MARIA R. SERVEDIO Curriculum Vitae September 8, 2017


Personal Information:

Title: Professor Address: Department of CB# 3280, Coker Hall The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599 Phone: (919) 843-2692 Fax: (919) 962-1625 Email: [email protected] Citizenship: Dual (Canada and U.S.)


The University of Texas at Austin, Ph.D. in Zoology. 1993-1998. Supervising professor:

Harvard College, A.B. in Biology (Magna Cum Laude), 1989-1993.

Professional Experience:

2014-present: Professor, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Core faculty, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Program Faculty, Curriculum

2008-2014: Associate Professor, Department of Biology, UNC Chapel Hill

Spring 2012: Sabbatical, Department of Mathematics, University of Vienna, and IST Austria

2002-2008: Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, UNC Chapel Hill

Fall 2006: National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent), Triangle Sabbatical Scholar

2001-2002: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Davis and Visiting Scholar, University of California, San Diego Sponsor:

1999-2001: Center for Population Biology Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Davis. Sponsors: Michael Turelli, Sergey Nuzhdin.

1998-1999: , teaching and performing independent postdoctoral research. Sponsor: Alexey Kondrashov


Elected Positions:

2017: Vice-President Elect, American Society of Naturalists (to serve as Vice President: 2018)

2010-2012: Council member for the Society for the Study of .

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Awards and Fellowships:

2017: Swedish Collegium of Advanced Study Fellowship, to be taken in Spring, 2018

2010: Kenan Competitive Research Leave (taken in 2012)

2000: Young Investigators Award, American Society of Naturalists

1992: John Harvard Scholarship and Elizabeth Cary Agassiz Scholarship (highest academic achievement), Harvard College

1990 & 1991: Elizabeth Cary Agassiz Certificate of Merit (high academic achievement), Harvard College


Citation Metrics: (as of 9/8/17) ISI Web of Science: Total citations: 2872, h-index: 29 : Total citations: 3923, h-index: 31

Refereed Articles: (see pg. 6-7 for key to symbols)

58. †Kopp, M, †M.R. Servedio, T.C. Mendelson, R.J. Safran. R.L. Rodriguez, E.C. Scordato, L.B. Symes, C.N. Balakrishnan, M.E. Hauber, D. M. Zonana, and S.G. van Doorn. Mechanisms of assortative mating in : connecting theory and empirical research. . In press.

57. *Cotto, O. and M.R. Servedio. The roles of sexual and viability selection in the evolution of incomplete reproductive isolation: from allopatry to sympatry. The American Naturalist. In press.

56. *Stern, C.A and M.R. Servedio. Evolution of a mating preference for a dual-utility trait used in intrasexual competition in genetically monogamous popluations. Ecology and Evolution. In press. – media coverage by:, AAAS’s EurekAlert and others: “Birds choose mates with ornamental traits”

55. Servedio, M.R. and J.W. Boughman. The role of in local adaptation and speciation. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. In press.

54. *Lyu, N., M.R. Servedio, H. Lloyd, and Y-H. Sun. 2017. The evolution of post- pairing male . Evolution 71:1465-1477.

53. *Fitzpatrick, C.L. and M.R. Servedio. 2017. Male mate choice, male quality, and the potential for sexual selection on female traits under polygyny. Evolution 71:174-183. – media coverage by: AAAS’s “Model shows female beauty isn’t just sex appeal” Inverse: “Scientists discover female beauty isn’t just for hooking up” – main feature on the homepage for Duke University 2/8/17-2/9/17.

52. Rettelbach, A., M.R. Servedio, and J. Hermisson. 2016. Speciation in peripheral populations: effects of drift load and mating systems. Journal of 29:1073-1090. Maria R. Servedio 3

51. Servedio, M.R. 2016. Geography, assortative mating, and the effects of sexual selection on speciation with gene flow. Evolutionary Applications 9:91-102. – Invited paper for a special issue on "Women's contribution to basic and applied evolutionary biology"

50. Servedio, M.R. and R. Bürger. 2015. The effects of sexual selection on trait divergence in a peripheral population with gene flow. Evolution 69:2648-2661.

49. *Yeh, D.J. and M.R. Servedio. 2015. Reproductive isolation with a learned trait in a structured population. Evolution 69:1938-1947.

48. Barton, N.H. and M.R. Servedio. 2015. The interpretation of selection coefficients. Evolution 69:1101-1112.

47. Servedio, M.R., Y. Brandvain, *S. Dhole, *C.L. Fitzpatrick, E.E. Goldberg, *C.A. Stern, *J. Van Cleve, and *D.J. Yeh. 2014. Not just a theory - the utility of mathematical models in evolutionary biology (Essay). PLoS Biology 12:e1002017. – Very Good - Faculty of 1000. 12 December 2014. Begins: “In an essay that should be required reading by graduate students in biology…” – media coverage by: “The utility of mathematical models in evolutionary biology” The Unz review: “Math Kills the Analogies, a Good Thing”

46. *Dhole, S. and M.R. Servedio. 2014. Sperm competition and the evolution of seminal fluid composition. Evolution 68:3008-3019.

