Planning & Regeneration Framework

2006 - 2016

Foreword Contents

Setting the Scene 02 This Planning and Regeneration Framework sets out the Council’s Regional Context 04 strategy for delivering economic, social and infrastructure London Context 05 improvements across the Borough over the coming decade, and to Redbridge’s Planning Framework 06 implement major regeneration and investment initiatives. Development Opportunities and Major Projects 07 The framework supports the Mayor’s sustainability programme and Town Centre 08 the Government’s Sustainable Communities agenda by focusing Gants Hill 10 development in existing town centres, improving public transport accessibility and enhancing green open spaces. Hainault 11 12 Housing provision is considered a key focus in order to accommodate predicted growth in the local area and to create mixed and balanced Housing 13 communities throughout the Borough. This will be achieved within Transport and Access 14 the context of conservation of the Borough’s historic neighbourhoods Business Competitiveness 16 and open spaces. Employment and Skills 17 Education 18 Cllr Alan Weinburg Community Safety 19 Leader of the Council Sustainability in the Built Environment 20 London Borough of Redbridge Green Spaces and Biodiversity 21 Roding Valley 22 Leisure, Healthcare and Well-being 26 New homes in Ilford Street works in Gants Hill Redbridge’s green open spaces

Growth Renewal Conservation Drivers of Change: Setting the Scene  Stratford redevelopment;  2012 Olympics & Paralympics; Redbridge is located in North , near Stratford and the  Housing demand; 2012 Olympic Park. The Borough is widely regarded as having one  Rise of the knowledge economy; of London’s best living environments, thanks to its 1,200 hectares of  Education excellence; forest and 600 hectares of high quality green space and parkland.  ; The Council’s vision for the Borough is The significant local economy employs  Regeneration of Ilford Town Centre; for a cleaner, greener Borough, where some 113,293 people (66.1% of the  Local Area Agreement Authority. people want to live, and which enjoys total population) within paid or a viable economy and high quality voluntary positions, or on Government environment. training schemes. Local employment is concentrated in business service We aim to deliver mixed use and industries and retail businesses, housing led regeneration in Ilford and indicating Redbridge’s considerable Gants Hill and in our secondary role in London’s contemporary shopping centres. The Borough’s economy, and its success in securing transport hubs and town centres will the benefits of the knowledge also be enhanced, whilst working to economy. ensure the continued protection of the Borough's Green Belt, open spaces and Unemployment in Redbridge has been Conservation Areas. calculated as approximately 3.6% of the total population, which is well below The Council actively supports major the London average of 6.9%. infrastructure projects including Crossrail, the and The Borough is well connected to Docklands Light Railway extension to other parts of the capital, with efficient Ilford, all of which are considered public transport links to central critical to the regeneration of the London, Docklands and City Airport. Borough. There are also direct road links to the M11 and the rest of the motorway Redbridge’s population of 238,000 is network in the London area, providing proud of its diversity, and more than a great access for businesses. third of its residents are of ethnic origin. The population of the Borough is set to rise to approximately 265,000 by 2016, with a corresponding rise in Strategically placed for excellent The ‘green lungs’ of North East High quality schools with the black and minority ethnic transport links. London. excellent academic achievement. population from 36.5% to 38% over the same period. 2 High quality of life and managed The Council’s approach to the regeneration of the Borough is to promote growth, but within a growth of homes, local jobs and context of the conservation of our historic residential districts and the public transport enhancement of the Borough’s open spaces.

The proposed increase in the The Council is currently promoting a  A wide range of facilities and population of the East London sub- number of key projects for the activities that span both day and region will have an unprecedented Borough, including: evening, alongside festivals and impact on Redbridge, with increased events that reflect a wide range of  Extending Ilford Town Centre by demand for a range of facilities, cultures and nationalities. consolidating existing ‘fringe’ areas. including business support, retail and culture.  Increasing density in central areas with a substantial proportion of In pursuit of these objectives, the Redbridge is pursuing a pro-active Strengths and opportunities: medium and high rise buildings. London Borough of Redbridge is strategy to secure future investment, already successfully implementing a  A young population; promoting growth, thereby increasing  Improved public transport range of strategies that guide service  demand in the area and making including East London Transit and Good transport links to the wider delivery and contribute towards the Redbridge and its constituent Crossrail, a possible DLR extension, London area, especially the City future goals for the Borough. commercial centres more attractive to improved access from the A406, and Canary Wharf; potential investors. This approach is and bus lanes and car park  A high achieving educational Through the Community Strategy and already delivering results, for example, improvements. system; the Local Development Framework, with the award in February 2006 of  The Council will make Ilford Town the Council will set out a wide range Proximity to three major £4.3 million from the ODPM (now Centre in particular more competitive of plans and proposals to provide opportunity sites - Stansted DCLG) Growth Fund. Unity Square in and distinctive, with the renewal of growth for the Borough through new Corridor, Thames Gateway, and Ilford will benefit from £2 million of the centre including: jobs and homes. The Council will 2012 Olympics; this, Gants Hill will receive £1.1 million ensure that towns and  Extensive green open spaces; and the Roding Valley will receive £1.2  A high quality urban environment, neighbourhoods are renewed and the  million. with mixed-use development, a The designation of Ilford as a network of public spaces and Borough’s built heritage and open Major Commercial Centre in the The Borough is also set to receive distinctively designed streets. spaces are conserved as part of this. London Plan; additional funding from the This approach will help to create a  A diverse, entrepreneurial local Department for Communities and  An authentic residential mix within sustainable community and an Local Government (DCLG) to support the town centre, combined with attractive place to live. population; and transport works in Ilford Town Centre. suitable educational and  Good quality housing in mixed community services. residential areas.

3 Regional Context

Redbridge possesses a unique position bordering two areas Ilford Town Centre a Metropolitan undergoing major redevelopment as part of the Government’s Centre within London. Sustainable Communities Plan.

