Markets and Policies in New Knowledge Economies William H. Melody Policy Primer Papers #2 ICT Governance for Poverty Reduction IDRC Contract 102450-007 August 2006 LIRNE.NET– COM - Technical University of Denmark–Center for Information and Communication Technologies Building 371,2nd Fl. – DK 2800 Kgs. Lyngby – Denmark Phone: +45 4525 5178 – Fax: +45 4596 3171 – E-mail:
[email protected] – 2 Markets and policies in new knowledge economies William H. Melody Introduction All economies are shaped significantly by the opportunities provided for generating and communicating information. These activities are essential for the development and sharing of knowledge, and for markets to function at all. They have powerful influences over how and what knowledge is developed, as well as the scope, efficiency, and limits of markets, and the nature of economic development. Continuing dramatic improvements in information and communication technologies and services (ICTS) - for example, the Internet, mobile phones, electronic banking, etc. - are changing quite significantly the ways that knowledge is generated and communicated, and thereby the ways that firms operate, markets function, and economies develop. They are providing a new electronic communication foundation or infrastructure for the economy, capable of transmitting all forms of information (voice, data, pictures, music, film, and video) instantly over global networks at dramatically reduced costs, providing a quantum leap in the number and variety of opportunities for generating