E1484 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 19, 2014 China (Taiwan) as they celebrate their upcom- TRIBUTE TO EDUARDO of April 19, 2012 entitled ‘‘Remembering and ing National Day on October 10th. EURNEKIAN Honoring Courage.’’ Similarly, former Aus- I visited Taiwan as a state legislator and tralian PM Julia Gillard paid tribute in a video often welcome its representatives to Las HON. DOUG LAMBORN address devoted to the Swedish diplomat. Vegas and to my Washington, DC office. With OF COLORADO Under Mr. Eurnekian’s leadership, the IRWF the expansion of the Visa Waiver Program to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has not shied away from difficult legal chal- lenges. On August 5, 2014, after a protracted include Taiwan, we hope to continue to wel- Thursday, September 18, 2014 come more Taiwanese tourists and business five-year-long battle, the Argentinean Supreme travelers to Las Vegas. Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Speaker, I am honored Court overturned a lower court judgment in Nevada’s First Congressional District is to recognize Eduardo Eurnekian, a truly re- favor of the grandson of an Argentinean dip- home to a vibrant Taiwanese American Com- markable man. lomat, Luis Hernan Irigoyen, who had been munity that enhances our local culture. As Chairman of the International Raoul stationed at the Argentine Embassy in Berlin I am proud to consider myself a friend of Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF), Mr. Eurnekian during the Nazi regime. After the IRWF ac- Taiwan. The relationship between our two na- has made a significant contribution to pre- cused the diplomat of letting Argentine Jews tions has been strong over the past century. serving and promoting the extraordinary leg- die, the diplomat’s grandson sued IRWF for This mutually beneficial partnership relation- acy of , the WWII Swedish damages. The high court decided that the ship has strengthened and enriched our eco- diplomat who is credited with saving scores of IRWF will not have to idemnify the diplomat’s nomic, political, and cultural ties. Jews in Budapest from the horrors of the Hol- grandson and that ‘‘even the harshest criticism It should be fostered and promoted in the ocaust. Raoul Wallenberg disappeared on has Constitutional Protection.’’ Years before coming years. January 17, 1945 when he went to meet with this unprecedented ruling, following a cam- members of the Soviet Army to discuss the fu- I congratulate the people of Taiwan on the paign by the IRWF, the then-Foreign Minister ture of the Jewish refugees in Hungary. Im- occasion of their National Day and join them of , Mr. Rafael Bielsa, ordered the prisoned by the Stalinist regime along with his in their celebration. removal of a plaque that was placed inside the loyal driver, Vilmos Langfelder, his fate and Argentine Chancellery in homage to 12 Argen- whereabouts, now 70 years later, remain f tine diplomats (Irigoyen was among them) that shrouded in mystery. allegedly worked in favor of persecuted Jews. TRIBUTE TO FLATWOODS RED HAT In 1981, our nation honored Raoul The IRWF proved that this honor was TULIPS Wallenberg by making him an Honorary Cit- undeserved. izen of the United States, only the second per- Mr. Eurnekian is an internationally recog- son to be so honored (following Winston nized entrepreneur. He is CEO and President HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO Churchill). More recently, on July 9, 2014, the of Corporacion America, whose diverse hold- OF WEST VIRGINIA U.S. Congress presented him the Congres- ings include management of more than 50 air- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sional Gold Medal in recognition of his human- ports, infrastructure development, mining, fi- Thursday, September 18, 2014 itarian service. nancial services, energy, agricultural, wine and Under the leadership of Mr. Eurnekian and nano-technology and microchip production. He Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in collaboration with IRWF founder Baruch serves as First Vice-President of the Argen- recognize the Flatwoods Red Hat Tulips, a Tenembaum (who was honored by this House tinean Chamber of Commerce and is a Mem- local chapter of the National Red Hat Society, on September 10, 2003), the IRWF has ber of the Executive Board of the International an organization of women who provide com- worked tirelessly to preserve and promote the Chamber of Commerce. munity service in the town of Flatwoods and legacy of the hero who became a victim him- His work has earned him a variety of pres- throughout Braxton