The London Borough of Redbridge is London Plan. Redbridge will provide situated at the hub of many of the around 11,000 new homes by 2017, all 11,000 new homes by 2017. Government’s core initiatives developed of which will be well connected to in response to the need for increased central London. quantities of housing in the London area and wider South East of . Population growth along both Thames Gateway North and East London corridors. The Thames Gateway represents a huge London - Stansted - Cambridge - opportunity for London and the South Peterborough Corridor East in terms of regeneration and new A significant proportion of Redbridge housing provision. There is the falls within the London-Stansted- potential to regenerate one of the Cambridge-Peterborough Corridor country’s largest concentrations of growth area, as identified in the brownfield sites to create approximately Government plan Sustainable 42,000 new jobs and 90,000 new Communities: building for the future. homes. The Borough is therefore well placed to Progressive Ilford, a 30 year strategy for benefit from the exciting developments the regeneration of Ilford Town Centre, Redbridge of the growth area. has set a target of 5,500 new homes for Improvements to the local transport the town. The regeneration of Ilford will and community infrastructure are key therefore be driven forward by the to the success of the wider initiative residential sector. Approximately 72% and the London Borough of Redbridge of the total floorspace proposed over will make every effort to secure the next 30 years is expected to be enhancements where possible. residential, 8% for retail uses, 11% for Redbridge is already subject to offices and 9% for other uses. Key to increased interest from private-sector this growth will be improved public developers and will make a substantial transport infrastructure to provide contribution to the housing targets set access to employment opportunities in the wider Thames Gateway. by central Government and within the Spatial strategies for North and East London, from the London Plan, 2004. 4 London Context

Redbridge is one of six Gateway Boroughs to the 2012 Games in the Capital and is well positioned to benefit from, and contribute towards, some of the most important developments in London’s history.

The London Plan (2004) and improving access to culture at The Borough will capitalise on its The Mayor’s London Plan has these locations, in direct support of efficient and direct transport links to considerable significance for the local policies. central London, East London and London Borough of Redbridge. The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Stansted and London City airports to fulfil these opportunities. London Plan provides the policy basis The London 2012 Olympic Games and for the property-led regeneration of Paralympic Games will be centred on an The Games will also be a fantastic boost Ilford Town Centre and is one of the Olympic zone situated in the Lower Lea to sporting activity in the Borough, and drivers behind the desire to increase the it is hoped that the presence of world- Valley, and focusing on the area to the Olympic vision by London 2012. quantity of new homes in the Borough. west of Stratford. The 2012 Games has class sporting achievement within such As part of the Mayor’s commitment to created significant momentum in the proximity will inspire Redbridge housing provision over the next ten Lower Lea Valley and it is considered residents to compete and excel in all years, the London Borough of that the Olympics will act as a catalyst in aspects of sporting activity. Well located for the 2012 Olympics Redbridge will provide at least 11,000 the long term regeneration of the area. Stratford City Development new homes over the period to 2017. The Council will seek to maximise the The extensive redevelopment taking The Plan’s Sub Regional Development benefits for Redbridge that may be place in Stratford City around the site of Excellent access to Stratford, the Framework (2005) designates Ilford as gained from the close proximity of the the proposed Channel Tunnel Rail Link City and Stansted Airport one of two Metropolitan Centres in East 2012 Games. Unprecedented will transform the rail lands into a major London. The Framework supports opportunities are available for inward shopping and business location and strengthening the role of Ilford by investment, new infrastructure and provide significant employment realising its potential as an Opportunity One of two Metropolitan Centres global promotion. The Games will opportunities for the London Borough in East London Area and is likely to signal a significant create thousands of full-time jobs in the of Redbridge. The redevelopment will funding focus and strategic construction industry alone, with incorporate a significant quantity of consideration for the town centre thousands more created as a result of physical development and create within the future London planning legacy developments. 30,000 jobs. agenda. Redbridge is prominent as an ideal Redbridge’s proximity to the The Mayor’s review of the London Plan location for training and as a site for opportunities provided by this major (2005) additionally spells out a visitor facilities, including hotels, redevelopment will ensure significant commitment to strengthening the restaurants and entertainment uses. benefits for the Borough identity of Outer London town centres

5 Community Strategy Vision: Redbridge’s Planning Framework In 10 years Redbridge will be a safe and clean place where people are High quality of life and managed growth of homes, local jobs and public transport. proud to live, work, and invest. A place that is caring, vibrant and healthy. Development in the London Borough of The Council established the Redbridge Local Development Framework Redbridge is supported by a strong and Strategic Partnership (RSP) as a single The new Local Development Framework enabling corporate policy and planning dynamic body, capable of bringing is advancing rapidly and the Council has framework: together different parts of the public worked hard to create an innovative sector and private sectors, to work The Community Strategy document that promotes sensitive together to enhance the Borough and The Planning and Regeneration development. achieve the Community Strategy Framework is guided by the Community ambitions. It delivers the spatial development Strategy. The Community Strategy was It is a non-statutory, non-executive strategy for the Borough and builds upon adopted in 2003 and provides a focus for existing local and regional strategies and achievable outcomes, and direction for a organisation that operates at a level where strategic decisions can be taken. initiatives, in particular the Community range of services. A vision for Redbridge Strategy. for the next 5-10 years has been The RSP has developed action plans to developed, along with action plans that meet the vision and ambitions set out in The key strategic objective for the meet the priorities. the Community Strategy and to assist Borough is to ‘provide a sufficient number with its implementation. and range of housing types and sizes’. Ambitions: Redbridge Vision and Aims The document was also informed by  Develop and support the local comprehensive consultation including The Council’s Vision and Aims were Making a Difference in Redbridge economy; the distribution of a leaflet seeking local A Community Strategy  Make Redbridge safer; adopted in November 2004, following residents’ views to 120,000 homes and  Promote a positive attitude to the comprehensive consultation. These are: businesses.

“Great communities are just ordinaryA n o ncommunities that have committed environment and have a cleaner, “A safer place to live” The Borough has produced planning themselves with enthusiasm to a vision of greatness”. October 2003 greener Redbridge; “A better place for business” guidance to facilitate this growth,  Give people the skills and including: opportunities to make the most of “A cleaner, greener place to live” their lives; and “A better place for care”  Ilford Town Centre Area Action Plan;  Improve people’s health, care and “A better place to learn”  Gants Hill draft Area Action Plan; well-being. “A better place to live together”  Masterplan; Themes:  Development Briefs – minor to major  Developing and involving local These form the basis of the Council’s sites; communities; Corporate Strategy. They also clearly  Planning obligation strategy.  Diversity and equality issues; and reflect the ambitions of the Community  Valuing the contributions that people Strategy. make. 6 Development Opportunities and Major Projects New development in Redbridge between now and 2016 will be focused upon a dynamic hierarchy of town centres.

