/7 --16/7 2. II· II 23/7 - 25/7 3. III 30/7 - 1/8 5. IV 6: v 7/8 - 9/8 8, 11/8- 18/8 15 VI 23/8 - 26/8 36 10. VII 10/9 - The big boat: 4. I 3/8 - Th'" medium sized boat: 7. I 22;)8 - 24/8 22 9. II 27/8 ..., 2.

l. The little boat left douthern Gotland On Ju.ly 14th for tite Id thu­ anisn coast with dr.A,Vokietaitis on board, The journey accross Ncl:J:i:ID<: occurred with no intermezzo, J..Vokietaitis _was set ashore and the boat retunec.. On the way tack tl.e bo&t was stoppec in the middle of' tl,u Ba.' tic¢ by a German patrolling vessel, the ca~: t!:dn of which asked for the papers of the crew, The Sweliish s

2. On July <-'3rd. tbe little boat left Gotland to fetch dr, Vokietai tis 'Nho according to agrvement was to wait on the same spot where he i'~

3. {!.ccording to agreeme:nt with dr. V., he was, in case he or the ·ooat wc.s _.revented- f'rom comi.ng ttJ the meEting vlaoe July 24T27, to Wlii t :for tl1e boat tl1ree RXlfX:in'lg.E consecc,tive nights after a week, The boat was thEre­ for sent out ag1c.in on the 30th anu was on the 31st outside the Li thu­ anian cCJast. The boat returned v;i thout dr, V., however, a£Jd the crew again declarei that he was not to be frJund 0!'1 t:he agreec_ s'"ot,

NB, According to refugees which later have arrived from Lithuania,dr.V. did wait for the boat on the agre'-'d evenings and on the agreed place together vli th the leaderx of the Lithuanian_social democrats,who was the chairman of the highest liberation cormnittee and who- according to the decision of the committee was to ga over to Sweden. The only reason why they diu not see the boat must- be that the crew did not recognize t.i:Ie SI)ot where dr,V. went ashore and was-to return,on. acoourr of the flatness of' tl1e Lithuanian coast which o'ffers sq few fixeo. mark points.

4. A group cJf Lithuanian rECf'~gees who-arrived ·:rn_Sweden--towards-the end of July gave a stirring description of the situation on the Lithu­ anian cc;C>.St. :l'housands of intellectuals from all _parts of L:ilthuania haci f'leci to-the coast districts _and lookeci for. possibilities for transport to Sweted and 'there­ by the last and worst was to_escal_;e from immediate destruction. -It was agreed that the big boat VIas to be s'ent over instantly;

The crew problem was difficult,for on the one hand the c-rew had to know the coast well, but on the other hand there were no conliJetent men­ a:nong the few Lithuanian refugees, The Soviet offei1sive rolled on to­ wards Lithuania with a surprising speed, and it was generally estimated that t;-1e Russians would -:u: reach the Lithuanian coast within a week, Something nad to be done, and since there ·c/SBE no choice the crew had to be taken from the newly arrived Lithuanians. 3.

'rhc big boE>.t lef·t Visby on August )rd., bul;on account of sornt: still m!luwwn misfortune it did not reach Falanga on the Lithuanian coast before tLe 6th. Two wen of the crew went ashore to collect ~eo~le for til(;J evacuation. In the meantiJ!,e the boat ·:"nt ·out from the coast,in­ tenaing to return th

The next night, the 8th of August, the big boat was again exroected, but did nc·t cot!;G. First on "Ugust 9th was the bo&.t found by sc:me Li tbuan­ iml fisherraen 12-15 sea-miles off the Li thuanicm coaet. It oroved tne.t the br:at had 1•ad a rn.~tor stop, and that the o~'ew could not get the IJotor goin,c: again because the spark-lamp(?) did not functic;n, The fishermen succeeded in ge·'. ting the motor going again and steered the boat towards tr,e com,t. ·,',hen the boat on August 9th ab~,ut 22 o'clock Xli!X:b:Riil. reached the coast, the waj ting group was g2ne. Three d a.ys waiting of so large a group had attracted t!:roatteritiotl --f tl:e Germe.ns, and an SS-1mi t hacl been sent out to clc,an up the ooa" t. Nine ;rorson~ we:eco cau,-:ht, the rest fled - all thj s ha~:; ened just before t!Je ·boat ar_::·j_ved. On the afternoon of August lOth. the boat was oa.ptured. -by Ger;aan sub­ :r.arines, which were sent r:ut. aft on board, were· h8.ria'eu over to GGl:'L&po, '!lho sent the;,; to the concentration oo.:c,p at Dimi tr·a'-:aj;;·est­ ern I.i thuani<•./ One of the two ,uen who had be~n set ashore was,e caught by the Gestapo some days later. He was cruelly ;naltreateci and finally sent out to tne IJimitrava concentration oarup •. When the Gestapo on. October 9th cleared tte Dimitrava conce1;tration camp_, and set_ half" of tue survivi.tlg prisoners free, the three inenLeom the gig boat were held back. :!'hose who were set free believe that the three men WE-re to·te shot on August lOth.in the msrnine;. The fourth member of.the ore'l! was ca·c,gh't by ti'le- Gestapo at tlie end of se-teii.ber and -,.,as-sent- to-Me:nel /Klaipeda/. . one of It should be added-. that/the three men who probably have been shot at Dimi trava,. has left behing him a family in Sweden, consisting of a wife ami two small children,

5. 7ihen the big boat did not return,· the little boat was sent· over on August 7th with one Lithuanian on board, who was to find. •}Ut what ha

On August 8th, at roout 21 p.m. the Lithuanian got ashore and con­ tacted some :Lithuanian fishermen. But neither these nor the Li thuaniar" who had come ashore dared go to .the men on the list in the middle of 4. the night,for th8 Ge'"taJ,o's office lay in the hous0 next· door, I'he man who had be,n set ashore could not v:ait untill the_next day,be­ cause the two other- m{Jinbers of th-o crew/non-Li thuanians, who_ mostly thought abr,ut their pay/ r{JfUS{Jd to wait a whole dtoiy &nd night by the co

In the controveey, l'lhich natura.lly arose on the return, the two non­ Li thuanian llt{Jn declared that they could not v/ai t for the man who had been s&t as: :1re for as long as a day and a night, because th"3' had not got ;:,_ny drinking water left., •.

6. On August 11th., the little bnat went out to Li thuanie ':Ji th a re- ., fL'gee wl:o had arrived recef,tly and who knew the situation on th" ccast well, he was to be set ashore. On s.ccount of a storm the boat h&d to anchor near the South of Gotlancl for sorn~e days, Cn August lt:th the boat reached the Lithuanian coast,on August 17th it took on board 1~ refvgees, - In the good weather the boat could t.av e taken 30- 35 peorle. The fact that tile number of the trans~ort"d W8.s so sr;,all was d.ue to a misunderstending, which we v;ill zn;:,ntion as descri __ tive of the situation 0n the other side of the Balti.c.

The Lithuanian,'ll'kirEkx:wa who w .• s given th0 task to go ash'Jre, was here given a letter adatressed to a ,.-ers·~n, who by th{J highest liberation committe and ar.V. !',ad be

After f 0 ur hours 1 journey the- boats had to return. For one of ~theui had_ shortly after the dec:arture from Sli te/Gothmd/ had a fault in the motor. The crew tried to r-efoair the motor, and in ord{Jr not to loose any time the one bi:ib.t :inukx:tnxN:tru!:x:x tugged the other, After some hou.rs, ho· .. ever, it . -roved that the. motor cc-uld not be got in order and both boats therefore retv.rneci; -

On August 22nd, the one medium-sized boElt . gain l;:,ft-· :t'o:r' Lithl.Aania:. - Cn ,i,ugu.st 24th. the toalr was back &.gain with 22 ref'ugees. During the boat's visit near the Lithuanian coast several Soviet li.1:

8, On ~ugust 23. the little boat ~galn went out to ~itht.ania, This ab::·utti.:.~ tneits iea~.5.erj r_)ur-ri.ey of • the evacu.ati on oi· t~Le -i thuanio.n side wae i1~i'r.;r:.1t.::u

.;hen the boat, on the eve;,ing of the 24th of Av.g1est got over to ti;e ot.::-:.er sio.e ar.i.d two_ ~uen \':ere to go asllore, i i,. Wb.s dis"c:_'VE:::red1 that the boat was 3outh of' /;;e;;;el/Klai_ eda/. The incorrect navigation was ac­ cordir;,; to the c .-ew, due to the fact tnat tLe co.apass had c;ot in a wrong' posi tio:Q, :l'he [·;oat was steered Na:th so;ue hours al"d later £,board, an unlcJ·,ovm rowing boat came ur- to the side of' the beat and t.O.e lJeople on boarci it began crawling on to it. ·:ihen tile crew a ttem,.,ted to turn t.i:J.e:n off tney were answ

In 'lrder to keep tne boat above thc, :n.:;d;~g water-line, the crew £1ad to t!,row sui tca.ses ovc,rbcard .• Consequently- some of. the :!refugees arrived onl;; in tJieir clothes and some lost irreplaceable docwr.ents. Ihe deck was crarnrnec· with peo,,;le, and this- is se<_i:'i. to be the reason why t:Ge Swedish ;cember of tiE crew,Ahlstroni, fell o1/er'oo&.ra.-· 'l'b.e atte;;;pts at rescu.e in the stnrmy sea with 4 "ballars" wind, were futile child,and Ai1lstrom pel'ished leaving beh~.t,d hitn a wife lAnd a f'our-year-0ld I 9. The ::;edium-sized boat left for Lithuania on ,.;,ugust 27th. The next night the boat- was exi>ecteci. -at tb.c-e appointed- place ,-sirice a new landing s_ ot ha6. been decided· on in th-e .r.eantime, Despite the signals were net ans·,rered to, one of the creVJ werit ashore and coll8cted ,so;n 40 peo le, r;f 'HLc:n the most part were LettlandE:rs/ at that tinie large n-atnber of Lettish refugees were staying on the Lithuanian coast/. Th8 de)Carture of the boat was much delayec!, it did not leave till 3 o'clock on Augt.st 29tL. Some hours after the boat had left the storm. b6gai1, and th~ boat ·ai,ich v1as not strongly built,soon beca:riw daJJaged, Because _a t::Jtal shipwreck was possible at any moment, th& crevi ·calleu for help, vrhen a GE:rman boat passed in a Southerly direction. All tl1e people on ·,oard were taken care of and sent to Danzig. 'l'h& bo&t was-left-and sailk 1'he people who wt:re on board were put into compulsory work in Danzig like ordinary refugees. - Among the crew there was ·a fisher;mari who is u.arriec.. and who has a f'amily in Sweden without me&ns, consisting of wife and several small children<;; - 6. 10. The little boat left for its last j our·ney on September lOth, and arrived safely at the Lithuanian coast, 'fkx On<.J of the crew went <;.shore and returned the next night, i.e, Se,Gtember 12th with ubout 30 veo,ole, Cn the G. ot "'here the reft.gees gather<.Jd / the ;;lace which had been decideu ur.on before the boat J.eft Gotlo.ml/ they did not f'intl the boat. ,d'ter three hours of waiting, a search f'or the boat was started in a motorboat, The oc.at was founCi about l km. f-urther South, 'l'he loading of the refugees W8.S not dor.e before l o'clock, so the departure of tl!e boat was considerably d"'l<:tye,, .

. The boat w&.s hailec. by the Ger,"ans and brought in to Libau. It is re. orted t:mt t;-,e boat was caught in the area ·.vhich was ap~~oit.ted 'for the mw1e1wr&s of the Germun navy. The boat had rrobahly t&.ken to lJortherly a coun:e and had ax on account of t!w delay not been able to get o·.,t of t!-,e &rea ·oefore d.aylight.

The crew and t1le rei'u.gE:es 'l!ere i.a_i.~ri:::crl.e\... just outE:ide liball• ?heiJ tr"atment is Sl

B. Journeys made1rorn Litbm.oi:-;

l. Cn August 8th. a small fishing boat v1i th 19 Lithuanian refugees arri vecl a.t Gotland, The boat was to be a transfer v essl to the large boat which was being sent out from Sweuen. '.'ihen ·the latter boat was not found. on hugust 7th, the above mentioned fishing boat continued ::iestward and reacher! the coast of Gotland on the next day.

2, On .

4. On the initiative of' dr.A. Vokietaitis there was in the beginning of h.ugt.st org&.lillilzed a flight in three large Lithuanian fishing boats, whilmh v1ere to bring over io Sweden all :tEBxmEUE:X:EXl!li::x:ti.~;t:~~xlll~xx :itx»x:x:a:t:bmxEE=i.:t±.el!!X those who were included in the lists of' the highest liberation com ittee and who were near the Lithuanian coast, iii all With women &.nd children B.bout 160 peo:;;le. - · · On August lOth between 8 and 10 a.m., these three boats left the Li tb.uanian coast. Just before th_ last liloat left it wcos shot· at by two Gestapo men,who tried to prevent the flight. 7. fhe shooting was answered from the Lithuanian boat, and t£_e Gesta_po men took cov

On "'·JUSt lOth around 21, i.e, after about 12 hours journey, one of the boats, "SV, 2" was s tolllle:i by a German mi:ae-svreeper near Gotlanu, ca. ) hours off the island, The mineswear,er was out convoying a hospital shi)J the 11 3erlin", which was on her way from Swinemiinde to Hic8-• As soon as 11 the refl;gees from "SV, 2 , some :;o men, had been taken on board the minesweap­ er, t"ne boat was sunk with all h:.g,o:age, -That which had hap,Jened hadnot been observed by the two other boats, and these met one after t!Je other the rnineswea"cer, All atteill)Jts at :fli:;ht in the last 11tinute were futile, First the boat t"SV,6" &nd lo_ter also the "SV,l" were caught, J,ll the refugees from thG "boats, 110-120 people, VJere taken on board the hoFJpi tal ship "Berlin", From the ;nine-swe.,per two naval soldi:ers were set on board the two boats t:ba t had not been sunk and V.'ere directed in a r,outh-Easifern course.

