Board Meeting - MINUTES September 22nd, 2018 – HNB Office Fredericton, NB

Present – Jacques Poitras, Dawn Shaw, Neil Jacobson, Chris Green, Moe Theriault, Mike Rutter, Daniel Roussel, Todd Williams, Scott MacKenzie, Phil Huckins, Todd Pye, Andy Williams, Anita Scott, Ron Arbeau, Mike MacMullin, Luc Martin, Louis Gaudet, Nic Jansen (staff resource)

Absent – Ray Carmichael,


Todd Pye called the meeting to order at 9:04 am, and welcomed everyone.

Todd asked for any additional items to be added to agenda. Phil requested that having a board representative oversee the High Performance Program be added to the agenda. It was discussed, and agreed upon by all that this be deferred to the November board meeting, so that Nic could gather more information.

Task – Nic to provide an update to the board at the November meeting as what other branches do for the High Performance Program, and whether they have a board position which oversees their respective programs.

Poitras / T. Williams Motion to approve agenda. Carried.


Rutter / Jacobson Motion to approve June 3rd, 2018 meeting minutes. Carried. (MacKenzie abstained).


Report submitted and included in E-Binder


Report submitted and included in E-Binder


Reports submitted and included in E-Binder


Reports submitted and included in E-Binder


In-Camera Session

Arbeau / MacMullin Motion to go in-camera. Carried.

Arbeau / A. Williams Motion to conclude in-camera session. Carried.

Commission Annual Plans (Female, Development, Junior, Elite Hockey)

Arbeau / Jacobson Motion to approve Development Annual Plan. Carried. Gaudet / MacKenzie Motion to approve Elite Hockey Annual Plan. Carried. MacKenzie / MacMullin Motion to approve Junior Annual Plan. Carried.

Female Annual Plan deferred to an email vote, which will be held within the next week.

HNB Board Dress Code – Todd Pye

Scott / Poitras Motion to approve the HNB Board Dress Code. Carried.

In-Camera Session

Arbeau / MacMullin Motion to go in-camera. Carried.

Theriault / Scott Motion to conclude in-camera session. Carried.

Code of Conduct / Confidentiality Agreement – Todd Pye

- 2.02(a) – remove the words ‘solid’ and ‘legislation’ - 2.03(k) – add the word ‘discloses’ after avoids.

Jacobson / Poitras Motion to approve the HNB Code of Conduct / Confidentiality Agreement. Carried.

HNB Committee Appointments – Todd Pye

Gaudet / Huckins Motion to approve the HNB Committee appointments. Carried.

Task – Nic to send out Board, Council, Commission and Committee contact lists.

ROC Manual – Todd Pye

Scott / Shaw Motion to approve ROC Manual. Carried.

Task – Constitution Committee to review ROC Manual, and provide suggestions on a revised document moving forward.

Hockey Day in NB – Nic Jansen

- The group reviewed draft logo ideas and provided feedback to Nic - Nic will provide a final version of the logo to everyone - ROC Chairs are asked to provide details for Hockey Day in NB within their Region once everything is finalized - Once details are determined in each Region, the HNB office will provide approximately 5 items that can be used for prizes / gifting - HNB will be providing each Region with a $2,000 subsidy to help off-set expenses for the Hockey Day in their region.

Task – ROC Chairs to notify Nic who to make the $2,000 subsidy cheque payable too, as well as a mailing address.

World Under 17 Hockey Challenge (special events, tickets) – Nic Jansen

- A number of Development Initiatives have been planned for November 2nd-4th – Nine one-hour player camps are planned, seven of which are sold-out. There’s also a Goalie Coach and Skills Coach clinic scheduled for November 3rd. - On November 4th HNB is hosting a one-day Coach Seminar, featuring Tom Renney, Hockey ’s CEO as the key-note speaker. Other speakers include Gardiner MacDougall, Ryan Hamilton, Troy Ryan, Eric Bissonnette and Kyle MacDonald. We are working on creating additional marketing materials to promote the Seminar. - The HNB Semi-Annual meeting will be held Nov 9th-11th in conjunction with the event. Deadline to register for the meetings is Oct 1st, when registering delegates have the option of reserving up to 2 tickets for the semi-final, bronze and gold medal games. Board members are able to request up to tickets for the round-robin and quarter final games.

