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PKC␦ is essential for function in a noncanonical Wnt pathway that regulates Xenopus convergent extension movements

Noriyuki Kinoshita,1 Hidekazu Iioka, Akira Miyakoshi, and Naoto Ueno

Department of Developmental Biology, National Institute for Basic Biology; Department of Molecular Biomechanics, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Myodaiji, Okazaki, Aichi 444-8585, Japan

Protein kinase C (PKC) has been implicated in the ; however, its molecular role is poorly understood. We identified novel encoding ␦-type PKC in the Xenopus EST databases. Loss of PKC␦ function revealed that it was essential for convergent extension during gastrulation. We then examined the relationship between PKC␦ and the Wnt pathway. PKC␦ was translocated to the plasma membrane in response to signaling. In addition, loss of PKC␦ function inhibited the translocation of Dishevelled and the activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) by Frizzled. Furthermore, PKC␦ formed a complex with Dishevelled, and the activation of PKC␦ by phorbol ester was sufficient for Dishevelled translocation and JNK activation. Thus, PKC␦ plays an essential role in the Wnt/JNK pathway by regulating the localization and activity of Dishevelled. [Keywords:PKC␦; Xenopus; gastrulation; convergent extension; noncanonical Wnt pathway] Received April 4, 2003; revised version accepted May 1, 2003.

During Xenopus gastrulation, mesodermal cells migrate transcription of target genes such as siamois and Xnr3 to the inside of the embryo and move along the blasto- (Brannon and Kimelman 1996; Carnac et al. 1996; Mc- coel roof. This movement is essential for embryonic Kendry et al. 1997). The second group of Wnts, which morphogenic processes such as the establishment of the includes Xwnt5a and Xwnt11, activates the noncanoni- three germ layers and body axes. The process involves cal Wnt signaling pathway that controls morphogenetic highly integrated cell movements. One of the important cell movements (Kuhl 2002; Tada et al. 2002). It was mechanisms for this movement is convergent extension. shown in zebrafish that mutations in Wnt11/silberbrick As convergent extension begins, cells are polarized and and Wnt5a/pipetail inhibit normal gastrulation move- aligned mediolaterally; this is followed by the intercala- ments (Rauch et al. 1997; Heisenberg et al. 2000). The tion of these polarized cells. This movement elongates noncanonical Wnt pathway branches into two cascades. the mesodermal tissue along the anteroposterior axis, One is the Wnt/JNK pathway, which involves c-Jun N- producing a driving force for gastrulation movements terminal kinase (JNK; Boutros et al. 1998; Yamanaka et (Wilson and Keller 1991; Shih and Keller 1992; Walling- al. 2002). The other is the Wnt/Ca2+ pathway (Kuhl et al. ford et al. 2002). The regulation of the convergent exten- 2000). In Drosophila, the Wnt/JNK pathway is called the sion movements is known to involve a noncanonical planer cell polarity (PCP) pathway, and it specifies cell Wnt signaling pathway. polarities in epithelial cells and other types of cells The Wnts are a family of secreted that regu- (Adler 2002). late many biological processes (Cadigan and Nusse The Wnt signaling pathway is mediated by a seven- 1997). Functional analyses in Xenopus suggest that the transmembrane Wnt , Frizzled, and the signal is Wnt family can be divided into two functionally distinct transmitted through a cytoplasmic , Dishevelled groups. The first group of Wnts induces a secondary axis (Dsh), which plays pivotal roles in both the canonical when ectopically expressed in embryos. They activate and noncanonical Wnt pathways (Boutros and Mlodzik the canonical Wnt/␤-catenin pathway and induce the 1999; Wharton 2003). In Drosophila, Dsh localizes to the membrane, and this localization is required for Dsh function (Axelrod 2001). Xenopus Dsh (Xdsh) is also 1Corresponding author. translocated from the cytoplasm to the plasma mem- E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX 81-564-55-7571. Article and publication are at brane in response to a signal generated by some Frizzled gad.1101303. receptors (Yang-Snyder et al. 1996; Axelrod et al. 1998;

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 17:1663–1676 © 2003 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/03 $5.00; 1663 Downloaded from on September 25, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Kinoshita et al.

Rothbacher et al. 2000). One such receptor is Xenopus induce an increase in intracellular Ca2+ (Slusarski et al. Frizzled7 (Xfz7), which is involved in the noncanonical 1997a,b). Among the PKC subfamilies, cPKC and nPKC Wnt pathway (Djiane et al. 2000; Medina and Steinbeis- are known to be activated by Ca2+ and/or diacylglycerol ser 2000; Medina et al. 2000). However, the mechanism (DAG). For this reason, we searched our Xenopus EST of this translocation and the activation of Dishevelled is database (NIBB XDB, to iden- not known. The of the canonical tify PKC family members that belong to the cPKC or pathway seems to be different from that of the nonca- nPKC subfamily. We found that in addition to PKC␣ and nonical pathway, because the membrane translocation PKC␤, which have already been reported (Chen et al. of Xdsh is not required for the activation of the canonical 1988), the database included two novel cDNAs encoding Wnt pathway (Rothbacher et al. 2000). nPKC family members. The predicted amino acid se- Protein kinase C (PKC) is thought to be involved in the quences of these two PKCs had 95% identity, suggesting noncanonical Wnt signaling pathway, particularly in the that these are duplicated genes due to the tetraploidism Wnt/Ca2+ pathway, for several reasons. Xwnt5a and rat of Xenopus laevis. As described later, these two genes Frizzled2 activate the phosphatidylinositol pathway and had indistinguishable activities in the tests we per- increase the intracellular Ca2+ levels in zebrafish em- formed. These proteins are the most similar to mamma- bryos (Slusarski et al. 1997a,b). The phosphatidylinositol lian ␦-type PKC (Fig. 1A,B). Thus, we designated these pathway and Ca2+ levels are closely related to PKC acti- genes PKC␦1 and PKC␦2. It is known that the N-termi- vation. In fact, overexpression of Frizzled causes the nal regulatory domain of PKCs inhibits the kinase activ- translocation of epitope-tagged PKC␣ from the cyto- ity by masking the catalytic domain, and activators such plasm to the plasma membrane in Xenopus embryos as DAG release this autoinhibition by binding to the C1 (Sheldahl et al. 1999; Medina et al. 2000). Kuhl et al. domain (Kemp et al. 1994; Orr and Newton 1994; Nishi- (2001) showed that PKC␣ phosphorylated Dsh in vitro. zuka 1995; Newton 1997). The regulatory domain of In addition, the loss of Xfz7 function leads to a defect in Xenopus PKC␦1/2, including the C1 domain, is highly tissue separation during Xenopus gastrulation, which is homologous to that of human PKC␦, suggesting that rescued by the overexpression of PKC␣ (Winkbauer et al. these regulatory mechanisms are conserved. PKC␦ is 2001). PKC is also implicated in the Xwnt11 signaling relatively similar to PKC␪ and PKC␧, which also belong pathway for Xenopus cardiogenesis (Pandur et al. 2002) to the nPKC family. This class of PKCs is found not only and in the Dwnt4 pathway for Drosophila ovarian mor- in vertebrates, but also in sea sponges (GenBank acces- phogenesis (Cohen et al. 2002). sion no. CAA73557), Aplysia (GenBank accession no. Although much evidence suggests that PKC is in- 16975), Hydra (GenBank accession no. CAA72926), Dro- volved in the Wnt signaling pathway, the molecular sophila (GenBank accession no. NP_511171), and nema- roles of PKC in this pathway are not well understood. todes (GenBank accession no. NP_499860). Thus, the The PKC family is subdivided into three subfamilies: the nPKCs may have evolutionally conserved regulatory classical, novel, and atypical PKCs (cPKC, nPKC, and mechanisms and functions distinct from those of other aPKC, respectively). cPKC is activated by Ca2+ and dia- PKC subfamilies. cylglycerol (DAG), nPKC is activated by DAG but not by To determine the expression patterns during Xenopus Ca2+, and aPKC is not activated by these molecules (Kik- development, we performed reverse transcriptase PCR kawa et al. 1989; Bell and Burns 1991; Nishizuka 1995; (RT–PCR) using primers whose sequences were common Newton 1997). In Xenopus, cDNAs encoding PKC␣ and to PKC␦1 and PKC␦2. As shown in Figure 1C, PKC␦ was PKC␤, which belong to the cPKC subfamily, have been expressed from the two-cell stage through the tadpole isolated (Chen et al. 1988), and shown to be involved in stage. In situ hybridization using probes for PKC␦1 and neural induction (Otte et al. 1988; Otte and Moon 1992). PKC␦2 revealed that they were ubiquitously expressed However, their roles in the regulation of gastrulation (Fig. 1D). PKC␦1 and PKC␦2 were strongly expressed in movements are not clear. Thus, we searched for novel the mesoderm and ectoderm during gastrulation, indi- PKC genes that might have roles in the noncanonical cating their possible involvement in the regulation of Wnt signaling pathway. Here, we describe the identifi- gastrulation movements. cation and functional analyses of Xenopus PKC␦, which belongs to the nPKC subfamily. We demonstrate that PKC␦ is essential for convergent extension, and that Overexpression of PKC␦ lacking the catalytic domain PKC␦ regulates the function of Dishevelled in the Wnt/ inhibits gastrulation movements JNK pathway. To test whether PKC␦ is involved in the regulation of gastrulation movements, we made an expression con- Results struct for PKC␦1 lacking the catalytic domain (PKC␦⌬C). The N-terminal regulatory domain of PKCs includes PKC␦ is expressed during Xenopus embryogenesis pseudosubstrate and C1 domains. The pseudosubstrate Although PKC has been implicated in the noncanonical domain interacts with the kinase domain and inhibits Wnt signaling pathway, its molecular role is poorly un- the catalytic activity (Kemp et al. 1994; Orr and Newton derstood. It has been shown that Xwnt5a and rat 1994). The C1 domain interacts with DAG and other Frizzled2 trigger the phosphatidylinositol pathway and activators. A mutant lacking the catalytic domain was

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Role of PKC␦ in Xenopus gastrulation

Figure 1. PKC␦ is expressed during Xenopus embryogenesis. (A) Sequence alignment of Xenopus PKC␦1 and human PKC␦. The DAG-binding C1 domain is underlined. The pseudosubstrate region is indicated by dots. (B) Sequence comparison between Xenopus PKC␦ and some human PKC family members. Xenopus PKC␦1 is the most similar to human PKC␦ in both the regulatory and the catalytic domains. (C) RT–PCR analysis of PKC␦ expression during Xenopus development. Primers whose sequences were common between PKC␦1 and PKC␦2 were used. Stages are according to Nieukoop and Faber (1994). (D) In situ hybridization probing with PKC␦1 and PKC␦2 showing their ubiquitous expression. expected to function as a dominant-negative form by gastrulation-defect phenotype is caused by loss-of-func- binding to the catalytic domain of a native protein tion of the noncanonical Wnt signaling components, through its pseudosubstrate domain and/or by competi- such as Xwnt11 (Tada and Smith 2000) and Xfz7 (Djiane tive binding to the activators. RNA encoding PKC␦⌬C et al. 2000). was synthesized in vitro and injected into the two dorsal To test whether PKC␣ or PKC␤ has an activity similar blastomeres of four-cell embryos. As shown in Figure to that of PKC␦, we constructed mutant genes encoding 2A, PKC␦⌬C severely inhibited gastrulation move- PKC␣ and PKC␤ lacking the catalytic domain (PKC␣⌬C ments. Involution of the mesoderm was impaired, and and PKC␤⌬C, respectively), expecting that they would the blastopore remained open or showed delayed closing. function as dominant-negative mutants of their respec- The same phenotype was observed in embryos injected tive native forms. We injected the same amount of with PKC␦2 lacking the catalytic domain (data not mRNA encoding PKC␣⌬C, PKC␤⌬C, or PKC␦⌬C into shown). The phenotype was rescued by full-length Xenopus embryos. Although comparable levels of the PKC␦1 (Fig. 2A) or full-length PKC␦2 (data not shown), mutant proteins were detected by Western blotting, suggesting that PKC␦⌬C functioned as a dominant-nega- PKC␣⌬C and PKC␤⌬C did not have any effects on gas- tive mutant of PKC␦. It has been reported that a similar trulation, unlike PKC␦⌬C (data not shown). This result

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Figure 2. Overexpression of PKC␦ lack- ing the catalytic domain inhibits gastrula- tion movements. (A) PKC␦1 lacking the catalytic domain (PKC␦⌬C) inhibits gas- trulation movements. RNA (100 pg) en- coding PKC␦⌬C was injected into the two dorsal blastomeres of four-cell embryos. PKC␦⌬C severely inhibited gastrulation movements, and this effect was rescued by the coinjection of 1 ng of RNA encoding full-length PKC␦1. Embryos in the top panels are at the early neurula stage. (B)In situ hybridization of early gastrula em- bryos probed with a pan-mesodermal marker, Xbra, and dorsal mesodermal markers chordin (chd) and goosecoid (gsc). (Left) Uninjected. (Middle) PKC␦⌬C RNA (200 pg) was injected into all four blasto- meres of four-cell embryos. (Right)Inor- der to trace the cell lineage, mRNA encod- ing ␤-galactosidase (␤-gal) with a nuclear localization signal was coinjected with PKC␦⌬C into two dorsal blastomeres of four-cell embryos. Cells expressing ␤-gal were stained in red. (C) Immunostaining of the notochord and somites in PKC␦⌬C-in- jected embryos. (D) The PKC␦⌬C mutant blocked the elongation of animal cap ex- plants by activin. Activin RNA (0.5 pg) was injected with or without 100 pg of PKC␦⌬C RNA. (E) The induction of meso- dermal markers by activin in animal caps was not affected by PKC␦⌬C. ui, unin- jected; Em, whole embryo; gsc, goosecoid; chd, chordin. suggests that the role in gastrulation movements may be in situ hybridization to examine a pan-mesodermal PKC␦-specific. marker, Xbra, and dorsal mesodermal markers chordin To determine whether this gastrulation-defective phe- (chd) and goosecoid (gsc). At the gastrula stage, PKC␦⌬C- notype was caused by a defect in mesodermal differen- injected embryos expressed these markers at the same tiation, the expression of mesodermal markers, we used level as control embryos (Fig. 2B). In tadpoles, the noto-

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Role of PKC␦ in Xenopus gastrulation chord and somites were differentiated in the PKC␦⌬C- PKC␦ antisense morpholino also blocked gastrulation injected embryos, but the extension of these tissues was movements and convergent extension severely inhibited (Fig. 2C). These results indicated that the phenotype was caused not by a defect in mesoderm To confirm that the effects of PKC␦⌬C were due to the differentiation, but by a defect in morphogenetic move- depletion of PKC␦ activity, we made antisense morpho- ments. lino oligonucleotides (MOs) for PKC␦ and tested their We then tested whether PKC␦⌬C inhibited the elon- effects on development. Because the highly homologous gation of animal caps by activin. In this system, when PKC␦1 and PKC␦2 are both expressed, MOs for both the dorsal mesoderm is induced in animal cap explants PKC␦1 and PKC␦2 were prepared. First, we confirmed by activin, the explants elongate by convergent exten- that these MOs inhibited the translation of mRNA that sion movements. PKC␦⌬C expression inhibited the elon- has the corresponding sequences. As shown in Figure 3A, gation of explants by activin without affecting the in- each MO blocked the production of its respective GFP- duction of mesodermal markers (Fig. 2D,E). A similar tagged PKC␦, but unrelated GFP was not affected. effect has been observed as a result of inhibition of the To inhibit PKC␦ synthesis in embryos, the MOs for noncanonical Wnt pathway. Our results suggest that PKC␦1 and PKC␦2 were mixed at an equimolar ratio and PKC␦ is also required for the convergent extension. injected into four-cell embryos (the mixed MOs will be

Figure 3. PKC␦ antisense morpholino also blocked gastrulation movements. (A) Morpholino oligonucleotides (MOs) for PKC␦1 and PKC␦2 inhibited the translation of mRNA that had the corresponding sequences. RNA encoding GFP-tagged PKC␦ and unrelated GFP were coinjected with or without each MO. PKC␦1 (left panel) and PKC␦2 MO (right panel) blocked the production of each GFP-tagged PKC␦, but unrelated GFP was not affected. (B)ControlMOorPKC␦ MO (20 ng each) was injected into four-cell embryos (panels a,b, respectively). The PKC␦ MO caused a gastrulation-defective phenotype that was indistinguishable from that of PKC␦⌬C-injected embryos. This phenotype was rescued by 1 ng of full-length PKC␦1 RNA (panel c). (C) In situ hybridization of early gastrula embryos probed with chordin (chd), goosecoid (gsc), and Xbra. The left and middle panels show 20 ng of control or PKC␦ MO was injected into all four blastomeres of four-cell embryos. (Right) To trace the cell lineage, mRNA encoding ␤-gal with a nuclear localization signal was coinjected with PKC␦ MO into two dorsal blastomeres of four-cell embryos. (D) PKC␦ MO inhibited the elongation of dorsal marginal zone explants. Twenty nanograms of MO were injected into the two dorsal blastomeres of four-cell embryos.

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Kinoshita et al. referred to as PKC␦ MO hereafter). The PKC␦ MO caused a gastrulation-defective phenotype that was indistin- guishable from that of PKC␦⌬C-injected embryos (Fig. 3B). This phenotype was efficiently rescued by Flag- tagged PKC␦1, which do not have 5Ј-UTR binding to the MOs. In addition, MO-injected embryos expressed the mesodermal markers Xbra, chordin, and goosecoid, sug- gesting that the mesoderm differentiation was not af- fected (Fig. 3C). The similarity of the phenotypes of the embryos injected with PKC␦⌬C and PKC␦ MO indicated that PKC␦⌬C functioned as a dominant-negative mutant for PKC␦. To investigate the role of PKC␦ in convergent extension, we examined the effect of PKC␦ MOs on the elongation of dorsal marginal zone (DMZ) explants. As shown in Figure 3D, the PKC␦ MO inhibited the elon- gation of these explants, supporting the idea that PKC␦ may be required for convergent extension.