The crew on "Berlin" are sup osed to have ';een sorry about that w!,ich had ha;.f ened. The fact that there were 3 o many women and children on hoard the two last boats may have 1r.ade a pathetic impression mil the Gern;an naval soldiers. - '!'he refugees were well treated an

Grad\_,ally it became known why the: t,,ree boats / vihich h&d hiddei1 all refugees under deck/ had been huntea and caught. According to the ca;_tain on board "Berlin", the German naval units in tile Baltic had received a wireless message. that sa1n" day at 13, saying that some 100 comaluni sti.c sabateurs, agents and paratroopists are on their way from the Lithuanian coast on three fishiug -boats. ·.-/hen the first boat,the"SV,2" was caught,with only mid

It should be added tlu t the Gestapo at Sventoji, alarm~ ed Libau iL the hunt. /l'hese efforts were ,however, fvtile./ - In order to make the search more efficient,the Sventoji Gestapo obviously t.ave re~wrte::r that it was a qc;.estion of. fleeing corrilllu.nists.

'.'ihen tt1e refugees from the t!1ree boats -arrived at Rit;a,the 'r'iehrlnacht u.ade a chert e"amination cf the O\mers of' the b2ats. The main interest of -the examination seemed to te if there were any militaries aill::mg the refuge-es. '.7hen it was fou.nd tr.at 8.11 fhe ref'ugees were civilia.ns, the examinations· were stopred./ Amcmg the refugees there were som Lithuanian soldiers, headed by a &liDC colonel, who haci ker,t watch 1•·hen the boats haCi_ be~n 1oa.cieu ana wa"' thC- last man to go on board, It was these militaries who had ans­ wered the shooting of the Gestapo, As som::l as the boats had left tte mili­ taries thre·.•; their 'uniforms, their wea,,on and- documents over board, In thl me.nner they became "civilians" with no legitiniationrapers./

In Eiga the refugees were ('laced in the central prison, _From there_ the__ womE women and the childJ'en wer~ sent to . Germany as ordinary refugees. 8.

The Wehrmucht immediately set free the ola men among the refugees,for instauce one in Lithuania very V!ell-known social democrat,dr,Garmus, f0r::r:er ldnister of Agriculture~Ell!:fx profeasor 3lisonas etc. '.i'he young and middleac;ed men were lwndea over to the ci vilL,n adminstrati ·;n, v/hich has set them to fortification works round Eiga and treated them very badly, _:,_fter soms weeks of slav<= work, also these r ef·c.gees were set free, 'l'h&y r;oturr:e; to Lithuania, there some be.ve rb:;ained, others rus.'re go:r.e to G<::r .•. alJ as r eft-gees. Some few 'llen from thl&s large group have succeeded in getting accr-oss to Sweclen by a ne'.'/ flight on Oc_tohc:r 8th;· ; ~. .'~:.::zc~j;i:~~j~\J;I~!~!i; ~,~~~-, --'~ - ,..._ - · name- f..... · . ·,.-: . ·. ·· ·,oomieoti'o $ ' .... -- 1 • ~;;g~~d~~:Pet'~-~s :.• _.2";_-t-1~94~.·: . ·head of· .. D~~eboankto;·-!.-~~i~~~~1im . . · hinily . 0 J. 2. .11 Marija .!,. 28/X-1900 wife 1 :aen_tiSt , II 3, Rita '7/IV-H28 datighte gymn,pupil' "II 4, " Rimas I ll/VIII:l933 son . 11 11 5. Kregzde J okubas !. 25/X-1903 .. head oil I Construct. II 1· family 1 emgineer 6 Viktorija 19/III-1912 wife 1 dentist 7. " Jone 24/VI-1939 daughterj II 8. Janusevicius hr-:ad of' 1 office Petras 1'7/II-1913 family clerk 9 • II 1 · Stef'anija,l6/X-19~9 wife housewife 10. • . J daughter Violetta ! 7 /V-1942 i 11. Dagiene Matilda: 23/IX-1~'74 ·mother holisM1ife 12. Dagys Jonas ; 20/IV-1902 son :Director of !Coriserve factory 13, Dagys Petras • 25/III-;1.904 Priest 14. Hiauroniene " r lf.atilda t 15/VIII-1908 housewife : 15. Kiauronyte : 10/VII-19!_25. daughter Anele i 16, ).O/VI-1938 " Liuda ; 17 Placas Juozas 19/III-1910 head ofr I teacher I' family I 18 Placiene Marija 5/VI-1913 wife ! 19.Kazlauskas 22/X-1903 head of ··I Professor "II Petras family ' rcye Special, 20 " 22/X-1905 wife Doctor Zinaida ·~hildr,spec, 21. Dapsys Ignas :15/V-1915 bachelor · student of Economics " 22. Dankis Jonas 21/III-1921 bachelor ~edical student 11 23. G·edminas Vacys 1''7 /V-1910 11 2<-. Calnaris l'ovilas 17/XI-1922 11 II 25. Miskinis Antanas 20/I-1899 ~~~a~. ~f r-·"·Bxcise officer 26. " Elena 10/VI -1904 . ~Y.....-' housewife 27, Balvocius Simas. 12/II-1896 :head of Miller family 28 " ursula '28/XI-1899 'wife housewife 29, " Vitalis 28/III-1923 1 son medical stud, 30 11 J,!arija :27/III-1927 daughter schoolgirl " 31. 11 Danute :28/XI-1930 II II 11- 32, '!izgirdai te )6/VII-1911 spinster housewife Janina " 33, J' 1'7/XII-1933 daughter schoolgirl Jadviga " 34,Chmeliausk&ene 15/VI-1919 :wife housewife Rozalija I 35,Chmeliauskaite 12/IV-1939 Regina-Virgin{ja 36 . 11 ~(IX-1940 " " 37, bachelor farmer and I(\ dealer - · ''­ 38, Rejeris head of fisherman Latvian family 39, wife II 40. 11 I . ,, rI, - ·t. . I ! 41. EJd• of" falll, . I Latvian 42. wife 11 43 •. head of ta:m, .\~ II 44. .:wife 45; lf~l .son c.,- r:- 11 46, II ~i~~:u·~ i~~~gi:i~~ ' da~~~t.er . I 11 1 c .. :: '47. 1 11 48, 11 Rudolfas 1 · 20/IX-1941, son 1 i 49, Vindigis Ni·klauw. 30/VI-1903: head of fam.j . 11 , 11 11 Ona \ 19/IV~l907' wife - ; hous-ewife 50 II 11 J,!arij a; 2/IV-1930 daughter ':· schoolgirl : 51, II 52. II c.Ona i 2/VI-1932 II 1 II ' ' Valdis\ 16/IX-1.942 son 53, II 11 Ka trin~ 8/VI-1936 daughter 54, 1 " Fogelis IHklaus : 19/XII-192p bachelor fisherman: 55. II 56. Lipartas Andriu~ 27/VII-192~ "II II II 1 57, Freimanis Emilis: 10/V-1923 II 58, :Buberis Mikelis j 4/I-1923 I II II " 11 59. Andrius 30/VI-1926~ II II" II Kikolas My~o1as 2/XII-192 60. II II 61. Tubleris Valdis 28/III-192 62, Henkai tis Jonas 13/XI -19 251 schoolboy farmer II 63, Eleris Jonas, 5/III-18851 married !

i. •I : L;:~~=' Su~name 'a~~ "'Ch~iJ 'Da ~~'--j:-'··~b.-i.~r-ct-h- . ..c.. .., ..,.. .. -F-a_rn_i_i-';,..· ·'"'~.~..,.·--'· .·""·· 7:,~7:~"',r-~'-f-.~-·:'s-s~i.,.o-ri:- ..'-. "---N"".a"": t-i~. o~alf~;- ··stanname 1 .... · connection,····.·,··

-;-.-; V-;-;;--;;:~;~~~io j ----- ~:;~~i:",.: ::::~~::-f-. -r--L-_,i-t-h - -u~,.." _n_:i._a_n_

11 4 • J.;:isS II . IT 1 II II .5, Tamulenas Agriculturisf l!.otiej us 6. Tamul8nas . Kostas 7, lv~rs.Vileisiene: l'harmaceutis;t a.l.\rs Klibiene lwusewife 9. Klibas ! student 10. Iva ssXli bai te gymn. pupil ll.lLrsstanciki ene : housewife 12 stancikas istudent l3.Sk:udikis ·head of farn,. •fisherman " 14. Skudiki ene Latvian wife 'housewife II 15. S!cudilci s son l63ukukas ihead of fam, 1 7. 'u'ruki ene fisherman · wife housewi.fe 18 Kukukas son Refugees, arrived on August 18, 11944, 19. !!ucys Vincas · 6/IV-1901 !head of famil.boatswain Lithuanian 20.Dauksa Juozas 25/II-1905 head of famil. bookkeeper 2l.Jocevicius 26/XII-1896 11 Antanas 11 dea1~r 22.Kleinas Jonas 28/XI-1922 bachelor fisherman 23.BertasiusSimas 16/I-1923 .II workman 24 Eertasi ute I'etronele' ;\'/XII-1920 unma1·ri ed :te1ephoni st 25, Saulys Jonas 12/X-1918 II clerk 26. Gedgaudas Kazys 20/I-lSM workman 27.Jocevicius 14/II-1924 clerk Al:fonsas " E8. ,Turevicius Vincasl/I-1894 head of :tam. fisherman 29 Salomea ~/II-1930 daughter schoolgirl " 30. ';Iurksas Niklovas 5/I-1922 unmarried fisherman Latvian 31, Albuzis Juris· 21/I-1913 " tailor Refugees, arrived on August 28, ,1944, 32.Kazlauskas · 7/IV-1957 head of fam. advocate Vincas Li thuani 33. Kazlauskiene 2/VII~l92;3: wife Vale " 34. Kaz\auskas 15/IV-1902 head of fain{. judge · Ignas 35 Kazlauskiene 15/IV-1914 wife .teacher Brone · 36 .Kazlauskai te 11/I-1938 daughter llij ole _j " 37 .Vailokai tis , 24/VI-'-1918 ' head of farn. dealer Domas 38. Vail olcai ti ene 4/XII- 19 20 wi.fe I Antanina . 39. Vailokai tyte. l 22/I -1915 unmarri'ed·.· .agronorni st I· · Vikto;pij~ " 40 KiesiJ,ys J:onafj 1/VIII,-'1899 head of fani,l fishing ' i. • ·: : ' i instructor " 41. "'iesyliime j 1/VIII-1898 jhousewife II Olimpija i . . I \ housewife Li thue.nian eleotriC)1!1.n ~II • ~-'e- warkma~ lf . " " fisherman" II" II

II It" -l List ,of the Lithuanian refugees, aJ,'rived in Sweden _· ----·------·---~-~---P-l!. ..§.!!.J21~~l'.~.?.J_~j;j;_, ___ ....:.__• ---~-----'--·--··· Nationality Surname Christian . Date of birth Family con­ l'rofession name nections

l,Stonkus Eenediktas 3/II-1908 head of farnil, Ce rtifi ed--~thua~ian ·dairy special. 2,StonlcieneAntanina · 1/V-1914 wife houswife 11 3. Stonkus Arvidas 10/IV-1943 son 4, 11 Donatas 2/XII-1937 II II 5. Purvinskai te 2/1\l-1901 unmarried dairy special. II Koste 6. l.:isii1nas Vladas 22/III-1900 head cfrfamil.teacher 7 ,],\isiuniene "l);lze 9/II-1903 wife oi 8.Misiunaite1Jirginia 16/VI-1935 daughter schoolgirl II 9. ArD.nas :Balys 4/III-1913 head of family officer II .II lO.Aruniene Adele 25/VII-1914 Wif!)·· .t' bookkeepin: ll,Petrauskas Stasys · 14/IX.:.l909 head of famil,doct,med, 12,Patrauskiene Ona 15/VIII-1912 wife housewif~ " 13. Petrausk:ai te 11/VIII-1939 daughter II Laimute 14,Eagdonavicius .5/VI- 1912 head of fam, surgeon II P ranas-J uli us 15.Eagdonaviciene .221):.!-1914 wife student II Jone 16. Stonlcus Jonas 3/X-1915 head of family farmer 17.Sto~~iene Anele 3/VIII-1919 wife midwife II 18,KiesiunasAntanas 16/VIII-1922 bachelor founder­ II 19. •radarao_s!cas .23/X-1913 " priest Juozas 20. Zabulioni s 11/II-1894 house own~r II Uapo1eonas 2l.Strikauskas '2/VI-1914 head of family teach-er II It Eduardas 2?. Statkevicius 13/VII-1912 bachelor stdent II JceiH slovas . -·~ .

- -

~ {,, 0()-{)1' -r /~Vo~ SG o _ I .9 ~ fu-.- 'fvwL ~--.J; I JcL.'L ""'> -eA-c_ . ~""1 ?o-r 1

s. 100 ' I

. 8 2,.() - ' .J.ob:<._ _ 1 .Z.8t;; ~ - ( -/q, 25'. 4 s-~,:::. ~ h\-~31,1J'f'l-. K 0 P E K 0 N T R A K T.

Jag Erik Eklund fi:irsii.ljer harmed min agandes fiskeM.t (storl. 26 • 9,5 tio mAnader gammal) till hr. Algirdas Vokietaitis mot en ki:ipesUmma all t fi:ir all t aT

S E X T U S E N. (6000:-) Kron.or

Utav detta belopp betales(~OOO) TVATUSEN kronor kontant och ______----Aterstoden-dA-bAten-skal-1-i:ivertagas.-BAi;en-forbl-i-r-i-min~a;go -+i-Vho--t'l,,.n-----+-----­ ar till fullo betald!if. EAten leTereras i nu befintligt ~kick med motor och allt ·. i:ivrigt,sAsom ombord befintliga inventarier med undantag av en befintlig ru.lle :f'"dr ski:i~rna1 Tilken saljaren ager ratt att ilandfi:ira och behAllao Vi~are fi:irbinder sig saljaren att Tid anfodran proTki:ira motorn mot skalig ersattning under en langre tu.r fi:ir att satta ki:iparen in i motorns ski:ittsel·o

Med denna i:iverenskommelse fi:irklara Ti undertecknade saljare och ki:ipare oss tillfullo ni:ijda.

Visby den 15 juni 1944


Ekelunds och Vokietaities egenhandiga namnteckningar bevittna

Kro TVATUSEN (2000:-) kvitteras harmed.

Visby dei115 ju.ni 1944. ··.,.

Kvi tto.