The Metropolitan Centre of Ilford will be distinctiveness and protect the overall the main area of growth over the next 10 character of neighbourhoods. years, accommodating a wide range of A number of individual developments are New housing development in Redbridge new development with a residential and planned, including new schools at the PLA office focus. The centre is set to receive Sports Ground and in Ilford Town Centre, 5,500 new homes over the next ten years, A balance of new housing and new improvements to and will benefit from considerable facilities designed in a way that Swimming Pool and a LIFT scheme at transport and public amenities improves the envirionment. Manford Way. investment. On the following pages, details are The Council will continue to support provided of the areas the Council has Good access to work, shopping, district centres in the Borough and some identified as flagship locations for leisure and open space. new development, including housing, development and investment retail, commercial and cultural uses, will opportunities. These are: be undertaken in , Gants Hill,  South Woodford and , amongst Ilford Town Centre; £1.5 billion of development others. In addition to these, opportunities  Gants Hill; investment. for new development in appropriate locations will be identified over the  Hainault; and coming years.  Chadwell Heath. The Council intends that sites for new housing, including those outside the town These developments will be supported by centres, will be identified to meet the substantial levels of financial investment housing targets of the London Plan. The in private housing, transport and public Council will ensure that development amenities. It is estimated that this will be outside town centres will reflect local in the region of £1.5 billion over the next

Area Plans and major site Provide for a growing and more development for sustainable growth. diverse population.

7 Ilford Town Centre

Progressive Ilford is a 30 year vision and strategy for the regeneration of Ilford Town Centre, one of the Capital’s Metropolitan Urban Centres. £2 million of ODPM (now DCLG) funding was awarded to the project in February 2006.

The London Borough of Redbridge is 2002, and was subsequently awarded in the emerging Ilford wholly committed to the future the prestigious Royal Town Planning Area Action Plan: development and evolution of Ilford Award for the 'Best Conceptual  Ilford Hill Town Centre as a Metropolitan Centre. Regeneration Project, contributing to  Cranbrook With strategic importance to the wider the future of London’ in 2003. Road/Ilford Lane London region, the town is a key Ilford Town Centre is relatively Ilford Town Hall  The High Road element of the Borough’s contribution prosperous and the Council intends for theatre, the £25 million (including Unity Square) to the Government’s Sustainable it to evolve to retain and enhance its cinema/commercial leisure  Communities Plan. It will provide the Metropolitan Centre status. Such an High Road East development, the library/museum, a location for up to 6,000 new homes evolution will allow Ilford to capitalise Development of these could represent range of shops, leisure units (including and 100,000 square metres of on the envisaged population increases, an estimated financial investment of restaurants/cafés) and residential commercial space over the next 15 and proposed improvements to the £750 million. apartments. The grade II listed Town Hall will directly abut this new square years. transport system. The Town Centre The redevelopment of Ilford into a and will retain its civic functions. The Progressive Ilford would also benefit from expansion and thriving cosmopolitan centre is both ODPM (now DCLG) awarded £2 million diversification in the range of services practical and achievable. It will be a Progressive Ilford is an ambitious funds to support the scheme in offered beyond retailing. long-term process that will require civic initiative at the heart of regenerating February 2006. Ilford Town Centre. The initiative aims The Council considers it beneficial to leadership by the London Borough of to use the demand for residential distinguish Ilford from other centres in Redbridge and the support and The architecture and landscape design development as the key driver to the East London area, and to involvement of all key stakeholders, of both new and refurbished elements provide much needed housing, leisure, pronounce its role in the wider Thames including the private sector, local of the area will be imaginative and retail and community facilities, and Gateway and as part of the Stansted- businesses and the local community. sustainable. The aim is to create a safe create a social and environmental mix Cambridge corridor. This involves and vibrant environment that will that will be viewed as a model for developing its potential as a Unity Square encourage activity for all in the town cosmopolitan centre, uniting people centre throughout the day, into the future town centre regeneration. This Unity Square will be a new civic space from a range of ethnic and family evenings and at weekends. has the support of planning policy at the heart of a new cultural quarter in backgrounds, and ensuring the urban through the emerging Ilford Area Ilford Town centre, aimed at providing environment is of the highest quality, Action Plan, which is due to be opportunities for recreation, cultural, with a mix of uses and a network of adopted in 2007. activities, open-air events and public public spaces. The Progressive Ilford vision and art. It will be surrounded by a mix of strategy was adopted by the Council in Four Priority Areas have been identified buildings including a replacement 8 A brand new Town Square and public open Priority Outcomes space.  Retaining and enhancing Ilford’s metropolitan role through a Residential Development diversification in its service provision; Major residential development schemes are  Developing specialist retail offers, already being successfully introduced and built in including markets; Ilford Town Centre, including:  Improving access and connectivity;  Centreway, High Road - A Barratt  Improving public space and the built developments scheme, providing 239 environment; apartments in 3 buildings of up to 16 storeys;  Spectrum 67, Hainault Street - A 12 storey  Developing a strong sense of public residential tower undertaken by Barratt ownership and civic pride; Developments;  Creating a physical catalyst in the  Ilford Wharf, Roden Street - Consent has been proposed Unity Square development; and awarded for the Hollybrook development,  Strengthening existing Town Centre comprising 83 one and two bed units; Management arrangements.  1-5 Hainault Bridge Parade - Higgins Homes development of 24 homes in 7 storeys within 200 metres of the High Road;  Ensign House - Former insurance building Ilford Hill converted by Hollybrook Homes to 24 homes in close proximity to the Exchange Mall; The area around Ilford Hill constitutes a major  opportunity for providing a mix of residential, Sports Review - Gilbert Commercial 5 storey commercial and community facilities as well as a mixed use development at the heart of Ilford transport interchange, combined with a high High Road with 19 two bed units and ground quality environment which will help to revitalise floor retail; and this important gateway into the town and  Richmond Road - 24 unit, one and two bed improve its connectivity to the main commercial apartments, developed by Bellways on 3/4 Centreway, High Road, Ilford centre. Opportunity also exists to explore storeys. the potential for educational facilities in this location, including a relocation of Redbridge Delivery College. The Council has an experienced and dedicated Development Team, promoting private sector investment into Ilford Town Centre and the full implementation of key developments identified in the emerging Ilford Area Action Plan.

9 Gants Hill Over 600 new homes.

Gants Hill Town Centre is the focus of a major regeneration A unified town centre with programme which is using town centre enhancement, attractive and usable street residential intensification and investment in infrastructure to furniture. create a positive physical identity for the area.