PKC␦ is translocated to the membrane in response to Xfz7 signaling and interacts with Xdsh The inhibition of convergent extension by the loss of PKC␦ function strongly implies that PKC␦ plays a role closely related to the noncanonical signaling pathway. It has been shown that Frizzled translocates Xdsh and PKC␣ from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane in Xenopus embryos (Axelrod et al. 1998; Sheldahl et al. 1999; Medina and Steinbeisser 2000; Medina et al. 2000). To examine whether Frizzled also regulates the subcel- lular localization of PKC␦, Flag-tagged PKC␦ and myc- tagged Xdsh were coexpressed with or without Xfz7 in animal cap explants of Xenopus embryos. The localiza- tion of the tagged proteins was then observed with a laser-scanning confocal microscope (Fig. 4A). In the ab- sence of Xfz7 mRNA, PKC␦ and Xdsh were mainly in the cytoplasm. Interestingly, however, when Xfz7 was coex- ␦ pressed, they were mostly localized to the plasma mem- Figure 4. PKC is localized to the plasma membrane with ␦ brane. In general, this class of PKC binds to and is acti- Xdsh by Xfz7 signaling. (A) Flag-tagged PKC RNA (200 pg) and myc-tagged Xdsh RNA (100 pg) were coinjected with or without vated by DAG that is produced on the membrane upon 500 pg of Xfz7 RNA in the animal cap explants of Xenopus extracellular signaling. Thus, DAG may be produced by embryos. Their localization was observed by laser-scanning ␦ Xfz7 and then localize PKC to the membrane, which confocal microscopy. (B) Coimmunoprecipitation of PKC␦ and further implies that PKC␦ is involved in the Wnt/Xfz7 Xdsh. Flag-tagged PKC␦ and myc-tagged Xdsh were expressed as pathway. indicated in HEK293T cells. PKC␦ and Xdsh coimmunoprecipi- The above finding that the cotranslocation of PKC␦ tated, indicating that they form a complex. (C) The indicated and Xdsh from the cytoplasm to the membrane depended genes were expressed in HEK293T cells. PMA was added to the on Xfz7 function prompted us to examine whether these medium at a final concentration of 1 µM 2 h before the cell proteins might interact with each other. To test this pos- lysate preparation. The addition of PMA did not change the ␦ sibility, Flag-tagged PKC␦ and myc-tagged Xdsh were ex- amount of coimmunoprecipitated Xdsh and PKC . pressed in HEK293T cells and immunoprecipitation was performed. As shown in Figure 4B, PKC␦ and Xdsh were coimmunoprecipitated. When the Flag and myc tags on members of the novel and classical PKC subfamilies PKC␦ and Xdsh were exchanged, we obtained essentially (Kikkawa et al. 1989; Bell and Burns 1991; Zhang et al. the same result (data not shown). These findings indi- 1995). As shown in Figure 4C, PMA treatment did not cated that PKC␦ and Xdsh form a complex. To test change the amount of coimmunoprecipitated Xdsh and whether the activation of PKC␦ by the phorbol ester PKC␦. In addition, a kinase-negative mutant of PKC␦ PMA (phorbol 12–myristate 13–acetate) altered this was also coimmunoprecipitated with Xdsh in HEK293T binding property, we treated transfected HEK293T cells lysates (data not shown), indicating that this physical with PMA and performed an immunoprecipitation. PMA interaction may not depend on the activity of PKC␦. is known to be a potent activator for PKC␦ and other Taken together, these results suggest that PKC␦ and

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Role of PKC␦ in Xenopus gastrulation

Xdsh form a complex, and this complex is translocated al. 1995; Willert et al. 1997; Rothbacher et al. 2000; Tada to the membrane upon activation of the Xfz7 signal. and Smith 2000). This increase in phosphorylation can be monitored by a mobility shift of the Xdsh protein in SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). To PKC␦ is required for Xdsh activation by Xfz7 signaling test whether PKC␦ affects the phosphorylation state of The precise molecular mechanisms of the membrane lo- Xdsh, myc-tagged Xdsh mRNA was coinjected with calization of Xdsh by Wnt/Xfz7 signaling are not known. PKC␦ MO or PKC␦⌬C mRNA into four-cell embryos. To investigate this issue, we next tested whether PKC␦ Animal cap explants were isolated at around stage 10, is required for the Xfz7-dependent membrane localiza- and their extracts were subjected to SDS-PAGE (Fig. 5B). tion of Xdsh. PKC␦ MO was coinjected with myc-tagged The myc-tagged Xdsh protein was detected by Western Xdsh and Xfz7 mRNAs, and localization of Xdsh to the blotting using an anti-myc antibody. Two bands were animal cap cells was observed. As shown in Figure 5A, detected in the Xdsh-injected samples. In the absence of the coinjection of PKC␦ MO blocked the membrane lo- Xfz7, the lower band was more intense than the upper calization of Xdsh in response to Xfz7. band. When Xfz7 was coinjected, the upper band became Xdsh is a phosphoprotein whose phosphorylated state much more intense. This indicated that Xdsh was hyper- is elevated (hyperphosphorylated) upon the activation of phosphorylated by Xfz7 signaling. The coinjection of the noncanonical Wnt signaling pathway (Yanagawa et PKC␦⌬C or PKC␦ MO blocked this hyperphosphoryla-

Figure 5. PKC␦ is required for the activation of Xdsh by Xfz7 signaling. (A) Twenty nano- grams of PKC␦ MO were coinjected with 100 pg of myc-tagged Xdsh and 500 pg of Xfz7 mRNAs, and the localization of Xdsh in ani- mal cap explants was observed. The coinjec- tion of PKC␦ MO blocked the membrane lo- calizationofXdshbyXfz7.(B) Myc-tagged Xdsh and Xfz7 mRNAs were coinjected with PKC␦ MO or PKC␦⌬C mRNA. Animal cap explants were isolated at stage 10, and their extracts were fractionated by SDS-PAGE. Myc-tagged Xdsh protein was detected by Western blotting using an anti-myc antibody. Two bands were detected in all four lanes for Xdsh-injected samples. (C) PKC␦ is required for JNK activation by Xfz7. GAL4 DNA-bind- ing domain (DBD)-tagged c-Jun mRNA was injected, and the phosphorylation levels of c- Jun were detected by Western blotting using anti-phosphorylated c-Jun (P-c-Jun) and anti- DBD antibodies (c-Jun). (D) Animal cap ex- plants expressing myc-tagged Xdsh and Flag- tagged PKC␦ were treated with PMA, and the localization of Xdsh and PKC␦ was observed. Xdsh was translocated to the plasma mem- brane by PMA. (E) PMA can activate JNK in animal cap explants. Isolated explants were treated with or without 1 µM PMA for 1 h. The JNK activity was detected by an anti- phospho-c-Jun antibody.

