PUBLICAtION DATE: 19 decembER 2016 2017 TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM John Newnan JohnNewnan hasbeen involvedin theTorch Runsince theinaugural Torch Run in Maryland in 1986. He has served as his agency coordinator, county coordinator, and served as the MD LETR Director from 1999-2014. John is a Final Leg veteran serving as the Team Captain and Coordinator for the 2013 Korea Final Leg, 2014 USA Games Final Leg, 2015 LA Final Leg and now the 2017 Austria Final Leg. Johnhasservedon theInternational LawEnforcement Torch Run Executive Council since 2004 as the Region II Coordinator and is the Final Leg Committee Chair.

Aside from his Torch Runinvolvement, Johnalso serves on theBoard ofDirectors of SpecialOlympics Maryland where heis currently Board Chair.

In 2005, Johnwas honoredtobeinducted intothe RichardLaMunyon CAPTAIN [RETIRED] LETR Hall of Fame. He is especially proud that his Torch Run efforts HOWARD COUNTY involve his entire family, his wife Kathy, son Ryan, daughter Jessica, DEPARTMENT and daughter-in-law, Ashley. In 2008, John’s son Ryan, helped introduce the Torch Run and Polar Plunging in theMiddle Eastwhile servinga tourofduty inMosul, Iraqasan Infantry LT/Platoon leaderin

the U.S. Army. While in Mosul, Iraq, Ryan put together a Polar TEAM CAPTAIN Plunge® (with 700 bagsof ice!)in a combat zoneraising over$6000 to benefit Special Olympics back home.

John’s daughter Jessica, is a Special Education teacher currently teaching at the American School in Warsaw, Poland and is an avid supporter of Special Olympics. His daughter-in-law, Ashley, worked for Special Olympics Maryland as their volunteer coordinator before becoming a full time Mom to Mason, Madeline and Makenna, Grandpa John's pride and joy! maryland, usa 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Paul Manuel

Paul retired from the Calgary Police Service in2015 after 38 yearsof policing.He started with the Torch Run in 1988 and was the LETR International Executive Council Regional Coordinator for Canada from 2007 to 2015.

Hehas hadthe privilegeof being part of 7 World Games Final LegTorch Runs.The first FinalLegwas as a runner,the next six were as a RunTeam Leader. Paul is also an inductee in the Richard Lamunyon Hall of Fame.

Paul has organized and volunteered in numerous fundraising events over the years, but his main event is an Annual Harley-Davidson Raffle, which has raised

over One Million dollars in the past 11 years. Paul is also the head coach of the ROUTE LEADER Special Olympics Power Lifting Program in Calgary and was a competitive power [RETIRED] lifter himself for many years. CALGARY POLICE SERVICE ALBERTA, CANADA Don Stuart

Don Stuart was a member of the NSW Police Force for over 26 years, retiring in November, 2011. Hehas beeninvolved withTorch Runsince 2003. In 2005, Don was selected as the Australian Torch Runner for the Winter Games Final Leg in Japan.

Doncoordinated the 2006and 2010Australian Summer Games FinalLegs as well as the 2007 Global Final Leg in Sydney. He served on the LETR International Executive Council as Region XIV Coordinator from 2008 to 2012. Don is also an inductee in the Richard Lamunyon Hall of Fame.

Donwas a Team Leaderon the 2011 FinalLeg inGreece as well as the 2013Final

Leg in Korea and a Route Leader for the 2015 Final Leg in California. Don says ROUTE LEADER there is nothingbetterthan running withthe Flameof Hopewith our inspirational SENIOR SERGEANT [RETIRED] Special Olympic Athletes. Don and his wife Lori are now residing in Southern California as Lori is originally there. NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE FORCE NEW SOUTH WALES, Route Leaders - Page 1 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Markus Glößl

Markus was a police officer in Austria between 1975 and 2013. For the last 19 years he was a teacher at the police academy in Tyrol. In 1995Adi Reiter, founder of Law Enforcement Torch Run in Austria, motivated him to contribute the realization of the Torch Run for the Austrian Special Olympic Winter Games in Tyrol.

The incrediblefascinationof the athletes inspiredhim somuchthat he helped with fundraising projects and joinedseveral Nationaland InternationalTorch Runs.The highlights for Markuswerethe attendanceinthe FinalLegs inAlaska 2001, Ireland 2003, Idaho 2009, in Korea 2013 and most recently, California 2015.

His most exciting experience was that he was allowed to accompany his friend, ROUTE LEADER athlete Johannes Grander on the Final Leg in Korea. Johannes then ordered [RETIRED] Markus to be his coach for long-distance running. BUNDESPOLIZEI öSTERREICH TYROL, AUSTRIA Adi Reiter

AdiReiterhas been involvedwith the torch run since 1993. He is married andhas twochildren. Adiwas the founderof the AustrianTorch Runprogram andhe is still a member of the board of Special Olympics Austria. He is the past president of a local Lions Club. Each year he organizes a charity brass concert for the Austrian Special Olympicsmovement. Adiis also aninducteein the Richard LamunyonHall of Fame.

Adi is a chief inspector at the criminal department in the province of Salzburg. He is the group leader for people smuggling and trafficking in human beings. ROUTE LEADER In his spare time he likes to go for running, skiing or to the gym. ChefInspektor [CHIEF INSPECTOR] BUNDESPOLIZEI öSTERREICH SALZBURG, AUSTRIA Route Leaders - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Nancy Howell

Nancy Howell has been involvedwith the Law EnforcementTorch Runfor the past fouryears. She is currently posted inGander, Newfoundland and Labradorand is a Constable with the Traffic Services Central unit of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Nancyis married and herhusband Doug is a Crown Attorney with the Department of Justice for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. They have a four year old daughter, Eva. Nancy is currently the Regional Coordinatorfor the Central Region for the LETR in Newfoundland and Labrador. She recently participated in the FinalLegTorch RuninCalifornia for the World Summer Games. Nancyis also a Special Olympics coach at both the local and provincial level in Cross Country TEAM LEADER Skiing, Track and Field, Swimming, and Learn to Swim.

CONSTABLE Nancy's proudest moment as a coach was watching the athlete that she coaches, accept her award as 2015 Special Olympics Canada Female Athlete of the Year. ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE TEAM 1 NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR, CANADA Amanda Bammann

Amanda is anaccomplished triathleteand marathonrunner. She has completed 3 marathons, 12 half marathons and 12 triathlons. She easily won the 5K at the 2015 State Summer Games and anchored her team’s 4x100M Relay. Amanda simultaneously ran 3 legs of the Unified Relay Across America inBoulder, CO and then turned around and ran 2 miles back to the car.

Amanda annually volunteers to work the Tip-A-Cop events, the Boulder PD Car Show, and the Boulder Polar Plunge.

Amanda is currently being trained as a Global Messenger for Special Olympics Colorado. She is very outgoing, loves people and is a tremendous role model to the athletes with her training work ethic.

She is a remarkable young woman who is a leader on the competitive field andin her personal life. SPECIAL OLYMPICS ATHLETE TEAM 1 COLORADO, USA Team 1 - Page 1 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Garth Burnside

Garth Burnside has been involved with Torch Run for the past six years. He has beenwiththe Michigan for 28 yearsandwhile heis currently assigned to headquarters in the Biometrics and Identification Division, most of his career was spent in undercover narcotics.

Garth is single with two grown daughters; Amanda is 25 and Ashley is 22.Garth was named tothe state LETR Executive Councilandhas enjoyedthe many meansof helping the athletes such as Run Week and Polar Plunges. He has also enjoyed coming up with new ways toraise fundsincluding anannual comedy show, a golf outing, a raffle for Detroit Red Wing hockey tickets and a night at a downtown casino. TORCH RUNNER Being able to attend summer games that first year and present medals to INSPECTOR hundreds of athletes has solidifiedthe fact that LETR willbe inhis life long after he retires. MICHIGAN STATE POLICE TEAM 1 MICHIGAN, USA Phill Jones

Phillip Jones had been involved with the Torch Run for the past nine years and became involved shortly after being hired by the BridgtonPolice Department.He holds the rank of patrolman with responsibilities and assignments to criminal investigations and community policing programs.

Phill and his wife Vanessa have been married for twelve years. They have two biologicalchildrenand are also a licensed treatment foster carefamily for children with special needs. He serves as a leg leader for the Maine LETR and has been appointed to the Maine LETR executive council.

Sincehis first run in2006, hehas beencommitted tothe LETR,it's purely positive TORCH RUNNER efforts and the relationships built with the SO athletes have him hooked. PATROLMAN BRIDGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 1 Maine, USA Team 1 - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Mark Koeller

Mark Koeller has been involved with the Torch Runfor 16 years. Heis currently a Division of Patrol sergeant for the St.Louis County Police Department and servesas the agency LETR coordinator, his program raised over $400,000 in 2015.

Mark and his wife Stacey have been married for twenty-five years. Stacey is currently working as a Regional Development Director for Special Olympics. They have a seventeen year old daughter, Jessica, who helps coach the area Special Olympics cheerleading team and dreams of being a Special Education teacher.

Mark serves as a region LETR coordinator and is a member of the Missouri LETR

committee. His passion for the LETR comesfrom the inspiration hesees inSpecial TORCH RUNNER Olympicsathletes as theystrivetoachieve theirgoals whilemaintaining a positive, SERGEANT competitive relationship with other athletes. ST LOUIS COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 1 Missouri, USA Steve Lin

Steve Lin has been involved with Torch Run for the past three years and became involved not long after joining the Agency, R.O.C. Steve is currently assigned to the Public Relations Office.

Steve is married and his wife, Amenda, is also a police officer. They have two children, Aston and James. Aston is 3 years old, and James is 2 months. One of Steve's primary jobs is to be the contact point between Special Olympic Chinese Taipei and law enforcement. Many officers in Taiwan are unaware of the connection between Special Olympics and Torch Run. Steve is always committed to promoting what they are and do.

Stevelovessports,likebasketball, baseball and jogging. Steve is honored tohave TORCH RUNNER been nominated to participate the first Final Leg, andsure tobe ableto have the POLICE OFFICER most valuable experience. NATIONAL POLICE AGENCY TEAM 1 CHINESE TAIPEI Team 1 - Page 3 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Petr Matlach

Petr is married and has onedaughter Terezie. He lives in Chomutov, a largetown located about 100 km northwest of Prague in the Czech Republic.

His Police career started in 1992 and within 19 years he promoted to Police investigator and the Head of the National Unit in Prague. Currently he works as a HSE Specialist. In his off time he enjoys cycling, skiing and playing guitar.

Petr became involved with the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics whilerunning the Flameof Hope in2008, hewas immediatelyhooked. Sincethat

time he has been a part of many LETR Events around the world, including LETR TORCH RUNNER Final Legs in Korea (2013) andCalifornia (2015). He is a member of the Support Team for the Special Olympics Winter Games in his country every year. COLONEL [RETIRED] POLICE OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC TEAM 1 Czech republic Alan Morton

Alan Morton is a career police officer with Western Australia Police, commencing his career in 1986 and holding the rank of Detective Superintendent.

Alan’s most recent posting is the Divisional Officer, Major Crime Division, with responsibility for the management of homicide and major crime investigations across the state. Alan is married to Vanessa, a project manager and they have a young daughter,Olivia. The familyenjoysanactive lifestyletogether, involvingthe outdoors, camping and water activities.

Alan is a passionate motorcyclist and his interests include, cooking, home TORCH RUNNER renovation, travel and maintaining his fitness. DETECTIVE SUPERINTENDENT WESTERN AUSTRALIA POLICE TEAM 1 Western Australia, Australia Team 1 - Page 4 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Peter Perl

Peter Perl is married tohis wife Petraand theyhave a 20 year old daughter,Sarah. Peter is a policeman at the officein Güssing,Burgenland. Heworks as a trainer at the Police shooting range plus teaching tactical enforcement.

Hewas invited toparticipate inthe FinalLeg Torch Run by his boss and friendMr. FranzRecker. Inhis freetimePeter verymuchenjoys riding his bikeand has raced in marathons before. TORCH RUNNER


Petros Petrou has beeninvolved withTorch Runfor the past ten years andbecame involved not long after joining the . He is working in Cyprus Criminalistics Services, at the Fingerprints Identification Laboratory for the last seven years.

Petros is married to Maria, they have two children, Constantinos 5 and Nicholas3. Petros is also a football referee and in his spare time he swims and runs.

His favorite Torch Run memory was during a local Special Olympics competition when he was asked to transfer the Torch together with an athlete. It was the opening ceremony of the local Special Olympics competition. TORCH RUNNER His favorite Special Olympics memory is during a European Football tournament CONSTABLE whichtookplace at Agia Napa inCyprus, Petros participated as football referee.He felt great emotion and happiness when he took part in these games. CYPRUS POLICE TEAM 1 Cyprus Team 1 - Page 5 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Anne Ralston

Staff Lieutenant Anne R. Ralston is an 18-year veteran of the Ohio State Highway Patrol and is currently assigned to the Cambridge District Headquarters in Southeast Ohio. She is a 1996graduate of Youngstown State University whereshe earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice.

Anne has participated in the Torch Runfor 17 years andrepresented Ohioduring the National Final Leg in Nebraska in 2010. Anne enjoys boating, camping and traveling with family and friends.

She is recently married toher partner of 15-years, Kay. Anne has numerousnieces TORCH RUNNER and nephews she enjoys spending as much time as possible with. STAFF LIEUTENANT OHIO STATE HIGHWAY PATROL TEAM 1 OHIO, USA

186 years of service to law enforcement in 7 countries

Something to be proud of!


