
84 Gut 1994; 35:84-89

Liver disease in ulcerative : an epidemiological

and follow up study in the county of Stockholm Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.35.1.84 on 1 January 1994. Downloaded from

U Broome, H Glaumann, G Hellers, B Nilsson, J Sorstad, R Hultcrantz

Abstract sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) are said to be more In an epidemiological study ofthe incidence of common in patients with UC.47 The incidence of (UC) in the county of Stock- these complications varies in different studies holm between 1955 and 1979, 1274 patients depending on selection criteria and on the with UC were discovered. Almost all these definition of hepatobiliary disease.89 The true patients had regularly been investigated with incidence of hepatobiliary dysfunction in UC, ; 142 (11%) of them showed however, can only be obtained by tests of liver signs of hepatobiliary disease. A follow up function tests such as transaminases, alkaline study on all 142 patients with abnormal liver phosphatases, and bilirubin made routinely in function and UC was made between 1989 and unselected groups of patients with UC. Because 1991 to evaluate the cause of the liver abnor- the cause of hepatic involvement in UC is mality and to find out if the had enigmatic it is important to find out if the rate affected the survival rates. At follow up, eight of this is increasing, because of patients were reclassified as having Crohn's factors unrelated to UC, or if it mirrors the disease, 60 had developed normal liver func- incidence ofUC in itself. tion as judged from test results, while the Although it is well established that PSC is a remaining 74 still had signs of hepatobiliary harmful disease often associated with UC'° " the disease. The most common explanation for a importance of pathological liver function tests transient abnormality in liver function was among patients with UC has yet to be estab- active colitis. The temporary signs of liver lished. To find out if hepatobiliary dysfunction injury were not associated with changes in affects the survival of patients suffering from survival rates for these patients. , UC, it is necessary to study the patients for a long especially those because of B and period of time. C virus transmitted by transfusions In a previously reported epidemiological accounted for the abnormalities in liver func- study,'2 1274 patients with UC were identified in http://gut.bmj.com/ tion in 21 patients, nine ofwhich had a chronic, the county of Stockholm between 1955 and 1979. but non-fatal course. Twenty nine (2.3%) of These patients were subsequently investigated the patients developed primary sclerosing for morbidity and mortality with regard to liver cholangitis (PSC), and 12 of them died during function. In this group, 142 patients were found the study period four because ofcholangiocar- to have abnormal liver function tests and all of cinoma and eight because of hepatic failure; them were studied for an average of 15 years after one patient had a transplant. The estimated the onset ofabnormal liver function tests. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. median time of survival from the first presen- The aims of this study were to establish the tation of evidence of a liver function, com- cause of the liver function abnormalities in all patible with the diagnosis of PSC, to or 142 patients and to find out whether or not the liver transplantation was 21 years. A compari- liver disease affected the survival of the patients. son of survival rates in patients with UC and patients with UC and concurrent PSC showed, a significant reduction in survival in the PSC Patients and methods Departments of group (p

of disease in the colon beyond the hepatic smooth muscle, raised IgG, and negative tests for flexure. All but 55 patients were regularly hepatitis B was required.'5 investigated with liver function tests. Patients Positive markers for hepatitis B (presence of

with evidence ofabnormal liver function tests (at surface antigen and antibodies to core antigen) or Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.35.1.84 on 1 January 1994. Downloaded from least twice the upper normal values of serum antibodies to , proved with the recom- bilirubin, serum activities of alkaline phos- binant immunoblot analysis (RIBA C100-3, phates, or liver transaminases, or all three at two Chiron) and a liver compatible with occasions with a minimal interval oftwo months) chronic were interpreted as indica- were defined as having hepatobiliary disease. tive of chronic hepatitis B or C . Onset of liver disease was defined as the time of The patients were diagnosed as having a liver the first abnormal liver function tests. One abnormality as a result ofactive colitis ifevidence hundred and forty two patients, 92 males and 50 of abnormal liver function tests was found only females, with UC and abnormal liver function during periods of inflammatory activity in the tests were identified. bowel, as defined by diarrhoea and sigmoido- scopic findings of excess mucus, signs of bleed- ing, or ulcerations, or all three and if the liver METHODS function tests returned to normal after The files from all 142 patients, both living and or when the patients were in remission and no deceased (n=35), with UC and signs of hepato- other explanation for the abnormality in liver biliary disease were re-evaluated during the years function tests was found. Fatty change was 1989 and 1991. Ifno current data were available, believed to be the cause of increased activities of patients were asked to have liver function tests. transaminases if the patients showed an isolated If no clinical signs of liver disease were present increase in these enzymes unrelated to inflamma- and aspartate aminotransferase and alanine tory activity in the bowel, were overweight aminotransferase were <1-0 iikat/l and alkaline (calculated from as weight (kg)/length (cm)- phosphatase <5 0 pkat/l no further investiga- 100>1), and with no other explanation for tion was carried out. Attempts were made to abnormal liver function tests, such as alcohol retrospectively clarify the cause of the previous abuse. 6 abnormalities in liver function tests. All slides from biopsy specimens and liver All patients with a persistent rise in alkaline tissue obtained at necropsy were re-evaluated by phosphatase >5 [ikat/l (normal upper range one liver pathologist (HG) and one hepatologist <4-2 ,ukat/l) had an ultrasound investigation (UB) according to the international classification and subsequently also an endoscopic retrograde of liver diseases and without knowledge of the cholangiography or percutaneous transhepatic clinical data concerning the patients.'7 cholangiography. http://gut.bmj.com/ All patients with a persistent rise in trans- aminase activities and without a previously STATISTICAL ANALYSES established hepatobiliary diagnosis were Student's t test was used to compare mean examined with conventional laboratory tests and values, and X2 analysis to compare proportions. were questioned concerning intake of alcohol or Survival curves were estimated by the method of drugs, and exposure to other hepatotoxic sub- Kaplan and Meyer and differences between stances. Laboratory tests included assessment of groups were compared using the log rank test. As on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. serum y-glutamyltransferase, bilirubin, creati- the development of PSC can be considered to be nine and , and serum protein electro- time dependent after the development of UC, an phoresis regarding values of ceruloplasmin and analysis of survival curves for patients with both al anti-trypsin. Immunofluorescence analyses of PSC and UC, and patients with UC alone, was smooth muscle anti-nuclear and anti-mito- done after a study period of 48 months. The chondrial antibodies were made. Serological study period and the follow up period were then tests for hepatitis B (HBsAg, anti-HBs, and anti- kept apart.'8 HBc) and hepatitis C (anti-HCV, RIBA-1) were done with routine techniques. All patients had ultrasonography. With one exception, a post- Results mortem examination was done on all deceased The male to female ratio was 588/544 among the cases. Time for follow up was defined as the time patients with UC but without evidence of liver for final investigation, death or liver transplanta- disease, compared with 93/49 among patients tion. with liver disease (p<0 002). Three hundred and sixty nine patients without liver disease had a total colitis, compared with 107 of the patients DEFINITION OF DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA with hepatobiliary disease (p<0Q0001). The PSC was the diagnosis if cholangiographic find- mean age at onset of UC did not differ signific- ings of strictures or irregularities in the intra- antly between patients with and without liver hepatic or extrahepatic bile ducts, or both were disease. found.'4 A liver biopsy specimen was subse- All patients could be traced for follow up. quently obtained for these patients. The onset of Eight were re-evaluated and reclassified as disease was defined as the time of first presenta- having Crohn's disease and were therefore tion of abnormality of liver function tests con- excluded from further investigation. The rest of sistent with a diagnosis of PSC. the patients (134) were categorised according to For the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis a the presence or absence of evidence of abnormal liver biopsy compatible with chronic active hepa- liver function tests at follow up. Figure 1 sum- titis, circulating antibodies against nuclei and marises the results. 86 Broome, Glaumann, Hellers, Nilsson, Sorstad, Hultcrantz

