DISTRICT COUNCIL - UNAPPROVED SUMMARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 8, 2014, MEETING Present District Council Representing: Member X Abdeljabbar, Wael Faculty, Academic Senate President, MC Chim, Ngoc (non-voting) Director of Fiscal Services X Crumley, Max Faculty, WVC X Davis, Brad Administrator, WVC President X Bartolotta, Jim Administrator, Managers Association Representative X Farnsworth, Cheryl Administrator, District Administrative Services Representative X Johnson, Tracy (non-voting) Recorder X Peck, Daniel Administrator, MC President X Kinley, Laurel Classified, Classified Senate President, WVC X Maduli, Ed (non-voting)Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services X McMahon, Barbara Classified, WVMCEA President X Moore, Albert (non-voting) Facilitator, and Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources Morgan-Witts, Natasha Student, Associated Student Organization President, WVC X Pape, Eric Faculty, Academic Senate President, WVC Pavao, Rod Faculty, ACE President Ruzicka, Renee Classified, Classified Senate President, MC X Schmitt, Patrick (non-voting) Chancellor X McGowan, Sean Classified, District Administrative Services Representative Luc, Tiffany Student, Associated Student Government President, MC Vacant Student, MC Vacant Student, WVC Others Pat Fenton,

The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. 1. Order of Agenda Action Taken: It was M/S/P (Farnsworth/McMahon) to approve the order of the agenda.

2. Oral Communications There were none.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the August 25, 2014, Meeting Action Taken: It was M/S/P (Kinley/McMahon; Crumley and Peck abstained) to approve the minutes of the August 25, 2014 meeting, with the following change: Mr. Edwin Oh will be listed under ‘Others’ on the attendance sheet.

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4. Review of the September 16, 2014, Draft Board Agenda Chancellor Schmitt reviewed the September 16, 2014, Draft board agenda, particularly noting the following items:  The approval of an MOU between Cabrillo College and , in which Cabrillo will provide WVC with $16,000 to support a Faculty Entrepreneurship Mini-Grant Project.  The appointment of Mr. Myo Myint as Interim Dean of Student Support Services at Mission College.  A facility use agreement with TreatBot, Inc., (Moveable Feast) for use of Mission College facilities.  Two bid awards for facilities projects at Mission College.  The appointment of Mr. Albert Moore as the Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources.

West Valley College Academic Senate President Eric Pape recommended that Item 6.2, ‘Appointment of Associate Vice Chancellor,’ be pulled. He said that the semester has just started and the appointment is being done at a time when attention is focused elsewhere. He does not want it to appear that the appointment is being ‘slipped in.’ He emphasized that his request has nothing to do with the person being appointed.

WVMCEA President Barbara McMahon said that WVMCEA strongly supports the appointment.

West Valley College Classified Senate President Laurel Kinley said that the WVC Classified Senate strongly cautions against the appointment. She indicated that there is an established hiring process in place that includes constituent group representation. Not following established processes and procedures sends the wrong message and also sets undesirable precedents. Ms. Kinley also emphasized that her comments only refer to the process, not to the person being appointed.

Chancellor Schmitt thanked everyone for their input about the appointment, which is being made as part of the HR reorganization taking place pursuant to budget reductions. He indicated that, for the reasons he discussed at previous District Council meetings, the appointment will proceed.

5. 2014-15 Constituent Conversations with Board of Trustees Chancellor Schmitt informed District Council that the next BOT Conversation with Constituents will take place on October 21 at Mission College. (The October 7 meeting will be the month’s business meeting.) He asked all District Council members to share the date with their constituents, to solicit topics for breakout groups at the meeting, and to encourage attendance.

Ms. Kinley suggested the topic ‘Constituent group participation in administrator hiring processes.’

6. College Enrollment Updates WVC President Brad Davis reported that WVC enrollment is 3,007, while goal is 3,600. Last year at this time, enrollment was 3,200 and he anticipates approaching that number this semester. He said that, although 3,600 was the established goal, the continued decline was anticipated.

MC President Daniel Peck reported that MC enrollment is 2,715, compared to the target of 3,240 that was carried over from last year. Enrollment is down 7% compared to this time last year. He indicated that the College has increased marketing efforts and is promoting late-start classes.

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Although it will not meet official targets, he anticipates that enrollment will be comparable to last fall’s.

7. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Task Force Update MC Academic Senate President and ERP Task Force Chair Wael Abdeljabbar reported the Task Force met on September 5. It continued discussion regarding sending groups to other community college districts to discuss the pros and cons of their ERP systems. The Task Force reviewed and approved the survey questions it plans send out to all users via SurveyMonkey. The Task Force wants to hear as much as possible from users of the current system and hopes to receive at least 300 replies.

Mr. Abdeljabbar said that representatives of the IT consulting group SIG will attend the Task Force’s next meeting. SIG will help in preparing the RFP and in the processes required to make a decision. (They will not participate in making the decision.)

Ms. Kinley asked whether they will be paid. Mr. Abdeljabbar replied that SIG is submitting a proposal and the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor will make that decision.

President Peck said he was glad to hear that those who actually use the system will have the opportunity to provide input, as this has been a concern.

12. Community Support Fund Procedure Development Update Vice Chancellor Ed Maduli said that the group will meet for the first time on September 15 and that Ms. Chim will provide an update at the September 29 District Council meeting.

13. Question Time There were no questions.

14. Announcements Chancellor Schmitt reminded everyone of the District Council retreat taking place on Friday, October 10, 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at the Presentation Center in Los Gatos.

President Davis discussed West Valley College’s upcoming 50th Anniversary Kick-Off event. During the week of September 8, the Campus Center will feature numerous displays highlighting the College’s history. On Wednesday, there will be a short reception featuring a presentation, viewing of the contents of the time capsule, and cake.

Ms. Kinley indicated that a meeting of the Executive Board of the Community Colleges Classified Senates (4CS) will take place at West Valley College on September 12 and 13. She expressed appreciation to President Davis for his support of the event and her participation with the 4CS, and for his continued support of the WVC Classified Senate.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:02 p.m.

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