Bill is a patrol lieutenant at the San Luis Obispo Police Department where hehas worked since 1984. In his spare time, he teaches racquetball classes at Cal Poly State University. He is also the President of the Cal Poly Mustang Stampede Club.

Billhas beeninvolvedwiththe Torch Runfor about 25 yearsand heis the Director for his county. The San Luis Obispo County Tip a Cop Dinners that Bill helps to organize raised $118,000 this year. Bill has beento nine International Torch Run conferencesandhereally enjoysseeingathletes andofficersthat hehas met along the way.

Bill's favoriteTorch Runmemory occurred in San Francisco during the Los Angeles TEAM LEADER Final Leg. The entire Final Legteam raninto a ceremony at Pier 39 and the street was lined with middle school students who were each holding a handmadesign LIEUTENANT listing each Special Olympics athlete, law enforcement runner and Logisticsteam member’s name. SAN LUIS OBISPO POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, USA Ariel Ary

Ariel is 24 years of age and lives in San Jose, Costa Rica. He is an only child. He has participated in many sports over more than ten years of participation and involvement with Special Olympics, including; tennis, bocce and beach volleyball.

Ariele has worked on a full time basis for IBM since 2010. He gives motivation lectures at public and private companies, universities and schools. He speaks spanish, english and a little hebrew.

In 2010, Ariel was selected as a Special Olympics Global Messenger for Latin America. He excels at public speaking, thoroughly enjoying speaking to groups about his life and Special Olympics. SPECIAL OLYMPICS ATHLETE TEAM 2 COSTA RICA Team 2 - Page 1 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Art Collins

Art Collins is a 23 year veteran of the Montana Highway Patrol (MHP). He was promoted to the rank of Captain in 2013 and currently serves at MHP Headquarters as the Administrative Captain.

He and his wife Audrey volunteer regularly with the Law Enforcement Torch Run and Special Olympics. They participate in Polar Plunges and help coordinate a 30 mile leg of the Torch Run in their area.

Arthas beenactivelyinvolvedwiththe Torch Runsincehis appointment to the LETR Executive Board in 2009. He works closely with the Montana Highway Patrol

senior leadership to ensure the involvement and commitment by the agency TORCH RUNNER remains high. Heis the MHP point of contact for all things LETR or Special Olympic CAPTAIN related. MONTANA HIGHWAY PATROL TEAM 2 MONTANA, USA Miriam Egger

Miriam Egger is participating with Torch Run for the first time. She has been a police officer at the Police Department Woergl in Tyrol/Austria since 2013 and is currently assigned to the Patrol Division. The Patrol Division’s responsibilities include several police services.

She enjoys working with the community to prevent crime, proactivelyaddressing traffic concerns and furthermore solve community problems. Miriam is also currently training to become an officer in the alpine unit.

She was born inCarinthia but moved when she was assigned tothe Tyrolian Unit. She lives near Woergl, is not married but inlove witha charmingboy from Tyrol. TORCH RUNNER She describes herself as a very active girl who loves sports and the outdoors. Inspektor [CONSTABLE] BUNDESPOLIZEI öSTERREICH TEAM 2 TYROL, AUSTRIA Team 2 - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Bruce Merriam BruceMerriam is a Sergeantwiththe Stowe Police Department in Stowe,Vermont. Heis a 31 year veteran, joiningthe forceafter serving in the Marine Corp.Hebegan his career inpatrolandspent 15 yearsas a detective, beforebeing promoted to patrol Sergeant.

Additionally, Brucee serves as the department training coordinator. He has participated in the LETR for more than 20 years and served as countycoordinator since 2012. Under his leadership, LETR participation and fundraising has grown exponentially. His county’s leg of the Torch Run now includes athletes and representative from all local police departments. Sergeant Merriam has worked with local newsagencies toincrease awareness of the LETR andthe importanceof the Special Olympics. TORCH RUNNER

In July of 2015, Sergeant Merriam represented Vermont at the Final Leg World SERGEANT Games, in Los Angeles, California. Upon his returnhe was elected toa state LETR STOWE POLICE DEPARTMENT Co-Director position where he continues to serve today. TEAM 2 VERMONT, USA Deins Millers

Deins Millers is a police inspector with the Riga MunicipalPolice. For most of his three year tenure, Deins has been assigned to the specialized Tourismunit of the Riga MunicipalPolice andcurrently working in the legal officein that assignment. Inhis off duty time, Deinsenjoys taking part invarious organized sports andsocial events organized by the Riga Municipal Police and other law enforcement agencies in and around Latrvia.

This will beDeins first experience withthe LawEnforcement Torch Run andknows that this will be a memorable time supporting Special Olympicsthrough the Law Enforcement Torch Run.

In addition to his job withthe police department, Deinscurrently is a law student TORCH RUNNER in University of Latvia and will be graduating soon with a law degree. Deins' INSPECTOR passion for his job inthe Riga Municipal Police and the law is born inhis love and patriotism towards his country, Latvia. RIGA MUNICIPAL POLICE TEAM 2 LATVIA Team 2 - Page 3 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Nevil Nicholls

Nevil Nicholls is a sports enthusiast. He was introduced to the Law Enforcement Torch Run recently and is very excited about learning more about the movement andhow hecan help. In 2008, Nevil enrolled in the Royal Police Force of Antigua & Barbudawhere hecurrently holds the rank of Constable. He is a traffic collision investigator attached to the traffic department.

Nevil is married and the father of four children. An avid sportsman, Nevil represented Antigua & Barbuda on the National Shotokan Karate team in the Caribbean championships from 2002 to 2006. He is a member of the RPFAB cricket andtrack team. Nevil has represented his nation proudlyin major regional events toincludeOECShalfmarathon, hewas the 2009winner of volcano run half

marathon and the French triathlon in 2012. Nevil is the founder of the Mayil TORCH RUNNER NichollsFoundation based inDominicaand host of HBRhalf marathon& TTFC 10k Dominica & Antigua 5k series. He is also a member of the Duke of Edinburgh CONSTABLE Awards program as a leader. ROYAL POLICE FORCE OF ANTIGUA & BARBUDA TEAM 2 ANTIGUA & BARBUDA Katrina O'Reilly Katrina’s dedication and passion for Special Olympics and LETR started 20 years ago when she joinedthe Vancouver Police Department.Sincethen herenthusiasm and commitment to LETR has developed tremendously. In 2009, Kat started volunteering locally as a coach for Special Olympics insports suchas Softball and Curling. The bond and friendships she has made as a result of volunteering with these incredibly brave people and athletes has beena life altering experience for her. Kat is currently the Chairperson for the Calgary Region LETR; leading a number of successful fundraising and awareness events yearly.

Kat is a verybusy andactive person who lovestravel andotdoor activities including mountain biking, running, hiking, horseback riding and snowshoeing. As a Mountain Bike Sergeant with the Calgary Police Service, Kat leads a team of officers that are high performing and highly cooperative. Kat is a member of the Calgary TORCH RUNNER Police Service Ceremonial Unit representing the service at many civic ceremonies, SERGEANT parades andcommunityevents. She frequentlyspeaks tothe media in herPolicing CALGARY POLICE SERVICE role as well as in front of groups at various community functions and events. TEAM 2 ALBERTA, CANADA Team 2 - Page 4 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Peter Read

Peter is a 55 year old married father of three lovely daughters who lives in Christchurch New Zealand. He currently holds the rank of Detective Superintendent andoversees all the major andseriouscrimethat occurs inthe SouthIsland of New Zealand. He also at times oversees large criminal investigations in other parts of New Zealand as well.

One of his career highlights occurred in 1999 when he led and managed the policing response to the visit of US President Clinton to Christchurch.

Peter was introducedtoLETR twoyearsago andis verymuch looking forward tohis first Final Leg run in Austria in 2017. TORCH RUNNER

When not working Peter enjoys chasing a little white ball round a golf course, DETECTIVE SUPERINTENDENT dropping a line in the water in an effort to catch a fish and riding a bike. TEAM 2 NEW ZEALAND Barry Wilson

BarryWilsonis a lifelongAlaskanwho has beeninvolved inSpecial Olympicssince the early 1990s and the Torch Run since the first Torch Run in Alaska in 1993.

Starting withthe Alaska State Troopersin1990, hehas risento the rank of Captain and supervises western Alaska, an area the size of California whichhas fewroads connecting the communities. Barry is married toElizabeth andlives inAnchorage and has five grown children. Barry and Elizabeth are involved in several fundraising activities to support Special Olympics and other special needs children’s support networks.

Barry has worked to increase law enforcement involvement in the several events that raise fundsthrough the LETR program. Barryhas foundthe joy of watching the TORCH RUNNER athletes participate and their appreciation of us make it all worthwhile! CAPTAIN ALASKA STATE TROOPERS TEAM 2 ALASKA, USA Team 2 - Page 5 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Kristine Crosman

Kristine has been a Police Officer with the North Attleboro Police Department for 13 years serving as a Community Police Officer, Senior Citizen Liaison, Child Seat Technician and Sexual Assault Investigator.

Kristine and her husband Larry, a Detective Sgt, joined the Torch Run after witnessing theirdaughter Kailyn participatein herfirst Special Olympics Games as a Young Athlete in 2011. Kristine described that day as her “hooked” moment. Since then Kristine has become the Torch Run coordinator for hercounty andhas planned multiple events, her favoritebeing hernewest event the NorthAttleboro Glow in the Park 5k which raised over $25,000 in 2015. TEAM LEADER Kristine participatedinthe 2015FinalLegfor the World Summer Games as a Torch Runner, and is excited to continue herFinal Legjourney as a TeamLeader for the POLICE OFFICER 2017 Winter Games! NORTH ATTLEBORO POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 3 MASSACHUSETTS, USA Andrew Negrelli

Andrew joined Special Olympics in 2004, he is 34 years of age, has one brother named Jason and lives in Melbourne, Australia. He trains and competes in basketball, tennis and alpine skiing with Special Olympics and plays lawn bowls and tenpin bowling with mainstream clubs. He first learnt to ski in 2002 and joined the Special Olympics Australia ski program when it began in2007 andhas been skiing in the program consistently ever since.

Andrew has worked full time for the past 12 years andis currently working at the Endeavour Foundation which is an independent not-for-profit organisation supporting people with a disability.

Andrew is extremely excited tobeselectedfor the Final Legin Austriaand says “he looks forward to meeting new people from other countries as wellas carrying the torch to represent all Special Olympics athletes from Australia and around the world”. SPECIAL OLYMPICS ATHLETE TEAM 3 VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA Team 3 - Page 1 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Nikolas Angelakis

Nikolas has been a police officer since 1998, serving with the Drug Enforcement Administration,the Airport SecurityDepartment andINTERPOL.Since2005, hehas beena member of the HellenicPolice Physical Education Department following his career as a football player. He is the Captain of the Football Team. In 2013 he was promoted to Police Sergeant.

He has been a volunteer with Special Olympics Hellas since 2006 and has represented Greece as a Torch Runner in several Special Olympics World and European Games, includingthe 2015Final Legin California. He also volunteered to assist with the 2011 Special Olympics World Summer Games held in Greece. TORCH RUNNER SERGEANT HELLENIC NATIONAL POLICE TEAM 3 GREECE Jeff Boston Jeff Bostonstarted with the Nebraska State Patrol 28 years ago and participatedin his first Torch Run event 23 years ago. After a few years Jeff was invited to participate as a runner with the main support teamthat travelledacross the state andcarried the Flameof Hopeinto OpeningCeremonies. Jeff then set up the first Cop on Top event in his area and started participating in a Polar Plunge.

Jeff was selected to represent the Nebraska Torch Run program as the runner in the National Games Final Leg in 2006 and was part of the planning committee and supportteamfor the National Games Final Legin Nebraskain 2010. Also in2010 Jeff was elected as the Director of the Nebraska Law Enforcement Torch Run program and currently remains in that position.

Jeff staysinvolvedwiththe program by organizing the localPolar Plunge,assisting TORCH RUNNER with the Cop on Top, playing basketball and flag football with one of the local TROOPER Special Olympics teams, handing out awards at different events and attending NEBRASKA STATE PATROL many of the Torch Run events throughout the year. TEAM 3 NEBRASKA, USA Team 3 - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Peter Linsbauer

Peter is a participant for the first timeandhe is very excited to bepart of it. Hewas invited to join the team by his colleague Franz Recker. InSeptember 2014Peter was promoted to Inspector and is currently assigned to the in Parndorf.

Peter shares his home withhis parentsand his sister inOberwart. Peter’shobbies are running,skiing andsports ingeneral. Heplays the French horn as a member of the Police Music Ensemble Burgenland. TORCH RUNNER

Inspektor [CONSTABLE] BUNDESPOLIZEI öSTERREICH TEAM 3 BURGENLAND, AUSTRIA Sheri Lucas SheriLucashas beeninvolved withthe LawEnforcement Torch Run for the past 16 years and became involved after joining the West Vancouver Police Department. Sheri worked in West Vancouver, British Columbia, for 16 years and was a huge promoter of BC Special Olympics within her Department.

Sheri moved to Vancouver Island where she brought back the "Free the Fuzz" fundraising initiative after a 10 year hiatus on the Island. Sheri is married, her husband Paul is a Sergeant with the Saanich Police Department. They have two children, Rory and Ryleigh. They support others through volunteering and fundraising events. It is important for Sheri and Paul to show their kids the importance of "giving back" to the community.