142 phosphatase activities as well. Twenty one of patients with UC and hepatobiliary these patients had colectomy. Postoperatively, disease liver function - based on the results of liver 1955-79 function tests - returned to normal. Six of the Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.35.1.84 on 1 January 1994. Downloaded from patients with abnormal liver function tests related to active colonic had liver 60 8 biopsy specimens taken. Fatty change was found patients with patients reclassified in all six biopsy specimens, and portal mono- normal liver as suffering from function tests Crohn's disease nuclear cell infiltration was noted in two. at follow up All patients with hepatitis B (n=4) and (n=3) infection had received blood transfusions, either in association with 74 colectomy or during periods of active colitis. patients with Two patients with fulminant colitis at the time of abnormal liver function tests at follow up colectomy were found to have liver abscesses, and one subsequently developed a subphrenic Figure 1: The resultsfrom thefollow up of142 patients with abscess. Thus, 10 patients had had infectious ulcerative colitis (UC) and evidence ofabnormal liver diseases which might explain the transient function tests. abnormalities in liver function tests. Fatty change was suspected in two patients and verified by liver biopsy examination in one. NORMAL LIVER FUNCTION TESTS AT FOLLOW UP All three patients showed a protracted rise in Sixty patients were found to have had a transient transaminases; however, subsequently, normal disturbance of liver function tests (which had values were regained after weight reduction. resolved). Table I shows data from these Signs indicative of drug reaction against sulpha- patients. The abnormal liver function tests were salazine were noted in two patients. Both reacted usually found during periods of active inflamma- with evidence of abnormal liver function tests tion in the colon. Forty patients (19 males and 21 shortly after the onset of sulphasalazine treat- females) most of whom had total colitis, also ment; a return to normal soon occurred after the showed evidence ofabnormal liver function tests drug was stopped. The same reaction was seen during periods of chronic continuous or fulmi- when sulphasalazine was reintroduced. nant colitis. All these 40 patients had raised transaminase activities and 13 had raised alkaline ABNORMAL LIVER FUNCTION TESTS AT FOLLOW UP

Seventy four patients had abnormal liver func- http://gut.bmj.com/ TABLE I Clinical datafrom patients with a transient rise in LFT and with normal LFT at tion tests at follow up. Tables II and III give the follow up clinical data from these patients. Fatty liver was believed to be present in five Median age No of No of and was in Median age at onset of patients Time of patients patients, morphologically verified Sex at onset of liver disease with total follow up who had four after liver biopsy examination. It was also n=60 MIF UC (y) (y) colitis (y) died shown at postmorten examination in another

