1'1 0169 Plaintiff
Case 2:17-cv-00169-AB Document 1 Filed 01/11/17 Page 1 of 19 . JLUNI..i:ED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA Lenwood Hamilton, a/k/a Civil Action No. 2017-cv---- Hard Rock or Skip ! amilton, 1201 Willow Street! Apt. 5 Norristown, PA 19101, 1'1 0169 Plaintiff vs. Lester Speight, a/ ya Rasta the Urban W rrior, a/k/a Augustus "Cole Tr lin" Cole 8331 Woodlake Av nue Canoga Park, CA 911 304 or (alternative add 1 ess) P.O. Box 6482 Woodland Hills, CA 91365 Epic Games, Inc. I 620 Crossroads Bo~levard Cary, NC 27518 I I Microsoft, Inc. I One Microsoft Wayl Redmond, WA 98012-6399 Microsoft Studios, 1 division or ::~g~~~t~ ~~e~i~: o~~ft, Inc., Redmond, WA 98052 The Coalition, a di Iision or a subsidiary of Mic 1 osoft, Inc., 858 Beatty Street, I 6F Vancouver, BC, canada V68 lCl 1 I I Defendants COMPLAINT 1 Case 2:17-cv-00169-AB Document 1 Filed 01/11/17 Page 2 of 19 Plaintiff, Le wood Hamilton, by and through his undersigned counsel, hereby co plains against Defendants Lester Speight, Epic Games, Inc., Microsoft, Inc., Microsoft Studios, and the Coalition, as follows: PARTIES 1. Lenwoo Hamilton ("Hamilton") is an adult individual with an address of 1201 Wilow street, Apt. 5, Norristown, PA 19401. Hamilton is also known as "Har Rock" Hamilton and/or Skip Hamilton. 2. Lester 9/peight ("Speight") is an adult individual with an address of 8331 Woodlake venue, Canoga, Park, CA 91304, and an alternate mailing address at .0.
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