IK10 bus time schedule & line map

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The IK10 bus line (Dunfermline) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Dunfermline: 3:27 PM (2) : 7:58 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest IK10 bus station near you and nd out when is the next IK10 bus arriving.

Direction: Dunfermline IK10 bus Time Schedule 23 stops Dunfermline Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:37 PM High School, Inverkeithing Tuesday 3:27 PM High School, Inverkeithing Wednesday 3:37 PM Fraser Avenue, Inverkeithing Thursday 3:27 PM

Boreland Road, Inverkeithing Friday 3:27 PM

Back O' Yards, Inverkeithing Saturday Not Operational Hill Street,

Manse Road, Inverkeithing

Fairykirk Road, IK10 bus Info Direction: Dunfermline Castlandhill Road, Rosyth Stops: 23 Trip Duration: 1443 min Castlandhill Road, Inverkeithing Line Summary: High School, Inverkeithing, High Queensferry Road, Rosyth School, Inverkeithing, Fraser Avenue, Inverkeithing, Boreland Road, Inverkeithing, Back O' Yards, Queensferry Road, Inverkeithing Inverkeithing, Manse Road, Inverkeithing, Fairykirk Parkside Street, Rosyth Road, Rosyth, Castlandhill Road, Rosyth, Queensferry Road, Rosyth, Parkside Street, Rosyth, Queens Buildings, Rosyth, Dick Place, Rosyth, Tesco Queens Buildings, Rosyth Supermarket, Rosyth, Railway Station, Rosyth, Burney Place, Inverkeithing Enterprise Way, Carnegie Campus, Castle House, Dick Place, Rosyth Carnegie Campus, Pitreavie Castle, Carnegie Campus, Blackwood Way, Carnegie Campus, Peploe Dick Place, Scotland Rise, Dunfermline, Eardley Crescent, Dunfermline, Lapwing Drive, Dunfermline, Anneld, Dunfermline, Tesco Supermarket, Rosyth Masterton Primary School, Dunfermline Railway Station, Rosyth Queensferry Road, Scotland

Enterprise Way, Carnegie Campus

Castle House, Carnegie Campus

Pitreavie Castle, Carnegie Campus Blackwood Way, Carnegie Campus

Peploe Rise, Dunfermline

Eardley Crescent, Dunfermline

Lapwing Drive, Dunfermline

Anneld, Dunfermline

Masterton Primary School, Dunfermline B916, Scotland Direction: Inverkeithing IK10 bus Time Schedule 23 stops Inverkeithing Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:58 AM Masterton Primary School, Dunfermline B916, Scotland Tuesday 7:58 AM

Anneld, Dunfermline Wednesday 7:58 AM

Lapwing Drive, Dunfermline Thursday 7:58 AM Friday 7:58 AM Eardley Crescent, Dunfermline Saturday Not Operational Peploe Rise, Dunfermline Lapwing Drive, Scotland

Blackwood Way, Carnegie Campus IK10 bus Info Pitreavie Castle, Carnegie Campus Direction: Inverkeithing Castle Drive, Dunfermline Stops: 23 Trip Duration: 27 min Castle House, Carnegie Campus Line Summary: Masterton Primary School, Dunfermline, Anneld, Dunfermline, Lapwing Drive, Enterprise Way, Carnegie Campus Dunfermline, Eardley Crescent, Dunfermline, Peploe Rise, Dunfermline, Blackwood Way, Carnegie Railway Station, Rosyth Campus, Pitreavie Castle, Carnegie Campus, Castle House, Carnegie Campus, Enterprise Way, Carnegie Queensferry Road, Scotland Campus, Railway Station, Rosyth, Dick Place, Rosyth, Dick Place, Rosyth Queens Buildings, Rosyth, Lowry Place, Rosyth, Parkside Street, Rosyth, Castlandhill Road, Rosyth, Dick Place, Scotland Fairykirk Road, Rosyth, Hilleld Road, Inverkeithing, Queens Buildings, Rosyth Roods Road, Inverkeithing, Square, Inverkeithing, Boreland Road, Inverkeithing, Fraser Avenue, Lowry Place, Rosyth Inverkeithing, High School, Inverkeithing, High School, Inverkeithing Lowry Place, Inverkeithing

Parkside Street, Rosyth

Castlandhill Road, Rosyth Castlandhill Road, Inverkeithing

Fairykirk Road, Rosyth

Hilleld Road, Inverkeithing

Roods Road, Inverkeithing Hill Street, Scotland

Square, Inverkeithing High Street, Scotland

Boreland Road, Inverkeithing

Fraser Avenue, Inverkeithing Gray Place, Scotland

High School, Inverkeithing High School, Inverkeithing IK10 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved