Subject: : General Forum Topic: : AmiWest 2012 News? Re: AmiWest 2012 News? Author: : Anonymous Date: : 2012/10/30 14:31:48 URL:


Today, if you ask the very same question for your AmigaOne 500 ou AmigaOne X1000, the answer is RadeonHD 5xxx and 6xxx series. And you'll be able to sell your Radeon HD 4xxxx card to a PC user for example.

Well difference between 9000 series wasnt that effective as it is now, and all cards were fully supported.

Point is that RadeonHD transition is biggest step forward, but it is sad indeed that all those who basically got SAM 460 and X1000 for RadeonHD (4000 series) will have to suffer with further 2D only.

As well as those who jump to RadeonHD 6000 now, sice driver development is assured, but no Warp3D implementation yet.

This also sounds like a quick "adjust to the avail resources" thing way more then a plan - it would sound better if first RadeonHD 2D driver supported 6000 series and 4000 was never sold as according card. No current Amiga reseller sells this card too. Now, we just have to adjust.



So, you want 4000 series Warp3D drivers too? Are you prepared to contribute financially to make it happen? If so, then let A-EON know. With enough demand, it could happen. This is something that could work as a Kickstarter project.

Yes, if it would be an opened bounty with set goal. These cards are getting unavail, but are not bad at all. And you see that merely all current SAM 460ex and X1000 users feel kind of betrayed with this kind of decision, even its all your good work and we all need to be grateful for your hard work.

However, I do agree its easier to get new card with assured 3D driver existing then waiting for development, if

1 / 4 we have clarification that OS 4.2 Gallium will support 3D with these cards too.

@ssolie Quote:

I'll probably be shot dead for saying this but... wouldn't it be a lot cheaper and easier if you guys just purchased newer graphics cards? I know. Crazy talk.

Surely, since that seems to be only provided solution.



Please lose the word "promised". I hate it that people always try to put it as if we promised something and didn't make it. We don't make promises. We have release plans that might or might not make it. There is a difference between that and a promise. About announcing delays, most people don't do it since any release date is a guess at best.

OK, more progress reports and avail betas. There is nice infrastructure and surely it keeps community alive and bugfixing possible.

Once on subject, when we will know what should be new elements of AmigaOS 4.2? No release date promised.


Whoever said it was support? Nobody claimed that. It's not even a Hyperion project, and as such, doesn't have anything to do with AmigaOS.

2D / 3D driver for AmigaOS hasn`t anything to do with AmigaOS?

Please either take all development in house, or accept 3rd party developments that become parts of AmigaOS should be supported to some extent. This kind of bad relations to users comes from "flipping the ball to other corner" - that is Acube hardware (but we use Hyperion OS on it), that is A-EON, these we develop as Amiga bounty etc.

@Rogue Quote:

Is it really so hard to both support existing and make path towards future? You have no idea.

With 3-5 gfx cards and 3-5 sound cards supported? It seems that real use of PCI and PCI-E cards will be a weak knee of anyone that isn`t Microsoft. Or that dont

2 / 4 have Linux community size development.

Well if you look towards the future, you could drop Radeon 9000 series support and make a PCI-E 2 PCI converter for older boards of find a RadeonHD that can work in AmigaOnes, Pegs and SAM 440.


Thanks to Trevor and Hyperion, but still there is a room for improvement, so out of criticism, what should be seen as positive criticism could be taken into account.

You are mistaken. There is no room.

And it looks like it will never be. My gentle suggestion is that Hyperion / A-EON / Acube could have someone that would communicate politely, with much patience and culture to community - press releases or forums. You guys do have both much work to do and heavy stance that your choices are simply the best that allow no room for any second opinion.


Also, LibreOffice port deserves really some more room and clearance. What about "X is porting Y" needs clearance? Release date? Not going to happen. System Requirements? Too early. What do you expect, seriously?

That is the biggest news of Amiwest and this year to my belief (let me know if there was something more important at least in software). Some idea of system requirements would be nice. Better who is doing the development (one person, team ...) and is any public release planned for first year of development?

Officially Libre requires 512MB RAM.


3D is never mentioned because this announcement was about 2D drivers. Do you think those write themselves, especially with things like Compositing in the graphics kernel? But that is the poinr. You are drawing conclusions that aren't there, there is explicitly no mention of 3D.

God thanks the Warp3D software emulation that allows SAM 460 and X1000 users to have some joy.


Seriously, can we put this discussion to rest? No ranting will change the fact. The drivers will support the Evergreen series; adapting them to other cards is going to be work that might not be worth the effort. The Warp3D drivers will come out "as is", if you have a 4000 and don't want to upgrade, fine, you'll have to wait for 4.2.

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OK, all thumbs up for the OS 4.2, hoping to see it sooner then later!

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