Milebymile.Com Personal Road Trip Guide Missouri United States Highway #50

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Milebymile.Com Personal Road Trip Guide Missouri United States Highway #50 Personal Road Trip Guide Missouri United States Highway #50 Miles ITEM SUMMARY 0.0 Kansas/Missouri State Line Kansas/Missouri State Line near Kansas City, Missouri, This is where US Route #50 enters Missouri and begins its southeasterly Journey towards St. Louis, Missouri where the US Highway #50 crosses over to Illinois ending its journey across Missouri. Altitude: 853 feet 1.1 Exit 74 : Indian Creek Altitude: 869 feet Greenway 3.5 Junction : I-435/US #71 Altitude: 948 feet 4.1 Exit 1A : Grandview, MO Exit 1A, US Route #71 southbound, to Hickman Mills, Missouri, a neighborhood of Kansas City, Missouri, Missouri Career Center, Longview Tract Park, Kemoodles Park, Kemoodles Lake, Grandview, Missouri, a city in Jackson County, Missouri, Harry S. Truman National Historic Site, lies on Blue Ridge Road, just off US #71. Altitude: 951 feet 7.3 Exit 4 : Raytown, MO Exit 4, Raytown Road, to Raytown, Missouri, a city in Jackson County, Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City, Missouri, Kenegy Skatepark, a skatepark (first and only skatepark) located in Raytown, Missouri, Crittenton Childrens Center, Children's Mercy West, Clark-Ketterman Athletic Field, Altitude: 869 feet 8.6 Exit 5 : Longview Lake Exit 5, View High Drive, to Longview Lake, a freshwater reservoir, located in Longview Lake Park, Metropolitan Community College-Longview, Longview Farm, located in Lee's Summit, Missouri, Longview Lake County Park, Altitude: 827 feet 10.8 Junction : Interstate Hwy Junction Interstate Highway #470, Missouri Highway #350, Unity #470/MO #350 Village, Missouri, a village in Jackson County, Missouri, Lee's Summit Municipal Airport, a public use airport in Jackson County, Missouri, Trace County Park, Truman Medical Center Lakewood, Lakewood Lakes, Lake Jacomo, a freshwater reservoir located near Blue Springs, Missouri, in Jackson County, Missouri, Altitude: 948 feet 12.6 SW 3rd Street : Lee's SW 3rd Street, Lee's Summit, Missouri, a city in Jackson and Cass Summit, MO Counties in Missouri, Lee's Summit Amtrak Station, a passenger train station, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, a historic Carpenter Gothic church, is located in Lee's Summit, Missouri, Mid-Continent Public Library, Kansas City Metropolitan Jr. College, Metropolitan Community College, McC Recreation Center, located west off US 50, on the eastern shore of Longview Lake. Altitude: 978 feet 13.6 SW Jefferson St. : Lake SW Jefferson Street/Missouri Route #291, to Lake Winnebago, Winnebago Missouri, a city in Cass County, Missouri, A large lake of the same name is located on both sides of MO Route #291. Altitude: 1033 feet 15.6 SE Ranson Rd. : James SE Ranson Road, to James A. Reed Memorial Wildlife Area, Plover A.Reed Mem.Wildlife Area Lake, Catclaws Lake, Jackrabbit Lake, Cottontail Lake, Lake Nell, Gopher Lake, are lakes located within the James A.Reed Memorial Wildlife Area, Greenwood, Missouri, a city in Jackson and Cass Counties in Missouri, located south off US Route #50, To the north, lies Prairie Lee Lake, North Prairie Lee Park, South Prairie Lee Park, Lee's Summit Medical Center, lies just off US #50. Altitude: 1014 feet Page 1/18 PDF Document Generated on 2021-Aug-11 Copyright 2021, Mile By Mile Media Personal Road Trip Guide 19.9 Intersection MO #7 : Lake Intersection Missouri Route #7, Pleasant Hill, Missouri, a city in Cass Lotawana County, Missouri, lies on Missouri Route #7, south off US Route #50, Baldwin Park, Missouri, a village in Cass County, Missouri, To the north lies, Lake Lotawana, Missouri, a city in Jackson County, Missouri, on the shores of a lake of the same name, which is formed by damming West Fork Sni-A-Bar Creek, A recreation lake. Altitude: 1017 feet 22.6 S Buckner Tarsney Rd : S Buckner Tarsney Road, Grain Valley, Missouri, a city in Jackson Grain Valley, MO County, Missouri, East Kansas City Airport, a public airport located just off Interstate Highway #70 east of Blue Springs, Missouri. Lone Jack Lake Conservation Area, lies nearby. Altitude: 991 feet 25.1 Bynum Rd : Lone Jack, MO S Bynum Road/Missouri Route #150, Lone Jack, Missouri, a city in Jackson County, Missouri, Mid-Continent Public Library, Lone Jack Lake Conservation Area lies nearby. Altitude: 1010 feet 31.4 NW State Hwy Z : Powell NW State Highway Z, Maupin Lake, NW 650th Road, to Powell Gardens Gardens, a botanical garden in Kingsville, Missouri, It is open to public, with 225,000 plants in seasonal displays, Ferguson Herold Conservation Area, Altitude: 869 feet 35.5 Intersection : MO #131 Intersection Missouri Route #131, To the south along Mo #131 lies Holden, Missouri, a city in Johnson County, Missouri, and Lake Lafayette, Missouri, a city in Lafayette