County, West Virginia. self. It has been reaching out to tens of thou- tigious awards and prizes, including the fol- The Flatwoods Red Hat Tulips were found- sands of young people around the world, in- lowing: ‘‘Businessman of the Year’’ from (Ar- ed in 2005 and have spent the past nine years stilling Raoul’s spirit of civic courage and soli- gentina 1995); ‘‘Leonardo Award’’ from the organizing events and volunteering to make darity in their hearts and minds. Italian Government (1999); ‘‘Man of the Year’’ their community a better place to live, work, Just recently, Mr. Eurnekian spearheaded from the Armenian General Benevolent Union and raise a family. The impact of these the events celebrating the award of the Con- (2010); ‘‘Knight of Holy Etchmiadzin Order’’ women has been felt by an array of causes, gressional Gold Medal to Raoul Wallenberg. from the Catholicos of all Armenians, His Holi- including well known groups such as The Dozens of Members of Congress had the op- ness Karekin II (2011); ‘‘Certificate of Appre- American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, portunity to learn about the IRWF and to pay ciation’’ from UNDP for his role as an ‘‘advo- March of Dimes, Bikers for Babies, and The tribute to its outstanding work at a luncheon cate for sustainable development’’ in Armenia American Heart Association. In addition, the ceremony prior to the moving award presen- (2012); ‘‘Business for Peace Award’’ from the ladies have held fundraisers for local organiza- tation in the Capitol Rotunda. Mr. Eurnekian Oslo Business for Peace Foundation (2012); tions like the Braxton County Animal Shelter was there presented with the ‘‘Guardian of the ‘‘Businessman of the Year’’ from CAMACOL— and the local Lions Club, which helps provide Rescuer’s Legacy,’’ a magnificent statue sym- Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry eye exams and glasses to children. Every bolizing peace and solidarity that was created (2012); and ‘‘Businessman of the Year—Serv- year in May, the ladies host a candlelight serv- by the renowned artist Frank Meisler. ices Category’’ from the Argentine Business- ice at the local Hospice Memorial to honor In an effort to raise global awareness of men Association (2012). In spite of his many members of the community who have passed Raoul Wallenberg, and to pay tribute to world commitments, Mr. Eurnekian did not hesitate away. leaders who treasure the values of the Swed- for a single moment when offered the chal- Just next month, the Flatwoods Red Hat Tu- ish hero, Mr. Eurnekian and Mr. Tenembaum lenge to lead the IRWF—and he has led with lips will host an event benefitting the local ani- have bestowed the Raoul Wallenberg Centen- tireless commitment, passion and ingenuity. mal shelter’s Capture, Neuter, and Release nial Medal upon many distinguished individ- Now 82 years old, Eduardo Eurnekian con- Program, which aims at combating the stray uals throughout the world. These include the tinues his activism with passion and vigor. Al- dog and cat problem in the community. They former British PM Gordon Brown, the former though he has never received any compensa- remain an active group through the year and President of Slovakia Ivo Gasparovic, the tion for his work on behalf of the IRWF, he meet regularly at different restaurants in the President of the European Commission Jose has generously contributed his own funds to area and can often be found visiting the Manuel Barroso, the former Secretary of the mission of this important organization, Braxton County Senior Center in Sutton. John XXIII Cardinal Loris Capovilla, the leg- whose membership includes more than 300 The Flatwoods Red Hat Tulips are led by endary British savior Sir Nicholas Winton, the heads of state, Nobel Prize laureates and ac- Queen Mum Judy Norvell and Vice Queen President of the Hellenic Republic Karolos complished individuals from all walks of life. Joyce Black. Papoulias, the Former Minister of Justice of Indeed, the former Archbishop of Buenos Mr. Speaker, Flatwoods, Braxton County, Canada and long-time Wallenberg supporter Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, joined its ranks and indeed the State of West Virginia, owe the and prominent human rights activist Professor many years ago, and the IRWF is honored to Flatwoods Red Hat Tulips many thanks for Irwin Cotler. include him, now known as Pope Francis, in their hard work and dedication to the commu- The IRWF strives to raise awareness of its membership. nity and their neighbors. I am honored to rep- Raoul Wallenberg’s legacy and fate, urging Together with Baruch Tenembaum and in resent such a distinguished group of women in international leaders to raise their voices. the spirit of the IRWF, Mr. Eurnekian is now Congress. President Obama did so in his video address working to create an Armenian cultural center