Gants Hill Town Centre is located at the Gants Hill Town Centre Enhancement Growth Area corridor and £1.1 million Enhanced pedestrian environment in Gants Hill centre of the London Borough of of ODPM (now DCLG) funding is to be The Gants Hill Town Centre Redbridge. The Council has identified used to deliver key aspects of the town which would further enhance the Enhancement Project has been the area for sustainable growth and centre enhancement. The project also provision of public transport at Gants initiated to support the delivery of the objectives include enhancing the role benefits from Transport for London Hill. Council’s Local Development and urban quality of the centre and funding. Framework Core Strategy and the Gants Hill is now poised for major promoting sustainable transport Gants Hill Area Action Plan. The project Public space change that will bring homes and jobs principles. It is recognised that this will includes a framework for study work, to the area and provide a physical make Gants Hill more attractive for Gants Hill was selected by the GLA’s physical enhancement proposals and transformation of the town centre. residential accommodation and would Architecture and Urbanism Unit as one capital investment at Gants Hill to promote the retail element of the of ten third phase projects for the accelerate the delivery of the broader centre. ’s 100 public spaces regeneration programme for the programme. The programme involves Gants Hill District Centre Area Action centre. the creation or upgrading of public Plan A key objective of the enhancement spaces in the city and it seeks to ensure The draft Gants Hill Area Action Plan project for Gants Hill is the physical that public spaces improve the quality sets out a series of objectives and unification of the town centre. This will of life for those living in the area. This targets which seek to develop a be achieved through the connection of initiative supports wider physical thriving centre at Gants Hill through the five arms of the town centre, enhancements to the town centre. high quality development. The Area improving the walking environment, The East London Transit scheme Action Plan outlines a regeneration public transport accessibility and programme promoting sustainable transport Gants Hill may be incorporated within development principles. The future phases of the East London which aims to take advantage of the enhancement project will further Transit scheme, which is scheduled to area’s high levels of transport improve accessibility in Gants Hill begin operating in early 2008. Phase accessibility, encourage economic through additional high quality public 1a of the scheme will link Ilford to activity and accommodate amenities realm improvements and landscaping Dagenham Dock via Barking by new for a sustainable community. This is to throughout the town centre. environmentally friendly buses. The be delivered through the provision of Council is supportive of the possibility modern infrastructure targeted at Gants Hill is part of the London- of future extensions to the scheme, Public art, Gants Hill population and business growth. Stansted-Cambridge-Peterborough 10 Borough of Redbridge in providing assistance for businesses within the Hainault Business Park;  70 businesses within the Business Hainault is the location for a number of regeneration initiatives, Park contributing to recent projects; including a community regeneration pilot scheme and a  Closer relationships between the Business Improvement District (BID) centred on Hainault Business Park, the Local Authority and the ; Business Park. Both schemes aim to bring the private and public  Development of a business sectors together to enhance Hainault. community within the Business Park; and Design business at Hainault Business Park The north of the Borough is home to  Responsibility for the environment;  operating in the area and the planned the Hainault Business Park, supporting  Improved crime statistics and Promotion of the Business Park and Area Action Plan (AAP) for the wider design and skills based industries in testimonies from businesses that the its constituent businesses; and area. Redbridge. The local business Business Park has seen  Leverage for additional funding community is extremely active and enhancement. Transport for London (TfL) funding has through ‘match funding’ from the committed to adopting a pro-active Manford Way LIFT Scheme been secured for streetscene public/ private sector. improvements to the valuable and approach to improving employment Hainault’s Manford Way Health Centre is Hainault Business Partnership vibrant parade of local shops at Manford and business creation opportunities for one of the first in the country to be Achievements Way, as one of the first initiatives for this the area, and enhancing the physical refurbished by the NHS LIFT (Local wider regeneration strategy. environment. The Hainault Business Partnership (HBP) Improvement Finance Trust). The By funding and supporting local holds regular meetings, attended by previous facility has been replaced with educational initiatives, such as representatives from the Council, the a purpose built health centre providing mentoring schemes, or by providing Metropolitan Police and resident a range of health and social care assistance to local schools aiming to businesses. These have been services under one roof. instrumental in recent improvements to achieve specialist technical academy The Health Centre was transformed by the Business Park, including the status, the future supply of knowledge the LIFT project, into a three-storey 'One upgrading of the lighting system; the industry workers will be assured, and Stop Centre' integrating health, primary Technology focus at Hainault Business Park promotion and ‘branding’ of the links between the business and community care and social services. It Business Park; new signage and CCTV residential communities will be has been an essential development for Approved Business Improvement installation funded by business strengthened. the community and gives the District. contributions; and the Industrial Estates Business Improvement District opportunity to provide more healthcare Project in a match funding scheme. The locally, avoiding the need for some To help achieve the goals of the Partnership has achieved: Business Park, a Business Improvement people to go to hospitals for routine New LIFT scheme planned for  In excess of £100,000 spent on District (BID) has been established to appointments or investigations. Manford Way. projects within the Business Park; work towards satisfying five main aims: The Council intends to consolidate  Over £50,000 raised in funding from  Improving and maintaining safety; these positive steps and enhance the support bodies; local area through the pilot community Proposed creation of children’s  Improving and maintaining  Active involvement from the London regeneration scheme currently resource centre. cleanliness; 11 Development potential of three Chadwell Heath major public sector sites.

Chadwell Heath has been identified as a key location for the development of future homes for the Borough and is set to Planning consent granted for four key sites. receive significant levels of investment.