Task – Board members to notify Nic by October 1st of any additional ticket requests for round-robin or quarter final games.

Hockey Canada Summer Congress Report – Todd Pye

- Todd & Nic attended Summer Congress September 6th-8th in Calgary, AB. - Hockey Canada Task Teams will continue this November - Hockey Canada has hired three new Vice President’s (Darren Cossar – Branch Engagement, Pat McLaughlin – Operations & Caroline Popilchak – Grow the Game) - Hockey Canada will be posting job openings for four Regional Directors – West, Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic. The Regional Directors will work closely with the Branch to help align Branch Strategic Plans with Hockey Canada’s. - Hockey Canada will be cutting the branch pillar support payments by approximately 20%, and the World Junior profit cheques will be cut by approximately 66%.

Hockey Canada Regional Meeting Review – Nic Jansen

- Regional Meetings were held September 10th-19th in six locations (Bathurst, Fredericton, Saint John, , Edmundston and Florenceville. - The meetings were well attended – only 2-3 Minor Hockey Associations did not have a representative at the meeting. - Workshop sessions were held at each meeting – the topics were “Grow the Game” & “Coach Development”. A summary of the workshops were provided to the board.

Hockey Canada – Strategic Plan

- Todd provided hand-outs of Hockey Canada’s Strategic Plan - Once the Regional Director is hired by Hockey Canada, we need to start a process to align our Strategic Plan with Hockey Canada’s

A. Williams Motion to adjourn at 1:21 p.m.


Welcome to this year’s Fall Forum. I hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer.

Sine the AGM last June these are a few of the things I have been involved with:

June 9th – Sport NB Inductees Ceremony – Bob Deap July 8th – Met with Louie Gaudet to help with the Elite Hockey Commission transition July 12th – Met with Jason Arsenault, GNB, regarding HNB Program Funding July 18th – Met with Dr. Terri Buyers, UNB, regarding our EHC study August 16th – Met with Luc Martin to help with the HNB Minor Council transition August 17th – Spoke with Jeff Leblanc, Director, Sport and Recreation regarding a member’s status August 26th – Attended the EHC Fall Forum September 4th – Participated in a Minor Council Conference call September 6-9th – Attended the Hockey Canada Branch Forum September 11th – Spoke with Jeff Leblanc, follow-up, regarding a member’s status September 11th – Attended District 3’s Regional Fall Forum September 12th – Met with Champions Hockey (at their request)

Throughout the summer I also met with Nic Jansen and Todd Williams regarding Branch business:

• Fall Forum Schedule and Agenda • HNB Government Funding • Hockey Canada Funding • Dr. Buyer’s Study • Female Hockey initiatives • HNB Business Code of Conduct • HNB BOD’s Dress Code policy • HC/HNB Strategic Plan • HNB Committee Nomination

Hockey Canada Branch Forum Meeting (Some Highlights):

- Task Teams will Continue. 13 Branch members on each team is too many. HC would like to have the Chairs of those teams to be Subject Matter Experts. Changes with regards to these teams will take place in the fall.

- On July 1st HC created an Executive Leadership Team (ELT) which will be led by Tom Renney and Scott Smith. It includes the Chief Financial Officer, Brian Cairo, Chief Business Development Officer, Mike Ross, Senior Vice President, Risk Management and Insurance, Glen McCurdie and Senior Vice President, National Teams, Scott Salmond. The ELT will also include the Director of Human Resources, Denise Pattyn and General Counsel, Sean Kelly as the agenda and content demands to respect their priorities and time. The Senior Leadership Team will continue to include the Executive Leadership Team along with the Vice President’s in the areas of; Business Development & Partnerships, Marketing/Communications, Events and Development Programs, and the Executive Director, Hockey Canada Foundation. And HC hired 3 new Vice Presidents: Vice President of Grow the Game, Vice President of Operations and Vice President of Member Engagement.

- HC Branch funding will be affected by the hiring of HC’s Vice President of Member Engagement. We will lose a portion of our HC Legacy money (20%) and a portion of the profits made from World Junior Hockey events held in Canada (usually every two years).

- HC presentation on ‘inclusiveness’ and ‘diversity’.