Sheri started getting involved with the LETR after starting her policing career in TORCH RUNNER 1998. Sheri's mentor brought her to a sporting event to watch the athletes CONSTABLE perform and she hasn'tlooked backsince. Sheriwishes she had more time inher OAK BAY POLICE DEPARTMENT day to help more. TEAM 3 BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA Team 3 - Page 3 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Steve Rehorst

Steve has been involved with the Torch Run for the past 11 years. He became involved shortly after joining the Watertown Police Department in 2003. Hewas promoted to Patrol Sergeant in 2008. He enjoys participating in Torch Runs and spending time with athletes from across the state.

Steve is actively involved Special Olympics and Torch Run events. These include Regional Track MeetsandannualPolar Plunges. He is married tohis wife Stefanie and they have two children, Briella and Isaac. Briella keeps busy with dance, softball andreading books. Isaac staysbusy withCub Scouts, baseball, soccerand basketball.

Steveenjoysrunning,bikeriding,archery, attending concerts,sporting events and TORCH RUNNER doing just about anything outside. His wife Stefanie enjoys running and is going SERGEANT to be competing in her third half marathon this year. WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 3 SOUTH DAKOTA, USA Pete Sawyer

Pete Sawyer has beena DelawareState Trooper for 19 yearsand a police officerfor 22 years. Pete became involved in the Torch Run with only three months on the job when he was assigned by his sergeant to assist with traffic control at the opening leg of the Torch Run.

Pete has run in every Torch Run since that year,he also had the honor topresent medals to athletes at many events. Pete has served as an agency Torch Run representatives and in2007 became a member of the Delaware LawEnforcement for Special Olympics Executive Board and currently serves as the law enforcement volunteer coordinator for Delaware.

Pete currently holds the rank of Captain and serves as a Criminal Investigations TORCH RUNNER .Heis married toKathleen andhas twin15 year old daughters, Jillian CAPTAIN and Jessica. DELAWARE STATE POLICE TEAM 3 DELAWARE, USA Team 3 - Page 4 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Andy Watson Andrew Watson has been involved with Torch Run for the past six years. He became involved after attending an open afternoon organised to promote LETR andwas hooked. Andy has beena Police Officer for 21 years. The first elevenyears of his service was with the West Midlands Police, England, before transferring to the Police Service of NorthernIreland. Andy has beenpart of the CloseProtection Unit for the last nine years.

Prior to his Police Service, Andy trained and worked as a Registered Nurse. Heis married tohis wife, Dianeandhas twochildren, Eve and EllaRose. Asa familythey are all keen runners and love skiing whenever they can.

Twoyearsago Andy tookon the role of secretary for the PSNI LETR, a role whichhe thoroughly enjoys. TORCH RUNNER

CONSTABLE Andy arrangedandranthe "Run the Rock"Challenge - a run up anddown the rock POLICE SERVICE OF NORTHERN IRELAND of Gibraltar for LETR. TEAM 3 NORTHERN IRELAND, UK Kecia Weaver Kecia Weaver began her law enforcement career in 1993 after graduating from Washington State University. After joining the Bend, Oregon Police Department, Kecia began participating in LETR activities and became the department's liaison with Special Olympics.

After attending an international LETR conference, she organized the first Polar Plungeinherhometown of Bend,Oregon in 2007. The plungehas now expanded to four other cities state wide and is the premier fundraising event.

Kecia has served as a patrolofficer, field training officerandschool resourceofficer. She is currently a Community Response Officer (focusing on mental health) and Hostage Negotiator. TORCH RUNNER

Kecia is the mother of a 14 year daughter and 11 year son and has a long term POLICE OFFICER boyfriend, who is a fireCaptain. Kecia has builtlong lasting friendships withmany BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT local athletes and their families. TEAM 3 OREGON, USA Team 3 - Page 5 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Alan Keane Alan Keane was the inaugural LETR runner in Australia, being the first officer to understand and organize a Torch Run in 2002 for the SO Australian National Games in Sydney. He was subsequently invited to participate in the 2003 Final Leg in Dublin and became actively involved in both SO and LETR events.

Alan retired from the New South Wales Police Force in May 2005 after 25 years service having attained the rank of Detective Inspector. Alan hada diversecareer withNSWPolice Force,working general patrol, helicopterpatrol/rescue dutiesand thena career in criminal investigation inthe drug and organized crime field. Alan was also appointed as Venue Commander during the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. He has also worked for private organizations and consults in risk and

security management. TEAM LEADER

In 2015, Alan was awarded the John Carion 'Unsung Hero' award at the DETECTIVE INSPECTOR [RETIRED] InternationalConferenceinNassau, Bahamas. Alan has been married for 25 years NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE FORCE and has two daughters aged 19 and 17. TEAM 4 NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA Michael Heup Michael is 36 years old and lives in Davidsonville, Maryland. He is the older brother to twins, Eric and Stephen and sister, Jenny.

Michaeldidnotknow about Special Olympicsuntil hewas 21 and hefeels that he missed out on a lot of activities and friendships. Since joining, Michael has participated in track & field, swimming, powerlifting, soccer, floor hockey, basketball, tennis, cycling and snowshoe.

Michael has participated in Torch Runs since hebecame anathlete. Michaelfeels the best thing that ever happened to him was becoming the Maryland LETR ambassador for 3 yearswhere heassisted locallaw enforcement in recruiting new officers,assistedat events andattendLETR Conferences. Michaelis also a graduate of the Citizens Police Academy at the Anne Arundel County Police Department.

Heis also a Global Messenger andhas spokenon wellover 100 occasions toraise

funds and awareness for Special Olympics and LETR. SPECIAL OLYMPICS ATHLETE TEAM 4 MARYLAND, USA Team 4 - Page 1 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Kevin Arthaud

Kevin Arthaud has been involved with the Torch Run since 1981. He became involved when he was a young Correctional Officer,working for the NorthDakota Department of Corrections.

Since that time, Kevin has worked a variety of positions with the North Dakota Department of Corrections,FederalBureauof Prisonsandmost recently, serving as Administrator with the Bismarck Transition Center. Kevin is married and his wife, Kirstin, is an employee of Bismarck State College. They have a blended family, Taylor, Tanner, Kyle and Nicole. Taylor is recently married to his wife, Megan. Tanner, Kyle and Nicole are beginning careers and attending college.

Kevin has been Co-Director of LETR North Dakota for a number of years. Kevin's TORCH RUNNER milestone with LETR was holding North Dakota's first ever Polar Plunge in ADMINISTRATOR Jamestown. BISMARCK TRANSITION CENTER TEAM 4 NORTH DAKOTA, USA Lee Barrett Lee Barretthas beeninvolved withthe SouthCarolina LawEnforcement Torch Run for the past 20 years. Lee has been a sergeant involvedwith communityoriented policing for the past 15 years and is currently assigned to the Community Action Team at the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department.

Lee’s wife, Christine, is a family nurse practitioner and practices emergency medicine. They have two daughters, Madison and Logan who attend a Spanish/English immersion school.

Lee oversees his county’s Torch Runto the South Carolina State Houseto help kick off the State’s Summer Games. He coordinates three successful fundraising initiatives; Cook-A-Pig, Cops & Calabash (Fatz Café), Cops on Top of Doughnut Shops (Krispy Kreme) raising more than $35,000 a year. Lee’s focal moment TORCH RUNNER happened during his involvement with Copson Topof Doughnut Shops when he SERGEANT saw firsthand how a Special Olympic athlete had conquered fear and became LEXINGTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT brave. That lesson has inspired and taught Lee how to be fearless in his own life. TEAM 4 SOUTH CAROLINA, USA Team 4 - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Neil Case

Trooper NeilCase has been involvedwith LawEnforcement Torch Run since2012. Heis in charge of the New YorkState Police Troop "C"Underwater Recovery Team. Neil and his wife, Jeanne-Marie, have six beautiful children. Neil’s nine year old son, Joshman, has Down Syndrome and is also a Special Olympics athlete!

His involvement with the LETR started by coordinating water safety for one Polar Plunge, and has evolved from there. In 2013, Neil joined the LETR State-wide Committee and rejuvenated the Southern Tier area of NY, which saw less than $10,000 raised in 2012. He now coordinates numerous Polar Plunges, Torch Runs, Law & Orders, and Cops on Top locations, totalling nearly $100,000 in 2015. TORCH RUNNER In 2015, Neil was appointed as the Southern Tier LETR Regional Director. Neil is TROOPER representing the great state of New York with pride and humbleness. NEW YORK STATE POLICE TEAM 4 NEW YORK, USA Paul McGee

Paul is a member of An Garda Siochanastationed inMilford , County Donegal. He joined the An Garda Siochana in 2004 andhas beenstationed inDonegal for his entireservice. He is involved withmany fundraising projects inhis area and has a vast experience inrunning and promoting sporting events and inmost cases,with monies raised being donated to charities. He has been an active fundraiser for Special Olympics since 2004.

In2015hetookon the roleof running the first PolarPlunge inCounty Donegal. It was a great success and it even "trended" on twitter for a few hours on a cold

SaturdayinDecember 2015! It was through this event that Paul became involved TORCH RUNNER with the Law Enforcement Torch Run. SERGEANT AN GARDA SIOCHANA TEAM 4 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Team 4 - Page 3 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Lo Hyun Park

Senior Superintendent Lo Hyun Park retired from the Korea National Police in 2012 after a 37 year career. Heis married with twosons. Sincehis retirementLo Hyunhas worked at Shinhan University inSeoul as the Dean of Administration. In his spare time, Lo Hyun enjoys hiking, golf, reading, travel and photography.

Lo Hyunwas first exposed tothe LawEnforcement Torch Run inthe leadup tothe 2013 Final Leg in Korea. During that event he took part in the polar plunge.

Lo Hyun attended the LETR international Conferences in Indianapolis (2012) and Orlando (2013) and was also a Torch Runner in the 2015 LETR Final Leg in California. TORCH RUNNER

He hopes to be able to continue contributing to the growth of Law Enforcement SENIOR SUPERINTENDENT [RETIRED] Torch Run in Korea. KOREA NATIONAL POLICE TEAM 4 REPUBLIC OF KOREA Melanie Rettenbacher

Melanie Rettenbacher grew up next to the ski slope in Schladming, Austria. In 1993 when the Special Olympics World Winter Games were held in Schladming she was too young to get involved.

She went on to become a kindergarten teacher but six years later decided to become a police officer in Salzburg.

When approached by a colleague at the police department to participate she immediately knew she wanted to be a part of such an amazing event especially since Special Olympics embodies everything Melanie has a natural passion for. TORCH RUNNER Inspektor [CONSTABLE] BUNDESPOLIZEI öSTERREICH TEAM 4 SALZBURG, AUSTRIA Team 4 - Page 4 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Jeff Rullman

Jeff has worked for the PolkCounty Sheriff's Office since 1997. In the time that he has beenemployedat PolkCounty,he has been assigned to the jail, patrol,school resource officer, victim resource officer, SWAT, Honor Guard, communityrelations and has helped in the training divisions. Jeff is a firearmsinstructor, ALICE active shooterinstructor, OC instructor, CPR instructor, car seat technician,and a Reserve Deputy academy instructor.

Jeff has been married to his great wife Annette for 19 years. They have two children, Alec who is thirteen and Miranda who is seven.

Jeff got involved with the Special Olympics after being transferred to the Community Relationsdivision at the office. He"plunged" inwith bothfeet andhas TORCH RUNNER been involved in numerous events. Jeff has a great relationship with the SO SERGEANT athletes and enjoys being around them while attending all the SO events. POLK COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE TEAM 4 IOWA, USA Scott Stevenson

Scott Stevenson has been involved withthe LawEnforcement Torch Run inPrince Edward Island since 1996 when he transferred to Alberton Detachment. Scott transferred out of general duty policing in 2003 into the Forensic Identification Section and was promoted to Corporal.

Scott transferred in November 2015 to the position of Media Relations Officer for the RCMP in Prince Edward Island and is also responsiblefor EmergencyPlanning andbusinesscontinuity inthe Division. Scotthas beenmarried tohis wife, Wanda for 29 years. They have three children Devin, Leah and Mitchell and two grandchildren Rowan and Clark.

Scott has participated in a number of provincial Torch Runs andhas assistedwith TORCH RUNNER the planning of boththe Torch RunandPolar Plungefor the past 8 years on Prince CORPORAL Edward Island. ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE TEAM 4 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, CANADA Team 4 - Page 5 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Danny Hall Danny Hall became a Delaware State Trooper in 1990and participatedin his first torch run in 1991. From that moment, he was hooked line and sinker in volunteering for everything he could for Special Olympics Delaware. Danny has served as a coach, unified partner, mentor,and as a member of manycommittees related to Special Olympics.

For many police officers, they get into law enforcement to protect and serve the citizens of our jurisdictions. After being involvedin Special Olympics Delawarefor the past 27 years, part of his job responsibility has grown to protect and serve those with mental and intellectual disabilities and to do everything in his power to change those with negative views on those that are disabled. TEAM LEADER Heis proud to carry the flameof hopethat all people withmental andintellectual disabilitieswillbetreated equally andgiven every opportunity available toachieve CAPTAIN success. He knows with other law enforcement officers around our world, this DELAWARE STATE POLICE dream is becoming a reality. TEAM 5 DELAWARE, USA Albert Masser Albert grew up on a small farm in Garanas, Austria, a small mountain village in western Styria. He attended elementary school, St. Anna near Schwanberg and then the secondary school in Deutschlandsberg. He is currently a student of the Agricultural College Archduke Johann in Stainz.