Active colitis 40 19/21 30 (9-69) 32 (9-73) 33 18 3* two patients who died as a result of causes on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Hepatitis B 4 3/1 33 (31-44) 36 (31-45) 2 19 0 unrelated to liver disease. Excess of CMV 3 2/1 16 (9-18) 24 (16-32) 2 13 0 consumption Fatty infiltration 3 3/0 30 (22-37) 30 (22-38) 3 18 0 alcohol was found in nine patients; five of them Abscess 3 2/1 22 (21-40) 36 (22-40) 3 13 0 died because of . A substantial male 2 1/1 30 32 0 17 0 Drug reaction 2 2/0 41 48 1 15 0 predominance was found concerning fatty Hepatitis A 1 1/0 30 36 1 27 0 and alcohol related liver disease. 1 0/1 27 45 0 14 0 change Pregnancy 1 0/1 18 19 0 12 0 Eight patients suffered from chronic hepatitis C infection and one had a chronic hepatitis B * unrelated to liver disease; LFT=liver function tests; UC=ulcerative colitis; infection, all having received blood transfusions CMV=cytomegalovirus. during periods of active colitis or when having a colectomy. Chronic autoimmune hepatitis was - TABLE II Clinical datafrom patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) and abnormal LFTat found in three patients all steroid dependent. follow up. (PSC patients excluded) Primary biliary cirrhosis was diagnosed in one patient. One female patient with cirrhosis of Median Median age No of No of unknown cause died The liver age at at presentation patients patients during colectomy. Sex presentation ofliver disease with total who had was found to be small and cirrhotic at laparo- n=45 MIF of UC (y) (y) colitis died tomy; however, no biopsy specimen was taken Fatty liver 11 11/0 28 (8-58) 28 (17-58) 7 2 and a necropsy was not done. Another patient, Alcoholic overconsumption 9 7/2 39 (13-66) 44 (27-66) 5 7 with an unclear cholestatic liver suffered Chronic hepatitis C 8 5/3 21 (13-63) 26 (13-63) 8 0 disease, with liver from chronic psychiatric disease and received metastasis 4 2/2 36 5 (12-41) 38 (29-41) 4 4 Chronic autoimmune prolonged anti-psychotic drug treatment. Endo- hepatitis 3 2/1 25 (18-26) 30 (25-37) 3 0 scopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 2 2/0 59 (45-72) 66 (59-72) 1 2 had shown normal bile Gilbert's syndrome 2 2/0 40 (24-56) 40 (24-56) 2 1 (ERCP) previously ducts; Chronic hepatitis B 1 1/10 50 36 0 0 but the patient refused further investigation. Hepatic cysts 1 0/1 11 11 1 0 Table II lists various additional liver Primary biliary cirrhosis 1 0/1 51 1 1 1 diagnoses, Hepatoma 1 1/0 30 41 1 1 which are not known to be related to UC. Liver cirrhosis 1 0/1 12 12 1 1 The most common cause for persistent Unclear 1 0/1 20 20 0 0 abnormal liver function tests was primary LFT=liver function tests; PSC=primary sclerosing cholangitis. sclerosing cholangitis, found in 27 patients Liverdisease in ulcerative colitis: an epidemiological andfollow up study in the county ofStockholm 87

TABLE III Clinical datafrom all patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) (Table III). The male predominance was high (23/4). All but one patient had a total colitis. Six Median age Median age Sex at onset of at onset of of these patients did not have a cholangiogram Colectomy n=29 M/F UC (y) PSC (y) (five were dead at follow up) and the diagnosis Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.35.1.84 on 1 January 1994. Downloaded from Patients still alive 14 12/2 16 (4-40) 24 (7-51) 5 was then based on clinical data including symp- Patients dead or who had a transplant 9 7/2 21 (10-48) 27 (7-48) 3 toms of upper right , pruritus, Patients who died with cholangiocarcinoma 4 4/0 42 (15-65) 45 (21-56) 1 Small sclerosing cholangitis 2 1/1 23 33 0 persistent cholestatic biochemical abnormalities, in combination with morphological evidence UC=ulcerative colitis. obtained from liver biopsy specimens or necrop- sies, or both compatible with this diagnosis. Thus, 2a 1% of all 1266 patients with ulcerative TABLE IV Causes ofdeath amongpatients with ulcerative colitis and liver disease colitis also suffered from PSC. The incidence of the incidence of UC, and no Dead Median Dead Median age PSC accompanied between age at between at death increase ofPSC was seen during the study period 1955-79 death (y) 1980-91 (y) (data not shown). Three of the PSC patients Liver failure because ofPSC* 2 37 (27-47) 7* 44 (33-57) developed abnormal liver function tests before PSC+cholangiocarcinoma 2 57 (41-72) 2 53-5 (33-74) the onset ofulcerative colitis. In six patients, the Liver failure because ofalcoholic overconsumption 3 63 (59-71) 2 bowel and liver disease occurred simultaneously, Hepatoma 1 46 0 whereas for the other 18 PSC patients the Heart failure or myocardial infarction, or both 2 62-5(60-65) 4 78 (68-90) abnormality in liver function tests began at a Postoperative complication 1 61 1 64 median time of seven years (range 2-20) after the Carcinoma of the colon 1 29 2 60 (47-73) Carcinoma ofthe ovary or testis 2 44 0 onset ofthe bowel disease. Gastrointestinal 1 50 0 Two patients had significantly increased alka- Sepsis 0 1 66 0 1 81 line phosphatase activities and morphological changes in liver biopsy specimens compatible 15 20 with a diagnosis of PSC. Both patients had, *One patient had a transplant; PSC=primary sclerosing cholangitis. however, repeated normal ERCPs and were therefore believed to be suffering from sclerosing cholangitis of the small bile ducts.19 In one of these patients, histological progression of the cholangitis to bridging fibrosis and cirrhosis was noted. Taking these two patients into account 2-3%, of the UC patients had PSC. Twelve ofthe PSC patients were dead at follow

