Newcastle University Children's Literature Unit Seven Stories

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Newcastle University Children's Literature Unit Seven Stories Newcastle University Children’s Literature Unit Seven Stories Check-List of Books on the History, Criticism and Theory of Children’s Literature 6th Edition August 2014 Peter Hunt Visiting Professor, Newcastle University, UK [email protected] This check-list comprises English-language books and substantial pamphlets; booklists, conference papers, and special issues of journals are included where they seem likely to be of lasting value or have acquired historical interest. The core subject-area of ‘children’s literature’ is, of course, overlapped by dozens of specialisations, and books are designed for different audiences. I have included only those texts that seem to me to be directly and substantially relevant to my idea of the core; I have not made any decisions on the basis of quality. I have excluded titles whose relevance to the core seems to me to be marginal (for example, biographies of Kipling), specialist areas which do not directly relate to children’s literature (for example, studies of folk-lore), ephemera (booklists or books that have dated severely), mass-market products (for example, popular biographies of J. K. Rowling), and books focussed primarily on classroom applications. Many authors have accumulated significant numbers of specialist studies (Carroll, Ransome, Philip Pullman, L. Frank Baum, George Macdonald and so on) and there has been a proliferation of fan and niche publishers (notably on religion). It is clearly impossible to include all of these; I have provided a sampling as a basis for electronic searches. Much scholarship can be found in Annotated Editions of children’s ‘classics’, and these can be found in the new Check-List of Annotated Editions of Children’s Books on this web-site. This 6th edition has been revised and corrected, and well over 150 hundred new titles, including several that had previously been overlooked, have been added: these are highlighted in BLUE for ease of reference. I should be grateful if users could send me any corrections, and any suggestions for additions or deletions. Bibliographical details have been checked, as far as possible, with actual copies, or failing that, with the British Library Integrated Catalogue, publishers’ catalogues and other sources. An annotated version of part of this check-list is available at <> A Abate, Michelle Ann (2011) Raising Your Kids Right. Children’s Literature and American Political Conservatism, New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers University Press. Abate, Michelle Ann (2013) Bloody Murder: The Homicide Tradition in Children's Literature, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Abate, Michelle Ann, and Kidd, Kenneth (eds) (2011) Over the Rainbow: Queer Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Abate, Michelle Ann and Weldy, Lance (eds) (2012) C. S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia , Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. (New Casebooks) Abbruscato, Joseph and Jones.Tanya (2014) The Gothic Fairy Tale in Young Adult Literature. Essays on Stories from Grimm to Gaiman, Jefferson, NC: McFarland. Abdel Rahim, Layla, (2014) Children’s Literature, Domestication and Social Foundation: Narratives of Civilization and Wilderness, New York: Routledge (Children’s Literature and Culture). Adams, Bess Porter (1953) About Books and Children. Historical Survey of Children’s Literature, New York: Henry Holt. Agnew, Kate and Fox, Geoff (2001) Children at War: from the First World War to the Gulf, London: Continuum. Ahmanson, Gabriella (1991) A Life and Its Mirrors: A Feminist Reading of L. M. Montgomery's Fiction, Uppsala: Ubsaliensis S, Academiae. Alberghene, Janice M. and Clark, Beverly Lyon (1999/2014) ‘Little Women’ and the Feminist Imagination: Criticism, Controversy, Personal Essays, New York: Routledge. Alderson, Brian (1972) Edward Ardizzone. A Preliminary Hand-list of His Illustrated Books, 1929-1970, Pinner: Private Libraries Association. Alderson, Brian (1982) Hans Christian Andersen and his ‘Eventyr’ in England, Wormley: Five Owls Press for International Board on Books for Young People, British Section. Alderson, Brian (1986) Sing a Song for Sixpence: the English Illustrative Tradition and Randolph Caldecott, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press in association with the British Library. Alderson, Brian (1989) The Ludford Box and ‘A Christmass-box’. Their Contribution to our Knowledge of Eighteenth Century Children’s Literature, Los Angeles: UCLA. Alderson, Brian (1992) Just So Pictures: Illustrated Versions of Just So Stories for Little Children, Richmond: Five Owls Press. Alderson, Brian (1994) Ezra Jack Keats: Artist and Picture Book Maker, Gretna, LA: Pelican. Alderson, Brian (2003) Edward Ardizzone: A Bibliographic Commentary, London: The British Library. Alderson, Brian and de Marez Oyens, Felix (2006) Be Merry and Wise: Origins of Children’s Book Publishing in England, 1650-1850, London: The British Library; New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press. Alderson, Brian and Garrett, Pat (1999) The Religious Tract Society as a Publisher of Children's Books, Hoddesden: The Children's Book History Society. Alderson, Brian and Moon, Marjorie (1994) Childhood Re-Collected: Early Children’s Books from the Library of Marjorie Moon, Royston: Provincial Book Fairs Association. Aldiss, Brian W. (1986) Trillion Year Spree: the History of Science Fiction, London: Gollancz. Aldridge, Alan and Perry, George (1971) The Penguin Book of Comics, rev edn, Harmondsworth: Penguin. Aldridge, Jeffery (ed) (1994) The Best of Bookmark: Children’s Writers Talk About Themselves, Edinburgh: Moray House. Allen Cherie (2012) Playing with Picturebooks. Postmodernism and the Postmodernesque, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan ((Critical Approaches to Children's Literature). Allen, Ruth (2005) Winning Books, Lichfield: Pied Piper. Allison, Alida (2000) Russell Hoban/Forty Years. Essays on his Writing for Children, New York and London: Routledge. Alston, Ann (2008/2011) The Family in Children’s Literature, New York and London: Routledge. Alston, Ann, and Butler, Catherine (eds) (2012), Roald Dahl, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (New Casebooks) American Library Association (1990) The Arbuthnot Lectures, 1980-9, Chicago: ALA. Anatol, Giselle Liza (2003) Reading Harry Potter Again: Critical Essays, Westport, CT: Praeger. Anderson, Holly and Styles, Morag (2000) Teaching Through Texts, London: Routledge. Andrews, Siri (ed) (1963) The Hewins Lectures 1947–1962, Boston: Horn Book. Ang, Susan (2000) The Widening World of Children’s Literature, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Anstey, Michelle and Bull, Geoff (2000) Reading the Visual: Written and Illustrated Children's Literature, Sydney: Harcourt. Applebaum, Noga (2010/2014) Representations of Technology in Science Fiction for Young People, New York and London: Routledge. Applebee, Arthur N. (1978) The Child’s Concept of Story: Ages Two to Seventeen, Chicago and London: Chicago University Press. Appleyard, J. A. (1990) Becoming a Reader: the Experience of Fiction from Childhood to Adulthood, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Apseloff, Marilyn Fain (1989) They Wrote for Children Too: an Annotated Bibliography of Children’s Literature by Famous Writers for Adults, Westport, CT: Greenwood. Arbuthnot, May Hill (1969) Children’s Reading in the Home, Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman. Arizpe, Evelyn and Styles, Morag (2003) Children Reading Pictures. Interpreting Visual Texts, London: Routledge Falmer. Arizpe, Evelyn and Styles, Morag, with Brice Heath, Shirley (2006) Reading Lessons from the Eighteenth Century: Mothers, Children and Texts, Lichfield: Pied Piper. Arnold, Guy (1980) Held Fast for England: G. A. Henty, Imperialist Boys’ Writer, London: Hamish Hamilton. Aronson, Marc (2001) Exploding the Myths, Lanham MD: Scarecrow. Arts Council of England (2003) From Looking Glass to Spyglass: A Consultation Paper on Children’s Literature, London: Arts Council. Arts Council of England (2004) A Strategy for Children’s Literature, London: Arts Council. Ashliman, D. L. (2004) Folk and Fairy Tales. A Handbook, Westport, CT. Greenwood. Ashliman, D. L. (2006) Fairy Lore: a Handbook, Westport, CT: Greenwood. Association of Writers and Illustrators for Children (Indian BBY) (ed) (1999) Peace Through Children's Books. Proceedings of the 26th Congress of the International Board of Books for Young People, New Delhi: Indian BBY. Assouline, Pierre (2009) Hergé: the Man Who Created Tintin, trans Charles Ruas, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. Atkins, Laura, Dalrymple, Nolan, Gill, Michele and Thiel, Liz (eds) (2008) An Invitation to Explore: New International Perspectives in Children’s Literature, Lichfield: Pied Piper. Attebery, Brian (1982) The Fantasy Tradition in American Literature: From Irving to Le Guin, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. Auchmuty, Rosemary (1992/2004) A World of Girls. The Appeal of the Girls’ School Story, London: Women’s Press. Auchmuty, Rosemary (1999/2008) A World of Women: Growing Up in the Girls’ School Story, London: Women’s Press. Auchmuty, Rosemary (2004) The NCC Book List of Children’s Series Fiction, Amersham: New Chalet Club. Auchmuty, Rosemary and Gosling, Juliet (eds) (1994) The Chalet School Revisited, London: Bettany Press. Auerbach, Nina (1978) Communities of Women: an Idea in Fiction, Harvard: Harvard University Press. Auerbach, Nina and Knoepflmacher, U. C. (1992) Forbidden Journeys: Fairy Tales and Fantasies by Victorian Women Writers, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. Aveling, Helen C. (ed) (2011) Unseen Childhoods.
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