County, Missouri, lies to north, Altitude: 863 feet 40.6 NW State Hwy M : NW State Highway M, to Community of Columbus, Missouri, I-70 Columbus, MO Speedway, a racetrack near Interstate #70, in the north, off US #50. Altitude: 843 feet 45.8 Junction : MO Rte #58 Junction Missouri Route #58, Centerview, Missouri, a city in Johnson County, Missouri, Holden, Missouri, a city in Johnson County, Missouri, lies southwest of Centerview, Missouri, on MO Route #58. Altitude: 876 feet 48.1 Access Road : Skyhaven Access Road to, Skyhaven Airport, a public-use airport located just off Airport US #50, northwest of Warrensburg, a city in Johnson County, Missouri, Altitude: 781 feet 51.2 Maguire St: Warrensburg, Junction of MO State Highway 13 Altitude: 817 feet MO 52.7 US #50 Bus. : Warrensburg, US #50 Business Route, makes a loop on US Route #50 at MO Warrensburg, Missouri, Altitude: 814 feet 57.6 Access Road : Montserrat, Access Road to, Community of Montserrat, Missouri, Altitude: 801 feet MO 60.5 MO Rte #23 : State Park Missouri Route #23, to Knob Noster State Park, a Missouri state park in Johnson County, Missouri, This park is open for year-round recreation such as camping, hiking, and fishing. Clear Fork Lake, Lake Buteo, and Morel Lake located within the State Park. Whiteman Air Force Base, an US Air Force base located south of Knob Noster, Missouri, Leesville State Wildlife Management Area, Ralph and Martha Perry Memorial State Wildlife Area, are located along Missouri Route #23 about 15 Kms north off US Route #50. Altitude: 768 feet 64.2 State Hwy Ff : Jaeger Lake State Highway Ff, Jaeger Lake, a small lake located nearby, Community of Dunksburg, Missouri, Perry Memorial Conservation Area, located about 20 Kms north off US Route #50. Altitude: 814 feet Page 2/18 PDF Document Generated on 2021-Aug-11 Copyright 2021, Mile By Mile Media Personal Road Trip Guide 68.2 Front Street : La Monte, Front Street, Missouri Route #127/Main Street, to La Monte, Missouri, MO a city in Pettis County, Missouri, Altitude: 876 feet 73.0 State Hwy T : Dresden, MO State Highway T, Community of Dresden, Missouri, Houstonia, Missouri, a city in Pettis County, Missouri, Altitude: 827 feet 76.6 Access : Bradford Roadside Access to, Bradford Roadside Park, a park on US Route #50 just west of Park Sedalia, Missouri. Altitude: 843 feet 78.9 Intersection US #65 : State Intersection US Route #65, S Limit Avenue, State Fair Community Fair Comm. College College, a 2 year institution of higher education located in Sedalia, Missouri, Nearby lies The Missouri State Fairgrounds, Daum Museum Contemporary Art, Paint Brush Prairie Conservation Area, lies several miles south of Sedalia, Missouri, along US #65. Altitude: 846 feet 80.1 State Hwy 765: Sedalia, Junction of State Highway 765 Altitude: 912 feet MO 87.4 Hwy 50 Spur : Smithton, Highway 50 Spur, Smithton, Missouri, a city in Pettis County, Missouri, MO lies along US Route #50. Altitude: 863 feet 89.9 Old US 50 : Otterville, MO Old US 50, to Otterville, Missouri, a city in Cooper County, Missouri, Lamine River Conservation Area, a conservation Area is located on both the sides of Lamine River, Altitude: 830 feet 91.0 Junction : MO Rte #135 Junction Missouri Route #135, to Community of Florence, Missouri, a community in northern Morgan County, Missouri, Altitude: 833 feet 92.4 Morgan Cty Dr. : Otterville, Morgan County Drive, connects with Old US #50 just north at MO Otterville, Missouri, a city in Cooper County, Missouri, Altitude: 807 feet 97.3 Old US #50 Loop : Old US Route #50, a Loop on US Route #50, passes through Lamine Conservation Area River Conservation Area, and Otterville, Missouri, a city in Cooper County, Missouri, Altitude: 863 feet 99.7 State Hwy D : Syracuse, State Highway D, Syracuse, Missouri, a city in Morgan County, MO Missouri, Altitude: 909 feet 100.7 Junction : MO Rte #5 Junction Missouri Route #5, heads north towards Booneville, Missouri on the banks southern bank of Missouri River. Altitude: 915 feet 105.2 Moreau Ave : Tipton, MO S Moreau Avenue/Mo Rte #5, Tipton, Missouri, a city in Moniteau County, Missouri, Community of Fortuna, Missouri, a community in western Moniteau County, Missouri, located south off US #50 along Missouri Route #5, Nearby lies Manito Lake Conservation Area. Altitude: 922 feet 111.0 State Hwy E : Latham, MO State Highway E, to Community of Latham, Missouri, a community in Moniteau County, Missouri, Altitude: 833 feet 111.5 State Hwy H : Clarksburg, State Highway H, to Clarksburg, Missouri, a city in Moniteau County, MO Missouri, Altitude: 853 feet 117.4 S Oak Street : California, S Oak Street/Missouri Route #87, California, Missouri, a city in MO Moniteau County, Missouri, Railroad Lake, Monteau County Prosecuting, Altitude: 892 feet 121.3 Access Rd : McGirk, MO Access Road to, Community of McGirk, Missouri, a community in eastern
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