Av Algirdaa Vokietaitis ~ar jag denna dag emott~gi~ kronor Fyratuaen /4.000/ utgarande full likvid far den av ·!Dig tilL }:lonom. ft1rs~lda motorb!l.ten. Fril.n och med dagen averg~r sRledea !:tgander!itten till blhen till ktlparen,

Visby den 7 juli 1944,

I ' .· ., ... - •'--- -~- .

Y~i?f. ofL. '/~A<4· /F.Y.y .6~ C::~c£2.


I. Some introJ_;w L:ive obserl!tations.

~'he evacuation from I,i thuania is more difficult, than from

Latvia and ~stonia,for several reasons:

1. The political, cultural, and economic centres of Li thu­ Ania, like Kaunas and Vilnius, the population of which will be evacuated mostly, s.re situated in the middi:e · of the country, about 200 - 300 kilometres from the coast of· the Baltic Sea, Therefore the evacuation is to be organized not only by sea, but by the Lithuanian roads too - from Kaunas and Vilnius, The distance from these cities to the Baltic coast is as long, as the sea route. 2. The sea route between Lithuania and Sweden is longer than that between Sweden and the other Baltic States, the d~stance between the Iithuanian coast and Gotland being l.,bout 200 kilometres. Besides, this route is most uangerous for secret trafic, as-it crosses the German lines to Ilepaya, Ventspils, Riga, Tallinn, and to all the Finnish harbours, Finally this route passes the areas, without fishing zones. · 3, The I.i thuanian shore is very shallow, its land.ing ,places cannot be used by the full:...laden motor boats and. there., fore cargo is to be despatched from the coast by smaller. boats. · ·-.- - 4, There is only one motor-cutter at the dosposal of the Ii thuanians here. It may be ev_entua],ly used only condi­ tioilnally. 5. There is no choice of crew among the .Lithuanian refu­ gees in Sweden and only not more than thrt'e men might be used for this yurpose. The crew for the other i:lu> boats should be egaged from among the Latvian and Esto- nian sailors. -

Conclusion. Taking in consideration all these special circum- stances, the evacuation from Lithuania would require at least twice more expences, than the evacuation on the same scale from Estonia or J,atvia,

II. The real possibilities of the evacuation.

This plan has been based on the po~sibHi ties, which are at the disposal o:f the I

1, The evacuation would. be orc,anized. and. carried out by a special group of the local secret organizations, being in a close collaboration with the Supreme Committee for the J.iberation of l-ithuania, All the questions in this matter in Sweden would be completed by two reliable persons, which would collaborate with the J,i thuanian rUni ste.r in Stockholm, 2. The evacuation would be carried. out: a; by motor boats, sent to Lithuania. from Sweden to bring t\;g__§.WW:il,f)_llj-tfie ··evac-iiii ·fed peopHi\i and. b/ by the Lithuanian fishing boats /cutters/, trans­ porting refug~es to Sweden, and then returning to Lithuani'a. 3. The categories of the Lithuanians, supposed to be evacua­ ted to Sweden: first of all, all those, who because of their political activity are threatened by the invaders, then the intellectaul class, and Jews, who may be found and saved, The final decision about the categories of per­ sons, who are to be evacuated, their number, and selection would be reserved for the local underground- organizations, joint in the Supreme Committee for the I1 bera ti on of Li thu­ ania.

III, The estimate of expences in Sweden. Sw, crovm. l. A high-speed motor boat /30-40 knots an hour/ 25,000 2. Two big~er fishing boats k 9.000,- cr .. , . 18.000 3. six rubber boats /to'Tand/~eoocr~-. ·;-·; .- ·:4.-8oo 4. expences for reparations • , • • . • ...... • 5.000 5, clothing for the crew, nautical instruments, laD!ps,etG. 6, fuel /for 24 crossings from Sweden to Lithuania and 6.000 back and for 10 crossings from Lithuania to sweden and back, total34 crossings a650 litres a,3 crowns/-66,300 7. oil /34 crossings a 80 litres = 2.720 litr.a 4 cr.; ... 10.880 8, wages and. premiums for the crew during_ three months, 10 persons a 700 crowns ·Qlontl;i.ly 21.000 9. trips to Gotland and other expences in connection with 10. $ them 1,8oo· unforeseen expenditures , . . . . • . • . "-'--'-'-=-=--=--=~,.;4,_,.'-'0;,;0'"0;.- cr. 162.780 Expences in Lithuania. 1. '11hree motor lorries a 2.600 cr. " 7 •.800 2. two motor cars ~- 2.000 cr. • - 4,000 3, two'motor cycles a 900 cr. • • . . 1,800 4. two bigger fishing-cutters a 4.000 cr. 8.000 5. benzine, naphta, oil ••• , •• , , . • .: 25,000 6. hiring 8 11 ttle boats for 10 transportings a 300 cr .••. 3.000 7. wages and premi urns for the special guar_ding of the transl)or- ted people and technical servi ~:e5, 000 8. Unforeseen expenditure. • , ••• , • , •• , • , •. , , 15, COO c,r,.;;.'Z.9. 600 Total crowns 242,380,•

· -- AKTIEBOl.AGET "'---·· BDLINDER-MUNKTELL - Fl L.IAL.EN 9 STOCKHOLM 1702 TEL. 537304 532670

Order av den JP}i/. Exp. av .. Avsiint: ... >: ... :.:.. ·.. ·

Varuslag J- Pris

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· .. Fm6~~stohoi~~~: 194 L~~- - A.-B. BOLINDER-MUNKTELL Stoclc:holms•Filfalen

Form. 671/J. 9. 43~ ...... 34973-

Namn ......

Adress -::-;, IJ185.i:ltJ t.::j ············································ IAUGOif,ITI!LM Kr. Ora

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· Butiken i S. Kungstornet Kungsgatan 33. __ Tel. 21 2811 eller namnanrop "EI_Ieln. Kungstqrnet" ;,--. '-·

.. ~- <·;~;\.~';·.• ~ ·.•. -- NA TIO,NAL RADIOFABRIK MALAREGATAN 1 • STOCKHOLM

Datum Exped, Telefon 20 86 62 RADIO - UR • ~'l! ~~ ... ~ ~~io/?: £94'"'\ ;{_."Jv/tk~ ' •••••••••••••••••••u•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~~ -~: ...... 44.!. .. ~.~ .... :~ ~ ......

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T£LEFON£R: · KONTOR och LAGER DJREKT TElEFON: Namnanrop 7 Stora Nygatan 7 _"_Wohll!n & Block" Lagret 20 27 70 STOCKHOLM

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E~p"Cd, ?--·· /' i Dat~nn - Z A; Iii pris I Kr. I Ore L v l

Rikstelefon N:o 9. -

Postglro 26848. - ...... IJN.... -

till Ragnar Ekbom. I rf Jarn- och Kruthandel. :·. ·· ' "

.r:T ~· _Y/ .r -· ·"~-.:-·,.- ,. - ~'l/C, - - Rikslelefon N:o 9. ~ - Postglro 26 e'I?Jt,. /m...... /!J-f 0···· .. ····································· !P/J~lc! (~·"l Ragnar ""-Ekbom. Jarn- och Kruthandel. ~. \ ·. 1 ~-- .

--.ikstelefon ~· j~rt IT.-- -~/ dlfrle ,/e" /Pf ....

...... •.. ... f!?J~Ict r:v·. till ·r v Ragnar Ekbom. Jarn- och Kruthandel...... !!5J~Iet Rikstelefon N:~9, ~ •®f•\' rf)l,'(e /m .,w~ . 1 ··0 7 till ~ Ragnar Ekbom. Jarn- och Kruthandel. ()- - . Riksielelo~ N:o 9. _ J - - . f;"'2A'" rf.eJJJ/1:. ,/,,//"~ •... INk .. ~ ...... P/J~tci ~~~Ragnaf,~Ekbom. ,/~ - Jiirn- och Kruthandel.

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Rlksteleton N:o 9. 1 f (ucr t. Postglro 26646. ~~e elM 1.1 /!J-1 .fill ~ '"' ······························ ft!J~Irl /,~agnar Ekbom. ¥ JO.o- ooh "'"'h'"del. ~ /7 f$!t!.~~ . .. " . 1 r0 ~r~ ktt---'--:---l:'-'-1- ,.

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r,otlGnds J:ari V ...... ~l•Hstri~t,. .

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3evc.kn i_ }1L:Bc h9fen, Gotl.:.'..nc1s Lari nd is tri kt, v .i s b y. JV!<-6 k.q l9lilj I :termrution ElV' 1~ b::it debet .Ll.Ug )21 Ev8r ita 1.1 2 2


o n o r 16<:90 ------~-----/ .l:'er extra 1, ntant netto i l : !


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Vdr ref. 12/2 J.:)X SLITE DEfl 25 C'.UL • 19~Jj,


I ,crbete i ! ~~ I' n or -r---, ------~ I tant netto =__ ""·c~-, ..... j

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1 I REPA\RATIONSVERKSTA\D .... Engstrom & Nilsson Tel. 241 S L 1 T E

SLITE den )1/S. ,.., .


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~v.;rVtliG~ bV k8n till v_ttenr~r f-dt~?et~ni~J ~v dit~. vv:;.-~Vning b.V tJyp;;;: t_yck~ ti tl -U~::JtJr. I ~~2V9t2rtil1b aV St~ppL~~t~r _~ill :J L ~ s i :_. <' ~ c Lit f i l n i c.~ ~ v -~ i LD • ~~s ~~1! 0rJnci till ~V0(-nin~ ~v rtr. ~£1 14 3 33 : 6J i

- --K--r--0 -~n--:) --r ---- __15_Q ___ 3_~-i


Sl·• MJilJIIJliriJIPJ] R'·'JIIJ· mp• ·'i\\R'-fi\\:JIUMUl'tl i\llflirR~TslTilDliriSTiln.a 1\VIJJil\Jil\\. Jllfl\\ ~ Tel. 241 Engstrom & Nilsson Tel. 241 S 1, J T I!

SLITEden 21/8.44.

:..ill/ Kapten Johansson.

_) I DEBET Juli 27 •In .:iVul' vning ocll evetsning av .fHins k,y l vu t tenptlllip. till vVetsniug ;:>ch SVt.l' Vning b.V k,ylv

·-- -- I I -- - ·- --.------I I I j Kvitte~//~19Y!: - Slite £-{.. ~rkstac en......

· .. · I I I

A.IYUhOIIOIJL~IU~J.I ...... • I Debet

June 9th,. 1944

Received from the representative of the American War Relief Administration,

Mr,Ive; Christian Olsen Sw, 30 000,-- July 29th, 1944

Received from the representative of the American War Relief Administration,

Mr, Iver Christian Olsen Sw, r, 20 000,-- 50 ooo.f.;.

Transport Sw.Kr. 50 000,-- Situation of the Evacuation Fund up to September 4th, .1944 • Credit

.. 1. B o a t s·

Paid to Harty Wallin for motorboat "Toni . 95oo ·--

2, · B o a t o o a p o n e n t s . Paid to Wallenborgs Motor A/B for 2 Ocean Ford Marinmotors 6400,-

3. T 0 0 1 s I 8 p ~ s; 1 a s s e a eto. Paid to Mel ens Jlirnvaruaff!ir /knife/ 8,50 11 Hudolf Wennberg /alarm clock/ 14,-- II n· Magnus Storm /spyglass/ 150,-- 172,50 4, H SJ1arat i o n s of boats and motors, mater.ials and small utensils for this Paid to Wahllin & Block A/B 24,-- II " -~Bolinder-Munktell A/B 22,33 II L,M,Ericsson 185,80 II National Radiofabrik 30,33 II II Got lands Konsum 10,15 II Slits F!trghandel 26,92 II Thorvald Carlsson 4,90 II II G,Blomstrands Cykel & Spor 20,25 II Hagnar Ekbom 3,25 II II Ragilar Ekbom 9,75 II II Ragnar Ekbom 22,90 II 9 Ragnar Ekbom 13,99 II II Ragnar Ekbom 2,76 ' II II Ragnar Ekbom 8,40 II II Ragnar Ekbo!n 2,40 II Ragnar "· Ekbolll 43,75 ~----- II II Ragnar Ekbom 1,50 II If Ragnar Ekbom 24,20 { If If Ragnar Eltbom 14,29

Transport 16072,50 ... 3-

Debet '

"T .r· a n ·a p o r t ' 50. coo ......

sw,Kr. 50 000,-- .,...._ .....- t~ ~.; ..... Y-



'-- .. Transport 16072;50 Paid to . ;Sllte Hamndirektiori 4o.- II II Slite Cement & Kalk Aktiebola .163,90

II II Slite Cement & Kalk Aktiebola 101,95 T-~ II II Slits Reparationsverkstad 150,98 II II Slits Reparationsverkstad 50,55 979,25

5, B 0 M t ~ 1 I i 1 I t r a n s E 0 r t s Of boats, orews eto, 3155,85

6, Provisions for t r S /clothing, foo i E ' medicaments eto, for people on sea/ 648,64 xj 7, Wages for o r e w s salaries, 9975,- ;' .I 8, .H o u a i n g of orews 1811,69

9, F i n. a n 0 i a 1 s u E E o r t /in good eta./ to homlands organization 2044,52

10, P r e s e n t S and reoom:eensations to various officials for their services 'j to the evacuation oause 1141,45 1

11, V a r i 0 u s e-xpenses 259.52 ~

T 0 t a 1 Sw,Kr, 36 088,42

s a 1 d 0 13 911,58

.sw.Kr, 50 ooo.-- f

xj During the. period of three month 11 persons were oooupied altogether on wages and salaries Supposing, that everyone of them had been on work. the. who the average_ wage to one oooupied person equa ssw.Kr,302,27, being thus a·onsiderably lower than that, was planned before, i,e. Sw,Kr,500,- monthly, ~~-,



.Hooord Of Latvian Hofugeea in s w o d_e n,

----·------·---- Nr, tl a m e Date of birth Profes<;ion

------·-----·~-----.. ···------·- 1, ASINI::l, ~ardinands - railway-man ANDEHBO.N S, I man ts agricultural AP_::lE , Kri sts worker fisherman AN.DII:\::lOii ::l, Vo ldemars bookkonper

23,6,1898 fisherman l'J21 stud, mach, peasant, farmer 9, iH.Ll.r:sKALN::i,AleksHndrs timnan

housekeeper fisherman fisherman 13, BBRZI~~.Karlis fisherma.n ·housekeeper 15, BEHZI.ijS, Viesturs t child 16, ilAIDiiJ!5, Meta

17, Bt!.IlHN!l, Zigurds child 18, BELTE, Ernests 5.11.1912 p.easant , farmer 19, BU}.!EI 8TEHS,.Ja.nia 6.11,1907 maaon 20, llELTE, Janis 4,11,1907 agrioultural 21, worker agrioultural 22, BAl':BAUBHS, Ernests worker 9,1,1922 railway-man rmRKovrcS,Aleksandrs 20,1•1912 worker [· ~----· ----··------·--·---·~ -~ ______,_ __~ ----~--'---"" ·-~----

--~- --~------~---~~-----~~~~~~~---~___:_~-

- 2 -

Nr, 11 a m e Date of birth Profession

Bi.;iiKOVIC:l, Anna worker

25, BILESl

8IHKMAN Itl,lmdolfs 2:-1 .1.19(!1 building ing.

27, !lEHNIXS, Valdemars . 1920 post~ employee 88, B:HEK!l, Stofans agricultural worker 29, :(i;,;RBACH S,Arman ds 1Sl25 fisherman

zo. CEhllAUHS,Mduards 1923 dairy-man

31. t:ABBLIS,Oskars 1914 technician 1liMA, Janis 5,5. 1917 worker

22,11,1900 middlesohool teacher DIDHICH~OliS, Ansi a 4,3,1905 fisherman

35, DOV1UiiS,Katrine 14,4,1926 agricultural worker DOVr~RIS ,Janis 6,6.1910 farmer

:UOVT•;hiS, Olga ~H.l,l911 filrmer DOVEHIS, Zeltite

i.Ul.WIS, Alfreda 27,9.1905 fisherman 40, .DUMPIS, !Ulda 22,6,1909 housekeeper _

41, fDUMPIS 1 Leonhards pupil DABVNIXKS,Tieinriohs 1909 farmer

DI<;Is, Leonarda 1921 stud, of AcadelliY Of Arts DAHigLSOI; S,J anis 1919 stud, of Academy of Arts EINHimGs,Arnolds 2_6,3,1'312 fisherman 46, farmer -. 47, f<'}<;LDMAHIS, Indrilj.is- steersman 48, h'ELDMAN Is, Irma housekeeper - 3 -

Nr. iJ a •m e uirth i!ate o:f Profession ·------=---- ·------·------~----· ------49, child child

17,12,l'Jl2 f'isherman motorman 4 ,4,1J07 olerk M, butoher

UULBI::l 1 b'i·lois < ·" rai lway-r:Jan .. Ju • hot,sekeeper f>'l, Gl:J~lli::l 1 .-U'Jdris child 58, middlesohoo1 59, Gl,IVAHJ J 3 0 Anna teacher 60. Gl\I!H'.i!:LllS 1 Janis 28,9,1901 !'!sherman - 61, ·;oJ~DifAii Td, lie 1 nri ohs farmer 1'7, '7 ,1'108 butcher ; r;;g ; Alberta 10,11,1906 functionary 11,7,1920 housekeeper 64, GIZJt~. Ariana 18,10,1941 HE!iKHlJZ:<:NS Y••1entinli 1 architect 66, HlHKHU7.Et; S 1 i:!te:fani ja dentist 67. Wo;IB ,;HGA, .L.ema 68, H~;M,f~'J'EI!IS, Alfreda fisher-woman 6,3, 1914 teacher 69, HELMS~EINS ;;fgrida 1 29,10,1925

JAUNUPE 1 Va1demara 4,4, 1913 motor-oar driver J AUIIUPI•: Ado1fs 1 18,6,1916 worker 72, JANCOYS Karlia 1 28,4.1898 owner of houses ------~·~··------·------

Nr. N a m e Date of birth Profession

JI\SU>-lAS, Anna 1906 telephone employee 74, 1901 head-clerk

75. J iiUNUPr:. i':inars l'J24 fisherman

76, JiU~SOiiS, Janis 1')08 forester

77. n·r:,, Jan is fisherman

78, ·'c"\S'l'::l, Alfreds post-master

79, J.KASTs.rrma housekeeper

80, telephoae employee 81, ;(A J,'; IlJ 1t, Klauda telephone employee

83, KADI4IS, Klizubote

84, tiDI~IS, Biruta

85, Y.hAUJ,E, Aina teacher o:f lingli sh

86, XHAULr:, Ilze child

87, KALI1IijS,Velta

88, KALN Iij ~ 1 11ai j 11 child 89, r.J,A vE, Dauman t s stud~c~c., chief j of the section .u<:RVIS,l.UJielis 4,12,1923 agricultural worker 91, 'HAUZE, !manta 16,6• 1922 agricultural worker 92, KHI.I.l~ELIS, An tor• a 16,2, 1909 fisherman

93, XANBERGS, Alfreda 11,7, 1926 fisherman

94, XRIS'l'I.tl ~.Valdis seller

95, KHISTiijS,griks 27,7.1927 fisherman

96, KRI!lKELS, ~ani s 1,10,1915 engine-driver -- ~----- ______:______

- 5 -

Hr, ll a m e ])ate of birth Pr·ofession

97, KAR!J::JON S, ~arJiS 25,1,1897 phyoician

90, KAlU,:JOHS, Erni1o 9 .:~ ,1899 merchant 99, KMlKr.n~ ~. Hudc1fs 28,1,1908 fisherman

100, KAHKJ.Iij $, :~elma 18,11,1906 housekeeper

101, KARKJ,IH ~ 1 Arvid s 12,1,1929 pupil 102, ;umas,Kriss 3l,8,BOB fisherman 1o:o. KHEICBURGS, Janis 9,!J. 1898 customer 104, iWJHCBURGS 1 Matilda 20, 5, 1895 housekeepw 105, KAH.L!30NS, Haralda 10,12,1921 student 106, KAliL :JON S, lluta 1924 student 107, Kl\ilLtiONS, Marta 1899 howeekeeper 108, Karkli:lf)ii,Arvids 14,10,1925 shoemaker

109, KAH.~,:JO~I S~Asko1ds 16,1. 1944 110, KAJ,A~S, Otilija 1912 housekeeper 111, Zilii!GSVALDS,Kar lis 1907 farmer 112, KvAVlij~, Augusts 1906 farmer ll3,f KAI,ASS,Kar1is 1917 motor-oar driver 114, KAI.ASS,Austra 31,8, 1939 115, KREICBJ<:RGS, Janie 24, "· 1864 l'lotory public and writer 116, KREICBERGS, lJagnija 12,5.- 1907 stud, phil; 117, KREICllEHGS, Zigrid!l. 1921 stud•- phil, 118, I.UID!I!AN IS, Arnolds merchant, eoonomist 119, WIDMAIH£ 1 Ern a teaoher of English ·------·------

- 6 -

I~ r. N a m e Date of birth Profession

120. I.U IJJLiJHi E, Ligita ohild

121, r.na'!ij1!,Xa.rlis timber merchant 122, 1IEPI.tjll,01ga housekeeper

12;}, J.IEPii'JS,Gune-rs ohild

124. i;IJ:;Piijil, Velta ohild

125, LAUBE~\'i'E, Dzidra

126, T.JA.UHEH':S, Andria child

12?. LEJ]lS, ~ant a

120, Li'~I.tj1!, Aivars ohild

129, LEJI~il,Ojars ohild

130, LAUK11'l'1UHS, lludolf's ::s. fj. 1925 rneohani o

131. LORi-J'lC::!, Osvalds 1,10.190'1 fisherman

132, T.. Al~ D!~~ A.H IS • Vilma 1911 housekeeper

13.:.• J.J.N llMAll IS, Vo.1di s 1906 diroctor,clergyma.n 134. J,A;.;DUAli IS ,Ai vars 27,12,1943

13f>. Mip:LSONS, Alfreda tirchiteot;teohnician

136, MIJS_EM10iiE 0f nvira functionary

137. llEi\CI ~. Alfreda railway-man 138. MARTil1SOHS, 1'riois fishermun

139, MArtT IN JOi• s I llikolajs 140, MEZAKS, Peteri s veterinary surgeon

141, 1.\E~AKS, Berta housekeeper - 7 -


1.\r, H a m e .Date of birth P;ofossion ·------·------

lU~~Z ..\Kd, ;\stridu ohild

143, child

li.J~7. ,\lt;j ,Juris child

145. IH'l'UJ,E, Anna housekeeper

146, l.iUIZlfJEKS, Valentina utud, ing, 147, t,ilJJr.NBKS, U11lioa child-­

148. UUJZNIKlS, Valentina child 149, MUJZnrr:Ks, Kira ohild 150, child

151, UJEZiTIS, Smaida child

152, IUTHEVICA 1 Elizal>ete

153, 22,2, 1893 machinist

154, 2fi,12,1890

155, 19,11,1936

156, !.'A~i'l'H

158, I!Al!j

159, MAURERIS, Zanis i900 joiner

160. MAUREIUS, Janis 22, 3,1944

161, !.!AU hER IS, Andrej s 5, 1,1939

162, OS'l'ROVSKIS, Rudo1fs agricultural worker 16.~. OZOLiijS, Teodors fisherman "'.,:.

- 8 -

.N a rn e Date of birth J'rofeosi ort


164, OWMijS, Aneta honsokeeper 165, ~)~~OIJili~. Aivara child

160. Jz;vqiJ~. Gunita child


168, o;,oJ.I~ ~. Janis child

169, O?.OI.I!J ~. Vaikla child

170, o;;or.r~A, I~lla dentist 171, OZOJ,J4S, Arno child

172, OZOnB 1 Anna child 173, JZOnK, Guna child 174, OZOlm, Anna child 175, Ozora, Janis child 176, OhOI\E• Marie child 177, PLiiliCil:l, Janie fishermart 178, PRillCI3, Pauline agricultural­ worker 1'19. PHill_CI 3 0 gdga.rs child 180, PETEHSOliS,' Janis 26, 1,19];5 seamen 181, Pm~P:mrs, Janie 23_·. 3,1924 farmer

182, PAVI£I.SONS 1 Andrej a 15,12,1919 railwi1y-man 183, PIJ,IPS,' Vilis 16,11,1919 agricultural worker 184. PAVUJ~S, Valentina 17. 4,1905 diver 185, PA.Vur,s, Hermine -1908 pharmacist 186, PAVUJ,S, Valentina 1935 ·-· -· ---·--·- -·--·-·------

- 9

Nr, Date of birth l'rofesnion ------·-·------··------···------187, PAVULS 1 Luila

188, PUPO~S • J~lza 1910 housekeeper- 18~. PtF'OT,s, Augusts 1904 fisherman 190, PU"OLS 1 Sigurdo 191, PUPOLS 1 Aivars ::I ASA, Arnolds :fi shcul tu ri st railwuy-rnun 194. riUDVECHS, l3ertulis fisherman 195, railway commercHul 196, agent · fisherman 197, f:Ot:ElH'EI•DS, Oavalds 25, 1.1925 ---'-----·--- fisherman 198, HIB tlli S .Zani a 1 21, 6, 1922 farmer 1J9, 1875 merchant 200, i·. .i<:IllHOLDS Lote 1 "1878 housekeepe1· 201, OiEKSTiij s. Ilgvara 1926 motorman 202, RUDZITIS, fGeorgs 4, 7, 1907 stud, ohem, zoz. BUD;: IT IS, ::lfrida 25, 3, 1903, typist 204, 4, 3, 1939 child 205, 3Hii¥S, Karlia architebt, technician ii06, ::liLiij S, Helene bookkeeper 2C7, :lHiij S, Vilnis pupil 208, '>I1Iij S, D:.~idri a pupil 209 S!Liij J ani a S, child 210, SADOVSKIS, Janis head-director, 211, economist SADOVSKA, Auatra teacher -~------~~ ------~------~-~'----~------~~-~-~--

- 10 -

------·------~--- Nr. J:i n m e Date of lJlrth Profession ____ ... ______

212. .fioherman

railway-man 214, fisherman captain of a. merchunt vessel 215, ~>EGIS, Tek'ia housekeeper 216. SE:CIS, Tr..li Y-~lldi s child 217. :-;~;cr~1. Andria ch11d 218, ~->}>JIS, Skaidrite child

220, child 221, SUSOkB, Ivars child 222. ST~AUD~RCS, Xarlis 14. 6,1890 profea~or of the 1 J,r.ttvian University -f31J. HA.DHI~.K~, J~rneBtS -3, 9~1905- -me tali at-

:~0.12,1906 fisherman c;ATI.tS, Oto 5, 5,1907 farmer 226, 10.-2,1896 fisherman SESKI s, Vflhe1mine 18, :1,1904 _hou aekeeper 228• 3E:$KIS, Ausma 15,7,1928 pupil 229. 1916 functionary d!I.!i IH;;{S,A1berts 1917 oana11ization 231. worker s Hili S, 'I alar{ tina 13. 1, 192~ !hmis, J ani a clergyman-.----­ bookkeeper SULT S, Teo dora sea~ captain ' .;~ .