In closing, I would like to thank the HNB BOD’s, the Councils and Commissions, the many volunteers and the HNB staff for working hard to make hockey happen. Thank you.

Yours in hockey, Todd Pye


I’d like to welcome everyone to the 2018/19 hockey season. Below are some program initiatives / highlights which I’d like to highlight going into this season.

Canadian Tire First Shift Program – This season HNB will be hosting eight Canadian Tire First Shift programs. Locations are – Baie des Chaleurs, Miramichi, Woodstock, Sussex, Saint John, KV and two in Fredericton. The KV, Sussex and two Fredericton sessions are sold-out. Welcome events for the programs will start late October.

World Under 17 Hockey Challenge – development initiatives – A Press Release was sent out on September 10th announcing a number of Development Initiatives which will be held in conjunction with the World Under 17 Hockey Challenge. In total, we’ll be running 9 one-hour player camps, two Coach Specialty Clinics and a one-day Coach Seminar on November 4th which will feature Hockey Canada’s CEO Tom Renney as the keynote speaker. The interest in the player camps has been outstanding with 7 of the 9 sessions selling it in just over 24 hours.

HNB 50th Anniversary stickers – To help promote HNB’s 50th Anniversary, stickers were created with the HNB 50th Anniversary logo. All minor hockey players in HNB will receive a sticker and they were distributed at the Regional Fall Meetings.

Regional Fall Meetings - Regional Meetings are being held in 6 locations between Sept 10th-19th. In total over 115 people registered for the meetings. Workshop topics for this year’s meetings are “Grow the Game and Coach Development”. A full summary of the workshops will provided once the meetings have concluded.

Lessons from Behind the Glass – HNB has partnered with Allyson Tufts who’s the author of “Lessons from Behind the Glass” to create ten articles which are intended for Minor Hockey parents. Examples of articles are – “Don’t force your passion”, “Play through the Politics” and “Leave your baggage at home”. The articles will be sent out bi-weekly, beginning the end of September.

Canada Winter Games – In February 2019 the Canada Winter Games will be held in Red Deer, AB. Our Male Under 16 team is currently shortlisted with 26 players. The team will attend a pre-competition event late September in Halifax and play against the other Atlantic Branches. Our female team is shortlisted with 22 players and will once again compete in the Atlantic Challenge Cup, Thanksgiving Weekend in Moncton. The final rosters for both teams will be announced the week of November 19th.

X. COUNCIL REPORTS All i. Officials Mike MacMullin

No report submitted.

ii. Senior Phil Huckins

The 2018-2019 hockey season in New Brunswick has seen two senior hockey leagues operating, The Regional League (Roger Lizotte League) (senior “a” one team registered “aaa” allowing them to compete for the , Acadian Senior Hockey League and possibility the North East Senior Hockey League.

Last year all leagues were well attended with the level of play was very competitive.

Recreational Hockey is still a priority to ensure that all leagues have proper insurance under HNB/HC. In order to meet the 2020 target many recreational leagues in the province should be approached to listing under HNB. (Follow-up).

One thing we must look at is offering the league presidents a vote in all matters that effect registered senior hockey leagues. (Follow-up).

I would like to thank everyone for attending and all the best for 2018-2019.

Thank you,

Phil Huckins Senior chair

iii. Minor Luc Martin

No report submitted.

iv. Elite Hockey Louis Gaudet

The commission met at the offices on Sunday, August 26th.

Items discussed included:

Tryout process – each EDZA zone has their own process for selection of teams. There was discussion regarding moving towards a more standardized process for all zones. This could include independent evaluators, computer software for tabulation and ranking and spring sessions to identify players in the various age groups.

EHC Annual Plan – reviewed and made adjustments to plan for 2018-2019 season.

NCCP Certifications – Need to insure all coaches have their appropriate levels as well as all people involved in teams have necessary security checks, speak out, etc.

Player Movement – reviewed process for players moving from one zone to another if they had not been successful in securing a position on one of their own zone’s teams. There needs to be approval from both EDZA zone Presidents.

UNB Study – Nic Jansen updated the group on the study by Dr Byers (UNB) looking at players leaving our province to attend and play hockey at private institutions. This is affecting all zones and could jeopardize some teams in some zones, especially on the female side.