Asa little boy Albert expressed himselfon every available sheetof paper.He is an avid artist and since October 2014 heis professionally represented. Albert paints mainly with water colors, but he has also worked on canvas. His exhibitionshave included: 2015: "Myfirst year inthe studio"incooperation withthe artist group "BorderArt" in Lieboch and in 2016: "Henry, Franz & Co" in the Raika Schwanberg.

Albert is enjoys distance running and swimmingand looks forward tosupporting the Special Olympics athletes at the Games. Albert is proud to represent Austria and Styria during the Final Leg Torch Run throughout Austria. SPECIAL OLYMPICS ATHLETE TEAM 5 STYRIA, AUSTRIA Team 5 - Page 1 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Daniel Blagg

Daniel Blagg is a 6-year veteran of the Haywood County Sheriff’s Office and has been involved in the Torch Run for the past four years. He was recently honored with the North Carolina Guardian of the Flame award for leadership, dedication and outstanding commitment to the Law Enforcement Torch Run.

SinceDeputyDaniel Blagg took overthe helm of Haywood County’s annual“Cops- On-Top” fundraising event, it has rapidlygrown insuccess tobecome the highest- grossing “Cops-On-Top” fundraising event in North Carolina.

For Deputy Blagg, the personal reward of working with the Special Olympics athletes is worth the long hoursanddays dedicatedto the fundraising events. “The smiles and words of encouragement from my local Special Olympic athletes TORCH RUNNER motivate me to work toward achieving new heights in raising awareness for DEPUTY SHERIFF individuals with intellectual disabilities,” he said. HAYWOOD COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE TEAM 5 NORTH CAROLINA, USA James Browning

JamesBrowning has beeninvolvedwithSpecial Olympicsfor the past 32 years. He has been involved with the Kansas Torch Run for the past 12 years. James is a supervisor in the Patrol Division of the Merriam Police Department.

James is approaching 25 years of marriage to his wife, Sabine, and they have a daughter, Taylor. All three are involved in volunteering for Special Olympics and other charities.

James has served on the KansasLETR Executive Council, has served on numerous committees and participated in almost every LETR event. One of his greatest memories is being able to run the Kansas Final Leg in Wichita with four of the

original runners. TORCH RUNNER

CORPORAL He and his friend Shawn started the First Responder Games for Special Olympics where officers compete in events and are presented medals by athletes. MERRIAM POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 5 KANSAS, USA Team 5 - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Cassidee Carlson

Cassidee Carlsonis a Sergeantwiththe AuroraPolice Department in Colorado. She has served with APD for 13 years. She has hada variety of assignmentsincluding training officer, member of a tactical street crimes operations unit, Public InformationOfficer,SWATand currently runs a team within the StrategicResponse and Tactics Unit.

She has been involved with Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Coloradofor about 10 years. She started by participating infundraising events and torch runs. The last fiveyears she has served as a Deputy Director and continuesto coordinate her department's efforts for LETR and enjoys participating in fundraising events and various SOCO events. TORCH RUNNER

While not at work, Cassidee enjoys spending time outdoors in the Colorado SERGEANT sunshine. She loves camping, hiking, golfing, really any sport. AURORA POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 5 COLORADO, USA Don Crabtree

Donald Crabtree began his law enforcement career with the Wethersfield Police Department in1995. He held several positions in the department includingpatrol officer, detective, sergeant, training sergeant and lieutenant. He is currently the commander of the Support Services Bureau.

Donbecame associatedwith the Law EnforcementTorch Runin 1996when heran in his first torch run. He soon after became the torch run town captain for Wethersfield. Hehas attendedseveral LETR InternationalConferences andassisted at Connecticut conference in 2009.

Hehas also served on the ConnecticutLaw EnforcementTorch RunCouncil for over TORCH RUNNER 7 years and became the LETR Co-Director for Connecticut in 2012. He currently LIEUTENANT resides in Wethersfield with his wife, Sharan and two children, Lauren and Michael. WETHERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 5 CONNECTICUT, USA Team 5 - Page 3 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Shawn Dulude

Shawn comes from a police family, being the seventh family member to jointhe police. Following a posting in a remote area of the Canadian province, Shawn returned to the Montréal area in 2012, and it was then he became the link between his organization and Special Olympics. His first ever event was the Polar Bear Plunge in February 2013.

That sameyear, heparticipated inhis first Torch Runevent andlater that summer, heattendedthe Special OlympicSummer Games where his heart was won overby the athletes and families that displayed their immense gratitude towards police involvement with Special Olympics. In May 2016, Shawn coordinated his organisation's first ever official involvement with the Torch Run event by

simultaneously holding 9 runs in the 4 areas of his province, Québec. TORCH RUNNER

LIEUTENANT He and his wife Rita have been married for over 20 years and have two teenage children, a son and daughter. Sûreté du Québec TEAM 5 Québec, CANADA Gerhard Hochstrasser

Gerhard Hochstrasser has never beforebeen involvedwith Torch Run andlearned about the organization from his good friend Karl Reinisch.

Gerhard was promoted to Kontrollinspektor last year and is currently the Chief of Police at the station in Lannach, Styria.

Gerhard is married. Heand his wife Gisela,who works with intellectually disabled people, have two children Peter and Stefanie. TORCH RUNNER

KONTROLLINSPECTOR (INSPECTOR) BUNDESPOLIZEI öSTERREICH TEAM 5 STYRIA, AUSTRIA Team 5 - Page 4 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Eric Leclerc EricLeclerc has beeninvolvedwiththe LawEnforcementTorch Runof RhodeIsland for the past fiveyears. Ericis a member of the RhodeIsland Air National Guard. He has been stationed with the 282nd Combat Communication Squadron based in Rhode Island for the last 19 years. During those years he was deployed multiple times.

Eric is also a member of the Cranston Police Department where hewas a member of the patrol division for 12 years and last year hetransferred tothe BCI division. Eric has been married to his wife Gemma for seven years. Eric is on the planning committee for the Torch Run Plunge/Super Plunge, which has raised over $250,000 in the past 4 years. Last year Eric was named co-director for the Rhode Island Torch Run. TORCH RUNNER

The pivotal moment for Ericembracing the Torch Runwas after his daughter Sofia DETECTIVE became a Special Olympic Athlete and he witnessed firsthand all the programs CRANSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT Special Olympics offer the athletes and their families. TEAM 5 RHODE ISLAND, USA Richard Mateelong

Inspector Richard Mateelong has been a member of the Kenya National Police Service for 14 years andis currently the Officer in Chargeof Sports and Welfareat the Staff College.

He has been married for 10 years and has five children - two boys and three girls.

Richard's sporting specialty is the 3000 metre Steeplechase and his highlights include a Bronze Medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Silver Medal in the 2009 World Championships in Berlin and a Gold Medal in the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Dehli.

Richard is looking forward with great excitement to participating in the FinalLeg TORCH RUNNER and offering his services to Special Olympics Kenya by mentoring and coaching INSPECTOR athletes. KENYA NATIONAL POLICE SERVICE TEAM 5 KENYA Team 5 - Page 5 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Aleš Suhadolnik

Aleš Suhadolnik has been in law enforcement for 21 years. For the first 12 years he worked as a field officer and in 2007 was promoted to Police Inspector and now works as a police instructor. He lives with his 7 year old daughter and girlfriend.

He has been involved with Torch Run since early 2016, when he was offered the opportunity to participate in a Torch Run.

Aleš completed his Masters studies of Applied Kinesiology and is continuing his study to become a manual therapist.

He is a successful amateur athlete who competes primarily intriathlons. In2015

he placed 5th in the marathon in the Slovenian National Athletics Championships. TORCH RUNNER

POLICE INSPECTOR His main sports objective for 2016 is toqualify for Ironman World Championship in Hawaii. Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve TEAM 5 SLOVENIA

"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."


June Worden has been involved with the Torch Run since 1992 as a young New York State Trooper. After her promotion to Sergeant, she assisted in organizing LETR participation in numerous FinalLeg runs and OpeningCeremonies for State Games.

In 2009, June was selected to participate in the Final Leg in Idaho for the World Winter Games. In 2011, June retired as a Lieutenant; however she continues to participate in numerous fund raising events for Special Olympics. She currently serves as the Co-Chair for the Central New York Polar Plunge which has raised TEAM LEADER nearly $750,000 overthe past 10 years. June is married andworks part time as a Deputy Sheriff for the Onondaga County Sheriff's Office. LIEUTENANT (RETIRED) NEW YORK STATE POLICE TEAM 6 NEW YORK, USA Francis Mauro

Francis joined Special Olympics Gibraltar in 2007. His sports are Swimming, Athletics and Floor Hockey. Francis’ parents, Francis, Sr. and Jean are proud parents of Francis and a daughter Catherine who is married toKeith. Francishas hadtostrugglesincehis birth.Hehadno speech among other health problems. 2 palate operations and open heart surgery put him on the road to recovery.

He works as a messenger in the Gibraltar Health Authority. He is also Special Olympics Gibraltar Athlete Representative and is a member of the Executive Committee. In his spare time Francis does charity runs, trekking with his family and is a member of the Faith and Light community.

After participating for 5 consecutiveyears inthe Torch Run locally,he is absolutely delighted and honored to have been selectedfor the 2017 AustriaFinal Leg. His reaction “Wow another experience.” That is Francis’, no fear, just ready for any challenge that life throws at him. SPECIAL OLYMPICS ATHLETE TEAM 6 GIBRALTAR Team 6 - Page 1 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Patrick Calley Patrick Calley is employed by the Ada County Sheriff's Office in Boise, Idaho. He serves as the Police Chief for the Eagle Police Department.

Patrick has been involved with the Torch Run since joining the Sheriff's Office in 1989. He was introduced to the LETR by his father George Calley, a retired FBI agent. Patrick'sdadwouldbring him along tothe Torch Runs tosupport the team. It was simple for Patrick tokeep up the proud tradition of being a Guardian of the Flame.

Patrick is married to Kirsten, a school teacher of over 22 years. They have two children, Spencer and Paige.

Patricklovessupporting Special Olympicsbecause it is somethingthe whole family TORCH RUNNER can do. Theyhave beenTorch Runners, fansandmedal presenters.They are always CHIEF OF POLICE in awe of the unconditional love and the human spirit that Special Olympics ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE represents. TEAM 6 IDAHO, USA John Clifton

John Clifton has been involvedin the Torch Runfor the past nine years. John and his wife Amy have been married for 25 years andhave twodaughters, Ansley and Bailey.

John got involved with the Torch Run in 2008 when the Johns Creek Police Department was formed. As the assistant chief, John knew the importance of being involved in the community. The department decided to go all in and support Special Olympics Georgia via the Torch Run. In 2008, John was named the Torch Run Rookie of the Year and the department was named the Rookie Department of the Year.

The Johns Creek Police Department has been the Top Fundraising agency in TORCH RUNNER Georgia for the past seven years and have raised approximately $400,000 for the MAJOR athletes in Georgia. John has been on the LETR Georgia executive council for the past 7 years and is the current State Director for Georgia Torch Run. JOHNS CREEK POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 6 GEORGIA, USA Team 6 - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM James Couvier

JamesCouvier has beeninvolvedwithTorch Runfor over20 years. He is currently the Commander, Emergency Response for the Community Safety Division of the prvince of Manitoba.

Jamesis married toYvonne who is a Banker witha financialinstitution. Theyhave twochildren, TylerandCyrena who come outto the local PolarPlunges tosupport the program. James is currently the Manitoba LETR Director and hehas beenthe organizer andchairfor the Manitoba PolarPlunges for the past four years. James also serves as a member of the Special Olympics Board of Directors.

The Manitoba Polar Plunges have raised in excess of $250k to date. James TORCH RUNNER promotes the local Special Olympics programming and their athletes tomultiple COMANDER law enforcement agencies. MANITOBA COMMUNITY SAFETY DIVISION TEAM 6 MANITOBA, CANADA Marco Miele Marco Miele has almost 25 years police service andis currently an AssistantChief in La Spezia. He is married to Barbara, also a police officer and they have two children, Giulia and Francesco.

He started his involvement with the Torch Run world after meeting a few people with disabilities who were attendingthe Special Olympics Italy Summer Games in his city.

At that time Marco was a Police Officer inthe ProximityPolice Group and withhis best friendPaolo,togethertheystarted to gather information about the Torch Run. The two friends created the Italian Torch Run movement, at first organizing local Torch Runevents at Special OlympicsGames inhis area and aroundother parts of Italy. TORCH RUNNER

ASSISTANT CHIEF Marco was very proud to participateas a Torch Runner in the 2014 BelgiumFinal Leg representing his country. TEAM 6 LA SPEZIA, ITALY Team 6 - Page 3 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Johann Ortner

JohannOrtneris the chief of the police station in Telfs, Tyrol. Hehas beenmarried to Gerda for 35 years.

They have 2 children and their 3rd grandchild on the way. His hobbies are climbing, running and skiing.

His veryfirst involvement withSpecial Olympicsdatesback20 years. Hethen sold t- shirts at the Special Olympics Winter Games. Hewas also involved infundraising activities throughout the years and Special Olympics Austria has always been the beneficiary. TORCH RUNNER ChefInspektor [CHIEF INSPECTOR] BUNDESPOLIZEI öSTERREICH TEAM 6 TYROL, AUSTRIA Randall Umana

Randall Umaña was born in San Jose, Costa Rica and was the youngest of seven children. His mother worked for a public schooland his father for the Ministry of Health.