- 11 -

!ir, ll a m e Date of birth /rofession

234. !lUJ,TS, Pe.uline housekeeper

235. 1\Tli!IUCHS, Vilhelms aeu- ouptain

236, ~T .t;AUCHS, ~elms . .. .y ):!;37. ~THAUCHS, Kariaa

23!3, ~'~EAUCHB, Arija

239. 1ll.!ITS, Elza veterinary surgeon 2'1J, 1lablovsltis • Adolf a 26. o,l909 timber-breaker 241. 6rr~;CHT~, Karli B 1921 canalization worker 242, ~XUCJN S, Ju1ijans 1921 joiner

243, .'UK f. i<:!US ,l.U)S:el is 4. 8,1912 fisherman

;~44. ~!L;:),Karlis 26, 8,Li04 fisherman 24G, TILS, Anna 9,11,1912 housekeepE!r

246, Tl~LEd, Vilhelmine 1914 seamstress

:i47, TUR~lS, :,rij s 1917 student

248. Till~ESS, Janis -i9i2 teohnioian 249, T:':.NES, vnml 2, 1,1937

250, UHGO, ''riks agricultural worker 2f,l. UZPIJ,S, Frio is 1903 fisherman

252, VAJ,DMANE, .'l.ntonija bookkeep-er 253, VAI,DWJlLS,Kri_ss ____ architect

254, VALDMAIHS, Sigurd a pupil

255. WltBULiti, Alfreda turner 256, VEill JJEIUJ-S, Vilis 13. 1,1898 agriou1tura1 worker - u------· -----'------·------Profession Nr, N a ~~~ e Date of birth

2:)7. VEHIBl>HGS, ,Julija 12. 3,1893

258. V"IlllE:lWU, f,idi ja 24,10,1932 fisherman 259, V~IN1J~·:i1GS, Alfreda 18, 2, BOfi

260, v;nrme:HGS, Vilis 1926 :fisherman

261, VILCMKIEHS,Kar1is lB98 fisherman

262, :s:mr:K:J, Janis telephone teohnioian agricultural 263. ::;IVEi:l1'S, ~'rici s worker 264, 1. El.lJ A1H S , H:limunds stud, med.,vet, housekeeper 265. i~ l~i.lJ Al4 I ti • [[alene

266, ZEDiJ ~til It>, Ill::e child

267, ZAI,ITid, Harberts mag, phil,

268, ZALI':'f.-3, Nellija stud, phil,

26_'.), ~I.UE.i(r;;::i, Zariis 8,12,1914 engine-driver

270, ~AXS, 1'~mma 1914 housekeeper

27l-. ~ rs;~D·~f.r.. r s, Arvid.a 1920 agrioul tural worker 272, ~A.!i~_, :av:elis 1912 motorman f . 273. ZM

274, .;AXS, Brusva1d.i s 5, 6,1942 Ilr, H u rn e iJa te of' birth Profe13slon

.. -~------·~~----...--·--·---·· ----··-·------

1' 9AIDIGS, Alaksandre gyrwcologiot encinoor

2, B-'1 1.(rui;). ..~ri j a houso};eeper .- -~- ·'· ll.:\i.,Oi..;IS, t;nrit~ chiltl Bi· ..iL~I~~. Vnldis fur1ot 1onr.u·y

f3i.!SDI ;>, l.:Valds funotionar.v fnr•!tor 5, 17, ?,,19CU notary publio jurist "'. 1897 agr i ctil tnri et 8, 1903 housekeeper

CE!,:/:3, ~'arslu cliild

child ll. jurist

12. G Ii~ '_:'E.Z\..i ,i.1odri s

12·. bookkeeper

14, wife 01' olergyman

.L '".c. child 16~ child 17. func t 1 onary 18, phyaioian 19. PADELS, Arvide and director of _tho 20, h-i s--W-ifa -Mar-ta--- ~'orest Department- '>'l'AKS, t;dgare jurist 22_. STRAUCHS,Vilhelms functionary ------~~------~-'----~~~~~-

• r .-.~ •


Nr. .JJate of lJirth Proreuuion ------·------

1. -~z.~x:.:N :1 • l'll.Ul!l 1. z.lJo;:·) fi.sherman.

2. All0L8,.Kriste 26, 3,19~);,; ohief of tho community ·< '". -.u;; I!J ~ ~ t:dvar•; s l. fi,1Hl fisherman

4, .lhii!J:!;, tlma 5. 11,1')l(j housokeopo:c 5, ,·,;;J! Ll ;;l, Vineta 4. G,lJ<.;1 child

G, .-,DLERtl, f!ertulia 27, 9 ,1·JL; transport worker 7, "' ;:>iWICS,Harta Emi l1 ju li~. 9, l9~Hj agricultural worker 8, ,\:.mr,;;;,Nriks 24,12.19;;!) farmer 9 . ;ii3;)f,J:j ::J,J ani s :.rvids 12. 5, l'J<)f) Dr. med. ln. :;.r.:0f,JfJ s, Arnolds 29,11,1930 pupil

11, BHAii'~ti, J,uimoni a 5. 10.1926 wor%er 12, lii!,AH a,Kur lis 20,ll.l9ll police .functionary l~S • a I I. A!\ 8, Marta 23,12,1Jo'/ houaekoeper· 14. 3!UtiiS, Janis 17. 4, 19l1\l

15, Dt;HZiij!l, Voldelilars 9, 1,191B dlreotor middle f ilohool 16. 13Ji~H4Iij :1, Irene ;~o. 3,190'1 17. BERi:IlJ S, Vairis 9, 7 .1'33'1

18. SEHuiqS, Kristaps 16, 3,1909

19. lhV:DI:J; Voldemara 1; 4,1901:) 20,- .?!':l-\ZI~S,Artura_ _.r;. 22,18_132 director of -theHter 21. lm!iZI!JS, Martll 12, 2,1886 teach-er

22, BOHBAI.s, stani slav s archi teet - iimsioter,t of the Latvian Univ, 23. 13:'~.1-U~;, Melita 24, 4.1921 teaohe·r - ----~~--- -~~~-

·· ..:

- 2 ------Nr. ll 11m e iJate of birth Proi'eesion ------·--'----- 24, ll~::t::r~ll. Ilga student l!t;";; IJ~ 1l, ~·anni 6, 1.1009. wife 26. BEllSIID,Viastura 110, 1.1944

27. 18. 4,1940 28. teacher 29. employee oi' 30, the post iiLUM~'ELDs, Ilga i\lrna 24. 2,19!J5 olerk 31, 21.11.1912 bookkeeper llOlUJd, t:ldis 9, 1,1942 33. JJORI:::l:.>, l·:ugenija 2, 5,1923 teacher BDRISS, Niko1aja 1. 4,1913 mr.magar or BEl\7V>JS, Konro.ds a land estate 17. 8,1915 agricultur~od worker 3, 10,1904 jU:dge of pe_uoe, oompl.Ciniv. 37. EAHun~n. Herta housekeeper ~ mi~dle ~ohool BAHDI)'JS, Ligi ta child 39. flAHDI.?; 1'!, Huta child 40, lh:P LI'l' IJ, /,rtura 25, 3.1918 bookkeeper, tnmooompl. In at, CU!1KA, Friais of F.nglish g4 .10.1894 i'ieherman 42, CIE8A, Janis 28,10,1916 cook element, school 43, CIC!WlOVICS,Pauls 20, 5,1924 meohunic 44. CIE::JA, Dzeai n.u.1n5 manager of a 45. restaurant c a. 2,1920 pianist 46. 0TilU1~IS, Auaeklie 3, 4,1924 journalist 47. Dii.IGA, Janis pupil 48, DANIL~ONS,Konrada 16,10,1910 eleotr,teohl1ioian - :~ -

lir, N a m o Date of bh~th ?rofession

49, DAVIDS, ;,ndreJs 26, 0,1902 fisherman

50. JIC~lA!HS, Valda ZO, 9,192CI

51. ;not,ftU1 I:;J 1 ll:>~intro. 10, 2,191\3

DIC~ANIS, Andrejs

DAVIDSON::l, Aleksundrs 25, 2.1B80

54. DZ~OUSI9,A1freds 27, 4,1907 fisherman element, ochool

D~ l~GUZ IS, Hilda 12.11.1909 houaeke~;>por, elem,uchool


57, D~KGUZ!S, Ruimonde 15. 7 ,19?.7 child

14. 6,1907 musician, ,juriot

... UfiKEr..s. i·:lza 1'1, 6,1908 wl:fe

6. 6,. 97·2 pupil

81, 21,10,197;6 pupil 62, 15,10,1939

63, DAhK~.h res, Eduard a 4, _5,191.3 farmer ,\rturs 04, DIMIT~HS,Skaldrlte 22. 3,1920 danseuse

65, l,;OT,J\1'i 3 ,Karll a 8, 8,1900 surgeon Voldemars DOLI'·'::IS, Zelma 12,10,1903 wife Eli?.abete 67, .vOT,ETIS,Jania Uldia 22• 6,1936 pupil 68, DOLIETI::J 1 Karlis 18, 2,o935 pupil .Arvida 69, D~)J.r,•::·rs,Valdie Andria 20,10,1942 son

70, DZENIS,Hudolfs 23,12,1909 forester

71, Dil.li'Z~~H3, Edgar a 9; 9,1918 opera-musician

72, EICHE, Vilis 29, 6,190~1 docent of~he _ Latvian ·~Unl ver-si ty 73, EICHE, A1ekaandra 17, 7.1905 lecturer of the Latv, Univers.ity -·------·--·------·-----··---·------

Nr, N !l m e Date of birth Proreaaion

··-----···--·-- 74, l•:ICIIE, Inara 16, 7 ,19:~o pupil 75, ~I CHi!~ • Andreas 10, 5,19:'4

76, EICHr; • Imm ts 25. :3 ,l9S9 77. LG.:,E, Pauls 8, 8,1910 fisherman 78, t:GI,E, Alma B2, :.3,1904 houseketlper 79, iWI.:b:, Ainu 16,11,1936 80, 1-:GMi • Gur;ars :Jo,w ,l, Karl is 29,11.1905 fisherman 82, J.liGLE.Cerone l'i'. 9,1938

83. EllKURS,Kri s, 8,1906 c. police-of ricer ~clam. school 84, J<;NKUHS, M11lvine 18,10,1905 housekeeper elem,schocil 85, Jill KUliS, Skai dri te 12, 2,1925 co mini ssioner elem,school 86, ENKU!;S, ~anis l, 9,1927 railway elem,simool 87, worker 1u\fKUH3, A1dons :30,11,1928 pupil 88, c:l'ilW!lS, Vija l0,12,19:H pupil 89, XilY.Uli:o, Indrilj.i s t 4. 11,1906 fisherman elem, school 90, l·:tlKURS JJnc1ja 1 11, 10 .~1909 e1em, school 91, ill:~KUH5 1 llineta 11.12,19:36 pupil 92, !•J'iKUllS, ., Jusma .o. a,19;;a- child 93, XliKUHS I 1gmurida 1 27, 9,1942 child 94, loJ:JKURS, -peters--- -1;- -2-~f896- - -fisherman elemi school 95, E!lKURS, Anna 24. 2.1894 housekeeper elem, scho

Nr. t1 u m e Date of birth Profession

99. l£1Killl IS 1 Kar 11 e 21,12,1\JOB agriculturist

100. ELKSi~IS, Peteria 14. B.19l'0 chief censor

101. E.LX s.N Is 1 Em a 12. 2.1905 functionary

102. ELK:ll\I3 1 Helena 11. 3,1914 bookkeeper ' 103, 11, 5,1923 agrioul tural worker 104, EK~.i.l~ Is, hnna 12. 1.191~ wife

10f,, hlCUN I :l, Irs. Vigda 7, 10.1932 pupil

106, l·:I-:Di,'.l.fi IS 1 0 1ga 10, 2.1'J:JO seller 107, 1·;:,;;;!AH I:>, Zigrida 27. 7,192•4 pupil lOB. I~ SEE VJ\I.DS,Marta 13, 4,1900 wife

109. 21.11,1943 l.!arta

110. E~EH VALlJS 1 l?ri cis 6, 4,1995 bookkeeper 111, ESEilVALDS, Laimonie 17, 6.1928 student

112, l~ (!;:AN IS, Vilhelms 12. 9.1902 fisherman

113. i~~EliTALS ,A1ekaandre 17, 9.1925 fisherman elora;anhool

114. :·:HD!;!tili I ti, Ij1ri cia 14. 1.1901 meroh.ant eleiu, Bohool 115, r:ZERI!i !l, f alds 13, 1,1921 seller e1em. aohool 116. 9. 6.1928 pupil

117. l. 10.1912 olerk uiiddle school 118. XRDMAN IS, Inara daughter

119. E!\Ei1TALB 1 Alekae~ e l,3. 8.1907 fisherrimn 120. E!lE.tlTAL::i, Emili ja 23. 1.1908 housekeeper

121. JLANKOVSKIS,Juris 11. 1.1905 hairdresser

122, FHE!Bl.:HGS, Vilis 20. 7,1909

123. b'OGELS, Janis u. 9,1912 ------

- 6 -

Nr • 1• u m e llata of birth i'rofassion

···--- ·------·-·-·--·-·------·---- 1£4, 16,11,1911 rnusio teacher Conservu - 1 tory 125, EHIJA, Oakars 25, 1,192:'. farmer elem, !Johool 126, l~REHlAH I:J,Rarlis 24, 4,1909 forost-wutoher elem, echodl 127, <'ib:J' S,Julija iU11u 18 •. 8,1907 fisherwoman 128, J;';;E.; S,Gnnta 29, 6,1929 pupil 129, l~RAliCis,aunars 2f>,l0.19ilo pupil 130, agricultural worker 131. b'iUB:WGS,Rurlis 24. 3,1923 ugriculturai worker 132. HIBBHG3, Irnunts 20,11.11923 agricultural worker l•'li:':Illc;HGS, Alberts 21, 5,1927 fisherman elem, schodl 134, FREii,'AiiiS, Alberta 31,12,1926 mechanist profession, 135, school l•'hE!i.TJUiiS, l!'rancie 22. 3,1904 seaman 136, GU1'1·MlH c;, Pauls oand, judge .I.atvian 137, Univerai ty GUTi:lAHIS, 1-:rna 3. 12.1917 stud,pharm. 138, 16~ 7~1909 houaekoepe-r unlii:OClOillpl, univarsi ty 13 9, G.nf'i'l-:IlS, J,igi ta 9. 6,1936 140. GOJ,OlWIIS, Helena 19, 8,1915

141, GOL.DMliNIS, A11'reds 25, 5,1939

14.2, GO.L1JMA!HS, Ilga. 12, 4,.1942.

