Master Thesis Computer Science Thesis no: MCS-2010-37 December 2010 Comparative Analysis of two Open Source Network Monitoring Systems: Nagios & OpenNMS Muhammad Qadir Muhammad Adnan SchoolSchool of Computing of Computing BlekingeBlekinge Institute Institute of Technology of Technology SE –Box 371 520 79 Karlskrona SwedenSE – 372 25 Ronneby Sweden This thesis is submitted to the School of Computing at Blekinge Institute of Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science. The thesis is equivalent to 20 weeks of full time studies. Contact Information: Author(s): Muhammad Qadir Folkparksvagen 18:03 Ronneby 372 40, Sweden
[email protected] Muhammad Adnan Folkparksvagen 14:11 Ronneby 372 40, Sweden
[email protected] University advisor(s): Jeff Winter School of Computing School of Computing Blekinge Institute of Technology Internet : SE – 371 79 Karlskrona Phone : +46 455 38 50 00 Sweden Fax : +46 455 38 50 57 1 ABSTRACT Context: Extensive and rapid continuous growth in Internet Protocol (IP) based networks and as the result of increasing dependencies on these networks makes them extremely challenging to manage and keep them running all the time. 24/7 non-stop monitoring is important to minimize the down time of the network. For this reason dependency on automated network monitoring has been increased. Objectives: There are many tools and systems available for network monitoring. This includes expensive commercial solutions to open source products. Nagios and OpenNMS are two of the most popular systems and they are considered to be close competitors. Comparison discussions about them are very common at different forums on internet.