The Ptrm&ntnt Mission, of tht Xingdom of

TELEPHONE: (212) 421-1580 FAX: (212) 980-1512 / (212) 421-7826 MONSIEUR LE MINISTRE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES ET DE LA COOPERATION -RABAT- DESTINATAIRE PRINCIPAL : CABl' DP/13 te" V£>r £ FAX N°: F/ /MA/13 DATE: 26 avril 2013 PAGE(S): 02

Objet ; Lettre adressée à Monsieur le Premier Ministre.

J'ai l'honneur de vous faire parvenir la lettre, dont-ci joint copie, adressée à Monsieur le Premier Ministre par "la Fondation Internationale ".

Haute Considération Le Représentant Permanent Adjoint Lotfi Bouchaara


Hon. Abdelilah Benkiran Prime Minister of Morocco The Permanent Mission of thé Kingdom of Morocco to thé UN 866 2nd Ave, 6th Floor New York, NY 10017

New York, April 22, 2013 Your Excellency,

It is with gréât pleasure that we invite you to become an Honorary Member of thé International Raoul ^ajleilbfir&faundation, a global-J^âctLMGCLwJth offices in New York, Berlin, Jérusalem and Buenos

Named afterthe Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, a man responsible for saving scores of innocent lives during thé Holocaust, thé IRWF is committed to honor thé memory of ail thé Rescuers, coming from various ethnie and religious backgrounds and ail walks of life.

Throughout thé years, we hâve researched and documented still unknown cases of rescuing; created educational programs; initiated Worldwide awareness campaigns, organized art events; and awarded distinctions to rescuers and their familles with thé aim of spreading thé legacy of ail men and women who bravely fought against terror and intolérance during one of thé darkest period of human history.

In 2012 we celebrated thé centenary of thé birth of Raoul Wallenberg and thé International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) has carried out numerous activities in various cities Worldwide in tribute to his heroic legacy.

The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has thé support of more than 200 Heads of State, Royal familles, Nobel Lauréates, Governors, Mayors and other distinguished personalities. We are proud to inform that thé new Suprême Pontiff, Francis, former Primate Cardinal of , Jorge Bergoglio, is an Honorary Member of thé International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation since thé very création of our NGO.

We are honored to offer you a place among thé prestigious Honorary Members of our Foundation. Please note that thé Honorary Membership does not require financial or time commitment on your part.

We look forward to receiving your response in acceptance of our invitation.

Respectfully yours,


Eduardo Eurnekian Baruch Tenembaum Chairman Founder

U. S. A.- International Headquarters GERMANY ISRAËL ARGENTINA 34 East 67tli St. in thé Vaterunser-Gemeinde Antebi 3 - 94547 Av. Corrientes 1145 Piso 11 NEW YORK NY 10065 Detmolder Str. 17-10715 C1043AAL - TeM 2127373275 BERLIN Tel 972 2 625 7996 Tel 54 11 43827872 Fax-1 2125356262 (49-30) 82707744 Fax 972 2 623 4430 Fax 54 11 4382 5272 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Tax Exempt Under 1RS Code 501IC) (3) 1RS EIN #13-4113121