He studied in San Antonio, andin Costa Rica tobecome a police officerand has served for over22 years. Heis married andhe andhis wife have a 15 year old daughter. His wife is a volunteer with Special Olympics Costa Rica.

The pivotal moment for Randall was during the Special Olympics EL Salvador Games when he attended each competition and was amazed at the effort of the athletes giving their best. He had a verymemorable experience when anathlete TORCH RUNNER was homesick and he helped motivate him to compete and he won a gold medal. police chief ministry of public security TEAM 6 COSTA RICA Team 6 - Page 4 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Nic Williams Nicole has been a member of the Victoria Police for 17 years andis currently the Manager of the Operational Support Systems Division at the rank of Senior Sergeant.

One of her policing highlights was a deploymentto Christchurch, New Zealandin 2011 as part of the Australian Multi-Jurisdictional Contingent providing Emergency Response Support following a series of devastating earthquakes.

Nicole has a partner and four year old son, two cats, two gold fish and takes pleasure in feeding visiting Rainbow Lorikeets from her balcony at home.

Nicole has been involved with LETR for the past six years and is hooked. She is heavily involved with the Special Olympics Athlete Leadership Program andloves TORCH RUNNER being part of something that provides athletes with the opportunity to develop self- SENIOR SERGEANT confidence, leadership and public speaking skills. This is her first international VICTORIA POLICE Torch Run experience and she can't wait. TEAM 6 VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA Dan Winter Dan Winter has been involved with Torch Run for the past sixteen years, starying notlong after joiningthe SantaClaraPolice Department. Dan worked his wayfrom officer up to the rank of Assistant Chief of Police, completing his Juris Doctor degree andbecominganattorneyalong the way. Dan has been married to his wife Julie for the past 22 years. They have three children together, Ryan, Sarah and Kelly.

Dan is currently the State Director of the Torch Run for all of Northern California and is also on the Board of Directors for Special Olympics Northern California. The Northern California LETR program raises over $1,000,000 dollars each year for Special Olympics. Hegets the honour of writing andpresenting a three foot long check for over a million dollars on behalf of LETR at the Opening Ceremonies. TORCH RUNNER

The true joy, however, comes when Dan gets to present medals tothe athletes at ASSISTANT CHIEF Swimming, Track and Field, and Bocce Ball. The athletes consistently inspire him SANTA CLARA POLICE DEPARTMENT with their joyous spirit and love for the games. TEAM 6 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, USA Team 6 - Page 5 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Mark Harrison

Mark Harrison has over 33 years of service with the New Zealand Police and has worked in a variety of areas including the response to two of the nation's worst disasters - a 2010 Mine Explosion which killed 29 miners and the 2011 Christchurch earthquake which devastatedthe cityand resulted in the loss of 180 lives. Hehas also acted as Police LiaisonOfficer for the New Zealand Olympicand Commonwealth Games teams in Delhi (2010), London (2012) and Sochi (2014). In 2013, in recognition of his efforts, he was awarded one of New Zealand's highest honours - as a Member of the New ZealandOrder of Merit. Markwas the driving force behind the creation of LETR New Zealand and is its founding Torch Run Director. Heparticipatedas a Torch Runner inthe 2011Final Legand TeamLeader in the 2015 Final Leg. TEAM LEADER

Markandhis wife Delwynhave beenmarried for 26 yearsand have two sons,Kent INSPECTOR and Ryan. They live in Feilding, in the Manawatu Region on the North Island of New Zealand. NEW ZEALAND POLICE TEAM 7 MANUWATU, NEW ZEALAND Timothy Zavarelli

Timothy currently lives in Missoula, Montana and is 29 years old. He has participated in Special Olympics since 2000, both in Minnesota and Montana.

He participates in a number of events, including downhill skiing, track & field, bowling, basketball & softball. His favorite events are the 100 meter sprint, 50 meter sprint & running long jump.

Timothy is very involved in the Global Messenger program and has given talksto local businesses and area schools. Recently he had the opportunity to do a radio spot on KYSS FM and KGVO regarding Special Olympics, where thousands of listeners learned what Special Olympics means to the athletes.

Timothy is passionate about Special Olympics andthe Torch Run. Heis willing to tell anyone how it has provided him with opportunities to exceland participatein the sporting events he loves. SPECIAL OLYMPICS ATHLETE TEAM 7 MONTANA, USA Team 7 - Page 1 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Jody Armstrong

Jody has over 27 years of service with the Kingston Police. Throughout his career hehas participatedinthe Torch Runandencouragedother officersto doso as well. Jody has beeninvolvedwithSpecial Olympicssince2012, actingas the Operations Manager for the SO Ontario Games and also as Treasurer of the SO Kingston Executive Board.

Inrecentyears, Jody has assisted withthe organization of a number of fundraising events, includingCops andCowboys, polarplunges andOHL BigTicket events. In 2016 he assumed responsibility for the local Torch Ride which was held in Kingston in June.

Over the years of being involved with LETR Jody has helped raise approximately TORCH RUNNER $200,000 both locally and provincially for which he was directly involved within STAFF SERGEANT some way. It has beena greatexperience and heremains humbled by the courage and heart our athletes demonstrate on a daily basis. KINGSTON POLICE team 7 ONTARIO, CANADA Gosford Cole

Gosford Cole is a professional, a family man, a giver at heart and is relentless towards mediocrity, indiscipline and unprofessionalism. As a member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, he uses this medium to impact lives in a positive way.

Owing to his kind nature, he has been a significant contributor to the Law Enforcement Torch Run and by extension the Special Olympics.

Gosford is a long standing service club member. Owing to his commitment, he served as president of the Black River Kiwanis Club in 1997 and again in 1998. As a distinguished president he was awarded the George F.Hixson Fellowship Award, the highest possible award that can be awarded to a Kiwanian. TORCH RUNNER

This Lascoawarded “Top Cop” lives by the mantra, “let me win, but if I cannot win, DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT let me be brave in the attempt.” JAMAICA CONSTABULARY FORCE team 7 JAMAICA Team 7 - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Toni Duncan

Toni Duncanhas beenthe FederalLaw EnforcementTorch RunCoordinator for the District of Maryland for 15 years. Together with the various local agencies, the Torch RuninBaltimoreCity has grown significantly andincludes participationof over15 different federal agencies. Toni has been a United States ProbationOfficer for 18 years.

She has two daughters, Devin and Drew, who have met several local athletes and learned through Special Olympics to be inclusive to everyone. Both girls participate in the MD State Police Polar Bear Plunge.

A pivotal moment for Toni embracing the Torch Run was carrying the Flame of

Hope through the stadium at the Opening Ceremonies at the Summer Games at TORCH RUNNER Towson University. Watching the pride in athlete’s faces and smiles at their PROBATION OFFICER accomplishments made all efforts toremain involved inthe SO movement aneasy choice. US PROBATION & PRETRIAL SERVICE team 7 MARYLAND, USA Alison Fahey Alison Fahey is a Detective Senior Constable with the New South Wales Police Force, currently attached to the Gangs Squad. Alison is a mother of a gorgeous little girl Addison, who fills her days with lots of joy and laughter.

Alison has been involved in the Torch Run for the past elevenyears after hearing about it while training to become a Detective. She joined the NSW LETR Committee shortly after hearing about it.

In 2010, she participated as a Torch Runner bringing the "Flame of Hope"across the border of Queensland through NSW all the way to Victoria. Alison also participated in the Torch Run for the Australian Summer Games Opening Ceremony in Adelaide, South Australia TORCH RUNNER

Alisonhas beenveryactive within herprogram from assisting withthe planepulls, DETECTIVE SENIOR CONSTABLE participating in a marathon swim and a plethora of torch runs including being a NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE FORCE Team Leader for the Final Leg for the 2013 Special Olympics Asia Pacific Games. TEAM 7 NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA Team 7 - Page 3 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Michael Fung Michael Kwok-hai FUNG is a Physical Education graduate from McGill University and has been a member of the Hong Kong Fire Services Department for 24 years. He has served as an incident commander, a licensing officer and a prosecutor beforerecently being appointedas AssistantDivisional Officer (PE) supervisingthe physical fitness of thousands of personnel.

Michaelis also anassistant managerof the Departmental Dragon Boat Teamwhich has been the Hong Kong champion with Asian titles in last 2 years. Michael is married to Polly with 2 sons, Justin and Jeremy. They enjoy ski trips indifferent countries.

Michael has been involved with Torch Run for 5 years as a Departmental Coordinator for participation and fundraising. Michael was moved when TORCH RUNNER witnessing money raised with sweat materialized into a mission of sending Hong ASSISTANT DIVISIONAL OFFICER Kong athletes to the 2015 Summer Games Special Olympics, Los Angelesduring HONG KONG FIRE SERVICE the Flag Presentation Ceremony in Hong Kong. TEAM 7 HONG KONG Heinz Kirchner

Heinz started his police career at age 27 as the youngest District Commander in Austria. Heheard about the Torch Runand immediatelysaw his chance tosupport Special Olympics and his chance to demonstrate that participation is possible despite a chronic illness.

Heinz is married to Karin. They have two children, Raphael (23 years) andFabian (20 years). Heinz loves to play soccer and also coached soccer teams of all age groups for many years. He enjoys running in the summer and skiing in the winter. TORCH RUNNER


Adam Kraatz has been involved with Law Enforcement Torch Run for the past two years. Hegotinvolvedafter being promoted toCaptain inthe ArizonaDepartment of Corrections. He has been employed with ADC for the last 19 years and is currently assigned to Contract Beds Bureau.

Shortly after gettinginvolvedwithLETR hewas asked to serve on the AZ LETR state council where he is currently the Department of Corrections Chairman. Adam is married toPamela, who is also a Corrections Officer anda volunteerfor the Special Olympics on the Palo Verde team. They have two kids, Aidin and Taylor.

Adam has been involved with several Torch Runs and Final Legs, unified sports TORCH RUNNER events, fund raisers and participated in the Unified Relay Across America leading CAPTAIN up to the 2015 World Summer Games in Los Angeles. ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS TEAM 7 ARIZONA, USA Paul Mangus

Paul Mangus has been involved withTorch Runsince 2005and became involved during a recruitclass withthe Hawaii Police Department on Hawaii Island. Paul has worked as a Patrolman, School Resource Officer andis now currently a Community Police Officer.

Paul wears many hats within his department as he is also a Polygraph Examiner, Firearms Instructor and Wooden Baton Instructor. Paul is a single father of a beautiful twelve year old boy who frequently participates in Special Olympic fundraisers with his dad as well as other numerous community events.

Since being asked to participate in LETR leadership conferences, Paul has a new

determination to make Special Olympics Hawaii the best it can be. The best TORCH RUNNER moment for Paul ina torch run was when hegot tocarry the torch on a busy street POLICE OFFICER III which was shut down for the state torch run.The torch not only ignited the flame for the state games but re-energized Paul's passion for Special Olympics. HAWAII POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 7 HAWAII, USA Team 7 - Page 5 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Paul Montray

Paul Montray,Jr. has beena police officerfor 30 years. Hewas a police officer for 5 years in New York City, he then relocated to New Hampshire in 1990. Paul has worked in a small town, State Highway Patrol/ DMV and currently the Merrimack County Sheriff's Office. He has worked inthe civil division, investigativedivision, warrant division and transport division; where he is currently a Sergeant responsible for that division.

Paul has been involved with Special Olympics since 1990. For the last 15 years Paul has beenthe FinalLegLeaderfor the Torch Run inNew Hampshire. He was a member of the 2003 & 2006 Final Leg Team. Paul's favorite sport is baseball, where he plays in an over 50’s league, playingthird base. Other hobbies include

running, skiing, fishing and snowmobiling. TORCH RUNNER

SERGEANT Paul's son, Paul III, currently attends the University of Memphis and majors in engineering. MERRIMACK COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE TEAM 7 NEW HAMPSHIRE, USA

Up in the morning to the Torch Run sun, We’re going to run all day until the running is done, The Flame of Hope™ we carry in hand, We’re going to run this flame across the land, Together we run side by side, Led by an athlete who gives us pride, Across this land we’re going to carry this flame, All the way to Schladming to the World Games.


Gary has beeninvolvedwithTorch Runsince 2002. He is so honouredto have met so many wonderful athletes and is sad to have seen some pass on.

He is humbled every day he spends withathletes andloves goingto Games with them. Having been honoured to be chosen for the 2009 FL and as a Team Leader in 2013 & 2015 he is grateful to be part of such a great organisation that helps people become confident and happy adults.

Havinglearned about Copson Donutshops andPolar Plunges in the US, bothare

now common events in the Republic of Ireland, with the TR being the biggest TEAM LEADER single donator of money to SO Ireland. Gary is extremely humbled to have been elected in 2015 as the Western European Torch Run Coordinator SERGEANT AN GARDA SIOCHANA TEAM 8 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Hermann Marte Hermann is 42 years old and was born Bludenz, Austria. He has an older brother anda younger sister. Hermannattended the Special Education School inBludenz, and afterwards he began to work as a gardener at the local nursery. Currently Hermann is working as a maintenance assistant at the vocational schoolBludenz and very satisfied with his job.

Hermann lives independently in an apartment in Bludenz and cares for his 4- legged roommate cat "Möhrle". His hobbies include, cycling, swimming and sailing. Hermannwas a skier at the Austria Special Olympics Winter Games andas a sailor at the Austria Summer Special Olympics. Inthe Summer Games, hewon the Gold as a sailor.

