M a k i n g Making the progressive t h e p r o case for Israel g r e s s i v e c a s e f o r I s r a e In memory of David Cairns l E d i t e d b y B e n G a r r a t t Edited by Ben Garratt L a b o u r F r i e n d s A series of essays compiled by o f I s Labour Friends of Israel r a e l Working towards a two state solution
[email protected] 020 7222 4323 Please join Labour Friends of Israel at www.lfi.org.uk Making the progressive case for Israel A series of essays compiled by Labour Friends of Israel in memory of David Cairns, former Chair of LFI Foreword by John Woodcock MP Edited by Ben Garratt Contributions by Dr Brian Brivati , Adrian Cohen , Michael Dugher MP, Louise Ellman MP, Dr David Hirsh, Dr Peter Kyle , Meg Munn MP, Robert Philpot , Baroness Ramsay , Rachel Reeves MP, Jonathan Reynolds MP, Steve Scott and Wes Streeting Contents Contents v Acknowledgments vii Foreword ix by John Woodcock MP Making the progressive case for Israel 1 A speech by David Cairns MP Israel’s thriving economy: active government support 9 and a strong base for social welfare by Rachel Reeves MP and Jonathan Reynolds MP Championing, not undermining, human rights in Israel 17 by Dr Brian Brivati Justice and the defence of progressive values: the 25 centrality of the rule of law in Israel by Adrian Cohen Trade Unions and Israel: building bridges for workers 31 rights and peace by Michael Dugher MP and Steve Scott Israel in the world: an outward expression of 35 progressive values by Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale v MAKING THE PROGRESSIVE CASE FOR ISRAEL Israel’s