News of All the Churches
July 11, 1940 5c a copy THE WITNESS WORKER IN A CHINESE COOPERATIVE Showing the Product of His Spinning Wheel NEWS OF ALL THE CHURCHES Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. I SCHOOLS I CLERGY NOTES I SCHOOLS I ADAMS, C. W., was ordained deacon by Bishop Wing of Florida on June 23 in St. Andrew’s Church, Tampa, where he will be curate. CASEY, R. P., was ordained priest on June 24 by Bishop Perry of Rhode Island at Shattuck— MNBROOK St. Stephen’s, Providence, Rhode Island. He will continue on the staff of St. Stephen’s. an Episcopal Church school Preparatory sch o o l for CLARKSON, A. B., was ordained priest on preparing boys for college. 80th boys in grades 7-12. Post June 28 at the Church of Our Saviour, graduate course. Beautiful, modern build Trenton, South Carolina, by Bishop Gra- year; unit R.O.T.C. 640 acres; ings. Single rooms in fire-resisting dormi vatt of Upper South Carolina. He is to all sports. For information ad tories for all boys. Small classes. Strong be rector of Trinity Church, Edgefield; faculty. Graduates in over 60 colleges. Grace Church, Ridge Springs and Church dress Exceptional opportunities in arts, crafts, of Our Saviour, Trenton, all in South Caro The Rector, science, music. Broad program of athletics. lina. Near Detroit. Over night by train from DAVIS, FRANK D., Presbyter, was deposed New York, 6 hours from Chicago. For from the ministry by the bishop of Harris Shattuck School catalog address burg, having renounced the ministry.
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