up, eight because of hepatic failure and four http://gut.bmj.com/ because of cholangiocarcinoma. One had a liver "I" transplant. The median time of survival for the 0- entire PSC group was 21 years (range 6-44) (Fig 2). Nine of the PSC patients had a colectomy. This procedure did not seem to improve the liver disease, as judged from biochemical tests.

Among the whole group of patients with UC on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. and abnormal liver function tests, 34 died and one had a transplant during the study period (1955-91). A necropsy was carried out on all but Time (months) one of the patients who died (Table IV). Amnong Figure 2: Survival of29 patients with ulcerative colitis andprimary sclerosing cholangitis. The these, only three were known to have had estimated median time ofsurvival is 21 years. transient abnormalities of liver function tests; the remaining 31 patients had abnormal liver function tests at death. Eighteen patients died -1i uunU r _ ____ because ofliver failure or primary malignancy of L-1------the liver or bile ducts, and one patient had liver transplantation because of liver failure. Survival -801 analysis of all UC patients with hepatobiliary dysfunction, compared with patients with UC I only, did not show any significant differences L- 60[ L-,~~~~~~ not shown). Survival analysis of all UC _ __ _ _ (data (A _ __ __ patients without PSC, however, compared with 40 patients with both UC and PSC, showed a 4- significant reduced survival for the PSC group CLCO (p<0-0001) (Fig 3). 20h_ Discussion 15 20 n'I 5'10 20 2725 30 To our knowledge, this is the first follow up 0o 5 1 o 15 study of patients with UC and concomitant Time (y) abnormality in tests of liver function. All Figure 3: Actuarial survival time of1204 patients with ulcerative colitis only (black line) patients were originally included in an epidemio- compared with survival of15 patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and ulcerative colitis logical study; selection bias can therefore be (dotted line). Survival analysis was made after a study period of48 months. Significant differences were found between the two groups (p<0O0001). excluded. 88 Broome, Glaumann, Hellers, Nilsson, Sorstad, Hultcrantz

Transient abnormal values in the tests for liver elapsed after the onset of evidence of abnormal function were found during periods of active liver function tests until the diagnosis ofPSC was total colitis in 40 of 142 patients. Most of these made. Therefore, some patients in our study