Registrar – Blair Kennedy has once again been engaged to facilitate the registration process for the 4 EDZA zones.

Task Teams – teams will be set up later in the season to review various elements of the EHC. Some items that will be looked at include: structure; fees for players; selection process; player retention and future of female divisions.

A welcome to Denis Sheehan, the new EDZA East President. (formerly President of Lewisville Minor Hockey)

Respectfully submitted,

Louis Gaudet Chair

iv. Female Commission Anita Scott

We have a couple of exciting things happening in Female this season. Dual registration was passed so we are hoping that this helps to increase the numbers for us.

The second being that the CFHA is back up and running the season. The third is that we are implementing a provincial league for our teams to play out of.

We have had multiple questions coming about dual registration. There may need to be very clear rules written so this is used appropriately. The intentions was to allow this to grow the game at the grass roots level.

Central Female Hockey Association is back up and running with Darren Gallen as it’s president. Darren hopes that in the very near future, Christmas time, that someone will step up and take on that role. We would like to thank District three, especially Neil, Hazel and Shellany for all their support with making this happen. Our hope is to at least have one team play out of the association this season.

The provincial league will be run by the Commission this season. We are aiming for most female teams to play in their respective leagues for league play and have one weekend a month where teams travel to play other all-female teams.

One thing we feel we need to work on is the AAA league for female. The commitment does not appear to be what it should be from its members. Jason Lyons has been looking after both Midget and Bantam. We need to figure out if the league is still needed. We also need better communication between us and the EDZA’s for Midget. We were told that there would be four teams this year and one folded. The numbers are low on two other teams also. We need to look at ways to improve this so we keep the relation we have with NS strong.

Yours in hockey, Anita Scott

v. Development Commission Ron Arbeau

2018-19 Development Commission Members – Ron Arbeau (Commissioner), Dave Wheaton, Serge Bourgeois, Kevin Pottle, Todd Pye (Ex-Officio), Mike Gillingham (Staff Resource)

1. IP FUNdamental Demo Days – HNB office will offer the IP Demo Days to any association that has not already hosted one in the past 2 seasons. This could potentially be 10 Demo Days for the 2018-19 season.

2. Skills Camps – A one-day hockey school, where players will have two on-ice sessions & two off-ice sessions. Associations apply to host a camp. Cost is $35.00/player, and players receive HNB jersey and small gift. Confirmed locations are – Florenceville and Western Valley Female. We are hoping to run 2-3 all Female Skills Camps over March Break.

3. LTPD – will continue to work with all associations on the LTPD Model.

4. Specialty Clinics – we will be offering specialty clinics this season for those associations that request them. We will be offering Skating, Skills, Developing Defensemen, and Goaltending. We had Corey McNabb do facilitator training in August and have several facilitators trained to run these clinics. Matt Vautour will be working with the Associations to book theses clinics. We hope to run 20-25 clinics province wide this season.

5. Sledge Hockey – we hosted a weekend jamboree last season with Quebec, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. We will look to take part in this again this coming season.

6. Male & Female Under 13 Program – We hosted both a Male and Female U13 development camp this year. We hosted both groups the same weekend this past season in May. This was a great weekend and we will be looking to book this once again in May 2019.

7. Coach Clinics – We will be offering the Coach 1 clinic again this year. The Coach 1 clinic will be required for all coaches who are coaching IP & Novice. The curriculum has been updated to ensure the coaches are getting the proper education to work with these age groups. The price of Coach 1 Clinics will be reduced for this season. We had our course conductors in to go over the new material in August for the 2018-19 season.

8. Atom Study – The Commission will continue working together to study and make recommendations on the number of Atom Competitive teams that each association should have. They have been working on this to date and will come with recommendations for the 2019-20 season.

9. Novice Hockey – The 2018-19 season will see some changes to Novice Hockey which are reflected in our Operations Manual. This was to fall in line with Hockey Canada guidelines which will be mandatory nationwide in 2019-2020.