143, GHOS;;>,Junis 11,-~2.1887

144, GHOSS, !.ina 24; 4~1897 145, GRAUDiijS, Arturs 2, 1,1916 middle-aohool teacher 146, GHIIH'OGEI,S, Rarlia 5, 9.1899 farme-r_ ~------~----~------

- 7 -

Nr, Ja te of birth I'rofoosion

147, GHIVAl~~. Maija 12, 7,1928 pupil

148, GHIVAiiB, Sibilla 19, 9,1890 e1em, aohoo1 teFlOher 14'). GHIVAHS, Berta 4, 6,1900 olom, school teaohor 150. Gi\IY AilS,'' Xndrej a 17, 7, 19~13 pupil

151, GHIVAHS, Juris 28, 1,197·2 pupil

GRIVAhS 0 Marta 9, 12,1\!15 wife ~- Kristina

.l51152. CHIV Atl S 0 Valdis 20, 3.193& pUf!il

153, GRIYAll 3 0 Irma 1'.1, 4.1938 pupil

154, Gl\IVA.l'1S 1 '-enija_ 14, 9,1914 wife i,izete

155, OhiVAtl;3 1 A1na Berta 1. 1,1939

156, GEIVAll :3. nuta 12, 6,1941

157. G!\IH BimGS, I~Lza z, .. 12.1')09 dentist

158;, GF.INmmos. Herta 17. v,'7. 1925 daughter I~lJllila 159, G!\INf,OGElJS, Elv:irli 25. 6, 1913 wife

160. GHINPOG1~.Ls. Vaira __ 12. 6.- H40

;1.61, GHIN]'OGJtLS, Indra 29,11,1942

162, GRIVANS 1 Katrine z~o. 9.1889 wife 163, GRUliTE, !likolaiJ 15,10.1923 e1eotro-technician 164, GRUND I S,Arvid s 12,10.1921 agricultural worker 165, G!\IV All s, Rudolfs _ 15 .11._1893 pharmacist

166, GRIVANS,Aleksandrs 14, 9,1906 -horticulturist 16 7. GRIVANS, Vaiters 20, 8,1905 farmer

16 8, GRINFELDS,Viktors 19, 6,1915 fisherman • H -

-~------.------~--~ ·--·---·-----

Date of birth f' J·o:fesaion

16\1, GHUil!'hi,DS, A1vine 22. 0,1B84 fi sherwomun 170, Hiifi;s, i{arli.s 2:~. 4.190f> fisherman 171. fil~Ii\ ~;, :\11nt1 lf> •. g.l9()U wife 172, HE I!~ S, Hudo1:fs ,1, 2,19:18 173. I~ .. :...0J .~ urd s i<;lr:Jarn :~6. H,l907 painter 171•. Il~Dus. Marija 1'1. 8.19()4 artist 175, lf.l.lll :;, J~ini s 13, 1,1939

176, IlUU3,Ilze 17,12.1910

l77i Iii1UJ• Ivars l, .9.1944 178, H.Bh, ~>laksandre 21J. 2,1905 farmer

179, J Al~ !30h S 1 Janis 2fl. 3,1891 fisherman 180, JUi\J AZ:S, Ruisa 12. 2.1919

181, JLii·.JAZ~, I.izote 17,12,1888 182, J U"J AKS 1 Andrls 20. 6,1942

183, J AVAJ,DS, i!'ranoi s Vilh, 5. 4,1896 184, J Il\Gc:r; :30>\ S ,Janis 7.- 2,1912 farmer Bduarda 185, J AVA1Dl;! ,lleinhards 13,11,1917 agri ou1 turi at ~ 186, J Al< SOils, ~'ri oi s 11,12.1906 farmer 187. J Al~ SOilS • Anna 4, 7,1905 farmer

188, J All SOils;- v e 1 ta 'J.•J. 8,1931 189, JAllXIWIC:3 'Vali ja 1 A11se 2, }.1,190'1 e1a!ll, sohoo1 teacher 190. JAVAL;;s, Olga 1:3, 5,1889 housekeeper 191, JAVALDS,lUza Lucija 16. 3,1922 housekeeper 192. J AliKEV!CS, Pa11la 17.12,1909 businesB manager 193. KAPA, Roberta 9, 11,1')18 olerk -·------

- 9 • ------· ------~-··---~- Nr, ll am"' Uate of llirth ProfesaiorJ


194, KAlnil~. r.ucije 20,12 .BOB 195. :n. 5,1940 196 2~~. l,l911i l9't'. engineer n.ssiatent of 198, the J.11tv. Unl v, houaekoepe~ 193, b YBIUiJ

4 ,y·eurs

i2 yeers


stud, ing. ;3. 2,1924 7'1'eavr·r OlQillillCI"!_OO! 10, 6,1907 hou sekee110r olem, sT1~~.~£rifs 19, 9,1916. student 21~1. Z.hUJ\~J~S.t:rnesta 1, 2,1913 Ali"reda dairy-man 211, XJ,l-:IiWFs,Fricia 18, 2,ll:l87 farmer 212, J:L,\PKALN3,A1fons. Ousts 26, 2,1'.!08 chief of the 213, KKUM~, Oto r11ilway station 12, 2;1916 business manager 214, KHOHBERG3, Austra Vera 13. 3.191.3 bookkeeper 215, iiO!lBERGU, f.ltia 22. 8,1944 216, KT-.AGIS, Milda 5, 5,1925 agricultural worker 217, KA4~I~~. Marta Helene 5. 9,1.922 wife 218. tiLN I.I'J5, Mierva1d1s 17, 6,1943 -- --·----·----~~---~~~~~~~~---


- l(l -

!lr. .N a m e llate of bi.rth Profeauion -'------·------219, Kkl;it:P:>,Nina .Mild a 8, 9,1922 wiie :;2o. f.U.l.lHlS, I. eons 1. f>,1;JW fanner 221, ':'HU.\li~ S, Antoni ja 25. ;'. ,11198 wi.l'e 222. i~i, Harberts 8, 10,1918 farmer

234, I AAHT,BLI\G;:J, l?ri oi s 16, 6,1398 Elpo theoary 235, KARI,Br:.t\GS 1 Gaston s 24. 4,1926 student 236, KAf,Jiiti,Karlia f);. 7,1910 fisherman 237, l\HUMitJ5, Janie 19, 9,1B83 millAr 238, KAi;1'P S,J ani a 24,1:),1914 joiner ---~------239. lWVAL.!JS, r)dgurs 6, :~~1914 aeaman 240, ii:ROfllllmG$,Karli s 19, 6.1911 functionary oommeru.l al aohool 241. i:AJAKS,Arvids 7; -9.1902 242, KAJAKS,llerta 9~ 3;191:1 243, lAJAK:;, Valda ohild - ~---~--~-~~~~----'-

- 11 ,,..

··---~p--·~------.·------·4·---.. -----···------·---

Nr, li u m o Dute of birth Prores.;ion

------,------~---·------.. _.., ______·---______,;______----


245, ij -~~-.A.~S, i~dolfs B. 12,1913 fore star highschool eduoatio:• 24, 5,1/18 bookkeepnr highnohoo1 eduoatiorJ 24'1, LA!l.UOlll"~, Janis i~:). 3. J. '.102 cornmcroial JJtlf;v. \;ni v ~ -- ---diroctol' _ i~48, 9. 2,l';)J2

f.ACIS, Y.rista 21, 7,1\104

250. I.T~KNA• Mn.rceldu telephone middle Bcbool employeo r.n~ Iii;, Osvuld s 17. o.1nu farmer '"

254, --~~\UG TS • Arvi 4a l(J,l2,.J.9J.5 electro-taoh~icinn 255, 5, 2,1927 fisherman 256, :,AU(:JI s, Vel ta 6. 2,1921 wife 257, 16, 3.1944 daughter 258. child 259. ~~0,10,1897 wife 260; 4., 2,192!'> cashier 261, 2, 4,1U97 wife 262. LIBI ':TI13, Alma lUza 16,10,1912 nurse 263. LIBIXTIJ,Mara 3, 2,1942 daughter ?64, LUDAVIG9,Arnolds 6, 7.1911 fisherman e1em,achoo1 265, C:.U.IJAVIG~, Julija 14, 8,1906 housekeeper alem,achool 266, f.UDAVIGS,Arvida chlld 267, I.UDAVIGS; Lilija child :,:.

- 12 -

---·------·-·-----··-... ------.. ·--·-~------.. -.....___ _ Nr, i.!ll te of bl:rth i'rofensl

------·-··------·------·---·-••·----··------·--- •·--..-,._. __ •-•-•·----w-

~UUAVIGH, ·Aldonio 14, 6,191;[; flshermnn clem, school 269, 17. 6,1910 engineer >ini v. oiluc,, 2/16. :Al:GOLDS, lloriss 6,1919 technicinn student hospital nurse

2'/3, f.U!;;:J, Xarli s 21.11.1903 timber breaker 2 c1.njddle school fur:ctionary elam. Hchoo 1 275,. Hl,ll,l9:'18 child 2'75, ;n;l ... ; Brigi ta child 2?7. :·.' •JIU>, Valdis ohild 273, 17. 9,1912 forester Agricult. 27'.). Academy ftinotiorw.ry middle school 2uo. f-~OliS,Juris 24,14.1940 child

281, MOf~!J. Pilda 28. 2,1888 housekeeper eli'Jrr..sohool

woril:er olern, s.choo 1 housekeeper elem,Hohool 284. :.:.e.-:r:;oN :; , Vo !damar s 16,10,1918 artist, rnuaicl1m 285, ,so. 6,1922 df.lnseuse

286, Ni~

------____ ._..... ______

(J;;or,:;,,Jar.i s 16, ;?,1914 building .. studrmt teohnioVm 2')4. O~OLJijB,Aleksnndrs 19, l,l'JO:i ohie:f of the highschool IIi uo, Grimirw.l Dept. 295, 17,W,J.:ll7


j:J r s, -'..:l-1 ~o.i:Jete- 10,-lC,Hll


:~6. 8,L91CJ

agricultural elom,sohool wori:er 15,10,1922 housekeeper ~lam,school 27, 2,].943 child

27. 9,1)03 dentist 21, 3,1919 conductor CJc:OJ,IJiS,Jnnis Alberts 29. 9,1919 musician ZO?. o~:01s, Vorn ?8, 1,1916 wife )L.OI,;;, Ifnrlis 10. 4,1941

310. kashieir "OG Ilj A • t\rma, 10, 5,1877

312, PJGI~A,Venta -teacher Institute of 313 .. l~nglish l''JGI!iS,J okabs r. 4,1878 dtdry-man 314, I' Lili :3, i.!(l.l vine r 22, 4,1880 housekeeper ?AIPALIS,Krr.esta 5, 5,1901 T>AIPALIS, Zottta B. 2,1912 317. PETROVSKI9, Fricia 23, 4,1902 t 318, PEDIJj@,Albort s e • 7,1912 -~~ ~ ~- ~~-~~------~------

- ltl ..

--·------~- -·~--~·. --~···- --·- ... ··-·-·--·------·--~----·------··---··

J.\ r • i1 a m e Df.;te or birth I>rofensiu11

--·--- ···---·····-·-·-·-·- ·------~------·· 319. cler,..yman highschool HdUCHtion ;Judge

po nt~m11 star telephone employee ~ _ _l2~P_i!_ son PAlmr.. n, l'arsla l~lza a~augh ter ;526, 1'1·:·~ Ei·:~;u; J, B ~~~ t r i sa lB. o .1 'Hl tea.chor l·:egiml ;127. PiiTUAIJ·:n;u;,ta~elia lfl, 'l,l'JC7

!'A ::'1.:1\J.Jill\KJ, Valentine 19,11,1912 sister middle school

elect~o-ieohniaian 7. 8,1%2 H:'.Ill acr,u<>, Gurtars 21,12.1926 farmer iJlem. SChO:i 1 1132. dairy-manager i·.EH:UElWJ, Hilda Velta 7, 11,1928 housekeeper 334, JO::>t:i·:Eaws, !'arlis 26. 2~1902 functionary ~ rlugo liAlJJ.JJS, Llurgrieta 23, U,lU\16 elem, school 335, toucher 26,12,1909 bookkeeper 337. m:rn BJ~!lG s,!Hlda 5, 4,1912 338, 19, 7.1':141 ~son

10. 6 .192:'5 worker elem. school 340, HODEJ.. IS, J!'ani ja 1, 2,1'325 teleph_one unacaomol. 341, employee middle school HPRIN~IS, Karlis 21, 8,1916 clerk 342. SPRINCIS, Aleksandra 25, 7,1916 farmer ... ,-

- 15 -

-·------·------·____ ,____ .. ------·--

Nr, !; n m e .iJate of birth Pro fe'ueion ------·------

34~1. .-;rr.r~ s. Konruds 'J • 12,1'301 dairy. manager Z-44, ..iEDT,IlJ 1:1, Augusts 9. ll,19ll conductor ., ~4!). ..:M; Dli"WS,K.arlis .... 9.1n1 ~.·i oherman Auguats --346.--- SIGKVS~Mi.e±is--- -16.-1.-Vn4 _ _ ___funoUQ!J.I.ll'Y __

347. ,-;t,U !~IT I:i,J ani s hudol fa 5. 7,1919 journal! £:tt

348. ,:JL"i~IEH-S,GeOl'BS 4, 8,1917 j ournali at

349, ,,-;:;,, UTH{S,Janis U, 5,1'H 7 mechanist 3f.l0, J.1'··i:Iiib.~RGd, Zelma 1''"'• 2,19,)2 pharmaoiot

351, ,) "i' !!;I a tlhHGS 1 Ievn 7, 1,1937 daughter

352. ;:;;,U3Il\~ 1 Valija 26, 1,1921 bookkeeper

;)fl3. !:l£N5'~f;Hd 1 Lizete 17, 2,1895 seamstress.-

354, ~T-iPHAl~S, 8erta 25, 1,1909 telephone employee 355. JHiiJS, Milda Hcdviga 17; 7,1911 wife_

a 56, 3IJ:·~I-~}i.\;3, Dae;rdja 17; 7,1911 Wife Marija 357. M.:":IIfhs, Gun a 29.11,1940 daughter

:158. SI~J'.: I E!\S, Maris 4, 6,1942 son

359, SV!<~i

360, i5IhOH~, 'i'eofanija 24,11,1910 houaekeeper middie :oohool· 361, ~IHOll3 1 Brigita dB:gghter

:%2. Tl!.'P l!'l<:RS, Aldona 6~ 1,1893 teacher unaccomp1, Latv, Wi:l.v. 363, TE?li'gns, Barbara 6. 11,1931 pupil 364, TgPF:l:HS, Jana 28, 9,1'J34 pupil

365. rrJ~;p ~'ERti • Aldona 9, 2.1939

366. TEPb'ER;.;, I eva 1. 6,1\lO'/ housekeeper - 16 -

·------·-····-·------·----·------····------·----- li l'. lJute of birth T'rofosot ,Jn

...... ~- ~ .. ---·---~-~------:.....---~--~------·-. -· ------·--~------. 36'7. TEP?~tS 1lu1ejs ' 2H 4 l2 t 19~~3 pupil 368, '~' BP i~~gH~ • Arleta 9~ 5,1930 pupil 369, ·~}:X Y.H/o.N !;3 .\ndrej s 1 22, 9. liJ'l'! professor of 37r). 'fi,;IK'.~A;·~ I ~l, the Lutv, \Jrdv, ':lzn 19, 7. 191:~ ------housekeener :n1. iU ,~;

~5 72. -.::'!\ L?~:\li IS • :.:adja 2~'-·· !),i94r.! ::17~'1. '::',\ X~l,liS Mildn 1 11. 8, 19::;;; . housekeeper 274. :r\:'l i-:.~ rl:r. ... s. Aunu 21. ~.19~~:~ pupil 375, 1' ~;~ -~~ t~;1 I j • Rarlia 10, fJ,l914 376, 1 1!·:'r::hr s, 1i:m Z·O, 3,~9u·o

37?, ".(I Jf).:Al~ I-B t :K a·r 1 i s u. 8,1\){),c; fisherman 378, TIJJ.1AN T3 £.,alma 1 17, 1,El;:,,·. knitter

379, 'l'I .f;~.IA.N Is I :agurdo son 380, 1' 1~;:~. U'~' :.Ui!,. I J, LLiiju 14, 9,1926 housekeeper 381, u;qrs, Heinrichs 14,11,1911 jurist ._. nf t.: 8G. UDhi S 1 Junis <-.v•''" 2,1910 _agriculturist 38'3. UDP.I:>, 1.\ilda Uarija 24,11,1916 agricul turi at 384, UPI::ACI ErneS_t s s. ~. 7,1915 Alfreda farmer 385. VEillBgi

~\10, VtrJll~k:J I A.l:l':r~q,· . 5, 0 .l::~lil manag&t' Of all.-eleotrio power- station • 17 •


llr, u 1.1 :n o uate of birth Profession

------·------·------·------·-----··· ..