For Hermann, it is particularly important that he can participate in the Final Leg Torch Run to share some of the emotions he felt as an active participant in the Special Olympics with the athletes for the 2017 Games. Hermann is true to the


Corporal Greg Dawson has been involved with the Torch Run for the past 12 years.

Greg is currently a Patrol Field Training Officer, a Firearms Instructorfor the State Police Academyandthe Fayetteville Police Department, as well as a HostageCrisis Negotiator.

Gregis married toKasie,who is a MarriageandFamilyTherapist andhave oneson, Jack who is 14 yearsold. Beingselected as a runner for the Final Legin Austriais his proudest achievement in his law enforcement career.

Greg's career in law enforcement has provided him with the opportunity tomeet incredibleathletes andtheir families as wellas being able towitness the athlete’s TORCH RUNNER confidence grow within themselves and witness the joy that Special Olympics CORPORAL brings to them. FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 8 ARKANSAS, USA Darren Derby

Darren Derby is 37 years old and an 11 year veteran of the Pittsfield Police Department in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Hehas beenin LawEnforcement for 16 years.

Darren has been married to his wife Heather for 15 years and they have no children. Seven years ago, Darren got involved with this department's first ever LETR fundraiser, a "Tip A Cop". Since then Darren has taken over as the LETR Coordinator for his entire County andhas helped grow his program from 2 "Tip A Cops" to hosting a 2 day "Cop on Top", Polar Plunge, Fire Truck Pull, 5k Holiday Sweater Fun and a 5k Midnight Run With The Cops which includes 12 "Copstacles". TORCH RUNNER

Darren has helped his localprogram grow from $0 toover$500,000in6 yearsand Patrol Officer helped grow the number of participating departments from 1 to 25. PITTSFIELD POLICE DEPArtment TEAM 8 MASSACHUSETTS, USA Team 8 - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Bertram Kieln

Bertram is employedat a police station inVorarlbergyet his primary working place is in Thüringen. He and his wife Leane live in Bludenz. They have 2 grown children.

Bertram is a well-respectedandveryinvolvedwiththe Special Olympicscommittee in Vorarlberg. In his spare time he is also a coach for young triathlon athletes.

Bertram has participatedinseveral Torch Runs inVorarlbergthroughoutthe last 10 years. Heis also a member of the organizing committee for the Vorarlberger Torch Run.

He is very honored to have been selected to participate with his co-worker TORCH RUNNER Hermann Marte, a Special Olympics athlete. GRUPPENINSPEKTOR (SERGEANT) BUNDESPOLIZEI öSTERREICH TEAM 8 VORALBERG, AUSTRIA Mark McCorkle

MarkMcCorkle has beenactivelyinvolvedinTorch Runfor the past ten years. Heis a 27-year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and currently serves at the rank of Commander. Mark is married to Gerri, a sergeant with the Sheriff's Department.

Gerri introduced Mark to Special Olympics andever sincehe awarded a medal to that first athlete, he has been hooked. Mark and Gerrihave three adult children- Bradley, Andrew andErin,all of whom are volunteers for Special Olympics. Andrew is also a deputysheriff withthe LASD. Mark, along with Gerri, manages the annual Fun in the Sun Chili Cook Off, Polar Plunge, World's Largest Bunco Tournament and two Tip-a-Cops each year in support of Special Olympics. The Chili Cook Off

alone has raised over $100,000 for Special Olympics since its inception. TORCH RUNNER

COMMANDER Mark played an integral role in the organization and planning of the 2015 Final Leg in California LOS ANGELES SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT TEAM 8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, USA Team 8 - Page 3 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Sam McInnis

Sam McInnis has been a police officer for 9 years. She started participating inthe LETR in 2001, and in 2013 became the Fredericton Police Force's LETR coordinator.

Currently,Samantha is a Detectivein the Special CrimesUnit andhas beenposted there for the last 3 years. Sam has a boyfriend, Shawn, who servesin the Canadian Military. They have two dogs, Oscar and Oakley. Both Sam and Shawn are very active in the community playingon varioussport teams. In 2015, Sam joinedthe Special Olympic Committee. Sam's biggest passion for the LETR and being on the Capital Region Special OlympicCommittee is getting tointeract with the athletes.

Sam takes so much pride in watching local athletes excel and build confidence TORCH RUNNER through sport. Sam's family is also heavily involved in sports and are always her DETECTIVE CONSTABLE main cheerleaders when she comes up with a new fundraising idea! FREDERICTON POLICE FORCE TEAM 8 NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA Matt Porter Matt Porter has been involved with the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the last 6 years. Ashis department’s team captain in the “Battle of the Badges”competition, his team has raised over $285,000 in the past 6 years for the athletes of !

Matthas beenwiththe PortAuthority Police Department for 23 years. Starting as a Patrolman, he has worked his way up through the ranks as Sergeant, Lieutenant and was promoted to Chief of Police in July of 2015.

Matt has served as a committee member for the Western Pennsylvania LETR and was an integral part in establishing the bylaws and structure to take the LETR movement state wide. The highlights of Matt’s involvement with the LETR are the Medal Ceremonies, being a Guardian of the Flame of Hope and the true TORCH RUNNER friendships he has made with the Special Olympics athletes. Matt has been Chief OF POLICE married tohis wife Debbiefor the last 12 yearsandtheyresideinthe South Hills of PORT AUTHORITY POLICE DEPARTMENT Pittsburgh. TEAM 8 PENNSYLVANIA, USA Team 8 - Page 4 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Mikeal Suniga

Mikeal Suniga has been involved in the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the past ten years. Mikeal has been working for the Airway Heights Police Department for nine years and is assigned to patrol.

Mikeal is married to Jennifer (who works for Special OlympicsWashington as the LETR Liaison) and they have a daughter Kaitlynn. Mikeal currently is anAssistant Director for the State's LETR effort in charge of events and fundraising.

Over the past 10 years, Mikeal has helped coordinatehis localPolar Plungewhich

raised over $50,000 this year. His dedication to the LETR effort has propelled his TORCH RUNNER agency to the top fundraising agency in Washington State for 2015. PATROLMAN FIRST CLASS AIRWAY HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 8 WASHINGTON, USA Dadi Thorkelsson

Dadi Thorkelsson was born in a small island south of near the now very famous Eyjafjallajökull (the volcano that erupted in 2010 causing severe disruptions to flights across Europe) and always wanted to be a police officer.

It was his desire to become involved in something more to help others when he heard of the Law Enforcement Torch Run and knew that was a perfect fit for him.

Dadihas three children andhas beena police officer for more than 16 yearssince age of 20. Dadi has one younger brother and three older sisters.

Dadi is very proud to get to bea part of the Torch Runand says "if it gets just one TORCH RUNNER person involved in sports it´s worth it" DETECTIVE INSPECTOR Lögreglan () TEAM 8 ICELAND Team 8 - Page 5 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Allen Jones

AllenJones gotinvolvedwithSpecial Olympicswhileattending Tuskegee Institute, Alabama in 1983 as a volunteer. In 1985, he started assisting Metro Atlanta S.O. athletes while coaching track and field. In 1999, Allen became a LETR volunteer and Departmental Coordinator in 2007. He was appointed to the Georgia LETR SOGA Executive Council in 2008 to present.

Allenis a 23 year veteranandretiree of the U.S. Army and Reserve. He is a 25 year veteranwiththe Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) Police Department, obtaining the rank of Lieutenant prior to his retirement in 2014. TEAM LEADER Allen is married to Shellie with four children; Jada, Allen, Jr, Avery, and Shyette. He also has two grandchildren, Jaierick and Anya. LIEUTENANT [RETIRED] MARTA POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 9 GEORGIA, USA J

VIRGINIA,o USA Dawn Ruhlman

Dawn lives in Brookings, South Dakota. She has an older brother David and a younger brother Drew. She spends significant time with her niece Harper and nephew Hunter. Dawn works as a Toddler Teacher at the EarlyLearning Center of Brookings. She has participatedin Track and Field, Bowling, Powerlifting, Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer and Swimming over the past 16 years and has participatedinthe Special OlympicsUS NationalGames in2006 and2010 as well as the World Summer Games in China in 2007.

Dawn's is a member of the Athlete Advisory Board for South Dakota, member of the SO South Dakota State Board and recently was asked to join the LETR board of South Dakota. She is a Global Messenger and has spoken at Opening Ceremony for Summer Games, Optimist Club, and State Legion Meeting. In 2008, Dawn was bestowed the Athlete of the YearAward by Special OlympicsSouthDakota. She was the inaugural athletefor the Torch Run through South Dakotaand ranin the 2015 Special Olympics Unified Relay Across America campaign in South Dakota SPECIAL OLYMPICS ATHLETE TEAM 9 SOUTH DAKOTA, USA Team 9 - Page 1 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Steve Barrow

Steven Barrowjoinedthe LeonCounty Sheriff's Office as a CommunicationsOfficer in 1997 and became a Deputy Sheriff with the agency in 2000. In 2003, he became involved with the Torch Run.

Steven was promoted to Sergeant in 2012. He has served as a Sergeant in the Traffic Unit and is currently assigned tothe UniformPatrol Division as a Sergeant. Steven is married to Heather and they have three children, Austin, Talon, and Ariana.

Steven is the State of Florida Regional Director for LETR. He assists in the coordination of the Capital Ceremony for Special Olympics Florida at the Florida

State Capital every year. TORCH RUNNER

SERGEANT Steven organizes his agency's Tip a Cop and multi-agency Tip a Cop events throughout the year. LEON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE TEAM 9 FLORIDA, USA Trevor Ford

Trevor Ford is a Deputy Sheriff, currently assigned to the patrol division working mid watch. Trevor has been involved with the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the past 3 years and became involved after joining the Bullitt County Sheriff’s Office.

He enjoys hunting, camping and home brewing his own beer.Trevor has worked several Tip a Cop events at various restaurantsin his region as well as the Copson Doughnut Shop.

While Trevor is still new to the Law Enforcement Torch Run he hopes to one day soonorganize an event in his hometown. Henever dreamed3 yearsago when he was asked tovolunteerat his first Tip a Cop that it wouldstarthim down a path that brings so much enjoyment and excitement to his life and those that he helps. TORCH RUNNER

DEPUTY SHERIFF He could not be happier to be a part of the organization. BULLITT COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE TEAM 9 KENTUCKY, USA Team 9 - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Michael Gilbert Michael works for the Henderson Municipal Court Marshal Service. He wanted to be involved in Law Enforcement of some type since the age of 8. He has always wanted to do something that helps his Community in some way and Law Enforcement seemed to be the most direct route.

He began his Law Enforcement career in 2000 and in March of 2004 he was fortunate enough to be asked to participate with the Henderson MunicipalCourt Marshal Service inthis event called Tip-A-Copto benefit Special Olympicsat a local Red Lobster. He participated in his 1st Tip-A-Cop and was hooked.

InMay of 2005he became a Marshal with the City of Henderson and2 yearslater he was invited to join the Special Olympics Executive Committee. That sameyear he was made Special Olympics AgencyCoordinator by his department.It has now TORCH RUNNER been 12 years and he feels that his dreams and goals have been realized by MARSHAL making a differenceworking withthe fineathletes andstaff of Special Olympicsas HENDERSON MUNICIPAL COURT a Henderson Municipal Court Marshal. TEAM 9 NEVADA, USA Niki Nelson

Nichelle (Niki) Nelson has been involved with the Torch Runfor the past 19 years and became involved not long after joining the City of Waukesha Police Department. Niki was promoted to the Forensic Unit 4 years ago and is currently assigned to the Investigative Division.

Niki is married and her husband Eric who is also a police officer. Niki has 2 stepdaughters, Andrea and Sarah. Niki is the primary organizer of LETR programs for her department.

Outside of work, Niki works at the YMCA Mukwonago and recently collaborated

with her boss to start an Adaptive Sports Program for those with disabilities. TORCH RUNNER Havinganuncle withseveredisabilities, Niki fullyembraces the mission of Special POLICE SPECIALIST Olympics. CITY OF WAUKESHA POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 9 WISCONSIN, USA Team 9 - Page 3 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Wendy O'Neill

Wendy O'Neill has been a member of the QueenslandPolice Service for 33 years and currently works as the Staff Officer to the Ipswich District Officer. She is the mother of two sons, one being a Special Olympics athlete.

Wendy continues to promote awareness of LETR and Special Olympics by giving presentations to police recruits, local community groups and fund raising in the local area. She has been part of the Junior and National Games Special Olympic support teams. She has also taken part in National and local Torch Runs.

Wendy is currently chair of the Special Olympics sports working group (Queensland) over-viewing sports programs in Queenslandand a member of LETR

Queensland. TORCH RUNNER

SERGEANT Outside of LETR and Special Olympics Wendy likes to watch moves, do some craft/sewing and spend time with family. QUEENSLAND POLICE SERVICE TEAM 9 QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA Joe Sarnoski

Joseph Sarnoski retired in 2008 after 32 years of service in the Patrol Division of the Lyndhurst Police Department, having attained the rank of Captain.

In 1995, a fellow officer asked Joe if he would be willing to attend an event to award medals to the athletes and the rest is history. Joehas beenthe PolarBear mascot for the two Polar Bear Plunges since 1999 and attends as many of the Special Olympic events as possible. One of his greatest memories is lighting the torch with an athlete at the New Jersey Summer Games.