10. High Performance Program – Our High Performance Program is going into a Canada Winter Games year which will be held in Red Deer, AB in February 2019. The camps during spring and summer went very well. Some noted changes were we implemented a Hockey Canada Skills Coach (Derek Cormier) to run skills sessions will all of our groups both male and female. Derek attended the National Skills Coach Seminar in Calgary in July 2018. We also had the Canadian Sports Centre Atlantic look after all of our fitness testing and will continue to do so for consistency purposes.

vii. Junior Commission Scott MacKenzie

As the new Commissioner of Junior Hockey for HNB, I would like to say that I am honored to serve HNB in this capacity. This year’s board as not changed from the previous year. Sterling Loga, Carl “Butch” Watters, Michael Clark, Rod Clark, Louis Gaudet and Sheldon Hay have all agreed to stay on as commission members.

Currently HNB has the following teams registered in the below noted Junior Leagues: From New Brunswick

Maritime Junior “A”- , Edmuston Blizzard, , St. Stephen Aces and the

Don Johnson Cup Division – Moncton Vito’s, Cap-Pele Predators and the Kent Koyotes

Hockey North Division - Southern Sting, Tri-County River Rats, Western Valley Panthers and the Sunny Corner Thunder

Both the Maritime Junior and the Don Johnson Cup Leagues play an inter-locking schedule with at least one other Atlantic Province (Maritime inter-locks with both).

From a commission point of view we would like to maintain the current number of teams currently participating in all of the leagues and encourage possible growth in other parts of the province if possible.

The continued development/communications with our Indigenous peoples remains a important to the commission.

Finally, any assistance we can be to the various leagues, especially towards HNB 50 year of celebrations will certainly be encouraged

Scott MacKenzie NB Junior Commissioner


ROC 1 has seen some changes in the last few months. Around the table, we have new representative for minor, female hockey, officials and one new member at large. I am happy to count on new volunteers and whish best of luck to previous members who are taking on new challenges.

Minor: District 1 has their first meeting schedule for September 12th. All the associations are doing their registration and hope to have final numbers be the end of September. Association will send representative to the local HNB event schedule for September 18th. No association had applied for the Canadian Tire First shift program. It was felt having this initiative every 2 years will probably generate better results. Registration struggle a little last year to reach the minimum requirement. Having the sessions in late October – November is not the most convenient period as kids prefer to register and start the season with the local community clubs.

Female: A summer camp was hosted at the Centre Jean-Daigle on August 24-26th. More than 30 girls, age 7-14 attended the 3 day camp with 6 ice session, and many off-ice clinics ranging from nutrition, yoga, zumba, cross-fit and also session with community police around drugs and social medias. Camp was under the supervision of 3 former Universite de Moncton female hockey players and a few members from the Junior A team. The group of volunteer is already planning for next year. Res-Ma-Vic plans on repeating the bi-monthly female hockey activities (i.e. bring a friend, skills development, initiation to hockey…..). They will partner with local community hockey association to promote those activities within female players. Plan is to have some of those sessions in various rinks in the district instead of central location. They are also working with community clubs to possibly host a few exhibition female games with District 2 female teams.

Senior: At the league’s AGM in June, there was uncertainty if they would have senior hockey in our region next season, with a few members of the board resigning. During the summer months, they actively recruited volunteers and were happy to report in mid-August that all the positions on the board were filled and senior hockey would be played in the region. Grand-Falls, that did not finished the season last year, is not expected to return. All the other teams are expected to returns. Claude Theriault remains the senior rep.

Officials: Jack Lebel has accepted the chair for officials in ROC1. He has already recruited new volunteers to help on scheduling in the region. Dates for refresher clinics and clinics for new officials have already been announced. Focus for the official remains recruiting of new officials, but we’re also seeing more officials seeking higher certification. Something we will help to offer.

EDZA: Training camps have started in early September. Coaching positions are all filled for this season. Looking for great season once again. Paul Boulet, coach of Pee-Wee AAA followed the High Performance coaching clinic in Sherbrook this summer. He will do the required projects this season and expects to meet all the requirement, including the evaluation before the end of the season.

Junior: Lots of changes in the last 2 years, going from no Junior team to 2 teams in the Maritime Junior A league. The had a very successful season ticket sale, selling over 1,600 season tickets. This will represent a challenge for them this season, with very little tickets available. They hope to repeat the success from last season. The Rapids is the new attraction in the Grand-Falls region. Marcel Deschênes and his team have worked hard this summer to recruit billet families, team sponsors and everything around the team activity. They seem to match-up the Blizzards success in their first season ticket sale. Coaching staff was introduced just prior to start of training camp. Whishing both teams a successful season, and looking forward to this rivalry.

Initiative Short -Term Standardize playing surface dimensions – Maintain Shared ice for IP level Standardize practice to game ratio – comply with modified games at IP and minimum number of games at novice. Will rely on community club to ensure quality practice are being delivered and meet the required ratio for each age group. Encourage coaching certification and player development standards are being met.

Initiative Medium -Term Promote the use of Hockey New Brunswick Skills Camps, not only for development week-end but also during the season. All IP Jamboree played on shared ice

ii. ROC 2 Dawn Shaw

ROC 2 is looking forward to getting started and wishing all volunteers and members a great season.

Registrations are on-going in our 4 District Associations. A couple of the Associations have new heads and volunteers, wishing them a great year and extending offers of support as always.

In Minor, plans are well under way by Craig Young for the start of 2018/19, specifically for the First Shift program and support is looking strong.

Regional Fall Meeting scheduled for September 19th.

For Female hockey, registration is open in the WVFHA. Unfortunately, the continued challenge is finding ice and not having a ‘home’. Fortunately, there is again a core group of dedicated volunteers committed to the success for this program so let’s ensure we fully support this group to allow access to our game to all members of our communities. Number of teams and make of teams/age divisions will depend on registration numbers. Planning for early ice at end of September with Girls Hockey Day in early October. As well as planning for skill day end of November.

In Junior, we have the Junior C Panthers with tryouts on-going and exhibition and league schedule planned. As well planning is well underway for hosting the Atlantics in March 2019.

We plan to run our Hockey Day in NB HNB 50th celebration events around Panther’s home opener October 7th to assist in continued support of fans with their move to AYR Motor Centre ice.

For Officials, we have many things underway for 2018/19. There is a level 3 clinic in Fredericton on Sept. 22/23, we will be sending Devon Grant from Nackawic to represent us at this clinic.

The POE program will be holding a tryout on Sept. 23 in Fredericton, Logan Titus from Perth will be attending the tryout.

The level 4/5 clinic is scheduled for Nov. 23-25 in Nova Scotia, Chris Scott has submitted Ryan Paul to go for his level 5.

There will be will be a supervision clinic held in Fredericton sometime in early November, we will be sending a few supervisors to attend, based on the number of seats allotted to zone 2. This clinic is long overdue and will be a great asset to the supervisors and officials.

The officials clinics for the upcoming season are all booked once again, we will be hosting 3 minor new/recertifications, and 2 senior recertification clinics.

Nothing to report from our pre-season meeting from Senior pending new ROC rep.

Wishing everyone a safe and fun 2018/19 hockey season!

iii. ROC 3 Neil Jacobson

ROC 3 held its fall meeting on September 5, 2018. ROC 3 welcomed Sheldon Hay to the committee representing Junior. The committee also discussed ideas for the HNB Hockey Day in New Brunswick day. I look forward to hearing other initiatives.

District 3 officials clinics have been set for the fall. New and re-certification clinics are scheduled. And official’s POE camp and Level 3 Clinics will be held the third week of September.

This year NB Junior Hockey League will see one less team. Grand Lake is no longer participating in the league.

The Central Female Hockey Association (CFHA) has entered its second year of existence. Last year there were not enough registrations to form a team, however they have regrouped to work alongside associations. Darren Gallen, past president of the South East Female Hockey Association has agreed to lead the charge on an interim basis for CFHA. I am pleased to confirm that 2 teams will represent CFHA, with the potential of a few more. CFHA successfully held a Try Female Hockey event where approximately 50 participants took part. A second event is planned for late September. CFHA has approval to hold Esso Fun Days, participate in the World Girl Hockey Weekend and will look at submitting an application for the Canadian Tire First Shift Program. As Chair of ROC 3, I have made initial contact with the Fredericton Multicultural Association to see if there is interest in meeting to expose their members to the game of hockey.

Minor Hockey Association registrations are in full swing. Hazel Wells has been working closely with all associations. Great participation was had at the HNB Fall Forum Meeting held in September 2018. Kevin Pottle has held several skills clinics on behalf of the ROC and each camp has been at capacity.