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Kinoshita et al. tion of Xdsh. These results indicated that PKC␦ is re- plasma membrane by PMA within 15 min. In addition, quired for both the membrane localization and the phos- PMA treatment activated the JNK in the animal cap ex- phorylation of Xdsh, suggesting that PKC␦ is essential plants (Fig. 5E). Thus, PKC␦ activation is sufficient for for the signaling from Xfz7 to Xdsh. Xdsh translocation and the activation of downstream If the Xdsh function requires PKC␦ activity, the acti- signaling. vation of JNK in the noncanonical Wnt pathway should ␦ be blocked by the loss of PKC function. To examine this The PKC␦ loss-of-function phenotype is partially possibility, we assayed the JNK activity. GAL4 DNA- rescued by the overexpression of active MKK7 binding domain (DBD)-tagged c-Jun mRNA was injected into Xenopus embryos, and the phosphorylation level of We have shown that PKC␦ is required for the activation c-Jun was assessed by Western blotting using anti-phos- of JNK by Xfz7. If the gastrulation-defective phenotype phorylated-c-Jun and anti-DBD antibodies. As shown in caused by PKC␦ MO is due to the blockade of JNK acti- Figure 5C, the overexpression of PKC␦ or Xfz7 alone vation, it might be rescued by the overexpression of slightly activated the JNK activity. However, the activ- MKK7, which is known to activate JNK directly. To ex- ity was greatly enhanced by the coexpression of Xfz7 and amine this possibility, we coinjected PKC␦ Mo with con- PKC␦. Moreover, PKC␦ MO blocked the activation of stitutively active (CA) MKK7 (Yamanaka et al. 2002). JNK by Xfz7. These results indicated that PKC␦ is re- Closure of the blastopore of the injected embryos was quired for the activation of JNK by Xfz7 signaling. compared at stage 14, which is when the blastopore in the control embryos was completely closed. PKC␦ MO blocked the gastrulation movement in more than 90% of ␦ Activation of PKC␦ is sufficient for Xdsh translocation the injected embryos (Fig. 6A). PKC and CA MKK7 and for activation of the JNK pathway mRNAs rescued the phenotype completely and partially, respectively, suggesting that MKK7/JNK functions at As described above, PKC␦ and Xdsh form a complex, and least in part downstream of PKC␦. This result supported both are translocated to the plasma membrane upon the the idea that Xfz7 regulates JNK activity through PKC␦. activation of the noncanonical Wnt pathway. We postu- At the tadpole stage, the embryos rescued by MKK7 lated that PKC␦ recruits Xdsh to the membrane in this showed short trunks and defects in head formation (Fig. process. If this is true, the activation of PKC␦ might be 6B). This partial rescue suggests that PKC␦ may act not sufficient for the translocation of Xdsh. To test this pos- only through the JNK pathway, but in other pathways as sibility, we injected RNAs encoding Flag-tagged PKC␦1 well. and myc-tagged Xdsh into Xenopus embryos, and the animal caps were explanted and treated with PMA. PMA PKC␦ is not essential for the canonical Wnt pathway is a functional analog of DAG that activates PKC on the membrane by binding to the C1 domain. As shown in We next tested whether PKC␦ plays a role in the canoni- Figure 5D, both PKC␦ and Xdsh were translocated to the cal Wnt pathway. It is known that the ectopic expression

Figure 6. PKC␦ loss-of-function is rescued by overexpression of active MKK7. (A) Twenty nanograms of PKC␦ MO were coin- jected with 1 ng of PKC␦1, and 200 pg of constitutively active (CA) MKK7. The clo- sure of the blastopore of injected embryos was compared at stage 14, when the blasto- pore in the control embryos was completely closed. PKC␦ MO blocked gastrulation movement. PKC␦ mRNA rescued the phe- notype completely, and CA MKK7 mRNA partially rescued it. (B) At the tadpole stage, embryos coinjected with CA MKK7 showed a partially rescued phenotype. (C)Totest whether PKC␦ is essential for the canonical Wnt pathway, 100 pg of PKC␦⌬C or 20 ng of PKC␦ MO was coinjected with 10 pg of Xwnt8 into Xenopus embryos. PKC␦⌬C and PKC␦ MO did not inhibit the induction of siamois or Xnr3, indicating that PKC␦ does not affect the canonical Wnt signaling path- way.

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Role of PKC␦ in Xenopus gastrulation of Xwnt8 induces secondary axis formation (Smith and blastomeres at the four-cell stage. As a control, mb-Ve- Harland 1991) and marker genes such as siamois and nus mRNA alone was injected into the other dorsal blas- Xnr3 by activating the canonical Wnt pathway in Xeno- tomere (Fig. 7A). At the gastrula stage, dorsal marginal pus embryos (Brannon and Kimelman 1996; Carnac et al. zone explants were cultured on a cover glass coated with 1996; McKendry et al. 1997). When Xwnt8 was coin- fibronectin. These explants adhered to the surface, and jected with PKC␦⌬C or PKC␦ MO, the induction of sia- subsequently, convergent extension movements oc- mois and Xnr3 by Xwnt8 was not inhibited (Fig. 6C). curred in the mesoderm. In the absence of PKC␦ MO, red Furthermore, the secondary axis formation by Xwnt8 cells and non-red cells intercalated (Fig. 7B). In the PKC␦ was not inhibited by the loss of PKC␦ function (data not MO-injected explants, the non-red cells, which were as- shown). Therefore, although PKC␦ is required for the sumed to lack the MO, were polarized and showed con- Wnt/JNK pathway, it may not be necessary for the ca- vergent extension movements. In contrast, the red cells nonical Wnt pathway, which is independent of the mem- (MO-injected cells) were round-shaped, were not polar- brane relocalization of Dishevelled (Yang-Snyder et al. ized, and did not participate in the intercalation, even 1996; Axelrod et al. 1998; Moriguchi et al. 1999; Roth- when they were adjacent to the intercalating cells. Thus, bacher et al. 2000). this inhibition by PKC␦ MOs appeared to be cell-autono- mous. These results indicated that PKC␦ is essential for the cell polarization during convergent extension move- PKC␦ regulates the cell shape and intercalative ments. behavior of the mesodermal cells during convergent To investigate the subcellular localization of PKC␦ extension movements and Xdsh in the dorsal mesodermal cells, we expressed During convergent extension of the mesoderm, cells are these proteins tagged with Venus. Interestingly, these polarized and aligned mediolaterally, then intercalated. were accumulated around the tips of the elongated cells To test whether PKC␦ is required in this process, the (Fig. 7C). However, Xdsh lacking the DEP domain, which convergent extension in DMZ explants was observed mi- is known to play an important role in the tissue polarity croscopically. The procedure was basically according to (Axelrod et al. 1998) was almost uniformly distributed Wallingford et al. (2000). PKC␦ MO, Rhodamine dextran, (Xdsh⌬DEP). In addition, Rac tagged with Venus is also and mRNA for Venus (a YFP variant; Nagai et al. 2002) localized in the same region. The finding that Rac forms fused with the membrane localization signal of K-ras a complex with Xdsh (Habas et al. 2003) suggests that (mb-Venus) were coinjected into one of the two dorsal Rac may be recruited by Xdsh.

Figure 7. PKC␦ is required for convergent extension movements. (A) PKC␦ MO, Rhodamine dextran, and mRNA for Venus fused with a membrane localization signal (mb-Venus) were coinjected into one of the two dorsal blastomeres at the four-cell stage. As a control, mb-Venus mRNA alone was injected into the other dorsal blastomere of the same embryo. (B)Atthe gastrula stage, dorsal marginal zone (DMZ) explants were cut and cultured on a cover glass coated with fibronectin, and the convergent extension movements were observed by laser-scanning confocal microscopy. (C) The indicated cDNAs were fused to Venus and expressed in the dorsal mesodermal cells. DMZ explants were cultured and observed as described above. Bar, 50 µm.