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Sep 20, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18SE8.095 E19SEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS September 19, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1485 in Yerevan, which will highlight the unparal- trials and joys of farming, and no matter what HONORING DAVID C. leled contribution of the Armenian diaspora to those stories are, they can be proud of the LEYENDECKER the world during the last century in the fields heritage of farming that they have passed as of arts, science, culture, social welfare and parents to their children over and over again. HON. HENRY CUELLAR business. These are the twenty-two farm families from OF TEXAS I am honored to pay tribute and express my Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional who have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gratitude and appreciation to Eduardo been recognized for their family-owned farms Thursday, September 18, 2014 Eurnekian, and I urge my colleagues to join of one hundred fifty years or more. me in congratulating him on his outstanding From Benton County: James E. Donovan Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to achievements. (Foley); Glenn Seppelt Family (Foley). honor the contributions of the late David C. f Leyendecker of Laredo, Texas—a well-known From Carver County: Dale Wildung (Co- citizen and a champion of education, veterans, IN RECOGNITION OF CPL. VINCENT logne); Earl Schmidt Family (Cologne); Doro- and his community. MANNION-BRODEUR thy Light (Delano); Rodney Jaus (Hamburg); Mr. Leyendecker truly embodied the virtue Meldon Melcher Family (Norwood/Young of service in his everyday life. His dedication HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING America); Gerald Schimmelpfennig Family to his community is evident from the multitude (Norwood/Young America); Eugene Kamann OF MASSACHUSETTS of organizations in which he both led and par- (Norwood/Young America); John H. Eklund IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ticipated. Mr. Leyendecker served as the Ro- (Watertown); James Hendricks Family (Water- tary District governor, the president of the La- Thursday, September 18, 2014 town). redo Chamber of Commerce, and a member Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to From Sherburne County: Shady Nook Farm/ of the Border Olympics of Laredo. He also commemorate the Dedication of Cpl. Vincent Neal Weis Family (St Cloud). was the past president of the Blessed Sac- Mannion-Brodeur Patient Room at Spaulding From Stearns County: Ken Zumwalde (Cold rament School Board, and remained an active Rehabilitation Hospital. Spring); Torberg/Prill Family (Richmond); member until his passing. Mr. Leyendecker This newly-dedicated patient room, located Joyce Hansen (Rockville); Robert A. Moeller served as a commander of the Laredo Marine in one of the leading rehabilitation hospitals in (St Cloud); David J Morreim (St Cloud); Je- Corp League 895, and also was the first chap- the country, recognizes Cpl. Mannion-Brodeur rome D. Schroeder (St Joseph). ter president of the Korean War Veterans As- and his valiant service in the United States From Wright County: Richard Lindenfelser sociation 1950 Chapter 209. His unrelenting Army. While serving in Iraq in 2007 with the (Albertville); William Weldele (Buffalo); Flor- dedication to education and the military is a 82nd Airborne, Cpl. Mannion-Brodeur was ence Roth (Delano); Lawren Horsch Family testament to his memory and a shining exam- critically injured by an insurgent trap. After sur- (Delano). ple to us all. viving forty operations and a year-long coma, Mr. Speaker, I ask this body join with me in Mr. Leyendecker is survived by his loving Cpl. Mannion-Brodeur became an inspiration honoring these twenty-two family owned farms wife of 62 years, Nancy Knight Leyendecker; for people throughout the country and an ex- and their owners who represent a great piece children, Nancy Goodman and her husband ample of what it means to serve one’s coun- of Minnesota’s rich history and heritage. Andre; Patricia Martinez and her husband try. His noble actions and enduring strength David; grandchildren, David Ford Goodman, have deemed him a Purple Heart and Bronze f Andre ‘‘Trey’’ Goodman and his wife Victoria, Star Recipient