Chadwell Heath is a predominantly provide a direct link to Heathrow Specific developments in the area residential area located in the eastern Airport and the City. Opportunity also which have now been completed The Green at Little Heath part of the Borough, bordering Barking exists for three public sector include the King George Hospital site, and Dagenham. The area is inter- landowners, Hospital adjacent to Little Heath and the A12, mixed with industrial uses and, in line (North East London Mental Health providing higher density housing in with national trends, the Council has Trust), King George Hospital (Barking, attractive surrounds. recognised the potential for investment Havering, Redbridge Hospital Trust) and Open Space in Chadwell Heath to provide Redbridge College, to work in Chadwell Heath benefits from environmental improvements for the partnership to realise the development attractive green open spaces, making it area and enable wider social and potential of their individual sites. a highly desirable location in which to economic growth. In addition to this, a number of specific live and work. Areas such as Percival There are numerous sites that have development proposals exist for the Gardens, Crucible Park, Grove Road been identified as having the potential area, many with planning permission, Gardens and The Green at Little Heath for housing or mixed used such as: provide valuable green space that can development. Chadwell Heath District  Chadwell Heath Service Station, support play areas, picnics and other Shopping Centre, for example, is facing 1023 High Road; activities. Residential development at the King George Hospital site commercial pressures and presents an  Former LEB Sub Station, Grove Road; opportunity for a mixed-use scheme  including housing for the District Chadwell Centre, 235 Grove Road; Centre. The effective public and private and transport connections in the area  Water Company Site, Gresham would help to support such a Drive. development. The increase in housing provision would work towards meeting Potential development sites awaiting the Mayor’s housing target for planning permission include: Redbridge.  The Polygram Building, Unit 1 Clyde Chadwell Heath is set to benefit from Works, Grove Road; the proposed improvements to the  Car Park at the junction of Wangey existing transport network by the Road/Cedar Gardens; and introduction of Crossrail, which will  Land at Baywood Square Garages. 12 Housing Meeting local housing needs by ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to live in decent, sustainably constructed and affordable homes is considered a key priority by the Council. The London Borough of Redbridge has one of the Private Sector Housing Strategy highest levels of private sector housing in London. The Private Sector Housing Strategy seeks to ensure 75.3% of housing in Redbridge is owner occupied, that residents in the private sector have decent Housing in Wanstead with the remainder of Redbridge residents renting homes. The long term vision is to achieve sustainable Redbridge Key Worker Strategy from the Council (6.5%), a Housing Association or communities through housing investment and This aims to produce up to 40 homes for key workers Registered Social Landlord (3.4%), or privately (14.6%). neighbourhood regeneration, and to harness public per annum. The units should provide a range of In addition to this, the Council manages 5,000 sector assets and private sector resources to meet tenures, including social rented, tenure conversion, tenanted properties across the Borough. Redbridge’s housing needs. shared ownership and intermediate rent and will Having been identified as a major contributor to East London Housing Strategy assist in the recruitment and retention of public London’s future housing requirements, Redbridge is sector staff in the Borough. Redbridge has been working on a cross Borough making progress on housing targets, set by the Mayor initiative with seven other East London Boroughs and Changing household composition and lifestyles is of London, and will continue to work towards the Housing Associations to provide an East London leading to new demands on the way that residents completion of 11,000 new homes up to 2017. The Housing Strategy. The working group produced the use their homes and new housing development in Borough also sits within the area to supply 500,000 East London Affordable Housing Investment Redbridge will reflect this. Promoting mixed and new homes for the Stansted-Cambridge- Framework, which highlights key priorities in the area, balanced communities by taking account of changes Peterborough corridor by 2031, though North Essex and provides a focus for Housing Associations and in household characteristics and offering a range of will support most of this housing. Within this context partners by promoting collaborative working. housing types and sizes is considered critical. A the Council is committed to a programme of housing particular focus for Redbridge will be affordable The options appraisal for the future of the Council's growth focused on identified ‘growth areas’. family homes and these will be promoted as part of own housing stock has resulted in a bid to the A significant range of accommodation types is any new housing development. government for assistance in setting up an Arms available in the Borough, with couples, families and Length Management Organisation (ALMO) in late single occupants well catered for. Opportunity also 2006. The main aim of this investment is to meet the exists for urban living, in popular town centres such Priority outcomes 'decent homes' standard in public sector housing by as Ilford, or quieter accommodation, adjacent to the 2010.  Programme of improvement of existing open space provided by the Roding Valley. housing stock; The Council was able to secure 700 affordable  Energy efficiency Grants; housing units in major residential developments Major growth in Ilford and Gants Hill. between 2001 and 2004 and operates a number of  3,000 new affordable housing units by 2010; housing initiatives in the Borough, outlined below: and 11,000 new homes by 2017 with 700 new  Halve number of families in temporary affordable units delivered. accommodation between 2005 and 2010.

13 Transport and Access Priority outcomes • Improvements to mainline train Redbridge will provide for increased demand on local stations from Ilford to Chadwell transport infrastructure through a balanced, sustainable Heath; network that serves the needs of all residents. • The East London Transit Scheme, planned for Ilford by 2008; and The Borough is poised to benefit from If proposals are approved Crossrail could • Major improvements to Ilford significant new transport infrastructure, be in service by 2013, dramatically Station transport interchange. including Crossrail and the East London reducing the journey time between Transit scheme, and will seek to Ilford and Heathrow. There will also be maximise this opportunity for growth improvements made to the stations and new investment. The emphasis in served by Crossrail. the future is likely to be public transport, East London Transit sustainable patterns of travel and making the most efficient use of the The first phase of the East London Transit road network. Scheme is scheduled for completion in early 2008. It will link town centres and Two cross cutting priorities have been transport interchanges within East identified as of strategic importance: London using environmentally friendly  maintaining efficient car access to ‘vehicles’. The scheme will run between Ilford town centre - essential for its Dagenham Dock and Ilford Town Centre, survival, especially in the short to via Barking and Ilford Lane. Potential medium term; and extensions would link Ilford to Gants Hill  altering the highways system to and Barkingside. Once in operation, the provide a friendlier and more urbane East London Transit should cut journey environment for pedestrians and times between East London commercial cyclists and at the same time centres and provide a realistic alternative allowing public transport to operate to journeys currently made by car. more efficiently. Crossrail Crossrail is a major project with a new Thames Gateway Bridge underground route across Central The proposed bridge will link the A13/ London to reduce congestion on A406 in with the A2016 in existing links and increase reliability. Thamesmead. It will be the first new The rail link will connect Shenfield with road bridge across the Thames in over 40 Heathrow via Chadwell Heath, years. The Council believes that the Goodmayes, and Ilford. bridge will help support the

14 regeneration and redevelopment of Ilford A406 to Winston Way, to reduce the high Town Centre, and in turn the Borough as a volume of traffic on Ilford Hill and Ilford Lane. whole. The scheme will provide access to a The potential for modifying the western host of job and leisure opportunities and gyratory and the Winston Way/ Ilford Lane provide an opportunity for the East London roundabout to give greater priority to buses is Transit Scheme to link with the proposed also being considered. Greenwich Waterfront scheme. It is anticipated Stansted Development that the bridge should be complete by 2012/13. If the proposed expansion to Stansted airport takes place, the increased passenger volume Gants Hill could produce numerous benefits for The Council has, in partnership with TfL and Redbridge. New job opportunities will be Public transport in Redbridge the GLA, ambitious plans to improve the created and transport infrastructure public realm and pedestrian environment at surrounding the airport will be improved. Gants Hill while maintaining the excellent Roding Valley Way - Pedestrian/Cycle Route vehicular accessibility of the Town Centre. Plans include options to provide A new cycle route linking the Thames National interconnecting pedestrian routes and to Cycle Route to the Essex countryside along the create a public open space by giving more course of the has commenced priority to pedestrians. and is greatly improving the cycling route Crossrail links to central London and network in the Borough. Within Redbridge, the Heathrow from Redbridge. Ilford Interchange route runs beside the Roding from Redbridge Proposals are being developed for an station to . It will be extended enhanced transport interchange, which would southwards from Redbridge Station to link up include improved bus standing facilities, new with sections of the route in Newham and New transport interchange and general access points, and would provide Barking and Dagenham in the future. improvements at Ilford Station. opportunities for new development. The interchange will complement Crossrail’s proposals to construct a new station and will greatly enhance the public realm. East London Transit scheme to improve links between town centres. Ilford Computer Transport Model A Transport Model has been developed to assess the impact of various development scenarios. Long term options are currently Promote public transport and being considered to replace the link from the alternatives to car use.