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The process of convergent extension movements in- tional analog of DAG. PKC␦ was translocated to the cludes cell shape change and cell movements, suggesting plasma membrane in animal cap cells in response to that the regulation of actin polymerization may be cru- both Xfz7 and PMA. These results and other observa- cial for the process. It is known that the Arp2/3 complex tions suggested that Xfz7 might activate PKC␦ through is a key component of the assembly of actin filaments DAG on the plasma membrane, although there is no and the cell motility (Suetsugu et al. 2002; Weaver et al. direct evidence that activation of the Wnt/Frizzled path- 2003). Thus, we tested the localization of the Arp3 way produces DAG. However, heterotrimeric G proteins tagged with Venus in these cells. As shown in Figure 7C, have been implicated in the Wnt/Frizzled pathway (Liu Arp3 is also localized around the tips of these cells. In et al. 1999, 2001). It has been shown that certain het- addition, Rac and Arp3 were localized almost uniformly erotrimeric G proteins coupled with seven-transmem- on the membrane or the cortical region when PKC␦ MO brane receptors activate phospholipase C-␤, which hy- was injected. The Arp2/3 complex may be recruited by drolyzes phosphatidylinositol phosphate to produce PKC␦ and its downstream PCP signaling and may regu- DAG and inositol triphosphate. In addition, Xfz7 func- late the cell polarity, bipolar protrusive activity, and cell tion is blocked by pertussis toxin, which inhibits the Gi motility in these cells. family (Sheldahl et al. 1999; Winkbauer et al. 2001). Taken together, these findings suggest that Xfz7 prob- Discussion ably activates PKC␦ through a heterotrimeric G protein that produces DAG. It will be important to determine PKC␦ is essential for Xdsh function which G protein is involved in this pathway and whether in the noncanonical Wnt pathway DAG is produced by G protein function. The membrane localization of Xdsh is thought to be an important step for Xdsh activation in the noncanonical Mechanism of activation of the Xdsh/JNK pathway Wnt pathway (Moriguchi et al. 1999; Rothbacher et al. ␦ 2000; Wallingford et al. 2000; Axelrod 2001). However, In this study, we showed that Xdsh and PKC form a the molecular mechanism of this process has not been complex and that the complex formation is not depen- ␦ well understood. In the present study, we identified dent on PKC activity. In addition, the activation of ␦ PKC␦ in the Xenopus embryo and investigated its role in PKC is sufficient and necessary for the membrane lo- the Wnt/JNK pathway. These analyses revealed that calization of Xdsh in response to Xfz7. These findings PKC␦ is essential for the translocation and activation of suggest that Xfz7 may be involved in the translocation of ␦ Xdsh in the Wnt/JNK pathway, based on the following the PKC –Xdsh complex to the plasma membrane ␦ findings: (1) PKC␦ was translocated from the cytoplasm through the production of DAG. In other words, PKC to the plasma membrane in response to Xfz7 signaling. recruits Xdsh to the membrane in response to Xfz7 sig- (2) The loss of PKC␦ function inhibited the membrane naling. It will be necessary to determine which domain ␦ localization and hyperphosphorylation of Xdsh. (3) PKC␦ of Xdsh interacts with PKC and vice versa. Our prelimi- was also essential for JNK activation by Xfz7. (4) PKC␦ nary work showed that a C-terminal fragment including physically interacted with Xdsh. (5) The activation of the DEP domain of Xdsh coimmunoprecipitated with ␦ PKC␦ by PMA was sufficient for the translocation of PKC as well as the full-length Xdsh protein (A. Miya- Xdsh and the activation of the JNK pathway. Taking all koshi, unpubl.). This is consistent with the fact that this these results together, we propose the following model of domain of Dishevelled is sufficient for its membrane the Xdsh activation mechanism in the noncanonical translocation and function in the PCP pathway (Axelrod Wnt/JNK pathway. In the absence of Wnt/Xfz7 signaling, et al. 1998; Boutros et al. 1998; Moriguchi et al. 1999; Xdsh and PKC␦ localize to the cytoplasm. It is likely that Rothbacher et al. 2000; Wallingford et al. 2000). Xdsh and PKC␦ form a complex even in the absence of The Dishevelled protein is known to be hyperphos- Xfz7 signaling. This was suggested by our finding that phorylated in response to Wnt and Frizzled (Yanagawa et the Xdsh-PKC␦ complex formation was not dependent al. 1995; Willert et al. 1997; Rothbacher et al. 2000; Tada ␦ on Frizzled signaling or PKC␦ activity. However, further and Smith 2000). We showed that the loss of PKC func- investigations may be necessary to confirm this hypoth- tion blocked this phosphorylation of Xdsh. It has been esis. When the receptor is activated, the phosphatidyl- shown that the phosphorylation and membrane localiza- inositol pathway may be activated and produce the PKC tion of Xdsh are closely related (Rothbacher et al. 2000). ␦ activator, diacylglycerol (DAG). Then, PKC␦, which has The simplest model is that DAG activates PKC on the ␦ a DAG-binding C1 domain, is translocated and recruits membrane, and PKC phosphorylates Xdsh directly. ␣ Xdsh to the membrane. PKC␦ may be activated by DAG, Kuhl et al. (2001) showed that PKC phosphorylates ␦ resulting in the hyperphosphorylation of Xdsh. The Xdsh in vitro. PKC may have the similar activity. How- membrane localization and/or phosphorylation of Xdsh ever, Dishevelled is known to interact with other ki- activate the downstream JNK pathway. nases, such as casein kinases 1 and 2, Par-1, and PAK1/ MuSK (Willert et al. 1997; Sun et al. 2001; Vielhaber and Virshup 2001; Luo et al. 2002). PKC␦ may regulate such How does Frizzled activate PKC␦? protein kinases and thus indirectly regulate Xdsh phos- Xenopus PKC␦ has a highly conserved C1 domain, which phorylation. It would be interesting to examine whether binds to DAG and phorbol esters such as PMA, a func- PKC␦ phosphorylates Xdsh directly, and to elucidate the