45. Servedio, M.R. and R. Bürger. 2014. The counterintuitive role of sexual selection in species maintenance and speciation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 111:8113-8118.

44. Pfennig, D.W. and M.R. Servedio. 2013. The role of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in diversification and speciation. Non-Genetic Inheritance 1:17-26. – Invited review

43. Servedio, M.R. and R. Dukas. 2013. Effects on population divergence of within- generational learning about prospective mates. Evolution 67:2363-2375.

42. Servedio, M.R., T. Price, and R. Lande. 2013. Evolution of displays within the pair bond. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 280:20123020. – media coverage by: LiveScience “Public displays of affection may have evolutionary benefits” Science Life “Shaking a Tail Feather for the Good of the Brood”

41. Servedio, M.R., J. Hermisson, and G.S. van Doorn. 2013. Hybridization may rarely promote speciation (Comment). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26:282-285.

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40. †*South, S.H., Arnqvuist, G., and †M.R. Servedio. 2012. Female preference for male courtship effort can drive the evolution of male mate choice. Evolution 66:3722- 3735.

39. Verzijden, M.N., C. ten Cate, M.R. Servedio, G. Kozak, J.W. Boughman, and E. Svensson. 2012. Learning, sexual selection and speciation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27:511-519.

38. *Frame, A.M. and M.R. Servedio. 2012. The evolution of preference strength under sensory bias: a role for indirect selection. Ecology and Evolution 2:1572-1583.

37. åBergen, E.L., *J.T. Rowell, F. Gould, and M.R. Servedio. 2012. Stochasticity in sexual selection enables divergence: implications for moth pheromone evolution. Evolutionary Biology 39:271-281. – Invited paper for a special issue

36. *Rowell, J.T. and M.R. Servedio. 2012. Vocal communications and the maintenance of population specific songs in a contact zone. PLoS One 7:e35257.

35. Servedio, M.R. and M. Kopp. 2012. Sexual selection and magic traits in speciation with gene flow. Current Zoology 58:510-516. – part of special column on Sexual Selection and Speciation, Opinion

34. †Servedio, M.R., †G.S. van Doorn, †M. Kopp, *A.M. Frame and P. Nosil. 2011. Magic traits in speciation: ‘magic’ but not rare? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26: 389-397.

33. *†Olofsson, H., *†A.M. Frame and M.R. Servedio. 2011. Can reinforcement occur with a learned trait? Evolution 65:1992-2003.

32. Servedio, M.R. 2011. Limits to the evolution of assortative mating by female choice under restricted gene flow. Proceeding of the Royal Society of London Series B 278:179-187.

31. Proulx, S.R. and M.R. Servedio. 2009. Dissecting selection on female mating preferences during secondary contact. Evolution 63:2031-2046.

30. Servedio, M.R., S.A. Sæther and G.-P. Sætre. 2009. Reinforcement and learning. Evolutionary Ecology 23:109-123. – Invited paper for a symposium edition

29. Servedio, M.R. 2009. The role of linkage disequilibrium in the evolution of premating isolation. Heredity 102:51-56. – Invited paper for special issue.

28. *Rowell, J.T. and M.R. Servedio. 2009. Gentlemen prefer blondes: the evolution of mate preference among strategically allocated males. The American Naturalist 173:12-25.

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27. Otto, S.P., M.R. Servedio, and S. Nuismer. 2008. Frequency-dependent selection and the evolution of assortative mating. 179:2091-2112.

26. åTramm, N.A. and M.R. Servedio. 2008. Evolution of mate-choice imprinting: competing strategies. Evolution 62:1991-2003.

25. *Olofsson, H. and M.R. Servedio. 2008. Sympatry affects the evolution of genetic versus cultural determination of song. Behavioral Ecology 19:594-604.

24. Servedio, M.R. 2007. Male versus female mate choice: sexual selection and the evolution of species recognition via reinforcement. Evolution 61:2772-2789. – Top 20 most downloaded papers from Evolution in 12 month span.

23. *Chunco, A.J., J.S. McKinnon and M.R. Servedio. 2007. Microhabitat variation and sexual selection can maintain male color polymorphisms. Evolution 61:2504-2515.