15 Support for sustainable business Business growth.

Competitiveness Support for better business environmental management. Redbridge will continue to support small business growth and realise the outstanding business opportunities presented by the London 2012 Games. The French Market in Ilford Strategic & Local Partnerships Business Growth and Development The London 2012 Games offers a Building on the success of the The Council works in continual Redbridge has an excellent and well- unique opportunity for businesses of all Borough’s first Business Improvement partnership with regional and sub- deserved reputation for sizes. As a Gateway Borough, we are District, located on Hainult’s business regional agencies such as Thames entrepreneurship, which was committed to using the influence of park, the Ilford Town Centre Alliance Gateway London Partnership, London recognised by a Royal Mail survey from the Games in supporting businesses in project will prepare the groundwork for Development Agency, Gateway to 2004, indicating that Ilford is one of the breaking into new markets and Ilford Town Centre’s retail Business London, Learning & Skills Council – top locations in the UK for business providing long term employment Improvement District. London East, Business Link For London, start-ups. opportunities. Social Enterprise Job Centre Plus and others. The Borough is therefore home to a Many opportunities for small and The Council is developing a At the borough level, the business and high number of micro businesses and medium size enterprises are likely to programme with its partners to skills agenda is progressed through the Council sponsors the East London come from the supply chains that will promote social enterprise throughout businessREDBRIDGE, the local economy Small Business Centre (ELSBC) to help surround the major contracts for the the Borough in order to create cluster of the Redbridge Strategic sustain these. ELSBC delivers, on the Games. sustainable businesses. The Council Partnership. The Council will further Council’s behalf, support and one-to- Ilford Town Centre Alliance Project recognises that these businesses have a develop, support and continue to work one business advice for small and In March 2006, Redbridge Council was significant role to play in helping create with the business community to medium sized businesses (SMEs). successful in its £873,000 bid to the a strong, sustainable and socially maintain and improve the vitality and LDA’s Opportunities Fund for an Ilford inclusive economy for the Borough. economic vibrancy of the Borough’s Town Centre Alliance project. The commercial centres. project aims to improve the Above average number of small and Hainault business representatives at the Houses of Parliament competitiveness of Ilford Town Centre medium enterprises (SMEs). through business/ employment and training support activities. The project will be led by Ilford Town Centre Gateway Borough poised to benefit Management Ltd in collaboration with from the London 2012 Games. Redbridge College, Redbridge Insititute of Adult Education and other major partners. Development of Business Improvement Districts.

16 Employment and Skills Redbridge is developing work based skills programmes to respond to employment opportunities arising from strong local area growth. Redbridge has a relatively large local firms have provided much of the economy, with healthy rates of impetus for growth in Redbridge in employment within the knowledge recent years. The Council aims to economy and strong growth of new provide support to continue this businesses. Redbridge’s population is a impressive business start-up rate and prosperous one and the Council aims to improve survival rates. Redbridge jobs fair Independent retail in Redbridge preserve this through continued skill Redbridge is pioneering a formula sets and training support. based Planning Section 106 strategy to Continuous Skills and Training on employment levels within the General Employment identify sources of funding for skills and It is estimated that the 2012 Games will Borough. The current Primary Care Trust The major sectors of employment in training and to ensure that local people create thousands of full-time equivalent Estates Strategy is the largest Redbridge are wholesale/retail (31%) benefit from job creation associated jobs in the construction industry alone, investment programme in healthcare and business services, such as banking with the high levels of development with thousands more created as a result facilities in a generation and represents and finance (26%). An additional 14,000 and construction in the Borough. The of various legacy developments a major employment opportunity for square metres of goods floor space is Council is also providing training and currently underway across East London. local people over the coming years. employment opportunities for young planned for Ilford Town Centre alone We are fully committed to ensuring that people not in employment, education over the next 10 years, which will people in Redbridge have the skills and Priority outcomes further strengthen the retail offer in the or training (NEET). support they need to compete for the  area and drive wider regeneration. Such Local Area Agreement outcomes jobs and contracts to deliver the Games increase employment development will also ensure that - and that these jobs help them employment opportunities are secured opportunities for targeted develop skills that will be useful to groups; in town centres, as well as at them long after 2012. safeguarded business areas such as  Healthcare Employment Increased skills and training Hainault Business Park. opportunities through revised Redbridge’s health sector is one of the With a quarter of employment in micro- Section 106 agreements; largest employers in the Borough, and businesses of 0-10 employees, small as such can have a significant impact  Increased public and private sector leverage resulting in Improved skills for life and growth in jobs and housing; vocational training.  Development of a skills and employment Strategy; and Targeted support, training and job  Employment opportunities from brokerage for workless families. Opportunities identified within Redbridge by the Sub Regional Development Framework for East London, 2005 2012 Games.

17 Education

Continuing the Borough’s excellence in education and ensuring the Borough is attractive to incoming and existing residents.

Redbridge is nationally renowned for Woodford County Girls’ Grammar its outstanding educational provision, School, for example, was recognised and the Local Education Authority by Ofsted in 2005 as one of the five (LEA) is consistently classified as being top value-added secondary schools in amongst the top three educational Britain and was subsequently profiled authorities in the country, with 70% of in The Guardian newspaper. students obtaining five or more Redbridge is determined to safeguard Such measures will help to maintain Priority outcomes GCSEs at grade C or above in 2005. existing good performance and work Redbridge’s position as the most  2 new primary schools by 2008; This achievement is the result of a towards improved educational effective secondary education  13 new Children’s Centres; long tradition of excellence at schools infrastructure in the future and has provider in London and will such as Seven Kings and Woodford pledged to build two new primary strengthen employment  Relocation of Redbridge College County and also thanks to the schools in the Borough by 2008 in opportunities for local people, in into Ilford Town Centre; significant rates of improvement support of this. addition to consolidating growth of  Education initiatives being achieved at a host of institutions, the knowledge based industries in encouraged through the Local including Valentines High and the Borough. Area Agreement; and Wanstead High. These measures will further  Promotion of knowledge based enhance Redbridge’s appeal as an industries. attractive location for small businesses, in conjunction with its strong natural assets and accessibility to central London and Improved Further and Higher the national road network. Education service. LEA ranked second nationally in 2005, in terms of value-added secondary education.

70% students gained 5 A-C GCSE grades in 2005.