The ROC thanks the Sports Branch within GNB for its ongoing support of LTAD, Coaching and Administrative funding.

Finally, I would like to thank HNB staff for their support, and ROC 3 committee members for their tireless efforts.

Neil Jacobson ROC 3 Chair

iii. ROC 4 Chris Green

I am humbled and excited to have been elected to this position. It will be extremely difficult to follow in the footsteps of Barry Farnsworth but, I look forward to the challenge. That said, I plan on playing the “I’m new” card for the next 3 years.

My report will be brief. Our region has some exciting initiatives that ROC 4 will support and bring to fruition.

- Saint John / Quispamsis will be hosting the World U17 tournament. With this, there will be many events for local players and coaches to take advantage of: -skills camps -coaching clinics -coaching seminars -Hockey Canada interaction

-Plans for Hockey day in NB are well underway. We have partnered with the and are in the incipient phase of planning the second annual “Street Hockey Classic” -Brainstorming has begun with regards to the creation of a new “behaviour/conduct in the rink” campaign.

-ROC 4 sent two youth to the annual KOHO ref. camp that was hosted in Quispamsis. We plan to increase this to 10 youth in the coming year.

-KV minor’s community hockey is set to begin another season.

-Top Corner Hockey is poised to register another 50 at risk youth into HNB’s hockey registry.

Hockey New Brunswick’s AGM will be hosted in Saint John this June. ROC 4 will be stepping into more of an organizational role. We will be planning a few social events during the weekend to aid and increase social networking among the various associations.

Yours in Community

Chris Green

v. ROC 5 Maurice Thériault

ROC 5 Chairman

ROC 5 will hold its first meeting at the end of September. We have been in contact with the NB Sports and Culture and should receive our funding very soon.

Minor Hockey

All the Community Clubs are now getting set for the 2018-2019 hockey season. The directors have had meetings with their Community Clubs. Once again ice time is at a premium this season. The Community Clubs will be hitting the ice soon.


Bantam AAA girls are operational this year; unfortunately the Female Midget team folded due to low numbers. All AAA bantam and pee wee boys teams are presently holding their training camps. The AAA Flyers have started their season with a win. Female

The annual DQ tournament will be the main event again this season. It will be played in January 2019.


We do not have any Junior A hockey in our area this season but the Junior B League is well and running again with three teams from this area, Moncton, Shédiac and Bouctouche.

Senior hockey

Nothing to report at this time.


Many recertification clinics have been scheduled in the coming weeks. A busy time of the year for Tim and his crew. Development

The following clinic will be held in our area (contact Dave Wheaton):: Development 1 Sept. 22 and Sept. 23 Coach 2 (Atom, Pee Wee, Bantam & Midget) Nov. 3 Coach 1 ( Initiation and Novice ) Nov. 11

vi. ROC 6 Mike Rutter

MINOR HOCKEY The start of another hockey season is only a couple of weeks away, but we are all much more optimistic than in past years. A changing of the guard has taken place in Miramichi, with Michael Berube assuming the role of President, Ian Donald as Vice President, and a full slate of board members in place...... Dan Cormier is now in charge of the Rogersville operation, no changes have been reported from the other outside areas.

Michael has already approached the North Shore Hockey League regarding how MMHC will select their teams, returning to the Miramichi-BSA-Rogersville boundry for one grouping, and the Renous-Sunny Corner boundry for another. This format was accepted by the North Shore executive, who confirmed this in writing...... MMHC has committed to playing in the North Shore League this coming season, foregoing any activity with the Central League. A good start to re-establishing relations with the North Shore group, shouldn’t be any problems with team selection this year.

OFFICIALS Zone 6 had the Senior re-cert clinic on Sept. 3rd. A new officials clinic and minor re-cert clinics are scheduled for Sept. 15th and October 6. This year we are sending 4 officials to POE to try out. From ther, working with Joel McCormack we hope to send at least 2 officials to Nova Scotia in November for level 4.

JUNIOR The Timberwolves are finishing off their exhibition and training camp. All indications are that the Wolves will ice a young but enthusiastic team. It is hoped that this team will form the foundation of a very competitive team in the coming years. In sunny Corner work is underway in preparation for tryouts. The Thunder are being driven by strong community support and are looking to improve over last season.

FEMALE The GMFHA will have an Atom, PeeWee and hopefully a Bantam or Bantam/Midget combined team this year. The teams are looking for teams to play against , as of now they do not have a et league to play in. The GMFHA held a hockey camp Aug. 27 – 29 with 16 Novice/Atom players and 23 PW/bantam players attending. At the Elite level, the bantam AAA Panthers started their tryouts on Sept. 8th. This team will be based out of Bathurst. The Midget AAA team has also started tryouts.

SENIOR Baie. St. Anne will participate in the league this year. ROC 6 would like to thank the other Roc’s for their support with the Scott McKay golf tournament this year. We have not had a scheduled meeting yet because of busy schedules. We have a chairman for the 50th anniversary year and plans are still in the preparation stages.

Michael Rutter ROC chair

vii. ROC 7 Daniel Roussel

Meeting: Roc did not meet since the AGM. Discussions over emails have been done. Meeting is plan for mid-October. Volunteers are all busy with the start of minor hockey.

Regional Even Review: The process of selection for Elite hockey teams in ROC 7 are almost over. Teams are in the final cut at most levels. Competitive team tryout would be beginning early October for the Acadian Peninsula and Chaleur regions. Registrations for minor hockey is currently on right now.

Senior hockey: Acadie Chaleur hockey league would be on the run for another season with a 20 games schedule. 5 Teams from our ROC would be involve for the 2018-2019 season. The teams are Chaleur, Caraquet, Shippagan, Tracadie and Néguac. Baie Ste-Anne would be the other team in the league.

Officials: Official registration process is in progress in Acadian Peninsula and Chaleur regions. 5 clinics are planned right now to register the officials for ROC 7.

Clinics: Coaching clinics are in progress to be plan for minor hockey in Acadian Peninsula and Chaleur region. People are working to organize clinics in HNB development weekend in Chaleur and Acadian Peninsula. Goaltending clinics are schedule all over ROC 7 for the course of the winter with the lead of Mario Larouche and Charles Austin.

Objectives for the region: 1. Maintain specialty clinics for the regions and looking way to add more 2. Shared ice for IP Jamborees. 3. Look at registration trends and find a way to stabilize them/Looking at volunteers 4. Look at all levels of hockey for team composition and numbers of teams 5. Look at amalgamation possibilities for BDC and Bathurst minor hockey association Daniel Roussel ROC 7 chair

viii. ROC 8 Todd Williams Welcome back everyone, I hope everyone had a great summer.

In ROC # 8 ,the registration for minor hockey has had a difficult beginning. As in other areas In our Province ,the Municipality in our region will be implementing a Leisure Card for those not living in the city. This would come with a user fee. Since our Association is comprised of players residing in another municipality and rural areas, this has brought about a few complications in the registration process.

Campbellton Junior A Tigers have started their season on the road, and it is my opinion they had a successful start with a record of 1 win ,1 loss.

After many attempts, a local group failed in their efforts to find a league that would accept their bid for a Senior hockey team, therefore, once again, the Restigouche area will not have Senior Hockey.

There seems to be a continued interest in female hockey for our area .It is my opinion, the decision to allow females to play with female and minor Association teams, has increased the interest for the parents to entertain registering their daughters to play female. ROC#8 sent two Officials to the Don Koharski Camp this past summer. One official attended the Moncton camp, and the other attended the St. John area camp.

ROC # 8 is trying to encourage the young officials to stay with the game, therefore , we feel it is important to offer development opportunities for them. It is our hope that we will continue to send at least two officials every summer.

ROC#8 Reps ,as well as Restigouche North Minor Hockey Executives attended the HNB meetings held in Bathurst in September 10,2018.It was a very informative session ,and very good reminder of some of the changes and programs that our organization is offering our membership. Well done staff!

ROC#8 has been having informal conversation on our celebration for “50 years of HNB”. We hope to be able to offer our players and parents the opportunity to watch Junior A, Midget AAA (male and female) games, and participate in skill development activities that will be offered to various age groups in our area.

Have a great year everyone.

Todd Williams Chair ROC#8