patients had total colitis, and 21 had colectomy. who died before 1979 may well have suffered Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.35.1.84 on 1 January 1994. Downloaded from In some of these patients liver function abnor- from undiagnosed PSC. The frequency of this malities developed during the perioperative disease in patients in this study is lower than in a period, but did persist for at least two months. recent epidemiological study of the point preval- Patients with exacerbations of inflammatory ence ofPSC in patients with UC in Sweden (2-3 v bowel disease sometimes presented with raised 3.5%).26 Patients with proctitis were not concentrations of serum alkaline phosphatases included in this study. Excluding patients with and transaminases.20 Dew et al found that 25% of proctitis from our study increases the frequency the patients operated on because ofinflammatory ofpatients with PSC to 3%. Among patients with bowel disease had transient perioperative total colitis, 6-3% were found to have PSC in this changes in liver function.21. Half of these study, compared with 5-5% in the study by patients, however, suffered from postoperative Olsson et al.26 In both these studies, only wound infections or sepsis; this was not the case patients with abnormal liver function tests were in our study. Transient rises in transaminases examined. As it is known that a small group of activities can also result from total parenteral patients with PSC may have normal values in nutrition.22 This was not, however, considered to liver function tests, the true incidence of PSC be the cause in our patients. Hence, although the may be somewhat higher than previously cause of the abnormal values in liver function reported.27 tests during active colitis is not fully understood, Two patients (7% of all PSC patients) were liver function tests are indeed impaired but found to have small bile duct sclerosing cholan- usually resolve spontaneously. gitis, an entity introduced by the Mayo group in Fatty change of the liver is a well known 1985.19 In our study, these patients did abnormality in UC and also a common finding in not develop any large bile duct involvement patients having colectomy' 23; furthermore, this although histological signs of progression were change has been suggested to be related to the noted. This may imply that small bile duct severity ofthe colitis.4 In this study, fatty change sclerosing cholangitis is not an early stage oflarge was found in all patients with abnormal liver bile duct sclerosing cholangitis, but rather a function tests and active colitis in which a liver distinct entity representing one end of a large biopsy specimen was obtained. Therefore, it disease spectrum of biliary involvement in UC. may be suspected that the fatty change in this In our study four PSC patients died ofcholan- subgroup of UC patients is an unspecific mani- giocarcinoma, which is known to be associated

festation of the accompanying malnutrition, with both UC and PSC.28 All patients with http://gut.bmj.com/ anaemia, and treatment with . cholangiocarcinoma also had PSC; therefore it Eleven patients, however, had fatty change seems probable that this particular subset of unrelated to the activity of the colitis, a finding patients with UC also has an increased risk of that might be explained by overweight or over- developing cholangiocarcinoma. Occurrence of consumption of alcohol. Fatty change is an cholangiocarcinoma in 14% (4/29) of our PSC unspecific and common cause for a rise in serum patients is a high figure when compared with the

transaminase activities in asymptomatic patients results in other studies.5' 101129 The explanation on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. and also in asymptomatic patients without UC. 16 for the differences in the results may be that all Chronic autoimmune hepatitis has been PSC patients who died had a postmortem exami- reported to be associated with ulcerative colitis.6 nation and the diagnoses could be verified Because, in the quoted study, however, no clear whereas there are apparent problems in diagnos- distinction between PSC was made, some ing cholangiocarcinoma in living patients with patients may well have been suffering from this PSC. disease. In our study, only three cases with Patients with PSC may have a highly variable autoimmune hepatitis were found. One patient course, many remaining well and asymptomatic was found to have primary biliary cirrhosis, during the entire study period. The estimated previously described in association with UC in median time of survival for all PSC patients was only five cases in published works.2425 21 years (range 6-44). Recently, one study from Twenty of our patients had infectious liver the Mayo Clinic and one from King's College on diseases, in particular chronic hepatitis C, most PSC have shown an overall survival of 1L7 and probably transmitted by blood transfusions. It 12 years, respectively.'01' It is important to note may be surmised that in the group of patients that in these two studies both start and endpoints with transient abnormalities in liver function of PSC were defined in different ways therefore tests some might be included who had received no real comparison can be made. The English blood transfusions; acute hepatitis C may well study and our study, however, both define onset have caused the rise seen in transaminase activi- of PSC as the time of the first presentation of ties. abnormal liver function tests or symptoms con- PSC was previously considered a rare disease, sistent with the diagnosis of PSC, and endpoint only five patients in our study were investigated as either liver related death or liver transplanta- with ERCP or percutaneous transhepatic cholan- tion. The much higher median survival found in giography and diagnosed as having PSC before our study is therefore probably explained by the 1979. The number of patients with UC who fact that it lacks the selection bias found in the developed PSC remained constant during the English one. study period suggesting that the cause of PSC is Thus, it can be concluded that although 11% closely linked to UC. On average, 14 years of all patients with UC presented with evidence Liverdisease in ulcerative colitis: an epidemiological andfollow up study in thecountyofStockholm 89

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