Joe and Michele married in December 1976, and have four children; Jason, Joseph, MicheleEve andJoshua.Theyhave three grandchildren; Jason, Skyler and


CAPTAIN [RETIRED] Joe loves to play SantaClaus, ride his motorcycle, fish andto spendtime withhis family. LYNDHURST POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 9 NEW JERSEY, USA Team 9 - Page 4 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Christian Schöberl



Pieter Vermeulenhas beeninvolved withLaw EnforcementTorch RunNetherlands for more than 18 years and has held the position of Secretary since 2007. Along with other LETR Board members, he tries to encourage his colleagues with the National Police to get involvement - in the Netherlands it is a way to show social commitment from the police. Pitere was a member of the 2003 Final Leg team, Ireland.

Pieter has over 40 years policing service, having joined in1975. For the past five years, hehas worked as anIdentity Fraud investigator inThe Hague. Prior tothat he worked for the Aliens Police for over ten years.

Pieter is married and the father of two sons and grandfather of two. In his spare TORCH RUNNER time he enjoys cycling and fishing, especially fly fishing. He has been actively INSPECTEUR [INSPECTOR] involved with Special Olympics for many years as a Swimming Referee. NATIONALE POLITIE TEAM 9 NETHERLANDS Team 9 - Page 5 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Bob Cormier Chief Bob Cormier of the Tilton Police Department has been a Police Officer since 1982, a graduateof the Academy inBoston, heworked for the City of Woburn Police Department, just outside Boston, later transferring to the City of Los Angeles Police Department. While with the LAPD, Bob worked Hollywood, Foothill, Devonshire, Vice, Pacific Oakwood Task Force and 77th Divisions.

In 2008 he tooka Police Chiefs position with the Tilton Police Department inNew Hampshire. In 2011 he attended the 245th Session of the FBI NationalAcademy. SincethenBob served as President of the NH Association of Chiefs of Police andis on the Board of Officers for the New England Chiefs of Police.

Duringhis 33 yearsin LawEnforcement Bob has beenheavily involvedin the Law TEAM LEADER Enforcement Torch Run Program in his state,organizing several Torch Runevents each year and attending medal ceremonies at all the Games. In addition he attends CHIEF OF POLICE the International LETR Conference each year and was a Final Leg Member at the TILTON POLICE DEPARTMENT 2015 World Games in Los Angeles. TEAM 10 NEW HAMPSHIRE, USA Mandy Manzardo MandyjoinedSpecial Olympicsin2001andparticipatesinbasketball and bocce in Coquitlam, British Columbia.

Mandywas surprised andexcited tobeselectedtobeon the Final Legteam. Inher community she has proudly led the Torch Run, carrying the Flame of Hope with local RCMP members.

In 2007, Mandy’s soccer team won gold at the Special Olympics World Summer Games in Shanghai. Mandy made history at the Special Olympics Canada 2014 Summer Games when she raced to gold in the 10-kilometre track event, the first such race at an SOC Games. She won silver in the 4x100relay andbronze inthe 5,000- and 10,000-metre races at the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Los Angeles. She recently retired from athletics but still runs regularly.

This outgoing athlete is an accomplished public speaker and a well-known

advocate for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder education. SPECIAL OLYMPICS ATHLETE TEAM 10 BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA Team 10 - Page 1 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM George Beaudry

George Beaudry is relatively new to the Torch Run and became involved after attending the Alabama State Games. While participating in the Torch Run that year, George learned that there was nobody in Central Alabama who was coordinating fundraising events inthat area andthe participationin Special Olympics andTorch Run activities from agencies in his area was very limited, so he took the role himself.

George is a Captain with the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office where he is assigned as the Patrol Division Commander. He is married and has two teenage children who are very active in soccer, volleyball, art,and playingguitar. Muchof theirfamilytimeis spent at sporting events andother activities andthey wouldnot

trade it for anything. TORCH RUNNER

CAPTAIN George also referees soccer, primarily focusing on the younger age groups where he feels he may help encourage younger kids and help teach them the game. MONTGOMERY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE TEAM 10 ALABAMA, USA Pepe Gilbert

Joseph Gilbert (Pepe) is a Senior Borders & Coastguard Officer with 25 years of service. Hehas beenmarried for 29 yearstoKaren,andis the proud father of three beautiful daughters Kristel 28, and twins aged 18, Kimberley and Gabriella.

He joined LETR in 2000and has participated inall localLETR events since thenas well as some SO Gibraltar events, often volunteering to assist with the National Games and Swimming Galas. In late 2005, he was selected as the LETR Liaison Officer for his department.

Inthe past 10 years, Pepe has hadthe privilegeof participatingat the Final Legin Shanghai in 2007 and in 2009 ran with the Portuguese LETR for the European

Youth Football tournamentanda European Final Legat Antwerp in 2014. Joining TORCH RUNNER the LETR has given him the new perspective that nothing is impossible and that SENIOR BORDERS & COASTGUARD OFFICER hardworkanddetermination produces results. The athletes are the truetestimony of that. BORDERS & COASTGUARD AGENCY TEAM 10 GIBRALTAR Team 10 - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Aaron Glymph Aaron Glymph graduated from the Las Cruces Police Academy in 2007. He was recognized for placing 1stas a Top Driver and 2nd place inPhysical Assessment of his academy's graduatingclass. After graduation, for four anda halfyears hewas assigned to the Patrol Unit. In 2011, Aaron obtained his Law Enforcement InstructorCertification andbecame a EVOC (emergencyvehicle operations)driving Instructor for the Las Cruces Police Academy.

Aaron has since been promoted to the Special Services Unit as the Community Liaison Officer. Aaron oversees the Neighborhood Watch Groups, and does all requested community outreach for the Department. He conducts police/safety presentations within the professional communities and schools. He has the privilegeof being assigned tothe Weed & Seed after schooland summer program for at risk youths. TORCH RUNNER

POLICE OFFICER After becominginvolvedwiththe Law EnforcementTorch run in 2009he has since LAS CRUCES POLICE DEPARTMENT become the regional coordinator of the southwest region of New Mexico. TEAM 10 NEW MEXICO, USA Tim Jeanetta

Tim Jeanetta has been working for the Sherburne County Sheriff's Office for 22 years. Tim was promoted 11 years ago and is currently working as anInvestigative Sergeant for the Criminal Investigative Division.

Tim's passion has always been tohelp people. Tim is very active in the community and with sports. Tim started coordinating the Special Olympics in his community shortly after being asked to umpire a Special Olympics softball tournament 22 years ago. Tim has also volunteered for several other Special Olympic events such as Cop on Top, Tip a Cop and "Polar Plunge.

Tim has 2 children, Isabella and Neiko who are very active teenage twins. Tim's

hobbies include, curling, volleyball, softball, hockey, running and lifting weights. TORCH RUNNER

INVESTIGATIVE SERGEANT Tim's philosophyinlife has always beento behonest, kind and put others infront of yourself. SHERBURNE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE TEAM 10 MINNESOTA, USA Team 10 - Page 3 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Moe McClanahan Moe McClanahan has beeninvolved withTorch Runfor the past 17 years. She has been a police officer for over 15 years and has worked for three different police departments. Over the years she has always made Torch Run a priority for herself and for others in each of the departments.

Moe is currently anInvestigator withthe Christiansburg Police Department where she was assigned to work under the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force four years ago. She is married to Eric, who is also a Detective with Radford City. They have a son, Brodie, who is almost four years old.

Moe has run inthe Torch Run since1997 starting as anintern at a regional police academy. She has now been coordinating her area runs for 12 years, recruiting runners, volunteers and setting up fundraising pages for officers. She is best TORCH RUNNER known for her annual Special Olympics Golf Tournament that is approaching its INVESTIGATOR 12th year. Moe has attendedseveral State Conferences, InternationalConferences CHRISTIANSBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT and recently was elected into the Executive Council. TEAM 10 VIRGINIA, USA Karin Naverschnig

Karin Naverschnig is a resident of Carinthia and lives with her husband and her daughter Alexandra. In her youth she was a well-known slalom skier and participated in high level races such as the Europe Cup and the World Cup.

While racing andenduring the hard physical training plus competing she studied to become a Police Officer. She started with her active duty in 2006 as a border control officer between Austria and Slovenia. In 2007, she was assigned to new duties inthe MainPolice Department in Carinthia. Karin is now part of the Police operations team and in addition she runs the administration office for their department.

Sport plays an important part in her life. Karin loves skiing in the winter and TORCH RUNNER playing tennis in summer. REVIERINSPEKTOR [SENIOR CONSTABLE] BUNDESPOLIZEI öSTERREICH TEAM 10 CARINTHIA, AUSTRIA Team 10 - Page 4 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Orlando Pyle

Orlando Pyle has been with the Trinidad and Tobago Prison Service for the past eight years and works as a Physical Training Instructor, training all new recruits to the Prison Service. He is married to Earline and though they have no childrenof their own, they are like parents to their nieces and nephews.

Orlando has beeninvolved withLaw EnforcementTorch Runfor oversix yearsand is currently the Prison Service representative on the National Torch Run Committee. He also assists Special Olympics withthe organization of the National Games and other Special Olympics projects.

Heis anavid runner anddoes botheco/adventure racingandhashing running. He

plays Table Tennis, Swimming and Aerobics. TORCH RUNNER

PRISON OFFICER I His favoriteSpecial Olympicsmemory is playing cricketat the Unified Games with the athletes and seeing how competitive they were. TRINIDAD & TOBAGO PRISON SERVICE TEAM 10 Trinidad & Tobago Dennis Reilly

Dennis Reilly retired in 2014 with 25 years of service as a Lieutenant in the Riverdale Police Department in Illinois. He now works as a part time officerwith the Tinley Park Police Department.

Dennis has beeninvolvedwiththe Torch Runfor over26 yearsand has been a Leg leader for the past 12 years, raising over$200,000 annually. Along withanother officer, Dennis started the IllinoisTruck Convoy eight years ago and $400,000later they are still truckin' on.

Dennis is married to wife Kathyand has three children. His eldest,Brandon is an Officer inRoanokeCounty,Virginia whereheheads up his Department's Torch Run program. He has coached his younger boys in football through Pop Warner TORCH RUNNER Football.Hegets great enjoymentfrom watching his childrenparticipate inschool LIEUTENANT sports and also likes playing golf and spending time with family and friends. TINLEY PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT TEAM 10 ILLINOIS, USA Team 10 - Page 5 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Michael Samp

Chief Mike Samp is a 24 year law enforcement officer, having served 19 of those years at the University of Wyoming Police Department. He began his career with the Chadron, NebraskaPolice Department,wherehewas a DAREofficer andserved on the Board of Directors for the Nebraska Crime Prevention Association. He started at the UWPD in 1997 as a Police Officer, was promoted to Sergeant, Detective / Lieutenant, Assistant Chief, and in 2012, Chief of Police.

During his time with UWPD he served 6 years on the Albany County SAFE board, 11 years on the Laramie/AlbanyCounty Special Response Team(SWAT), andcurrently serves on the Executive Board for Special Olympics Wyoming Law Enforcement Torch Runandthe Wyoming Association of Sheriffsand Chiefsof Police (WASCOP). He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice andis a 2010 Graduate of the FBI TORCH RUNNER National Academy. Mike is married to Missy Samp, and togetherthey have three CHIEF OF POLICE children, Abbie, Jack, and Mason. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING POLICE DEPT TEAM 10 WYOMING, USA

Torch Run, Torch Run running proud, Torch Run Torch Run say it loud, Torch Run Torch Run full of Pride, Running with the athletes by our side. Torch Run Torch Run running hard, We are flame’s honor guard, Torch Run, Torch Run know our name, We are the Guardians of the Flame™.

Team 10 - Page 6 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Harry Drucker

HarryDruckeris a 29 year veteranof the Los AngelesCounty Sheriff's Department. His work with law enforcement training inthe area of video production has made him a unique member of the support arm of the LETR.

Sinceearlypreparations for the InternationalConference inLong Beach,California in 2010, to the 2017 Final Leg, Harry has made it a goal to communicate the message of the movement in entertaining and creative ways.

He has participated as a Documentation Team member in the 2013 (Korea) and 2015 (Los Angeles) Final Legs.

Harryis the only FinalLegteammember tobethe recipientof anEmmy Award. In July 2016, Harry was awarded the Emmy for his production of an 'Active Shooter' SERGEANT video. LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT DOCUMENTATION TEAM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, USA Frank Tewey Francis "Frank" Tewey is a 24-year veteran of the Anne Arundel County Police Department. Frank is married and his wife, Susanne also works for the police department.His sons,Noah andAdam are in college. Frank heads up his agency's Community RelationsDivision andinthe past has served as a DistrictCommander, Section Commander and Unit Supervisor.

Frank became involved with the Law Enforcement Torch Run in 2009 and began spearheading his agency's efforts in2012. From Polar Bear Plunges toTip-a-Cops, Captain Tewey has helped grow his agency into an annual$30,000 producer. His successesled him toa seaton the MarylandLETR Executive Boardandon twoTorch Run Final Legs (USA Games - New Jersey and World Games - Los Angeles) as a Documentation Team member.

One of Captain Tewey's proudest career moments came when athlete Michael CAPTAIN Heup became the very first Special Olympics athlete to graduate from the Anne DOCUMENTATION TEAM ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPT Arundel County Citizens Police Academy. MARYLAND, USA Documentation Team - Page 1 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Tommy Walker

Tommy is a Trooper with the Indiana State Police (25 years) and also served with ColumbusPolice (Indiana, 4 years) andIndiana University Police (3years). Hehas been committed to Special Olympics athletes and the Torch Run for over 22 years.