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Role of PKC␦ in Xenopus gastrulation role of Xdsh phosphorylation in its localization and in in random directions. The cells are then polarized and the activation of downstream signaling. Determination become narrow along the mediolateral direction, fol- of the sites in Xdsh that are phosphorylated by Xfz7 sig- lowed by the intercalation of these cells. Xdsh function naling awaits further study. is required for this regulation of cell polarity (Walling- The following three results indicate that PKC␦ medi- ford et al. 2000). We clearly showed that PKC␦ MO-in- ates the activation of JNK by Xfz7: (1) JNK activation by jected cells were not polarized, nor did they participate Xfz7 was inhibited by the loss of PKC␦ function. (2) The in the intercalation, indicating that PKC␦ is essential for activation of PKC␦ by PMA was sufficient for JNK acti- controlling cell polarity and the change in cell shape dur- vation. (3) The gastrulation-defective phenotype of PKC␦ ing convergent extension movements. MO was rescued by active MKK7, which activates JNK. Interestingly, PKC␦ and Xdsh tagged with Venus were JNK has been implicated in the noncanonical Wnt path- localized around the tips of the elongated cells. In addi- way (Boutros et al. 1998; Yamanaka et al. 2002), but it is tion, Rac and Arp3 are also localized in the same regions. still unknown how Xdsh activates the JNK pathway. The It is known that these regions have a lamellipodial pro- membrane localization and/or phosphorylation of Xdsh trusive activity. Arp3 is one of Arp2/3 complex compo- may enable other proteins such as Rho to interact with nents, which is a key regulator of the actin polymeriza- Xdsh to activate the JNK cascade. It will be interesting tion in lamellipodial protrusion of membranes (Suetsugu and important to learn how JNK regulates convergent et al. 2002; Weaver et al. 2003). The Arp2/3 complex is extension movements during gastrulation. also known to be regulated by Rac (Suetsugu et al. 2002). It is strongly suggested that the proper localization of Rac, Arp3, and other cytoskeletal regulators may be im- Specificity of PKC in the Wnt pathway portant for cell elongation and intercalative movements. Without PKC␦ function, cells were round-shaped, and The PKC family is comprised of three subfamilies, Rac and Arp3 did not localize in the specific region. This cPKC, nPKC, and aPKC. cPKC and nPKC can be acti- suggests that PKC␦, Xdsh and the downstream PCP sig- vated by DAG and/or Ca2+, both of which may increase naling may be required for the localization of such ma- upon activation of the Wnt signaling pathway. In addi- chinery, including the Arp2/3 complex. tion to PKC␦, which belongs to the nPKC subfamily, two cPKCs, PKC␣ and PKC␤, are expressed during Xenopus ␦ gastrulation. We decided to focus on PKC for the fol- Materials and methods lowing reason. Truncated PKC␣,PKC␤, and PKC␦ lack- ing the catalytic domain were constructed and overex- Plasmids, RNA synthesis, and morpholino oligos pressed in Xenopus embryos, with the assumption that Our Xenopus EST database (NIBB XDB, http://Xenopus.nibb. they would function as dominant-negative mutants. was searched with the cDNA sequences of mammalian PKC␦⌬C seemed to function as a dominant-negative mu- nPKC family members using BLAST. Full-length cDNA clones, tant because the phenotype of Xenopus embryos injected XL011f02 and XL066d07, were identified. These clones were with PKC␦⌬C was very similar to that caused by the sequenced and designated PKC␦1 and PKC␦2, respectively. injection of PKC␦ MO and was rescued by full-length GenBank accession numbers are AB109739 and AB109740, re- PKC␦. Of these three mutants, PKC␦⌬C blocked gastru- spectively. Plasmids for the expression in Xenopus embryos lation movements very effectively, whereas PKC␣⌬Cor were constructed with PCR products inserted into the expres- PKC␤⌬C had little effect, although comparable levels of sion vector pCS2+. Capped mRNAs were synthesized using the mMESSAGE mMACHINE kit (Ambion). protein expression were detected by Western blotting. PKC␦⌬C contained the N-terminal regulatory domain (1–347 We also made constructs with point mutations at the amino acids) of PKC␦1. A plasmid bearing the for consti- lysine residue in the ATP-binding domain, which are tutively active MKK7 (MKK7 DED) was a kind gift from Dr. E. generally used as dominant-negative mutants for PKCs Nishida (Kyoto University, Japan). The plasmid bearing the gene and other kinases (e.g., see Li et al. 1996). When these for GAL4(DBD)-tagged c-Jun was a kind gift from Dr. M. Tada forms were overexpressed, the PKC␣ and PKC␤ mutants (National Institute for Medical Research, UK). The myc-Xdsh had no effect on gastrulation (data not shown). These was a kind gift from Dr. R. Harland (University of California, results indicated that PKC␣ and PKC␤ might not play a Berkeley). For the Venus-tagged constructs, the indicated frag- crucial role in this process. Although PKC␦ regulates the ments were amplified with PCR, fused to Venus gene (Nagai et Wnt/JNK pathway, as we have shown, it is possible that al. 2002), and sequenced. For mb-Venus, a cDNA fragment of the C-terminal region (158–188 amino acids) of Xenopus K-ras PKC␣ and/or PKC␤ may mainly be involved in the Wnt/ 2+ (Baum and Bebernitz 1990) was cloned by PCR using the plas- Ca pathway, although we cannot completely exclude mid XL213p09 (NIBB XDB) as a template. Xdsh⌬DEP contained ␣ ␤ the possibility that PKC and/or PKC may also be in- the N-terminal region (1–426 amino acids). Xenopus Rac volved in the Wnt/JNK pathway. (GenBank accession no. AF174644) was cloned by PCR using neurula cDNA. Arp3 was cloned by PCR using the plasmid XL019o05 (NIBB XDB). PKC␦ and Arp3 were fused to the N Role of PKC␦ in gastrulation movements terminus of Venus, and Xdsh and Xdsh⌬DEP were fused to the C terminus. Convergent extension is comprised of several steps in- Antisense morpholinos were obtained from Gene Tools. The volving changes in cell morphology and movements. As morpholino oligo sequences were as follows: PKC␦1 MO, 5Ј- convergent extension begins, cells extend lamellipodia AGGATATGCGTAGGAAGGAGACATG-3Ј; PKC␦2 MO, 5Ј-