22. Sæther, S.A., G.-P. Sætre, T. Borge, C. Wiley, N. Svedin, G. Andersson, T. Veen, J. Haavie, M.R. Servedio, S. Bureš, M. Král, M.B. Hjernquist, L. Gustafsson, J. Träff and A. Qvarnström. 2007. Sex chromosome-linked species recognition and evolution of reproductive isolation in flycatchers. Science 318:95-97. – Covered in a Perspective: Ritchie, M.G. 2007. Feathers, females, and fathers. Science 318:54-55, – Must Read - Faculty of 1000. 6 November 2007.

21. †*Lorch, P.D. and †M.R. Servedio. 2007. The evolution of conspecific gamete precedence and its effect on reinforcement. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20:937- 949.

20. †Servedio, M.R. and †M.E. Hauber. 2006. To eject or abandon? Life history traits of hosts and parasites interact to influence the fitness payoffs of alternative antiparasite strategies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19:1585-1594.

19. Servedio, M.R. and R. Lande. 2006. Population genetic models of male and mutual mate choice. Evolution 60:674-685.

18. *Verzijden M.N., *R.F. Lachlan and M.R. Servedio. 2005. Female mate choice behavior and sympatric speciation. Evolution 59:2097-2108.

17. *Lorch, P.D. and M.R. Servedio. 2005. Postmating-prezygotic isolation is not an important source of selection within and between species in Drosophila psuedoobscura and D. persimilis. Evolution 59:1039-1045.

16. Servedio, M.R. 2004. The what and why of research of reinforcement. PLoS Biology 2:e420 (2032-2035). – Invited “primer”

15. *Lachlan, R.F. and M.R. Servedio. 2004. Song learning accelerates allopatric speciation. Evolution 58:2049-2063.

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14. Servedio, M.R. 2004. The evolution of premating isolation: local adaptation and natural and sexual selection against hybrids. Evolution 58:913-924. – Recommended - Faculty of 1000. 14 June 2004.

13. Servedio, M.R. and M.A.F. Noor. 2003. The role of reinforcement in speciation: theory and data meet. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 34:339-364.

12. Servedio, M.R. and G.-P. Sætre. 2003. Speciation as a positive feedback loop between post- and prezygotic barriers to gene flow. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 270:1473-1479.

11. Servedio, M.R. and R. Lande. 2003. Coevolution of an avian host and its parasitic cuckoo. Evolution 57:1164-1175.

10. Servedio, M.R. 2001. Beyond reinforcement: the evolution of premating isolation by direct selection on preferences and postmating, prezygotic incompatibilities. Evolution 55:1909-1920.

9. Servedio, M.R. 2000. The effects of predator learning, forgetting, and recognition errors on the evolution of warning coloration. Evolution 54:751-763.

8. Servedio, M.R. 2000. Reinforcement and the genetics of nonrandom mating. Evolution. 54:21-29.

7. Wiens, J.J. and M.R. Servedio. 2000. Species delimitation in systematics: inferring "fixed" diagnostic differences between species. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B. 267(1444):631-636. – Editor’s Choice, Science. 28 April 2000. 288(5466):577.

6. Rosenthal, G.G. and M.R. Servedio. 1999. Chase away sexual selection: resistance to “resistance”. Evolution (Comments) 53:296-299.

5. Kirkpatrick, M. and M.R. Servedio. 1999. The reinforcement of mating preferences on an island. Genetics 151:865-884.

4. Wiens, J.J. and M.R. Servedio. 1998. Phylogenetic analysis and intraspecific variation: performance of parsimony, likelihood and distance methods. Systematic Biology 47:228-253.

3. Servedio, M.R. and M. Kirkpatrick. 1997. The effects of gene flow on reinforcement. Evolution 51:1764-1772.

2. Wiens, J.J. and M.R. Servedio. 1997. Accuracy of phylogenetic analysis including and excluding polymorphic characters. Systematic Biology 46(2):332-345.

1. Servedio, M.R. and M. Kirkpatrick. 1996. The evolution of mate choice copying by indirect selection. The American Naturalist 148:848-867.

* indicates postdoc, graduate student, or visiting postdoc, graduate student, or scholar in Servedio’s lab Maria R. Servedio 7

å indicates undergraduate in Servedio’s lab † authors contributed equally to this paper

Other Articles:

Dhole, S* and M.R. Servedio. 2016. Mate choice and sexually selected traits. In Kliman, R.M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology, vol. 2, pp. 440-445. Oxford: Academic Press.

Servedio, M.R. 2015. Advances on the interplay of learning and sexual selection (Editorial). Current Zoology 61:1004-1007.

Fitzpatrick, C.L. and M.R. Servedio. 2015. The multiple components of mate choice: a comment on Edward and Dougherty and Shuker. Behavioral Ecology 26:321-322.

McKinnon, J.S. and M.R. Servedio. 2013. Novelty Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (News and Views). Nature 503:44-45.

Verzijden, M.N., C. ten Cate, M.R. Servedio, G. Kozak, J.W. Boughman, and E.I. Svensson. 2013. The impact of learned mating traits on speciation is not yet clear. Response to Kawecki. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28:69-70.

Servedio, M.R. 2012. The relationship between sexual selection and speciation (Editorial). Current Zoology 58:413-415.

Servedio, M.R., G.S. van Doorn, M. Kopp, *A.M. Frame and P. Nosil. 2012. Magic traits, pleiotropy, and effect sizes: a response to Haller et al. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27:5-6.

Servedio, M.R. 2010. Isolating mechanisms and speciation. In Breed M.D. and Moore J. (eds) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, volume 2, pp 230-235. Academic Press, Oxford.

Kingsolver, J.G., D.W. Pfennig and M.R. Servedio. 2002. Migration, local adaptation and the evolution of plasticity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17:540-541.

Book Reviews:

Stevens, M.H.H., D.F. Raikow, M.R. Servedio, R.J.Collins, T.L. Schumann, A.N. Tipper, Z.T.Long and W.P. Carson. 1996. Hutchinson's chariot: A review of Species Diversity in Space and Time. M.L. Rosenzweig. 1995. Plant Science Bulletin 42:48-49.


Servedio, M.R. 1998. Preferences, signals and evolution: theoretical studies of mate choice copying, reinforcement, and aposematic coloration. The University of Texas at Austin.

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9/2013-8/2017: NSF Grant: The evolution of stable intermediate levels of reproductive isolation. PI: . $297,303.

8/2009-7/2014: NSF Grant: Models of male and mutual mate choice. PI: Maria Servedio. $401,188. REU supplement $6,995 (2010)

9/2006-8/2010: NSF Grant: Theoretical studies of the adaptive evolution of premating isolation: conspecific gamete precedence and cultural inheritance. PI: Maria Servedio. $310,996.

2005: Junior Faculty Development Award, UNC Chapel Hill, $5000

2005: Mebane M. Pritchett Course Development Award, UNC Chapel Hill, $3000

9/2001-8/2005: NSF Grant: Theoretical framework of the adaptive evolution of premating isolation. PI: Maria Servedio. $191,902.

1999: NIH Individual National Research Service Award (Postdoctoral) (declined)

1993-1998: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, UT Austin

1996: Bruton Fellowship, UT Austin

1993: University Fellowship, UT Austin


Teaching Experience:

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: (S=Spring, F=Fall)

2016-present: Mathematics of Evolutionary Processes (Biol 214H) ~ 20 students (2016S, 2017F) 2017-present: Mathematics of Life (Biol 224H), 10 students (2017S) 2004-present: Mathematical and Computational Models in Biology (Biol/Math 553), 10-20 students (2004F, 2007F, 2009F, 2013F, 2104F, 2015F, 2016F) 2009-2015: Ecology and Evolution (Biol 201, formerly Biol 54) – ~200 students (2003S, 2004S, 2005S, 2006S, 2007S, 2009S, 2010S, 2011S, 2011F, 2013S, 2014S, 2015S) 2005-2014: Mathematical Approaches to Evolution and Ecology (Biol 201H), Maria R. Servedio 9

~20 students (2005S, 2006S, 2007S, 2009S, 2010S, 2011S, 2013S, 2014S) 2012F: Scientific Writing Seminar (Biol 659) – 11 students 2003F, 2010F: Seminar in Evolution: Speciation (Biol 659) – 6-13 students 2008F: Seminar in Evolution: Sexual Selection (Biol 659) – 10 students

Cornell University:

1999: Course Administrator and Lecturer: Evolutionary Biology 1998: Lecturer: Writing in the majors: Evolutionary Biology

University of Pittsburgh:

1998: Part-time Instructor: Ecology of Amphibians and Reptiles

The University of Texas at Austin:

1995: Teaching Assistant: Molecules to Organisms 1994: Teaching Assistant: Evolution

Harvard College/Radcliffe College:

1993: Teaching Assistant for the Radcliffe Summer Program in Science

Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Trainees:

Nan Lyu (visiting postdoc from the Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2016-2017) Olivier Cotto (postdoc: 2014-2016), now at CNRS, Monpellier (postdoc) Courtney Fitzpatrick (visiting postdoc from NESCent: 2013-2016) Jeremy van Cleve (visiting postdoc from NESCent: 2013-2014): now at University of Kentucky (Assistant professor) Caitlin Stern (postdoc: 2012-2014): now at the Santa Fe Institute (postdoc) Jonathan Rowell (postdoc: 2007-2010); now at UNC Greensboro (Assistant professor) Machteld Verzijden (postdoc: 2008); now at Aarhaus University (postdoc) Helen Olofsson (postdoc: 2006-2008) Patrick Lorch (postdoc: 2003-2005) Robert Lachlan (postdoc: 2002-2004): now at Queen Mary University, London (Assistant professor equivalent)

Justin Yeh (graduate student – 2012-present) Joel Adamson (graduate student: 2008-2015) Sumit Dhole (graduate student: 2007-2014. Thesis “The evolution of reproductive traits under pre-and post-mating sexual selection”). Now at North Carolina State University (postdoc). Alicia Frame (graduate student: 2007-2012. Thesis “The evolutionary origins and consequences of variation in female mate choice preferences”). Now a Bioinformatician at Dow AgroSciences Maria R. Servedio 10

Amanda Chunco (graduate student: 2004-2009. Thesis “Causes and consequences of hybridization”). Now at Elon University (Assistant Professor) Xin He (rotation student: Fall 2004)

Visiting graduate student (1 month, 2017): Yusan Yang, University of Pittsburgh Visiting graduate student (3 months, 2004): Machteld Verzidjen, Leiden University

Graduate Committees (excluding students in my lab):

UNC: PhD Committees: Catherine Chen, Gina Calabrese, Jee Yun Lee, Lisa Bono, Thiago Lima, Thomas Clarke, David Kikuchi, Sarah Diamond, George Harper, Martin Ferris, Amber Rice, Jennifer Knies, Christy Royer

Master's Committees: Laura Sligar, Tatiana Vasquez, Maureen McClung

National and international: Meredith Miles, Wake Forest (Committee member) Mark Zimmerman, North Carolina State University (Committee member) Jonathan Henshaw, Australian National University (External Examiner) Yusan Yang, University of Pittsburgh (Committee member) Alexandre Blanckaert, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (External Examiner) Felipe Borrero, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Alnarp, Sweden (External Examiner) Samuel Snow, Yale University (Committee member) Claudia Bank, Veterinary Medical University, Vienna, Austria (External Examiner) Xia Hua, Stony Brook University (Committee member) Leithen M’Gonigle, University of British Columbia (External Examiner) Laurel Symes, Dartmouth College (External Examiner, Orals) David Garfield, Duke Department of Biology (Committee member)

Undergraduates Supervised (while at UNC):

Biology Department Sponsor: 2004-present Sponsor of a student in another department, duties: research updates, feedback and evaluation of written paper. Jakob Hamilton, Timothy Glesner, Maya Gouw, Harish Pudukodu, David Liu,Viktoriya Zhuravleva, Grace Blair, Molly Laux, Alexa Waters, Justin Huang, Alejandro Antonia, Michael Schriver, Neema Kapadia, Meredith Johnson, Jessica Oliver, Nirav Patel

Work study (research supervisor): 2003-2004 Maria Demireiva, Swapanilkumar Patel, Veneta Georgiev

Research Advisor (research for credit and otherwise): John Powers: Spring 2015, ongoing collaborator as of 2018 Natan Holtzman: Spring 2014 Maria R. Servedio 11

Alexander Kenan: Summer, Fall 2013, Spring 2014 Nicholas Panchy: Spring 2010, Summer 2010 (REU), Fall 2010, Spring 2011 Elizabeth Bergen: Spring 2010, Summer 2010 (REU), Fall 2010 Nora Tramm: Fall 2005, Spring 2006, additional research Fall 2006, Summer 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008


Editorships and Reviews:

Handling Editor for Evolution, 2015-present, approved by Council for 2nd term

Editor (1 of 7 Editors, with 27 AEs) for Current Zoology, Term 2013-2017 Member of the Editorial Board of Academic Editors for PeerJ 2013-present Member of the Editorial Board for Behavioral Ecology, Term 2013-2014. Associate Editor for the Quarterly Review of Biology. 10/2008-2014 (2 2/3 Terms). Associate Editor for The American Naturalist. Term: 2010-2011, 2013. Associate Editor for Evolution. Term: 2006-2008.

Guest Editor: Special Column on Learning and Sexual Selection for Current Zoology, published December 2015. Guest Editor: Special Column on Sexual Selection and Speciation for Current Zoology, published June 2012.

Reviews for (alphabetical): The American Naturalist, Annals of the New York Academy of Science, Behavioral Ecology, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Biochemical Genetics, Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society, Biology Letters, Current Zoology, Evolution, Evolutionary Ecology, Evolutionary Theory, Genetics, Heredity, Herpetologica, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Nature, The Open Zoology Journal, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, PLoS Biology, PLoS Computational Biology, PLoS One, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Quarterly Review of Biology, Science, Theoretical Population Biology, Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

Grant Agencies reviewed for: National Science Foundation (Population Biology, Animal Behavior, and Applied Mathematics Panels) European Research Council Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Queens College CUNY, internal grants Center for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis at the University of Oslo, internal grants.

Reviewed Abstracts for the meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, 2008 Maria R. Servedio 12

Panelist: NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant Panel NSF Grant Panel NIH Genetic Variation and Evolution Study Section – Temporary Member

Committees and advisory roles:

Sewall Wright Award Committee Member, American Society of Naturalists. Term 2013- 2016 (3 years), Chair 2015-2016 (1 year)

Evolution 2014 meeting organizing and program committees: 2014.

External expert advisor for search in Theoretical Ecology and Evolution – Uppsala University, 2012-2013

NESCent Operations Committee Member: 2012-2015.


Working on Women in Science (WOWS) Scholar, UNC: 2015-2017

Guest lesson (~ 3 hrs) on Animal Adaptations, Perry Harrison Elementary School, 4th grade class (2016)

Taught a workshop on evolution at FEMMES (Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering, and Science) Day Camp for 4th-6th grade girls (2012, 2013, 2015)

Participated as a judge at University Research Day (UNC, 2009)

Developed and ran a demonstration of evolution by for the Morehead Planetarium’s (UNC) Family Science Day “It’s Only Human!” (2008)

Appeared in an interview in a student documentary (UNC) about and evolution (2008)

Symposium for ~300 high school students (2006)

Current Membership in Professional Organizations:

The Society for the Study of Evolution The American Society of Naturalists


Invited Participant:

2013-2014: NESCent Working Group: Toward a unified evolutionary theory of decision-making in animals. Organizers: Tamra Mendelson, Mark Hauber, Rebecca Safran

2013: NESCent Catalysis Meeting: Sexual selection studies Organizer: Joan Roughgarden

Maria R. Servedio 13

2010: NESCent Catalysis Meeting: Evolution of Insect Sociality: An Integrative Modeling Approach. Organizer: James Hunt

2009-2011: NESCent Working Group: An Integrative Evolutionary Approach to Examine Sexual Selection as a Mechanism of Speciation (informal co-organizer) Organizers: Rebecca Safran and Albert Uy

2001: Invited instructor for a mini-course on Speciation, Uppsala University

Working Groups Organized:

2006: NESCent working group award: Proposal to develop a novel journal concept for evolutionary meta-analyses. Mohamed Noor and Maria Servedio.

Invited Seminars:

2016: Patterns of migration, assortative mating, and the effects of sexual selection on speciation and divergence. Indiana University. 2016: The role of sexual selection in speciation and species maintenance. Swedish Agricultural University, Alnarp, Sweden. 2016: Models and Mechanisms of Male Mate Choice. NIMBioS. 2015: Models and Mechanisms of Male Mate Choice. Cornell. 2015: Patterns of migration, assortative mating, and the effects of sexual selection on speciation and divergence. Duke University, Ecology Seminar Series. 2015: Patterns of migration, assortative mating, and the effects of sexual selection on speciation and divergence. University of Groningen, The Netherlands. 2015: The role of sexual selection in speciation and species maintenance. North Carolina State University, Program in Genetics. **Graduate Student invited speaker 2014: The counterintuitive role of sexual selection in species maintenance and speciation. University of Vienna, Austria 2014: The role of sexual selection in speciation and species maintenance. Yale 2014: The role of sexual selection in speciation and species maintenance. Michigan State University 2014: Models of male mate choice. Michigan State University 2013: The role of sexual selection in speciation and species maintenance. McGill University, Canada 2013: Sexual selection and speciation: the evolution of stable intermediate levels of reproductive isolation. Uppsala University, Sweden 2013: Sexual selection and speciation: the evolution of stable intermediate levels of reproductive isolation. University of Minnesota 2012: Models of male mate choice. Duke University, Ecology Seminar Series 2012: Models of male and mutual mate choice. Lund University, Sweden 2011: The roles of sexual selection in speciation. Florida State University 2011: Models of male and mutual mate choice. Florida State University 2011: The roles of sexual selection in speciation. University of British Columbia, Canada. **Evolution lecture: invited by the UBC graduate students Maria R. Servedio 14

2010: Models of male and mutual mate choice. University of Oklahoma. 2009: Reinforcement and the evolution of premating isolation. Dartmouth. 2007: Male mate choice during polygyny. University of Tennessee. 2005: Brood parasitism: coevolution and fitness consequences of host defense strategies. Eastern Carolina University 2005: Invitation from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Invitation declined. 2005: Reinforcement and the evolution of premating isolation. University of Toronto, Canada 2005: Reinforcement and the evolution of premating isolation. University of Guelph, Canada 2004: The evolution of premating isolation: forces beyond reinforcement. Duke University, Ecology Seminar Series. 2003: Reinforcement and local adaptation: North Carolina State University (informal) 2003: Speciation by reinforcement. The University of Wisconsin, Madison 2003: The evolution of premating isolation: mechanisms of reinforcement and local adaptation. The 2002: Reinforcement and local adaptation: Duke University, Population Biology Seminar Series 2001: Reinforcement and the adaptive evolution of premating isolation. Uppsala University, Sweden 2000, 2001: The adaptive evolution of premating isolation. The University of Tennessee, Georgia Institute of Technology, The University of California at Irvine, The University of North Carolina, The , Boston University (recruitment seminars) 2000: Models of reinforcement: gene flow and the genetics of nonrandom mating. UCSD. 1998: Models of reinforcement: gene flow and the genetics of nonrandom mating. . 1996: The effects of gene flow on reinforcement. University of Pittsburgh 1996: The evolution of mate choice copying by indirect selection. University of Pittsburgh.

Invited Presentations at Symposia and International Meetings:

2017: Servedio, M.R. Magic traits, local adaptation, and sexual selection. In the CPB Synthesis Workshop: The Intersection of Natural Selection and Reproductive Isolation, UC Davis. 2017: Servedio, M.R. (presenter) and R. Bürger. Patterns of Divergence over time: the effects of mate choice mechanisms. Gordon Research Conference. 2015: Servedio, M.R. Patterns of migration, assortative mating, and the effects of sexual selection on speciation and divergence. Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution (MMEE) conference. Invited Keynote speaker. 2014: Servedio, M.R. (presenter) and R. Bürger. The contrasting roles of sexual selection during speciation with gene flow. SSE/ASN/SSB In the SSE Symposium: The role of sexual selection in speciation: an integration of theoretical and empirical perspectives. Organizers: Rebecca Safran and Maria Servedio. 2014: Servedio, M.R. What can theoretical studies of microevolutionary speciation processes tell us about macroevolutionary patterns? SSE/ASN/SSB In the ASN Solicited Symposium: Beyond reproductive isolation: microevolutionary controls Maria R. Servedio 15

on macroevolutionary speciation dynamics. Organizers: Dan Rabosky and Daniel Matute. 2013: Servedio, M.R. (presenter) and R. Bürger. The role of sexual selection in speciation and species maintenance. In A Discussion on the Origin of Species, American Genetics Association Annual Symposium. Organizer, Kerry Shaw. 2011: Servedio, M.R., van Doorn, G.S., Kopp, M., Frame, A., and Nosil, P. Divergent selection, sexual selection, and magic traits. Congress of the European Society of Evolutionary Biology (ESEB). Symposium on Speciation by Natural versus Sexual Selection. Organizers: Allan deBelle and Claudius Kerth. (note: unable to attend at last minute due to family illness, presentation given by M. Kopp) 2010: Servedio, M.R. Limits to the power of sexual selection driving speciation with gene flow. Speciation 2010: First European Conference of Speciation Research. FroSpects, IIASA, Austria. Organizers: Åke Brännström and Ulf Dieckmann. 2006: Servedio, M.R. Preference inheritance and speciation. American Genetics Association: Genetics of Speciation Symposium. Organizer: Loren Reiseberg. 2001: Servedio, M.R. Reinforcement and beyond: forces in the adaptive evolution of premating isolation. SSE Speciation by reinforcement symposium. Organizer: Mohamed Noor 2000: Servedio, M.R. Factors affecting reinforcement and the evolution of premating isolation. SSE/ASN/SSB ASN Young Investigators Symposium.

Symposia Organized:

2014: Symposium: The role of sexual selection in speciation: an integration of theoretical and empirical perspectives. Sponsored by the Society for the Study of Evolution. Co-organizer: Rebecca Safran

Presentations at Scientific Meetings: (presenter listed first, key pg 17)

2017: Servedio, M.R. and R. Bürger. Patterns of divergence over time: the effects of mate choice mechanisms. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2016: Servedio, M.R. and *Fitzpatrick, C.L. You can’t get there from here: female trait evolution under polygyny when the quality of their mate varies. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2016: *Yeh, D.J., Boughman, J., Saetre, G-P., and Servedio, M.R. The evolution of imprinting through reinforcement. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2016: *Cotto, O. and Servedio, M.R. The evolution of incomplete reproductive isolation: from allopatry to sympatry. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2014: *Dhole, S. and Servedio, M.R. Effects of plasticity on the evolution of seminal fluid composition. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2014: *Stern, C.A. and Servedio, M.R. Evolution of a mating preference for a trait used in intrasexual competition in genetically monogamous populations. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2014: *Yeh, D.J. and Servedio, M.R. Paternal learning of a phenotype-matching trait promotes speciation at secondary contact, but not the spread of a new local adaptation. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2013: Servedio, M.R. and R. Dukas. Learning from experience, divergence, and the evolution of assortative mating. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. Maria R. Servedio 16

2013: *Dhole, S. Stern, C., Servedio, M.R. Direct detection of male quality and the evolution of indicators of good genes. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2012: *Dhole, S. and Servedio, M.R. Sperm competition and the evolution of seminal fluid composition. SSE/ASN/SSB/CSEE/ESEB joint congress. Talk. 2011: Servedio, M.R., *Olofsson, H., and *Frame, A.M. Can reinforcement occur with a learned trait? SSE/ASN/SSB. Poster. 2010: Kopp, M., *Frame, A.M., Nosil, P., Servedio, M.R., Symes, L., and van Doorn, G.S. Magic traits: magic, but not rare? Symposium: Evolution of reproductive isolation: models and empirical evidence, IST, Austria. Talk. 2010: Servedio, M.R. Limits to the evolution of assortative mating by female choice under restricted gene flow. Syposium in honor of Richard Harrison, Cornell. Poster. And SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2009: Otto, S.P. Servedio, M.R. and S.D. Nuismer. The evolution of assortative mating in sympatry: From random mating to reproductive isolation. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, SSE/ASN/SSB, and European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Poster. 2008: Servedio, M.R. Male vs. female mate choice in sexual selection and reinforcement. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2007: *Olofsson, H. and M.R. Servedio. Sympatry affects the evolution of genetic versus cultural determination of song. Southeastern and Evolution Conference. Talk. 2007: *Olofsson, H. and M.R. Servedio. Evolution of imprinting vs. genetic determination of song. British Ecological Society Annual Symposium, Speciation and Ecology. Poster. 2006: Servedio, M.R. and R. Lande. Models of male and mutual mate choice. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2006: åTramm, N.A. and M.R. Servedio. Evolution of mate-choice imprinting: competing strategies. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2005: *Chunco, A.J., McKinnon, J. and M.R. Servedio. Microhabitat variation and the maintenance of a male color polymorphism. Southeastern Population Genetics and Evolution Conference. Poster. 2005: *Verzijden, M.N., *Lachlan, R.F., and M.R. Servedio. Mate choice preference, sympatric speciation, and two sympatric Lake Victoria cichlids. European Society of Evolutionary Biology. Talk. 2005: *Lorch, P.D. and M.R. Servedio. Interactions between conspecific gamete precedence and reinforcement. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2005: Hauber, M.E. and M.R. Servedio. Egg size evolution in hosts of generalists brood parasites. Australian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Talk. 2005: Hauber, M.E. and M.R. Servedio. Adaptations and coevolution in brood parasitic cowbirds and their many hosts. International Society for Behavioral Ecology. Talk. 2004: Servedio, M.R. The evolution of premating isolation: local adaptation and selection against hybrids. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2004: *Lorch, P.D. and M.R. Servedio. Comparing the strength of premating, postmating but prezygotic, and postzygotic isolation. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2004: *Lorch, P.D. and M.R. Servedio. Comparing the strength of premating, postmating but prezygotic, and postzygotic isolation within and between species in Drosophila Maria R. Servedio 17

pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. Southeastern Population Genetics and Evolution Conference. Talk. 2003: Servedio, M.R. What weak selection approximations can and can’t tell us about reinforcement. Southeastern Population Genetics and Evolution Conference. Talk. 2003: Servedio, M.R. and G.-P. Sætre. 2003. Speciation as a positive feedback loop between post- and prezygotic barriers to gene flow. SSE/ASN/SSB. Poster. 2003: Servedio, M.R. and R. Lande. Coevolution of an avian host and its brood parasite. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 2003: Servedio, M.R. and R. Lande. Coevolution of an avian host and its brood parasite. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Talk. 2002: Servedio, M.R. Reinforcement: divergent selection vs. selection against hybrids. Southeastern Population Genetics and Evolution Conference. Talk. 1999: Servedio, M.R. Reinforcement and the genetics of nonrandom mating. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 1998: Servedio, M.R. Insights into the evolution of aposematic coloration from models of predator learning. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 1997: Servedio, M.R. and M. Kirkpatrick. A model of the effects of gene flow on reinforcement. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk. 1995: Servedio, M.R. and M. Kirkpatrick. A model for the evolution of mate choice copying. SSE/ASN/SSB. Talk.

* indicates postdoc, graduate student, or visiting graduate student in Servedio’s lab å indicates undergraduate in Servedio’s lab Note: SSE/ASN/SSB is the joint meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution, the American Society of Naturalists, and the Society for Systematic Biology