391, VAHD:;flim(lS, ~an is 28, 2,1\JU? motor- car elom, school driV<"r 20. f>,19lf, ·houseketh er · el0rn. uchool

24. 1,1924 pupil

4, 3.l

39'/, VlLC!ijS, Aina 18, 1,1'J27 school 39tl, vo:h:>~:.:h S,J,rturs ~an is 13. 4 ,1'Jl9 farmer

39';1, V!·:I :3:·;, Vi1helms Alb, 28, 9,190t> fisherman

400, VlXi,;J.i DB, Tali yald i B 1, 8,1914 surgeon

4:11, V JZJ.AHDd,Li di j a 8, 7,191B wi.fn

402, VH:J,i\!US,Juria 21, (),1941 child

4o:~. V ELAifi:lS,Peteris 15,11,1942 child

41Yl, ·vAVUJ,S,.I{atrina 4; 10,1864 wife

405, VAVUI,S, Pauline 15,12,1905 housel!et>per

405, v;,;;,;.c.ths, Ali se 4, :-1,1915 funotiomn·y .. 40•7. V!WAH IS, A1vinl!l 29,11,1914 aeamat.res s

400, VErJAiHS,Astrida 10, lo 19;38

409, VJ';!.lAii! S ,yarti B '-'•" 1.19·10 410, Vi':HArii a, Li Vi ja 4-. --5.l'H4

411, VIDA:.id,Verona 11,; 2.190!l wife Apolonija 412, VIDA:J8, Andria 20, 1,1942 son

413. VIDAoJS,Jania 25, :5,1943 son

414. VE'2l\A, Irene 25,12.1910 wife .,.-,:

- 18 -

------·------·------·------.... -·-·-··- Nr. iJute of bh·th ----- Profot;oion ------·----=-~-"·-"'=-"'---- 41R. ld,10,J.9{;ii son 4lt>, 10, 9, J.SI?>B oon vr·:ll;~r~ T~i.l\ri~s lB. 1,J.9(lfl Arturn 418, VJ;;U~;J,::Jali!l 'l, J. 'JUil o, IJ.gJ'i oul1;ur 1st 4l'J, .. ,VLLlN_A,Otto _ ~1 •... 4,1917 ___ bus-itlOSfJ -IIlf.lnaga:t'!_- V Ili ·~· :i(d; lilfraun 15, 9.1\loa muai oi an ,artist 421, v;~Tl\A, M.uri sa

2, 10,1899 fisherman

424, 5. 7,1\V;7 425, 29. 6,1914 dairy-man oatt1e 426. 3IEJS,Alfreds 27, 8,1911 artist broed.l tig sohool 427. -~1~1\I~S.Aarlis musician 42B. viife daughter 438, 2.AiiE.E, f•}Vir.e 24~12i!1892 dnntist :.n i'.Il,' ll, J,uai j a r.udmila 23, 6,1908 seamstress ZihT1j S, Jlzidra 21, 2-,19ZO Skuidrite pupil ;;r ;,y~ :'J, iiudol:fs !lrturs 2, 1,1907 forest-' 'h'tltoher :':;\l,t;JKIS,J ani s 29,10.-l'.H4 farrnor ZA.C:DBEIW~, Raimunda 3., 3.1926 fisherman 436, elem,sohool housekeeper 437, ZMiui.lO:.hG::>, Anita ohild

ohild ··.-,:

.\ H ~~ ,. "·


T'rofo~Joion l\ u m e Date of' bh·th

------· ·--·----- ·-·- ----...... ------·····--~--- ·--··- ---~ tolem, school l. lG, ~l,l(;')O 1'i aher10an /vrvmv;>,Liarija housokee~pcr e lem, ochool .:.>oc::;trv:;, Vilmtl hotaJo7..oor,er oiom, school

--2J.l~.~lf:.!_9_1 i'arrne1·

-. ~ ------~



The systematic evacuation of Lo:~viv.,1 citizens mn.y be considered at present, at the time o:f vwiting this report, as ilisconti.ntled, Conu.itions pn

the sea and on the Latvian coast are 110\"1 such as to :@recludo S()ndine, boatB

to tho other shore, l'!0\'1 the boats not OJ'I~y come under Gerr1rm fire - such vm.s

the s cate oi' co.ildi tions till uid-September - but e.lso !l.re exposed to aerial

and other u~t_aoke__b~_tE-e Soviets. The locr.tl ::mthorities also lmve aclopted en

extremely tul:CB.vornble attitude tovm.rd ·bhe evaouo:tion aotivtties of lc~te. It nill, moreover, be rooa:tled that as early as S e:ptembol.' 28, 1944 l!r. Olson

of the Am&rioan war Refugees • Adr.!inistration h2.d roqq.octeO. ·~o · oee.oe all

tl,fi'.ffic !'Ji th vessels :purohUfH'Hl '.'lith the rneeJ1B of the Fund. This l,eQ.uent has been scrupulously oo;npliad l'ti'Gh, The totr>.l nunhm.• of 1'e:f11geeo i'l"'Om Le.tvia !:lillDI!!'lts to 3,ti00-4,000,H.o\'l nany an<1 ,.. ho amon{; "!;hom owe their al,rival exclusively to the ovnouation

orc;m1izat:ton 1 hoi'J many of them made fo1· Sv1eden partly m.J a result of the activities of the Ol'gEll'l.izo.tion and hm•J many_ m•e those who he.ve come entirely on their orm in:l tiative antl risk_r>.re quostions r1hioh cannot yet be ansrrered, It is extreney difficult to obtain exact e.nd comprehensive i'ig11res concernin.;l' --this point since at present the refugees arc soatte1•ed over numerous camps

throughout Srieden, To carry out complete interrogationa while in transit, in the boats, has been possible only in single ins 'canoes D.nd even_ theJl all per­ sons could not be· listed,

It may, hoVIever, be asse1•teO. that most refugees re:ferred to above wo.tld not have reached this co,mtry and vmuld have perished at the rwndo oi' tho


the oocu,pat1on .POI'I&re ravagirl6 OIU' country but :for the generous aid given by the United States, Uoreover, the number o:f those who have come here

on their orm in1 tiative ho.Cl. been mnoh smaller if the eve.cuat1on organi:~~ation had not commenced its o.ot1v1t1ee, As lo.te ao July, 1944 it we.s, llP.nely, generally l>el.leved in I,o.tvia thnt -l t vms Ci.a!·;i_;.J:r.ous to flee to Sweden

because, it was said, Sweden extradited the refugees to ·l;(w_ oocuput:lon poncr,

!i.'his bolie:i' lm:•f:ely aooountl! i'ol' the :raot t;Jw.t up to than so i'0\'1 Latv:l.c\11

refugeoB collie to :3vreden, I·l; \'/US uot wrl;il ·!;he soco.nd ht>J.f of July D.nd pal'tioulv.riy in Aue;ust - v;llon tho evacuation O~\,;cm:l.za'.;ion ho.d somewha:i; .consoliduted- its- l>nso on-M.e othol'- co ant -- thu ·t- -~IWl'e caw;; a --streun oi'- Latvian ~·ei'agoea who :fled on tiw ir ovm I•isk without having any tlir-nct

co;mcctiuu with the ovncuntion ol·~unizntion Ol' 1t:3 activitieo, Tho first v1ho, in svl te of' tho strict cOJispire.cy, learned from the orwmize.-~ion •s a,:;ents that Sweden was not su.rrondel'ing the refUgees were the people

living on 101.nd near tho coast. This o:l.rcumstanoe expil:J.ins, among ot:Jer things, why, e.t the outset, the groups of ref'ugei'Js arriving on their o1·.1l1 initiative were almoat excllwively composed of coastal residents - mainly fishel'!llen and fv.rmers i'rom near-by parishes,

Thus, it is no E'lXHggeration to state that the aid given by the

United States alone mado it }yossible 1¥1 eve.ouation of Latvian refugees on a lar{;er sc:fle,

To date VIC have received lists over 740 refUgees arrived during September 1944. Of this number only 5 percent a1·e peroons who have come

entirely on the~r O\'lll initiative.(It is not known yet who of the refugees listed are these perao1fs,) Sinoe their number is so sma.ll, n will not be excluded 1n the following co--lculations, i.e, it will be aasumed that all

740 persons have been taken over to Sweden by the eve.oue.tion organization, Of these 740 .Persons 188 or 25~4 percent are children and/or: youth while the number of'. women amounts to 208(28 pere· ent ), · Thus women and children amotmt to 3%, or 53.5 percent of the tota.r number. There are 344 men; or --- ~~------~~~------

only 46.5 :peraent. Among the !1dulta of bo:th sexes, there o.re 306, or 55.4 pe1•cent :fiohel'l!len, :t.'nmel.'s, '\'iOl'ko:ra, houneholtl aorv('lnts • et oetera; 1>rofeaaors, a tuden·ts, lawyers, agricul turisto, teachers • archi toots • ;physic irl.llfl, ct cetera toto.l 246, or 44.6 percent of the total :l.umber of o.dul ts. or only one third, i.o. 33.1 l)eroent of tho total nwnber of all refaeees. l.Io.l.e professors, lawyers, archi teo·bs • teachers, phys iaians, stailonts,

et cete1'0. i;qtal 106 or 29.4 IH!lroent of all adults or only 14.3 perr~ent of all re:fttgeos included in tho enclosed list. Of business men and owners of larger

------ltl'bflll rot,,l estate onlya few 1!.1'C found among the refugees.

It is not lilcol;y- that this (~enere~ pro]}ortion will change to P.ny sizable extent even when exhn!lstive information is collected e.bottt all refllgces trans-

ported in one way or another with the means of the evaollfLtion orc;aniza:~iO';• The refu.geo tre.ffio in September was not mttch easier thtm :l.n J lll.y and

August. Only during a IlOl'iod at t 'B end of July and in the beg:l.nnirl;!; of AtJ.guat considerable con:fu.sion existed among the ranks of tho Hazi e.Ominiritration, obviously a rosul t of the first major successes o:r the Soviet ar1ned forces on Lo.tvian terri tory. Coml:l. tions wore thlls moi'e favorable for the assemble.ge o:f refugees from d1st£>.nt regions on the· Courland coast. However; the German administrajion soon recuperated from tile first shook, and the coastal. patrol service was oven reinforced and made more efficient. It. is trae that at some places the Germans did not watch too closely boats d0paz-ting :f.rom the Latvian coast, but, on the other hend, supervision o:f tlie appl'Oac1ws to the coast wari - made much more close. Conditions on tho sea had considel'ably deteriorate_d. S·~o1'1!1s were frequent nnd af'ter Estonia •a ocaupation one had to be constantly on the oatlook not onJ.y at;ainst Germe.n patrol boats, bat also Bolshevik attack¢s.

To illustrate transportation oondi tiona during September , descript_!ona. _ of' the most cri~c~~- oases of _"the Sep!~ber ~tr!l:f:f'i(J_!ll'_"_ _~£i_!_en be~o_111•_ a/ On SeptemTJer 2~ 1944 a boat l.lails in order to carry to the other aide a nwnhor o:f t. Jr,gan:l.za.tion•s o.genta and_ >arry back a larger nwnlJcr o:t:4. refugees. The boat is caught in a storm. Tho orew un

b/ On September 10, 1944 v1wthor bo(ot 1eavo£J. Itu orcw .is ccimJ)osod 'of thl•mi men. Ii; hao to hl'in.:; to Sweden people assembled v.t a plr:ce II. iu Latvia. Hm­ over, nbout 60 m:!leo off aotland the boat_io c:?.ptt!l'od by u Gormnn patroller and, tu.ken to !l'a.Uinn. The cx•ew is imprisoned, Dn•ing tho Bolshevik nttaci:: on Te.U1mf.­ thc cl·o~·!, to,'!,ethel' with othel' pl•isonora, mc\nat;es to :free tl~emselves, The~ l',each the h!'.rbor a..>1d escape in their own boe.t, They br•:l.ng over 35 :'·oftt[(ooo, o., ·.:11om 16 Latvians. The l:'olHhovilw :C:lx-o n·;; '

c/ On September 14, l944, neo..1• the point H, in Lf'.tv:Le Gcl:>m.~n cu.!'.:r·O.D disoove1• a speeo. liont which lms OO?Jo oloso to tho shore. Tho Gel'll!an p~~trol bout oomr,Jences to hunt_ tho_ boe.t a.mLto i'il•e- at it i'rom-r•!::>.ohilw--gt1.,'7.s,-The- boat OSOapos o\·:f.n{-: to- :its BIXPOl'iO:t' spoe{:, liOI'I01rer, S:ince dUrint; the i'li,'!ht :l.t must olH.u'J.go the course severn]. times, :fuel 1s soon e:x)l8.lWtei!. nncl t:ome 10 m:Ueo oi1' Gotl•md the boat b11eomes Pl'

d/ On September 15, 1944 a boat(30 yearn old, no lwt·tel' io evaiJ.t.ible) is sen·t :forth with 3 mol2 #o · crel'l. Or?. the other mhore it takes onboo.r·d 50 .PO:t'Dons, 1uolud:!.1l,:i' the .P1.'oo:!.fu:l.ut o:f t!le last Latv:l.llJ:l ]?Brlinrnont. Some 15 mUea o:r:r the o '.her eoe,st the llov;i; is ce.ptured by a German xmt:rol boat nn

e/ On September l '7, 194.-4 a lm.>[;er boat v1hioh hv.s been sent :f1:ora hel'e is co.ught in a stonn end io vmecked o:ff Oese1 nnd thrown on the shore. 'L'hc motor is seriously dam&.e(cd. Aite1· tvm days' e.t'f'oz>ts ill very hazard(HlS oondi tioru persons.the cl'el'! llltocEJeil.s in I'epniring/the motol:' and the lloat l'etw:ns carrying 250

These :five 'JXar.llJlos Mequa·l;ely chamctorize the cli:fi'erent dit':l:'icLllt:l.es, technienJ., r~litil.ry, :PPlit:!.onJ., -1'/eatheJ? and other, which beset the _evacuation in its tlltimate stages.

The condi tiona have been extremely dif't'im.tl t. Iio praise is, tfwre:f'ore too high i'or t~e technical persounel o:f the traffic. Their enterprisea. 0 magnif'icent courage, dauntlessness. and spirit 6:f sacri:f:'ioe e.lone have made it pousible to carry out, in Pl'o.otice, the evacuat:l.on action •.

During September and in the beginning o:f October a tote! o:1' 24 peruons have served as crewe, :for longer or shorte:r· pe:doda. As much as one ·bhlrd, i.e. 8 men have not returned e.nd BI'S missing.

Vli"bh regard to--the-po21ticru. vievn3 -l1eiO.: by- the refugees. whihh have been evaouatad with the nid of tho ammotmts SlliJIJ11od by the American War Refu.gees •

Relief Afunin.istration little :ts -~o 1Je added to what we have :;-t;a ted .in OUl'

report of Septembel' 4 1 1944. It !'lay, howovo:r·, be so.ld that tho extremely

violent malicious c:)mJ?fti(lll which the lo:rtt!J. Commuuist preos he.D been cax·ryin£J on of lute ngo.inst tho Dnl t:i.o :t•e:fugoes in general vrl th a v·iow to b:..~r;.nd thorn as Fascists e-11d Haz:l.s :l.s void of IJ:IJ.y foundatio.n. The soo:l.sJ. strdlls of the ro:l'ugeas, thoir tl:lBtl':l.1Jtlt:i.on nocox·d:lnt: to sex tu·,tl a1:e fire illeax· evidenee

of hor: tmi'otU1docl are tho at·onoka directed. agdrwt OLU' l'efugeea.

It is ;;iinl'!;iJ.•eJ.y po};uilJlo thnt wnon{\ tho tholts[wdo of' i•ef"tc,t:ees e.rrived in Swetlen _there may 1)0 - e.nd the_J.·!) __ (lCl''tninly are - iniii vidtml-pnid Nazi -OZ' -

Commtlllist ncents C

This is u tsenere..l statement. With z•espeot to Pf!Oplo brouc;ht ovo: by the eve.ot~P.tiou Ol".<:atlizatioil tht• stgtomeut includeo. in ou:r• i'irst report .ftllly holiif.l lli'e ~: ·.( c:,aoQ.: ·thete I'ef'u;:;eos both a.u ti-l:~ '~-zis ~1nd ro'.!tU-Cormn:mis ts, they, thorough, honent d0mocrBts nnd true f'rieuds of' the United StQ.tes.


on I~vacuation Activities d.llrine J-lllle - Altc;ust 1944. ------

Already in the seconil half of J.iay the objective political

circwnstances v1ere Sllch as to demand., urgently o.nd. wi thou.t delay,

the starting of evacuation of certain categories oi' the Latvian _poplllo.tion,

Acc01'dingly, i'ollowing upon an agremnent reached. with the ~+presentative o:t' the American ·),'ar Relief Administration, early __ in Jlllle all steps were taken with the viev1-to accomplish,- on this

shore as well as on the other, all necessary organizational acquire- ments, and. to carry on parallelly to this task, as far· as possible, the evacuation proper,

-.ii thout aws.i tine the acg_uisi tion o:f entirely suited crEJ.:fts for communicHtion with the other shore - such-acq_uisitioil being very d.ifficu.l t ov1ing to _d.ii'i'ei'ent reasons, but mainly becaLtse of scarcity

o:f proper types - ilSe V/B.S mad.·e tempoNtl'ely of boats- which were most easily available, i.e. fishing bo1c~ ts of Latvian citizens who hail escapeil on them to Sv1eilen previously.

Since Jlllw 12th following exped.i tions to Latvia ne2•e arrangeil, EJverjjtone, of cou1·se, VIi th different ancl sometimes even quite opposite results,

1) ~he first trip to Latvia uas :;tarteil on J-lllle 12th 1'1i th the purpose to establish assembly points for· the refugees and bases for

the boats as well as to- acmomplish other organizational tasks. This trip was, howeve1·, a failure, as the-boat hail to retu:.:n the same day because of ilamage to an es-sential part o:f its motor.

2) On June 15th, the motor having been repail•eil; a second trip was maile for the se.ml'! purpose mentioned above. This time the expedition


\'IUS successful, as it succeeded to set out on the other shore several liaison agents and other :persons with orge.niz£>.tional tasks, 'rhe

boat returned to its base, although the course had been compar~•.ti vely

di:ffi.cul t especially therefore that the state of' the b

means ideal: \'Ihile on sea, the motor v1as to be re:pail•e(l four times, The task itself ·was also carried out under very difi'icml t cir-

cumstances, The landing fell practically on full daylight and not far fran\ a vessel of' the coa.ste.l guartl, Fortunately the men and their" baggage vtere b1·ought to the shore without being noticed by the coastal guard and were conducted into safety,

3) The next trip took :place on JunG 29th, It WES :planned fol.' J w1e 2'7-th, i.e. tvJO de.ys earlier, but had to be postponed becatlse of slow-

ness of certain l·Jcal administre.ti ve a11thori ties, and this post- ponement made the trip a failtu•e,

The purpose of' this tr·ip was to fetch several _of the men se·i:; out on the shore on the :pr-evious trip and ilring :them baclc together

''Ji tb. aboLlt 15 re:f~gees. It was, hoHever, im_pos~;i~le tp c8.r_ry OLlt

this plm1 bece.use of a Bolshevik airraid Vlhich too~: place ovey t-he

other cOf!.st, and s:t about half' an hour's .distance from the--sllor€ the boat came ·into the firing zone, As ls.nding _in these ch·Cwnstances waB out• of question, the expedition had to -tun1 back, and. after a delay of 2'7 hours the ,boat reached its base on this shore,

4) On July 12th, at 2 o'clock p.m., a boatwas started again vtith a three men crevr and three :per·sons for i'JI)ecial tasJcs aboard, The main :purpose, set for this trip, VI8.S: a) to estG.blish impar-tation of nens f1·om the other coast regarding a.ot11al_ situation on the .shore, b) to settle definitely the liroblem of assembly :points for· the refu­ gees, and o) to bring bao;c the liaiso1i men.lef't oii :the shore previous- ly, as well as refugees,

i J '·"':'· - 3 -

This tr·il', too, was IJ.ni'ortLU1t<.tely- a .failtlre, The boat had -long

been stanilinB in the SLUl and \'/HS dried. ll. .fl, About·· 30 .kJ.lometers from

the starting place it commencecl to tE>.ke in vrater which stopyeil the

motor. .After several hours of strenuous en:orts e.s to keep the boat

a:float, the crew, by usi.n,~ lJoth sails e.ua. oars, stwceeu.ed to br·intj the boat baQk to its base.

5) Having linecl,tlle same c1tw, the boat l'iith sheet iron so as to

make it fit, the crew stEu·ted on a JHlVI trip the next day, i, e, the 13th of ~ uly, Thi.:; trip \'iUS very difficult auil e,ltailed oven a casualty, Aftel' a fotu• hours course the boat came into a stor·n,

Still,thanlcs to the efficiency of' the chief of the crew, the boe.t

reached the Lntvie.n coast, although some 55 kilot,Jeters 8.siile :I:'r·om

the platEHJtl landing place. On the shore, ho;·1ever, · it came to f'ir lng betneen the crei'J cui(l the G-erme~n coasts.l gl1.ards, and c.)..thou_gh the

l::!.tte:r r1ere com1Jelled to i'lee 1-- pne man- of' the -ere:·: ·:..-e:~~:\'IOUIHlecl. ·J.:he

t~·to other mer!1bers o:I:' the Cl'ew as- •:rell aS -the three l-iaison-uen SLlC-

ceed.ecl to esce.rJe ana.. to bring into 8a:t'e~y- theil· v8:r:·y-_-ii:UJ(n·ts.ii-G carg_~,

172S f'ouncl by the Germans ~in -the forest· ·and ·arrestecl. il.ccording -. ·j;o later re-1-orts, al tho1J.gi1 mwonfirmed, he has' bee:n tcdi:en to a hospi t8.l, The results o:f this trip, as far as o1;ganization · aiE!s are eon- sidered, uere considerable, :.:or'e or less regular news se1·vice vms

established which is absolutely intlispens8.1JJ.e for systematic ev8.ou-

ation and, in the sa.me time, ,other~-important _or·r;ailizat_ioiial nork was completed, Thus, thanks to ·ti1ese .Pl'eparafory·'-steps, lhli'ing Aue;,lBt a rather considerable number of refugees could be broo.ght over-,

6) On August lst, one boat carrying a crev1 o:f t·wo meJl r!B.s star·tecl, although according to an· urgelit_.•message recei veil from· the other co:c.st ,- two speed-boats should have bee1i sent over·· to fetch the r;efugees • - 4 - wai tin{l on the shore. Yet_, as it rw.Cl. not been succce!led to f'ind anCL

lHu:·chase su.ch boats, a.nd as all the avu.il8.ble ~ishing~ boat.s ~·rere

tmdel·go:inc relJairs, the first best o:f the latter- nas m£•.Cle s.floio.t Et11d stsrted, This trip was, ·hov,-evcr, a :failure, Off the other- cob.st, the bout got into a sto;:m. iieP.r thci o~·1ore its motor stop:f'eO.. .;i th breat

clii'fi cul ties the crew theme elves reached the shor•e, ])l).t must abanilon

the boat in the sea, hoping to br·ing it later to Ec s2.fe place and to repair it, Yet, the coast guards had noticed it 8.ncl took it into the harbor. 'filis boat must he consiclereo. 8.s lost,

?) On August 6t!1 tr:o boats v:ent out hild retu1•ned on Au.gust 8th with

66 T·efugees, This trip Ylf~S comparatiVely su.ccessful; althOllt;h, ovring

to the coastal Sltppervision, only those rei'ugees 1'/ho nere on the sho1~e at the very moment oi' the arrival o:t' the boat, COLlld be :fetched,w;1.ile those who \'!ere 8.ssel!lblecl in the :rarest at a. certa.in distance i·~·om the co,·.st, had to he left for the next trip,

8) On AU.{lllSt 11th two boats star.teti.. e.g&.in, lmt OY!ing to e. serioLlS cla.mae;e to r,wtors had to- return to theiY- base.

9) _:otors having been re:paireit by the crew, both boats _made a re- newed attempt to :ceach 'the-other- co·as.t:;c, but:-were for·cei'F to return by ajstoHJJ,

10) On August 19th one boat vrent out, reHched :fortmlP.te1y the other coast· and returnecl vd. th 58-ref'ugees_,

11) On Au.gLlst 23rd one boat started e.gain ina. brought over-fi'om the other· coast 60 re:i:'ugee:,__,_

.Jesides, toJcing advantage o:t' the initiative of :pri v<.te :persons v1ho were arranging the flight on~ the other coast i}y themselves, the organization Sllcceeded to bring over v/i th their hel:p about 30 persons.

It can be estimated tha·t u.p to Augllst 31st more th8,n 200 persons were brought over by aid of the Evacuation Fw.id, - 5 -

Ov1ing to certaill afuninistrati ve difficlll ties at the landing

places, nl.tar

information as to their professions etc. only in regard. to 130

persons. Anongst the le.tter· there are o.il?Ut 15;& children and.

29;o adLJ.l t 1'/0c,len. :i'he n1.unbe1• of persons belonging to the intellectual

classes EtnlOLUlts to 301Z.; BJ11D11gst tileJ,l there are l)rof'essors of the

Latvian l.inivBl:-sity and the Jle;r·icLll tural Accademy, sevel'al lutherian clergymen, ph;y-sicia.ns, architects etc,

As to the J.JOJ.itJev.l n:t'fH'J.o Of the refugees, the :{'act, t_hat they had been chosen to be sent over by- the Latvian i'T~?.tional Libere.tiOil

Committee, must be tc~;:en E·.S ~.~;unro.ntee, that they are B.ntagonists.. to the ifazi, and, of coLn·se, to a 1 1 oppress ion , and tlw. ·;; they are standing foJ:· the victory

itself which embraces Latvian politicians nell known by'their Anglo- 3axon oi·ientt:l.~ion already before. And not the slightest -dou.1Jt c2.n exist regard.in,;; the attitude of the Latvian ref'ugees in respect to

tlre UJA - it is defini ti veJ.y f'riendly.

:.:ore exact and detailed lists o'f the evs.cuated pel'Sbns shall -be handed in asfsoon as the llecessax·y iriforma',;ion ;-Jill stand at our disposal.

At last, it must be stated in l'egard to the evacuation organiz­ ation, that, s i!1Ce A:uglls t 2hd, it _holds in ovmel'Ship· a speed-boat with two motors, On the other coast__ S('lvera1 heavy lon·ies and light automobiles, as well as modern alJPliances for neVIs --ser·vic·e stand at the disposal of the organiZation~'