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AGGATAAGCGTAGGAAAGGAGCCAT-3Ј; Control MO, 5Ј- were prepared in PBS containing 0.1% Triton-X100, 20 mM CCTCTTACCTCAGTTACAATTTATA-3Ј. NaF, 0.5 mM PMSF, and a 1/200 volume of protease inhibitor cocktail (#P8340, Sigma), and spun at 15,000g for10min.The indicated antibodies were added to the supernatants, and incu- In situ hybridization and RT–PCR analysis bated at 4°C overnight. Protein A/G agarose (#SC-2003, Santa In situ hybridization in Xenopus was carried out as described in Cruz Biotechnology) was added, and the mixture was incubated Harland (1991). The detection of ␤-galactosidase activity for for1hinatumbling mixer. The agarose beads were washed five tracing cell lineage was carried out as described by Kurata and times with the lysis buffer. The antibodies used for immuno- Ueno (2003). For RT–PCR analyses, RNA from Xenopus em- precipitation and Western blotting were anti-myc 9E1 (Boeh- bryos was prepared with Trizol (Life Technologies). cDNA was ringer Mannheim), anti-Flag monoclonal M2 (Sigma), and anti- synthesized with Reverse Transcriptase (#TRT-101, Toyobo). GFP (#598, Molecular Biological Laboratories) antibodies. Sequences of the primers for Xbra, Xnr3, and Xotx2 were as described in Yamamoto et al. (2001) and those for chordin, JNK assay goosecoid, siamois, and ODC were as described in Dr. De Rob- ertis’ home page ( mRNA encoding GAL4 (DBD)-tagged c-Jun (100 pg) was injected index.html). Primers for Xmyf5 were 5Ј-CAGAATGGA into two-cell embryos. The animal caps were isolated at stage GATGG TAGATAGC-3Ј and 5Ј-AGCCTGGTTCACTTTCTT 10 and smashed by pipetting in sample buffer for SDS-PAGE. TAGC-3Ј; those for Xwnt11 were 5Ј-AAGT-GCCACGGAGT These samples were boiled and fractionated by SDS-PAGE. GTCT GG-3Ј and 5Ј-CTCAGACTCTCTCACTGGCC-3Ј; and Western blotting was performed using anti-GAL4 (DBD; #SC- those for PKC␦ were 5Ј-TTTATTAACCCCAAGATGGAGCG- 510, Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and anti-phospho-c-Jun 3Ј and 5Ј-AACTACATTCAAGTAACCAG-3Ј. (#9261S, ) antibodies.

Whole-mount immunostaining and immunocytochemistry Acknowledgments of Xenopus embryos We thank Dr. Eisuke Nishida for the MKK7 plasmid and helpful The procedure for whole-mount immunostaining was as de- advice, Dr. Atsushi Miyawaki for the Venus plasmid, Dr. Ma- scribed in Kurata et al. (2001). The antibodies were MZ15 for sazumi Tada for the c-Jun plasmid and protocol for the JNK notochord (a kind gift from Dr. F. Watt; Smith and Watt 1985) assay, Dr. Richard Harland for the Xdsh plasmids, Dr. Fiona and 12/101 for somites (Development Studies Hybridoma Bank; Watt for the MZ15 antibody, and Dr. Junko Miura for com- Kintner and Brockes 1984). As secondary antibodies, horserad- ments on the manuscript. We are grateful to all the members of ish peroxidase-conjugated and alkaline phosphatase-conjugated Dr. Ueno’s laboratory for their kind support. This work was antibodies were used for MZ15 and 12/101, respectively. supported by grants from the Ministry of Education, Science and For immunocytochemistry, each epitope-tagged mRNA was Culture of Japan to N.U. and N.K. injected into the animal pole of two-cell embryos. The animal The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by caps were dissected from stage 9–10 embryos and fixed with payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby MEMFA, followed by immunostaining by a standard method marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 USC section using a fluorescence-labeled secondary antibody. The localiza- 1734 solely to indicate this fact. tions were determined by laser-scanning confocal microscopy, using a Carl Zeiss LSM510 microscope. The antibodies for im- munocytochemistry were anti-myc 9E1 (Boehringer Mann- References heim) and rabbit polyclonal anti-Flag (Sigma) antibodies. For Adler, P.N. 2002. Planar signaling and morphogenesis in Dro- PMA treatment, phorbol 12–myristate 13–acetate (#P1585, sophila. Dev. Cell 2: 525–535. Sigma) was used. Axelrod, J.D. 2001. Unipolar membrane association of Dishev- elled mediates Frizzled planar cell polarity signaling. Genes Elongation assay in Xenopus animal cap and DMZ explants & Dev. 15: 1182–1187. Axelrod, J.D., Miller, J.R., Shulman, J.M., Moon, R.T., and Per- For the animal cap explants, mRNAs or a morpholino oligo- rimon, N. 1998. Differential recruitment of Dishevelled pro- nucleotide were coinjected with 0.5 pg activin mRNA into the vides signaling specificity in the planar cell polarity and animal pole of two-cell embryos. The animal cap was dissected Wingless signaling pathways. Genes & Dev. 12: 2610–2622. manually from stage 9 embryos. For DMZ explants, mRNA or a Baum, E.Z. and Bebernitz, G.A. 1990. K-ras oncogene expression morpholino oligonucleotide were injected into the two dorsal in Xenopus laevis. Oncogene 5: 763–767. blastomeres of four-cell embryos. Explants were isolated at Bell, R.M. and Burns, D.J. 1991. Lipid activation of protein ki- stage 10+. These explants were cultured in 0.1% BSA/1× Stein- nase C. J. Biol. Chem. 266: 4661–4664. berg’s solution until sibling embryos reached stage 17. The pro- Boutros, M. and Mlodzik, M. 1999. Dishevelled: At the cross- cedure for observing cells during convergent extension move- roads of divergent intracellular signaling pathways. Mech. ments was basically according to Wallingford et al. (2000) with Dev. 83: 27–37. some modifications. Explants were isolated at stage 10+ and Boutros, M., Paricio, N., Strutt, D.I., and Mlodzik, M. 1998. cultured in 1× Steinberg’s solution on a cover glass coated with Dishevelled activates JNK and discriminates between JNK fibronectin. The explants were observed by laser-scanning con- pathways in planar polarity and wingless signaling. Cell focal microscopy. 94: 109–118. Brannon, M. and Kimelman, D. 1996. Activation of Siamois by the Wnt pathway. Dev. Biol. 180: 344–347. Immunoprecipitation and Western blotting Cadigan, K.M. and Nusse, R. 1997. Wnt signaling: A common HEK293T cells were transiently transfected with the indicated theme in animal development. Genes & Dev. 11: 3286–3305. constructs using Lipofectamine Plus (Invitrogen). Cell lysates Carnac, G., Kodjabachian, L., Gurdon, J.B., and Lemaire, P.

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PKCδ is essential for Dishevelled function in a noncanonical Wnt pathway that regulates Xenopus convergent extension movements

Noriyuki Kinoshita, Hidekazu Iioka, Akira Miyakoshi, et al.

Genes Dev. 2003, 17: Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gad.1101303

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