and have earned him the grati- David Martinez, Jr., Jennifer Martinez and Te- tude of an entire nation. With the assistance of TO RECOGNIZE ALEXANDER HUM- resa Martinez; and great granddaughter Ken- his parents, Cpl. Mannion-Brodeur is now at MEL AND THE KEYSTONE IRON nedy Elizabeth Goodman. He is further sur- the point in his recovery where he is able to WARRIORS vived by numerous nieces, nephews, other motivate and speak to Walter Reed patients loved relatives and friends. His family and as well as work with other injured soldiers friends will cherish the values and faith that throughout their own recovery process. HON. PATRICK MEEHAN Mr. Leyendecker instilled in them, and will Mr. Speaker, it brings me great pride to OF PENNSYLVANIA greatly miss his presence. honor and thank Cpl. Vincent Mannion- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I am honored to have had the Brodeur for his invaluable service in the opportunity to recognize the late David C. United States Army and to recognize the dedi- Thursday, September 18, 2014 Leyendecker. His hard work and spirit have cation of the Cpl. Vincent Mannion-Brodeur Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- truly impacted many lives and our community. Patient Room at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hos- nize Alexander Hummel, an inspiring, impres- I thank you for this time. pital. I ask that my colleagues join me in rec- sive 9-year-old from Pennsylvania who found- f ognition of Cpl. Mannion-Brodeur and his dis- ed the Keystone Iron Warriors organization to tinguished service in our Armed Services. RECOGNIZING DENNIS J. TAITANO help our veterans. Alexander is passionately f ON HIS RETIREMENT AFTER 32 dedicated to serving the needs of veterans YEARS OF DEDICATED FEDERAL RECOGNIZING TWENTY-TWO FAM- and active duty personnel. He also dreams of CIVILIAN SERVICE ILY-OWNED FARMS FOR ONE becoming a U.S. Marine. HUNDRED FIFTY YEARS OR The Keystone Iron Warriors works to pro- HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO MORE OF FARMING IN MIN- vide support and resources to veterans and OF GUAM NESOTA their families who deal with the physical and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mental trauma of returning from combat. The HON. MICHELE BACHMANN Iron Warriors rely on community support, gen- Thursday, September 18, 2014 erous donations, and the unified goal of giving OF MINNESOTA Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today back to those who have selflessly served our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to recognize Mr. Dennis J. Taitano on his re- country. Community contributions go to pro- tirement from the U.S. Department of the Navy Thursday, September 18, 2014 viding service canines, transportation, and as- after 32 years of federal civilian service. Mr. Mrs. BACHMANN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today sistance with medical bills to alleviate some of Taitano retired as the Deputy Assistant Sec- to recognize twenty-two family-owned farms the challenges that face our veterans. Alexan- retary for Financial Services. for reaching the milestone of family farming for der’s Iron Warriors also provide friendship and Mr. Taitano was born and raised in Guam. one hundred fifty years or more. Throughout comradery for those who have returned home. He attended George Washington High School our state’s history, Minnesota farmers have None of it would have happened without Alex- from 1975–1976 before pursuing higher edu- not only fed the citizens of our great nation, ander’s leadership and generosity. cation in the states. He holds a bachelor’s de- but they help to provide the world with food. Mr. Speaker, I honor Alexander Hummel gree in business management and economics These Minnesota families have stood the test and the Keystone Iron Warriors for their dedi- from the University of Maryland and a mas- of time and passed their farm from generation cation to serving and honoring our Nation’s ter’s degree in public financial management to generation; sharing their values of hard heroes. I applaud this young man’s strength from the American University. He is also a work, determination, and love of the land. and thank him for the invaluable work he con- graduate of the U.S. Department of Agri- Each family has its own story to tell about the tinues to do for our veterans. culture’s Senior Executive Service Candidate

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Sep 20, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18SE8.097 E19SEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS