13108151861 p.1 Jun ~ b~-\\N5 'S-tOc:J ~ \).1D$~ ~~~

BANGKOK POST Soviet team slips into toChJULWB1 mend ties Jun 05 08 11:13a Schiller 13108151861 p.2

If:lOSCO,! ~laIJr, 2~Dss' neSUmIng .I les .. Wltn ISrael G ASAHI EVENJN W$ .establish Jinks. .. 1967 and Gorbaclte¥'!1- more clearly hoping the slow proc-- 1967.· • By Gail. FlUer ... "The Soviets are dragging: moderate stand appeal'll W· ess Ianncbed last yetU' will The delegation may be en JERUSALEM

Is... 1 fights Palestinian revolt on~ili~irmatic fronts """. 0,. Gail Fitzer 1 2' Oe:&-a,esunt National Councd Washington, whIch has srud II will Reuter (PNC) last montb declared an only talk to the PLO whell it OCCUPIED JERUSALEM - independent Palestinian state and recognises Israel, stops terrorism A year to the day alter the Ii"'t accepted U.N. r.,..,lutions im­ and accepts U.N, Resolutions 242 stone was:thrown bv Palesllnlan plying recognition of Isr.ol's right and 338 on the Arab-Israeli con· trulitanlS, .Israel IS fighting mdit- to eXISt. flicl. I ary and d; .aid Mr Majed ·W,,'.., nol making any gains. ncr. [srael I. the lirst nallo. ever pu".,.. ta ke in new students. Abdel Fattah, 24, bend 01 Hit We're simply trying 10 minimise to USC' education as a means of Faculty memher. are often un­ Zt~jt 's student C9uncil. tho brutalily of this rs are­ .rhN'kpolnts: prevellt j;jtudf'nlS slrlll!g1t' against a policy of Vnl'~r$ily • .ar Ram.lla. mo.th 10 Indud. 200 prof"","rs not eanttavt"ning any direcl from reaching thrir f'laAA~ and sprf'ading ignor;mr.~. w "We are trying tnmalntain uni- and mor'" than 1.000 ~ludents, up ordt'r.; "We're only doing rf'gular prorp.uor~ are rr(lqupntly h,1fd Tht' army app<'"ar$. to have v(I'rsilics with structut.(' ~o thai frfun 40() ttl{ normill stUdNlt body t{larhing in unn~uall)' diIfkuU pr('$.o;:ed to find I'lar('s wht're th{'y turut:"d 3 blind <'yt' to clandrslirn-­ they wOlft wilh<>r away" L( 2,500 t'irCUfns1 a nees. <'an teaeh uni'.'rTSH\' dasses in th(' We:>t Israel ,,1001:'<1 fout uf'livt~iti('$ "n~ght nl'"" lor thee lir:!'t Urn!'. "WtJal9.1! are dolng is regufat Stud(i'nt.~ ME' d('~\rh'Pst Bank. (lJ){' tn the Ca~;'i ~H' ;.1[(' lq'!Mg ttl tr;trh ~tud('nl~ If'01Chlng with strict controls W~ drrn 'acilitif'S as ttwy may not .. ! think thf'V know that Wf'> .,rf' Strip and East jerusalem's tN.'h· W~1i ;Ht' not rln.'w to gr3y S;IY thry art' nical.collrge5 on .January 8 1968. ~'t1d Mr N.tb(!(ll K,"J~~f:S. vj(-r, Wt rontrol th€' outroml','" Mt Kas· tmi('s or lihraries ~l.lrl uf (i\'t'rlooking that. W ~aii1id Jl1U$l eahi Baf,lUtki, "'i-fr" pt('$hh'nt or P,'\t~~lini3fl npristog against Is- HI' ";;I~ inhtrvl('W('ll lIff ('.lmpIlS 111 trw ul1der~rmmd ~dU('.1tion ~tud('nt~ had not p.lid tuihon ff'f'5 Ihr 7.t'il H('utl'r -W r~{'1i (}(;cupatiun. flOW til its )6th month, The GovE'"rnme-nt stlld they o -(Xl \\'er~ ('t'ntrt'S of anti·b:raf'li vio· I(>nee, -U1 The dosur< le1l18.000 'Illdents wlth;in inrtmlplete educ-aUoll. -(Xl Polk~ Mid this month the), had en uneoYl"frd underground ri3ssrs in East Jcrtl5ai~m nm by thrt'i." Pa­ - it'stJniiln unt\l~r~ilies and warned high !'>t'hoo! prin<'iJlills w 5top lhi' uniV('r~iI\' d;I~!-it'!Ii bf'ld in lht'ir ~('hol)l!'f •

"] don't think w(> have to yif'ld and s:top t('arhing Ollr studC'fll<;. wt" ('onsidE'r tllt: dORing of the un i­ v('rsUit>3 and M'honb a ft1;\!{.<;;WTf' duration." said Mr I\hts<\ !Jar- ~ 13108151861 p.5 Jun 05 08 11:15a Schiller

-rO~C'lVTo G- W(!>6 I'· I

BY GAIL FITZER Reuter News Agency JERUSALEM Israel :and Eg)'?t are pUnluing intensive negotiations trying to arrange ~a visit to Jerusalem by Egyptian"president Hosni Mubarak, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Min· ister Yitthak Shamlr saId yester.. day. • •. pre't)allltions began as Mr. Sha.. rnir W()rkte

(f) o Shcharansky says no to politics :J' . . - ~. ,~'tr - ... ,-.{'t JERUSALEM; A year after he was much mnrepalif!TW1! - -llhin~ we n-r:rd di~lngu 1--' - f' 1',-. ~:J t.:." /"'." I"'»";'.''''-', Jtt.,~·.\ - ~!_ in all onectlOfl1 - rdi!l:iou-..·" .. n-rdgiom, 11:(11--' ,J _ -­" freed from a Soviet labour camp and ~--by'--­ Jew+Alah," hr: ~ftld. r right. to ~:' L ; Jr. I! ,'I! •. allowed to leave for Israel, Anato)y 'I - , • ,f.; Gall Fitzer A$ked if he would also pmt!-st 8t huma , -: t - '}".,. _- t. l .....lLl , •• ",~. Shcharamky is resil<.ting cans to enter right>. vtolaticms hy hrnel :lj<;]m<;t Ar:1t> pri~nr 'l-~t . ~.t "t r:.ft t ~ -; politics but fighting hard for Soviet eo lind Pafe.tinians in the !!I.:<.:llpied We;! H.m ...... _ .;... __ ...... '.' t ...... \r .... Jewry. and Oe<:ame Ihe fncu1>ur an Inte~ailonal human and Gaza s1rip. Mr 5hcharans.ky replied' " , ~ ,_~ -- .t , ~ Intef'lioeww io hi!. splI(~ly derorattd Jeru­ Wall, Judaism'\ holie-s.1 ~ite, surrounded hy Sh:ltply tritid~d hy hrR!:li Iighl-winFer;:, M :i salem offke,ht,jol: -= :::..::,:~~ -::;'~':' ·r.-L :-'4. Shchaf!in~b, Jkm\ (nnne~ted With jt~ 'trug~k H~ain' W ar!" lImons lh( mn~t haled p<:l.lr1e,- he ~jud ]Hil.lllXl Jew! whn lef! fhe- S<,,,,et Un"," (lime ,,, ..... "rhlINT"f1<'d hlt flf~1 ye-M or freedom in a ~ . .. .. , #to .. hrad 11\ Ihe h~rpif"t lime- tlf hi-..life. rea-..nrt 10 rwhlhll kwi~h em',f3l""1 prohlems ~ht(h oi~l atld "j"Cry nf'ed dlAlo/!1lI CD j)~ --!-f~;*,;",;r,-.. ~_ ~.. ,.~ A ~"i{H hrath ,mmigralit,n Uffl<;!,11 '>CrvlC Ul ", '" • " -" ~ pcrcn! Sof'{,'me all OP'.f'rvllf CD WI:: were Jepri"ed for r,o m:::lny yea". It wa~ alw III he forced to M'llk here. hy withtlr:l~inr thClf OrlilOdD, kw. unl,if' him ..... l!. h:uJ nol (';nJ~e C1 . ". m . "\" to :i... l'Q'} .f,i a year of C{lilliuualion oi Ihe ~Iruggle r,,; Soviet fdu}!,ee "t;]tu~ in America, m~!lllii pmhl~m' .... ·:"r·~·'''~~~~6t'~~~~''I'';~,,~~~]~'_', H/~' ~I think there wa~ not II hlg diffuenr:r hr! .,., .(,,~.>; J-I~1'. Mr Shchllf:lnd.y ol'po<.e:<. comrU!'l"n_ "I pre- ~ lewry in whid, I ~'ould fifllllly take p:U! with aU '1.' .' •.. .;..., I • • ''-:.'- ''A'\1' Y ... '. « .. . ~_:, my energy:' h( said. . f(r that as m;u!y If"'~ a .. f")\~iJ.k "'III L'(}mc ltl twef'n me and AvilJI in nur IcdinJ;!.<;. We- w("{ Sbch.aran~j.) m:lrned AC:fm'e ~he l~faeL Bul thank (,tlfllhc~c:. people who Ill'['t'a! etrr~<~m!l: tl1~ !.arne- thing« in dWl'rcnf It>fm' ,; "'. "I ..., w. " ~.' ".,;"r.~ ~i~' ~";,j~ 't...... , .. '1:\"..... , .... ,_ Idl lhc So"iet Union in .'n4, exfX'cting to join in lhe rr~ world have freednrP of {hn;u':< he and'lH continue 10 b(- a ""'y d('m(}>'ralll' lin ~'..... '~ ·;~~tI1~,trJ.::". #1J{~ ... ;1!l:~_,:. her ""-1Q''- AfIC nr ~nf!cty In so!>'( hIe from 'he me!!!;"l -",h,le u.,il1f h!\ bme I ,.{:; ..... , Three ~;!r\ later. he wa~ 8ffestedon ChSfFu l'f"er~ (In,h;''!t!';. m:Ullly !h~ Arar. lvadi (1'". hi~ (:lU'I-e. "I~'..'.~ "",::'t~:':"'<:,d~~~r..:.::.. _'1. ' • • ' •• _~ . ....,. :"> -'l~ of ~ryill~ for Ihl' United S.lale, - an nnu-..al:on fiu:t alld !he It'l1'HH\~ hetween fd,I-''''''~ all'; d"m:!! ,'\If hr .. ' r""""lrml ,f,i~(... khr ~"" he wn~I~!ently denied" In 11178, he W;IS ~enl· ,ccular JeW\, ANATOlY Shchflrwnsky: Flghflng for SovIet J""'Y. en.;::cd to 1.1 y-rl!f~ in pfl\On lind labolll cajllr~ "I would lik~ I" \~e much runrc "'ier-llrt71,,1 i,' W':;'jrac 't'act~ however, is that Israel is un",ble and unCoLtote·:ilv also I.t>:wi: 1.tt:~ -!:o make far-reachJ.nQ c:oncess.ions at t.hj $ st.age. So it r.1\S to reI y cm shadOw bO:(ing and smokescreens tc ::oncE!.a! b'1e oc:.ralysif:i of ltS :::l