Tommy has been State Director of Indiana LETR for 2 years and has served as a member of the state LETR committee in previous years.

Tommy is single and enjoys his time serving others through Special Olympics, Police Activities League (PAL), Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS) and Youth Group at Community Church of Columbus. Tommy enjoys photography and weightlifting in his remaining spare time.

Tommy gothookedon Special Olympics during the paradeof athletes at the 1994 MASTER TROOPER Indiana Summer Games, hugging and interactingwith the courageous athletes as


Documentation Team - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Walter Buchegger

Walter worked for 38 yearsinSalzburgas a police driving teacher.He enjoysriding his motorcycle through the beautiful mountains of Austria.

His first involvement with Special Olympics goes back to the 1993 SO World Winter Games in Schladming & Salzburg. Since he retired he has more time tosupport Special Olympics Austria as a Board Member. LOGISTICS TEAM

ChefInspektor [retired] BUNDESPOLIZEI öSTERREICH SALZBURG, AUSTRIA Gerhard Lusskandl

Gerhard Lusskandl has been involved with Torch Run since 2015. Gerhard is married to Erika, a Hungarian citizen. Gerhard’s wife is a translator at the police force in Austria where he is a Detective for the force.

They are both veryexperienced marathonrunners andthis willbe anemotionally loaded run rather than strenuous one for him. LOGISTICS TEAM


Engelbert started his police career in 1981 in the city of Salzburg and has been stationed in Carinthia since 2002. Engelbert is Deputy Chief in charge of traffic surveillance.

Heis married toClaudia andtheyhave two children, Katharina andMatthias anda Parson Russel Terrier named Mozart who keeps him busy as well. He enjoys hiking, cycling and riding his motorbikes.

Engelbert motivation for joining the Torch Run is to support people with intellectual disabilities and raise awareness of the Special Olympics movement. LOGISTICS TEAM

ChefInspektor [CHIEF INSPECTOR] BUNDESPOLIZEI öSTERREICH carinthia, austria Franz Recker

Franz Recker has been involved with Torch Run in Austria since 1993. His first Torch Runwas the 1993 FinalLeg for the World Games inSchladming &Salzburg Austria. The joy of the athletes at this international Torch Run was the pivotal moment for Franz and since then he has supported Special Olympics.

Franz was promoted to Chief Inspector 15 years ago and is currently assigned to the headquarters in Burgenland. He graduated with a BA in integrated security and safety in 2015.

Franz is married with Eva. They have two children, Samuel and Hanna. LOGISTICS TEAM ChefInspektor [CHIEF INSPECTOR] BUNDESPOLIZEI öSTERREICH burgenland, austria Logistics Team (Austria) - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Karl Reinisch

Karl is assigned tothe police station inDeutschlandsberg, Styria. Heis also trained to be a Police Mountain Guide and Flight Operator of the police helicopter.

Hereally enjoysworking inthe Torch Run Coordination Team for the World Winter Games Austria 2017.

His free time is filled with mountainclimbing andskiing. Heis also a member of the mountain rescue team. Karl Reinisch is married to Christine and has 2 children. LOGISTICS TEAM


Christian has been a police officer for the past 25 years in Gunskirchen, Upper Austria. He is an active triathlete and his greatest sporting success was participation in the Police Triathlon Europe Championships in 2006 and three times "iron man" finisher with a personal best of 09 h 54 min.

Christian is married to Elke and they have a son Niklas. LOGISTICS TEAM


Kerstin Schwaiger is a rookie to the Torch Run. She heard about the Law Enforcement Torch Run from Adi Reiter, her co-worker. Kerstin is working in the criminal department in Salzburg but is currently on maternity leave.

She is married toRobert, a fellow policeman.Their first baby arrivedin April 2016. As Kerstin is living in a mountain village she likes doing any kind of mountaineering but she also likes extreme sporting events like the Fisherman’s Friend Strongman Run and the Wildsau Dirt Run. LOGISTICS TEAM


FranzSupanicstarted his career at the police inVienna 40 years ago. After 5 years in the police service he was able to be stationed in his hometown of Villach. Franz’s job involves traffic education; hence he is spending most of his work day on his motorcycle. His hobbies are his family and riding the motorbike.

In 2016 heretired from active duty and looks forward tohaving more time for his hobbies. He is honored and excited about his participation in the Final Leg. LOGISTICS TEAM


Peter started outas anelectrician but later changed direction andbegan his career as a Police Officer in 1986.

In2002hewas assigned toTelfs whereheanofficerinthis small station. He is the ever engaged kind of a guy, after all, his engagement to Sieglinde has lasted for 30 years! Heenjoysspending timewithhis fiancée, his two step daughters, his house and garden.

He also finds time to bike and run marathons. His particularly proud moment happened in May 2002 when he represented Austria for the Special Olympicsin LOGISTICS TEAM The Netherlands carrying the Flame of Hope. GRUPPENINSPEKTOR (SERGEANT) BUNDESPOLIZEI öSTERREICH Tyrol, Austria

Logistics Team (Austria) - Page 5 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Marlene Fheodoroff

Marlene is a 25-year-oldinterpreter who has just graduated from the University of Graz (MA conference interpreting). She is currently finishing her second MA (translation). Her foreign languages are English, Italian and a little Swedish. Marlene spent a year abroad inDublin, Ireland,studying at Dublin City University. She enjoys travelling, choir singing and reading.

This is the first timeMarlene is taking part in the Law EnforcementTorch Run.She is excited toprovide herinterpreting services andlooks forward to meetingpeople from all over the world. INTERPRETERS / TRANSLATORS CARINTHIA, austria Claudia Werner

Claudia Werner is a 26-year-oldinterpreting student inthe final leg of hermaster’s degree at the University of Graz.

Herworking languages are German, EnglishandSpanish. Claudia learned Spanish while spending an exchange year in Argentina and has also spent an Erasmus semester in Vigo, Spain. Travelling, meeting new people, and intercultural experiences have since been an integral part of her life.

“The Law Enforcement Torch Run gives me the opportunity to expand my world as a person and as an interpreter, from mediating between languages to helping connect people and creating awareness about Special Olympics all over Austria.” INTERPRETERS / TRANSLATORS styria , AUSTRIA Logistics Team (Austria) - Page 1 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Bill Buford

Bill Buford has been involved with LETR since 1986. He was the Arkansa State Director for 17 years. He served on the International Executive Council from 1989 to 2013. In 1993, Bill was inducted into the LETR Richard LaMunyon Hall of Fame.

Bill retired from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms after 31 years of service. While with ATF he was a Special Response Team Leader for the New Orleans Division SRT. He then went to work for the Arkansas State Police as the Bomb Squad Commander and retired from ASP after 7 years of service. Bill now is a contract instructor for ATF,teaching Leadership classes for ATF Supervisors andRaid Planning and Officer Survival courses.

Bill was selected to participate in the 1993 FinalLeg inAustria, but 3 days before LOGISTICS TEAM he was supposed to leave for Austria he was shot several times during a SRT RESIDENT AGENT IN CHARGE [RETIRED] operation in Waco, Texas and was unable to participate. This chance to go to Austria on the Logistics Team is very special for him. BUREAU OF ATF ARKANSAS, USA Mike Peretti Mike Peretti is a thirty-two year law enforcement veteran, retired from the Livermore Police Department in Northern California, Mike’s career highlights include a twenty year attachmentto the tactical operationsunit, andassignments to traffic, criminal investigations, support services and patrol. Mike is currently a college instructor with twenty-six years teaching experience and a member of the teaching cadre for the Public Safety Training Institute. Mike possesses two undergraduate and one post graduate degrees and is a graduate of the FBI National Executive Academy.

A member of the Law Enforcement Torch Run since 1998, Mike has served as his agency’s coordinator, member of the Northern California LETR Executive Committee, and has been a member of the LETR International Executive Council since 2003. LOGISTICS TEAM

LIEUTENANT [RETIRED] Hewas inducted into the Richard LaMunyonHallof Fame in2008in recognition of his outstanding service to LETR. LIVERMORE POLICE DEPARTMENT northern california, usa Logistics Team (Council) - Page 1 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Tory Rivers

A Southern California native, Tory moved in 2009 to Washington, DC to study at the George Washington University School of Business. During her junior year, she studied abroad in Barcelona, Spain - an experience she describes as 'eyeopening and life changing'.

Tory joined the Special Olympics, Inc. in 2013, and moved to assist with the Law Enforcement Torch Run in 2014. She enjoys traveling to explore new cultures; wine and dining downtown with friends; and playing in various sport leagues with young professionals throughout the DMV area.

Torywas a member of the LogisticsTeamfor the 2015FinalLegin California. Aside

from plunginginto icy watersinAustria, Victoriais really looking forward tojoining LOGISTICS TEAM the Final Leg Team in 2017! LETR / CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL OLYMPICS INTERNATIONAL washington dc, usa Gummi Sigurdsson

Gudmundur Sigurdsson (Gummi) has been involved with the Law Enforcement Torch Run since it began in Iceland in 2013 when he was invited to a European Torch Run conference in Belgium in 2013.

Gummi has beeninthe SudurnesPolice Department since2000andhas been as a Detective in serious crimes since 2006. Gummi is married to Karen Asta Fridjonsdottir. They have four children and twograndchildren andare involvedin many community sporting activities with the older ones.

Gummi has beenthe Director of LETR Iceland from the beginning andhas held five Torch Runs in the Icelandic Summer Games of Special Olympics. Gummi was Chairmanof Nes,a sports club for the disabled in Sudurnes, from 2013-2015and LOGISTICS TEAM was able to get the police involved in some of the sports events for the club,like DETECTIVE bocce andsoccerwherethe police play inthe uniform. Gummi likesto spendtime with his family and enjoys photography. Lögreglan (icelandic police) iceland Logistics Team (Council) - Page 2 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM David Smith

David Smithis a serving officerwiththe Police Service of NorthernIreland based in Armagh City. Hehas beenmarried toLinda for 27 yearsand theyhave twogrown up children, Joel and Leah.

David has beeninvolvedinthe LETR for over20 yearssinceits inception in 1996in NorthernIreland andwithSpecial Olympics for 23 wonderful years. Hewas part of the team responsible for the Torch Run at the World Summer Games in Ireland in 2003, his first taste of internationalLETR. David was selectedto bea Torch Runner for the World Summer Games in Athens in 2011 a very memorable and life changing experience.

In2014, David was honouredwiththe John Carion Award at the LETR International LOGISTICS TEAM Conference in New Orleans, an extremely proud moment for him. CONSTABLE David is the Torch Run Director for LETR Northern Ireland. POLICE SERVICE OF NORTHERN IRELAND NORTHERN IRELAND, UK Lisa Smith

Lisa Smith currently serves as Director of Development for Special Olympics Delawareandinthis capacityalso holds the title, Torch Run Liaison. Lisa began her involvement with Special Olympics as a volunteer in 1999. As a member of the Delaware Air National Guard, she worked closely withSpecial Olympicsas part of the guard’s community involvement.

She was so moved by the spirit and mission of movementthat she came on staff withSpecial Olympicsin2008. Lisa is married andshe andherhusband, Jeff, have three children.

Her work with Delaware’s LETR program began right away with the Truck Convoy

and has continued to grow each year. Her motivation comes not only from the LOGISTICS TEAM athletes she serves but the enthusiasm, talent, and commitment of the law DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT enforcement community she supports. SPECIAL OLYMPICS DELAWARE delaware, usa Logistics Team (Council) - Page 3 2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FINAL LEG TEAM Michelle Ugalde

Michelle Ugalde (U-gall-d) is the mother of 3 grown boys, Aaron,Corey andBrody and has six grandchildren. Michelle's first career was is nursing for 13 years, taking careof cardiacpatients. Hersecond career passion was police work,brought on by a familybackground inlaw enforcement. Michelle pursued hercareer inlaw enforcement and has been a police officer for 17 years. Michelle is currently a deputywiththe Dona AnaCounty Sheriff's Department in Las Cruces, New Mexico. She has been with the department for over 15 years, holding positions as Patrol Officer, Domestic Violence Criminal Detective, and School Resource Officer.

Michelle has beena part of the Special Olympicsand Torch Run familyfor over12 yearsandis currently the New MexicoState Director for the Law EnforcementTorch

Run. She considers this to be one of the most rewarding parts of working in law LOGISTICS TEAM enforcement and enjoys spending timewith the Special Olympicathletes she has DEPUTY SHERIFF formed life time friendships with. DONA ANA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT NEW MEXICO, USA Scott Whyte Scott Whyte has been involved with Torch Run since 2006 and has been the President(Torch RunDirector) of LETR New South Wales since itsinception. Hewas elected to the LETR Executive Council in 2012 as the Regional Coordinator for Oceania Region. Scott was inducted into the Richard LaMunyon Hall of Fame in 2016.

Scott was honoured to have been asked to participate in the 2013 World Winter Games Final Legin Korea and 2015World Summer Games FinalLeg inCalifornia as a member of the Logistics Team and is looking forward to 2017.

Scott recently retired from New South Wales Police Force at the rank of Detective Superintendentwith32 yearsservice,primarilyinthe investigation of major crime. He is married (to Julianne) and they have one daughter, Rebecca. In his spare time, LOGISTICS TEAM he dabbles at golf and website design. DETECTIVE SUPERINTENDENT [RETIRED] Scott was elected to the position of Chairman of the LETR International Executive NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE FORCE Council at the 2016 LETR International Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA Logistics Team (Council) - Page 4