18 Volunteering targets for youth crime Community Safety prevention/alcohol strategy. The Borough is working to create a safer environment installing more than 200 cameras around Ilford Town Centre and the through a number of social and safety based initiatives. wider area, to help prevent crime and Volunteering targets for youth crime reduce residents' fear of crime. prevention/alcohol strategy. The Council is currently developing a Parks Police number of initiatives to address A new Parks Police unit was agreed for Streetscape Works community and safety issues within the Borough in May 2005, with a view Schemes are being introduced in Ilford Attractive streetscape works and cycle the Borough. These include: to concentrating on anti-social and Gants Hill to improve the route enhancements. Safer Neighbourhoods Units behaviour in the Borough’s open streetscene by renewing paving, spaces. The unit will look to ensure providing new lighting and street Redbridge is home to eight Safer that residents can make full use of furniture and removing street clutter. Neighbourhoods Units throughout their parks in complete confidence. These schemes greatly improve the the Borough. Each team comprises six Neighbourhood Uniformed Officers physical environment and help to police officers and Police Community foster a sense of personal security. Support Officers (PCSOs), who talk to Neighbourhood Warden schemes the local community and identify the have been introduced to improve the The Council is additionally introducing key issues that impact on daily life and quality of life and sense of security local traffic management schemes and people’s feelings of security. Once within Redbridge. The schemes measures to assist pedestrians and problems have been highlighted, Safer provide a range of services aimed at cyclists in the Borough to improve Neighbourhoods Units work in reducing vandalism and petty crimes, road safety levels. The initiatives will be partnership with the community and and increasing the confidence of the supported by education and publicity other agencies to find lasting community as a whole. on road safety, to help meet national road safety targets. solutions. Wardens help support victims of crime The London Borough of Redbridge has and seek to foster social inclusion, a In addition to the initiatives outlined recently launched a recruitment role made easier by the presence of here, the Council produces 3-yearly initiative for additional PCSOs in the young people on the team. The crime and safety strategies through a Borough. The response to this has schemes complement the role of the Safer Communities Partnership and been very positive, attracting a wide local police and PCSOs, but are directly operates a number of schemes cross-section of the Redbridge linked to their local communities and tackling specific issues. Early population, including people who had do not undertake activities that are intervention in youth crime is achieved through programmes for not previously considered a career in rightly the province of police officers. Priority outcomes policing. young offenders, which also help to CCTV ensure young people do not become The PCSOs provide public reassurance  New parks constabulary team for CCTV is a highly effective crime persistent offenders in future. The the Borough; and through a permanent street presence deterrent, with studies showing that Council additionally provides and enable police officers to be used crime levels can fall by up to 70% in appropriate substance abuse  Integrated uniformed Streetscene more effectively in tackling crime and areas covered by CCTV. Redbridge has treatment, including support for those Enforcement Team. making communities safer. established a jointly funded scheme, who have recently abstained. 19 Sustainability in the Clean and green environment.

Built Environment Less waste and pollution and A high quality built environment that serves the long term greater energy conservation. needs of all residents and draws on the built heritage of the Borough. Valentines Mansion The Built Environment Disposal Strategy The Council’s Estates Strategy The Council is focused on ensuring that Wanstead Village, Cranbrook and Ilford The Council has sought to release its The Council is in the process of land and buildings are utilised in ways Broadway. own and private land and buildings for developing an Office Accommodation that benefit those people who wish to developments to meet local needs. Strategy, which will focus on the The Council has a balanced approach live, work or visit Redbridge. Housing development sites are refurbishment of existing Council to new investment in high quality currently being offered for sale and buildings. The strategy will preserve the The management and maintenance of schemes and the conservation of its these sales will result in substantial new Borough’s built heritage and help to the built heritage is highly important in built environment. Our objectives are dwellings being constructed in the develop a strong and sustainable Town ensuring the protection of architectural to: Borough and additional jobs being Centre in Ilford. or historic features and the  Provide clear urban design created. For example, a recently distinctiveness of Redbridge. £5 million Heritage Lottery Fund requirements for the appropriate completed disposal has generated over (HLF) funding secured for The vast majority of the Borough’s siting, quality, design and scale of £13 million for the Authority, creating restoration of Valentines Mansion statutorily listed buildings are in good new buildings and structures; 110 new homes. and park. repair, with only 11 on the ‘at risk’  Ensure buildings are designed The Authority has various shops, offices register. Enhancement schemes have and industrial floor space, amounting to within well landscaped, safe, High quality design and been developed for the majority of some 13,400 square metres, which are accessible and healthy spaces; management. existing Conservation Areas, and let to the local business community.  Ensure new buildings are designed include individual Conservation Area These therefore provide opportunities in accordance with principles of proposals. for a variety of business activities and Priority outcomes sustainable construction to minimise The Council has secured £2 million of services accessible to the general energy use and production of • High quality design in the funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund public. Office and shop units are greenhouse gases; development of Unity Square & (HLF) for the restoration of Valentines located in central Ilford, with local  Preserve the historic character of Council-owned shops in various parts Ilford Hill; Mansion and an additional £3 million of listed buildings and the special of the Borough such as Manford Way, • Energy efficiency up 15% for key HLF funding to restore ’s character or appearance of Hainault. development sites; and historic rococo landscape. Conservation Areas; and • Preservation and enhancement New Conservation Area Enhancement  Preserve or enhance places of schemes developed for the Schemes are also proposed for archaeological importance. Borough’s Conservation Areas. , , 20 Green Spaces and Biodiversity Protecting and enhancing open space in the Borough as an essential amenity, and acknowledging its intrinsic ecological value is a key part of our strategy.

Redbridge contains a large area of green space, ranging As well as the protection of green space, the from parks and recreation grounds to country parks involvement of the local community in enhancing and and farmland. All of this green space is valuable for managing our parks and open spaces is also a key biodiversity, and a wide range of animals and plants objective for biodiversity work in the Borough. The can be found in these areas. Much of this green space Council is currently preparing a Biodiversity Action Plan is extremely important for people, enhancing our in partnership with members of the community, which quality of life by providing space for recreation and aims not only to protect key species and habitats but amenity activities, as well as quiet enjoyment of the also to raise awareness and involve people. natural world. The Biodiversity Action Plan will aim to support and Green spaces in Redbridge are protected by a number increase existing work with the community, such as of designations. Green Belt and Metropolitan Open organising training workshops for volunteers and Land designations aim to prevent unsuitable encouraging disadvantaged members of the development in green spaces and the unacceptable community to take part in wildlife gardening sessions spread of the urban area. Sites of Importance for at allotments. Nature Conservation (SINC), Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Local Nature Reserves (LNR) offer levels of protection to those sites which are particularly important for biodiversity and nature conservation. The Priority outcomes accessibility of these sites to the community is a key  factor in their designation. Creation of Biodiversity Action Plan;  One of the main objectives for nature conservation in Restore and manage parks and open spaces to Redbridge is to maintain a strong presumption against encourage families to the area; and development within these designated green spaces.  Investment in the creation of long-term All these designations are part of planning policy, and management of green infrastructure and open the Council will also require new developments to spaces in growth areas and areas of nature conform to the requirements of the Supplementary conservation importance. Planning Documents for Nature Conservation.

The River Roding 21 Roding Valley

The Roding Valley is a much loved open space within the Borough, and both the local community and the Council are keen to see the area realise its potential as a centre for rest, recreation and creativity.

Conservation and enhancement of the Roding Valley now been completed, with upgrades to the section is a key aim of the Planning and Regeneration between the A12 and A118 programmed for 2006/07. £1.2 million ODPM (now DCLG) funding for Ray Park. Framework. A number of initiatives have been The Roding Valley is a very important location for the developed in order to ensure that this valuable watervole - a UK, London and Redbridge Biodiversity resource is accessible to as wide a population as Action Plan (BAP) species - as the only location for the possible. The key strategies are set out below: animal in the Borough. The River Roding also Roding Valley Way supports kingfishers and grey wagtails, two species Improved pedestrian and cycle network The Roding Valley Way project began in 1996, to which are indicators of good water quality and good and environmental improvements. construct a combined footpath and cycleway through riverine habitat. the London Boroughs of Redbridge, Barking & Ray Park in Roding Valley Dagenham and Newham. It follows the curves of the Ray House and the surrounding Ray Park in the River Roding as far as practical between Essex and the Roding Valley have been awarded £1.2m of Growth Roding Valley Partnership established as a River Thames and will provide a valuable link to Area Funding from the ODPM (now DCLG). This will delivery agency. . The project is funded by Transport for result in a community training centre and improve London through the Thames Gateway London access to the river corridor through an exhibition and Partnership. enhanced signage to the river. The scheme will provide a strategic north-south The initiative is likely to create valuable employment sustainable transport axis offering good access for opportunities in the area and local economic growth pedestrians and cyclists to a variety of employment, will be supported through an associated increase in training, education, shopping, leisure and residential visitor levels. destinations. The route also improves access to a number of town centres including Wanstead, Ilford and Beckton, as well as several Limited (LUL) and National Rail interchanges. The route uses a combination of roads and footpaths, some of which are funded through regeneration projects. The majority of the route between the boundary with Essex and the A12 Eastern Avenue has

22 Uphall Recreation Ground Improvement works at Uphall Recreation Ground commenced in December 2005, following public consultation, with completion scheduled for 2006. The existing playground and pathways were demolished and turf and tarmac removed, in readiness for planting. In March 2006, a public art light feature on the concrete supports to the A406 was completed, together with improvements to Uphall Recreation Ground. An innovative range of facilities is scheduled for the space underneath the viaduct, including a skateboard park and access to the River Roding for the entire community. The “new” Uphall will include a play area for small children, a level lawn for informal games and a nature conservation area along the edge of the River Roding. The park will also benefit from more trees and flowerbeds and additional benches. Old style railings will be replaced and new paths will encourage local people to make the most of this fantastic neighbourhood resource. The Council will continue to support schemes that improve access to the River Roding and provide facilities for all sections of the community so that the area’s potential can be realised.

The River Roding 25 Leisure, Health and Well-being

Redbridge is making opportunities for culture, leisure and recreation readily available to all.

Culture, recreation and leisure, along with equal Council Strategies A Healthy Population opportunities to participate in these, are a key feature The Redbridge Cultural Strategy develops culture as a The health of any population is a result of integrated of regeneration in Redbridge. The Council aims to tool to promote a sense of community and social, economic and cultural factors and Redbridge provide access to arts centres, cinemas, indoor sports citizenship, which in turn can play a vital role in PCT is involved in numerous partnership schemes halls and recreation grounds for all Borough residents. improving social cohesion and making communities within the community to promote healthy living. Open space is also considered an important asset for safer. The strategy aims to harness potential wider the Borough, including ensuring easy access to the The Borough was granted pathfinder Children’s Trust social, economic and environmental benefits from this open countryside. status in 2003 and has since provided additional social sense of community. services, Primary Care Trust services and a wide range Redbridge is keen to capture the wider benefits of The Youth Involvement Strategy is working towards of education services for local children. cultural facilities and concerted efforts to improve the greater involvement from children and young people, quality of the local theatre and exhibition The Borough has participated in an SRB Health Ladder and in particular those from marginal groups. To programmes are underway. Scheme for the last six years, which has improved achieve this, it hopes to include children and young local employment prospects and the efficiency of A number of initiatives have also been devised to people as joint partners in decision-making. health service delivery. It has also improved access to improve access to leisure and cultural opportunities Plans are additionally underway for a Redbridge health services through community based health for isolated groups, including translation services and Health Academy for Young People, placing learners in programmes in the Borough. more consultation with women’s groups and health and care internships with the NHS, in investment in outdated sports and leisure centres. partnership with South Bank University. As a Gateway Borough, we are fully committed to Redbridge PCT Estates Strategy working in partnership with other Boroughs to maximise the impact of the London 2012 Games and The local Redbridge Primary Care Trust is in the midst create a lasting legacy. The Games, combined with of the biggest investment programme for a the predicted growth of our local population, offers generation. Innovation in clinical treatment, plurality an outstanding opportunity to influence decision of provision and the opportunities for changed making and secure further improvements to our working practices that IT offers, will result in sporting and cultural facilities and community significant changes over the next 5 years. This will development work. include new LIFT Schemes in conjunction with significant initiatives for social service provision in the Borough.

Outdoor pursuits in Redbridge’s open space

26 Priority outcomes  Potential major new leisure centre at Ilford Baths, High Road, Ilford;  Improvements to Fullwell Cross Swimming Pool, Barkingside;  Extension of Ashton athletics tracks, home of ‘Essex Ladies’, to 8 lanes;  Enhanced Library Facility, Gants Hill;  Improvements to Uphall Recreation Ground and Ilford Bridge;  New leisure facilities at PLA Sports Ground, The Drive, Cranbrook; and  Promotion of partnership work with the health sector.

Greater local and integrated healthcare.

Improved childcare and care for the elderly and vulnerable.

Ray Park, North Roding Valley

27 RBIF/06/3

Growth Renewal Conservation

Produced by the Regeneration Unit London Borough of Redbridge Ilford Town Hall Ilford IG1 1DD Tel: 020 8708 2238 email: [email protected]

The Design Studio, Corporate Communications & Publishing, LBR