Ijtdc 3(1) 2015
IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall JJoouurrnnaall ffoorr TTaalleenntt DDeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd CCrreeaattiivviittyy (Volume 2, Number 2, December, 2014; Volume 3, Number 1, June, 2015) ISSN: 2291-7179 International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity – 2(2), December, 2014; 3(1), June, 2015. 1 ICIE/LPI IJTDC Journal Subscription For annual subscriptions to the IJTDC Journal ONLY (two issues per year), please fill out the following form: First Name: Last Name: Job Title: Organization: Mailing Address: Address (cont.) City: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code: Country: Please indicate if the mailing address is your: □ Home or □ Office Address Work Phone: Home Phone: Fax: e-Mail: Media types (Note that electronic media type is only possible with institutional subscriptions): Paper Electronic Paper and Electronic The reselling of personal subscriptions is strictly prohibited. Subscribers are requested to send payment with their order whenever possible. Issues will only be sent on receipt of payment. The subscription fee is exclusive of GST/VAT. There are four types of subscription, including: o Individual Subscription, Print only (US100); o Individual Subscription, e-access only (US$50); o Individual Subscription, Print & e-access (US$125); o Institutional Subscription, Print & e-access (US$400). Please send me an invoice/receipt. Method of Payment (must be paid in US dollars). The due amount can be made by Bank (wire) Transfer to: - Account name: International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE), - Account number: 1010270881 - Bank Name & Address: Sparkasse Ulm, Neue Str. 66, D-89073, Ulm-Germany. - Bank Identifier Code (BIC): SOLADES1ULM - German Bank Code: 63050000 - IBAN: DE86 6305 0000 1010 2708 81 Claims for issues not received should be made in writing within six months of the date of publication.
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